THE COOS BKYTrm!ES,WMARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1913 EVENING EDITION. ..i v". m Water , System Dnrhifg 1i!hr-iJit(ttW!liuwi'ck plans') have lccn completed liy this will le installed and -water n mloi ,'sto: EFIRST i ADDITION TO SHFIELD (JoinjmTiy soi'v'utftKiKitonllrUUijim't'ry homo iu 'First Addition. Mwiy ichoino biillHiimjJflols which wo are ianv offering for .-sale arc MtejIicdiiSoHgUlrcuiew system. Ihwwuiilfl'ji-swMioiin'sist on modern onvenieneos can hnv oO foot k;(f,,d(u,!H)0(xri(h 'ji terms to suit iheinwlves in this liigh-classtAAJ16ioii'fiiittlio,-Su(ilh Side. Ra'fl TirogrossMX beiiy made :oir the cJty streets and the jstrtrte iiii First A'd'-liUon which are being graded and plaia'ked to giw atwssUo: the' heart of this growing district of homes. For Mill jptnrur-'iHjrr.s df. our homcbuiJdc-rs'' -plan, rail ;a1 an.r yffictX Smith, lrn anil Ulchord Jones. .j. .j. 5Repilis (Development Co. SALMON ItAKK. I - xIoub games wore enjoyed nrounil . Mabol Sneddon, June Mcl.nln, Lucllo the Immense bonflro nnd Inter the McLnin, Agnes Mcl.nln, Hetty Fri ;pnrty repaired to tho 15. 10. Hlggs zcen, I.nello Ostllnd, Mnrgnret Stnuff, Jin ma where refreshments were ' Albert Johnson, Cnrl .Tilth. Homer rerved nnd n tmislcnl program en- Joyed. Among thoso present were: MIbbcs Martha Hoss, Lolu Ritchie, 011vo Phillips, Annn Trumnn, Jessie King, Huby Drlgham, Mny Peterson nnd Naomi Smith, nnd Fremont Hod- swn, Herbert Richards, Joe Wlnsor, Percy Phillips, Archie Phillips, Wm. Kaiser, Leslie Pullen, Ivnn Pnllcn, Emll Peterson, Clins. Hago, Jesse Wagner, Wesley Tnylor, Herbert Do- wen, Harold Simpson, Knrl Hntiser aund Lyle Cbupclle, Mr. nnd Mrs. wnrren stlen, Mr, nnd Mrs. H. Ij. Simpson nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. 10. 10. Hlggs. 'ETSCGHNTRiAL AVENUE THONE 160 (Continued from Page Two.) Helen nnd IOdnn Itees, Kdltli Johnson, I Alice Louise Mnloney, Mnbel Kelson, CONDUCT SAIjK. Mrs. M. A. Swootmnn, Mrs. II. 10. Itoanlor .and Mth. A. 10. Dlmcnt hnd charge of u cooked food snlo which Who ludloH tif the Mnrshfleld Prcsby- terinn church conducted at the Perry-Nicholson store this afternoon, fr ! KIUTHDAV I'AHTV. I .Master Proctor Flanagan is en tertaining seventeen young friends nt t no Home of IiIb pnrentu, Mr. mid Mrs 'A. 31. F.liinngan this nfternoou In honor of his 10th birthday. 4f . .j. HAITIST T10A. ."Mrs. J. C. Bonne. Mrs. F. II. Mlritaaiit nliil f tu A V. Mttita 1 1 1 i iv.r.i ! t (i 4ii ivif n nn n in i . entertnln with u silver ten. Wednes-,"' wuiu day. July lit), nt the Haptist church parlors, 'Ciiun jvimouixxs. IIK , M'piryinls tJ nrvjbit linn limits ," innU'd,. from rn,il ,tuil oil, COJiJCM'll (It) hiii through' ,tl.s, nidi '.lltll'fll(Hllll (iIKtl.V nlicio 4i.ii (uiik0.itli!u.. The Mlnulu Wis Club hnn Journed for tho remainder of tsummer. i a.l-the I Kugene O'Connell wns host nt n delightful .snhnon bnke nt his Rum mer homo on South Coos Hlvor Wednesday night, In addition to tho Hummer colony on the river, n num ber went up from Mnrshfleld by spo clnl bont for the evening's pleas ure. Thoso going from hero woro I 10. Hngtic nnd wife, Mrs. Boyd M. Rlchnrdson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Claudo Nnsburg, Miss Oencvlovo Songstnck en. Cornoll Lngorstrom nnd Hoy 10. Miller, mid among thoso of tho sum mer colony there were Mrs. 10, K, Jones and son, Kugene, Mr. nnd .Airs. Dubcll, Mrs. Alice Ford, Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Ford nnd dnughter, Mnbel, Mr. nnd Mra. Arthur McKeown nnd child ren, Mnjor nnd Mrs. Morton Tower, Miss (llndys Tower, A. P. Owen nnd Mrs. W. 10. Diingiin, nnd Mr, nnd Mrs, I). C. 0 recti. - .IOIXV DO.IO.V. I 4 The Jolly Dozen Club met Wednesday nfternoon with Mrs.John fon of Hunker Hill. Mrs, W. Oiile provided tho entor tnlnment nnd after n pleasant nft ernoon refreshments were served by the hostess. The club will meet ngnln August l.'lth with Mrs. Henry Olson. Those present nt this week's mcoU Mrs. W. Onlc, Mrs. T. Snndon, Mrs. II. Albco, Mrs. O. Honrko, Mrs. Ollby of Mltmenpolls, Mrs. II. Olson, Mrs. nrockmlllor nnd Mrs. A. L. lint. v .j. .;. .j. 4 .1 mtiiKii: i,t'.ciii:o.v. i 4 SPEED ms sci vice stands ready for your use -oveiy minute every hour every day. -"is seivice means no preliminary filing up no kindling to chop no stubborn fiie to nurse! -It responds instantly to the match. -wis stoves coine in all sizes from a single bm nor plate gieat hotel ranges, Prices ae moderate, rlfyou wish .to;iis.e,;gas, telephone 178, Oregon Offower Qo. Second and Central. J I the Cltrcult Court or tlio Htyte of (Vicgoii, tMtr the Cimiity (if Coos. Lucy M. Morton. T'lnntUf. vs. Wll- I Jit nt .Stnrblrn ami Kduu L. 'SturDiid, jhufthKiid and wife. 71. II. VnclniU linn ',5318. tttmui riuwca. .1. a. icui nhopf, 'Leon "mtiilirts mid Mlnitki V.. 'AiHiiloii, 'I'. 'H. U3iu(iM 111KI Mr. JJ. 10. Ithudrii, lOvvn L. Swai.k, a I.. Itnnon nun lOthH C. .llurtmi, 'K. V MitHuiitu fonietinrx's knowii iih 10. V. .Mnlriimu, nnt 51th. T.. Miirimiiii, It. u Vohu Jni3 Mr. 11. II. 'Vonu. Join, ; I. -Smrill mid Vlrs. .I0I111 J. Siiinll, l-'riink Tirrnor aintl Mr.,. Frirjik Titrnwr. J. J. iMeKniOl nnu Flora McKreul, hiiwiuil null XOJ'JCIO TO COXTUAtTOHS. Notice is hereby given tltnt ueul c) I1I1U will bo received by the CimmoD Council of tlnr City of Mai-hIiUc-VI, Cook County, Oregon, nntll elglit oicliiek P- M. on Monday, tlif Ith any itif 'AiwiiHt, mill, for the eonBlructluu of concnoto curbs on that Twrtlon of Doliunoii Avenue Wn t fron 'the east line .wt St.tontl Street Smith to the west lino of Se.vjith Siroiit South mnd wood ,cnrli' on tu at 310rtlo.11 of .lohimon V.iAvcnJiu Ww.t ftutu tho w.oi Hue of .Sovenlh Street .SWiiith to Uio vht lllue nt Teniii stntet Fnitth, tuso the .'.enatrtictlon of n:)iicriiti cenrlm un ;llnit portion aS IFourtlt street Souui roiii Uio nortji lino of Aiiililiti Av- wif. Nhhh, John Too nnd il'Jto V,est lev the smi.tli 'U-ie t.' Jant l)ih. Itlchtud Hoe hn-i Mary ihH vWjihio VTrtiHt iiiiiI i:i Mliat por- Itoe, 'DclfHilnnts. 'tti'.n t)t Fourtl Sttimt South from To Wliriiim auiiblrd nnd Kdnu ai ipOlnt.i'fiO fetr honth of thcjioutl. L. Sbirblnl. DofcKdiiiitH nbove nam- .Irnt- ofjlnll Avenuo WHt to the noil: Uoinh Hut' of KniHe Avenio V.'est, In flio inniia of tlioStnto of Oro- .-nlso for griidlnc tluit poj-tlon or gon, juii uirj horob notified that 'Dourtli .SJt not Honili irom ,u jnilnt you nre leuulicd to -appear In the 5 4" neeifoinu 01 in uoum iiup u, abovo entltlHl Ctinri mid nriMVor Hull Vvtvnii West to tlio south 'lw tlio ConiplKlin flleil nnnliiHt yon In of Ki?.iso vM)no West, the iilimu emltled clt' within hIx j1 l,l,a :i,,It,t '- ,H nccfti'diiitc 0 wvelfH from tho ailth -day of .lulv, 'villi tint niulrenifiit8 nccowjtun.- T.illt, the dale of the -ItiHt puhVl- '"K l Hmflflcntlons nnd npia carton 01 tlriH Siiiiiiiiuiih. nnd If blnnlia .J'if tba'- purpose which .will you Hlinll full -in appear -unil niiHwer '-c HUpplliMl Wion request nt tn? Miln ComHalni 011 or bofore the l',flco of tllu f:vy l'"Klne-r. nth day c s...tonibr, M&13. tho A c-ertlflml -lieck of flvo ;H'Ji" last day 0! the liino prwcrlbed In cel,t r lf' wint Mil uuiBt 4i tne order Hit tin. tniblli-atlou or this lmiy tho bid to ,0 fprfeited -to SuintnoiiH, for wwit tliiitnif tho '10 Hnl(1 clt-" J'r Marshircld. In cne Plalmln will apply to the Court " contract Is iwarded - for tlu relief denmnded thioln, n ""ctor nml iio ftrJls to eotoi I BUCC1IIC1. HtiUOIIK'tlt ir UMllPh 'in .(in . i"n-i. ...,. oi'i'icions ciiosiox. - At Mrs. L. W. .nngdon wns hostess nt n delightful little brldgo lunch eon yesterday comiillniotnry to Mrs. 'Cat Iron of Spokane who is the guest i of her dnughter. Mrs. W. 11. Scott. the last meeting of the Chris- ,M,'l- i-l"!???""" KUT"'" )voro Mra. W. flan Church lllhlo class Mrs. S. J. Im-i ''.?' ou Mr- A- ' ""'"cs nnu .Mrs. Jiiel wns elected president, Mrs. I). C. srcC11rty 'lco president, Mrs. Charles Powers secretary, and Mrs. John W. .Motley treasurer. Tho stumllng com mittees will be named Inter. .;. .j. 4. 4 Cuttron, 1 I SOflAL KKWI.VC I 'Tiii.Miu.n cLrn. ! Tho North Ilend Thlniblo Club met yesterdny afternoon with Mrs. V. 10. Waiters. TMIHU'S SATISFACriOX ix loviouy SLIOIJ Sf?J J J ' cut ifrom tho lonf thnt comw from this' ibnkory. You'll find -tlio Inst just as moist nnd toothsomo as tho Jlrst.' Wo don't knov how long our bread will stny moist. Por H Is .so ,ood Hint It never lasts long onougu -to get a chanco to dry (ut. Try a loaf as a test. Coos Bay Bakery The plce for goiWI goodies. Market Ave. Phono 1I1-L follows, to-wlt: Thnt the PlnlntllT 'iiavo judgineiij; against you for the sum of Ono Thousnnd Dollars ($1000.00) -ami Intorest thoroon nt the rate of eight (8) por cont por nnntiin from iho .1111 tiny 111 .111110, inz, rue sum of Two Hundred Oollnrs (200.0(i-) nttornoy fees, nnd for her costs nun disbursements In this suit; nlso for n decreo thnt Plaintiff's mortgage Is a Ilrst nnd prior Hon upon the promises hereinafter described? nl so a decreo foreclosing nil tlio right, claim, intorest, title nnd equity of you, tho snld William tJtnrlilnl and Kdnn L. Stnrblrd. 1n cludlng enulty of rodonuiHon. and Jiif all tho Defendnnts nbovo named, H l.t.,1 IIIaIi n.1.1 nil .Mnns.n aIaI.I. .. raui II Ml. 1.11 iiuiDUllD IIUIIMIUK by, through or under you or them 1n or to tho said mortgaged prop erty doscrlbod as follows, to-wlt: Wast hnlf of southenst qunrtor of Section Sovontoon, tho northenst quarter of northeast qunrtor of Section Twonty, and tho northwest qunrter of tho northwest quartor of Section Twenty-one, all In Town- snip Twonty-flvo South, of Itango Tho Common CuutiUl reserves the right to rojett any nwl all I)ld. Dated this 24th day tf Jul.v. 1012. john w. nurnun. Uetvjrd,r. PlIOPOSALS 1-')IC WATIOlC JIVDHAXTS. Tho Mnrshlleld Social Sewing Club was entertnlned Thursday by Mrs. Oeorgo Ayre nt her liouie In South Mnrshlleld. Needle work wns followed by refreshments. Thoso present wore Mrs. I). J. Itees. Mrs. C. W. Rhodes. Mrs. J. C. Swnnso.i TJ10 meeting was purely a social "'J'1, MlH ' c- Swlnfonl. The club one. there being no business transact- V" mY"1 ", w'k irom iiom niurs- ed. The nrteruonn wns devoted to ""' w,t" -MrH: ' t'- Swinford. fnncr work after whli'h refroHhmentK' were served by tho hostess, assisted ' 7 by h-r dnuKliter. Mrs. Johnson of I MMIH1K Ll'XCIIKOX. j Oregon City. Those present were: . : .mis. o-.Miirn, Mrs. Llmleu, Mrs. lla- "", 'v umiics wns uostesa to ver, Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Hlggs, Mrs. n Hinall party of friends at a uridi0 Coleinnn, Mrs. Jennings. .Mrs. Ken- '"'''''on Wednesday coinpllnnnt iry t-edy, Mrs. (Joriiro, Mrs. Itusholl mid '? Mr" J '' MeCormne. Among -.11 is. Jdlinson. f thoso prosent were Mrs. Cbas. Van Tho club meels ngnln August tho ,)u"- -MrH- W ' MIHor, Mrs. IOu elijhth with Mrs. Harvey Itussell. , Reno Crosthwfilto, Mrs. Win. Orlmcs, 4 '.Mis. Horsey Krelter, Mra, A. L. I I'l-'XX FOli COLIJOCIO. I ' Hoiisi'ivortl'. Mrs. S. C. Small ami .Mrs. McConnac. A nuiiilwi- of Mnrshfleld young1 folk 1110 planning o tnku up college 4 I UOXOIl MltS. .M'COIIMAC. work this lull. M limes Fi-mues Wll-' I limns and Hazel Powers nnd Loslln Ivunchou will attend the iiiiivf,iHiii ' .Mrs. F. M. Parsonu l niitnrmii,. ot" CulJfornln at Ilertceley and Mlt.s ' tow friends Informally at her Until Allen will nttenri Oregon Unl- l"o I" West Mnrshlleld this after vwHlty tit lOugwio. . noon conipllnientiiry to .Mrs. J. T. a ' McCormao. nillTIIUAV PAUTV. Mr. nnd Mrs. CMhik Stunff enter. urined last -Thursdny afternoon for!- PICXIO TOJIOItHOW. thlr dnughter, Mnrgnret Alice Ma-1 T'0 Sons of Norway picnic nt lOn rln fitauff, who was celebrating rgron's Orovo on South Coos Hlvor her fifth birthday. Mrs. I). jj. Ost- Promises to bo tho meccn of most of llnd, Mrs. Peter Johnson, Mrs. K. O. tno pooplo of Coos Dny tomorrow. FInnagan and Mr. and Mrs. Chns. T."o Coos Hay Concert bund will fur Stauff iu (ed as chaperones nnd tho n'8 "Hisle throughout tho dny and ftllllflfA.. ta'An lalrntl 4 r . t. n 11... t. 1. 1 ll H fltln nlilll ..1m,.i.1.. l.n..n 1 .. Water Comnilttrtojvi,,) ,jl0 birthday cake and other '" uxcollont shnpo for ontortnlnln vouncl of tho CItv wfreshments were served and later the-big crowd. Thoro will ho an ath- u.1 onjoyed ico cream. Thoso lnvlt- '"VUvSLt"-" Jntor- -''n"(''"g will ed woro: Florence, Hess. Allco, Hel- '"fConTi mi ed nn'pim 'ChT" ,j JOIeanor nnd Kllzabeth FlniinKnn. nued on rago Eight.) ?T& JJ1. .- Washday .Is a Nuisance at tho best of times. Hut It Is n hundred times more so if tho tubs aro stopped up. That Is a part of tho plumbing trade In which wo aro especially expert. Send for us If there Is anything wroug and we'll make It right in a Jiffy. Willey & Scjiroedcr 903 North Front Street PHQNP77-J I'ho Flro nnd of tho Common Council t,f -Mnrshllold will receive proposals fin- tho purclinso of eight (8) flro nj (lrauts ror jniniediato aonvory, projKisals to bo received up till nnd Including tho 11th day of August, 1911'.. Tlwo bidder Is to quote prices f. o. li. Marshflold, Portland or San Frnuelsco and date of delivery must Q guaranteed. Didders aro to submit: doslgn of hydrant pro posed to bo furnished but to com ply witfc tho following specifica tions: Cinch connection to water mains, t-oo 2-luch hose nozzles, ono C-lnch titenmer nozzlo, three (3) foot bury (threo feet from top of water main to top of' curb), olght- rnn InrliPK rlefirnnre )ietwenn low Twelve west of Wlllametto Mori- est valvo sttm and top of curb lino IU till 111 l Ul 1 IJjiUI oiuvu iu; 111 u II Balkan Bl dlan, In Coob County, Oregon; Aim runt run (.'nurt make an or der of bkIo directing that said renl proporry and all tho rights of said Defendants therein bo Bold In man nor provided for by law for the salo of real proporty upon execu tion, nnd thnt Plaintiff or any of tho parties to tho suit may bo ronio purchasers, and also for such other and further reJIof as to tho Court shall seeni meet and equit able. Servico of this Summons Is mado by publication In pursuance of nn ordor of salo made by tlio Honor nhlo John S. Coke, Judge of tho nbovo ontltled Court, on this 25th dny of July, 101S, directing tho publication therein In tlio Coos Dny Times, a newspnpor published at Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon, for once a week for the period of six consecutive weeks. W. U. DOUOLAS, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication July 2G, Last publication September-6, 1913. Initiation of wrenches. All communications are to be ad dressed to Harry Winkler, chair man of Flro and Water Committee, or to tho City JOnglneor, Marsh flold, Oregon. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGHAPlIIO WORK, Hroinldo Enlarging and Kodak Finishing. Wnlk ono block and savo ono dol lar on each pair of men's and boys' shoes. Wo do first class shoe re pairing at tho lowest prices in tho cJty. Yours for a square deal. Aug. Olson. SIS South Hroadwny, ouses ANOTHER EXPRESS SHIPMENT FROM NJ3W YORK, OP THE LATEST. BALKAN BLOUSES. $1.25 Each N Hosiery Special A good, IIEAVY-RIBB1DD lioso for boys at .1211, cents per pair. See window display. The Golden Rule Pirst National Bank Building. MARSIIPIELD. . I