LumK?mxi Mli.tSLMjaiAx xauatimamk. '-& I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 31, 1913 EVENING EDITtOW. COOS BAY TIMES !. MALONEY Editor and Publisher M. C, DAN E. MALONEY News Editor OFFICIAL PAPEH OK CITV OF M AHSHFIELP AND COOS COfXTV " I ..-..., B HE OPPOSES mm Ms I LEACH RETURN OF NORTHWEST ! I Coos Bay Somnnnmer . i.. ni itt i: Tim Tin lornisin or I'on mini biijh UOOS UOUIliy aiimii VVI Ilea ..Tl, Francisco wholesale prices Hot Letter to saiem social ists West Will Not Act. SALEM. Or., July 31.- Inr,. iimrli lower thnn a mniilli K (freights bavins dropped t( $:i -IT. for iui l.'iiiiwiHrii mill $1 for Southern Tin? locnl California, while mill prices aro also i III iuuii o, ,l.i,.1l In rwlir ltd IVIIH Socialists have taken up the imittor jiureliy ,0 . molded In view of the or the deportation of Dr. Ha I ley Rrunt increase In the luinbor-carry- Loach from Haniloii, with the state lug fleet, imi turner present coiim .. . . it. i ..f unl.....u.. In 1... itutrii , 1 1 1 nt mill Tlllillli is a quality oi wonuoriui iinm " " --- summer. The touch of a July breeze has often something almost of magic In lt fragrant passing. There Is a balm and bracing i ii,.. i........ ii. I. ..,,.. ilmi In illnl Itii't Ivn n till dcllirlltf 111. The III liiu isiiun iiij "itt'v ...... . - i,t;4iii nun, .,.........., ....... ri , ., . i summer breeze on Coos Hay never bears the dry parched air of 0WIIV. committee of their organ- "'" j l,; ngo drouth or the humid stir of heavy afternoone, but In It always Is a zatlon and It was announced -! e'Vcry old wind Jaminer wiib pressed 'breath of swcotncss. the salt tang of the ocean and the fragrance of terday that tho county officers In-, into service, now there are nbout half the forest. Across thousands of miles of tossing billows or through Volved in the case will be proserin-1 a dozen steam schooners lahl up In vast forests of fir and hemlock It Is the sweet Ingratiating breeze of 0(, luiVtually for deporting an ' i f1""',1 vitln "lio nwfew' wee'ks!' mldsumincr; the wind that freshens what It teaches; the grateful American citizen and destroying his T'W0P 1R,W utonmera luive Just gone- Ingratiating presence that fills one with a rare and lofty ecstacy. property. It was said thnt the So into commission, and several more It cornea with the witchery of a world of ripened scents. It car c8tt, nre nt satisfied with the! are to be launched shortly, tending rles In Its melody something of the charm of myriad sounds. It laughs and sighs and ripples with a gentle rhythm or a bounding vigor or n soft, gracious luxury of caresses. The clean odor of the ocean, tho fragrance of firs and forest, the passion of wild red Wiles, the cool grace of sheltered gardens they are all In the honit of the winds of July. And It Is a kind, wholesome spirit senso that we may learn to know In tho airs of summer. They revive a little tho old memories that aro most tender; they awaken aspirations for which we are bet ter whether or not they are unattainable; they help us believe more and doubt less, with their gentle calm or stimulating assurance. Some thing of tho Joy of childhood that looks and wonders, something of tho fire and hope and zeal of youth that dares and triumphs, some thing of tho peace of age that dreams without question It Is all there. In tho deep magic of tho summer winds passing. attitude of Governor West in the still further to reduce tho rates, and I inili.uu (In, iloiiiilml Iniiii'iiviia It Ix matter; that they sent word to lmnl ', 80l how t,u,y ,, (lll find car- the Sheriff of Coos County asking him to protect Leach upon his re turn to Handon and received a re ply couched In the bitterest terms. giving them little satisfaction. HORSE SEMSE IF YOU work for a man, in heaven's name work for him. If ho pnys wages that supply you your bread and butter, work for him, speak well of lilni. think well of him, stand by Mm, and stand by tho Institution be represents. I think If I worked for n man, I would work for him. I would not work for him a part of his time, but all of his time. I would give an undivided seivlce or none. If pin to a pinch, mi ounce of loyalty Is worth a pound of cleverness. If you must vilify, condemn anil eternal ly disparage, why, resign vour position, and when you are outside, damn to your heart'H content. Hut, I prny you, so long as you aro a part of mi Institution, do not condemn It. Nor that you will Injure the institution- not that but when you disparage the concern of which you aro a part, you dlsparngo yourself. Elbert Hubbard. Mi TODAY ! ON BREAKWATER goes. A A In Personal Gossip. The C. A. Smith Lumber Co.'h milt nt .Minneapolis Is being wrecked niul the machinery Is offered for sale liv Victor L. Johnson, long-tlmo super intendent of tho plant. The box flie- tory. wnlcli operntetl tiirougn tue winter, flnnlly shut down in June, and A. V. Plnger. who has been In charge of the box department, has gone west to visit the Smltli mills, with the prospect of deciding to lo cate on the Const. J. Lnfon, of Victoria, of the For estry Branch of the Land Depnrt- ' litem of HrltlBh Columbia, made a Portland trip during the month. Mr. I I.nfon stntcH that conditions In Ilrlt . ... , . . ,, Ish Columbia surrounding the lumber Steamer Sails This Afternoon industry parallel that the pacific states. It. A. Josusou one of tho well- I'nown lumbermen of the Middle West mid West, has charge of the Tlin Uronkwnter milliwt HiU -.riiir. entire Interests of the Klamiith Do- .. ,, pn-ii,i ,ih, .. i,.-.. . ...... ' velopment Co. at Klamath Falls and noon for Portland with a large pas-. V(,,Illty. Mr ,,., wnH -,. a seuger list and a fair cargo of nils- Kod many years associated with the coiianeous freight. , C. A. Smith Lumber Co., of Mlnueap- Among those snllliiB on her were; ',,Ki "ml la,or nt I,lly '0,nt- Cal- Tl"- Ittixxell Mrnnlr.. Mm V 11 ..- tensive Interests of tllO KllllllUtll Kiisstll McOulro. Mrs. F. II. Star Development Co .cover u wide range ge, O. C. Jensen, A. H. Edwards, ieiiilrlng u broad-guage man for w. M. Edwnrds, John Edwards, Ar- their Biiccessful management, and In LANDO'S (GOOD GOODS) fake pleasure in announcing thaHlJ advertisement m Saturday s Times will nni tn rnmmand the ntrVnffnt-. f a r, wi UI m woman on v-oos Day Every Monday is sale day at- Hi LANDO'S (GOOD GOODS) pitoMiT demvkhiks imio.vk vor omil. Ht.S--ill KltOXT STItKET. .."'"'Efti "'"MilllJ f for Portland With Large List of Passengers. I BOAT SUPPLIES H'0HL S&T SICk I WITH THE TOAST J AND THE TEA I I GOOD EVENING I 4 Iloat and animosity, tontest I niul conlllct, may iihurpcn the I wits, nlthough they rcrely do, I they never strengthen the uu- I derHtiiiiillng, clear Hid persp!- I caclty, gtil.lo the Judgement or I Improve the heart. I.andor. KINDNESS AND (OUItAGE. Ouestlou not, but live and labor Till your goal bo won, Helping every feeble neighbor, Seeking helu from none. I.lfo is mostly froth and bubble; Two things stand like stone KlndiicsB In nnother'fl trouble, Courage In your own. Tho purse-proud man dies not object to putting his prldo In his pockot, Tho self-nuulii man Is not Infre inently like other amateur pro diictlous. v ..;. is lioueless, yet It tan strike harder than tho fist. thur Edwnrds, Walter Edwards T-lly ' "Ir- "l"IHOn H 'iee essentlnls nre Edwards. Dora Edwnrds. En.n.n Ed f0"""- .nl10ri,(llI rhl,nBl.H. wards. Hans Aiipliuid, Edna As-, Fuhy Iload Co.. Ilullards. Or. Cap pluuil, E. Sullivan, F. Drescall. Hal stock, SfiOOl). Incorporators. E. I' rank Yaunger. J. Luech. J. Ho-' ))': Fnh'l' M,,,lrt' ,:- ''""' n'"1 tv caff. A. Caller. John PInkapurd. IC. t&gnSt.XT' " "' M. Ilorgen, Giib W. Kramer. E. II. 'Un'ipoim' Lumber Co.. Elkton. Or.. H. Kramer, Mrs. Giib Krnmer. .Miss 1 ave filed articles of dissolution. the pastlmo of siilltdm- imtra Mnbol niHi.n i-diiw.H ii,..,i r ' Lugging I'rlliw. "..til ,hey haveirt any left. Davis. C. H. Kelly. E. P. inge. Mr-.,onTl,i!,0 Slnnu,. river Kfriy Son... cniu iiT. 7 . . ,"B0, "' " SnvnK- M"- ! ftroiiK deinnnd for red fir. Camps home Coos Hn pooplo aro al- L. C. Farrlu, Mra. C. E. NleholBon. A. 'P''ratlng largely In this ciiullty of most as stuck up as though they MeWimrinr. n n omi,..,.ii f. r timber nre logging un to cnnacltv. had been tnrred and feathered. n stlllwoll ti v it ?..L.1 T1.10 """w f'r ciiiiipm nro iirtirtfcully . , ..,, ,, Ilu ,.oae( null will not resume opera- l.onlu Sllllu'ntl r.'i-m-nli CHII.....II ii..,.., i.,.r ..... .. . .. If II .. .... .. " .Jl.lvn, ilium iicmiiu illlKUKI nrni. HtMl ur ii u weie lenil) true that man Leonnnl Stlllwoll n,. n..i is falrlv BtronL' nt n io v.,11,.,.. little hero below we her, Geo. Iluthor. K. P lingers F r,, '"' 'Vo- ' "B"' nr' plontirul with w. limn, J. C. layne. Mrs. H. A. 17.50 to $10; cedar JP to $10; horn Loomls. Mrs. F. E. Epton, Miss L. lock $t! to $7. Davis, Wnltor Mayes. F. K. Shellev. , regard to tho log market. Grays Loiivnn. Mrs II I Vin "nr"r "as no Biirplus whntevor. The tin Vnfi.1.... ..Mi.ii.i ,11,1 niiiiic lin lll'ICU)- uu .Mctiinre. -,.0 spruce being nbopt $10 or SI 2. 4 in-coming 10 quality, cedar about $11. ' DAILV KIDDLES. 1 ,''r I" Billing for about $7. $10 and A $1". & tffr 1&P $ It Y IliiMffWIfflW 'Of -::-::- wants but II should all get what wo want A CENTENNIAL MlttlOIIV. This Is the dny on which one re- ir j Van calls that pathetic lltlto ditty: 1 ' . ' ., L "Said a great Congregational nreach- ' ongregatlonnl prench- '0. you beautiful creat- f - .!.. . 1 Ti r . uaruuretors, i imers, b)ark Nugs and Coils, h uiiu rulings, Anchors, Lights, Perkins' Speed Wheels, Life M uis, eiu, PRICES ARE RIGHT. VAlMNt MOTOR OILS. K-.-J er To n hen; lire! And tho hen. Just for that, Laid two eggs In Ills Inn Ann iiiiih did the hen Heeeher." A SOIMKU FAVOHITE. The crocus and the daffodil Have hnd their little dnv. lho green pea now Is on the bill And It b a winner, hoy? 1 no man who does the Question. - 1. Why Is a loaf of hromt ,n tin. reward !" r ,:,fft'l tower like n race horse? '.'. Wbv Ih 1111 ni-milll,,,! i,,.io.... , like a gun? 1 I. Wnen wnu liner tin. i,i,.i. .,,! LOIIIEIt SCIIOONEHS IDLE Low ('baiter Itntcs Chum' lloat. to .lie Withdrawn. SA.V FltANCISCO. July K.- It is liM;JlViVJHi? Some Coos .....i' J,nw" '""y "Hi" '"so half his nnnoiiiicod that IS steam lumber . and yet retal,, his schoonerB nro Idle, and ,ha,,o!e are ". When Is tho best time to buy wiuuirnwn from their runs, iib ...... mr7 n result of the present low charter tiling without behiL' mm .io,,i, . .. .n-er.s. rstes from the lumber nmm .., 11.., out head and shoulders above e Z 1, T. " .h,Bh-,'rp,,-1 north coast. m iiiiiii'h'bs, jei 11 ..i ...... 1m.11 u-i on. o". fi'iu-ii-iii nuiiiiins lor than tho fist. Any time Is a good tlmo to il n ii,.?'..wH10u tho tow J"leI over ,0"1'1 not l' secured to meet the do -- tliliiB. " "' '""" .,., 1 l,,ni,l,B of ",0 ",,ukot tho rates "" "- " "-.ra . jksj&ps, z, . nsvts S K'Sr 1 When you buy I hf .SiMraaf Qmnl-n C ATJ C and the Fragrance of Ripe Orchards JT;'ni:,;';:;;,!,,r,::,':,:,;;,','T : ' . .,... , " -k. :::;:;r::::;,';: s;,S": ::;::.. " READ THIS LIST: mis Has decllnod to tho prehent rate of $;i.;,o to $ with a possibility of further roduetlon. HI damp wliii I Oiegou in-. NICE WHITE CHISP CELEHV t'HEsii iiijai) urnici: (JHEE.V (().s HADISHES nrxcii 111:1ns III .VCII CAHltOTS Hl'.VCII Tl'HNII'S MCE ritESH C()()S HIVEIt CAIIH.KJE THV THE WAX HEANS JHEE.V HEANS GHEE.V PIUS DELI, I'EPPEHS ItIPE TOMATOKs CICCMHEHS (JHEEN (OILV rilKSH CANTALOPKS NEW EATING APPLES AND AlTlS.I,n"WXK V'rAHLE. KO,iM.U, A iiiur urners Kmly. Nasburg's Grocery TUB GOOD UOrSBKBKPlXa STOW . uim-r I'ommi'vninl ,,...7 o , . " "" owona street. 'INK ItlG Ll'.SCIOCS wati:h. .MELONS GHAPKS I'EACIIES APHICtms HLl'E PLl'.MS NED PLUMS 1'IXE LAIKJi: Ji'icv M3I0.VS niOSS H..TWEEN CAl'MPLOWKK WILL BUILD MEARLY MILE OF GOOD ROAD Heynold'h Developnieiit Co to (,. nieiice PlankliiK SoutnU.stein llonlcviiril Oiher Impiou-. menu There. Tho Ueynolds Dovolopniont Co will soon commonco tho plnnklng of South Tenth Street between tho city limits and Southwest Doulovnrd mid of Southwost lloulovard from Tenth Mreet to Montana Avonuo, near tho center of First Addition to Marsh 1'old Thin will glvo a continuous P anked roadway Into First Addition almost nun mil., I.. !,...... .. . . - " "'"Hiii. una im provement will form an extension of tho woik now beliiR done bv tho city from Ingorsoll avenue south to tho city limits. v. in I" T rll, t0 Flrst Addition III be afforded by the Improvements .... uuiiution Btreet westward from tlio south end of the Fifth street pave n.ent. and of South Tenth street aa above described, will ,)0 considerably In a"a ,n 0t"r wa """or hnn the present routo past the race ""tK unt a'ng the county road The nno new homo that O. 'm Johnson l8 building on South Tenth street In First Addition Is p 0SreS8 tag ( tncly Bnu wm set 8tni;(lurtdrefS08r district of homes. 'I EN "SEPTIIMHEU MO HNS" WENT HOME IN ItAHIIELS CHICAGO. III.. July no. llnrrola no being worn ery Htralglit and tlKht rhlri Biiiiifior along the banks f Hlg Walnut Creek at Hrall, Ind. Ihero Is no drapery whatever niul Lie hoops nro on tho outside. the nild-Biiiumer stylos In barrels findo their uppearanco Biiddenly floiiB Dig Walnut ereok Inst week They were lirst Hhown the day fol lowing n bathing party whu-t, ,tll .f tho prettiest young ocal queoini r HimzII participated. IHg Walnut treek Ih le( with wl low clumps. Tho party, prior to 'H!""?-." o v.iiiow; ,r., who ami incldontul clothes, wi.ii,. ,,. -at!ti. tho rls nil..,i n, ...... .. ....'"" yi". i,u '"- - in -i".' nuivr. no luilL'li. tiiii ' ' men n III CO. Iiorhool lllled with unknem l:o took the oboes anJi" t tul the alilits and Ibeti'n --yea, nnd oierythlng tte P Ii ft on the bank. When tho girls carcri'l liter thev didn't come or. :tayed In until nlcht '1 r.ierctfuly blnck. Then tW Lome llltn n bevy of iltljj- ' September Morns." .Nene rnH 1... i.n.. ,....ii ..,! nobttl in imiiii. ivivi vu m - bnrrol with tho' l.ciHon. Tho present P tho riot lies nnd lhlus -; 1 IthoiiHli Borne uf the w their siiBplclous. PRIZES FOR COOS COUNTY FLOtfB ri OK tho two-fold purposo-of bIiowIhl- visitors nnd .W'l r '.r BtHltl0"H th0 l-rlHIoncy ami beauty of the roses i j or toos Hay and to oneounii-o mm .lnmim. tholr culll res monta at home, wo have determined" to offer as Prl J to "ti T P U' thl'eo b08t ,J,3ln-8 o- or tl0Un to riio Uusy Corner" boforo 9 o'clock p. .,., i SATURDAY, AUGUST 2ND or rJJ!!8nM0nte8t '8 "0t t0 b0 "nnered by any hard id 1'! l0,,fl' requires no entrance fee. It U o ;;,,; r ,mtro"8' b,lt ' l' to any person in t; Locklmrt f i.nMP ''WerS r roSOa "Uo dlaa and br'D MicHiiart & Parson's Dmir Stnm i.f o innt SaturW i number ""t? f CaCh ,,MUv,a,,a' w, bo entored ,n 8 ftT n number. The number onlv win , nffM,,i to tbe dtoPJJ mo judges will nm i,... . '. .. . , ,Mft decision 11 .1 lo w"om Ul flowers uciohb -- j uectsion. AH flowers will i. ,,., ... ,. widoi S11 prue. awarded Saturday eve ,.,7:" , " n 1 as Secon V a n7,S0 -'and-I'oliited vase. I lest ' a ?3'50 A,,8trl" vase. nS 1 PrIZea ",ay nw b0 een In our window. "ring on your flowers. 1 Phono 213-.T. Th-ncffiL ion. at office. LOCKHART-PARSONS DRUG1 I Tr-V TheTlnies Want Ads. "THE 1IUSV CORNER." Ifo'j'-c1' t-i