THE GDOS BAY TOES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1913- EVENING EDITION. 4 .. i IB iJi J""" I AGA TIMES' M A Fable oModayJI g .. ZINE PAG i "THE CKAII AND HIS KO.V N A very early day tlicro lived a crab, 8omo people sny "craw fish," who had becoino morbid nnd morose and sullen mill tiisBni lsfled with his lot. Ever since Ills tlmo when a person shows up wltli his attributes, ho Is called "crab bed." That Is how the iinino ot Htnrtml. but this Isn't generally known, though. Now, this crab has n son Just of that oko when n hoy's head beKlns to grow faster than his feet. Ho wasn't any worst) than the ordinary boy, but his father thought ho ought to act like n man nnd bo ablo to anticipate whatever he wanted done. This boy couldn't toll to save his neck when tint lawn needed mowing or when tho furnace needed fixing or the ashes carried out of tho col lar. These things Irritated tho old crab very much and he was con tinually Jawing the boy, nnd when tho boy's mother undertook to take his part he Jawed her. It made the household very unpleasant. About this tlmo thn boy begnn to he choice In tho selection of his neckties ami he perfumed his hand kerchief nnd had his hair tut pom padour. This made tho old crab worsu than over. Hnrtlly a meal went by that tho old man didn't let out on thu boy. This was em barrassing, especially when there was company. One day the boy's grandmother raniu to make a visit. As Is nearly always tho case, the grandmo"icr thought a great deal of the hoy, nnd the hoy thought n heap of his grandmother. Whenever you find it any different from that there Is always soniathlug radically wrong with thu boy or with thu grand mother. At tho first meal tho old crab criticised the hoy In n menu, sar castic way, because hu didn't rank mining tho highest In his class -irlUclsed him hccaiiBc ho was tardy a few times. "Ho never was tartly h if.'." Everybody kept still. Tim next meal It was tho samo thing. y .v was tho boy's haircut nnd his necktie. Every meal it was some thing, and If the boy undertook to make any kind of a defense, you would hnve thought the old crab was going to kill him. The grand mother kept unlet all these times, hut It was noticed that during these Jaw-fests sometimes her falsi) teetii would come together like a gopher trap In action. After tho old lady had been there about a week, one meal old Mr. Crab, not having any thing new to harp on, began to rail nt tho youngster because with all tho advantages of education and money hu had spent on him ho still traveled backwards everywhere he went. Tills so amazed thu yout.i that before hu had tlmo to think he said: "Why, dad, you never net any other example before mo." Of course tills was on thu verge of be ing sassy, and tho old man almost had a fit. Ho grabbed the boy by tho neck of his sweater with one hand and readied for a heavy razor SPORTING VACATIONS 'LEARN ONE THING EVERY DAY" No. .-i. WOOM'KAIT. Copyright, 1913, by Tho Associated Newspaper School, Inc. iIIOSE who are famlllnr with of Coopers I the characters ot muiim novels hnvo wondered nt ami perhaps envied their l"01lL,(,,i(illJ)v. .1... ,,iu iimlr roiiiarkablu nblllt to detect' and Interpret the signs they saw there, and to get along nil ...111. II,,, Ii.muI 1IHH StailCU ill the varying moods of tho forest country. Woodcraft was thu In dian's life. From childhood he nail been lulled to sleep by tho w nt in the Pines or the ripple of tho E 77. .ifi $&:$ IMPl JBWJil tlco this giant onk, or that bentl of the stream, or yonder fallen elm, or the crow's nest in the big pine, or tho nature of the country Itself, whether hilly, or low, or rocky. .Many pcoplo In the woods do not ever notice the blazes on the trees, and It Is easy for them to stray from the trail and lose themselves, Nor would they discover footprints when they circled ami are cover ing again their own route. It pays to know how to fill your pack so that It will carry more easily; to know when to rest, and how rapidly to walk In order to reach your destination. When enmp Is to lie made, experience helps to choose the site, away from swamps and low ground, to select the pro per houghs for the bed, and to cut the pieces that will serve ninny use ful purposes about camp. It Is nlso useful to know that birch hark or pine knots will serve well for kindling, ami It should never he forgotten that the utmost care must be taken to prevent thu spread of fire In the woods. Indlnns build n fire not more than 12 or IS inches across, and always put it out on leaving. One of the greatest pleasures In life In tho forest is to come- to know tho trees in nil their vnr ety. and to learn tho birds, to listen to their songs, and to sit nnd wntch tho squirrels and rabbits find whatever wild things mav bo in the neighborhood. If ono "does these things Ititcllfuntitiv. it ,..m shriek of the pnnthur. the tiiiem-lbe but n few years before tho great, lotis call of tho lime owi, iiiiu u m.-n oui-oi-tioors win hold for him The Parisian New Store of Ladies' Children's Ready-to-Wear Garments Just opened In tho O't'iuinell building, Murket avenue. Tills will bo our temporary tiuiirtuin, iih wo will move In our now store In the now Chandler llltick about September 1st. WIO AUK SIIOWIMl A 131(1 VAUIKTY OP LADIES' AND MISSUS' TAILORED SUITS, COATS, STREET AND PARTY (10WNS, tit prices LESS THAN COST TO MANUEAUTITRE. All ntreut mid party gowim aro Individual in Htyle, no two nllko, niiido especially for THU PARISIAN. brook; In bin waking momenta he had known the call of the loon. t:ie uiiii,- miiirniieh nf the enemy. H( had seen the braves of his trlbt strip and prepare the bark from the birch treo to innko ennocs nnti fash ion vessels for the maplo sap, and '.io had wntched the women wenvc baskets from tho Kreen twigs ol the willow, nnd Hints from the reeds nloiig the margin of the lake. He know how to trap the wild hare, and ho could toll tho fox's den from that of the woodchuck or skunk. Thu trait Is something almost Instinctive thnt gives to a few the power to find their way through vast tracts of wooded country where It seems Impossible not to become lost. Quick and acute observation of landmarks helps greatly: to no- TEMl'I.KTON, Or.. July 21. Ed Itur The Coos Hay Times. Enclosed please find a copy of a poem called "Soliloquy," which I have had In my possession n long tlmo and which was stron with the other, and. savin..- written ty nn aunt or mine wiio has something about precept beating ex- Iu'V".i 1)',.f"r nmVy yc,ttTe ample, he prepared to lam the kid Hut Just then tho old lady broke out with, "John Henry, drop It." Thu tone of her voice carried hint back forty or fifty years, and he straightway dropped the strop and released tho boy. Then the grnnd muthur begun to peel him like she would an orange, and here Ih how shit did It: "John Henry, I've been here most a week now, and there hasn't been a meal eaten In this house that you linve not bullyragged that hoy, and about nothing, lie Ik n good boy. If you had been like him, I vwni'.d not have had a gray hair In my head yet. You gave me more trou ble than all the rest of my family put together. Talk about your rank ing way up yonder in your classes! You never went clear through a book in your life you Just wore 'fin out. Wo bought three 'rlth luetics for you that I know of. And you never was tartly? Doggonlt. you never used to get to school until tho llrst recess. You would go four miles overy morning bufore school to look at your iiiall and rabbit traps, and If you got there before thu llrst recess the other scholarH would cheer you. Then you nlwayH left school at the last recess to look at them same traps, and when you got home you was too everlasting tired to help with any of the work, and I used to do your share to keep your father from scolding you. You rviuom. her that wet summer when we couldn't plow, and only hod one horse that wn kept In the bam. the rest we turned out on the prairies. You got so blnine tuked buy that summer yon would not feed or water "Old Jane." without crvlug and 1 hud to feed her nivself. " "When you was that boy's ago, If you could have gotten hold of any perfume yon would have doped yourself to denth with It. and as It was, you used to grwiBo your ?mlr until l hud a wash your pillow slip twice a week. Hut 1 must sav von turned out to be a party good" man. only you have simply forgotten that you was ever a boy. Yim .tm. seem to know any more what a boy Is like. ' "Now, John Henry, don't want to hear another word from yon aKl.t that boy while P,"' C I in nwuy I'll conic buck." The next Saturday tho bov mo-, ed the yard In the niornlnk. then I'K U and he and hl fuiho, went fishing. The trouhu, "J! , . and grandmother did It. Moral: Never forget that you Wl. once young and don't bo rough w 1, .,r,t'CKrv,i''t'r,;r eomo a IiowIIiik success. ' I think It so snd and so true to so ninny lives that I should bo much pleased to have you print It In your paper. I remain, Yours truly, W. It. "Sollltiiliiy." When the winter sun's Inst lingering rny I pon the hilltops shown, 1 laid my natural name away And took another one. As I stood so closely by his side, And heard him softly say The precious words, "My own fair urine, Happy wo will over he." The solemn words I hear ngaln: "I pronounce you man nnd wife, 'I o love each other to the end or nils but natural life." With trombllng lips wo took the vows, And breathed them soft nnd low: "We will bo true as wo are now, As through the world wo go." With the orange blossom on my brow. An emblem of truth nn.i im,.. And music flouting soft and low". Like the burps that sound above. And the bridal veil like a snowy cloud Moating about my form; How could 1 dreniu It was a shroud. 1 lint covered my heart so warm. My world was then an "Eden," .-u i mi oi iuve nun bloom; How could I see the demon That turned It nil to gloom. Hut then there came tho weary years lien happiness had fled; And the brow that wore tho flowers so fair Wjib crowned with thorns Instead. Hut Borrow comes to ovoryuno Mi life. Is free from care; there mm be days of clouds and gloom, I.arth can't be always fair. 1 fnunlnn Hrt.i tlmi l.. -. ., T it" l '" "l onte intense nnd Inspiring. Every day n different luininn In torest story will appear in The limes, ion can get a beautiful lit tog Io reproduction of this picture, with five others, equnlly nttrnctlve, 7 by 9 4 Inches In size, with this week's "Mentor." In "The Mentor" n woll known authority covers the subject of the pictures nnd stories of the weok. Headers of Tho Times nnd "The Mentor" will know Art tS"'0', Hls,ory' Sc,ece- nnJ on .niV. ""' ow" exqulslto pictures. On snlo at Tho Times office. Price Timn tQvnt,' W.r,,L' ,0,l,,y Tlie I 'nr,nT JikJL .explaining The iJll" ;.'s""i'er Hciiool plan . . I "MII.II.UVU1." WAISTS TIIU hAIKJICST LINK OI-' Mill US' TAII.OHKD AND DHICSS WAISTS KVI'JIl SHOWN IN .MAItSlll'IIXI). Visit the store and get our prices. You nro welcome nt all times whether you purctiaso or not. The Parisian O'Connell ItlllldlllK. MAItSliriKU), Oltl.'d'O.Y. Iiiof- D.. onother shipment ,1, Mysost Primost Q Stauff GrocJ x none 1C2 PLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1HHI). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest pnlil on Tlmo DcMist.s, Officers: .1. W. IJennctt, President. I. II. I'liiiiiignii, Vice-President. It. K. Williams, Casliler. (Jeo. 1 Winchester, At-Nlstimt Cnsliler. $10 A fRONTi Wlioro properly ai M ho Inir r.n to . " "Oa an exceptional' Z3 ' orrorlMB Vm don't iiiiu tho tel"!4 iiiviHctiir. v vn Wo can Hhm , ' loro this op,1ortunit, J H. KAl'WMsf City Auto Oond CarB, Careful m ...v..?."""'" cimrKei. n win ko anywhnr ., Bland Illnnco Cigar L? II lllllll 7 Ml..l.KJ bI .;:. ";.",,i.pMt i w.'i ltWIIII.lI.I.' tr i r JUST HK(T2IVfff A largo Klilpnicnt of I tlllISM Kllllllou Cltll llllll linn n ;. .S.."180. ....urn. iiuniKiia in j,ote from twn lh'1,1 in i.. . i.. ; i . '" " I' in un-vim-ai aupiuies. Barnard & Lad ,' ",:.,,!,,;vti Tm: MTKST DltlNlf I I THY "KI.IM.Voii MINT." Miss Kleimor Wilson, youngest daughter of the President, has evolv ed the new- drink known by her name, use the following: Three fingers of chocolnte syrup. A dnsh of mint. A filler of chnrged water. A block of blsntie glace. rn'n'm '")r"0" f WllIlIO.I A sprinkle of nuts. Maraschino cherries. Doe hall things well; Noll find the words fulfilled lu'iuixnw nuiuuNus' 'i'i!:;. i?lnu7 "T"i '"-.o.ics oonvSfir :," (:"':-'!' .' I'oardofrenVHIVL.:-: il... . -- "v ii-liiiii ii'ri. on- 1)0- 1,,'1!,1'" nd eonstruetlou PI HvlenS W? VhU0 KeonumlcH biilldlnu ami ..,.,..!.? ONDHATI I OK .MKS. A. VANILK, Oh mother dear depnrted shade. wl7i l8 Vlnt D.,f.Pe of WlMful rest. Innr in,;.U'y .P,,,,,,,r0n 0W,- In''l Hear st thou the groans that rent their breast? SlICll nUOHV. Cllll un n'n .... o r, "" ' v ., iuit:i:i, WIh?." n f0IK.t ,1,nt sml' 8a'' '" W hen the niigel of Ootl to our home ho crept. And took tho ono wo loved nwny? Oh. mother tlenr, thou conld'st not stny, Although wo proyed, not yet bo The mrssngo came: Clod's call oboy! done' Cl'H ""' " "luBt hQ n., ....i . bare- K": 01"" ll0,no ,s Our father Is bowed with grief un- And oft ,,s wo gnzo on that vncant t'linir, "ua MrlIi0l thoughts our "" ""III IIOIU. I'tPnilty shnll not efface 'nAi!.m,lfe','nt.,0,,r l"Bt on.braco, ,t"u '"""Kin wo 'twas our l,Ht n,fi5. ,,Cfflr' "11 llc,l thee To that homo of blissful rest No sorrow there, nor In ,, , '08n',oan e know God's will, it Is thoTeJ, M. K. H. Tho ItoseburK Kovlnw ..t,.i . nnd Mrs w vV V i. "" JU'iiy; Jr. iiiiiu. nro nmnii.n. : "" "' u'i ' j , - MV. BAMDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OFiTHE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACHE TKACTS rOUIt MILKS SOUTH ON COUNTY HOAD S!I5 l'Elt ACHE; 9100 CASH, IIALANCE TWO YEAHS. NO INTEKEST, NO TAXES, FINE HANDY liOAM, LEVEL I1ENCH iaNI). Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKktosIk Low Rates for Handling Ti .... ii ll HUM get, polntH In Mnrshllcld for 6 iih iim-n, uenvery to u tho llrat Htorlcs of bulldi; Willi LIIII1K Three trunks ..!!!! Twelve trunks Star Transfer and Sis Levi llclsncr, 10 I'lionns, 12C-J: .lj ItKAL ESTATE nnd IN8UHANCE. t. jr. scum W. B. nitOWN j) A, El MarchfiplH PAINT J DECOMH ENtlmntc FunliUl I'liono JH7-Ij Mi Definite Privileges WHEN you bring- money to tho counter of this bank nnti re celvo In exchange a "checklnj; nccount" pass book, you aro dolnir moro than placing your funds In snfo kueiilnir. WM?w2r0fil?,,,oy,,,K5 W,tllout .c08t t0 yo"' K K H ' N I II h E AdlvNTS, whoso services are those of experts. ron, the first day ; you begin n checking nccount, you hnvo tho use of sonio definite privileges. bocroHM8!1!,,1.0!,11 dobt- Tn, "rfon t0 recelvo ih )0"y "y have seen Win. ' 'rnl llUI'1 "wny" You ",ny novo' But you wrlto n check In his favor. You may carry It to him If he Ib not thoro, you can leavo It no ono can use It until tin one It Is payable to has properly endorsed It. I "ho Is nt n d s tance , you can mall It at tho nearest box : or give It to tho car Slpt'oiTthe back!8 "aCU t0 y0,, lt w, CUrry "'roilad'' to itCIfor,my Ut ?38,92 n8en8lly n8 a S,"B, liar-no change FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Unique Pantai THE MODEKN I)VKlU.n I'ltESHEItH and lIATftlKl Agent for I.VMTrd II, I Co., Fine Tallorlnf. make your next mlt aa CENTItAL. PROFESSIONAL DIO ""SVWWWWVWWI PIIOK. HAItHY V, PJiino and Ilarro! Studio, 1.-I7 N. Sccoilll B ICNJA.MIN OSTMXn, Consulting Knit Architect I'liono lO.t.Ti Mm T ff llflfimirt. J .11. ttJklllllil CONTllACTOn W Estimates furnlih" f, I'inns nnu bj;vi -., if desired. An boneitjc teed, pnono m". tnur, nsTMN'I). I wi.. ir.inpr udl y IIII1IU M.." ' , J 41b 8. HlXtll rv- -u Leavo orders ai v. co. ID UI 1111 lllllll ,,,,..... woo visited Crater I nk ci. ' ' "i. v. iiiireiini iv 'f u" wing ami the ceiu Val p 'of T'rave:::"-"'!!.' bt:uo,no1ieo,;u.sws nu .m I I . . . praises of tlVo i..'v '. Hll,8,u' " ' a St. Helens Hall """", VJBIQO.V n".ld.l mi D.jr School l n,.,. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPAItTMENT LUBIIIEtt, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULIMNGS, SASH AND DOOltS ROOFING PAPER, BIO. ' CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO HY USING OUIt WOOD PHONE 100. 183 SOUTH DROADWAY PERL RILEY DAIlBg PlunlJt wJl Rwldence-Stuaio, ruuuo TVT G. CHANULElt, o o .n.i nni Colli Manlifleld, Onfil Dr. w. Monnow " ...I.. Mil 171 Grimes u"u",iUl Theater. uiui-j Abstracts. RaiI Pct Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Inc HENRY SENGSTrin.'v . ' X7M 8- T", Scr MarahlleW, 0rel . n T TIKVimV'S n"-"' ;:" nui Vi are equipped to w worK on buui- -- mi lowest prices. ? 9 Lady attendant. ", Ohnndler HnJ Have That Rw' s-.SWflSUl!a&S KSSiSfeate NOW COQHV'cWYlffiS bl. Ilvlsu Hull Hee aonfm TN- pnoNaai71, V'& 70" .--- Eu iero tet for I7S.TI). and . . H ''""" ircuil5-iJC"'uB,,u,""