B'a" ITWt-WTTWr-t, THE COOS BAY TIMES, ". n. OREGOM. FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1913-EVEWING EDITION. CENTRALIZE AND MERCHANDISE C 2, M-iumi.il ' " MMMMMB MW"1111 IN GENTKAL AVE i i A PJhararaacy ran Essactiog Tho more particular you aro about medicines yon take, tho more pleased aro we. We like to satisfy the wants of par ticular customers, for wo have taken particular pleasure In fitting out n store to meet every requirement. Let us fill your prescriptions nnd ilriiL- nrilnrn. We can npsure you of n service that cannot bo excelled by any drug store nnywnere. Owl Prescriptioini Pharmacy I 'i link l. C'oliau. upposuo uiianuier noiei. t I'hono 71. KKKSH FKEXCH UOX130XS lieyular GOt- Pound. 40c Pomumd SATURDAY ami SUNDAY OXLY -at Stafford's COOS HAY'S (I rent White Way is Con tra I Avenue. Have you noticed this thronging- thorough fare at night as well as day? A glare of light and many marching feet. Did you notice also that the Carnival came to Central Avenue I It is the popular parade place in the evening as well as the busy day. Join the crowd. Come to Central Ave nue. Merchandise and economize on this pop ular business street. Kammereir Says: PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chandler Hotel Good Music and a Good Menu The Hub of Central Avenue Now is the time to supply your wants. liarijains in all de partments. Nought specially for vacation days FlXti TUAVUL1XG It AGS AND SUITCASES Coine right from the factory and every one guaranteed to please. Prices most reasonable. Yours anxious to please, The Toggery ROMAM TALCUM PGWBEA Regular price, 2jCi Special, only 13 WJ Three Kinds: Violet Carnation n. i.'. "''oijill WW Phairinniacy "Deutsche Apotheke. Phone 211 Silver Deposit Ware THIS VKAIt'S I'ATTHKXS. i-'ihst m:ci:ivrci o.v coos n.w. Till: MUCKS 1)0 THKIlt OW.V TAI.KIXC. thi: ii.TK.sr .xn hkst always at Norton & Hamiseini 01'KX AX ACCOUNT WITH Till TWO STOItKS. 1'iont Sired. CKXTHAIi AVKXCK. First National Bank Of Coos Bay AVAIL VOt'ltSIILI-' OP ITS St'IMIIHOIt IWCILITHCS. Safe deposit boxes In bursiar-proof vaults for rent at low rates. Central Avenue. WaetedlS Ladie s from 1". to 45 years of nut), to Insure In the .Ml'Tl'.U l.ll'IJ OK XKW VOIIK. Tho oldest, largest nnd best com pany In the world, with SK Hutidrud .Million Dollars Ai sets, Hint they miiy Hooure their own fluuucliil Independence nnd not be depending on "Kultiia" liuslmiuU. For particular Bee, Henry Sengstacken Local Agent, iaa COOSBAY TIMES M. C. MALOXKV Kdltor and Pub. IMN K. .MALOXKV Sens Kdltor Official Paper of Coo Coimly. qiwjciaij I'Ai'Kit ok Tin: crrv OK MAHSIIKIKI.I). inlsliiK strawberries on Coos Hay tlieu. The motorcyclo believes In letting everyuody know when It Is work ing . A Ol'IC DAILV SI'KCIAL. MIOI'LI) KAItX THKIlt SALAKIKS AOX(IUKSS.Mi:N urn nald $7:.00 a I year, besides certain pern.nl- "" hIIch, which amount to a tlioua nd or two more, Why shouldn't they stay In scskIoii In Washington 'ill Biimmer, the jcur round If neies w ry, to servo tlielr country? Theio aro no better or more (omfortalile bunluess ipiarters tliau the halls and office of CouitresH. Most of us have lo stick to our Jobs day In and day out the ear loinnl and literally work In the sweat of our hrowH, Let Con crcsHineu hold to their tasks and tako whtn (omfoit they tan. without gruin liug, In olcttrh- fans and sliort houis. You Always Have Friends Wlien The Need You. i Sonie Coos liny men nro so sus picious that they split a lead pen cil to see If the load goon all tho way thinugu before they will pur chase It. -::-::- .. . - I toimcs - - Tli I'ostofflce OK THK TOWN I Denaitmeni has .foue a KU'iil erlce for tho people by i'tniit !uu tlieiii to iiko ordinal) pi .u. v .t'niin on p.trcols pout p.uic Kis. Thoy will not have such a ftldu expanse of mucilage to lick. A Missouri farmer luu succeeded In ralsliiK a variety or potatoes without tops. That's one way of frhing tho I'UBD over to the neigh fcor'n potato Held. There would bo no objection to sonio Coos Hay men airing tlielr knowledge If there were more kn ledge and less nlr. ll'LV WIVKS. Tlio honeymoons bavo Inst their glninor; June brides are getting down ', lo calnuT (oiiiorns than swappluc yjJl'lJIJJlM) lias uilur I Tin: oner ohskhvku"savs - A lion a (os Hay man admits he Is wrong bo does so with a men tal lesenatlou that he Isn't bo aw- llllly Wlotlg. seeming than nioon-beatus, Stardust, twilight dreaming they're now anointed fraus. And doubtless some youiiK wives are sIkIiIiik because they know much less of frying potatoes In a pan, than of the work of Keats or Ibsen, or or the nrt of C. I). Olb een which stuff won't feed it man. I'erhnps some wives are nearly faint liih' when thlukliiK of the trifling paintiiiK on which they wasted time: bad they but learned the art of broll nm n norterlioiiso. wltlnnii n.Hiiiiiiinir It till It was n crime! Or what ood use. Homo wives are saying, Is all our skilled piano playing? Our coffee's on the blink: It makes our loving husbands shiver, and often drives tliom to tho liver to et u decent orlnk. Such vain nccompllshiuents we carried! And now that we're se uirely married, wo often hIkIi and wish to swap the lore wo gained at collono for Just the sordid, workday KnowledBe of how to cook a fish, l'erhaps some fair youiiB wives nro looklim throiiKh heavy work that tieat of cookhiK. and sIkIiIdk as they Kaze. perhaps they smell the beef steak bttrulni;, nnd think with sor row mixed with yearning of nil their wasted days. lly Walt .Mason. X i:VS OF COALKDO. (Special to The Times.) .Mrs. Alice Yoonir iitnl two cbllil. ten. Jack nnd Ktliel, left Saturday tor .MarsnrieKl, wiiero tbey sailed Sunday on the Alliance ror Kureka, wheie they will visit with her undo and sister. .Mis. Kurtz of The Dalles. Is visit ing her daughter. .Mis. liner. Cecil Wltschoy was taken to M.usli fleld Tuesday where Or. llorsfall re moved his touslld. Win. Crlbblus had the misfortune to get his band badly i rushed In n block ho was oiling and had to be taken to tho hospital. Conledo is to have u church which v 111 bo appreciated by all. Hev Da vis will oversee the building of it. .Mr and Mrs. KM Ilostwhl; will leave in a dav or two for Allouuiv Tlielr ninny friends will greailv miss them, but wo wish tlietu miccosx In their new home. .Mrs. Willis Varney visited In .Marslirield Wednesday. Mrs. Donovan and .Mrs. Casteel vvero Bhopplng In Coriulllu Wednes day. Mrs. Dan (Irow Is expected homo Thursday. I xoirru HKXD xnws T. S. HoggH Is enlarging and Im proving the Saddle Hock leHtaiirant. .Mi-s. LoiiIho HiiIkIkim' has returned rroni u lh.lt at Xewberg. Oregon, ner father, A. T. MiNiiy, coming with lit'r to spend the suiiiiuer on tlio I Jay II. C. Wray of the First National Hank, lias gone to Ten .Mile to spend Ills vicatlou. He lias ntrttl nlsli Hnglneer Wolfrom cfiil force sufficient flsli to nu!l crow. .Mrs. J. It. Huberts and Xl gust lloelllng have returns 1 fow weeks visit at I.onj Enl other Southern CnllfurnliK-l irn Heeler who lia WJ lug a coiideusaiy at Srlo, OrJ visiting friends here. .loh n (lood hau cone -I Lodge, .Mont., to mitxrl:: opening of a new coal cil Kd Tliouias, who bai Nl HI of pii'Miiuoiilu, In r.;.r proving. .Miss Kiiniia .lolinsoa )' week for Mlihlgan and Vil to spend tho balame ol at nier with fi lends. THE We have a notion that the old Liberty Hell, which Is koIiik to Cal ifornia for the eiosltlon, would be Jess uttractlve to people It It were aot liiilf clacked. iioxm' (sin niscoiHAOKi). Clieer up. in bo.v It alwava takes A while to lealize That he who never makes mistakes is he who never trio. I WITH THE TOAST " ' I j MJLJil.JJlAj OOOI) KVKMXO. I - The progres of ilvlllzatlou is marked by the destruction of Isola tion. Kllhu Uoot. -H--l'KACK. Tbero Is no speech nor language to express The H'eret messages of Clod, that mako Vorpctual music In the bearing heart. Ijolow tho voice of waters, and above The wandering voice or winds, and underneath Tlio song or birds that rill the earth with sound, fiod spoke to h. r, and all she heard was peace. So when the Master questioned, "Dost thou bear?" 8I10 answered. "Yea, at last 1 hoar" And then llo asked her onco again. "Wleit bearest thou? What means the voice or lire?" she answered, "Love!" -Henry Van l))ko. When epino" Cuoa Hay women trade couipllmeats both are cheated Olid BCllMltUt fli.iir.... . I... . ... ,tu . t .. ""." i ine sun Znr&MI e"U.roly ,u 90.000,000 mrWk. maj bo thai- ..!,,. i.. . . - , ..w. v UU He res List a That will help jnu solve tho Sunday Dinner problem. All tho good things tresli fioiu ti10 u,.jeti I'hono oiir order. WateiiueloiiH. Cautaloiivs, Xow (iieen Means. Wax Meatus. Cabbage, Cauliflower. Ouvn Onions, lAituce. Caut)ts, Tin nips. Hlack IMiiiiis. Hlue IMuius, Mercies. Mauaiias, THE BAZAR Phone 32. House of Qimlitv. Deer Hunters In order to hunt deer lawfully it is now nec essary to send your hunter's license to the Coun'y Clerk in order to get the three tass, leciuired under the new law, stamped and pre fixed to your old license, Bring your old licenses to us and we will see that you get your tags by return mail. Deer season opens August 1st, "The Gunnery" Front Street, MARSHFIELD GUARANTEE MEANS JUST THIS: n - Marshfeld to Roseburg in 12 Hours a.oo. to M,r,i.k ,.0,,,,; fcsr mrkw&gp S.t fro,,, cimndle,- Hotel. ' l'UWlhlh luCorumtlo,,, reentlon and tickets at Owl.Prescription Pharmacy Opwlte Chandler Hotel XK !' co-'. . This, or any other WEDGEWOQD set up in J; home guarantees entire satisfaction, Our care' the stove only commenss when we sell It to r mu 11 11 ians 10 please you in any way, we wp know it. MAflF nM tuc onAQT PERFECT BAKERS. FUEL SAVE ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR. rnone 74 I 1- iMu v-