ER MfET TROUBLE HALE WAY--LET IT TRAVEL S8EW$8 ITSELf OUT OIn0s lag ExmtB NOW IS YOUR TIME, j A Miinll nd In Tin1 Times want rolitmn limy lulnt: oii resultH mi mediately. Try one. I OUT ARTICLES (.vt found IIimmikIi Times nn Read tin-in 1 1m- litem! They rcini". member of the associated press MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. k Comolldntlon of Times, Const Mull n 1 1 nnil Coos Hny Advertliur. ,,lu' ' ' LA A VII. nu, Const SInll. wriwroiaMifwnnytliMiT.1 Hgrtapw ummm biiimiwi ! iiiw wwiii i I DEIS UNITED STATES HAS TO ACT III MEXICO NOW rimt no Foreinn Power Isistincj That This Na- Ition Restore Peace. MEXICANS WILL fANGE NEW ELECTION ksador Wilson's Appoint- IWith House Committee luddenly Cancelled. IX lUAZ .MAV return to Mexico - I iMixMiril I'ntt lo t'mm Hay Tlmnt.l S ANGELES, Cal., Aug. 1 h lihtz, candldato for lltiii of Mexico, received it 'mi'. imo from the City of Eo todii) and afterward I that hi! might licit go to ' Certain circumstances 'developed." ho explained, makes It ImpoHHililo to Hint 1 Hint 1 1 do. I do not when) I am going nor ,1 am gobi,'." I , to. Ulrl I'nta In Cool Hay Tlmra ) IIIVGTON. 1). C, Aug. 1. Fcniifeicnio today with PreH- IviIhoii, Secit'tary of Statu kleiliired the ('lilted Stale ! no way being pressed for n Mexico. Mo said. "Tho tit which appeared In some morning papers to the effect European governments aro pi insure to hear on tho Stilted to compel aggressive .MonIi i Is ontlioly without Ion." BlHiratlou oIIU-IiiIh were pleas- bservo reports from Mexico St a leform element In tho C.iunher of DoputleH wiih to I'ulimlt a peace proposal faitloim In th revolution. ns Known the policy of tho in government will ho to he oiiti nine of tho nogotln- Ihh iharacter. tiiiliij Chalrmnn Flood tol- uiliaK.sador Wilson wlth 1 1 1 1 previous request for paniico heforo tho foreign committee tomorrow on tho that his iippearanco was "un- iiinl undeHlriililo under (liniumtniices and condl- flt Is understood this action pie to President Wilson and llr an. ii m:it AMBASSADOR. CHINA REBELS 0 Government Forces Ovcr- welming Revolutionists and Canton Suffers. Illy AmocIMfiI Prrti In Conn Hay 'i linr-n. 1 1IONG KONtl, Auk. 1. General Lung, conunander of tho govorn inent forces In the province, of Kwnngsl, proceeding against tho ho cetshiilstH, hits occupied the city of Shliihlng, on the West Itlver. and captured the gunbont Tulkong, which wiih In the hands of the ruliuls. Coinuitiulcatloii with Shams llul Iiiih heeu cut off and trains stopped. Troops have heen hurried to oppose the advance of General Luiig'R forces, hut the city of Canton Is panic stricken. There Is an Im mense exodus from the city and all hiisluess has heeu suspended. lo Tell .Mexico Story Again peek Valid Election. orirl l'rcaa lo Cooa Hay TlmM.J IINCiTOX, I). C, Aiib. 1. ubo foreign nffalra commit- led today to ask Ambassador to appear and outllno his MeUo, President Wilson bretary Ilryan havo' mado to Chairman Flood of tho ?o that tho administration not to recognize tho Huorta oat and that Hrynn contom- attempt to got a valid, election. Tho commlttoo do- Inform Itself nccuratoly as pmMloiiB In Mexico, that It ceed Immodlatoly and Intol lf tho necessity for legls tlon should nrlso. TO CASTRO REVOLT Venezuelan Government Take Vigorous Steps to End the Rebellion. CAST I to LANDS. lv ,mmh UIioI I'iim In I'mM lUy Tlimw 1 WASHINGTON, 1). C, Aug. 1.- Castro lnn'led at Coro, Von e.uela, according to a State De partment dispatch from tho Consul at Lngiilru. I p iiiMit. .T. Ilomor Fritch, FFranclsco, tho woll-known vnor and oporator who Is somo tlmo on the Day, Is with somo local parties on ilno Bteamer to put on Hay-San Francisco run, both freight and nasson- fothlng deflnlto has boon Uar. Mill ODD EVENTS Paulson of Ashtabula, Ohio, nls arm, cut off by a rail- In, and carried it to a sur- Mle nwpy. s Christian Glenthor Von . son of tho German Am ;to tho United Stntnn. tins ho odlco of Spoyor & Co., . as a clork. The Count rcnaln with tho firm for ncqulre tho knowledco of nd banklnc necessary for pian to enter tho qorman service. Times. Want Ada. CAUAS. Auk. 1. In conseiiueuce of tho outbreak of a revolution In Venezuela and Invasion of tho coun try by a forco under tho leadership of former President Cipriani) Castro, llu. Federal Counsol today consti tutionally authorized President Juan Vlcento (inmost to assiimo dictatorial nnor until tho luovemont Is crush ed. Tho President hns Issued orders to tho Governors of all Vonozuola states to act vigorously against tho robols. Tho whereabouts or Cas tro Iff unknown. IRE CRARCES OF FRISCO FRAUD! David G. Powers Alleges That He Was Offered $50,000 to Vanish as Witness Against Western Fuel Company. Ily AtjoctttM I'mi Id Coo t!ay Tlmf SAN FUANC1SCO, Aug. 1. -At a conference with special counsel who will prosecuto tho Western Fuel cases this month, David G. Powers, formerly an employe of tho company, and now chief witness for the Gov ernment, said today that he had been offered $("0,0(10 to vanish. Powers Kavo tho names of men who had np- OF I. P. LINE First Vice-President Will be Promoted to Succeed Howard Elliott. (Ily AMovhie.l I'rtM lo Coo Hay Tlmw XUW YORK, Anc 1. -Win. It. Cl.ough, first vice-president and iiieiiilier of the executive committee Is to he successor of Howard ICIIIott as head of tho Northern Pacific Hallway, according to an nuth'orlta tlvo ii'inouncenteut In Wall street today. Instead of being president, Clbugh will become chairman of tho board of directors, a new officii to bo created. The olllco of president will ho filled, It Is said, by J. M. Han naford, now second vice-president, whose duties will bo confined to the operation of tho rond. Georgo T. Slnilo, sou-ln-law of James J. 1 1 111 and now third vice-president, will become first vice-president. Mr. Clough, who Is a lawyer and Iiiih for many years acted ns legal ad viser of tho Northern Pacific, will have charge of the flnanclnl admin istration or the road, with offices In Now York. CASTRO BUSY IN VENEZUELA Deposed President's Followers Said to Be Leading New Revolt in Republic. ' I tny AMoclteJ rrm to Cooi nay Tlmea.J WILKMSTADT, Curaco, Aug. 1. Confirmation of tho reported mutiny of tho garrison of Coro, capital of tho state of Falcon, Venezuela, was recolvod here today. Tho robols aro in command of tho placo, and aro ex orcising tho functions of tho govern ment. All the indications point to tho move having beon mado by tho ndhorontB of former President Cas tro, who is said to control a steamer now In these waters, but which has not yot been reported or soon. Moves Today. Cant, W. A. Ma- gee is moving his family from West MarshfloUl to his flno now homo on South Ninth street near Flanagan tollay. Not Improved. Cal Wright today received a lettor from Mrs. Wright, who has beon visiting relatives at Itoseburg, stating that sho Is still in vorv noor health. As soon as sho Is able to travel sho will return home and will bo accompanlod by her sis tor, Mrs. Olllvant. MITCHELL FOR BQTHAM MAYOR proached hint, and the phraseology of the ofllcers. The president mid directors of the Western Fuel Company are charged with having dofrnuded tho Govern ment out of customs dues aggregat ing nearly n million dollars by mani pulating weighing sheots showing the tonnage of Imported coal. This Is tho second charge of corrupt In fluence made since the Indictments were returned. When John L. Mc Nab resigned ns United States Attor ney he chnrged In n sensational let ter to President Wilson that pressure had been brought to bear on Attor ney General McUeynolds to order tho trials postponed. WVSANAASAAAAAAAAAWVWVA W.C.LUND DIEO EARL TODAY Well Known Ferndale Grocery man Succumbs to Long Ill ness at Mercy Hospital. W. C. I.und, proprietor of tho Ferudalo grocery and a resident of Cooo Hay for twenty-eight years, died this morning at Mercy hospital after a prolonged lllncfa of stomach trouble. Mr. I.und was born nt Copenhagen, Denmark, llfty-slx years ago tho twcnty-llrst of last March. Ho was a sailor for many yearn and traveled over a largo portion of tho world. He sottled In Marshllold In 18SI and took out IiIh citizenship papers hero in 1SSU. He was a widower and is survived by three children, MIhhoh Torn and Anna and Frederick. Ho wns n member of tho Odd Fol lows lodge. Tho funeral will bo held at 2 o' clock Sunday afternoon from the .Marshllold Haptlst church. MORE EUROPEAN NATIONS BALI ON EXHIBITS AT SAN FRANCISCO CURRENCY BILL TO PASS SOON Representative Palmer Predicts That Measure Will Pass House Quickly. (Ily AoxodatM I'rri to Coot Day Tlmra WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 1 Representative A. Mitchell Palmer, president of the Houso Democratic caucus, wiih an early Wblto House caller today and predicted smooth progress for tho administration cur rency bill. "Tho House caucus," ho Bald, "at Its meeting August 1 1 will adopt tho administration bill without ma terial change and will tako tho banking and currency committee's report quickly to tho floor of tho House. Tho bill will bo passed nnd submitted to the Senate Just hh soon as that body passes the tariff bill. I think the bill will become a law during this session." Russia Said to Have Refused Outright and Germany and England Will Not. AUSTRIA WILL SEND COMMISSION THERE 1 Republicans, Progressives and Independents Select Ticket in New York. Illy AaaoclalM Trraa to Cooi nay Time, NKW YOlUC, Aug. 1. John Pur roy Mltcholl, collector of tho port of Now Nork wns nominated for mayor today on a fusion ticket by a com mlttoo of republicans, procrcsslves and Independents orgnnlzcd to fight Tammany Hall at tho coming city election. Mltcholl Is a democrat, thlr-ty-threo yoars old and It la under stood that President Wilson approves of his nomination. District Attorney Charles S. Whitman, republican, was defeated by Mltcholl for tho mayor allty nomination by a narrow mar gin, and was renominated county prosecutor. Othor nominations wore : Comptroller, Win. A. Pondergast; President Doard of Aldormon, Georgo McAnony. W. S. CHANDLER camo down from his Coos Rlvor summer homo to day to spend a day In town. C. R. PECIC camo down from "Tho Nook" whoro ho and his family aro spending tho summer, to look after business affairs. J. L. FOSTER, who has beon em ployed In a logging camp near Handon, camo to Marshflold to day to enter a camp In this section. W. I. DONEBRAKE, who Is now living at Sumner, was a Marsh ' field visitor today. Ho is rapidly recuperating from his recent ill ness. MR. AND MRS. F. M. FLYE, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Blanchard nnd Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Fenton will loavo tomorrow afternoon for Sacchl's ranch, where thoy will enjoy an outing on tho beach re turning homo Sunday ovonlng. First SHOWING' of NEW STYLES in LADIES' COATS. AT LADIES' EMPOKIOr. WHITE SLAVE Diggs-Caminetti Controversy Ends in Defeat of Kahn Resolution Today. tny Aitncl.Mel Prfu to Cooa Day Tlmea f WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. Tho DIgg8-Camlnottl dobnto In tho houso wound up today with republican leader Mann making a hot attack on tho administration nnd Attornoy Gouornl McReyuolds for tho po3t poumont of tho prosecution nnd Chairman Clayton of tho Judiciary Commltteo replying with a spirited dofenso. Tho galleries woro crowd ed, but Mann minced no words. "Tho Republicans havo fallen down uttorly In tholr attempt to make a scandal out of this case," Clayton said. "Thoy havo not beon sustain ed by facts, so the gentleman from I'.Umls Is adopting tactics of a police court lawyer and weopsj his way out of tho court," Tho Houso tabled representative Kahn's resolution call ing for Information which tho Attor noy General already has supplied. LAND IS TKANSFEItltED Tho Linn nnd Lano Timber Com pany havo filed two deeds with tho county clerk, In which thoy convey to tho C. A. Smith Timber Company cer tain rallroadrlghts-of-way effecting property situated in Douglas County. Rosob'urg Review. OAPTAIX DOLLAlt AIDS. Tho public library Is In receipt of $G0 donated by Captain Robort Is characteristic of the liberal spirit is characteristic of the liberal spirit of Captain Dollar toward worthy en terprises, and is deeply appreciated by tho citizens of Handon. Handon Recorder. ALL KINDS of lTtESIl FRUITS and VEGI-TTAHLES Just received. OLLIVAXT & WEAVER. Phono 275-J. IS AGAINST TARIFF Louisiana Senator Says His Duty to His State Greater Than to Party. Illy AHOclalDit IVtta lo Cooa Hay Time, WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 1. Sonator Thornton, a Democrat, of Louisiana, who will vote against tho tariff bill because of freo su gar, delivered today an Inipnssloned denunciation of his pnrty'H doter mluntlon to put sugar on tho freo list. "I owo tho pooplo of my Htnto a far higher measuro of de votion that I owo to tho Demo cratic party," ho said. "Honor nnd duty nllko demand that I vote against this bill whllo It embodies this provision." HARD COAL TRUST. Cougicssloiial Investigation of Rail road Control Is Urged. (Ily AuoclalrJ rrria to Cooa Day Tlmca.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 1 An Investigation of tho hard coal trust was proposed In n resolution today by Representative Murray, of Massachusetts. It calls on tho De partment of Commerce, tho Do pnrtmont of Labor and Intorstnto Commerce Commission for Informa tion ns to tho ownership of tho nn ttiraclto lands by tho rallroada and ns to prices and costs of productions, I PERSONAL OVERFLOW f S. C. SMALL returned today from Myrtlo Point and Coqulllo, whoro ho has been looking aftor paving work of tho Coos Day Paving Co. CIIAS. TERRY and wlfo loft today for tho Hoeck camp at Smith Bas in whoro they will mako their homo. MRS. HERBERT ROGERS, of South Coos River is a Marshflold shop per today. MRS. WARREN BESSEY, of South Coos River spent today in Marsh flold. E. R. HODSON, tho South Coos River rancher, Is In Marshflold today on business. MRS. ALEX HONGELL, of Coos River, Is a Marshflold shopper. MRS. W. R. BICKFORD and chil dren of Catching Inlet, aro Marshflold visitors, MRS. W. B. SMITH, of Catching Inlet, Is a Marshflold visitor to day. G. A. BONEBRAKE, of Catching In let, was In Marshflold today on business. J. S. MASTERS, of Sumner, Is a Marshflold business visitor today. W, J. WALLACE, of Catching In let, Is a Marshflold business vis itor today. Manufacturers Claim That Ex pense of Exhibits is Too Great Bryan Hopeful. (Ily Ai'orlatF.1 Prna to Cooa Hay TlmM. BERLIN, Aug. 1. Although tho German Secretnry of tho Interior declared today that Germany hnd not yet tnken any action lu regard to the question of tho Pannmn Amerlcan exposition In San Fran cisco In lit in, the opinion Is frcoly expressed lu official circles that tho German empire will not bo repre sented there. It was pointed out to day that tho British government's decision not to participate sottles also tho action of Germany, as tho only factor which might havo In duced tho German government to bring pressure to bear upon tho un willing business men to exhibit was the fear of unfavorable competition with Great Britain. The business men generally declaro thomsolvos tired of tho expense connected with frequent expositions nnd say thoy nco no prospect of flnanclnl roturnn should they exhibit nt Snn Francisco. RUSSIA ALSO OUT. Decides Not to lln IMilblt ut Sun Fi'iiiicl-co Exposition. (Ily Atioclal! Prrii to Cooa nay Tlmra. ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 1. Tho Russian government decided today not to participate officially lu tho Sau Francisco exposition. AUSTRIA IN DOUBT. Will Send Commission to San Flan Cisco to Investigate Exposition. Ily AMO'lalrJ I'mi to Cooa Hay Tlmo. 1 VIENNA, Aug. 1. A commission of roprosoutntlveo of tho Austrian Hungary government nnd of tho local Chamber of Commorco will visit Sau Francisco and on this com mission's report dopcuds tho roply of" tho Aiistrln-llungnry govornincnt ns to participation In tho Pannina Pacific Exposition. Tho question Is Inrgoly ono of finance. Tho govern ment hesitates to approprlato n sum sufficiently largo to assuro rop resontntlnn on a scnle commonsurato with tho dignity of tho Emplro. IJ IJ STEM CLUB Mass Meeting to be Held There Tonight to Organize Chamber of Commerce. At a mass meeting to bo hold at tho North Bend Commercial Club this ovonlng, steps will bo tnkon to organlzo a North Bond Chambor of Commorco. Tho project has beon launched by a petition and about 125 havo already signed tho mom borshlp roll so that really tho only business remaining for tonight will bo to perfect tho organization. For somo tlmo past, tho North Bond Commercial Club, which was organized at first as puroly a social organization, has been looking after tho booster work, Tho plan now Is to allow tho Commerclnl Club to resumo Is old status and form an actlvo Chamber of Commorco which can moro systematically and effect ively handlo tho boosting. Tho mem bers aro to pay 1 per month nnd this, with special contributions, will maintain It. J. II. Groves, C. S. Wlnsor, V. E. Wattors, B. C. Mather, Goo. Hazor, Peter Logglo, C. A. Smith and Fred Holllster aro In chargo of tho pre liminary work. EVERYTHING In tho storo forsalo CHEAP at COOS RAY CASH STORE. ALL KINDS of FRESH FRUITS and VEGETAIILF.8 Just received. OLLIVAXT H WEAVER. Phone 27-J. Try Tho Times Want Ads.