THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1913 EVENING EDITION. The Man Who Brings Home the Game IS THE MAN WHO IS EQUIPPED TO GET IT. "THE GUNNERY" Guns oncl Ammunition get the game, The man behind the gun need never be in doubt if he equips himself at "THE GUNNERY." Deer Season Opens August 1 Are you ready for it? Remember the new law makes it necessary that you have three tags for the deer season. These must be secured from the County Clerk, If you will bring your license to "THE GUNNERY" we will get the tags for you, That is part of "THE GUNNERY" service for sportsmen, All our goods are the world's standard, A complete stock of .;. k . Pack Sacks, Hunting Knives, Hunters' Axes, Guns, Ammunition In fact, everything for the hunter, Let "THE GUNNERY" help you to get ready, Front Street. "The Gunnery" SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS. Marshfield, Or. !M JULY TIDES. llolow Is given tlio time and height of high and low water at Mnrshllcld. Tho tides nro plneed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on th first lino and heights on tho second lino of ench day; a compar ison on con ecutlve heights will Indlcato whether It Is high or low wiiter. r'or high water on tho bar 2D'llrs.. C.ll Ft... 0.1 30 Mrs. . G.09 I Ft. 0.7 31Hrs.. 0.03 I Ft... G.2 12.08 3.7 LOG 1.2 7.00 0.5 1.00 2.0 5.20 2.8 1.5 5 1.0 11.04 5.9 0.0 0.0 G.39 2.G WE MAKE : (iood clothes In our own shop. You run wntrli us make (hem. Wo lmvo the Intest pntluriiB In Imported mul domestic woolens. LATEST STYLES. REASONABLE PRICKS. We TakeOrders for Suits lade By ED. V. PRICE CO. They lmvo a splendid lino of woolens to deleft front. Sl'ITS FBOM 18.00 TO SitO.OO. Tiillur-mmle, tnlloi-nienMircd, mul your money's worth guaranteed liy NORIS JENSEN, BG3 Front street. Merchant Tailor Mnrshlleld, Oregon. WANT ADS. FOB HALE, CHEAP One !.")(() pound truck, In Hrst-cliiss condi tion. Sue GOODRSmS Phone 373-L 'Oil HALE Thoroughbred Si ill, pups. Phono 11 53, North Hentl. ('(Mill HOt'k In everything to tailoring. pertaining Little Talks on the Teeth This Is tho fifth of n series of helpful nnd Informing talks on the enru of tho teeth, which will bo well worth rending: ' REXALL ANTISEPTIC TOOTH POWDER plioiihl bo used oven If your teeth tiro now In good condition. iie fcaiiso It will help to Keep thorn thut way. It Is n toilet necessity Ihut, throught Its cleniiBlng. nntlsoptlc, preserving qualities, in- luros in largo meusuru freedom from uocn. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." THE REXALL STORE 'HONE MAIN 298 US l,()(iS FOB SALE Bid will lie re ceived until August 1st nt noon for tho logs used as foundation of house that burned on North Front street last Friday morning. French Realty Co., 315 1-2 N. Front st. WEATHER FORECAST. Illr AnxKlatel Prrn to Cooi ill? Tlmci.) OREGON Fair tonight. Wednesday fair with rising tonipornture In Interior North west portion. Northeasterly winds. local temperature record. For tho 21 hours ending nt 1:13 u. m. July 29, by HcuJ. Ostllnd. special Government me terologlst. .Maximum 70 Minimum 51 At 1.13 n. in 5G Precipitation 01 Precipitation since Sept. 1. 1912 Gl.82 I Precipitation same porlod I last year G1.17 I Wind: Northwest, clear. . , . After Deer. Chan. Rchfold. Lylo Savage and Cnl Ilrldgcs left this morning for Allcgnny on a two weokB hunting trip. They wero Joined by A. .1. Savage who went up last oven-lug. Silver Ten. Tho LnillcH1 Aid So ciety of the Iluptlst Church will hold their silver tea tomorrow at 2:30 at the church pnrlors. Mes names A. '.. Downs, .7. C. Doano and S. 11. Dresser will bo the hostesses. ninnngemont of tho new store hero. Mndnnio Galbralth of Spokane, Is also expected on tho Dny soon. Fire nt Mnvwell, Tho old cook house nt Maxwoll burned last even ing about 6 o'clock. It Is supposed the fire originated from the stove llpc. The house was Insured as a dwelling house by Mr. and Mrs. AV. P. Fox, who nro spending tho sum mer there. Tho crow of the Conledo cninps and Frank Ilowron saved nil of the furniture. Tho house was owned by the Maxwell coal company. tract from Cnpt. W. C. Harris In Sumnor and the family nro living there. Mil. AND MRS. GILFILLEN aro In town for the day from tho Hen nessey mine. P Iimpccta liny. W. W. Johnston, of lloglna, Cnnnda, is on tho Hay looking over this section with n view to becoming financially Inter ested hero. Ho nnd a number of Americans nt Ilcglna are looking for a new Held of Investment and having henrd so much about Coos Day, ho decided to look It over. He was formerly located nt Scranton, Pa. Ho camo In vln tho old Coos Day wagon rond nnd will spond sovcrnl days hero. Ho says it Is rather quiet In Canada now. Actress Coming. Mrs. Nnncy Stof fen nnd MIbb Mny Tulloy, the nctress, nro oxpectcd hero In 10 days to visit with relatives. Mrs. Stoffcn and Miss Tulloy aio in Los Angeles whoro thoy wont on nccount of tho lnttor's health. Miss Tulloy has sufficiently rocovorod to tnko up her work again and they nro on their way to Now York. MIbb Tulley Is n nleco of Mrs. Eugeno O'Cannoll, Frank Hague, Mrs. Stcffcn being Mr.Hnguo's sister. MIbb Tulloy Ib In vnudovlllo, being ono of tho stnrs on tho Orphoum circuit. Plan 111k Hunt. A. O. Rogers, Fred Lnrson nnd Chns. Hlckocks left by auto this afternoon on a week's hunting trip to Curry county. Mr, RogorB snys ho line two of the best hunters In tho country with him nnd expects to bring bnck his full measure. Will .Move to Dnndon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scott expect to movo to Dnndon to locnto permanently Au gust 1. Mr. Scott hnB secured n lo cution nnd will establish n pattern mnklng nnd model workB there, for which ho lino found n good oponlng. .Vr. Scott Is n first-clnss tnnchlnlst nnd will bo cortnln to nchlovo a full mcasuro -of success In his new ven ture. During their residence horo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Scott linvo mado ninny frlonds who will regrot their dopnrt uro but will wish them well In their now home. M. HALL-LEWIS, County Itoad mnster, Is hero from Coqulllo to day on business. MRS. J. II. JOHNSTON, of Allo gnuy, Is spending the day hero on a business nnd pleasure trip. WILLIAM LEATON, City Recorder of Eastsldc, returned this morn ing from a business trip to Sumner. W. n. COX and wife left this af ternoon for South Inlet to visit nt tho home of their son, A. C. Cox. . W. WELDON AND T. J. BLACK ERDY will bo outgoing passengers for tho north tomorrow morning vln Drain. A. E. TOWER left on the Droak watcr for Portland nnd Junction City to look nfter business mat ters there. MISS ELLEN OGREN returned to town this morning nfter a vrslt at tho Matt Mnttson homo on Catching Inlet. E. NOAH came to town this morning from North .Coos River with a supply of vegetables for tho local market. .MISS ANNIE STORGARD, who has been visiting at tho Dan Mntson home on Catching Inlet, returned to town this morning. New Lakeside Service. Nod Gal' lowny oxpectB to put n boat on tlitff'L?00'"8 t,mt )10 luul 8omo, troullo FOUND Unity's ring in front of Red Cross Drug Storo. Owner may huvo same by calling nt Tho Times offlco nnd paying for this ad. FOR SALE Team, wagon mid har ness In good condition. Price ren Kounble. Inquire Enstslde Grade. Lakcsldo run next week that In con ncctlou with nuto will mnko tho tlnio from Multifield to Lnkosldo only two hours. The bont will leave hero at tho sorvlco of tho tldo overy morning. FOIt RENT Hlv-room modern Iioiiho on Con t nil avenue. 'In quire E. A. Anderson. Phono 252-L. l'Olt HA LK Thoroughbred Red Rav en Alrdalo Torrlers. Host varmint nti:l wntih dog on earth. Fomnlcs $15, mnlOH $20, or $35 for a pair. Inquire of W. F. Town, In Old Town. North Ilond, Or. ORPHEUM TONIGHT ERE IS ONE IX A .MILLION LIKE YOU." Song, by Miss Ada Miller. IlilG TWO-REEL FEATURE. "THE COWBOY MILLIONAIRE." Tho greatest moving picture ever produced. DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT. ALSO TWO OTHER OOOI) HEELS. ADMISSION TEX CENTS. FOB SALE Winchester rifle, and Remington pump gun. Good ns new. Phono Chns. Van Kilo, Jr., 107G, North Ilend. l'Olt HALE Brood sown, white, will farrow enrly her. Prlco Mnrshflold. Times. Chester Soptom $20, dollvorcd In Address box J, enro Bl'SIXESS CHANCES If you are looking for n business of any kind It will pny you to see Mc Millan. Coos nay Realty Co., 150 Front street. WANTED By experienced woman, position ns camp cook. Address Box 144, Bandon, Oregon. WANTED Boy to work In offlco. Apply nrliitliiir Times offlco. FOB HEXT OB HALE Two houses, 7 rooms and 4 rooms on Enstsldo, Apply Honry Black. Phono 150-J. (Sets Contract. O Hlbargor, oj prominent contractor who recently movod horo from Washington, Is low bidder on tho now $15000 frnmo school Iioiiho which Is to bo erected In Myrtle Point. Tho structuro Is to bo most inodoru and will bo Mr. III barger'3 first lnrgo Job In this section. Honor .Musician. Mrs.. Perl Rlloy lnlllngor will ontortnln nt her homo on South Broadway this ovonlng In honor of Wolfram Schmoddlng, a noted German flutist, who recently nrrlved hero. The ovonlng's program will consist of n numbor of selec tions by Mr. Schmeddlng. assisted by Mrs. Balllngcr nnd Low Keyzor. Says ll Was Mistake. Marlon Parsons, of Rosoburg, for whom Shorlff Qulno telephoned n warrant to tho locnl officers yesterday, nr rlved by auto yesterday afternoon. Ho says it was all a mistake nnd ho promptly wired $2 to tho Rose- burg boarding house which hnd tho claim ngalnst hlin. Ho Bays that ho was ready to pay tho money nnd was waiting for tho proprietor to Hhow up. Tho nuto for Mnrshflold would not wnlt any longer and ho cither hnd to come without paying too mil or romnln over In Rosoburg MRS. B. P. COLVIN returned over land yesterday from n fow wcoks visit to Denver nnd enstern points. Slio reports a delightful trip. MRS. F. L. WILSON, of Portland, nrrlved this morning on ttio Breakwater and expects to re main BOIllO tlmo Blght-Boolng. MISS EVELYN LANGWORTHY nnd Illma Langworthy returned this morning from tho W. II. Smith homo nt tho forks of Coob RIvor. with his parents ns n result of his marrying a Rosoburg girl and In ordor Hint thoy would not know his whereabouts ho Blgncd his nuto ticket nil Frank Bnrkor. His w:fo Is now In Portland. In view of tho circumstances nnd that Parsons promptly paid tho bill, tho local or Beers did not put him to nny In-convenience Home From Curry. Tho C F. Mc Gcorgo nnd E. W. Knmmoror fnmlllea roturned todr.y from u plensnnt out lug trip In tho McGcnrgo nuto Into Curry county. Thoy returned from LnnglolB via Myrtle Point crossing tho const rango. With this excep tion they report tho roads In excel lent condition nnd hnd a very onjoy oblo trip. Sprains Ankle. At n recent pic nic Hnrry l'alntor attempted to show the boys n fow athletic "stunts" thnt tho boys did years ngo and In turn ing n handspring wrenched his left nnklo badly nnd that's tho cause of that limp. Hnrry says tho sprained nnklo was not Intended to bo Includ ed In tho exhibition but tho day's fun wna worth It. FOB SALE Town of good work horses. Would tnko part paymont in dnlry Btock. Enquire engln oor'B offlco, Myrtlo Point, or phono 353, Mnrshflold. Do Catering For Parties BOOM FOB SMALL BANQUETS. hite House Bakery I Formerly Leld'a.) LUNCHES FOB PARTIES. PIONIO FARM FOR SALE Dairy, stock and fruit farm con sisting of 518 acres, between 35 and 40 acres of rich bottom land, eight acres of bench land set to apple trees and fifty acres more that can easily bo cleared for orchard and balance good grazing land for cat tle, sheop or goats. Twolvo head good dairy cows and nil farming Implements necessary. Located on West Fork of Coob River, one mllo from postofllce, school and boatlandlng. Buy direct from owner. For further Information, call or wrlto: W. A. QAQE. Allegany. Ore. 'inds of Job Printing Done nt The Times Office FOB SALE Motorliont, length lid feet, motor six h.p., four cyclo Truscott: prlco $275, Inquire at Times offlco. FOB BALE 32-foot cabin launch, completely equip ped for cruising. Cooking galley, deck chairs, etc. Main cabin finished In hardwood panols. Launch Is In perfect condition throughout, having re cently been overhauled and repainted. Is prac tically as good as new. Cost originally $2500 mid If taken nt once will sell for 9(175. Responsible parties can buy It on their own terms. Call or address Tho Gunnery, Marshfleld. PHONE 158-R TEN-CENT Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY. Not With Union Market. Sam Centers wns never connected In nny way with tho Union Mnrkot ns er roneously stutod In roport of his re cent trouble At ono tlmo ho deliv ered goods to pooplo in Llbby and only visited tho Union Mnrkot to got supplies tho sumo as ho called nt tho othor stores, but was In no way con nected with tho market. Injured by Engine. Ed Elliott wns painfully hurt nt tho McDonald Vnughan ennip at Danlols Crook yes tordayj' Whllo working with a don koy engine, ho got caught In tho ma chinery nnd n big strip of flesh was torn from his thigh. It wns not qulto detached and ho was taken to Mercy hospital and the wound dressed. Bet urns to Lcwlston. L. W. Mey er, who camo to Coos Bay to superin tend tho installation nnd oponlng of the Pnrlslan left this morning for Lowiston, Idaho, whoro ho Is mana ger of another branch of tho Pari sian. Mr. Harris, who recently ar rived from Spokane, will have tho A .Splendid Picture. "A Million aire Cowboy," at tho Orphoum Inst night proved to be a rovclatlon in moving pictures. Evoryono who saw It, ami tho houso wns crowded with standing room nt n premium, pro nounced It ono of tho best over shown on Coos liny. So unlvcrsnl was tho npproval that It will bo shown ngnln tonight to meet the popular domnnd. Don't mlsa It. A fpcclnl fenturo of two reels, two thousand foot of ronl entertainment. PERSONAL NOTES , D. SMITH, of In town today. Danlols Crock, Is MRS. E. E. Dyer of Dnnlols Creek, Is In town today. . L. In PHELAN, of Myrtlo Point, Is Mnrshflold on business. A. A. SLOCUM, of Catching Inlot, Is In town on business, ALBERT JOHNSON Is a visitor hero today from Catching Inlet. MISS IIATTIE BOWRON Is spondlng tno day noro rrom Maxwell. GEORGE BLAKE Is spondlng the dny noro from Catching Inlot. MISS OLLIE RICHARDS, of Sum ner, Is spending tho dny horo. MISS ELNA SELANDER. of Sum nor Is visiting rolatlvos hero. II. S. RONERIIAKE, of Ross Inlot, Is a business visitors horo today. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE arrived hero on the ovonlng train on a business trip. Fountain Drinks PURE, WHOLESOME AND HEFBESIIING. Served from modern sanitary fountains. Our "SPECIALS" .... nro delicious Try one. STAFFORD'S MRS. WALTER SPADE nnd daugh ter, Bessie, of Sumnor, nro spond lng tho dny horo. Mr. Spado re cently bought a thlrty-flvo-acro MEETS Thoro aro a groat many meots to which pooplo's atten tion Is directed nowadays, tho race meets, lodgo meots and many othor kinds, but wo want to call your special at tention Just now to our cholco MEATS for Sunday and overy other dny. Wo havo nothing but tho best on our blocks nnd guaranteo satisfaction. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Hams, Bacon and ovorythlng to bo found In a first-class market. The Palace Market 180 North Broadway. Tolephono -100-J. E. F. MORRISSEY enmo over lnat evening from Myrtlo Point, whoro ho has been supervising tho pav ing work, to look nfter business here. MRS. E. L. GRAEF AND MISS ELIZ ABETH HENDRY yoft yoBtorday for a two wocqa visit on Coos RIv or. Tlioy will bo tho guests of Mrs. D. A. Jones. J. M. CULLEY nnd his undo, Mr. Brown, of Chicago, who arrived horo two wcoks ngo, nro visiting In town today from tho Culloy homo on Catching Inlot. MRS. F. D. BROWNE roturnod to hor homo nenr Gardiner today after a short visit on tho Bny. Mr. Browno Is In chnrgo of tho Southorn Pacific work on Scho flcld Crook. MR. AND MRS. A. A. MASTERS, who enmo horo from Idaho and lmvo since boon visiting with rol ntlvoa on Catching Inlot, oxpoct to lonvo on tho Nairn Smith for uniifornln whoro thoy will lo cate. MRS. PEARL RIGGS-RODBY ro turnod this morning from a visit with her pnronts. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Rlggs, of Ross Inlot. Sho wns accompanied by hor mother nnd togothor thoy will visit frlonds horo. ROY MILLER, who Ib In chnrgo of tho dredging operations horo for tho Pugot Sound Drcdgo & Brldgo Company, Is moving Into tho Pon nock houno on Contral avonuo, which P. A. Snndborg recently vncatod. Mr. Mlllors mothor will nrrlvo horo this weok on tho Breakwater to keop houso for him. MR. AND MRS. A. II. BROWN nnd two children of Chlcngo, nro on Coos Bny as hii minor guests nt tho homo of his nophow, J. M. Culloy on Cntchlng Inlet. Mr. Brown Ib a conductor connoctcd with tho Pullman dining enr sorvlco nnd has travoled all ovor tho United States, but expresses himsolf ns hotter ploasod with tho cllmato and pros pects of Coob Bay than any section ho has ovor visited. Ho mny lo cnto horo later. RAILWAY HERE IN 15 MONTHS That's good news that Engineer Hoey sends from Eugene that the S. P. will he completed into Coos Bay and running trains into Marshfield in 15 months. Equally good news is tho fact that the most refresh ing and -wholesome fountain drinks to bo had on Coos Bay may ho found at Sar tor's. Sartor's is just as famous hero as tho S. P. becanso Sartor has been giv ing service of the best for more than 15 months. Coma to Sartor's tomorrow. Penslar Liver Saline makes tho llvor lively and Im proves tho disposition. 23c nnd QOc for sulo by iih only, 8TOBE FOB QUALITY GOODS AND PENSLAR REMEDIES. 1 flfrlVJ CM M gIItMr