THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1913-EVchllNG EDITION. Take Your Profit Now rOU buy clothes for the profit you get out of the deal. It's a good idea to keep that in mind when you buy clothes or mything else. The amount of profit you get depends on what :Iothes you buy when you buy them. Kiglil now, (luring our clearance suK you can get Hart Schaffner & Marx iuils at one-fourth ol'i' regular prices. Such suits are always profitable to he wearer. You may as well gel the benefit of an extra summer suit. The H'oi'it in it is here lor you. W MPs ,r nr jpjp Men's .ftto.OO Suits now $20.85 Men's $150.00 Suits now $22.85 Ion's $27.50 Suits now $20.85 Men's $25.00 Suits now $18.85 Men''-' $22.50 Suits now $10.85 Men's $20.00 Suits now $M.85 Men's $17.50 Suits now $111.85 ilea's $15.00 Suits now $11.85 McnV $12.50 Suits now $ 9.85 Men's $10.00 Suits now $ 7.85 BOYS' KNICKERBOCKER SUITS, 25 PER CENT OFF. BOYS' STRAIGHT PANTS SUITS, 1-2 PRICE. 50c I3ALI3RiaClAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, 35c. BOYS' ODD STRAIGHT PANTS, 25c WOOLEN MILL STORE Apparel Specialists for Men and Boys. JULY TIOICS. Below Is given tlio tlmo and height of high and low water at .Marsiniold. Tho tides aro plated In tho order of oecurronco, with their times on th first lino and heights on tho socond lino of each day; a compar ison on con ccutlvo heights will Indlcato whether It Is high or low water, r'or high water on tho bar 30Hrs. . G.09 1.00 fi.29 0.0 Ft. 0.7 4.2 2.8 0.0 31 lira.. 0.03 7.00 1.55 C.39 Ft... 6.2 0.5 1.0 2.G The Parisian iw Store of Ladies' Children's Ready-to-Wear Garments ;jimt opened In tho O'Connoll building. Market nveniio. This be our temporary quarters, an we will niovo In our new In the new Chundlor Mock about: September 1st. WE SHOWING A HIO VARIETY OF LADIES' A.N'l) .MISSUS' m-:i suits, coats, struct and party uowns, at RH I.KHH TIIA.N UUST TO J1A.MM1 iU I'lMUU, All HII001 IIIUI ' gowns aro Individual In style, no two alike, made especially rni-: Parisian. new fire WARDEN II. A. Penrco, or Port Orford. linn been appointed flro warden of this county. It will bo his duty to overseer 38.000 acres of forests. Langlols Leader. WEATHER FORECAST. IHr Aaaoclate.l rru to Cooi lly Tlmr OREGON Fair tonight and Thursday. Wanner In tho east portion. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending at 1:43 a. in., July 30, by IJenJ. Ostllnd, special Government mc tcrologuu. Maximum fifi Minimum 1 1 At 1:43 n. ni 40 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1. 1912 ., ci. 82 Precipitation aamo period last year 01.17 Wind: Northwest, clear. BORN. r CLARKE To Mr. and .Mrs. M. Clarke, of Porter, July 27, a 9 pound daughter. They recently eaino hero from Wendllng, Oregon. ixtra Special While They Last lot Ladles WAISTS, VI. 15, vnlues up to $ 1.00 lot Children's DRESSES ,05, values up to $ .85 lies LINEN SI'ITS S7.7.", values up to $11.75 Bit the store, as wo luivo many other good bargains to show 'get our prices. You are welcoino'ut nil times wiie:nor you J ii no or not. PHONE 158-R TEN-CENT Messenger Service M.ttsm-'ii:r.D cvcr.i-:iiv. WANT ADS. FOIt KALE A nearly new piano, sold cheap If taken at once. Party leaving town. Call at Curroy's Hurher Shop. I'Olt SALE .burner "IliMmince" KMHolIno stovu; good condition. Inquire Times office. The Parisian "it'll llulldiug. MAHSHFIELH, OREGON'. FOR SALIC Launch, IH-ft., first class condition, fully equipped, lights, fire extinguisher, fog horn, life preservers, pump and oars. $05. 23'.i S. Broadway. WANTED TO RENT About Aug. 10. a small furnished country place, for about 2 wooks, oltbor on Coos Itlver or Ton Mllo lakes. Phono 30S-.I. FOIt RENT In West Mnrslillcld; l-rnom furulHlied house, Phono 171-X. 'RPHEUM TONIGHT ?i:i:t of the best moving pictures; composed of tin: best dramas and comedies, good music, admissiox tex cents. tANDOM BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE'FUTURE A few tex ACHE THAOTS FOUR SULKS SOUTH ox lUNTY ROAR 8il PER ACRE: SlOO CASIL HALANCE I'O YEARS, NO INTEREST, NO TAXES, FINE SANDY AM, LEVEL BENCH LAND. uy One It Will Make You Money Doimald MacKmtosh KAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. I'Olt ItEXT ll-iitoiii (((tinge on South Uuuker 1 1 111. Call or phono 31U-X. FOIt SALE, CHEAP One 1.1(H) pound truck, In llrst-elass condi tion. See GOODRSmS Phone 373-L FOIt SALE Thoroughbred pups. Phono 1453, North Hen Spitz d. LOGS FOR SALE Mills villi bo re ceived until August 1st nt noon for tho logs used ns foundation of liouso that burned on North Front street last Friday morning. French Realty Co., 315 1-2 N. Front st. FOR SALE Team, wagon and har ness In good condition. Prlco rea sonable. Inquire Eastsldo Orado. FOIt RENT SI-rooni modern liouso on Coutrni nvenuo. In qulro E, A. Andorson. Phono 252-L. FOR SALE Hrooil sows, Chester whlto, will farrow early Septem ber. Prlco $20, dollvored In Mnrshflold, Address box J, caro Times. Rates for dling Trunks Ul trunks between nnv Marshfleld for tho follow- dellverv to Jin mmln In torles of buildings: F as Inks Kn ?n3 i.ko mjfer and Storage Co. fvl Helsner, Proj). . 120-J: 49-L; 98-R, J. SOAIFE. fWN t A. II. nODGINB ld PAINT AND utlUKATING CO. Jmates FurnUheSi Marslifleia, Ore. The Royal TONIGHT The Butler Stock Co. will present "OLD HICKORY" a three-act niolodrama In which tho prldo of the old Southern ne gro Is vividly prortyado. The Dutler Company opened last night to a largo and appre ciative audlonco and prov ed thomsolves very good. A three-reol feature. "Tho Wheels of Destiny," will be shown In addi tion to tho already big show and In order to see It you must come early. ONE BIG SHOW. Admission: Lower Roar. SJ5c. Balcony, 13c. Children, 10c. BUSINESS CHANCES If you aro looking for n business of any kind It will pay you to boo- Mc Millan. Coos Day Realty Co., 150 rront street. Leave Tomorrow J. E. Norton and W. F. McEIdownoy aro listed to leave by Drain tomorrow for tho iMiriu. Plan Plcnle Tho Blue Ridge TIgora aro planning to kIvo another I annual picnic soon. Last vour their .Initial free picnic wns a great suc cess. Ship Cheese. Tho Rainbow brought sovonty-ono cases of cheeso. 3000 pounds of which aro consigned to k. ii. kiock and 1200 for C. A. Smith. RaNe Boat. Cnpt. Herman Ed wards Is In town today from tho tow boat Powers and roportB that operations are undor way to ralso tho stranded craft. On Outing. II. .1. McKeown, Mayor Straw and V. V. Johnston, of Ilcglna, Can., left today for tho Tyborg place above Allegany whero thoy will enjoy a fow days' hunting and fishing. (Jo Hunting. Tom Hall and Mr. Thomns, of the Thomns Music liouso, loft yesterday for Eckloy, whero thoy will try and bag a fow deer early Friday moinlng, tho first day of tho season. Returns Home. Dr. Ira Dartlo, who motored to Roseburi; this week to meet Mrs. Uartle, who Is return ing from an extonded visit with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Coke, In Los Angeles, nnd Miss Mildred Coke, Is expected homo today. (Jets Auto. Jack Lawlor, of the Emplro Ilotol, returned yesterday iroin Portland nnd Tncnma. I In brought a 00-horsopowor auto with him with which ho expects to Install a two-hour sorvlco botweon Marsh Hold, North lloiul and Emplro. Off l-'or Hunt. Dr. Tnggart and Chns. Powers loft yestorday for tho Elklioru district to bag a fow deor. Orvlllo Wilson, of Sumner, Tom Goodnlo, Warnor Ogron and Goorgo Catcnlng will leavo today In Mr. Ooodnlo'B auto for Curry County to bng a fow thoro. Workman Hint. Tom Klnnoy, an employe of Smith-Powers enmp No. 7, sustained n dislocated shouldor yesterday and wns brought to Mer cy Hospital whero tho Injury wns rod u cod and ho Is getting along nicely. No Insurance. Thoro was no In surant on tho Mnxwcll initio build- WANTED By eierlenced woman, position as camp cook. Address Box 144, Bandon, Oregon. FOR RENT OR SALE Two houses, 7 rooms and 4 rooms on Eastsldo. Apply Honry Black. Phono 150-J. FOR SALE Motorbont, length 20 feet, motor six h.p., four cycle Truscott; prlco ?275. Inquire at Times office. CRANBERRY MARSH FOR SALE One-half mllo from North Slough boat landing and quarter-mllo from R. R. depot; 1G0 acres, 40 acres available for cranberry marsh, 6 acres planted, 2 acres producing cranberries, 4 acres will bo bearing by another year. Crop this year will bring $700. The marsh Is planted with the finest Jumbo varieties from Wis consin. Address or call on R, Lyon, North Bend, Or. Men, Here's Your Chance Your cholco of any $2. GO and $3.00 HAT In o.ur storo, including tho special STATESMAN and THOROUGHBRED hats for Only $1.50 These Includo many of this season's styles, and thoro Is nothing reserved. Any alit In the Store for $1.50 Now Is the tlmo to get a now hat and save money. Seo our wlndoK. THE BAZAR Phone 32. iiouse of Quality. Ing which wns destroyed by fire jostorday according to Inter Infor mation. Tho loss will bo small, tho belongings of W. P. Fox tho enro taker, having been saved. Mr. Fox has boon caretaker of tho property for years. Wants Dlvowiv Snrmtnl T VnnUn has begun suit against Poako lor a divorce. Ho docs not know her present wherenbouts. Is At'iested. I.I. Siininor, a North Hend piano tunci, wnB arrested to day by Marohal Carter for Intoxi cation. Marahal Carter annt tn North Bend for Sumner's mother to straighten him up. Makes Statement. Late today Tho Times received a lengthy state em from Mrs. Jennie M. Stewart relative to the troublo between the Stownrt and Wilson families. It camo too late for publication today. .Moonlight Picnic. A moonlight oxcurslon to tho Snnd Hills is plan ned for Friday evening by n number of Marshfleld young people. It will be Klven In honor of Miss Ellen Flook, who Is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Levi Smith. Hot Trip. W. E. Ditngnn hns re ceived a letter from .rack Flanagan snylng that ho has reached Portland on route homo from his Idnho trip. Ho returned via Hums nnd Vale and snys It was awful hot. Ho will reach home the last of tho wcok. Kills Wild Cattle Frank Wilson was In from North Inlet, whore ho hns been rusticating, this weok and snys that D II. P. Howard lias been shooting somo of tho wild cnttlo on his ranch and selling them for beef. Tho critters arc too wild to handlo or drive. A Double Dahlia. The Times of fice was mndo radiant this morning with n beautiful bunch or dnhllas from Dal Cathcart's garden. In tho display was ono double dnhlla with two perfect blooms on a sln glo stem. Dnl says ho Is not trying to outdo Burbank. but ho Is not say ing ho couldn't do It, cither, If ho tried. May Tow Barge. It Is reported that Porter Brothors aro mnklng nr rangonionts with tho C. A. Smith company whoroby tho Nairn Smith nnd Adellno Smith will tow their barges of lumber between Snn Fran cisco and Coos Bay, tlio tug Roscoo handling tlioin botweon Coos liny and Floronco whoro thoy will bo londcd at Porter Drothora mill. Fine Concert. The opon-nlr con cort glvon by tho Coos Bay Concert Hand Inst overling wns ono of tho most delightful thnt has been given by Director Fonton and his players. Thoro was a good crowd and tho np plaiiso was liberal. Wolfram Schinoddlng's rendition of "Tho Whistler nnd His Dog" wns especial ly pleasing. For New Street. J. P. Morris was bore today from North nond on business. Ho says thoro Is noth ing now In tho Klnnoy-Wllsoy deal. Mr. Morris Is advocating tho com pletion of Elovonth street by Marsh Hold to connect up with Shorman aveniio, which will connect up with Nowmnrk Btrcot which Is bolng put through to Emplro. Ho snys this system of streets would ho tho best thing for the wholo Day. Recovers Ring. A Times want nil yestorday brought Joy to Mrs. II. L. Coloman, who Is visiting her pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Snvago. Hor llttlo son lost a gift ring on tho street. .Mrs. A. 11. Stutsman later found It nnd brought It to Tho Times offlco nnd a found ad was In serted nnd tho ring was promptly claimed by tho owner. Woik Progressing. Work on tho Irving block, W. S. Chnndlor's now building nt Coutrni and nrondway, Is progressing nlcoly nnd Messrs. Nnson and Wrlghr oxpoct to luivo It completed bofnro tho dnto original ly fixed, Soptomhnr 15. Tho plaster ing Is well along and tho linndsomo appearanco of tho building both In terior nnd exterior, Is becoming moro ovldont every day. 1'enrs Rabies. C. X. Coombs, chlof oporntor at tho Capo Blanco wlroless stntlon, has koiio to Port- mud to take tho Pasteur troatnionr for rallies. Ilia pet Scotch Colllo wont mnd nnd In handling him somo of tho froth from tho dog's mouth got on his hands, which wero badly scratched and as ho feared posslblo Infection, ho stnrtod at onco to boo oxports. Tho dog wns killed. Has Hard Time. P. A. McNabb, who Is living on Isthmus Inlet now, was In Marshflold yestorday nnd ro ports nn unusual streak of hard luck. Their young son Biiffored nn attack of bloodpolsonlng and hns n'ot recovered from It yet. Mrs. McNabb, whllo caring for him spill ed somo boiling wator In hor shoo, bliBtorlng hor foot. In somo nian nor, tho wound becamo Infected from hor son. This was scarcely cured until sho Infected an Injur; to hor hnnd and sho Is now recov orlng from that. Their son Is slow ly Improving, but It Is fenrod that tho bono has boon Infected. Mrs. McNabb's mother Is hore from near Roseburg to visit thorn. Dal Cath- cart recalled yestorday that ho had attended the marrlago of tho latter noarly fifty years ago and says that tho last tlrno ho met hor, a number of years ago, sho was rejoicing ovor thp fact that she had twenty grand children, ten boys and ten girls, and wns only sixty years old. PERSONAL NOTES HURT DOREMUS leaves tomorrow for South Inlet for a hunt. MISS ROSE Mc DONALD of Lake side is vlsltlns In town for a few days. TOM STEWART loft on tho nrtor noon train for Myrtle Point on business. J. A. GOODWILL, of Coos River, was a Marshfleld business visitor yesterday. CIIAS. SPOONER Is n business vis itor here for tho day from Catch ing Inlet. JAMES STOCK, of Sumner. la spondlng the day hero on n busi ness trip. MRS. TILLO COLLVER Is In town today from Catching Inlet on a shopping trip. ARTHUR KOLSTAD enmo to town thrs morning from Coos River to spond tho day. L. L. HAZELTON, tho Catching In let dairyman, Is horo for the day on a business trip. MRS. I. S. KAUFMAN Is ontortnln Ing tho Bridge Quartotto at her no mo this afternoon. MRS. HERMAN SMITHOALL, of Cntchlng Inlet, Is horo on a busi ness nnd plensuro trip. JAS. I1ENNETT resumed his posi tion as chlof engineer at the C. A. Smith mill this weok after enjoy ing a two weeks vacation. MR. AND MRS. CIIAS. TERRY re turned this morning from a short visit to South Coos River. DR. P. W. HOPKINS of Beaver Hill Is hero on business. Ho oxpects to icnvo tins weeic ror Portland. MISS MILLIE GOULD enmo down from Allegany tills morning nnd Is visiting at tho E. C. Darker home. .MRS. W. A. TOYE will ontertaln a fow friends the latter part of tho week at her homo on Central avonuo. J. McMAUGIITON, wife and young son returned to North Bend this morning nftor n woolen outing at Allegany. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE of Coqulllo wont to Ten Mllo yesterday on legal business. He will return homo today. HAROLD CHAPMAN' will leavo to morrow to spend n fow days with his xrandfnthcr, W. P. Fox nt tho Maxwell mine. S. J. GILLETTE of Portlnnd arrived yestorday on tho Alllnnco to accept a position ns drug clerk In Lock hart & Parsons HOWARD SAVAGE oxpectB to lonvo on tho Breakwater tomorrow to visit his sister, Mrs. Jns. Pollock In Portland, who hns been qulto 111. MRS. W. S. NICHOLSON will enter tain tomorrow compllmontnry to Mrs. Cyrus Hnppy, of Spoknno, Washington, who Is visiting Mrs. O. W. Knufmnn. E. O. HALL wns In from Sumner today to rocnlvo modlcal treat ment for his leg which was bro ken somo tlmo ago. but continues to troublo him. ROBERT SWANTON nnd Frnnk. Howo havo Joined tho Coos Bay hunting dolcgntloiiH nnd havo gono to Curry county for n fow days ex pedition In search of deer. WALTER HILL nnd wlfo hnvo mov ed from Fifth Btroot Into tho A. D. Hall rcsldenco on Hnll avonuo, which was rocently vacated by Mrs. Jas. L. Forry and family. FRED WARD, L. Jordan and Dr. Iladley, who aro horo from tho Wlllamotto Vnlloy on a plcnouro trip spont yostordny at tho Light liouso and report n very lino tlmo. .MISS IOLA WHISTLER, who enmo horo from Conor d'Alono, three months ngo, has left for Mcdford to visit frlondH nftor which slip will go to her homo In Clnrkston, Washington. MRS. L. C. SOULE nud daughter Alta arrived horo yesterday from Bandon nnd hnvo taken apart ments at tho Lloyd Ilotol. Thoy expect to Bpond tho romnlnder of tho Bunimor hero. BISHOP SCADDING, of tho Epis copal Dlocoso of Oregon, nnd wlfo, arrived hero today on tho nreak wator from Portland for their an nual outing nt Bandon and also to visit tho parishes In Coos and Curry Counties. Hnvo your Job printing dono nt Tho Times offlco. FISHERMEN ATTENTION, Tho Coos Bay Ire & Cold Sto rage Company will handlo Chi nook Salmon and will pay 3 cents per pound at their dock for all bright fifh. Have your Job printing done at The Times office. RAILWAY HERE IN 15 MONTHS Thai's good news that Engineer JLoey sends from Eugene that the S. P. will he (ompleted into Coos Bay and running trains into Marshfiold in 15 months. Equally good news is the fact that the most refresh ing and wholesome fountain drinks to he had on Coos Bay may he found at Sar ter's. Sartor's is ."just as famous here as the S. P. hecauso Sartor has hcen giv ing service of tho best for more than 15 months. Come to Sartor's tomorrow. Penslar Liver Saline makes tho liver lively and Im proves tho disposition. 2."5c and QOc for salo by us only. STORE FOR QUALITY GOODS AND PENSLAR REMEDIES. J w AVJ B PJ TM VM VH flEwJ