iORROWERS ARE SCARCE WHEN YOU HAVE NOTHING BUT TROUBLE TO LEND (000 Sag WxmtB NOW IS YOUR TIME. I A siniill ml In The Times want I column tuny hrliur you results mi- I mediately. Try one. I LOST ARTICLES ' ,..,. iii-st fnniul tliroitKli Times want ,!. Rend tlipni! l'e tlioiii I They act results. MEMBER OF TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS mi wVlfll Established In 1878 fOL AAA VII. T. Const Mall. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1913 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES, & Consolidation of Times, Const Mull and Coor liny Advertiser. No. 6 MBASSADOR WILSON SAYSU.S. IN inclnres There is Only Small ; Revolt and That Bandits Cause Most or iroume. SAYS MADEROS ARE' rUISUIMIIVU MIIYUd Irritated Over Paid Acjents Probing Situation LiKciy to be Replaced. on 1. Mi'irr i'iti:sini:. r WILSON MONDAV 1117 Van. latnt I'nui In rnnn linjf TIiiick, ) WASHINGTON. .Inly 27. Secretary of State llryiui wiih asked nliiiut AinlitiHHiiiIcir Wil son h statement Hint Dtl Vnllo (,..d liei'ii fiirnlHliuil with n ropy of tlio Stato Depart incut roile, lint llryan said ho never had nimouncod Unit Del Vnllo wnH mi agent of tho Stnle Depart ment He refiiHed to discuss Hie iiieHtlon Ambassador Wll xoii will not confer with the President until .Monihiy. lie ttpent niiirli of tho day In con- feri'iHe with Secretary llrynn. (Ilf A mlmril I'rrn In Coon liar Tlmw J WASHINGTON I). C. .Inly 20. - nibas. ailor Hurry l.aiiu WIIkoii, on Ik iirrhnl hero for conference on tho (exlciill iilttiatlon with President lliimi ami Secretary of'Stnto Bryan. Innoiineeil that ho had prepared ncnioranduin suggesting a policy the Itmrlrini KoWMiinont should puiHiie. rlille (Icclliilni; to divulge Kh nature it II he iiiiliinltleil IiIm vIowh to Pros- lent WIIkoii and Secretary of State irynn Ambassador WIIhoii chiirai'lerlzed Impractlcnhlo tho propoHiilH for Icdhitlnii by tho American enuimls- lon jAmliaHiioilar WIIhoii deHcrlhed IiIh fcntinciit by I'rcHldciit WIIhoii and ecrelnry or State llryan hitherto iik biirtoous in every roHpoct except one. q sending of separate ugonlH to In rKtlnate condltloim In Mexico. lie Iverely criticized both Win. Ilayard Mile mill HeKinalil Del Vallo, who h feclaiPil wero acting for tho udmln- (ratlon there. "I don't tbliiK Del alii should luivo beun given tho Into Department lo," Hiild Aiii- isHiiilor WIIhoii. "Indeed. 1 bollovo o Senate coiiiinltteo might Investl- Ite the distribution of tho Stato epnrtmciit codo to niivuto Indlvld- llH." Amlm:::mIor WIIhoii wiin volioinont IiIh trltlrlHin of eoimt Itut lonn lists Id the Mntloro family. "Tho Mndo- famlly," assorted tho amhaHHiiilor. Bne maintained n imld hureaii In EnHhliiKlon to polHon tho public pmi iih to the roiioiH. Thero really none except in Honorn. wliuro lore Is an organized movoincnt. Bowiiero thero nro hand h." AiiihiiLKodnr WIIhoii suld ho would irry IiIh conforenceH. nildlnir with 'laugh. "I understand from tho WHpapeiH that my prcHonro In brIiIiikIoii Is rostlng Mr. Bryan 000 a day by losing his lecturing Biigenieuis. won. I must ho an pciiHlvo visitor." NO CIIA.VCK IV WII.SO.V 111 Itcfiise o IVrnilt IlMMirt of Irms to either Mexican I'nclloii. ii7 v swuie.1 rrci lo Cooi lugr Tlinci.J (WASHINGTON. D. C, July 20. CrclaiV Of Stain Ilrvnn tnlil fTm eli;n rolntloiiH commltteo today fi ino iiiiniiiiistratlon would innko inimcdlato chniiKo In onforcliiK noutrallty law aKaliiBt shliimonts arms to Mexico. Thin In, Denton It President Wllsnn will onnMmin irefuso to IsHiio export pormlts to 11 llliertll nml Mm fnnqtltiillnnn) ktlOHB. WlliV J.l JOUltNALIST. f' Tlmt .Tap Cabinet Should Take BvintiiKo of Mexican Situation. p- , IICq iitn to Cooi n)r Tlme.j fOKio July 20.- Somo of tho "h nowspapors today acciuo I laiiaUl'Bn I'nliliint nf l,,,.lr t ,11... Plltlc adroitness 111 noi.nttntlni,H Incetea with tho California nllon iPrsll III oulHlnllnn 'IM,n.. ..n It nilvantiiBo should bo taken of mtiiTi'u f ..iA.. .in.. ro iiiumuiiiess in ornor to liier Jannn'fl mnsn m i. oo. e they question tho sincerity of I I nlted States. TO SI-rn-M-j IIALICAN WAIl. fo DeleKiites Assembling to Ad Br -l"iS! ,'''l,,,n,,s 'Soo biv-... . ' wu. 11. timca.i ttV, ..". .""'V'1' ureeco ana " ",,,'" ,ui uoigrado this morn- hoy win nrrlvo her0 t r lliornlmr ,!, i. peu by Premier Volzolos, or K?l "nd Z'10 ""iBarlan plenlpo- ile n . ;f ,B lou in military arm' "LU'0. 'oris of pence will t i.r ., it oim ns lllQ armlstio led. 'Btsseci nt Msh Is con- AlTOK,.l'',,) t0. "OSKIIUHfl V , leav nc dnllv r. n ;Mo?Wi!? 2P. Hi., same nallni. v ..;' i4KiB una m "niion at "The Oivi" mn.ii. xuicr Hotel. -!. MEDIATION I MPOSSIBLE PREPARED FOR HO CRISIS Sec. Bryan Says United States is Ready Receives Private Report Today. tllr Anoclntr.l I'rrm lo Com llnjr Tlimw.l WASHINGTON, I). C, July 20. Intimation wiih given by Secretary of Stato llryan to tho Senate Foreign HelatloiiH commltteo today Hint tho ml in ItilHt rnt ton Ih prepared for any ilevidopmuntH In Mexico affaiiH hut the natiiro or the policy that Ih IioIiik Hhapeil at tho White IIoiiho ami Stato Department wiih not disclosed. Reginald Del Vallo had a confer ence today with llryan at tho Whlto IIoiiho and he mihuiltlcd Homuthlng In the nature of a report or recom mendation hiiHcd on IiIh ohHorvntloiiH In Mexico. Del Vallo Ih n former California State Senator from Lob AiikoIch. He Ih HiippoHed to ho llry jiIi'h personal reprcHcnlatlvo. S AT McLoughlin Again in Form Plays Brilliant Game Against Heavy Odds. llljr AHOlmr. 1'riM lo Conn liny TIiiip J WII.III.KDON. July 20.--My wln uiiiK today tho doubles mateh In the series for the Davis cup, t!ai American lawn tenuis challcuKors, Mcl.oiiKhllu and llackett, placed tho I'nlted States team nliend In the iiorles of live iiuitclieH. To win the up the AinerlcniiH need to win only one match of two to he played on Monday. II. Itopcr I'arrctt and C. P. Dixon, of lOiiKlaud, won the Ilrst set In tho Davis cup doubles from Maurlco K. McI.oiikIiIIii and Harold II. llackett ny seven kiiuich to five, Mcl.oimli tin and llackett won the second set by six names to one. Parrett and Dixon won tho third set by six Koines to two. Tho Kroatest bril liancy on tho part of .McI.oiikIiIIii iiillcd to innko up for tho won!-liens ot his partner, llackett. Itirj4uv. Iiik the weakness of tho Amorlcin combluatloii, the KiiKllslitiien played ronstniitly to llackett, who uotied iiiiiuy returiiH after desperate tallies at tho not'. McI.oiikIIii and llackott won tho fourth Hot seven rriiuh to five. McI.oiiKhlin and llackott won the fifth set ami match, six ii'imcs to four. LEAVE TODAY STKAMKIl SAILS THIS AFTJJIt NOON FOll POItlTiAND WITH FAIlt LIST OK PASSK.VGKHS OUTGOING LIST. Tho Ilreakwntor Bnllod today for Portland with n good list of passon gor8 and a small cargo of frolght. Among those sailing on her woro: Morlo Knsloy, Hazel Provnrt, L. A. Groon, Mattlo Purser, Mrs. Job. La Chnnco, J. II. Cookijon, Glndys Rich ards, Mrs. H. Mann, A. B. Gorton, Vora Dlndingor. Myrtlo Shonkwllor, John Tlornoy, Mary Lyons, Mrs. A. E. Noff, Emorson Noff, Hannah Sand qulst, K. D. Mlllor, R. R. Ray.MrP. E. Thllnian, Chas. Rlgossl, Potor Calvi, L. J. Preston, Mrs. L. J. Preston, C. E. Taft, W. Ford, A. Harloy, A. E. Towor, Mrs. Thos. Sneddon, Ruth Snoddon. Ellzaboth Sneddon, G. M. Dnvls, Mrs. C. M. Davis, S. Conner, II. C. Chaso, C. II. Hunch, Mrs. C. II. Hunch, N. A. Leach. 0. Perry, D. Scola, E. nolando, Geo. Glosup, J. Horrl, D. B. Johnson, Dick Williams, G. W. Wlluurn, Potor Fornno, Edw. Beolor. TIIHOUGH AUTO STAGES. Charles Barnard, of tho Rosoburg Mnrshflold stngo alines, has com monced tho oporntlon of through machines for tho first tlmo this sea son. Tho cars leavo Rosoburg at about 0.30 o'clock In tho morning and nrrlvo nt Myrtlo Point lato in tno afternoon. Although qulto rough In. spots, tho road Is said to ho In fair condition. Rosoburg I w LAWN TEN IS W News. I Strike Leaders at Calumet, Mich., Say That He is Not According Them Considera tion Shown Companies. (Mr Aitodntc.l l'rtu lo Coos II r Tlran.l CALIWIET, Mich., .Inly 20. Tho miners' union officials wore plainly dlHappolnted at the tenor of Gov ornor Ferris' reply to their pro poHiil of yoBterday that he Inter vene to ROttlo the strike. Thoy ns Herted that the Governor failed to give tho ineu'H Hide of tho contro versy coiiHlderntlon equnl to that ac corded to tho fompanloH, arguing Hint the request for troopH had not RAIL CHIEFS 10 Withdraw Demand to Arbitrate Railroad's Claims in East ern Wage Dispute. Jllr AmocUIcI rrrti to Cooa llty Tlmn.) NKW YOUK, July 20. Tho East ern rallroailH today withdrew their demand that their Krlevnnces aRnlnst tho employes should bo considered by the federal hoard appointed to ar bitrate the demand for better wages ami working conditions made by the (inductors and trainmen. This re moves the last obstacle In tho way of arbitration. After a brief conference with the labor lenders, tho mediators an nounced that tho nrtlcles of arbi tration would present sixteen orig inal demands of the employes with out change. Tho only point won by tho railroads wiih an agreement that tho decision of the arbiters should become effective October 1 Insteod of being retroactive. E IS LEFT BY HIGH HUBGY Mrs. Seyd Havens, Formerly Miss Sue Miller, of Marsh field, Deserted in Canada; Tho following story from an Oak laud, Cul paper will he of Interest on tho Bay as Montgomery K. Mil ler and family formerly lived In Marshflold, Mr. Miller hnvlng been an onglneer on tho Southern Pacific: " 'Seyd hns gone. Don't worry. Am writing today. Lovo to-nll. SUE.' "This iologrnm, received by Mont gomery K. Mlllor. rather or Mrs. Boyd Havens, formerly Miss Suo Mlllor, hns conveyed to tho pnrents of the Oakland society girl confirmation of tho rumor Hint young Hnvcns had quarreled with IiIh brldo of a month nnd loft hor for Now York City, whllo sho romnluod In Calgary, Canada. "Tho dispatch was transmitted from Cnlgary, nnd was recolvod In answer to n tologrnm from Miller. " 'Tho whole affair Is very mys torlouB,' said Mlllor, 'and wo do not understand It In tho Ienst. In ovory letter that my dnughtor sent to her mother nnd mysolf nftor sho depart ed on hor lionoymoon sho spoko en thusiastically of hor trip and tho hap py outing she was having. Not a lino In her letters intimated that sho was unhappy.' "No direct confirmation of tho re port wns received by Frank C. lin ens, tho Piedmont cnpltnllst. Wlck ham Havens, tho older brothor of tho nllogcd orrnnt bridegroom, snld that ho bad not beard from bis brothor Blnro his arrival in Cnlgary several weoks ago, and did not know whether ho was still thoro or In Now York City. Wedded lint a Month. Tho wedding of pretty Suo Miller and young Seyd Havons on Juno 25th Inst capped the climax ot ono of tho most interesting prenuptlal affairs tn local socloty circles. On May 23d last tho engngemont of tho young couplo wns publicly announced In tho nowspnpors. Immediately there after, and up to a fow hours of tho marrlngo on Juno 25th, Havens em phntlcnlly donlod the engngemont. Miss Mlllor wns equally ns firm In contradicting hor intended, tolling all hor frlonds tlmt tho wedding wab going to tako placo. Tho climax of tho repented denials and affirmations of tho engagement wns registered when Havens nnd bis brother, Wlckbam, drove to tho Mll lor homo in this city Into that night, tho brldogroom-to-ho armed with n marrlngo llceuso, and with n hastily assembled gathering of relatives 1 1 ml tho wedding ceremony per formed." MA RS HIM ELD to HOSKIIUHG by AUTO, leaving dully 5 n. in., reaching Rosoburg 2 p. in., same day, 1MIOUU trip. Tickets and in formation at "Tho Owl", opposlto Chandler Hotel. W M Y AT conic from Union men and no act of thelr's Justified the presence of the military. Strcsu wiih laid on tho fact that no destruction of property Ihib taken place, strlko leaderH nH RertlnK tlint biicIi damage as Iiiib oc curred will be Incidental to the cIobIiik of the iiiIiil'h Hooner or later. It wnH stntcd there wok a neceHHlty to begin nn luvcHtlKatlnn of the In dustrial conditions hereabouts ntid tho union officials ho.v they pre ferred that tho Governor make It in person mid at once. General Abbrl, commander of tho entire Kuard of state, arrived today hut will not take command until tho reglmcntH aro completed by later nrrlvals. ICvery train brings additional companies. LINE SOUTH OF Outside Parties Reviving Road Down Coast Proceed With Secrecy Now. Plans aro under way for rovlvlfy lug tho project for building a line south from Ilandon to Port Orford and Gold Bench and possibly fur ther. A limn has been on Coos Hay for a few dayM and Is said to have been looking Into the matter, hut Is reported to have refttKcd In formation to those unking nhout the project. Whether lie will try 'to couple up with tho projecr which Gnlller llrothers, CjI. Rosa and other Baiidon parties, W. P. Mur phy, of Marshlleld, and others have been figuring on from Hnutlou to Grants Pass Is not stntcd. Tho probability of the Southern Pacific eiitciidlng Its Eugene lino from Coos Bay to Ilandon In the near future Is said to be furnishing tho basis of the activities for tho project south from Bniidon. MAKE GIFT TO t ML Dr. and Mrs. J. T. McCormac Send Check for $100 to Help Its Work. Tho Marshflelil public lll'irry to day received a check for $100 from I.'r. nnd Mrs. J. T. McCormac, tho following self-explanatory note ,ic- loiupuuyliig It: Mnrshllold, Oregon, July 20, 1913. To tho Ladles or tho Mnrshllold Library Board: Mrs. II. Songstac kon. Mrs. W. S. Chnndlor. Mrs. J. W. Bennott, Mrs. II. S. Tower, Mrs. M. C. Mnloney: Dear Friends nnd Neighbors: As wo nro about to sever uinuy of the tics that have bound us to Coos Hay for nearly forty years, wo havo thought: It best to show in n small way our kindly Interest In tho wol faro of this community, which dur ing all of those years has been to us all that tho word "homo" can mean to n couplo who havo passed through nu tho stages of llfo from boy and girl to tnat of grandparonts, and wo nsk you to nccopt with our slncorest well wishes for tho success of your no bio efforts to afford pleasure nnd Instruction to tho rising genorntlon, this small token of our apprecia tion of your good work. Very sincerely yours, J. T. M'CORMAC. HATT1E E. M'CORMAC. AMONG THE SICK. W, C. Lund of Forndalo, who has been nt Morcy hospital, Is reported to bo critically 111 nnd practically no hopo Is hold out for bis recovery. John Ferguson who has boon ill nMho homo of bis pnrents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Duncnn Ferguson In Forndnlo, for tho pnst 10 days, has practically recovered. Mrs. ii. P. Johnson, of Floronco, arrived yesterday to enter Mercy Hospital at North Bond for treat ment. Goo. Glosup, an employe of tho Smith-Powers Logging Company, un derwent nn oporntlon nt Morcy Hospital last evening. Ho Is get ting along nicely. ALONG THE WATER-FRONT I ft Tho Brooklyn arrived In at Ban don from San Francisco today and will como to tho Hay to tnko on a cargo and passengors for San Frnn clsco, STEAMER BROOKLYN SAILS from NORTH IIE.VD for SAN FRANCISCO. WEDNESDAY. JULY :io, at sorvlco of tldo. Mako HES-I EHVATIONS with W. II. PAINT ER, North Bend. PLANNEH T 0 MEN URGE RIGHT TO VOTE VNVWSWVSSVSAAWWWWN , GREAT MARCH III AitorlnteJ I'rm to Coot ny Tim".) LONDON, Eng July 20. -Many thousands of nou-mtlltaut suffra gettes paraded London this morn ing as a preliminary to the great service In St. Paul's Cathedral and subsequent demonstration In Hyde Park. Every constituency In the country sent representatives to Join tho various columns during thetr progress, and small detachments, which originally started from the two uttermost limits of the Island were augmented on the way until they formed great columns. Tho women started Juno IS. They wero cordially received In all purtB of the country. Europeans and Americans in China Fear Fighting in Civil War. I BLUE .JACKETS LAND. Illy Aoilr.t I'rrM In Conn lUjr Tlnira.) SHANGHAI, July 20. .Some bluo Jackets wero landed here this morning nt tho request of tho authorities and forolgn con suls, with tho object of scatter ing tho rebel force in tho coun try and suburbs adjoining Shanghai. A cordon of pickets was at otico stationed around the foreign settlement to provout tho passngo of tho robots. The foreign settlement hns been closed to belligerents. ft Ily AMorltM 1'rfM lo Coo IKjr Tlmra, HANKOW, July 20. Urgent np- peaiH woro received today from for- olguerH residing In Kyllng for n na val guard. Thero aro over 2000 of tliom thore, mostly women mid child ren. Tho Northern forces nccordlng to tho dispatch from Llullang, start ed n gonornl advance yesterday, nnd tno rebels rotrcntcd bo fore thoni In confusion, A column of Northern soldloiB crossed tho Ynngtso River and captured Olipbant, a stand from which position they began shelling tho Pukow forts. Committee Appointed at Meet ing Today to Arrange for Outing. Tho Coos Bay Grango mot this morning In tho I. O. O. F. lodgo rooms. Tho mooting was called to order by Secretary Chas. Mahaffy In tho absence of tho Chief Grnngor Noll Wntson, Tho regular ordor of business was attended to. A commltteo was ap pointed to mako arrangements for n picnic. Mrs, II, E, Bessoy nnd Mrs, E. L. Roborts woro named, Thoro was a small nttendnnco. JOAQUIN .MILLER'S WRITING. ft Many Marshflold pcoplo who aro familiar with tho chirograph)' of tho late Joaquin Miller, nnd thoro nro a number .of speclmons of his writing now In this city, will nppreclnto tho following story of tho difficulty In deciphering his writing: "Jonquln Mlllor, "tho poet of tho Sierras," who died a fow months ago, lias been put forward ns the very worst writer that over lived. Tho secretary of a literary socloty onco Invited htm to a banquot and re ceived nn answer, of which no ono could doclpbor a word. Ho wrato again to tho poet, stntlng tho diffi culty, nnd suggesting tlint, In reply ing, bo should innko n cross at tho foot of bis letter If boworo coming and n clrclo if ho could not bo pres ent, but nobody could decldo whothor tho mark ho mado was Intcdod for n clrclo or a cross." If you have anything to soil, ren trade, or want help, try a Want A ASK AID FOR FOREIGNERS GRANGE WILL HAVE PICNIC OFE Over 100,000 From All Parts of England, Unite in Lon don's Big Mass Meeting. OPPOSED TO MILITANT SUFFRAGETTE MOVEMENT "Reason, Not Force," is Their Battle Cry Remarkable Parade Precedes. inr AhoiUIM I'rrtt lo Coos liar Tlmcf J LONDON, July 20. Tho murch of the nou-mllltant women suffra gettes culminated today In a meet ing in Hyde Park attended by fullj 1 iiO,(iOO women, bended by Imnnorl beating the words. "Reason, Nol Force," which Is tho battle-cry ol the hiw-uhldlug National Union ot Women's Suffrage Socloty. Pettl coated battalions, with huuds play ing and banners flying, swept through tho principal streets audi converged at a central point. Sovcn ty HpeakerH addressed them from twenty platforms, At tho sound of a bugle, a resolution was simultan eously ndopted, amid bcoiioh of tu iiiultuoiiH eiithuHliiHiu, hogging Par liament, without further delay, to give women tho right of frnnchlso. Tho vast concourse of women Is ho Ilcved to constitute the lecord ot any political agitation gathering. HEAT VICTIM IS FROM BA! Archibald Gilfallan, of Marsh field, Falls to Death From Portland Hotel. PORTLAND, Or.. July 27. Arch ibald Glirallan, 00 years old, foil to his death from a window In a lodg lughotiso lit 321 1-2 Gllsan strcot. Ills home was In Marsbfleld and ho camo to Portland Monday. Glirallan. leaned too far out of tho window In nn ofrort to got cool. Ills skull wnu fractured. AT Marshfield and Conuille Play There Tomorrow New Marshfield Player. Marsbfleld and Coqutllo will play a double header with North Bend at North Bond tomorrow nftornoon nnd Ilandon will play Myrtlo Point at Myrtlo Point. Tho following Sunday, Marshflold and North Bond will go to Myrtlo Point for n doublo hcador thoro, Mnnnger Ogron hns mndo a now find for tomorrow's gnmo. Ho Is M. J. Boradorl, a traveling man who formerly nlnyod in tho California Stnto league. Ho is spending Sunday r.oro nnd win bo tried out at second boso. Tho llnoui) of Marshflold will probably bo as follows: Perkins, c; Freoman or Johnson, p; Abbott, lb; M. J. Boradorl. 2b; C. Blgbeo. 3b; Burko, bs; Woods, lf;i Blgbco, cf; Chandler, Ives or Dow oy, rf. Coqiilllo will como ovor by auto, thoro not holng enough travel to war rant a special train. BRIDGE GAVE WAY. -A span ot tho npproach to tho Dora Brldgo gavo way tho other day underneath a donkey onglno which Mr. Galloway was haulliiK from tho Enst Fork mill to Myrtlo Point. No ono wns injured. SOCIALISTS' HltfJOLUTIONS. At tholr recent meeting In Co qiilllo, the Coos County Socialists instructed John Hnydon, chairman, nnd A. J. Stopban, secretary, to send resolutions to Governor WeBt deploring tho deportation ot Dr. Leach and asking tho chlof uxocit tlvo to remove the officials of Ran don and Marshflold and tho Coott County Sheriff from offlco for not doing tholr duty. Hotel Robbed. E. M. Aligoll, who has been rooming nt tho Snydor hotel on South Brondwny, left this nftor noon on tho Ilreakwntor for Port land. It wns discovered nftor ho left tlint n pair of shoos bolonging to E. L. Brlco bad disappeared and that some of tho rooms had beon ran sacked and nn effort will bo made to bring him buck horo to explain, Ho worked nt tho Smith mill for uwhllo nnd Inter worked around town. Ho elnimed bo had a wlfo In Portland on routo to tho liny. I