The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 26, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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U. C. MALONBY Editor and Publisher
UAN E. MALONBY N'& E(lltor
oi-'Kiciaij iMiMJit oi-1 rrrv or .m.iiisiiI''ii:li and coos ohxtv
A Little Saturday Evening Sermon
ONE OK the characters In n recent novel Is made to nay "D'you
tlilnlc there's any way to preach to a man Mice Just being better
than ho Is?" The question, which Is really an observation, em
phasizes rather uniquely the effectiveness of example, a very old form
of preaching, to be sure, but olio which Is perhaps becoming a little
more common, at least In sentiment. In these latter days.
The Idea doesn't, of course, mean the supercilious attitude of the
conteninllblo snlrlt of iiatronngo. It suggests that the plain, honest,
.suir-ri'spccting business of doing Instead of talking, Is a thing that Is
bound to prove successful. And It Is surprising wh.t the force of ex
amplo may do quite unconsciously for both the pel 'u influenced and
the ono who goes straight forward!) on his way.
The world seems a pretty bad place to most of us at times. There
arc bo many things which take the heart out of our optimism, that
seem to make It a meaningless hope, rather than any solid reassurance.
Hut the kind of preaching that comes from someone who is better than
we nre, somo lire mat nits up tne stniiuani or Human worth niui re
veals what It may bu made to stand for such preaching Is likely to
answer the cry within us for something that Is true and genuine and
A clean, holiest, respectable cliaiacter Is it hotter argument for our
ultimate moral redemption than any amount of theories or theorizing.
It Is an unconscious and inoffensive reproach for our own weakness and
lack of purpose. It doesn't hold out questionable promises or Inter
fcrlngly challenge our capacity for belief. It just answers by Its own
quiet, obtrusive actuality n lot of the doubts that flock around wait
ing to stlflo tho loftiest effort of the best of us. There Isn't any sort
of preaching that quite comes up to the business of Just being the thing
wo would like to commend.
good i:n:xi.o.
When courage fails and fnlth burns
And men nro timid grown,
Mold fast thy loyalty and know
That Truth still moveth on.
nnnn mriTlim
r i buuu mm
rnn nin ninilin
Who follow her, though men deride,
In her strength shall be strong.
Shall see their shame become their ,
And sliniu her triumph-song!
sons or xoiiwav aim; rmwi.
ISKIl A I'lSK I'WIlt lAV I'Olt
To.Momtows ri:s'nviTii:s
Tim Snna nf Norway at hint lime
tho splendid promise of the weather
1 mnii Mr a fair day for their picnic
festivities tomorrow. It Is the only
I thing needed to make It tho big event
t 4 of tlie onr. nuns nave neon ih-i-
0 Ood. who spnke In ancient days. , fected for one of tlie nlggost iinjfl 01
And moved the seers to noble lays '. fun and nmuseinent known on Coos
-,w i iifi.i.i.ii I,.! uti .Minn I'.ii'i'i'iini hii'iwif .i.i.
ulll In openeil through to connect with Slieinmn l'....',lT,
Xoilli MewlIs a good buy ill JjWr.tMM). ""Uen
A good paying rooming house, good locution, ln.,
mid ii go my at tfM.w.011. "'' r,,M
One of Ilic best business properties lit .Miii-Ii,.,i ......
mote than 10 per cent on present value mill t. .'"'"'It
should double In xalue in a fen your. Tills s eoiVli ;
one of the best bujs 011 the Hay requires .stfO.Oiifi i 1
die It. "nn'
A vhole block, 0000 I'eet In I'oriiilnlc, for .si(io0(
til. .. ..... I. lit. a m.illitHli liIKIIPIlllliil I... "
I' iw-rooiii, iiinuj iiiimii-iii miiK"", 11110 I oca I Ion
cellent Hay tlen, lot IOl0. 7r,0 (l.mii anil $23 , '
Coos Bay Realty Co.
Phono L'(il-.J.
penl now unto thy children here.
Tiint we may know that Thou art
.s Spirit brooded over Night.
And urged the Darkness Into Light,
Day. The program committee nns
outlined nil excellent line of attrac
tions that will add to the pleasure
and enjoyment of the big crowd that'
Is certain to attend.
riiere will be music, dancing, mor-
IoO North Yoni St.
Shine Sphlt from thy height above, !' making, athletic contests and o-
Atltl i llll O n OUT hearts II lOVe. Oiy l""uc-'l iniiuiu nun nm mm .
a days enjoyment
0 Thou who hast the Sabbath blest Makf your pinns 10 ntrenti tne sons
Anil mifnrnil Int.. lml v i-na Of NOIWny pICUIC tOIUOrrOW. I III1
Hind up our burdened, broken '""' schedule will be found In nnoth
loar s. .r i-umiuii.
With all Thy calming, healing nets.
thl'i: Lin:.
What Is there In llfo that niakes If worth living?
Tliu cynic has asked, with a frown on his brow.
There's nothing but worry and heartache and hurry
He's said, and it set mo to thinking Just now:
I'm thinking how sorry I am for his blindness
And for the sorrow I'm sure ho must know,
For ho has forgotten tho something that gladdens
Life's darkest pathway, wherever we go
Tho something that prompts the small act of kindness,
The glad helping hand, or the sweet, tender smile,
Tho patience with evil, the heartache for sorrow;
LOVE that Is what niiikes the living worth while.
-Inez I). Wlinlln.
As evening shadows longer drawn
uive promise or a coming dawn
So each recurring Sabbath may
He earnest of eternal day.
Herbert Carroll Cooley
r YOU reallj want to accomplish
MERITA takes Just prldo In tho
annul poauion 01 lis women u auiiuiuiiig noil i go at It III a
and In tho fact that on tho unlMieiirted way. Talk rlubf nut.
bolb American law treats her well. '5l,-v JKt wlmt you mean. Ask for
Jut there are Imperfections and In- AW' Xll?,,1 "'f1!1',, Xo '""," ov,or
v., .... i . . '""' "" Ihing by hinting. Take tho
f""1'' "," ,l. "V'V" 'Mt",J: :""""' M,r rnuowinu advertisement of Edwin ! look like one tvnm,i
The ono way to prevent old age
is to die young.
people never suffer from
Drain fag. The reason Is obvious.
Hut for the breath of suspicion,
gossip would soon die a natural
Faint heart ne'er won fair lady
hut there Is the brunette.
up to the high roller to nnnlv
the brakes when ho gets rid of his
.mstii'iahm: ass.u'lt.
Peter. Peter. Pumpkin Eater.
Mad a wife mid often bent her
Hecause she wore a baby stare
And tried to cnll poor Peto "Pierre."
.Make the house von llvi. in n
palace even If yon cannot- make It
I.rogresH and reform Professor How- iMcCoon. of Tonnwanda. Pa., for ex-
nil ill urn immm:iiij hi .-.i-iiiumiu jlllipie. .Mr. .MCCOOII WlllltCll Millie
Btands sponsor for tho statement thing ami his 'ad" tells the ml.
that, "touching the legal position of h ' ""' "" ttl18 tllt ,nU'
womnn, American legislation often Is
medieval, oven barbarous." j
Tho lights of the mother as guard
Ian of her children should bu equal
with those of their father, hut only,'
in roiornun, Kansas, .Maine, Nouras
ka. Now York. Pennsylvania and
llhodo Island Is this tho case. Tho
lawa as to thu property rlghlH of wo
men leave much to hu deslieil. .Many
Btatcs have uiutlo no advance on tho
original Interpretation of English
common law concerning tbls subject.
In Louisiana, where Napoleon's code
Is tho basis of law, and In Texas,
where It partially Is iiuch, tho wrongs
Inflicted on married women owning
property arc as bad as In Tennessee. I
in many states wives are so c
WA.VIED Tlie unman ubo has
been doing my washing has
gone back on mo; I must
have a wife nt once; would
like a white woman, between
Jo niui .in years of age; u
maldeii, who has not oven
given herself to any so-called
Chilstlau societies or will for
ever renounce same and give
herself up entirely to love,
respect and obey me, while I
low1, cherish nud protect her;
my Judgment always to be
final mid complete.
In onler to show that rlnht ad.
vim Using pns, that inlHlondlnu nd-
The less inonev
people hnve. the
some Coos
more thev
ii ro
A girl can take music lessons
for three venm niui Hum 1... .. ...?.!
to tell the dlffereiice Imiwium innuu best thing Is to let hlin'lmv,. hlu ,.u-n
and noise. .way. Ho Is bound to be miserable
"One of the most unhappy persons
In existence Is the one who Imagines
that the verv burdens of creation rest
upon his shoulders and that nothing
will he done unless he does It him
self," E. S. Dow said. "We doubtless
nil know persons who worry their
way through, jASkjinder the supposi
tion that if tlioyfUon't do the work It
will not bo dorib so well or that It
won't be done at nil. They seeming
ly fall to grasp the fact that they,
are only one of a community num
bering 10,000 more or less and that
tho active part of this community is
doing its share of the work. They
fall to grasp the fact that the world
would keep moving Just the snme If
they wore not In It and that the work '
would be dono as well or better If
they were not a nnrt of exlsd-iire nt
all. Such peoplo find thpfr greatest
happiness In worrying. If they did
not worry about the work they would
find something else to worry about.
The worrying person who can not
find something material to worry
about will Imagine something. He'll
worry anyhow. Ho may not always
worry himself Into an uggrnvnted
form of stomach trouble but usually
no manages to miiKe Iilmseir n pro
fitable subject of consideration for
tho doctor or tho druggist. You
can't conUne n person of this kind
that he can hire the work done nnd
shake off home of the ivnrrv II.. In
determined to worry nny wny ami the
and he Isn't hannv uiiIokh lu lu miu.
Oil! Vnr t i''vm in.iiu. 'ernbleand ii'unliiL' nvnn mm m 1,1
J. W. Illldenbrand says that If H"' """""no lugubrious frame of
Archlu Johnston had been hero the ?"""'
i-.IKh ball Kninu result would have nn!nTZ.. .77 '
-- . .. .. vui.f.11 im-iiii'iiie 1'iin-
or morphine. They
bowels and ilo nnt
stlflo thu I'Miifii t.'v.....i..
tho Inbol and If tho medlcln'o con-
been different for then In niltlltlon J tnlnlnu- oillm,
lo having a first class pitcher wo co 8 nato Z
would l8o have had a good "Sau- , cTe.'Sv sUH,
Important c.
Ill Illlllll' HIMIriM U'll'llU MFik U.t Mini. " -......, . . - , ,. .... ,,, ,,
Plololy" llYo .r,,or y r" I...IP I s- '', !!. T?; !'V !"' """ skyscraper,
bands that tbe law re-nnlu ilinni iiu . ' I" ""'""J he Interested In know- Ml, ... " "
.av ng o i, r Ires a bill ni 1 !'K ,,,m two ,,n "'"'' "' lvoi- ,, f. .MIiiriib says: -.Vovit put orf
ZJ " ii.,, ,?" " '.V"" . "."'i i II-OIII..HI iiM,..i,.., ,. .n, lm. II H row the fly you can swat
meanor of the wife. That hi lu-'i,; Z f r tbo' ZJVZ m1'
ntnnre where HiicIetvV In hiMtiio unriu iiimutt rm- tut place. he her he --::-
;..V,ii!.. )l.?., ..?..?..,,J,",n0Wor,8.h.: made his selection v,n or ,....,.. "In the orluh, , r ,..i,i...,
"Y" 1 . . '" i"V. ; . Ihluaiion wife and w .hm,.,, ,, , w..b m ..lihr mi . . '""'
i.vtiit mini? rii iiiui'H int ii iiu. . . . . .. -i "'miiik
Everythlnu' .i..n..n,i J,"l!ls!ll0!,9 harmful opiates refuse It
.-. ".. "." iiiuiin'i.oni"n llnnilf nn.l n r ..T....;
hi. .Marsbfleld the five ' contain. , ',. "A" '",...V.' .' """
io....7i.i. t . " '" "ii"K anil
"uuininh- uwi 1'rescrlptlon Phnr-
iiim,. rrniiK l) t'oilllll.
ninmiler Hotel PlmneTi
Tho wcalliiM' niiiii predicts R1XE WEATIIRU
and wanner, i'or the
Sons of Norway
Sunday, July 27th
Coos Bay Band
Concert ! Dance Music
- FOR -
band's iimnii i .,. a ... ... "" iiHuii'iifH fallen to say
l.l Mf.,. I.,. .,,.;; ..'': mm over.
compels him to do so. In most stntes
tho husband even If he fall to (onirl-
uuio 10 tlie support of his wife nud
lio be making wages, can uillect
them regularly. The Intestate laws
of most states are lneiiiltahle In their
(lenllngH with women.
TliesH things malt.. Jusl men's ears
tli g today Owm- Ml j ears ago they
fc.v ' I I ..belli t'lldy Slaillon In In.
lit1 has.
Iiroven two mill. in r,...iu
iiisi. no matter wbat jou want.
oiuc right out and say It; nnd.
second, In your advertisements, no
matter what you nre advei Using for.
tell the truth.
". I'll .1 "e liilimtli'. ,.r
Ami '! j'ii women. Today there still
remain states In which their rights
before the law practically are noth
ing and the legal standing of a wife
18 little above that of a chattel. It Is
no wonder that In tho Fulled states
woman suffrage mid the woman's
movement call nti..nii..,. i,. .....
Bhorlconilngs and lneiuitlcs of the
law nud secure the passage of login
la 1 1 vii nieahiires to right them. When
wo lenin that In England legal con
tlltloiiB Tor awiiiioii are i.,.i worse
limn la-re It becomes easier to im, !,.,-
.,ffr..,,r l"H'.""ly Ut ,l", """""'t
suffragette,, who spit upon the law
nnd commit uiine.
'": aiiis i s o.
THE alishlp is not to ho abandoned
for the aeroplane If the Cler-
im.uH im; neip t. Thev were
ho first to make the hallo ,s
"' -mre than a K1s-baK a. the i.
cy of the wind Aud In Hplte 01 U,.
i.nii t lie li Kb fnwir It has won in oih.
it countries. Cenuany keens . I
'erlmentlng with the .mg l',e- ' h,V
balloon and gettlim inoro n ,1 raoro
Kromlse of wnivv ,,.,, '"'" m10
Accouling to III,. ,w York Q...
one or the lu.w iler.nau alrshlL ,,;
f no miles an hour ViiotliVr
stunt.11 w, ;., ': '.. "." "ii'ition
Great a
Mr special, uirpoo ' wm
A .Merlin, Oregon, man has In
vented nn appliance "which unto.
iniiiiciiuy mo is n uiiBOl no cn.-l,.
""j iMe-iieienuiueii time." Most nio
torboat iiuialeurs. however, uonl.l
probably prefer Home sort of a thlng
iiinboh that would start a gasoline
engine ut any old time.
Neer express your opinion about
fools In im d c. Tlmm ..... '
fools In the world you nro certain
to Injuro sonieono'a feelings.
The good, old-rashloned mother
usi'il to do mom nf I.... i,....
jiottlng on the way from the pantrV
III Mill i jwil nt... ..
cook atovo to tho dining
Hay people have two
. si'iii: tiieiu: aiie.
hi each of promlHo affairs all remind
II H a
That as sure aH the skies are
Though scholars may m-gue to blind
There nre more Hum rum- i...
i.. i "'"'
In love.
, " Is a Hue thing to im
thoroughly familiar Kw
subject before talking bo,
L, "H(; , ,u'" ll ,"l,, "w '
ossary to talk so niiich.
There's one fine
!:..! ; ...oyZ,'t'
lo bo painted every' siunnier.
in'te1")'.0'8 w!'.t ."'"sn wo
The R.oyal
HO VIP At iw.i
I . ----. Mil I II',.
mil, dm. an entire
-iiHiiK- or program.
HUM! leei or pictures.
ALL l'.v
. ".VS IX A I.OOKIXtJ (.'LV.SS'1
I" Ihree leels. with .Mar'on l.ej'.ard
i hit mhi.
I f i-in. ml,... . i.i .
vi,..'.. ' V. , "MH '"'"" ' tnnluht
?' '!' .digging a l0, , , ... '
I ...,'"" ,II1,KS "Tll, Children f
-- ...,..u lunuiirow 11 g It. vnu'rii
? orlng yourself ,, In'th".',"
I.Olll.l- ll...... fr.. .. .
This li ,i ""li'iHiy. III,..1
....... . ' """" music. f von
co e tOlllom-n... ..I..I.. ... "... '""
III "The C'lilllrn ..r'c"" i " . !it"
two-rcel featu.o., tho'greu o. ... "
'" tne pantrvinian keen all thn t... us n wo' tw-rcol fenttin
am ruin. ii... -. ... .V "'' Uo neighbors nu-i.-,. ,.r ..i.m . : "
II"IK table, bab!'. 8" ' I.8I.ib " i e .. ibl c " ,K,,"B pvw '" "" the
.'laiimv (onion i,i. .., ....,.
" " i.llf.
Every Man on Coos
Going Hunting This
ny their
ni1 1 HIV ,'lH ninj? (0 I
Ammunition and Guns
'.. l .
" "U' tne -Ximmmith,,,. wo lmvp
""s, and what is more, we have
tlie Hjjrhf jrill0t
Sumner Hardware Co.
Bay Is 1 1
Season II
m -i- . B H
p V Pk I BBH ai H
i m tsm wnen
1 1 1vDuy
II v
lil v2ji
II 8b
home P.n L? ol,lef. WEDGEWOOD set up in your
hP?tn?K?teos entire satisfaction, Our care for
andlfWft co,mnienes when we sell it to you,
know it. Please you in any way, we want to
rjgsr- -A r W , fc-L-----JftJ-K
vlb?8 -JpftJy
nPv&srMS1 pr,nD n
o at
irn-'wTT" The TtaoiP