fc g'JPjtjMaBfPWTC7WWWf jiaJ THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGOW, SATURDAY, JULV26;3iaHfflaMS EDITION. V. 2 !! WWBg Jgldlll- w8 , v; i Mrs i i 11,, mm Mr inn! Mrs. W I Ponobralte. .Mr unit Mrs. O ' " 'fton. mid Verln Wilson V. . K. I ln . Mrs. B. O. Hall. Jlw, II. W Santo,-, L i Miss draco Stanford. Luvelle Clttila'ii- bcard. Anseltn Johnson. Mrs He I bec-m-Liise Stump. Mr. ami Mrs. N . II Cox, Mrs. Solum Winkler. Mrs. 1 .Limes Stock. Mrs. Wlllliun Kurdell. i.'imv.M... mill Mni'loii lv'ardell, Mr I mm Mrs. J. V. ('niching. Mrs. .'"'I Mills mid Isabel .Mills, .miss cveiyi. Catching. Mr. and Mrs. Robert II Watson, and .Mary and James Unt MUi, Jr.. and (ioo. Koss and wife. .- SIIjVKH TIM. I LANEKFS (GOOD GOODS.) pnitSOXAL notices of visitors In the city, or of Coos Bay people who visit In other cities, together with notices of soclnl affairs, nro gladly received in the social do pnrtmont. Telephone 133. No tices of club meetings will bo published nnd secretaries nro Kindly requested to furnish same. I - tiii: imnuj'.s noun''- Love-lti-a-tnlst bv the bridegroom. Thrift by her rattier. Marigold by I'1''' nfthT. Bachelor s buttons by her brotlier. (,'utrh fly by her little sister. Bed straw by Mnrjorlo Daw. Ladles' tresses by her enlffeuse. Ladles' slippers by her ladles mnld. London pride by the Bullish but ler. Ilonbnne by her elderly rival. Wild thyme by her schoolmates. Cockscomb by a trlfler. Forget-me-not by an old admirer. Venus' looking-glass by a flatter er. Halm by a previous aspirant. Hue by a invorito rousm. Lovc-lles-bleedlng by a rejected nultor. Snapdragon by her duenna. LoiiBe-stlfo by n cynic. Mnlzo by the bride herself. Bv change. THioLirr i-'oit thi: (iitoo.u. Bay a kind word to the groom In his nobby suit of black. Don't forget he's In the room: Say n kind word to tliu groom, Help to drive away his gloom. Ho It Is who hires the hack. Say a kind word to the groom In Ills nobby suit of black. T'lB PHOI'IHBTV or Impropriety of making ehnncu nniuulutumes perplexes many young women nnd girls. The tendency In modern llfo Is to push women Into positions whore they must meot men more or less ns men met each other. The dan ger Is that women may forget that It depends on themselves whether they maintain the respect men feel Instinctively for them. Various em ployments bring women In contact with men during the day. There seems to be hopeless confusion about uncial relntlous and business rela tions. These conditions differ nnd have different rules, writes Mrs. rnink Learned. For Instnnce, In all social matters it Is well understood that a girl does not talk to men who have not been Introduced properly. In the business world Introductions are of ten Impossible and uuncccsnary. The Niife ruin for a girl to follow Is not to speak llrst to a man unless there Is some wry good reason for doing fio. Then. If nlie Is obliged to speak, a perfectly rcuslhlo, quint manner cannot be misunderstood. If she has an liuiulry to make In In a Imslncs olllce, or somo Infor mation to give, and thou goes about her own affairs, no man will be likely to misinterpret her motives. If she I'ngers and lollcrs hi an dlllce and seems Inclined to talk on personal matters, she Is not only wasting her own time and that of others, but gets Mie credit of being forward. A giggling, self-conscious milliner, and show of vanity, coquet ry or affectation does not Increase n man's admiration, but detracts rroiu it. As a general rule. American men lire well behaved and courteous and do mu nmk" mh antes, and It Is the liiti.ie of men not to like girl who i..iil,i advanced to them. Women and girls have much to learn lu these every day matters, which may appear of little Importan ce but really may alfect a craving for excitement, or from foolish util ity, drift Into Intimacies which are undesirable. Common xciwo should be a guide lu many clreiimstanceK I he best (ourne ulvvios Is to be as Impersonal as posulble in the posi tion occupied toward men in anv business, A gill uiuiiot be too careful about making chmtce acquaintances of whoso character, asuoclutlous. habits and family Htio knows little or noth ing A little reserve will always be respected. It U safe and sensible Hot to be lu baste to uecent iiu.m. Ions, and not to accept Invitations irom those who ute not known t one family, remembering always hut It Is only right for a girl to have ner friend,, uieet her parents, other wlke she Is In false position and gives the linprehslon that she has dVuiUiiV1110" r"r im,ll,m ,,l "'"'" From every point of view it h a iiUiako for KlrlH to Indulge In nuk ing i bailee acnualiitauces. There Is no clillliied Micloiy without hele.tlon lesuictiou. not from arbltiary . but from iilKiiity ami reilne- i gins eouiit lie iiiiiv lined COXTIUHUTIOXS concerning soclnl happeningH, Intended for publication In the society depart ment of The Times, must be sub mitted to the editor not later than C o'clock p. m Friday of each week. (Exceptions will bo r Mowed only In cases where the events occurred Inter than the time mentioned.) Dlndlnser of Portland; and Until Smith, who has Just returned Irom Columbia I'lilverslty. The l..inj,don home on South Broadway was beau tifully decorated with lavender and white sweet peas anil candy tuft. Covers were laid for ton: Mrs. F. L. Ci-niitilu iiuhIhIixI 111 serving. The nfteruoon was Mlient In iiiuk- Inif Invnlliler stlikfl. A lirlZO WHS given to the one makfni: her stick llrst. which honor was can led otf by Miss Wilson. Those present at this delightful luncheon were: Misses Ve ra Dlndlnger. Until Smith, Mabel Wilson. Helen and Daisy Hush. Ha nd and Lucy Powers. Until Allen. Bvn Dresser, Bffle Church nnd .Mrs. F. L. Ctrnnnls. iimwjK twirrv. j . Mrs. Claude Xasburg was hostess ot an Auction Bridge party Wednes day afternoon at her home In North Mnrshfleld. The house was nrtlstl t(lly decorated In sweet peas of the pastel shades and blue hydrnnglas. The wide veranda which wn3 can vassed In was decorated In shastn daisies nnd (.reens nnd there cards were enjoyed until n late afternoon hour. Mrs. B. (1. Perhuni won first prize and Mrs. A. T. Lngurstrom the lonsolatlon. The Invited guests were .Mrs. L. .1. Simpson. Mro. C. T. Keating and Mrs. Charles Ilrlgr.s of Portland. Mrs. Helen C. dale of Medford. .Mrs. C. M. lyler. Mrs. It. A. Wernlch. Mrs. Wurnlcli of Minneapolis. Mrs. W. II. Scott. Mrs. Bdgar Cattron of Spo kane. Mrs. C. F. McKiilght. Miss Shonkwller of Portland, Mrs. Hugo Qulst, .Mrs. A. T. Lagerstroni. .Mrs. J. C. Kendall. Mrs. Ailelspurger, Mrs. Ceorge F. Murcli. Mrs. B. W. Knm merer. Mrs. F. M. Parson, .Mrs. Pol lexfen of San Francisco. Mrs. W. A. Toye. Mrs. F. B. Hague. Mrs. Otto Schetter, Miss (lenevleve Sengstnck en. Mrs. J S. Coke. Mrs. C. M. Me Culliim. Mrs. IL Sengstncken. Miss Bvclyu Anderson, Miss Agnes Hutch 'son. Mrs. W. .M. Blake. Mrs. B. (5. Porhani. .Mrs. W. S. Turpon.Mrs. Wil liam llorsfall, Jr.. Mrs. II. Lockhnrt. Tie hostess vvns assisted In serv ing by Mrs. Bmmu Xasburg and Miss (irmo Kruse. (.OI.DB.V WBDDI.Nfi. and rubs ment Unit i. ,.. ' ' "iiuceu hat I is bes; not to bo too lavish sill flirtation which take away so innch of tho freshness of u.art worn, keeping their Ilye would be happi er. I hey would he all the better -4 I Last WednesJny marked the ,'Oth anniversary of the marriage of Mr and Mis. J. s. MaBters of Catching Inlet. The event vvns celebrated at the L, (1. Masters' home when ninny of the friends of the venerable couple paused to mark this unusual occur rence. After the launch arrived from Marshrield loaded with gu sts the festivities commenced. A platform had been erected lu the park and the following program was given: l.ndleu' trio "Silver Threads Among the tiold" Uecltatlon Mrs. Knle Watson Vocal solo "Down by the Mill- Klroniu" Little Mary Watson Ih'iunrks Hev. 7.. 0. Howard After this refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Master wnr imu- rled SO years ago lu Looking (Jlass wmey ami one or tlie guests nt I'liiiiiiK nun ursi ceremony was present at the anniversary last Wednesday. He h Anderson 'rKbt oi Miinner. .Mr. and Mrs. Masters wnieu on duelling inlet n w spring or isus. Mrs. Masters being uie urst white woman to make the trip over what Is now known an the jui v oos u agon lload. The.v niUed lo ihlldreu ibree of vv limit have piiwied Into the IS rent llevond. (our sous present were: i,. (j Masters of Catching Inlet. B. .1. Maulers of f'nu-lilnu Inlet. A. A .Miihteis of Lewlstun. Idaho, and A. I. Maktora of CatehliiK Inlet. Three daughters, two of whom -ire ltvln ii eastern Oregon and the third in w.iiuumi, vai.. were unable to be present. Many Rifts In BOld. silver. China ami wood were received. As Mrs Masters said. 'This U more than we wot the first time" The guests present were Mr. and 'V' s-n8,',w. Mr. and Mrs . A Musters Mr and Mis. L. 11. Masters. in L ) .V'T K J '. Olive IibariU. ltobort Kichards. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Selander. Bl,,a Sol inder lib in- Selander. (JeorKe and Kills s ttr.i ;.c- 8,?Ko1 lVU,, "' J",s ind wife. Theo. and B.lltii st.,i.-.,i M.-ln. ..' ' ,.Mrs " V- ss ....... tivuiKe iit.uK mill Co'll grown. I Mrs gav Mis V uoxoits visiToiisr virs. L. W. L:ngdon. last Monday if a lavender luncheon In honor of we Maulc. Mlso. ,)f s'llem ' Vo"! . SPlItEnLA COKSETS mny be obtalnod la MarsUflld from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corscticr. 6J So. Bth St. Ph0IJ, JOOX lr .... I ii" "' "" vv-ll JIUU'K ...""" :V18' l0,l .Matson. v. .....i. m-, ,nr. ((. j.;. J. Mrs. 11.,,..,.... Frank Black and I.olh Black. Mrs A J Mierwood. Mrs Fred Hansen. Mr. ", .ins, t. ii. vvrmilt Mrs V M Lavvborn. Mrs MnVt , '.' V,I"'..,.M- John Messerle. Mrs c'has a iim or" . . lr ,AItx Watson, Mr and i Oliver, vira i n ini... Ml' Mrs. V The Mlssloniiry Society ot uu Presbyterian church will give n Sil ver Ten next Tuesday afternoon at the parsonage from il to . The hos- 'tesses are Mrs. B. Kcttrlng. Mrs. L. iW Langdon. Mra. 1). A. Jones and .Mrs. Charles Lovvry. Mrs. Lowry 'has charge of the program. Bach 'guest will receive u cup and saucer jus a souvenir. I i I'LA.V I'OIC PICNIC. I . The Sunday School of the Presby terian church la panning to have a picnic next week. A I i i:vi:.ix7 pautv. ! Ma and Mrs. W. F. Miller enter tained nt their home last Tuesday evening. After it plonsant evening of cards the hostess served refresh ments. She was assisted by .Mrs. F. Td. Pursons. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles McICnlght, Mr. r.nd Mrs. Frank Parsons, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Xeff. Mrs. S. C. Small. Miss Shonk wller and .Mr. nnd .Mrs. K. S. Bar gelt. I PLA.V FOIt ".TAI. fAV. Doric Chapter, O. B. S. Is prepar ing to select a drill team of twenty members for tlio Xatat Day celebra tion In which all of the Bnstorn Star Chapters (n this district, will unite at llaudon about August 110. Pre liminary drills have- been held but the twenty to repreent Doric chap ter have not been chosen yet. The monthly socials of Doric Chap ter have been gl.'u up for the next mouth or so owln;; to so many mem bers belli;; out of town on vacations. However the preparations for the Xatul Day celebration are making up for the socials. ! i B.V.IOV PICNIC. I A miiutxer of Marshlleld young folks enjoyed a picnic at "The Xest," the summer home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ceo. F. Murcli on South Coos Itlver last Sunday. They were the guests of (ieo. .Murcli Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Lngerstrom nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Hugo Qulst, Mr. and M"s. Oeorgo F. Murcli Sr Misses Nellie Tower. Frances WllllamB, tlraco Kruse, Helen Hush, Miss Hush, Olad yh Tower, mid Nora Tower, and Messrs. Cornell Lagerstroni, Herbert Biisterud, Victor Johnson, Addlsoir Parry and Itollle Crultt constituted 'lie party. Cnnoel.ig, bathing and oth or plipile inversions vvero eiiJoyv.it during llio dny niid terinlunteil vvltlXd big bonllro lu ihu evening mid a moonlight ride home. : t , HA'.BL COW.W ll()XOIli:t. I A few friends of Miss Hazel Cowan gnvo her a very nlensant surnrlso Inst Friday evening, the occasion being her 1 lib birthday. The party took place at the home of her grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. 7.. T. Thomas, at Allegany, and proved very delight ful. The evening passed nulckly playing sanies and refreshments were later served. Those In the surprise patty were: Misses l.llllan Blmore. (itissle Cowan. Pearl Price. Verio Stomiuerman and Mrs. Cowan. Mes srs. Mason, Xoah and Iva Xonh. Bar! .ul l.oiuo Stemmermuu ami Hazeu Price. i' BEG TC& ANNOUNCE.THE FIRST 0F THEIR: WEEKLY SAM Ever Adivertised ArtijQat Qemuiiie: Bargain,, I"!' lU'Ill IlfUitf 11, In iiiuiiJi'iii'.'iliii.u lifit 'St. sales we arc litii' stl wM what hi'lps yon will lii'lp lis. It is our iiilciih'DH U givo Coos Connl.r a niwmMM.s.s sinu Iopart.itieiil i la i'c sliiniiHMit is cn route from the hast and wo iiimh! room.. A . . . , - 'o obtait'titlial- foom we arc sacnl icmg OIIP pi't'StMil stoelc. Woincn's M-lmttuir white Huck S1i(ics niediimi' liij-hi Urn-, short vamps, Cuhnirhirfi!, lvnlar $l.0, no.w Wtinit'nV 1 ()-lnt t,irt white canvMS Slums, short' vamps, Cntiau heel, reyttlai' IJJJO. Now , Women s white-i.".ritvas. one-slr;ip!pumps. wllihh, Cuban heel, regular .-.-H, w.w ,, ,....., Woiiieiius )iUtit lip. vici kid OronlJ. pifgular.T values. Will be put on salt now tit WomeiRs pat,erjt button, tan (Motlli'lfhps, vttrw dressy. $4.00. This lot reduced to Women's black velvet- Colonitll If limps. U'epirarly sold .JJ.oO. This lot ol' extra special wi.hivs reduced.' now to . . . . AVomoip braHc Satin Pumps.. Ivltularly soKl' Top J.(H). This special Hot; of Pumps will now Ute sold iit $3.00;; $2,35 i ':u:mm .r,::$2!5o ly Mivi'S. Ktte.nt button and Ituv Shoes.. Cloth tops. "erv r A drossy. I?cg. 3.00. NVvflM3V Men's custom - made KaiMtpoo $4.75 Itojf. l.l'ITI.i: FOLK PAHTV. I Miss I.enna McClees iruvo n umr ii elon party Inst Wednesday after noon at her home on Market nveuiio. tlamos were plnyed and the children enjoyed a vvntoriiHon feast. Those present vvero: Xelln Swlnford. F.ff0 olnion. Le na Holnu's. Leonu Holmes. Fsther Sitllhan. Kdna Kelloml. Ksther Smith. Irene Folkes. Margie Folk en P.thel Anderson. Killili and Kthei runnier nnd Dorothy Sumner. : IIIIITIID.W PAItTV. A very pleasant double birthday party was given at the resldeiu-e of Mrs. j F. (loll. Jr. at Llbby on inly :':'. lu honor of the Xordstrom twins and their grandmother, the twins boliu one yenr old and the HluduT. Very hidi-y;rad(t ShtH U'eular ."r'O.OO. Now Muu's Box Call' Illimliifi-, ulttr fl.00. Will be. ntTo nr tl'uced for this evenlt Va4','3 .Men's Patent IMucluer Oxfords. Regular ."i.OO. IuJxIki d""! CA special value. Spttetitl at PJ3U Glen's Kjingaroo BlUcher Oxfords. KV'i-ular ij'-I.JJ0. .Special- (T nr y redueetl fop t.llj;s event. $&( Qj Mvn s vici (Kfords. Ive'niliiT- Iim1uc0I for this tf pa Shot;, went to-r'vW pairs, nt .Men s Tan ieiid NowW?5 .$:..")(). special A few v.. 1.1 1 ,- it. v7.-ottM)(i i.M.ras. ular $l.")() m .-i.M.OO A few pairs of Chilli's patent one sUsip Pumps. K'i'KulartfH Of $1.7"). Specially priced at 4li.AJ ((Tiild's patent, tip,, kid Hlliclvm IW'ular $1.7") a pair. U-fc4 on ifuced for this event lofllW Chihl's Velvet, oiie-slrap linms. Sizes from 2 to -I'j. Thesu nr are speciallv priced' at" Jt Child's N'elve.i, miKsl;iiii, Sizes from ;")'s to 8's. A .special bargain now at Child's whito kilM.opi patent Imt ion. Special vaJM'tS; 2fr4 -ir, to "), $1.00; f)io to, S, atPll3 Child's ami' Alifcscs white duel but ton shoes.. Si'e ") to S, $1.23; Hi'o lo 11, $l..t(); llio,. to 2, J?l.JJft;..w!ir 2o to Little Cl.Mit':s Calf lllucliers. f ular $li.00. Si)cciallv dueed I'lu- rhis ovent PlllllliS, 95c i;$2.fl() ici'.s. ki- it i.ilpl.w i, . vm: or it :i7;.)('ir. LANDO'S (GOOD GOODS) 2-18-2.12 FUOXT KTUI3I3T. rmMi'T ll:U I FAilKH. lhmc Hil-L. PllOS'ti YOl'li OllDBl i na grnnditiother being too modwt to statu hers. A two courso lunclieon was Borved at 1 o'clock. Those In vlted vvero Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Xord strom. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson. Mr. and Mis. Arthur Xoh. Mr. nnd Mrs. ,las. Oldland. Mr. and Mrs. .1. I-. (loll. Miss KM xn Johnson. Miss .eoiiora uiiiiatiii. .Miss .Millie Xoah. Llnier (loll, Peter Xordstrom. John nnd mm ii,,. confer of attraction. The lions, was decorated u sweet peas and nasturtiums. r.inier 1,011, i'0ier .Nordstrom. J( Xordhtrom. Sydney Xordstrom i the twins. May Hmullno Xordstr oml Frederick William, who were RAILWAY HERE IN 15 MONTHS That's that rom will ;ood news KiigiiuuT llocv sends Kuroiip that the S. P ne completed into Coos Hav ami numiii": trains inn. Marshheld in ir months. Uunlly oi)d news is the tact that the most refresh ing and wholesome fountain drinks to be lm.l mi w. ...... .... Km? i i oav Br HlLlTS A MILITARY AranrMv famous &Ni53te-s'te! !::H:aut:e ?nrtoi' x&w- h.. Ca.cIulupioa.c.u'Jlith., "' W VU' tllP l)CSt f may ih lound at Sar- Sin if in V I.. ... ',1Ml' jusr as uere as tie n plan ion pautv. i Iho Young Lndlea Aid of the Nor wegian church will kIvo a measur ing party noxt Thuisday evening at the parsonage. Great Display of New Auto and Winter Goods Call and get your choice out of a thousand patterns TODD, The Tailor and Dress Expert SUITS $15 TO $50 278 Front St., UpsU the employea or tho Krnso & Hanks shipyards, M.IUUi:i) HKltK. I - .HISS I'.l CI AIll lfrlin n.,.l ! i Kruse of North llend. vvoro married in the Swedish Lutheran church last ii?v,niyi?t,,the !,0,,r of noo- 'o i.. V ' R I,eB,t0 officiating. The b ide vvoro a dark hluo tailored suit ni.d the only attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Mutson After tho coreinony, a wedding ...ci.eon was served at tho ho no of he hrhle'a slater, Mrs. Mlv,on , ..... ...... Bi,viiia wueii mo young IIOXOU XKWLV VKI)H. I 4. I - ...i?,r', ni!'1 ,rH K- v- KlU8" tor tiiliied nt dinner Thursday avonlug "t the Ir homo lu North Heml in hon or or Mr. nnd Mrs. I-'red Kruno. Iho tahlo wna decorated In nlnk roses and thoso son ted wore Mr. and Mrs. I red Kruso, Mr. and Mrs. Hob- ii iHuiKH. jvtr. ami Mrs. .1. p. Rn8 couple depatted for Catching l, el, ho home or the brldo's grand.... toi i,nI:"?'wherothyIntaBl,or grandmother, honeymoon whM111,, ..I" orth llend. ... "v iu nits unit ii nou- I etc ue not Uttai elj,heie, ORTLA upmuioo ittutei ttiulu thit " Vi UU "CSr 101' he. 3d lor miJoc, ' iort than lo months, f'onip nd. Oregon , to Sartor's tomorrow. modern homo. Those present at tho ceremony were Mrs. k. v k Ictor Anderson and liellnda Ander- OUIit The vouiig couple nro among tho best known nnd most popular young people residing on tho Hay and were showered with rollcltatlons' Among the many presents received b them wa3 a purse of $52.75 , from iii.mseii .miss iiollndn Andorson, Miss Lona Kruse, Miss Then Kruse. Mr. i3;,'. V. Kruse. J. Gardiner victor Anderson, inm iin.,,i.......i ---, w.,,.., uumiuiKU u "mi j. u. .Mullen MMICTS TODAY. BUY THE VERY BESI Marshfield gJ trcamery iiieo!,0twSrtV."0n(l T1,,mb Club wl" U'attors nftornoo with Mrs. V. 10. HOXKIIUJ PAUTV. Miss Stlon, Miss Susie Vlnovard SStaerSlSp?i,a, IU,SgS of North Z a euiertained a nutnun. r ... SU'ifffiLnr.'VrVu,S rf-yynnyJ."1" ouinr evening. Va MAP VXIH'.K MXlTAItl COXUITIO.NS IX A CMiUf AND M0DKIIN l.'ACTOHl. STKIUMZED .MlMi AND CHlUJ'' PURE KI I Free del very, 8 l'ltouo " Have your Job prHw j (Continued on Page Three.) The Times omco. r V - - Tn1l5c 4wfcSSLf Ih&iJ; Sihu