THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1913 EVENING EDITION. rsM sue Mi i-'iiusT. C. W. VIERS. ' . -...II ILmii Ulm.n Int mill "'''"."",. til 1'IOllt I-"""" -" VK ARE Willi" omuiJiiiu ona Blend Coffee ,... v HMfl .TTW3 ay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'CONNEL" Hiiwu. Inrkrl Ave., .-unrniim-ni, w. I'lllllH' WH-.I. ....iiiv tllVVMHH ur now locution, wo nro oa- prepared to num- iu iuum Regular meals or Bhort or- Oneii ")' " lKlt. MERCHANT'S CAFE. jay mill Commercial Mild. iln pi Ice, IiIrIi In quality. Electric Irons linio n few second-hand In good norklng condition 1.75. Irons, JCl.fiO up. )s Bay Wiring Co. 837-J 1C3 N. Uroadwny rling Alley! NORTH FRONT HTREIOT uesday Evening lecially for Ladies WANTED is that won't keep time. Dirty iiicld oil nro tno ruination or vntch. Lot mo nnnuio it nnu re It perfectly for years to E. C. BARKER. front Ht. MurHhll Id. Or. Auto Call Foote Ni: 1 I1-.T NIGHT Al I) DAY Lfrniit of lllanro Milliard 1'urlor E tiiri:i: new 111 P. M. I'liono 2(10-1. f Rcfddcnro I'liono .8-J. kl Driver Good Can Clearance Sale liS .M'l.V II AND WILL COX- ITINI'i: OK JULY. Rig Cut ill 1'ilccs lectric Shoe Store 1H0 South Rrondwny. QUICK WORK, OR PROMPT WORK, FOR GOOD WORK, lephone the old reliable Bay Steam Laundry ilways deliver the goods. 57-J Marshfield it Class Weaving Promptly dono at refiner's Rag Carpet. Factory I'rimiii axcuiic between Califor nia and Connecticut. 174. North Bond, Or. field & Bend Auto Line leave overv 20 mlnutoa from pi., to 7 p. in.; from 7 p. m. O'clock OVorv linlf. Fnrn IT. tone way, round trip 25 cents. Ulatlo.l lmo1(R. 9A rlilna P nn leave Chnndlor Hotel, Marsh- biiii rsortii uend Nowa Co., In DUIIU. ST& KING, Props. iy Auto Service P'r ,M Tucker, Proprietors. orders to JJlnnrn iTnroi ar. Iter 12, 2C0L, Right Cafe. junrannom, Oregon. Bilarn flnnv .... -n....-.. nt. Stoam Heat. Elegantly niBDOU Ttnnma tolth ll. -. Id Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Mctlln, Irop. jir. llroadwmy and Market iures&Framing Walker Studio ?er Sewine Machines avo..tho'" tor rent or for sale. tii "1Cb epairea. pPUea and Needles for 8alo. , W. J. R1TZ. art Ave. Mnraliflll. Plione 280-X. What We Have to Offer: Seven room house, $2250, on tonus of $250 down and $25 a mouth, at G per cent interest. A good house for rent and i'liriiilurc that cost $800 for sale at $.'550. Immediate possession of the A corner lot, 50x90 feet, jiml 5-room house, for $850. ' We represent some of the best Kire Insur ance Companies in the worl'd. Coos Bay Realty Co. .Phono 261 -J. 150 North Front St. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! SConey Island 5 Days and Nights 5 ly OQ Commencing WEDNESDAY, July 0 5-Big Shows5 3-BIG FREE ACTS-3 High Dive Balloon Ascension Whirl of Death FERRIS WHEEL and Something Doing EQUIPPKD WITH WIItKI.EUU Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. HAILING MOM PORTLAND JUNK 2I: .TUFA' I, I), M, 11), 21, AND 21, AT H A. M. HAILING FROM COOS HAY .IL'IA" 1, II, 11, 10, 21, 20 AND ill, AT 1 P. M. Tickets on sale to nil Eastern point nnd liiforiiiiitlon an to routes mid rates cheerfully furnished. Phono Main 83-T P. iu STERLING, AKcut. S. S. NANN SMITH SAILS FROM SMITH MILL DOCK FOR SAN FRANCISCO THURSDAY, JULY 24, AT 2 P. M. CARRYING ALLCiOS HAY FREIGHT. San Francisco office, 805 Flfo llldg., or Lombard St. Pier No. 27 Iiiter-Ocennlc TraiisiKirtntlon Co., C. 1 McGeorge, Agt. Phono ! 1. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITII WIRELESS SATLS FKOE COOS BAY FOR EUREKA ' WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, AT 8 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITn TnE NORTH DANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACD7IO WTEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 44 ' F McGEORGE, Ageat. TnE RECORD PnOTOGRAPmNG AHSTRAOT COSIPANY HaTnnhotoEraDhlo copies of all records Coos County to date, nbst "c" of i tmeWeaent owners, or any other Information relating nUeNEstaOFFICEfedll07n S FrSntst, Marshfield. Phono 1BU W. J. RUST, Manager Have That Roof Fixed NOW Bee OOBTHELL rnoNs 8171. If n substitute Is offered you for Foley Kidney Pills, It means n cheap er medlclno Is pressed upon you for the dealer's profit, not for yours. Foley Kidney Pills may cost the deal er moro than a cheap substitute, but they glvo bettor results than any oth er kidney and bladder medlclno. Ask for Foley Kidney Pills. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandlor Hotel. Phone 74. MERRY-GO-ROUND Every Minute New and Second Hand furniture sold on the Installment plan, nARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO 802 Front St. Phone 310-L Marshfield, Or. DON'T use n coitgh medlclno con taining opium or morphine. They constlpato the bowols and do not cure, only stifle tho cough. Examine tlio label and if tho medlclno con tains theso harmful opiates refuse it. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound contains no opiates, is healing and soothing. Owl Prescription Phar macy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. TIMES9 NAMES AMERICA'S GREATEST SIX Tho building of this nation hns bean n long, solemn nnd u snered task . It Is tho work of four genera tions of men who hnvo conceived lofty IdcnlH, nnd who, without regard to party, religious faith or section, whether up In tho pine forests of Mnlno or over across tho continent in tho orntigo fields of Cnllfornln, or down on the plantations of tho sunny squth, hnvo wrought for .freedom, for liberty, for stability, for Justice. Tho American pcoplo have, In n slngulnr boiibo, regarded tliamsclves ns tho instruments of provldonco in tho working out of a grent govern ment and n mighty civilization. Al most alono among tho governments of tho world, they have been In the linhit. from tho beginning, of Invok ing, tho divine blessing upon the de liberations of their legislative bodies, and they hnvu seen to It, that relig ion has been represented on every grent occasion of national festivity or rejoicing. They hnvo felt that hero lu this western world, with an endowment by nature tho liko of which history has nover recorded, tho opportunity has been given to try on n lnigo scale, opening their arms to nil who would como, tho fateful exporlmcut of solf government. Mnny men of nil types nnd kinds, soldiers nnd sailors, Jurists and teachers, legislators and executives, philosophers and popular leaders, hnvo contributed to that grent cud. lint out of thorn nil I name six men who stund forever In tho American nmong all thoso who hnvo buildcd tho nation's government. I do not spenk now of Hiobo who hnvo mndo other and important contributions. I hnvo not lu mind thoso who have led great parties, who hnvo accom plished important nets or havo set In motion grent and fino nnd lasting currents of' thought; but I spenk or bIx men who, ono nfter nnother, havo struck tho blows that wcro necessary to the construction of our grent American ship of state tho nation's builders. dcorgo Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Marshall, John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster nnd Abra ham Lincoln. (From tbu Columbia University Quartorly.) HURRAH FOR HICH! An Town in nn wnn koiiiiiIIv thrashed by his wife for not pay- i lug his uowspapcr bill with tho I rash she gave him to do it with. I ".May her crown bo trimmed and t her harp havo an extra string!" exclaims a country editor. I The Reliability of Advertised Articles A man who Is an authority on advertising snld recently: "You may havo a business without ad vertising, but you can't hnvo ad vertising without a business." Just think of tho full slgnlfl cauco of that statement to tho uowspnpor reader. It means that when you seo any mnn udvortlslng regularly In tho bettor newspapers ho must hnvo something real and genulno to ad vertise; that ho has morchnudlso of such iiunllty that It mots tho needs of his customors. nnd that ho la so euro of tho desirability or what ho has to offer that ho Is willing to spend real money to toll pcoplo about It. Ho knows I that monoy spent In advertising is won spent, uecnuso no is so snro 1 of his product that his chief prob- mill III nulling in iu iui uiuijuiiu know what ho hns to soil. Knowing this, can you afford to lot this vnlunblo Information of fered you by tho dally nowspa por slip by you through your own nogllgonco? Do you not owo it to yoursolf to keep up to tho niln uto by reading regularly tho ad vertising columns of Tho Times? This Sign Means That we carry in stock goods which are advertised in Good Housekeeping Magazine. The kind of goods that Dr. Wiley approves as pure. For Good Housekeeping allows only good, sound, wholesome things to be ad vertised in its columns. r Good Housekeeping guar antees their quality. So do we. Nasburg's Grocery Tho Good Housekeeping' Store. Corner Commercial and Sec on Btroots, Phono 218-.J. IBP MAGAZINE SAYINGS OF BELOW will bo found some ex tracts from the writings of a few of the foremost thinkers nnd sages of tho past. Can yon think of nnyono to whom they are applicable, or enn you recognize nnytnlng in thctn that you wish to avoid In yourself? Malevolence. Avoid an angry man for u while, a malevolent ono forever. (Seneca.) Tho malignity that nover forgets or forgives is found only in base and Ignoble natures, whose alms nro selfish, and whoso menus nro In direct, cowardly and treacherous. (Illlllnrd.) Malovolcnco Is misery; it is tho mind of Satan, tho great enemy, nn outcast from all Joy and the oppon ent of nil goodness nnd hnppluess. (Hamilton.) Malice. Mnllco is tho devil's picture. Lust makes mnn brutish; malice mnhes thorn devilish It is mental murder. (Wntson.) Malice scorned, puts out itself, but argued, gives a kind of credit to n fnlse arcusntlon. (Mnsslngcr.) There Is no benefit so largo that malignity will not lessen it; none so narrow that a good Interpretation will not enlnrgo it. (Senecn.) Mallco sucks up the greater part of her own venom nnd poisons her self. (Montaigne.) t McaniM'M. To dally much with subjects menu nnd low proves tunc tho mind is wenk or makes It so. (Cooper.) Superior men, and yet not always virtuous, there have been; but there hns never been n mean mnn, nnd PUI1LIO ENEMIES. If you build n lino of railway over hills and barren lands, giving lucra tive employment to about n million hands; if you cause a scoro of cities by your right of way to rise, whoro there formerly was nothing but some rattlesnakes and flics; If, when bringing knlo to others you acquire a llttlo kale, then you'vo Btiroly robbed tho pcopul, and you ought to be In Jail. U by planning nnd by tailing you hnvo won somo wcnlth and fame, It will mnko no odds how snunrely you havo played your gamo; your success Is proof sufficient that ou aro a public foo, you're a soul less malefactor, to tho dumps you ought to go; It's n crlmo for you to prosper whoro so many others fall; you havo surely robbed tho peopul and you ought to bo in Jail, llo a chronic politician, denl in super heated air; roast the banks and mon oy barons thoro Is nlwnys safoty thorc; but to sound tho noto of busi ness is n crlmo so mean and bnso that tho follow guilty of It ought to go nnd lildo his faco; chango tho btilldor's song triumphant for tho politician's wall, or wo'll think you'vo robbed tho pecpul, and wo'll pack you off to jail. wait Mason. Try Tho TlmcB' Want AdB. At, The Royal Tonight ! NEW VAUDEVILLE. lioxic and Way ue, two of Ihe cleverest people who have ever been in Marsh field. Theij have just left the biy Orplieuin lime. -1000 FEET OF ALL NEW PICTURES Admission: Lower floor, loo. Balcony, 10c. PAGE THE SAVANTS at the same timo virtuous. (Confu clous.) I havo so great a contempt nnd detestation for meanness that I would sooner make a friend of ono who had committed murder than of a person who could bo capable In any Instances' of tho former vice. Under meanness I comprehend dis honesty; under dishonesty, ingrati tude; under Ingratitude, Irrellglon. and under tho latter every species of vlco and Immorality. (Stem.) Misery. The truo recipe for a mlsornblo existence Is to ciunrrol with Provi dence. (Alexander.) If you wish to bo miserable, think about yoursoir, wbnt you want, what you like, what respect pcoplo ought to pay you, what pcoplo think of you; and then to you nothing will bo pure. You wi.l spoil ovcrythlng you touch nnd bo mlserablo ns you choose. (Klngsley.) Obstinacy.) Obstinacy and contention nro com mon qualities, most appearing In nnd best becoming, n mean and Illit erate soul. (Montnlguc.) Obstinacy Is will asserting Itsoir without being able to Jimtlfy Itself. It Is persistence without a reason ablo motive. It Is tho tenacity of self lovo substituted for that of ren sou nnd conscience. (Amlol.) An obstinate man does not' hold opinions, but they hohl him, for when ho Is onco possessed with nn error It is like a tlovll, only cast out with great difficulty. (Hutler.) Obstinacy and vohoiucncy lu opin ion nro tho surest proofs of stu pidity. (Iiurton.) SNN-SS THE CATCH. (John Kcndrlck Dnngs in Srrlbuer's Magazine.) I've enjoyed tho chnso todny Through the woodland wild Fortune In a lavish way Hath my heart beguiled. I hnvo filled my gamo bag well Hotter than I thought. Fat nnd teeming it doth swell With tho tilings I sought. Songs of birds nnd songs or trees, Gentle whisperings or tho breeze, Splendid mess or mountain air, Odors or wild flowers fair. Happy thoughts that grew apneo As I watched tho rlllots race. Wondrous pictures in tho skies. Vistas of soft for tired oyes. Hints of pence, and hints of rest, Gorgeous colors In tho west, Stores of gold flung fnr nnd wldo O'er tho gleaming countryside, As tho sun smiled on tho scene, Lighting up tho forcat green. O tho Joy, tho glad dollght, Oh tho tasto of bliss, Mnklng homownrd through tho night Witli a catch liko this! Have your Job printing dono at Tho Times office