THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1913 EVENING EDITION. he Old Way Won't Do Now "HE old idea of selling things at retail is now practically extinct the hit-or-miss way, with indifferent selections If furniture and indifferent salespeople and poor service Today the patron's comfort and convenience are fore iost. Comprehensive showing of OOP FURNITURE dected by trained experts, who are in constant touch with the ading centres of manufacture in the United States, The Going & Harvey way is the modern way A large stock that will permit a wide range of selection Every article guaranteed as represented. Prices as low as it is possible to sell for Payments so arranged as to suit the convenience of Mtrons When you want anything in house furnishings come in fnd see us. We sell it for less. OING HARVEY CO COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS NORTH FRONT STREET, MARSHFIELD lUICK WORK, )R PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, ephonc the old reliable Bay Steam Laundry (ways deliver the goods. 57-J Marshfleld It Class Weaving Promptly dono nt liner's Rag Carpet .Factory rriium nu'iiue between Califor nia anil Connecticut. 174. North Bond. Or. Held & k. Bend JtUW JLinC leavo every 20 minutes from to 7 i). in.: from 7 n. in. o'clock ovory lmlf. Fnro 15 P"o way, round trip 25 cents. Hiauon uookb, 20 rides, $2.00. leavo Chnndlor Ilotol, Marsh ad North IlRml Knivn Cn In IHend. 1ST & KING, Props. Auto Service r & Tucker, Proprietors. it Orders tn Ttlnnxn TTnfal in ler 12, 2C0L, Right Cafe. muiBiuiuiu, uregon. Hern Urlci. . .mdinir minpr. kti Steam Heat. Rtnrnntlv Pished Rooms with Hot and I WnfaH HOTEL ooos u. a. Metnn, Prop. SO ritnlo a 1 nn.l ....... - jr. Drodwy and Market lures & Framing Walker Studio 2r Sewine Machines w vVhlm for rent r for Ba,e Mes and Needles for Sale. AV. .T mm 'rk Ave. ' Mnw.iifiiii. . Phono 280.X your ini. ..!. i .. . mes office.; ' 'Ub "ue m equipped with avihelesh Steamship Breakwater ALAVAYH ON TIME. HAILING FROM PORTLAND JUNE 2t); .IL'IiY I, 1), II, 11), 21, AND 21), AT H A. M. SAILING FROM COOS HAY Jl'IA' 1, (I, 11, 1(1, 21, 2(1 AND III, AT 1 l. M. TlckctM ou sale to all Eastern points anil Information ns to routCH J anil rates ciiceriuiiy mriiisiicii. 1'liono Main 35-L. P. It. STERLING, Agent. S. S. NANN SMITH SAILS FROM SMITH MILL DOCK FOR SAN FRANCISCO THURSDAY, JULY 24, AT 2 P. M. CARRYING ALLCuOS HAY FREIGHT. San Francisco office, 805 Flfo HIdg., or Loinlianl St. Pier No. 27 Intcr-Occanlc Transorttloii Co., C. F. McGeorgc, Agt. Phono -II. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR EUREKA "WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, AT 8 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH TIIE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 44 F McGEORGE, Ageat. THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING AnSTRAOT COnANY Hare photographic copies of all rocordB Coos County to date, abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other Information relating to real estate furnished on short notlco. BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Marshfleld, Phono 151J W. J. RUST, Manager Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. 'Phone 58 SUM IE ELL IS A SUCCESS Test of Now Device nt Port Orfonl Reef Satisfactory. A Portland paper says: "In n re poit to Inspector Henry L. Heck of the Seventeenth llghthouBo district, Cuptnln O. P. Hnnkin of tho Snn Francisco &. Portland Btcamer Hoso City, said that ho considered the performance of the Hiibninrlno hell on Orfonl reef buoy very satisfactory. "Captain Hankln stated that ho had made a test on tho Inst voyngo down to San Francisco, tho buoy being sighted nt about 8: -15 In thu morn ing of July 12. It was bearing 1 1-2 points ou tho port bow nnd distant about eight miles. They began lis tening to the submariuu bell phones nt !:07 nnd heard thu boll sound with sufficient clearness to bo ab solutely sure of Its Identity. The buoy then bore 42 degrees on the port bow and wiih distant 2.S miles. A small Irregular swell from the northwest prevailed and thu Hobo City was drawing about to 1-2 feet forward and making 1 1 :i-l knots. "From tho time they first heard tho bell, he said, until It bore abeam 0:17 n. in. an average of nbout 10 distinct blows per nilnuto were heard. Thu boll was plainly audible at !:20 n. in., when It bora .'10 de grees abaft thu bcniii. Tho listening distances at tho time of tho beam bearing nearest approach wcro two miles distant. " 'In conclusion, said Captain Hankln, 'l wish to stato that I con sider tho performance of tho boll very satisfactory, tho rango comparing very favorably with the distances nt which wo heard tho light vessel's subiuaritiu bells under thu sanio eon dltlous, 1. e.. small hwoII nnd ship go lug at full sliced. I feel conlldent that by slowing down or stopping to listen wo would have multiplied the (Ilstanco nt which wo heard tho bell by two or oven three times.' " SEEK SUNKEN TREASURE San Frnnelsro Crew to Try anil Get Gold Out of Jonathan Wreck. SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl July 21. Tho fact that clairvoyants, tnles or snllors nnd records of underwriters havo proved falso to inoro thnn 12 treasure expeditions which havo sail ed from tlmo to thno to lift $1,000, 000 of currency and bullion from tho spot where tho old stornwhoclor Jona than was lost In 18uT, has not dis couraged n local baud of gold seek ers, nnd tho sterna schooner Del Norte departed for Crescent City, Ore., to nialio another attempt to find the treasure Tho Jonathan was lost off Point St. George. Tho Dol Norte was loaded with n gnsollno launch, diving paraphernalia, magnet Irons nnd other Implements to locate tho treasure. Low In price, high In quality. Electric Irons Wo havo u few second-hand Irons In good working condition ut $1.75. New Irons, $! up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1D3 N. Broadway DIHCK WILL BE CANDIDATE Oregon City Man Announces Cnmll ilacy for Governor. OREGON CITY, Or., July 2T,. Ilo foie a gathering or uomo 2500 mem bers of the Clackamas County Veroln. Grant II. Dimmlck, of Oregon City, announced hlmsclfas a candidate for tho Republican nomination for Gov ernor of tho stnto at tho forthcoming election. Mr. Dlmmlclc will run up on a platform of general economy, centralization of power now widely scattered In various stnto commissions and will oppose slnglo tnx, At tho last gubernatorial primary Mr. Dimmlck was n candidate for tho nomination, nnd secured next to the largest number of votes enst. Pre vious to that he had been elected mayor of Oregon City for flvo terms, was a presidential elector, casting a vote for Roosovclt In 1001, nnd in lOOfi was elected county Judge of Clackamus county. I W- Bowling Alley! 375 NORTH FRONT STREET Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies WANTED xvntplms Hint won't kenti time. Dlrtv nml rnnolil nil nrn llin ruination of your watch. Lot mo handlo It and prosorvo It perfectly for years to como. . E. C. BARKER. 22 C Front st. Marshfl Id. Or. New and Second Hand furniture sold on tho Installment plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO, !I02 Front St. Phono n-JO-L Marshfleld, Or. AVE ARE STILL SELLING Corona Blend Coffee Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'CONNELL HLDG. 181 Market Ave., Mar.shlleld, Or. Phono :!-.'. FAMILY DINNERS In our new location, wo are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or short or ders. Open day nnd night. .MERCHANT'S CAFE. Broadway nnd Coinniprrlnl Mfld You Auto Call Foote PHONE 144.J NIGHT A'. D DAY Stand front of Blanco Milliard Purlor THREE NEW CARS After 11 P. M. Phono 200-1. Residence Phone .8-J. Careful Drivers -: Good Cars Hotel to Ho Erected In Chicago by C. G, Dawes In Memory of Sou. CHICAGO, July 25. A hotel for "down nnd out" men, to cost $100, 000, will ho erected by next winter by Charles G, Dawes, president of tho Central Trust company of Illinois, ns n memorial to his son, Rufus Fearing Dawes, who wob drowned In Lake Geneva last year. Evontunlly Mr. Dnwes will erect a similar refugo for women of tho snmo class. Thcso hotels had been projects which tho father and son had plan ned to carry out together, and Mr. Dawes, in n statement given out the other day, pledged himself to dovoto nil his sparo tlmo to carrying out the work his son had long looked forward to. "In memory of my dear son, Rufus Fearing Dnwes, who mot his death Inst Scptombcr," Bttld Mr. Dawes, "I shall, during tho present year inau gurate tho work which wo hnvo often plnniicd to carry ou together, nnd to which for tho rest of my llfo, I shall devoto that part of my tlmo not re quired by business duties. "As tho first step, I shall erect on tho west sldo n hotel at an expendi ture of $100,000 to bo known ns tho Rufus Dawes hotel. Lodging will bo furnished nt cost, not to exceed n touts, tho doors of this hotel will nev er bo closed to Hiobo out of employ ment upon their promise to pay when they find work again. It will extend credit to tho unfortunato upon their promise alone. A frco employment agency will ho run In connection with the hotel. I shnll hopo later to es tablish a similar hotel for women. "My boy wns grently Interested In tho Y. M. C. A nnd tho Idea or this work was originally suggested by that being dono by tho Howory A. M. C. A. of Now York City." At tho tlmo of his death, young Dawes wns 21 years of ago and n se nior nt Princeton. DcBpIto tho ab sonco of necessity for work on his part he devoted his vacations to practical labor, often to the hardest sort, In order to propnro hlmsolf to enter his father's banking house, and to loam tho truth about tho llfo of "tho othor half." UK n i EL LEAVEJLBANY Chief of Police of Albany Gives Them Ten Min- ' trie? lo Leave. ALBANY, July 2d. Acting Chief of Police Griff King has ordered bov en I. W. W. supporters out of tho city. Tho officers intercepted tho mon while roaming In tjio different pnrts of tho city. Two of tho flvo ordered out wcro bogging nnd others wero moroly loafing. This morning two inoro wcro Intercepted and woro giv en ton minutes to leave town. Tho Inst seen of any of tho mon, they wcro beating a retreat for tho coun try. Knch mnn gnvo tho officer suffi cient causo to order them on. All nppcnrlng to bo of an extremely low typo of citizen nnd wcro clnssed uh hoboes loltorlng In tho streets. Chief King snys that ho has or dered tho members or tho pollco forco to keep a watch for members of thlB elnss and to order them on If In their judgment they nro endeavoring to In clto street meetings or violntlng tho city ordlnaneo governing hoboes. I. W. AV. DISTURBERS LECTURED Judge Tells One to Return to Ger many If He Doesn't Like U. S. PORTLAND. Or., July 21. After giving a suvcro lecture to all, tho Municipal Court dismissed under suspended sontenco a scoro of In dustrial AVorkera or tho World and others tnken In tho recent disturb ances arising from street speaking nnd rioting nt a local strlko scone. J. G. Knnpp, recently a lny brother In the monastery at Mount Angel, was among tho prisoners. Ho plead ed his calling In asking leniency. Sovcrnl of tho prisoners Insisted they wcro moroly drawn Into tho disturbance. Gus Wnlkentln, n Gor man, wns advised by the Jndgo to return to his fatherland If ho was dissatisfied with America. AV. C. Luckcnhlll was arrostod nt tho Industrial Workers' head quarters and released ou suspended sentence. AVEST HITS AGAIN OPEN SlUSLAAV LAND All Kinds of Job Printiny Done at The Times Offiee Clearance Sale REGAN Jl'LA' 11 AND CONTINUES ALL OF JULY. Rig Cut In Prices Electric Shoe Store 180 South Broadway. Chief Forester Graves AVI1I Cooperato AVIth Settler. PORTLAND, Ore.. July 23. SntlB llcd that many trnctB of land In tho forest reserve of Sluslnw, In south western Oregon, nro thoroughly ad apted to farming purposes, Chlof For ester Henry S. Graves returned to Portland full of optimism as to tho futuro of that rough and wooded country. "Settlement thoro'U bo hard Just llko It was In tho ploneor days," said Mr. Graves. "Rut If tho peoplo want to go In thoro and try to mnko some thing of the land and of themsolvcs, by glngor, thoy'ro going to got all tho hacking I can glvo thorn." Mr. Graves accompanied by Assist ant District Forester Flory nnd sever al others from tho Portland ofllco of tho forest service, loft Inst Monday for tho Sluolaw country, whonco had como many appeals that tho agricul tural land ho thrown open. Ho mot tho pooplo who mado tho plea, saw tho laud they thought good for crops and stock nnd boenmo convinced that their contention was proper. Accord ingly, ho directed tho squads of sur veyors previously at work In tho for est to run tholr lines over tho agri cultural tracts at onco, Tho survey ors nro now doing so. Thou Just as fust aB tho tracts aro surveyed, tho applications already on lllo for thoso tracts will bo actod upon by tho de partment. Immediate settlement Is tho Idea, and Mr. Graves declares tho peoplo thero nro entitled to all tho dovolop ment of which tho country Is capa ble. Somo years ago tho Sluslaw forest was closed by the-secrotary of agri culture and never reopened until now. Several rejections and other compli cations wore responsible for this. Prior to that, however, most of tho best land along tho watercourses had been sottled. andlnuch Is now patent ed. Throughout the mountains, how over, are numorous tractu of bench lands nnd gcntlo slopes. This Is par tially grown to second-growth tlmbor, tho first grovths having been swept long yeara ago by fires. Consequent ly thoro Is Httlo prospect of timber sales becauso tho growth Is not largo enough. Llbby COALvTJw kind YOU have ALWAA'S USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery and TraiiBfor Company, Governor Orders Peace Officers lo Grab Illegal Hooe. PORTLAND. Or., July 24. Gover nor West Issued n proclamation or dering pcaco o Ulcers ovcrywhoro In tho stnto to solzo liquors shipped In to this stnto to bo sold In dry terri tory nnd not lnboled ns provided by stnto Inw nnd in violation of tho Kenyon-Sheppard-AVebb net passed by congress. Tho Oregon law provides thnt liquor shipped Into dry torrltory must bear labols showing nctunl contenttt and tho real uamo of tho conslgnco and consignor, nnd transportation companies nro required to keop rec ords of such shipments, open to penco olllcors nt nil times. Thcso provis ions, tho governor declares, aro being violated, and quantities of liquor aro shipped In from surrounding stntcH Into dry territory In Oregon. MONDAY ALHANY'S HOT DAY. Thermometer Reaches 1)0 Degrees, llrvtvo Decreases Discomfort. ALHANY, Or., July 2G. AVIth tho government thormomctor reaching n maximum tompornturo of 90 dogrces, yestorday wns tho hottest day of tho year nt this city. Though It was flvo degrees wnrnior than any provlous ony this year tho heat did not seem so opprcsslvo as on either Saturday or Sunday, as thoro was a breeze most of tho day. NEW OREGON INDUSTRY. HoscburK Man Ships Thousands of Turtles Now. Tho Roschurg News says: "D. II. Brown, tho turtlo shipper, loft for tho Harry Plnkston placo, 55 mllos down tho Umpqua, whoro ho will engage In catching turtles. Mr. Brown roportu that sovoral thousand dollars worth of turtles aro being taken from tho river annually. Ho Is a specialist In this lino and says that ono particu larly flno species, tho Black Diamond turtlo, Is found horo In Inrgo quantities." NOTICE. Motorcycles nnd automobiles will not bo permitted to uso tho Fair grounds rnco track hencoforth as they cut It up too much. COOS BAY FAIR ASSOCIATION. Bath-Room Accessories and Summer Comfort Thoro Is no tlmo In tho year when tho bntnroom 1b as much In uso us In mldsummor. During tho hot days tho shower bath and tho cold tub are In constant do mund, Have you arranged your bath room so that you nnd your family can havo tho benefit of modorn convenience? Hnvo you an adequate shower hath? Havo you soap, spongo, tooth brush and drinking glass holdors? Hnvo you glass shelves, toilet preparations and a modl elno cabinet? Havo you bath mats and a good supply of rough towolB? and so on, ad lib? Thero aro many bathroom ac cessories on tho market planned for convenience nnd sanitation. The list Is far too long to enu merate horo, but. If you nro not nlroady entirely familiar with wnat Is to bo had In this lino, turn to tho advertising columns of THE TIMES and learn some thing on tho subject. You will bo astonished to find how much real comfort you can procuro for yourself and your family at very moderate cost,