.MiJlignBWMHhgHWBM JJtJtM&S. ijJlS.V,.- imembMM. ..j." ;UJ-. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1913-J : EVENING EDITION. TEAL AVI RCHA CENTRAL! i . ' MWMMMIMiMl NDISE ON CEN ZE AND MEI . Tiniiti: is- Safety and Accuracy -IN OWL PRESCRIPTIONS IIIIIXO VOl-ll XKXT I'HIMCHIITIOX TO THIS KTOIIK. Owl Prescription Pharmacy 1'ItAXI) I). COIIA.V. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phone 74. p ENTRAL AVENU s center as wen ness center. Materi now on the ground, no postponement of coming business tlio ers have faith; its its stores are among tralize. economize a avenue. F continues to be the btiildiim as the rapidly developing busi al for the new Russel block is rimro'c nn mnnrnstination and development on Coos Bay's roughfare. Its property own business men enterprise) and the best in the city. Cen nd merchandise on Centra? Sea Foam Kisses StntiiiU punt, iliM'Mi'l H? Ami tliey aiv Jum ,, m II sound. Wliiilfsoiiii', snoot, ilolloloim. A clever roiiil.ln ' Hun of liouoy, nuN and ohn. UoKiilnr price (10 Kv MIUtllI. Il( lit Saturday and Sunday Ooly 4:0 Pomimd STAFFORD'S Watch This Space FOR A tartlibg Annoiuiincement "exit Week PLAN TO TAKE UNDAY DINNER AT THE Chamdller Hotel Good JFusie mid a Good Menu The If nb of Central Avenue thi: OXI.V HKMKDV l-'Olt POISON OAK -s IS Arch Poisoe Oak Lotion The list f till r.otloii will bIvp liiitimllnto relief rii.m ,mt. litK anil HoIiIiib oiuimmI ly I'dlS () X () , . WINKLER'S Pharmacy Central iivi-mic Ilouli'lu AmiIIuI.p I'lioiie su .si'mmku r.KAiu.vo ciikai' COI'VIUOHT XOV1-XS, .10 CK.VTS Wo are offering all our "Cc books Including copyrighted ihivcIh liy Hiich well-known authors nn Itlchnrd Harding Davis, Stewart IMward White. Gilbert Parker. Octavo Thanet and many others, for Only SO Cerats ortoim & Hamseini two stohi:s. Front Street. CHXTIt.U, AVKXTR, on:x ax AccorxT with tin: First National Bank Off Coos Bay AVAIL VOl'HSKI.K OK ITS SCI'F.KIOK F.tCIMTIF.S. Safe deposit boxes In burKlnr-proof vaults for rent at low rates. Central Avenue. anted -50 Ladies from 1 to I". years of ngo. to Insure In the Ml'THI, r,IFK. or XKW VOUK. Tho oldest, largest and bout com pany In the world, with Six Hundred Million Dollar! As sets, that they may secure their own financial IndopenJence ami not he depending on "Kultus" husbands. Far particulars see. Heniry Seimgstackeim f.ocal Agent. ft LANDO'S (GOOD GOODS) UIH-'-Mt! FltONT ST. -AjortQ Tor CariiajittOlqvss m.d Ov&zzazjZj Umrasi&s ACROSS ROCKIES N AUTQIVEQB1LE COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MAI.OXKV l-Mltiir mid Pub. DAN K. .MAI.OXIIV Xevvc F.dilur Official I'aiM-r of Com County. OFFICIAL PA PKU OF Till-: CITV or ,MMtsni-'ii:u. .VDMi: F.OOS. IK MOHi: KOOS were not oaten per capita now than were eon sunied a generation ago, they would be plenty and cheap In the; United States. Krom ISSt lo l'.UIli the in od net Ion has lucroaied from. U.U.llOO.OOO to i.IlOO.OOO.uOO. Hot-' tor living, evidently, has a great ' dual to do with bringing about higher cost of living. Yllllr Httli, tit tll.t flll.felf Inn la t-t plain I lint on always wonder vvliv' uiu iciiow on ine otner siue wont ndnilt ho Is wrong. l.le of .vouisolr. If ion must: don't lie to joursolf. hut lo be a sin cess an aviator miiht .no a talent for picking out a Bi'ft place to JJght PLEDGE I TO COOS COUNTY Roseburrj Good Roads Boost-, ers Send Resolutions to Local Association. IIOSKHI'HH. Or.. Aug. 1. -Henrj Harth and Carl I), shoemaker, president nnd secretary respectively of the Douglas County Oood Ko.uls Association, forvv aided to the Coos County C.ooa Heads Absoclatlou a resolution adopted at the good roads mooting held hero last Friday night. At that meeting ;i eommlthw ...... Posed of Oeorgo Xountr, dearge M Urovvn and Dr. u. n u- ...... appointed to draft a suitable res olutlon encouraging and endorsing tie action of the Coos County asso-. station In their efforts to get nl hard surface road through the Co-, qullle Canon. This resolution was draftod today and handed to the officers of the local good roads association. It reads as follows: 'Uoseburg, Or., July 25, 1913. "Wheieas. Tlio Oood Hoads As sociation of Coos County, Oregon, has recently gone upon record as favoring tlio bonding of said coun ty for tho full amount of Its legal Indebtedness, for the purpose of Im proving Its highways and especially designating the construction of ii hard surface road between the Douglas County line nnd Sunset Hay on Coo Hay, Oregon, via Hrldge, and "Whereas. Said Coos County Oood Hoads Association lias boon nnd Is the pioneer In favoring and ad vocating the construction and Im provement of such a highway, which would greatly aid the development of Western Douglas and Coos Coun ties and bring about a greater com merclal Intercourse between those two banner counties of this great commonwealth generally, now there fore, "He It Resolved by tho Rood Itoads Association of Douglas County, at a meeting held In ltosebuig. on tho 25th day of July, 1913. that wo heartily appreciate and endorse the activity of the Coos County Oood iiiMtis Association In this great movement, and do hereby pledge said association our loyal' support and hearty co-operation In an en deavor of bringing about the con struction and Improvement of per manent highway from the Coos County line to Itosobiirg via Camas Valley and Hrookway. and thus bv an united ofTort bringing us In closor touch with our sister comm and Its great natural resources. "Respectfully submitted. "GEORGE XEUXRR. Jr. "OEOROE M BROWN. "E. B STEWART, "Committee " Dr. J. C. Sexton Arrives From Ruslwille, Intl., to Visit His Daughter, Mrs. Green. Dr. J. C. SoMoii. of Rusl.vllle. 'ud.. arrived here today via Myr tle Point, for a short visit at the homo of his daughter, Mrs. 1). C. Oreen. Dr. Soxtiiu has Just com pleted the Midland Tour across the Rockies by nuto. He and about twenty other Indiana citizens, with nbout twonty different makes of aiitos manufactured In Indlaun. made tho long run from lndlnn- npolls, stopping at- the principal points nnd advocating better high uavs. The trip was a strenuous one. but was one of a lifetime and Dr. Sexton Is glad ho made It. Dr. Sexton will spend some time In Coos County to seo the great re sources nnd bounty spots which Mr. nnd Mrs. Oreen have been graph ically descilblug to him. Seventy live composed the nnrtv Hint left ludlnmipolls In eighteen enrs and two unto trucks. They wore twenty-eight dnys on tho trio, the actual i tinning tlmo being nbout twenty-Mx dsiys. One or the features of the trip was Hie demonstration or a new carburetor which enable thf substitution of coal oil ror gasoline. The device worked perfectly and In addition to reducing the cost of fuel oil about half practically eliminates tho cost of cylinder oil. "With the exception of one or two points, I did not encounter as scenic nnd as beautiful a stretch of road as I did between Roseburg nnd Coos Hay," remarked Dr. Sexton today. "Tho countty Is beautiful and tho road Is not bad. that Is It bn th possibilities of being made a tine auto highway at a reasonable ex pense. In many places, it enni.i improved n hundred per cent for bummer auto travel by digging a drain alongside or tho road and throwing dirt into the chuck holes. "In our country. v0 have to de pend on macadam and urnv..i r,. I Improving highways, but we are do- h u. uoaus are made for auto travel twelve months in tho year. It seemed to mo that there was plenty or good road making material avail abb between here nnd Roseburg to build a good highway. "The automobiles am ,inin. ,,. M-.i.f, nun- dors tor road development. At every Pity, every town and nv.- i.n...i.. that we visited on the long tou'r. wo Kammerer Sa ys aq upply "mnr Nei clbced Pric At Re At this time of the year wo wish to close out the romai'iine- stock of Cloth Don't want a garment left for the coming season, so we have marked the rem:'- nig ioi at loiiowms pi ices: $20.00 GARMENTS FOR.... $1375 S25.00 GARMENTS FOR... $1950 530.00 GARMENTS FOR $2250 We have an exceptional lot of fine hand bags and suit cases from the w uiwp 10 me uesi. tvery one guaranteed and come direct from the fact:? we specialize tor men's ready-to-wear. Yours anxious to please, i Tlhie Tggr j roads. Xenily every community has tnxod Itsoir to help get the railroads. mil good country highways are just J as essential but somehow tho peoplo I apparently have not nwakonod to the fact." I Dr. Soxton Is a great booster for , good roads and has through study and actual experience gained many good ldous about it. Mr. Oreen is trying 1 to have him spend n month In this section so that he will have time to I see and enjoy the many attractions una coumry otters. xotici-:. To Whom It May Concern: Tho White Housn iintro,.,. n bread at 6 loaves for 25 cents and makes no other prlco and sells at i no other rate at retail and any oth- imi-is a,e laiso and misleading. WHITE HOUSE BAKERY. I IiVKH MeLI'lCU etve f '"" I After a man has graduated In the bihool I of Experience ho begins to orrall,.atrollS,"a,, bU,S '' ilde &n8o F PRIZES FOR COOS .COUNTY FLOW OH Die two-fold miriinao ,.f i, ..!,. ..iun..i ..,! fltranll other sections tho brilliancy nnd beauty of Hw roses "1 of Coos Ilm- n,..t , ... . . . ,i..t. iillnrl l v " i" uiii-uuruKu uuu uovoiop I""' v-- residents at homo, wo in. ,iio.....i...i f o nrlies tW soino vases for the tltreo best displays of rosea or floweri to "Tho Busy Corner" before 9 o'clock p. m... SATURDAY, AUGUST 2ND This contest Is not to bo hampered by any hard and or regulations. U requires no entrance foe. It Is not ' "-"""-" puirons, nut is open to any person m -- Arrango your flowers or roses Into displays and bring tW't Lockhart & Parson's Drug Store boforo 9 o'clock, SaturJaJ "ere the name of each Individual will bo entered In a Wf a number. The number only will bo attached to the f' tllO lllllpna will .. i ... . . ..nril the Judges will not know tn u-im, i, fi,, l.olonit until1 ecisio,,. AU f,0WerB wn b(j a8 , n QUr w,ndow Pi Izes awarded Saturday ovonlug. Tho prizes are 88 Hrst prize, a w.GO hand-painted vase. second prize, a Jin.no i,n,.,t ,.,.i..i .. n,.. ....... iniiiiicu tunc. Jhlrd prize, a j5.50 Austrian vase. inese three prizes may now bo seen In our window. Bring on your flowers. LOCKHART-PARSONS DRUG "THE BUSY CORNER." 1UUUU Great enthusiasm for good itStwi..--.