THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1913 -EVENING EDITION. r I 'erry erry erry 'erry i 'erry (b iWE MAKE : We have the latest patterns In l.VI'KST STVLES. iWe Take Orders for Suits Made By ED. v. price CO. They hnvo n splendid lino of woolons to scleft from. Sr'lTS FltOM tflH.OO TO SilO.OO. Tallor-maile, tullnr-nieusiircd, ami your guaranteed by NORIS JENSEN, BBS 3C5 Front street. (mill nock In everything to tailoring. ORPHEUM fNs Ada Miller Will Sing "SEXOHA" A Spanish Selection. N ADVENTURE ON THE MEXICAN BORDER A two-reol feature production by tho Lublii Company. This Is a military pic ture produced In and near Mexico, where revolutions occur dully. And 2000 foot of other good pictured. ADMISSION He Royal TONIGHT THH HUTLER STOCK CO., Presenting I'ROSE OF THE WILWOOR." A three-act comedy-drama. i tne two nights tho Dutler Co. shown that thoy can put on TS With trim nn.l ova BlnK. The Illav tonlirht la nnn tielr beBt. 0 feet of all new pictures. 10 One. Cnmn fill OXB mo SHOW. Admission er floor, urti.. n..i..., - -- iii,j, juv. viuiuren, loc. Kinds of Job Printing " nun Nicholson want to see you about that are about to furnish. Nicholson want to see you about any furniture and furn ishings you may think of adding. Nicholson have anticipated your wants and are ready to serve you with bright, clean, up-to-date furn ishings at moderate prices. Nicholson know that you know what you want and they want you for all you want. We will always appreciate your visit to our store and gladly show you what you can get for what you want to pay and no back talk if you do not choose to buy. Nicholson Good clothes In our oun shop. You ciiii watch us make tliein. Imported nnd domestic woolens. HEASOXAI1LE PRICES. money' worth Merchant, Mnrshflold, Orogon. pertaining TONIGHT TEX CENTS. FARM FOR SALE Dairy, stock and fruit farm con sisting of 518 acres, between 35 and 40 acres of rich bottom land, eight acres of bench land set to apple treos and fifty acres moro that can easily bo cleared for orchard and balance good grazing land for cat tle, sheep or goats. Twolvo head good dairy cows and all farming Implements necessary. Located on West Fork of Coos River, ono mile from postofTtce, school and boatlandlng. Buy direct from owner. , For further information, call or write: W. A. QAOE. Allegany. Ore. PHONE 158-R TEN-CENT Messenger Service MARSHFIELT) OYOLERV. Done nt The Times Office new home you I We're Not Proud Even If wo hnvo painted nnd papered tho Mnrshflold store nnd put In a new floor, wo still selling good rlot'ies nt tho samo old prices. SUITS $8.50 TO $25.00 The now suit wo got for tho stoiu cost moro, but Its worth It. Come In nnd seo how we look In our now dross. The Fixup Dependable Clothes. TWO STORES Murfiliflclt! Xortli Ileitcl Fountain Drinks PURE, WHOLESOME AND REFRESHING, fc Served from modern sanitary fountains. Our "SPECIALS" .... tiro delicious Try one. STAFFORD'S CAMPING SPECIALS Retlnned cups 5c Tin plates 5c Fork and knife, pair 10c Frying pans 10 and 15c 10-qt. galvanized bucket ...,15c Largo size kettles 13o Can openers 5-10-15c Sandlary paper specialties ,.10c 100 paper napkins 15c Lunch wrappers 5c Children's beach sets 15c Children's beach buckets. ,. ,15c Everything1 you' want nnd "ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW." Peoples' 5-l(M5c Store New Location Front St., Opp. Postofflco. If you have anything to sell, rent, trade, or want help, try a Want Ad In The Times. mm .II.'liV TIDES. llolow Ib given ttio tlmo and height of high and low water at Mnishfleld. The tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on th llrst lino and heights on the second lino of citch dny; u compar ison on con ccutlvc hclghtB will Indlcato whether It Is high or low water. i'or high water on the bar 31 Mrs. . 0.03 7.00 1.55 0.39 Ft... 0.2 0.5 4.0 2.G Al'Gl'ST TIDES. 1 Mrs. . 0.58 7.17 2.3S 7.37 IFc. . . 0.5 O.S 5.0 2.3 2 HrH. . 1.51 8.30 3.18 8.29 I Ft. . . 0.0 0.9 5.3 1.9 3,Hrs.. 2.11 9.12 3.57 9.18 Ft... 0.7 0.9 5.0 1.5 4'Hrs.. 3.31 9.53 4.35 10.07 IFt... 0.0 0.7 5.8 1.1 G lira. . 4.21 10.35 5.10 10.59 Ft... 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.9 A A I WEATHER FORECAST. Illy Amocltlf J I'rrti to Coot III? Tlmn I OREGON Fair with north I easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. in., July 31, by DenJ. Ostllnd. special Government me- toroIoglBt. Maximum 7G I Minimum 48 At 4:43 a. m '....50 Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sept. 1. 1912 G4.82 Prcclpltntlon same period last year 01.17 Wind: Northwest, elenr. HORN. MANNING To Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Manning at their homo In East port, Wednesday, July 30, a girl. Mothor and child are doing well and tho father Is happy over his now daughter. Change In Firm. Tho law firm of Unrclny & Stoll has been ells- WANT ADS. WANTED A LL Phone 3151. kinds of hauling. WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework. Apply Mrs. D. E. Mnloney, 372 Commercial nvc. FOUND SnuiU memorandum book containing check and private pa pers, owner may havo samo by calling nt Times office and paying for this ad. FOR SALE Tlinroughbivd Red Hur on Alrdalo Torrlors. Rest varmint nnd watch dog on earth. Fomnlcs $15, males $20, or $35 for a pair. Inquire of W. F. Town, In Old Town, North Rond, Or. 'OH SALE A nearly new piano, sold chonp If tnken nt once. Party leaving town. Call nt Curroy's Harbor Shop. FOR SALE U-lniriHT "Insurance" gnsolluo move; good condition. Inquire Times office. FOR SALE Launch, IH-ft., first class condition, fully equipped, lights, flro extinguisher, fog horn, dlfe preserve, pump and oars. $G5. 230 S. Rroadwny. WANTED TO RENT About Aug. 10, a smnll furnished country placo, for about 2 weeks, olthor on Coos RIvor or Ton Mllo lakes. Phono 30S-J. FOR RENT In West MnrMilIeld; 4-rnom furnished houso. Phono 171-X. FOR SALE, CHEAP Ono 1.100 pound truck, In first-class condi tion. Seo GOODItfffS Phone 373-L FOR SA Llv Tlioroiiulibred .Suit. pups, Phono 1453, North Hond. LOOS TOR SALE HliN will bo re ceived until August 1st at noon for tho logs used as foundation of houso that burned on North Front streot Inst Friday morning. Fronch Realty Co., 315 1-2 N. Front st. FOR SALE Team, wagon and har ness In good condition. Prlco rea sonable, Inquire Eastsldo Grado. FOR HENT SIv-roQin modern hoiiBo on Centrnl avenue. In qulro E. A. Anderson. Phone 252-L. FOR SALE Hrood bowh, Chester white, will farrow early Septem ber. Prlco $20, delivered in Marshfleld. Address box J, caro Times. BUSINESS CHANCES If you nro looking for a business of any kind It will pay you to seo Mc Millan. Coos Day Realty Co., 150 Front street. WANTED By experienced woman, position as camp cook. Address Box 14-1, Bandon, Oregon. FOR RENT OH SALE Two houses, 7 rooms and 4 rooms on Eastsldo. Apply Henry Black, Phone 150-J. FOR SALE srotorbont, length 20 feet, motor six h?.p., four cycle Tniscott: price $275. Inquire at Times office. practice Indo- Lrni on Autn. Among those leaving on the Mnrshflold-Roaoburg auto line this morning were Mrs. M. M. Amot and child, of North Rend; Mr. Latturo, O. L. Grovcr. Charles FeiiBler. (Ji'lN Insurance. Duncan Fergu son, agent for tho Agricultural In surance company, today adjusted the loss of J. N. llurko, wIiobo houso was damaged by lire In Fcrndalo last Sunday, for $100. Given Time Tho Enststdo City Council's ordinance forbidding tho storing of powdor and other high explosives on tho wntcrfront al lows tho owners of tho present pow dor houses thirty days In which to vacate. Hurled In Washington. Archi bald Glirallan, tho tlmbcrman who dropped to death out of a Port land hotel window soon after his arrival there from Coos Day, was taken to Cnstlo Itock, Wash., by a son, F. S. Gllfnllan, for burial. Dink Season. I. It. Tower who has been investigating the conflict ot tho state and federal gamo laws says that as near as can bo ascertained tho federal gamo law provides for duck shooting from September 10 to December 10, thus shortening tho Or egon season sixteen days. Tho state law provides for duck shooting from Soptcnibor 1 to December 31. Seeks Location. Mr. Rhodes who has been Identified with tho First National Hank of Snn Dlogo Is spend ing n week or so on tho Day looking this section ovor with n vlow to be coming Interested here. Ho was In poor health and Is seeking a now location. It was stated thnt ho was planning on establishing: a bank In this section, possibly In Mnrshflold. .Married Hero. Wm. Iugcrsoll, a well-known Ten Mllo rnnchor and Miss Roso MncDonald, of Dlnck Crook, were married hero last eve Ing, tho Rov. Father A. II. Munro officiating. Cans. Kronholm nnd Miss LnRlancho Hall of Roseburg, wero tho witnesses. Tho brldo Is tho daughter of tho lato A. R. Mac Donald. They will resldo nt Ton Mile. Affects Seymour Hell. Tho U. S. Ciovornmcnt hns brought suit to recover twenty-six tlmbor claims In linker County, valued at $3000 each, from tho Ilowttt Laud Company, of Tncomn, Wash. Tho Government al- logcs tho claims wero obtained by fraud. Tho claims nro understood to hnvo boon socured by Soymour II. Roll, of Coos liny, for himself, and Henry Howltt, Jr., of Tncomn. Ciisu I'iizIch. Robert Dlllard to day recolved n letter from his mother stntlng thnt thoro Is llttlo rhaugo In tho condition of S. Lnndo who Is nt Lano hospital In Snn Francisco re ceiving medical trontmont. Mrs. Lnndo snys that Mr. Lando's condi tion Is puzzling tho specialists and thnt thoy havo decided that ho Is not suffering from tumor for which thoy llrst proposed to opernto. llunkriiptry Mutter. Cluudo Nas burg has been appointed trusteo In tho Uoorgo T. Coleman bankruptcy enso. Mr. Colomau was formorly engaged In tho blncksmtthlug busi ness on North Front strcot. Tho old bnnkrupty enso of L. A. Fryo, who failed In tho clothing business nt North Bond a couplo of years ago, will como up noxt Monday for tho final dlschargo of Fryo, who Is now In Southern Orogon. PERSONAL NOTES W. J. RUST wont to Coqulllo today on business. CAPT. ERNST of Coos River was in Marshllold today on business. MRS. LOUIS WIRTH, of Coos Riv er, Is n Mnrshflold shopper today. MRS. T. M. COLLVER of Catching Inlot Is a Marshllold shopper today. MISS OLLIE RICHARDS, of Sum ner, Is In Marshllold today on business and pleasure J. II. FIvANAGAN returned yester day on tho Nann Smith from a trip to San Francisco, MRS. M. J. ELROD leaves tomor row for San Francisco, going via Bandon, for a two-weoks' stay. D. D. PIERCE, of tho Coqulllo Mill and Mercantile Company, camo over yesterday to look after busi ness matters on tho Bay. LEW KEYSER loft today for Co qulllo where ho will furnish music for a big dance to bo glvon In connection with tho carnival. MRS. A. S BLANOHARD will bo ono of Miss Helen Landrlth's guests from Marshfleld at a sowing party solved nml oath will pendeiitly henceforth. tn be given at the t.andlrth homo on Coos Ulver this afternoon. JOHN MATTSON. of Catching In let was n Marshllold visitor to day. En routo to town this morn ing ho b.iw three deer along tho bank. - MISS MAY PETERSON of the Wells Fargo Express offlco will leavo Sunday with n dozen friends for Hcnle Lake whore they will camp out for two weeks. MRS. E. A. ANDERSON and Miss Evelyn Anderson arrived homo yestcrdny from Hurllngnmc, Oil., whoro they have been visiting at tho Eric Wold homo for n fow months. FRED KRUSE enmo down todur from Isthmus Inlet on business nnd will probably lcavo tomorrow for tho Rock Creek scctton to look after his homestead and to try nnd get n few deer. .MRS. M. O. DUNCAN has arrived here from Spokano to join her husband, who recently beenme Identified with tho Coos Day Realty Company. Sho visited friends at Salem en route to tho Ray. MISS GRACE JOHNSTON, of Port land, who Is spending a month's vncatlon with hor paronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Johnson, of Hun ker Hill, has been the guest of Miss Elvira Frlzccn tho last few days. R. M. SARTER nnd wlfo havo leased tholr houso on South Sixth street to Messrs. Evans and Sinis ter, who recently arrlvod here from Idaho with their families and hnvo taken apartments with Mr. nnd Mrs. Wells In tho Rogers building. MISS VIOLET HENDERSON, form erly sccrotnry of tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Commerce but now of Oakland, has written Miss An nlo Smith thnt sho Is gottlng along nicely nnd nBks to ho re momhered to hor many Coos Day friends. JACK SAUNDERS of Emplro was In Mnrshflold today. Ho has Just re turned from Portland whoro ho was receiving trontmont by a specialist for an old Injury to his leg nnd ho Is much Improved, much to tho gratification of his many frlouds. CAPT. CIIRISTENSON, of Dunkcr Hill, hns returned from tho Slus law, whoro ho attended n family reunion. Ho reports that good progress Is being mndo on tho railroad work. Ho will rcsumo his old position ns captain of tho tug Powers when tho lattor Is raised. MRS. COLLVER of Loon Lnko was In Mnrshflold today. Sho roports thnt door nro unusually plentiful In thnt section this year. Mrs. Collvor says thoy havo a fow deor staked out on their rnnch for J. W. Illldonbrund nnd his family who nro going thoro next week to enpturo a fawn or two. CHAS. FENSLE.t returned nt noon from Myrtlo Point, whoro ho wont to aid tho Hub storo thoro arrange to movo Into Its now building next Sunday. Ho wont ovor by nuto this morning. Myr tlo Point Is nn onrly man'B town, ho says, tho stores thoro oponlng every dny boforo C o'clock In tho morning. JAS. STOCK camo down from Sum ner yestordny on business nnd plonsuro but principally for a llttlo visit with his old friend, S. D. Mngncs who Is hero from San Francisco for his annual stay at tho Magnes & Mntson storo. Mr. Stock snys that ho doesn't get to town very often but whon ho saw by Tho Times thnt Mr. Magnes was hero ho couldn't resist coming down nnd welcoming him uncle. DON'T WAIT E0R THE RAILWAY To got ono of those, flno fountain drinks at Sartors. Como tn this ovenlng, tomorrow, anytime. Wo always havo something now, delic ious and refreshing In tho way of a fountain drink. Try a "PEACH CORRLER" you'll want moro. S A It TEH'S. 1 T I Just recolved, anothor big ship ment of thoso toilet preparations. Tho oft-referred to "hot cakes" aro not In tho samo class with MAURINE as rapid sellers. "There's a reason." STORE FOR QUALITY GOODS AND PENSLAK REMEDIES. M Sul