The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 02, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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What Is
4j.L-Ljik . v w-w.v iWi.njihiW'fyikr i?f i:--7 vu.
Happening on the South Side
Another demonstration that confidence begets confi
Owners on the Southside a few years ago showed the confi
dence, they had in their part of town by investing in paved streets,
now other citizens of Marshfield have" confidence that the South
side will be the best residence district of Coos Bay sufficient to
justify them in building $7000 to $12,000 homes on the South
side. The pavements and planking now being done on the Southside
will reach to the city limits and beyond a distance of almost a
mile, giving a splendid thoroughfare to the center of First Addi
tion. The confidence of the property owners in First Addition
in making this improvement, will convince many more that here is
the coming, home district of iMarshlield.
If you are a home-builder, don't fail to inquire about our hoine
lmilder's proposition.
IT you are an investor, remember that surest investments are
made in districts where greatest progress is being made.
Reynolds Development Co.
. J Con t In ii eel from PcsoTwc)
waR given in tlio honor of ltls tenth
A lingo bonfire wns built mid tlio
tlmo wns spent In out-door gnmes and
music. Delicious refreshments wcro
served nt u lnte hour by Mrs. Dim
Mnttson, nsslsted by Mrs. U. Smlth
gnll. Those enjoying this ploasnnt
evening were Misses Elnn Knlno,
Oerdn Uunncll, Uuby Collver, Alice
Church, Zoo Dolnn, Edyth Knlno,
HesBle Collver, Edith Johnson, Irene
Holm, Jessie llcnknthorne, Annn Sto
gard, Estrld Ilolm nnd Elvira Laek
stroin, Messrs, Iluben Mnttson, Frc
dolph Holms, Albert Uunncll, Arthur
Holm, Loren Collver, Wllllnm Gun
nell, Walter Knlno, Julius Uunncll,
Albort JohtiBon, Vernon Collver, Lud
wlg Stone, Hnlph Hlnlio, Albln Lack-sti-oiu,
C. H. Plckcnpntigh, Percy New
innn, Chester Collver nnd .Mrs. 12. F.
Winkler, Mrs. 11. Smlthgnll, Mr. nnd
Mi'8, Dnn Mnttson.
Clas water heat
ers are low in
price but bring
much comfort to
the average home
-in the present, generation bathing the
Jbody is as much a necessity as food and
' sleep.
-it was not always so your grandfath
er can "remember when.'"
comfort in the bath demands warm
i wafer.
-if you want information .-about them,
telephone 37.
Oregon Power Co.
Second and Central.
1 rf
oriH yiu.
to ho told Hint your Laundry work
In the Circuit Court of tlio Statu
of Oregon, for thu County of Coos.
Lucy M. llorton, Plnlntlff, vh. Wll
llnm Stnrblrd nnd l'Mua L. Stnrblrd,
liiiHbnud and wife, II. H. Pnehott
mid Mrs. Sarah Pnchctt, J. X. Iluh
sliopf, l.oon Amadou and Minnie
h. Amndoii, E. E. Rhodes nnd Mrs.
E. K. Rhodes. Evvn L. Swank, 0.
Ii. Ilnrton nnd Kthul C. Hurton, E.
V. Murlnum sometimes known iih
E. V. Malrmaii, nnd Mrs. E. V.
Mailman, It II. Vobo nnd Mrs. It.
II. Vose, John J. Small nnd Mrs.
John J. Small, Frank Tumor and
Mrs. Frank Turner, J. A. McKreol
nnd Flora McKreol, husand and
wire Xnsfl, John Doo and
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Illldenbrnnd
this week tuinouneed the engagement
of their chnrmlng daughter, MIhh
Kdlth, to J. A. Johnston. Miss Illl
denbrnnd is one of tlio most attrac
tive and highly respected Mnrshlleld
young women. Mr. Johnston la thu
Southwestern Oregon representative
of tho Pacific Hardware Cnmnnnv.
nud during his residency on Coos Day
J has won u host of friends who will
wish him and tho young lady all tho
Bticcos and Joys thnt enn come to any
AnnoiinciMnuntH were received by
Mnrshlleld friends of Miss Jossib
Cliaso of her engagement to Mel
vlllu Eaiithnin, a prominent young
Massachusetts mnnufnctiirer. Miss
Chnsu Ih n highly ncconipllshcd and
attractive young woman, having
taught for two years In thu Mnrsh
lleld High School following her
grnduntlon from Oregon University.
For tho pnst year shu hns been In
lloston, where sbo lias held nu
excellent position following her com
pletion of her post-graduate courso
at Simmons Institute. Mr. Ensthnm
J Is n member of the Clniip-Easthnm
Company, manufacturers of X-rny
and wireless Instruments. Tho ilntu
of their murrlngu hns not been an
Is not properly done. And nothing ;'nn"')o0f"l,f'nr'1 00 " Mnr'
,.... .1 . .... . . -"-, .----..- ".
iouiih wortiu iiiau iiaiiiy uoiiu up
linen. Such a reproach will never
be yours If you dopond upon our
work, which Is nlwiiyH au perfect
as care, good operators and the
most itp-to-dntu machinery mm
make It. Wu call for and deliver
work on tlmu whou promised, and
our prices nro lower thnn such
work should command.
Coos Bay Steam Laundry
Auto Line
A Estate, Rentals and Insurance
irtj-auo ranch, all Improved with flno buildings, 9 good cows,
span work horsos, ami all tho farming Implements, In good
Jon on Coos Itlvcr. $8500 on easy terms.
it 1 0x90 on Second streot, $4400. Mnrshfiold.
'ive-room houso and lot, 7Cxl00 fet, good basomont, houso Just
f 25. Look this up.
Milling lots In Kastsldo. $60 nnd up, on easy payments.
Buses to rent In Marshfleld, Eastsldo and Bunker Hill, at tho
t prices.
tr particulars, seo r"''-' x-nv" t'rx77
Marshficld &
North Bend
Cam K'avo ovory 0 minutes from
7 a. m.. to 7 p. m.; from 7 p. in.
to 12 o'clock every half. Faro ID
cents ono wny, round trip 25 cents.
Commutation books, 20 rides, $2.00,
unrs loavo Chnndlor Hotel, Mnrsh
fiold and North Uend Nows Co., In
North nond.
GORST & KING, Props.
rling Alley!
uesday Evening
Jcially for Ladies
WOHIC, Ilriinildo Enlarging and
Kodak Fiulslilng.
Xotlco Is horoby given that seal
ed bids will bo recolved by tho
Common Council or tho City of
Mnrshiioltl, Coos County, Oregon,
until olght o'clock P. M. on Monday,
tho -1 tli day of August,' 1913. for
tho construction of concrete curbs
on that portion of Johnson Avenue
West from tho cast lino of Second
Street South to tho west lino of
Sovontli Street South and wood
curbB on thnt portion of Johnson
Aveiiuo West from tho west lino of
Sovontli Street South to tho east
, lino of Tonth Streot South, also tho
(construction of concreto curbs on
that portion of Fourth Street South
irom tho north lino of Goldon Aw
liuo West to tho south lino of
j Hall Avenuo West and on that por
tion of Fourth Street South from
a point 250 foot south of tho south
lino of Hall Avonuo West to tho
poiitli lino of Kruso Avonuo West,
also for grading that portion of
Fourth Street South from a point
i.'C0 feet south of tho south line of
Hall Avenuo West to tho south line
of Kruso Avonuo West.
All bids must bo in accordauca
with tho requirements accompany
ing said specifications and upon
blanks for that purposo which will
bo supplied upon request at the
otflco of tho City Engineer.
A certified check of flvo per
cent of tho amount bid must ac
company tho bid to bo forfeited to
tho said City of Marshfleld, In cnt-c
tlio contract Is awarded tho con
tractor and ho falls to outer In
,1 contract within flvo days.
Tho Common Council reserves tho
right to reject any and nil bids,
Dated this 24th day of July, 1912.
To William Stnrblrd and Kilnn
L. Stnrblrd, Defendants nbovo mim
ed: In tho niiiuo of tho Stalo of Ore
gon, you nro horoby notified thnt
you nro required to appear In tho
nbovo entitled Court and answer
tho Complaint filed against von In
tho nbovo entitled suit within six
weeks from tho 2fith dny of July,
19KI, tho dnto of tho first publi
cation of this Summons, nnd If
you shnll full to nppcnr and answer
said Complaint on or before tho
lith day or Soptombor, 1912, tho
last dny of tho tlmo proscribed In
too order for tho publication ot this
Summons, for want thereof tho
Plnlntlff will npply to tho Court
Tor tho rcllof domnnded therein, n
succinct stntonient or which Is ns
follows, to-wlt:
Thnt tho Plnlntlff havo Judgmont
against you for tho sum of Quo
Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) nud
interest thoreou nt tho rnto of olght
(S) per cont per annum from tho
27th dny of Juno, 1912, tho sum
of Two Hundred Dollnrs ($200.00)
nttornoy fees, nnd for hor costs nnd
disbursements In this suit; nlso for
a deereo thnt Plnlntlff's mortgago
la n first and prior lion upon tho
promises horolnnfter described; nl
so n tlccreo foreclosing all tho
right, Halm, Interest, title nnd
equity of you, tho said Wllllnm
Stnrblrd and Edna L. Starblrd, In
cluding equity of redemption, and
or all tho Dofondants nbovo nnmed,
nnd each nud all persons claiming
by, through or under you or thorn
in or to tho snld mortgaged prop
erty described as follows, to-wlt:
East half of southeast quartor of
Section Seventeen, tho northeast
quarter or northeast quartor or
Section Twenty, and tho northwest
qunrtor or tho northwest ounrtor
or Section Twenty-one, all In Town-
snip Twonty-rivo South, of Rango
Twelve west of Wlllametto Meri
dian, In Coos County, Oregon;
And that tho Court make an or
der of salo directing thnt said real
property and all tho rights or said
Defendants therein bo sold in man
ner provided for by law for tho
salo of real property upon execu
tion, and thnt Plnlntlff or any of
tho parties to tho suit mny bo
como purchasers, and nlso for such
othor nnd further rollef as to tho
Court shall soom meet and eqult
ablo. Service or this Summons Is made
by publication In pursuance or nn
order or salo mndo by tho Honor
nblo John S. Coke, Judgo ot tho
nbovo entitled Court, on this 25th
day or July, 191S, directing tho
publication thoroln In tho Coos Day
Times, a newspaper published at
Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon,
for once a week for tho period of
six consecutive weeks.
Attorney ror Plaintiff.
First publication July 2G.
Last publication September C, 1913.
F. It. Kirk, of tho Dradloy Candy
Company nnd Mrs. Idn Dell llolco
weru married horo Wednesday, Uov.
.. O. Downrd officiating nt tho Chris
tian Church parsonage. Thu uuptlaln
took place Immediately after thu ar
rival or tho brldo on tho llrcnkwnter
nnd wns vory quiet, only n row Imme
diate relatives, Including Mrs. Guy W.
Chnmbers, daughter or tho groom, be
ing present. Tlioy will mako their
homo In Mnrshlleld, where Mr. Kirk
hns mndo a high reputation ror him-self.
, 4
Dr. Lorlng Lceto Day, or .Mon
rovia, Cnl rlanco or Miss Nollle
Tower, Is expected horo about Aug
ust 15 to spend a tow weeks ns
guest nt the Dr. Tower summer
homo on Coos Itlvor. Tho marriage
or Dr. Lceto nnd Miss Tower will
take place early In September, and
will bo a quiet homo affair, only
relatives being Invited.
Miss Xan Drowning is expected
home about August 1 I from n visit
with friends in Portlnnd. It Is an
nounced thnt her inarrlago to Fred
erick Witter Payne will take placo
Friday, August 29. She will bo at
tended by MIbscs Genevlevo Songs
tneken, Elite Church nnd Xelllo
Tower, while Mr. Payne will be at
tended by Frank Honth, Addison
Parry nnd Mr. Freemnn. It It
planned to have Dlshop Scnddlng,
of Portland, who with Mrs. Scad
ding, Is spending the month hero
nnd nt Dnudon, officiate.
j. .j.
Master Proctor Flnnngnn wns host
at a delightful little gathering of his
plnyniPtea nt tho homo of his pnr-i-ntH,
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Flnnngnn,
last Saturday afternoon In honor or
bis tenth birthday. Various games
wore enjoyed prior to tho Borving or
tho birthday fenst bv Mrs. Flnnngnn,
nBsisted by Mrs. C. F. MuColltim
or North Dend, Mrs. T. it. Dnrry
and Mrs. E. G. Flnnngnn. Later
Georgo Sheridan entertnlned them on
au auto ride. Among his guests were
MIbscb IJcbs, Helen, Alice anil Eliza
beth Flnnngnn, Doris Stongytnckcn,
Marion llorsfnll, Jnno and Lucllc Mc
Luln, Knthcrluu Harry, Eleanor Har
ry nud Musters Jim Flanagan, Elvn
Grnnt, Roderick O'Connor nud Tom
Mr. nnd .Mrs. J. W. Illldenbrnnd
entertnlned at dinner Inst Tuesday
evening In honor of Mrs. Henry Muel
ler, or Omnhn. Mrs. Moeller is tho
hoiiBo guest of Mrs. Win. Schrooder.
Tho guestH were Mr. nnd Mrs. Win.
Schroeder nnd daughter, Eleanor,
Mrs. Henry Moeller and uou, Henry,
Mr. and .Mrs. J. G. Kinney and son.
Glenn, nnd J. A. Johnston,
.j. .;. .;,
Whnt proved to bo n delightful
surprlBo pnrty wns glvon nt tho
L. E. Dllvon homo In honor of Miss
i.dlth Hnwkmnu. MIhh Hawkman
loft Wednesday vln Dilution for Los.
Angeles to enter tho Good Samari
tan Hospital as a student. All her
ninny friends will wish her success
In her undertaking. Thoso enjoying
the evening's games and pleasures
were Misses Mnrjnrlo nud Laluelln
Graham. Liza McKay. Lily Dlngmnii,
Lillian Cook, Elsie and Edith Hawk
man nud Messrs. Clifford and Har
vo Dlugmnu, Itolnud Nicholson. Wnl
ter Uohfold. George Pratt. Georgo
Graham, Jack Carter and Johnny
Tho birthday of twin sisters, Mrs.
Ins. Oldlaud and Mrs. Wm. Wilson,
wns mndo tho occasion of a delight
ful dinner pnrty Inst Monday nt the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Oldland, In
Llbby. The houso wuh prettily dec
orated with maple leaves and rofl
Ul'j'irj'-0!!''I('H' HliLlJ
(Continued on Pago Eight.)
Masonic Opera House, Marshfiefd
Under the umpteen of I lie learihit and progressive
business houses of fursleld, presenting
The Manion-Claman Players
August 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Merchants whose names appear on this sheet, be
ing thankful for the patronage of their friends in
the past, and to show their appreciation thereof,
have arranged with the Mauion-CIanian Players to
giro SIX NIGHTS of high-class entertainment at
tho Masonic Opera House, from Monday, August 4
to 9, presenting a different play each night, and they
are giving, ABSOLUTELY FKE13, an admission
ticket, good for any performance, with every pur
chase you make from them. .By so doing, they are
giving to the public good entertainment at free cost
an entertainment that would otherwise cost you
from 75 cents up.
Ash for FltEE TICKETS fivan onli by the fol
lowing Merchants:
Cook's Grocery
Union Meat Market
If. S. Tower
The liuzar
lYurncr Grocery Go.
Fourier Eros.
Pioneer Grocery Co.
Hub Dry Goods Go.
The Toqqery
C. W. Woleott
S. Lando
Owl Pharmacy
Coos Jiay Halter y
Perry & Xicholsou
Sumner J lard ware Co.
Admission without Merchant's Free Ticket. .. . Tut
One Hundred and Fifty "Free Seats Each Night
Merchant's Ticket and 25c Secures "Reserve- Seat