Ji3$JMfflHHfiSwMuiWBIjv j -wWPwW!HFUe udMNHMiMaraMflKfcv THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 31. 1913 EVEMING EDITION. li II WIFE IS 16: I I A E E A REIHIE WILL SEEK HER: ON Nil SMITH WILL BE MADE DRUG WINDOW I Henry Marsh Receives Word! Steamer m Late Yesterday, Biadshaw-Klmball Company ntcrostlnci Showing of Pre That She Disanueared at Medford. May be Coming. Henry Marsh, who rerently en mo hero from Medford, will leave to From San Francisco With Big Cargo of Fruit. The Nairn Smltli, which arrived In Into yesterday from San Francisco Arranges to Put Out New Type for Hard lest. H. J. Kimball, of the Kimball Hrndshaw Company, who hns Just scriptions and Poisons by a Marshfield Druggist. Are You Well A morrow morning for his old home had one of tlio biggest shipments of returned from n business trip to to Investigate tho whereabouts of fruit and vegetables that has been Portland, announces that they have his wife Ho received n telegram brought here In many a day. She perfected arrangements nt Portland saying that she had mysteriously dlsnppcnred Inst Sunday and that no traces had been found of her since then. Marsh enmo hero n few weeks ago with several teams nml has been working for Oldley & Pcrham on street contracts. He Is at a loss to explain tho dlsappearnnro of his wife. She was of foreign birth nnd ho thinks that possibly she might hnvo started for Coos Hay to Join him, without saying nnythlng to friends or relatives there. Marsh Is nbout thirty years old. had somo other miscellaneous freight. The Xann Smith will sail about 10 o'clock Saturdny morning. Among those arriving on were: Miss Wllmn Hoss. Mrs. K. A. An derson, Miss Evelyn Anderson, S. London. J. H. Flanagan, J. C. West, C. J. Josue. Mrs. A. Thrush, P. It. Xlcustndt, C. Iluck and thlr-ty-flvo steerage. to build a slx-ryllnder type of tlio new ga9 engine which they recently patented. The engine will be lint Ion an auto and given n thorough her i test on n 10,000 mile run to (lemon- First SHOWIXO of XI3W STVLKS in. laihks coats, at la oiks' KSII'Oltll'M. E HI 0PE5 FRIDAYi IN IHI CASE Scores of Hunters Out Ready to Bag Their First Early Tomorrow Morning. Tho deor hunting season will open tomorrow, August 1st, and scores of tho local ulmrods are now out In the Big Corporations Cannot Hold Back Payment of Special Road Taxes. The action of Sheriff Oago and strate that It Is all they claim for It. When this test Is completed. It Is expected that arrangements will bo made for tho disposal of the automobile rights of the patent to Eastern nuto manufacturers. They have had several good offers for It but the demonstration will bring them much more owing to tho su perior qualities of the engine nnd the fact that It can be mnnttfnctttred more cheaply than the ones now In use. They will retain the stationary nnd marine engine rights with a view to establishing their own factory for the latter on Coos Hay. Thomas Ilradshaw remained In Portland to supervise tho construc tion of the new engine. Mr. Kim ball will remain on look after their interest Tho new engine will bu put out by the Hrndshaw-Klmball Company, but n number of Portland capitalists hnvo taken an Interest In It, nnd Oiii' of the most remarkable dis plays In n drug store window over seen on Coos Hay Is being exhibited this week by the Owl Prescription Pharmacy on Central avenue. It was the clover Idea of Frank I). Cohnu, and Is attracting much at" tention. It might bo con sidered a bit growsome. with Its real skull and cross bones nnd dis play of poisons, but It compels at tention nnd no one passes It without noticing It. The other day there was a group or nitiricon standing In front of it making comments. In addition to the showing of poisons, tho displays cards and tho original prescriptions written by Mnrshllold physicians, some forty two j ears ngo nro of more than passing Interest. A card calling attention to these stntes: "This hns always been n prescription drug store." There nre prescriptions fill ed for many prominent Mnrs'illold people when they woro babies, In cluding .1. Albert' Mntson, Mrs. Kni nia Xnsburg, Mrs. Hazard nnd oth ers. There is a showing of iho Owl's methods of filling prescriptions HE YOI' well dressed? If mil, look first to tho corset, Iho foundation of tho gown. Chooso It nnd chooso it light and then tho gown. If Iho corset Is light, tho gown can easily be made so. If tho corset Is not tight, tho gown cannot bo iiiudo so. American Lady Corsets are light- There Is Just tho model for you. $1.00 to $5.00 Let us show you nnd fit you. Tho accompanying Illustration shows Model 22 (stout figures) low bust, long hip, long buck, coutll, white, is-an, ji'.oo. This garment has two special features, n graduated clasp which holds In tho abdomen, giving Iho figure nil crcet position; also nu abdominal belt which supports tho abdomen and bus the tendency to reduce. Coos Hay to I nnd an accompanying card stntes: -sts hero. "Note the way our prescript Ions nrc In the Coos County offlclnls lug to accept payments of taxes refits-1 Bomo I'ortlnnil expert engineers IiIIIb ready to moko tho llrst attack from Weyerhauser and other big on tliu denizens of tho hills corporations where the speclnl road Thoro have been somo material district levies were not paid with changes In tlio law since tho last hunting senson, tho limit being re duced to three, It formerly was live. Only deer with horns can be killed, nnd It Is Illcgnl to destroy tho evi dences of sex about the carenss. I)oeH and fawns nro protected at nil times of tlio year. All hunters' licenses Issued prior to Juno :i, 10 13, must bo sent In to the County Clerk, who will supply tho now deer tags required by tho now Inw, and endorse sumo on the license. The new licensee hnvo tho tags Issued therewith nnd these must bo nttached to tho carcasses with tho Into It was killed and tho name of the slayer. -I - ASIOXH TIIIJ SICK. - I M.,.,1.... . , . . ...HDiur jiick nncciu, sou of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kncchl, Is recover ing from nu attack of measles. Mrs. P. A. Sacchl and Infnut sou have returned from Mercy Hospltnl nud are slaying nt tho homo of her mothor, Mrs. Klrod, whllo Jack Is recovering from tlio measles. MrB. John Jacobson, of Kmplro. Iltlflnru'n.t . .. .. ., -I ii iiicnm(M! ni .Mercy noxi'iiai. alio Is roported getting on hh wen ns could bo expected. Mrs. Rebecca Ltiso Stump Is con fined to her homo with an attack of tonsllltla nnd grip. tho others, hns Just been sustained by Judge finlloway at Salem, whore a similar case wns Instituted. Con cerning It, n Salem dispatch says: "Circuit Judge Calloway decided that Sheriff Ksch wns Justified In refusing to nccept tho tender of taxes by the Oregon-Cnllfornln Hall road In this county, becnuso the special road tax, ns provided In n bill passed nt tho last session of tho Legislature, was not included. A writ of mandamus, asked by the rnllrond against tho Sheriff, was de nied. Tho company contends the bill is not vnlid. "Tho decision sots n precedent for every county In the state, and the caso probably will bo appealed." hnvo also become Identified with tlio company. Mr. Kimball says ev eryone who has seen the now en gine is enthusiastic over It and prophesy great things for It. CO-OPERATfVE ROAD MAKING C. NORTH BEND NOTES. In LAWKS' COATS. AT lam ' KSIPOim'SL ''-"MLS - I Miss Flosslo Hayes Is entorhiln Ing some of her friends today In honor of her twelfth birthday, at tho homo of her parents. Miss Dolly Hnyden, of Empire. Is tho guest of Mrs. Ceo. Holster. .Mrs. Pert Peterson nnd sons. Sydney and Allen, of Onrdlner. nro visiting her sister, Mrs. John Free Innil. They will nlso visit friends up the river beforo returning homo. KISHKHSIKX ATTKXTIOX. Tho Coos Pay Ice & Cold Sto rage Company will hnndlo Chi nook Snlinon nnd will pay :i rents per pound at their dock for all bright flfh. Irv Tho Times Want a.i- SEASONABLE 1 JEWELRY I There are styles and Benson's unilluUB HI lllCHB III Jewelry, Just as there are Our In,.,. ,.... . ' t'-e requirements for seasonable raZE' " '"" Among recent arrivals wo are allowing; SIM'KIl MIMII H.G8 VKlli PIXS 1HMX.S PIXS SHIIIT WAIST SI7IS. lH.ri:iiCT WATCH IM WATCH FOUS. I. Reigard Endorses the Plan of Devoting One Day to Work. "Yes. I honrtlly ngreo with Mr. Wntt's suggestion that u holiday bo declared by tho proper authority, for this city, and tho day set aside for tlio entiro population to turn out and donate Its cervices townrd clear ing nnd Improving tho boulevard," roinnrked C. J. Holgurd today to a Times reporter. "I Imvo had nn ex perience of this oxnet character. In u city of between seven nnd eight thousand people, tried the experi ment and It worked wonders. Tho crowd wns divided into divisions, Tlio schools were put under tho com mand of tho School Superintendent ami ho then divided tho pudIIb and placed them under command of dif ferent teachers. They accomplished very much from Unit source. "Tho business men nnd others were divided into divisions, eneh un der the direction of ono fitted for somo particular kind of work, such ns clenrlng. brldgo building, log mov ing, burning etc. nnd doing general work. "Tho local cornet band furnished music nt Intervals during tho after noon, and tho ladlos of tho city pro- imreii aim turnlslied lunch nt tho ny our prescriptions nro sent out typewritten labels, bot tles capped, tho best of corks, box covers hinged to prevent Inter changing nnd labels on Inside to prevent soiling of directions. Ev ery possibility of error guarded ngnlnst in our prescription depart ment. We never substitute." The showing of poisons, sufficient to kill every person In Coos County, hnvo labels attache-it giving names nud the various umoiiiits have been accurately measured out with tho stnteinent of the number of persons that each poison would prove fatal to, ns follows: Mercury . lliulmlldo enough to kill 97'. men. Arhcnlc Trioxlde, not hnlf u hand ful, but sufficient to kill an army or U250 men. Atropine .Sulphate, only n few Pinches, but enough to kill :ini)0. Strychnlno Sulphnto that would kill til,'. Hlchlorldo of Mercury, scarcely two tablespoons full, but enough to kill 7200. Copper nrsonlto sufficient to kill IS00. An ncconipniiyliig card statos: "Those poisons only handled by n fully registered pharmacist or III yenrs' oxpeiienco, and a double check systom Insuros safety." An other enrd says: "Thoro Is safety nnd nccurncy In Owl proscriptions. Wn novor substitute." ii is n roinnrknblo window and ono well-worth n special trip to see, f you hnvo not already seen It. .Pressed; We Have The "ModarT" Front-Laced Corset, $.UU to $8.50 Wo are exclusive agents, HUB DRY GOODS CO. I "SSI AIM' oroxxixi, iiiiiiOixc WKAIt FOIl WOSIKX" i'iio.m:! 10 GEI 'COAST LB IS An Open Letter: TO Till: WOSIKX OP rnna in New York, July 2", I o 1 :i. Wo hnvo Just visited the factory of the John H. Anisflold Co. mid purchased our stock of U Voguo onus ana coats for fall. Humboldt County Leaguers to Play There Last Week in August is Report. That the proposed series or jiost- seuson gutties between tho Coos County league nud tho Hodwood League or Humboldt mny bo play ed in part nt Ilniidon tho Inst week In August, wns tho word received hero todny. Ilnmlon Is going to hnvo ti While Cedar Carnival tho Inst wook In August, nud It Is understood thnt Mnunger Hodllllon hns already taken mo iiiuuer up with President Dii Shniio or tho Hodwood League. Tho latter ravorod, In Ills letter minted In Tho TIiiioh the other day, three games M Coos County the last or August, nud three games in Kino kn. Whether Manager lledlllioii plans imj- iiiiKiuy iiih own lomn nr will pick n team or Coos County stnrs H not certain. However, If ho thinks that his Ilniidon team nlono cannot win, Manager lledll lioii will probably pick some of tlm "tner plnyors to help hm ns ho will bo out to win. It Is pointed out thnt If . tho Humboldt team, comes up by boat, thoy will hnvo time for a sorles of six games hero whllo tlio Alllnnco BASEBALLS III I COAST LK.U.ri: .ST.lMfll I Won Lcxll Portland CO II ; I Sacramento .. .56 J Los Angeles 59 U I Venice 57 (1 I I Onklnnd 57 (1 I San Francisco ...51 (I I ( Uy Am.kLIisI I'm,, it cmbft PORTLAND. Or.. Jul; Jl-l mini won ngulti yestcnlar Ixl AngolcH, the score being iU'J guinea: At Oakland - l Onklnnd ! Sun Finnclsfo I At Los Angelec - Los Angeles I.I I'ortlnnil At Sac rnuicutn - 1 Sacramento I Venice i land, which would penult so In Hnndon nud some on ti President DiiSlmno'i W forwarded to Malinger Bi These garments will bo miinnf.ic. sceneof labor, generally cheering tho jlr0d ,,UrI"K ",0 r0"lnder or this lilt. 41. n l. ,.,...1,1 liflVA fill t-l I ,., .. hi tiiiik nu riiiuu itw - '" ""IKI"S l" ro""'' trip to Port-1 ho accomplished Hip feat SOSIKOHI) i:K.NTJ To v.ln tho vrluo of fM John flo3s, n farm hand tt' Wisconsin, carrlcci the anl3u!l lug 122 pounds, two mllrt r piittliii: It dnw'i. Ills emp'-i 1MtSP MHGS AMD Red Cross Jewelry Dept 122-J. progress during all of tho last half of the day, mid when evening came, a large amount of splendid work had been done, the citizens of the com uiunlly wero bettor acquainted, mid resulted In a got-to-gother spirit which was of more actual worth ibn the value of the labor nerforme.i uno of tho features which con- iiuiiui una nCXl. TIlOV worn ,ln. signed long since tho lines shown by tho trnvollng men wero on the road. You do not order n garment for fall mado up In April, May or oven .inno. vet the samples shown in Portland and San Francisco from which our competitors buy wero designed nnd manufactured oven so TMC trlbuted much to the success nf n. oail' s April. dny wns tho gonoral obsorvanco. that Wo linv no tM Rnrments to every person Bhould bo dressed in ow ln Jl,no or Jb'. Wo do not work clothing. This anglled to n.lBeU tImt . We do not lmllnvo tnilloa .. .....I lD i,B wu ns tlio wen. and woo wns u to the Bturchod shirt or stiff you wish to buy thnt kind. TllA T.n Vnmm O..I1 ... . .... ... ouiiB nnd i;onts wo bo up to tho best tho ss Drag Store Motorcycle Dclivorv. collar which appeared on tlm iini.i , W'H show you soon win action, it was recarded m nn .i I the mlnitto In Rivtn nt Birable. and ns In ono case was with workman8,,1P "nd the price .... m-.nir lllliuea 111 Q vn,, ,,,i,0 lowest. of Hie beautiful stream which (lowed ' Don,t tlio same mistake a onouRh the park. ifew women mado last nrnr. nu "I ut mo down as ono iw, ,.i.i. I think or lmvlnc nm ,... ' .. o participate." , U VoS0 gaVments V the GOLDEN i - i ::""" "s a coat or a Suit, a ' PERSONA! nCDCl nuf Z evening Gown, we can rcnauiMAL UVhRFLOW !,1,enso yo nnd save you money Ii. Carl Kvcrtwn loft todny for nwor Uays 0",I,,K "" South Coos FASHION BOOK I UUSTRAnNGpiCTOniAL RCVI i 1 ' "nu .mik. i. a. Jones. Mi-K Oraef m,d Miss Henry at the HiJ cottage on South Coos River. ". A. COPPLE. I Proprietor Tho Golden Rule. NKW HOSIKS PLAXXi:n DISS'S Try The Times Want Ads. tweprrtnus r mrvvji.,iK'.)tfffl yr.'i i ' l II r l .... L II I i W" W Vj BF xxai-f FALL 1913 stji"! Tlio simplest mm mnai nnn,,mi ...... ....i.ii,iim? I.. n.i.. . "'""""i imiiuriio IIUUIID..V-. n mhanco of all others, nnd tho ONLY PATTERNS w tho valuable CUTTING and CONSTRUCTION GUIDES. Wfi IIAVR Tim niom ,nfRT 'l TERNS 'uuiALi REVIEW EMUitw"'"- The Gold en First National Bank Build mg. Rule MARSHFlB "'- MM