6fiUJH-i3fl -oauaMBHifc-t j THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, T913-EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALOXKY Editor und Pub. DAN i:. MALOXHV News Editor Offlrlnl I'nncr of Coot County. OFFICIAL I'AI'KR OK THE CITV OK MAltHIIKIKM). A (lit MAT OUT. ONK f!lft Hint Is possible to (ill men the best of all to rc relvc. the noblest of all to bestow- Is a tender, compassionate, forgiving love. And love shall romo Into tbo human heart open to receive it, ns dawn steals across the hilltops; silent and soft and slow, then sud denly, n Brent rndlnm-e, more real by fnr than human llfu Itself. (JUT IJL'SV. and Now. Dean Hole relates: "Nye. tho American lumiorlst. brilliant i as tlio best, whoso comod never 1 falls to rharni, and whose tragic death I shall never cease to mourn, told mo that when he met Wagner he said to him, 'Your music Is be vond my comprehension, but I al ways feel sure when I nenr It that It Is rcnlly much better than It sounds.' " I DRUNKEN ORGY DAILY ItlDDI.KS. P THINGS need cheering up, cheer 1'enii ir tney need noosiing, uooat em; If they need shaking tip, shako 'em; If they need something else, give 'em that see that some thing Ir done to relievo whatever Is wrong, ax i. v. v. m-ntrrr A Portland paper Bays: "An In Bnno patient shouted continuously for Bovcn hours nt the top of his voice without saying anything intelligible. Want n splendid recruit for the I. w, w. piauorm. t limuf ttma. 1. What are the three degrees of getting on In the world? 2. Why Is an air played by an or chestra like Iinllnn robbers? .1. What is that which will give a cold; cure n cold and pay me doc tor's bill? 4. When Is a fnshlonnblo young woman like n stingy old womnn? r. Win 1u llm Intt'AH mrf nt n man's fnco shaved In January like a celebrated fur? Answers. 1. (let on, get honor, get honest. z. it is a itanu umy. .1. A draft. 4. When she makes a great bus tie about a little waist. . It's a chln-chllly. ritisco u'liiTi: slave cask. WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA n - uoon kvexixo. Thero never wns a bad man who had ability for good service. llurke. immortal oalleries. If men but knew the mazes of the brain And nil Its crovded pictures, they would need No Louvre or Vatican; lirnu'M Intricate gallorlcH are built, whose walls Aro rich with all tho splendor of a life. Each crimson leaf of every autumn walk, Dowdrops of chlldhood'H inornlnis, overy scene From nny window where we've chanced to stand: Forgotten sunsets, suinuier after noons, Hang resh In those Immortal galler ies, Few over can unlock them, till grent Death Unrolls our lifelong memory as a rcroll. Ono key Is solltui'.n, and silence one, jwiii one u uuiei mind, content to res: Maury IHggi ami Andrew Cumlncttl Plead Xot (Jtillty. (fir Amo Ulr! ITfii Is Coot nty Tlmrt ) SAN FRANCISCO, July .10 .Mau ry Dlggs and Andrew Cnnilncttl, al leged white slavers, whoso prosecu tion has caused so much discussion In Congress and elsowhere, pleaded not- guilty In the United States Dis trict Court today. Their trial was set for August ". LOCAL OVERFLOW. HORN I iw.1,1..,! ,ir CROUCH To Mr. and Mrs. Perry behind our CnwU f m ,,,, , home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ma gary in West Marshlleld. Tuesday. July 2, a daughter. ENDS FATALLY Gus Ulrich, Logger, Singing Home, Sweet Home, Jumps Into River Off Express "Hoys, I don't want to live any longer." "Home, Sweet home, be It-- In another Instant Ous Ulrich , was plunging headlong from the cabin of the launch Express tnto ; toos River. The first bars of the I old familiar song had a pathetic I tinge to the balnnce of those on the ' iioat, even though they came In a , maudlin way from the drunken log er who had decided to end It nil. I'lrlch's first reninrks were tlinmrlit In- tlm nnrlv tn be a loku and no oiio attempted to stop him ns 1n arose ami in another Instant It was too late. The affair hnpnoned near SI Noah's ranch. The Express was under full headway and could not stop, but T. F. Hauschlldt was fol lowing closely In his launch nnd he saw the man Jump. He threw nut an oar to I'lrlch when the latter came to tlic surface, mil ne reiuseu to grasp It. He stopped his launch nnd backed up, but as he neared the drownlnc man. the latter sank for the Inst time. Al Smith, I.es Smith nnd others began dragging the river and last evening recovered tho body. Thero was nothing on It except some knives, tobacco nnd bottles of nlco- hol nnd whiskey. There wore no let ters to show anything about the dead man's relntlves. Whether anything will bo found In his luggage which was taken up on the Express. Is not known. Ulrich cnino here about a year imo from California to work on the Wll lett (c Hurr lino. Lately ho has been working at various logging enmps. his lost Job being nt the Mc Donald & Vaughnu camp on Daniels Creek. He seldom remnlned long nt n place, coming to town for n spreo nfter he had worked n week. Mini Mureiiiiis know mm Hiigiuiy ALLOVER LACES SOc to SS.OO ,r ,''" and llarl t:,tT' WE HAVE OVER THIRTY MTARATE TERXS IX ALLOVJ.lt LACES AS It DISTINCT axi xets. PAT- LANDG'S pro.mit deliveries uih-ii.-. fuoxt street. OOOI (JOODS. I'HOXE YOl'H ORDERS IMIOXE HII-L. Slllllln 1'l? x, -- '. . i. 5,t.t.onJ DE.V.IA.MIX OSTmx" Aicliitoei, " Phono IO.'1-L enJ Mark Twain was once asked, best?" "Of all your books, which do you consider the lie promptly replied, "My hunk book." 4 Tho man or woman, boy or girl, who earns some, spends less, nnd has a savings pass book on this bank. Is on the road to success. 1 T M. WKK1HT. I J CONTRACTOR Avn lllllt 111,.. l''u I Estimates furnished on ,. j Plans nnd specifications f3 I If desired. An honest U . teed. Phono 124-R. m ,!t TOEL OSTMNI), I J Ptllllll Tlllw. ....1 .. 1 41b S. Sixth Street. WonTfel j Leave orders at W. R, Hn.' "HI jo, - ,pKKfj UILBV IIAM1iiJ55p ! l'lunlst nml t...i Ragldonco-Studlo. 237 a t,.? Phono ls.i Dm1l fIRST NATIONAL BANK OP COOS BAY G. GHANDIiKit, in i',i' .,,.ffi..i. 1 ....... ,,,.. ie iMUscopul church and tlm linu ... ...... 1, nixiiiiuiii , .11111 unit- 11 in ...11 1. ..ii.ii..- ,, . ---.--. world, uiimuim. no una uriven niiout Not dabbling all the Master's work il.'Knr ,,,,!J.r.,,li" ,,I,.",B for ,,lt' Tt'r to death nlnala nnrtii Front street work, Dmlste Due Sunn. Tho Dredge Seattle will arrive hero about August f 111111 I?.. ii 11.. ..a.... I- . .... Hum nviuiif iu mini mo I'liaunei 1 " '- v - ...... eepenlng on Coos liny under the 'mvlng secured several Jobs for him !.. .. .... It a tlli.l tt'fl ii uiitiilliit Tilt! lt xnatitH.lmi mi ui tuns nay contract. On lltintlntr Tiiu It. i.' r',,v Portland, formorlv n Hiinoiiiumi nir, er. nnd W. Ashloy. II. R. Ilnrton. C. O llorfmnn and others passed through here today on route to his inn. (.tunny Homings f0r n ieor hunt. Driving Piling. Clms. Noble has taken his pile driver off the Terminal Railway extension on Vm-n, i.v,. .,rco.1. '." nilt '" tlle foundation for IK, iiiiiiik rt-iuiuii put'iui jiiijh iui nun , ii 1 1 was sending him out yestertlny of to Hnerk's camp nt Smith Ilnsln. PERSONAL OVERFLOW With cur small liitrferunri. Cod Is Coo. Kilwipi Rowland Sill. It aln t luck; Its merit. Just live by the slilo or the road nnd be a friend to man. If you think y an, there' no ono to stop you from tryliiK. rooKV! Old Mother Nettlcoat Vnnted n petticoat And went down town to n store, Hut when she got thero The girl said, with a staro. i "They're not wearing thoni things nny more." -::-- Tlio time to eat green corn off the cob nnd enjoy It to (he fullent extent Is when nobody is looking. -::-n- Tho lightning buK brilliant, Hut to hasn't nny mind, Hi tmuhloN iluoiiKh oxlHteiici :.: . !h tall '.,t on behind. -U-JJ- thoro leinnlnlng about 1 100 feet yet Xo Kinney Xews Mnjor L. ). Mnnoy up to a late hour this af ternoon had not received nnv ad "Ises from Portland relative to the llsoy deal or Judge llronnugh's return, although today was the date mu In Wllseys telegram the other ;'av ror llronnugh's arrlvnl. Neither has any definite word been received from Judge Harris relntlve to the appointment of receiver. ; NORTH BEND NOTES. I V from big' II. J. KIMRALL returned todnv from n business trip to Portland. D. 0. KICNYON. of Falrvlew. Is a business visitor hero for the duv. L. I). SMITH, of Coos River. Is In Mnrshlleld on business nnd pleas ure. A. T. HAINKS arrived home on tho Hreukwuter today from n business trip to Portland. MRS. ('HAS. MUIR nnd Mrs. A. A. ICinor.v. of North Rend, were Mnrshlleld visitors today. MISS MARY M'CHICSNKY arrived here today from Portlnud to vis- It nt tho c. R. Peck homo. MR. AND MRS. DKTWILKR return ed to Myrtlo Point todny nfter a short utuv on the Rev DICK DINNKCAN of San Frunclsco rifiii.,,. ....I it I..I.. .. .....i 1 ...,,.,. , (iu.iui inn nun umy a won known trnvollng man Is back on the Hay. MRS. J. W. MOTLKY loft today for South Coos River, where she will bo tho guest of Mrs. K. Ceo. niuitu. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OI.DKST HANK IX C(K)S COl'XTY. KstnltlNhed 18HK. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Time Deposit),. Officers: J. W. Rennet t, President. J. II. Flnmiu.Mii. Vice-President. It. F. Williams. Ciislilci-. (Jeo. F. Winchester, Assistant Cnshler. w Archibxt Roonm 801 nnd 1102. pm,. Marslifleld, Oregon. f rIt. W. MOIMIOW J- llunll.t j 171 Grimoi IJiilldli.g, ore, . I Tlieter. Olllce Phone SI rXVM. 8. TUIU'K. " " j W AHCHITF.CT Marslifleld, Oregon. yu. a. j. HKNimva ! -"' Modern Di-nt.l t..i. Wvj are oaulppod to do high c!nl nun uu ouuii uoilCO at ttl Trl lowest prices. Kxnralnatloa si I rtnn.l1n. t.i' .., ...'!l 1 , i, in, mi imiinn u;.; Oreut Display of Wr Autumn and Winter G A Call mill got your chulro oat cfil iiousauiiH pntterni. 1 KJUU Divss kMkU ., SUITS ISI.-i TO S.10. -i rront street . . rlW.,l F. W. Kern returned todnv a business trip t0 Portland. ' Henry lloeck left yesterdnv for his IokkIiik cniup at Sinlth'8 ilnrn. lie will put a large crew to work and get out lots of logs for the fall rise. Mrs. Claude Hockett. of l'limii-,. was shopping bore vestenlnv on the Ihiv. 'inn ireua llazer expects to leave -"AIR DANO has resumed his posl Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HFXHY SIIXOSTACKICX, .Malinger FARM. COAL, TIMIIKi; AXD l'L.VITIX(J LAXDS A SPi:CILTY (ji:xi:ual A(ii:xTs kastsidi: . MARSHFIKLD OFFICK, PHOVK I'Oyt ILLi: CITY OFFICK PHOXI I l-.T. 11)1. FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, FOR GOOD mm ! Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundo j We always deliver the gooi i Phone 57-J Marshtt St. Hel ns Hall ill a coiiniK nr u'lmbu t.... 11....1. ....... ....I. . I ... """" '"I IM'IIU'II'J, uluu'o si... will enter the I'nlversltv of California when the winter mw. ."Ion heglns. I Alfred .lolinson. principal of one of he lacouui K, Schools, mid a 1. " tiiikii r ....ii. . -....- lull',,, tin. tire.1 tow., mm, .i,.. .' . " .'." -M "" ,,,," ""'von years ci IAS. STAFFF and M. A. Sweet-1 man ion in .Mr. Htnuffs launch. I iui? Jii iiiitii mil . im tiimttiiti t iii.. i .... inornlng. n i-outlab,kwio OPTIMO U'AM'tsnv iu i , Rotldent nnd Day School for Girl i ..V... ?.. .I1 S..S J lR'l.t' . fl" ! Inct..r,ot Hl.tm of m.J0, U,,.l. .!... '",. . ..u nun uu iiih regular trip mid """ Aamie tm n.m.nurr DtpwtmVaTt iniTl "W rr,OI,rt" ,U"' ,,"8,,),,K','H1 """ft rSruuTI"J,,i'I,4,0,,,,,8c,'','; uu. aisTiii m ri:iii(iii,otfi(,-K jariner ran re re In tlm ,v.,i., Ho doesn't have to go to the mov Inn picture show. -it-tj-Uluo Is all right in tin, skv. And all rlKlit In the maiden's oyo. Rut get It In your system. It will kill you, ,y ainl hyo. -It-K- ! STOHY OF TIIK DAY. Rill No was once liitrodurod to Wngner, the coinponer. In Then ii,... ..i.i.i fai,.n.. :....,".. .: .""' """k ii .V . """ "'" "'"11118. Ho v divide the greater part of his time h; ween tho A. Johnson home on , I lies lnet mm the A. .1. Davis Home im .shernian avenue. I Mrs. .1. .. .Incihson left thU inoriilijic hy auto for Medford. where Hhe w I r sit l.r sou. later K to California hefore returning home Mr. and Mrs. Rimcoe llaxer and on iim.r,. ,ft ye.terduv for iMitlng at Ten .Mile. ' nii.'iU,Vi..-H ,".,'y' U'wU Halslimer for I'll ir,J l1aw,,',', ,,,ft "' f I I.Ik Rock, nlmwt Allegany, where t'ey will limn for a lime. PRIZES FOR COOS COUNTY FLOWERS I7 ' io-iniil imrpow of HhowlMB vi. .... " f other HiH-tl.ni the l.rllllaucy and he. ,, "ira,,K8" from 1 of Coos Hay and to oZJi , ', l 1St"' 'U,l, f,owe residents at ho,!,., wo1 ,a ' ,' , , ' lh"" uy the -omo vases for the three hes I " 1 ", "' '' "" pr,M8 ,,,r, " "Tho l.us) Comer- hefure 9 ov!o! nr "owo ro,.BlU SATURDAY, AUGUST 2ND Loekhart & Parson's Drug Stom ., . l,la'8 n,ld Wn 'm to the Here .lie name of ea , ,,," ,,,. ' n l',ock' oveii.ng a niiml.or. The .......her , in , ,. l,.,too,, '" a lu,0 Slveii the Judges m) k now , " ,,, " '." ? wh-.' the display S(, t ,a -.,-.., iiiiu ri ii.i.t. .. ... "UIUIIK lllllfl 'ifiAN 1. ....,, itUVI II M 8 Saturday and follows: vision. All fl ers ,,, , "r " f,owcr" b'"K l-rlw. awarded St.dov'".1 ,yl1 '" 0,,r w,,u,ow 1'lrst prize. raU,?R .C,,,,K: Tho nrlin are as SirSr- ton at the Flanagan & Dennett oaiiK niter n vacntlon sient nt Ten Mile mid In Currv Countv. l'RIR) McCORMAC who has heen speu ling his vacation m the Krank Rogers' lauch on Coos River inine down yesterday for n shon stay In town. . V. WILLIAMS nnd wife nnd daugh tors. Misses draco and 1'rnnces, nnd Master Oeorge. will leave via Rnndnn and the Speedwell tomor row for a few weeks' visit In Snn ! ranrlsco. M. O. WARNKR. the well-known Piano tuner expects to he on Coos Ray soon on 1ik jilth visit to loos County. Any orders left nt I he lines office for pinno tuning or repairing will recehe prompt nnd en refill attention. MRS. SICI.MA THOMAS and .hlldren aiiiiivw nnd Kdlth. arrived homo yesterday from Rerkeloy. Calif, whore they have spent the sum mer. Mrs. Thomas who Is princi pal of the Knstshlo schools has heen attending; the summer school u mo university of California MRS. A. !:. OI.OSSOP and children returned yesterday from a several weoks stav at Herkeley. Calif whore Mrs. Olossop. who Is d tenchor In tho Mnrshlleld schools, has heen attending tho University of California etiinmor school I'RKD WBAVBK nn. famllv will jl SIS -aVwrThS m&s&ir t,mo ,nnrt,c,uK W,Mh.lJ'UY ani1 wlf0 f "'ooklyn Mich, aro expected here nlioi.V l. in .'.' '' I'Owry. Mr low- un!oVsirSs,,s- tt. IIiI.iih Mull WANTED watches that won't keep time. Dirty and rancid oil nro the runiuUon ot your watch. Lot mo handlo It and preserve It perfectly for years to como. , oop E. C. BARKER. 22C Front st. Mnrshfl ,. Or, I.OW In price, high In iualliy, Electric Irons Wo luivo n few seconiMiiintl Iroim It. KMU working condition at l.T.l. New Irons, ijiij.nt) up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1G3 N. Broadway Just Received another shipment of the fmt Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery ft Phone 102 You Auto Call Foote I'HOXi: Ml.,7 XIOMT A DDAV Stand front of Itluuro llllllard I'MrIor TII1CKK XKW CARS ' After J I I'M. ,.,, ., Residence I'lione 8-J. Careful Drives .,. 0nu,i Cltr Clearance Sale RKtJAX Jl'LV II ,) co.vni'i.' ALL OK jfl.V. 1K Cut In Prices Electric Shoe Store 180 South llroniliviiv. c: J inger Sewine Machines Wo havo thorn tor rent or for aalo. Machines Ropalred. Supplies nnd Needles for Snlo. W. J. HIT., Il I'nrk Ave. Murslifk-Id. I'lmno 2H0.X. Bowling Alley! UTS XOHTH FUOXT STHKICT Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies $10 A FRONT fOOI Whoro property nil around it boUIiik for $2ti to HO, Till' nn exceptional naraia j1 offorlnn In Wast Marshfleld.' don't uso the term "bargain t nuvisedly. vo cannot anore' wo enn snow you. invwi hoforo this opportunity U Joce I. S. KAL'F.MAX CO. First Class Weaving Troinptly done nt Gardiner's Rae Camet Farimv On Sherman avenue between Cnllfo,-. , "'"' voiinecticut. PI.Q.I. 171. Kor,, , Qt Gray Auto Service VWier Tucker, Proprietors. none orders n nio Wnd Auto Line Marshfield & North 7 nam K' "VerJ- 20 minutes from a. in., to 7 p. m.; from 7 n m to 12 o'clock ,vnJ',n, A.?' '" cents ono way. round trip 25 cents Commutation hooks. 20 r des $? no Cars leave Chandler Ilotol aiorah' G0RSTc& KING. Pmp. City Auto Service Oood Cara, Osroful D""" reaBonablo chargos. Our , "Will ko anywhere at any t llfiniln no XTIrl, tilinna ISj'A ,...u..U ,o, i11blll I,1UUV '- TOat nOODAliK. I'roprJiJSS, After 12. 2finrT n7r,.Xl,5., Mol,n.r.r "'bUi. at0. M'K AUR STIIX sni.i.ivn Corona Blend Coffpp Coos Bay Tea, Coffee& Spice House 181 Mket AMhllllI 'war UKUKlVKMt 0 A IarL' ulifnineHt of ElW""1 Olnss Shades. . ja Call and see our stock of I nrnn ltrA ln l.na snmif v, ' latest deslgiiB In Bhower rw from two light to five. Everftw in electrical supplies. Barnard & Langwod llninnp PanraM TirE MODERN DYEUS. CLJ I'RKSSBRS and HAT Hl0Yy Agent for Eovard H. 8! Co., Pino Tailoring. Thosn i... . """irian va. n f. ! ' " ,,rUos ' he ,M "'"UD,. uregon. eon In our window " " iuue, wash. . nunc .1II..I. FASIILV DINXEns "" your r iiunro SNAP maice your next suii. .gt! ART-PARSONS DRUG en ssrsa, """ " offfi Oor. nrodway ud Market Have That Roof NOW Open day nnl night, MEUCHANT'S OATE Broadway and Commercial ' Bma Bee GOBTBBU PHON23 3171. i'tftt Ull: .faSrz '? IX SI'MVI.M. 1...... . ncre. OX KASV tpiims l olS por