meMtiem.U:, yttotaSMita&Mi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 19,3-EVE1I1NG EDITION. 4 r-!JV my"' MUtJa&4!mbC. f) PARCFL POST CUPID 15 BUSY HIE PHOTOS BOAT SERVICE M CODS BAY OF BOMI I- ... ,- ...r.J. o I Propose to Change it From Mail to Steamer During the Winter Months. Postmaster V. H. Curtis today received the following soir-cxiilan-atory letter from S. II. .Morse, Post office Inspector of this district: "I )mvo Just received n rase for Investigation, wlilcli conteinplntes Bending parcel post matter for Marsliflcld, Oregon, vln l'ortland, Oregon, and tlienco Ijy boat to Marshfleld, "This change Is planned In order to deliver parcel post matter in bet ter shnpo than If transported by stage from llosehurg, nlthough there might bo more time consumed In transit. "Please glvo me your opinion In regard to such a change, and how the patrons of your offlco will re gard came. "Any Information you can fur nish on this subject will be appre ciated." For Winter Month. Tho proposed arrangement Is simply for tho winter months when the mall has to bo handled on pack horses. Contractor Ilarnnrd says It will simply bo Imposslblo for him to arrango to carry the parcel post bnslnoss In addition to the regular mall, At present, the parcel post busl Engagement of Miss Edith Hi denbrand and Archie John ston Announced Today. Mr. and Mrs. J. W IMUIenbrmul W. F. Some for v McEldowney Secures Good Views Plans "Boulevard Day." McKldowney. of the Rev- todav announce.! the encasement of V McKldnwney of the Hev heir daughter. Mis.- Kdlth. to M- neld Development Company has J. A. Johnston. The date of th Ju secured n ro.ii i of f no picture. n intlnU hn not been fixed. of tems on the Marshlleld-to-tho " Hss f" lllhlcnbraSd U on! of the J boulevard Some of then, have most charming and vlvmtoui young bn mounted on n card which le women and a host of friend will being displayed In ho window of unite In congratulating Mr. Johnston The Times office and are attracting niion his great victor. Mr. John- much Interest. Some of the differ- iews is one snowing win. DOHtlnu notices nlonir the another showing Lookout . and her ninny frlendH here will unite In congratulating tho groom. Mm i led Today. V. U. Klrli. of the Ilradley Candy Pniminiiv nml Mrs. tiln Ili'll Ilolcc. of Portland, were married this morn ing nr the home of Rev. 'A. O. How ard, pastor of tlio .Miirsniieiti inris- I nun v iiuivio i mm h iini i ness nvornges between 100 and BOO ,11,11s. .Mrs. Chambers, daughter of the ly and owing to the groom, being tho only guest. Mrs. Kirlll tuiui.'. .mi. uvi,,,- ... Im- l,m,n lii Mnmhllilil I'llt fflUII 1113 UH.ll .k..v .-....--.. for a couple of years as represent.!-, primes live 01 lilt' 1 anui- ji.iiuoiii".- v - Vi 1 1 Steel Company ami lias a nosr 01 sunup "... " iun m mm,, .. - friends who agree that "the best Is eellent view of nil the surrounding none too good for Archie." country Is obtainable mid others 1 .Ml- Cliuv Kiipmcil. showing the liniuense trees and Marshtleld friends of Miss Jessie stretches of highway. Chase, an Instructor In the Marsh-' j'nrt of tlie route hns been clear- Held iiign scnoui ior vuiiiii- "i on (Hid nrrnngeineniH nro now ucing a. .... 1... fn- 1in (inet Vlltir fit HnH- mmtn ,. n,ii,tfif lit. tli.i finatfiftl ntlil .t'tllfi. Ulll ."I .,.v- ,'.u ,..... .. -.. 1 11111111; ,u luniivii 11, p iiiu Liiniviii .,!., ton where she completed her course 0f the routo with Anderson avenue nt Simmons College and Inter held t near Fourteenth street. Some are I an excellent position, today received nig() trying to establish a little park announcement of her engagement to jnl Houlcvnrd Oulch. where I)r j .Melville Kastham. 11 member of the( Houseworth and others own n nlce Clttpp-Kasthani Company, of Uoston, 1 0vel trnct which can be easily con-1 manufacturers 01 X-ray and wireless j verted Into 11 fine rustic pnrk nml fiilnirrrllllll' lllHtrtltlHIIltM. Till (lnte I lilntili, irriimwlu flit- pntlpnrtll ritttltlf-u I ..vr,.. ....... ... - "". 1 I'llllV ftwilllln .... ,......, ...... ..n.-. .1 ....11 I- . ..ll.n! MIllU I . 01 inu iiiiiiiuiB is iiui h""' en. Chaso was expected to visit- here -pho plan to have "Hotilevnnl tlilu Ulltllllllir. Illll imHtlinllOll IlL'l'lllnv ullllllfif til llwl Allounllll Western trip. She was one of the I ..(;00,i Uoml(, 1)Ryt n8 auggested by most popular iencin-rn m ...uinum-m . ,ihh. watt, ih meeting witn npprovni Straight Forward Facts About His Ninth Semi -Annual Clearance Sale .Every claim made about it, from tho outset, is more than substantiated in tlie merchandise, tho assortments, the values. There is nothing about any of this clothing that we would not tell about, in print, or over the counter, Comparison is the sure test of value, It always emphas izes genuineness, Combine our regular saving to you plus discounts we give you at this Clearance Sale, Then compare, "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe Myrte Point -Three Stores:' MARSHFIELD Co, Band ion nKwrw 1, lin. 11111, it. iiivliiii ..1111 i.,..iyllll nml If In IIImiIv Mint fhlti wilt Im I arranged, nml the co-operation of 1 hundreds of nieu nml boys secured to runup tne clearing or tlio ronil nml malting n good path. nmitiiln nr, jlnt j.ui.i.i.n ,'ji mij iiiiii lining 11, inu jsiu.'iit, .fiiiip. .u ....... r...v bulky pnekages Is inoro difficult to Hole" arrived on the IJrcnlnvnter hnmll.. Ilini, mull - l.'vim limn II ' ,,,Ih 'HnIllJf. 'I lll'.V will reside III jianuie tnnn mail. hen tlien, H,.kii,iii,i ,i ,i, ,.,. rrimnii ihrn u.ii nnitvui (iiiii ihv limit,' -' 05 would be difficult to prevent the packages becoming crushed and rvnlorsoakod While It might menu a fw 1:i)h' delay to have the parcel post come by boat, Postmaster Curtis says that It looks n him as though it would bo tho best wny out of II. Anyway tho parcel post service by boat would be Just ns good ns could bo obtained by express. Mr. Curtis is anxious to secure tho oxprossloii of ns many as possi ble relative to tho proposed change. Mr. Kirk has won during his resi dence hero will unite In wishing tliem all tho hnpi Iness that can 1 conio to nnyone I 1 a fin fin mw A U 1 1 IJ b M rum ijhuw ; I ! f LEAGUE BASEBALL SCORE Portland Takes First Game of of New Series From Los Angeles, 7 to 2. When COAST I.I (ici: sT.wiii.vcs. Won Lost P.C. SSI IS .BB1 Along the Waterfront. . Tho Hard.' went down Mil. iiiv last evening to sail for San Fran cisco with a cargo of lumber. The Adeline Smith sailed lute yes terday for Oakland. The llrooklyn Is taking on n car go at North lleiiil mid will sail to morrow with pinwiingerH and freight for San Francisco. A.MO.V( tiii: SICK. I V. C. I.uiiil, f iVnulale. who Has been III nt Mercy Hospital for Home time, was a little better this innrii iir but Is still In n critical coiidltlou. i ,?''rV. "'"'""'''ley and dnughlnr left this uiiiruliiK vln Coiii,. fr their homo In ItoseburK. Mrs. limn- inersloy bns lienn In Mmv... n.,u..i...i for several weeks. Prizes to be Awarded Next Saturday for Best Display of Flowers. Coos Hay should bo no less fa- minis for IIh roses nml flowers than It Is for Its harbor. Hoses grow profusely and In rare beauty here and nil other flowers flourish no less luxuriantly. Thero should be more general recognition of tho adaptability of Coos Hay soil mid Portland . . , I.os Angeles ... .BO BB J Sacramento BB B:i Venlco B7 fiO I Oakland, fil I San Francisco . , . B I (,:. ..'IS i .BO li ' .IS7 .171 I (llr AmotUikI I'rtw la Coot IUjt Tlmw.l PORTLAND. Or.. July :io. I'oit laud took the first gnme of the new series from I.os Angeles yosterday, Tho scores yesterday: At I.os AngoloH R. if. h, I. OH A ML' o! on . ii r. i cllmnto to roso eiilturo nnd cultl-i Portland ..'. 7 1:1 i At Snu Francisco vatlon of flowers by their universal planting. F.vory doorynrd Hhoiild ; Oakland in have a place for flowers and the,San Francisco ! place should bu filled with bloom ing plants. 10 uiicouragi) tins condition ns R. II. i:. II 0 I At Sncrnnionto R. jr. Snernuieiito 12 '. Vonlcit n ...... 1 " . . "I'll as 10 snow strnngeiH tlio bonu ly ami abundance of Coos County roses mid flowers the I.oekhnrt- Pnrson drug store Is this wonk : " I.engue Decides to Sinn Om 1 ... WIU. Il.l( PORTLAND AT Till: IIOTKi.s lintel Coiw W. Ingersoll, South inlet: Mr Pelerson, South Inlet; vm. Oage Coqullle: p. W. nlUll8 ,.; HIM: O. C. llniiillii, Heaver Hill: Fred Pederon. Nmn, nml. uy 11. vtiiKPiunii. Myrtle Point; W Snl der. Mvrlli. Point: F. I.. Caldwell. Oold Illll; Fred .Mllehell. .ukMde. Hlniico Hotel, ' T. You nB. D,m,; ,T,,mw s,m. foil, Myrtle Point- S. .T. (illlette l'ortlnnd: P. M. Hnll-l.ewl.. c niilllo; w. n. HoberlH. .IIomu: I'loyd Smith, lllue Ridge; F. . .Mci.enn. .Mrtle Point: C. White.1 Dim i-rniicisco: Frank H.-ker. Port- n"n!u ', n,rK,"''-v- '''"'-"lice; W . took. Hoseburg; R0y Andrews ScottHliurg: liort Stanley. No,-,!," Rend. l.l)il Hotel. Raymond Hell. Portland: .l.iek Charters. Portland: C. A. Mmiln Handrn: N. S Madden. k,,h Ynl '.v; W. K. Rhodes. Wendllng. Or K Armstrong. Wendllng. Or.- i'i KwliiB. Cottage drove: J. V nder on. Merlin; I.. Maitln. l.o ,)f:0 O. Wlckham. .i,BeleK Harn Inkier. Portland. ' I ,,,. ,'l'ln' Clmmllei-. 1 ...nrta... 0 It lv 1. 1 ,.,-HaKJr 11 ., . " ' "lllW'H Inaugurating what may develop Int. an minimi flnwor show. It U to be In fact n flower show In minia ture. They offer three beautiful vases, hnndpnluted and reallv vnl- liable, for the thiee best display of Nut'tlmcM I.engue Team SAN FRANCmCO. July 30.- The Coast league directors at their Inst meeting illseiiMod the Portlnn-,1 situ ation nnd It was neuernlly agreed that Portland It getting too much Dowers brought to their store next 1 1,lll,"ill. Thereupon n resolution Sllllllthlv liefnr.. I) n'nliuii. ,. ,.. WHS IlltrodllfHil nml ml, .in.., I u. ,,... - ....... H ,,. ,,,. -- ......... v ... pi tiling Kiich dUplay will be numbered wi ' t,mt ,l ,l0 ',l0 lle of the meeting1 nun J 1 ones uiii mil Ln..,.. .,,.. ' iiiiii no iiiiihiiio iimil-ho in. tiiint,.. .1 1 - " ..... 1.1, .,,, I III' "- .-.-r.'.- "' 1..11111111 in owners and .Saturday iv.enlnir ilia ' lac-IIU- Coast I.eaguo territory nfier PiUeti will be Hwiiiiiiwi ti,.. .,,.i....u I Hie fi-ason of l!H:t. Mnniu..M- m..' "'--., ii 1 .I'j. - - ........ .in'. 1 Credle ulll in-nti-Ht ,. 1.., ,..... .! ........... Mn ,,v ...iii ,1, flower ,el' UJ"1 tnnis. consist of: First prlie, limul-pulittoil vnik1. value, Second prlie. hiid.imnto,i vnu. 'n...,.l,,S:...V",, A?u I'rlntliiK done nf ....I.... i.i,i.. ,,,t' inn's onice. tiiui , f 1 11,1111, Third prlxo. Austrian vae. value r-.Bii i:ery lover of f,.ve,s should promptly get ln. mm Hliow U, tors another Cons Hay ntiracilon as the home of beautiful flowers. Hunting for Deer he goes where there are deer and he expects to get them. WHEN A PERSON GOES! HUNTING for FURNITUREi h eYnoe timfleo fhova in fJ Va. .ii.. ... 1 if ,r 1 "c swto WHWl- i"s. ia vjuuu x uuiuure ana mac s wiiv so many people go to Going & Harvey'sthat's why there m so many Coos county homes furnished with Furniture that has come rrom the (jomg & Harvey store. Good Furniture and reasonable prices are the magnets ol attraction that draw so many people to the Going & Harvey store. A large display that offers excellent oooortuniiv for srWtm Every article guaranteed as represented. That's what has helpel the growth and development of this business into first place. JJiscount tor cash; or easy payments if you wish. Come in and see us. Remember, "We Sell It for Less" GOING & HARVEY CO, NOR.TH FRONT STREET, MARSHFIELD, ORE. I IWtWWMaKMMBiHHMMMM,,,,.. TBOUPEfWILL " BE HEM SOON S. S. NANN SMITH RAILS from SAX FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY MONDAY, Jl'LY28,AT3I.M. Cam-in- All Coos Bay Freight,:lC"Iv,fflCe' "? I?" ",,,K" ,, I'0""''1 ' "" ' "1 Intir.O,c.iut. 'Iranspoimtlon Co., C. l- Mcfieori:,.. al.. i ,, --.-, --r,. iiwiiv - ia I 11' Mini .,1""l,""'. l'ortland; .1,. , . V. ;.. . ''"Hri-.,; C. T. qA.V. ,;...'".""',; "-. .1 1 1 .. Hi'iin. don II 1, ,,0,l: (',,HH P"!. IHll. Jion, n Heck. I'ortl.ind: II It liar on. ortland: It. v. V ox. ' .n,il, " : h;l Coop,,,-, l-oitland: Iarv M .' ,heeey. C 1 lfr." Forest drm-.i 1 . .. ' "oiiniau. z . 'v:y. ..""!".. rrtiad 1'avsee, Se.vttle Mr. S. L".(iVl,,u,AY evenln.' v .inn 1, ,, iii:Sm,vj" LiiS?.u,.?Ji,',':,i,Ait. - .....m VUi oii-pn-i Clayman Players Coming From Eureka to Coos Bay for Ten Days' Engagement. Vim,. I'wit r,v,-lv,.,i V01.,, )(I(X "t he Cln.y..,a l'laj,..-,. Califor ilia to,k loninaiiv ui.i. 1. 1... 1 1 ''".vln; ai KureU, v. in Uo .... n..J "l' ut the .Macule. Tlu.v vl,l luaUe u ten day imir nf .1 ' ,. - -- . tin- riMuiiy Ihej ,Wl. uiuUly and A''- TlUtt hi-a uUr. . , .. ., - - cvnrt-u lite --- i-uuHiy iiut for The lv-,,1. ,lw, Hn' four ifel. aud he e-i,e,t8 o-trt then, n, Xortl, Itl , , wn.H.tnn,l put them 0 n In "a Vl, town n the county lh. mmem I I 1 KQUII'PKD WITH WIREIiGSS S. S. ALLIANC) KQUIPPKI) WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTU", AUGUST 2, AT 11 A. H ROUND TRIP, $18.50 OONNKOTING WITH TIIE NOItTII BANK llOAU AT POK ""-1" rnuu'iu UTRAMRDin r-nniPANY. O. F. McOEOKrt' Pliono 41 Steamship Breakwater AIAVAVu rv ipiim SAiLixo ntoM i'oini,A.njri-jarji'iA' SAM.!. w,, 'i: ::-" AT "- """ -i .H I A" I, (, :u. at i i i r" i" mss-- -- I I. . J I, II), Ul, t 1. 21, SU AXI Pictures SPraming Walker Studio i. STKUM.VO, Ascni. New and Second Hand furniture sold on tj,0 Installment plan. HAItmXGTOX, DOYLE & , 802 Front St. I'hone 810-L MrsWield, Or. C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. DETAIL DEPARTMENT "W",bUl T. SHINOLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AS" HOOPING PAPER. ETC. CUT THE FUEL DILI, ,N TWo y USINQ 0UK WO0P. 1 UOSB ,00 im SOUTH DK SZlO ABSTRACT COMPffiJ abstracts of titles T 'I? pioa or aH records Coos vv" to real estnfl i?.8' ,ple.s?nt owners, or any other Worma"01 nuSI.NESS 6l?F ICI i ?? I?0? not,co- , ,. VL T viiiiuh. H7 xortti Frout St., Marehflel rl lQrae n Pi iii. PIxup : street Prnted w mnkl lay smlli W.J. RUST, WZ4