IE WAY TO AVOID A QUARREL IS $ ABSENT AT THE PSYCHOLOGICAL MOMENT CJ000 law fflfawa NOW IS YOl'It TIME. I 1 II A small nil In Tht Times want I t'oliiiiin nuiy bring ytin results tm- I inetllittely. Try tine. I LOST ARTICLES i,t fount! through Times wnut in,..t them! 1'wc them! They n'Mii'"' member of the associated piiess ,WVII KMnHHHIlCII 111 loio IAaVII. H Tho Const Mull. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. & Comolltlatlon of Times, Const Mnll and Coos Uny Advertiser. No. 4 IES THAI II. S. INTENDS 10 INTERVENE IN M 11 .. Afinn Prtnfr lor bacon hiiui ,y,y'"u' With President wnson Jucjcjcsts Mediation. )N AWAITS UNTIL IBASSADOR KtlUKNS ssts That warring hac- hn Broutiit touemer lame Provisional Head. uinlr.l I'rifi tn t'00" " TlmM.l llllST.TON, .Inly 2 I. A nuiii- HetintorH in iiihcuhhihk i .,1.,, .,11, in with President learned today thuthti was 1... 1 iii.. KkiiiiIh would re.- Irnm debntt) iiliout Mexico nt hie or nt uny nun until nuur inr iiHou roiurnou nun n ....11.... u'nu riirmulntcd. It rj IMMI... urn' .--- -- lil the President pointed out ipreisKlniiH hy HonniorH inigni 1 1.,., 1 r.xtllmr In Mnvleo. lave ltiit! niimy letters," Hiild Huron. h lie leu mo wnim tm. 1 iIiiu-m lniu been niueh iitiw; the Senators nhout the 111. ..f tnci nt on. lint wo 16 all deiienilH on tho uttl- f iln rneiliuiH Hi Mexico, we have lo lie Invited to inudl- tniilil mil exercise uny nil- PkHiiiiih the llt'Ht tiling II... If linlll HllleH I'tllllll not ir with inedliitloii hy any one id 11:11110 a provisional Presl i)io would ho satisfactory to mil luiiii mi election. The olnt iiliout all thlH dlseusHlnii ; it hIiowh now MIXlOUH tno nn people ue ftn a peureful i nf ilui troiihlo In Mexico it nn are not thinking of nny- 11 1.-1. intiii'veiitliiii. The vnluo lo HiiitKi'MltuiH Ih that wo test ulillr opinion hoth In tuiH f and In .Mexico." Km- It.'llflll MM 111 HI) fill' II H he Inn formal reeoniiiiendutlon tlinr roiiHlilered hv thu 1'ien- Innd inatter had rench- ' Htlll'O Of IIIHCUHHIOII. PTl'RE OF TORREO.V. Claim lllg Victory Took .Many Prisoners. t.Ulr. I'rtri lo I oik llijr Tlinri.j LE PASS. Tex.. .Inly 21. Of- Biiitiiiiireiueiit wiih luiido today coiiHlltutlonallHtH licntlquur- ll'ltrdaii Nc.",niH of tho capture reon. .Mexico, hy tho count It li lts I'lflceu hundred prlson- Eciiiiuoiiii and a largo Hiipply of fell Into the IiiiiiiIh of thu con- niilltilii. S LO T L ILLS Smith and Arno Mereen faceted Here in Cou ple of Weeks. Sinlth and Arno Moreen, who hi Oakland and Day Point after mutters tlioro, nro ox- fa the Hay In about two weeks. Ipcileil that hooii nftor tholr acre, nrraiigoinoiits will ho 3r putting tho Enstsldo mill, 1 bring overhauled. Into onor- Kaln and also for Htnrtlmr tho Pl mill. Tho hitter Ib nrnetl- Imploted and will probably bo- irunons witiiin thrco or four j- A. Smith pnmnnnv linn linnn up conslderablo of tho marred which has been stackod nt hit and selling It for Btovo- "u KiiuiuiiK in snn Francisco Cland. Thin lirliif., ir. r. ton ro length cord In tho cltlos bo a ucuer prlco than could bo I fpr tho damaged lumber. ' tllOro ImH llOOIl lllllr. lumllCl' mnrlrnt ll.r. .nInnln leri u I"!1"1" Vernon Smith Cominir. Pn Smith nnil llln l.i-l.ln n r nv. lero on tho next Adeline Smith fMutiu, wnoro they have beon EBlnco their rotum from their " "? T"y will occupy BQ On Plnnnrrnn ni.n....r. ...l.lA1. ft.K hmst from Ward M. i ii. i ibko built a now homo F Hft!i street. . kKS HAD GOOD TIME. Camion rciva .i. ,.. .1 i -, , "'Hi nuill. IU clll Allllclnv nrn 1r...l In 1.AI. If ,. " llll III UIUU i mo good time hnd nnd say miiy wna not good nt any t" "IK lenmro of tho day was l ranio. lmt i,n ...,. .i. pnOc, both sides having F1 tltlr onnnnnnta nnA l..i. lif i , Ka,no Bovornl times. F'?, "" n Rood tlmo nnd will tor,ie ' y s,"nnn" 1 Will lin n mvni) -i TT.....r II iiV..r.. '"',vn ni uiiiih 'VU'-SDMEXTS will bo Music by ELLIOTT'S OH- PARCEL POST Representative Lewis, Author of Bill, Scores Railroads for Opposinti It. Illy Anrllnl I'rfH to t'ooi ll7 TlniM ) WASUINdTON, 1). C. July 21. -Supporting PoHtmnstcr Uciieral Dur leiion In bin iiroposed exteiiHlou of tho pareol post mirvico, HepreHeiitntlvu I.cwIh, one of tho authors of thu par eel post law, declared today that winner or later the (iovoriiment must tako over tht' transportation of par cuIr up to a hundred pounds, I.owIh contended that under tho law tho Postmaster (it'iiural has complete au thority to Increase the weight limit tm parcel pom business, and lie assail ed the railroads for thulr support of the express eompaulcH In opposing Postmaster Ceiieral llurlesou's order. ELLIOTT FOO I ' PUCE Northern Pacific President to Have Charflc of East ern Railway. (11 Auoilatr.1 1'riM In t'ooa liny Tliur, N'EW YORK, July 21. Not only a now head of tho New York, New llu- ni'ii mill llnririii'il Itiillrimil HVHtnin til succeed President Mellen, but radical ehangeB in tlio nnaiiciai nnti operai Ing policy, to rovolutlonl.o tho ma chinery of the exocutlvo nianngeiuent will bu recominnuded by the Hub-ciini-mltteo or the directors. Wall Htreot expectH the new head of the syHtem will bo Howard Elliott, president of the Northern Pacific, who will work out tlio proposed changes in tho poli ty. 1 1 Ih tit io win no ciiairmiiu oi uiu Poartl of DlrcctoiH. I E IT MONIES Small Fire in Noted Prison Gives Prisoners Chance to Make Demonstration. (117 AnooUtM rr.t to foo n7 Tlmn.J nsiviN'f'.. K v.. Julv 21. Anoth- or flro at Slug Sing prison todny gavo tho mutlnlouH convlcta a chnnco for nioro rlotim demonstrations, .mobi tit tho prisoners at Sing Sing como from Vn. vnfir nitv nnil second termors ohjoct to bolng trnnsforrcd to Au burn, whoro their frlontlB will find It difficult to visit thorn. Thla Ib tho ...nan., nculniinil fnf vnstnrdnv'R nill- tiny and todny'a domonstrntlon. Io- tlay b uiazo sinneti in mu ciuuuuh Bhop and tho prison flro brlgndo ox tliiKiilshod It. nftor n hard fight, with out outsldo aid. ltEVOI1' IN VATICAN. Glutinous Swiss Guards Vent Their Displeasure, IDr AuocUteJ Vttu to Cooi Bit Tlmei.l nnxira Tnl oj Vnrtlinr ilotncll- n.ontn nf'tho mutinous Swiss gunrds. who chnntod tho Marsolllalso nnd Bhoutod, "Viva GnrlbaltH" nt tno viu Icnn gates Inst night, loft tho Vati can today. Some of thorn threatened to mnko unpleasant revelations. TURK TROOPS IN BULGARIA Sultan's Forces Reported to Have Seized Town of Philippolis Today. Of Auoclit4 m to Cuo Bit Tlme. LONDON, July 24. A telegram from tho Bulgarian minister in Paris roports that tho Turkish troops have entered tho Bulgarian town of Phllippopolls, that tho pop ulnco was fleeing ant! tho situa tion was critical. FINISH LINE IN 15 MONTHS Engineer Hoey Says that S. P. Trains Ought to be Running Into Coos Bay Then. EUGENE, Or., July 21. Tho Eu gouo Register says: "Somo tlmo next year, perhaps in IH months, Southorj.1 Pacific trains will run from Eugonu to Ccoh liny, over the new Wlllametto-Pnclflc. The promise of completion of tho big 4 1 00 foot tunnel within lf mouths, which virtually means the completion of tho road, together with tlio announce ment of Increased operations for the coming winter was brought hy W. P. Hoey, assistant engineer in charge of the now lino, who with his assistant, R. V. Fontaine, returned hy auto mobllo from Scottshurg Sunday after a fivo-ilays Inspection over tho whole line. Operations over tho whole lino will be Increased In magnitude nil during the winter, contractors will bo rushed to the completion of their work, and up to 2500 men will he employed on tho lino throughout tho winter. "At present 200fl men aro employ ed on the railroad between Eugene and Coos Day. There Ib a demand lor fioo more, that apparently cannot ho filled. Theso men will he cm pit yed throughout tho whole year re gardless or tho rainy season, for the rock and bridge work will be suffi ciently under way by winter to trans fer those now nt work In tlio soft dirt. "Wo nro rushing our contractors ns much as possible," wild Mr. Hoey upon bis return. "Wo aro doing ev erything to hurry the completion of the Hue. Work Iiiih begun on the big tunnel. This Is nearly 100 miles rrom Eugene, and Is somo 4100 feet In length. This Ih tho largest of tho tunnels tin tho road and hy the time It Ih completed tho grado and all oth er work should be completed that far. Wo have been promised tho comple tion of the tunnel la in mouths. The bridge work Ih already under wny. Tho building or bridges, and making the nhtittmeulH Ih oho work that will reiiulro a very largo force of men. There nro three big brldgoH: one across the Sluslaw. one ncrosa the Umptiin, and the Inst across Coos Day. "Tho grado haB boon completed nH far iih tho rirst tunuol, though I can not nay when traliiH will ho operated ever that distance. The brltlgo work has already begun between here nnd Acme; tho tunnelH over this dlstnnco aro Hearing completion, and It can not ho long before this district will ho ready to turn over to the operating department." I'INKll.UI IS NAMED. President Wilson Appoints New Gov ernor of Hawaii. (Iljr Amo.MIi! I'itm lo t'ooa II jr Tlimvj.) WASHINGTON. I). C. July 24. President Wilson today uomlnntcd L. !;, Plnkhnin of Hnwnll to ho Govern or or Hawaii. 1'IX n ROAD. County Engineer M. D. Germnnd returned hero todny after n week Hpent nt Camns Valley whoro ho is directing tho Improvement of tho rond through tho canyon. Mr. Gor mond snyn tho work Ih progressing rapidly. Roseburg Nowb. newspWas public utility Sec. Daniels Says That he Ex pects to Soon See Them Regulated as Such. ' Dt AMoeMte4 Trrtt to Cool ny Timet. LOS ANGELES, July 24. Secre tary of tho Navy JosophuB Danlols Bald at tho Press Club last night that ho would not ho surprised to see newspapers soon como to bo regarded as public utilities and bo rogulatcd ns such. COSTA RIGA TO MAKE PROTEST Populace Opposed to United States Protectorate Over Central America. IBf AoclatJ rrn to Cooi titj Tlme.J t SAN JOSE. Costa Rico, July 24. A deep sonsntion was caused hero to day by prlvnto cablegrams from Washington stating that Secretary of Stato Bryan projected a "United States protectorate over Central American states." Protests were re printed In tho preBB and a public meeting of general protest Is an nounced for tonight. MS W KINNEY TODAY Asks That Deal be Held in Abeyance Until Bronaugh Returns Next Wednesday. Major L. I). Kinney this morning received tho following self-explanatory telegrnm from W. J. Wllsey at Portland: "Would suggest that you hold mat ters In abeyance until Ilronnugh's ar rival next Wednesday." The telegram was In answer to Ma jor Klnney'H tologrnm telling him the ileniy-nH all off. The news that Judge Hronnugli won't be back until next Wednesday was rather surprising ov en to those who had not been Biif priscil by tho announcements several days! ago that Judge Dronaugh was nut then in Portland. Major Kinney believes that, Judge Hronnugh Is now In Vnncoifver, D. C, tho western licailtuarterH of thu English syndicate which has been negotiating for Ills property. .Money llrluus Smile. "1 have only one thing to say now," remarked Mnjor Kinney, "and thnt Is If they produce tho money, I will smile and take It if I want to. Thero Ih only one thing that will make mo consider It now and that Ib If they guarantee $100,000 to pay my sacred debts, to go as I say than I may con sider It. The old deal Ih all off." Spoils Kinney Plans, Major Kinney stated today that Wllsey and others had spoiled his platiH.or anyway tried to. When ho be gan tho negotiations with Wllsey, It was with tho uudorBtandlng that a part of the money was to ho furnished him In tlmo to tako advantage of borne ether deals on tho Hay. Ono or these wiib the Bcciirlng or tho Tarheel Point tract or 14 8B acres. Ho had planned on this and also wanted tho Snechl beach property which be secured nil option on n long tlmo ngo. It would take aubut $210, 000 Mr Uicho deals. lie stilted that arterwardH, Wllsey, Wallo and Carr, tho latter being tho Englishman who visited hero somo tlmo ago In compnny with Walto nnd Wllsey and concerning wIiobo identi ty there wiih considerable specula tion, took nu option on tho Tarheel Point property, heating Kinney out. Carr Ih said to bo n son or tho pres ident or tho English Iutor-Colonlnl Railway Company. Lnter Wllsoy Ih snid to hnvo mndo arrangements for an option on tho Snechl beach property. However. Major Kinney sayH ho was protected on this sco ro because ho had a dis tinct ngreeniont that ho was to ho given a thirty-day refusal on It. These two tracts, Mnjor Kinney says, nro tho only ones available to hold him to Coos Hay. Time Nearly I'll. Major Kinney Hays thnt tho present delay brings him too near tho border line of other troubles which might bo damaging to hlmsolf nnd IiIb credit ors. Tho tlmo Is nearly up for tho redemption of tho Songstnckon foro cloHiiro on 1 GO acres Including tho Empire wntorrront, nenrly up for tho sherirr'H roreclosuro to Botisry $40, 000 or tax clnlnis. etc. Ho says Hint lie has worked and wulted ror rivo months to put tho denl through nnd borrowed $2000 In order to do so nnd that ho docs not think any or his creditors will blame him for tho stand ho has taken now. BRIDGE GROSS DAY CHANGED SOUTHERN PACIFIC OFFICIALS CHANGE STYLE OF STRUCTURE TO ELIMINATE TUG BEING POS SIDLY REQUIRED HERE. According to local officials of tho Southern Pacific, tho delay In tho starting of tho Southern Pnciric brldgo across Coos Bay has been caused by a change In tho stylo of brldgo (o be used. Instead of tho swinging or hoisting draw, a lit draw will bo put in. This will In crease tho width betweon tho plors to botweon 200 and 300 feet and will also probably eliminate tho possible necessity of maintaining a tugboat thero to tako vessels through, Tho now stylo Is tho most niodorn and pormlts wider draws and faster ser vice Tho change makes n change in tho arrangement nnd stvlo of tho plors. Howovor, It Is stated that tho work on tho piers nnd nbuttments can bo done during tho rainy weather nnd may be started this fall and prosecut ed all winter, BUTTER PLANT FOR COQUILLE COQUILLE, Or., July 24. Coqulllo will have an npplo butter manurao turlng plant this fall, which will af ford opportunity to ranchers nnd oth ers to rid themselves or their sur plus apples. Tho promoter Is A. W. Johnson, who is familiar with every dotnll of tlio business, and who has machinery of tho latest model en routo here from tho EnBt for tho pur pose of equipping tho plant. W L BE SENT TO QUELL CALUMET STRIKE RIOTS WM FIRE BRANDS Suffragettes Arrested in Scot land While Trying to Set Fire to Mansion. Illy AnoflMM I'rrn to Coos llijr Tlnrn, 1 GLASGOW, July 24. Two sufrrn gettes, Miss Margaret Morrison nnd a young woman who revised to glvo her name, wero nrrested hero today while they wero about to set Hro to n largo mansion which was once tho resi lience or tho Into John Mulr, Lord Provost. When tho police entered, they round tho woman stnntllng with u match In her hand In front of some piles of combustibles, which had been banked against tho doors. Shortly nfterwnrd. Miss Morrison, sooty nnd tllshoveled, descended from tho chim ney, whoro sho had hidden. A quan tity of siirrragetto literature was found In the Iioiibc. M M IN BIG FIRE Most of Bodies Recovered in Binghampton Disaster Burn ed Beyond Recognition. Mr Atioclated Trm to Coo, liar Tlmn.l BINGHAMPTON, N. V., July 2 1. Or tho twenty-eight bodies thus rnr recovered rrom tho clothing factory fire ruins, only thrco have been Identified. Tho others nro burned beyond posalblo recognition and will bo burled In a plot to bo set npnrt hy tho city for unldon tiried dead. Four persons In tho hospital are so badly hurt that their recovery Is not oxpectotl. BeBldes tho known dead, thirty-four havo been reported missing nnd probably nro dead. Sheriff Crume Wires That 500 Strikers Have Seized His Forces There. GOV. FERRIS FIRST HOLDS TROOP BACK Strikers Reported to Have Seized Officers in Several Places by Sheer Force, lr Amoclalril I'rrn to Cool liar TliMl LANSING, Mich.. July 21 Thr Governor's office tills afternoon re ceived n message rrom the Sheriff at Calumet saying that ho was In tho handu or u mob or " 0 0 men nnC another mob of i00 was on tlin way from Ahiueek, near Culumoi. Wires for Troops, CALUMET. Mich.. July 24. Guv. FerrlH was ntlvlsed by Sheriff Crnmn nt noon thnt thu strike situation Is serious enough to wnrrnnt Bending troops here. (lly AmoiI1 I'mm lo Coo, IUjt Tlmm.1 CALUMET. Mich.. July 24. Strlko violence occnslnned by yesterday'r. wnlk out or tho copper minora In tlilc tllstrlct grew beyond control of Shur lrr Cruno today, and ho wired to Gov ernor Ferris nsklng thnt Btato troops be dispatched to maintain order. Tho local militia compnnles wero ordered to hold themselves In readiness pend ing wortl rrom the Governor. Tho flilof attack or the strikers today wiib directed ngnlnst tho Calu met nnd Hecln properties. Shortlr hoiorc noon. :i(io men tinned with steel drills, clubs ami stones, and with n row or them displaying nnd firlnc revolvoiH, divested of their star nil the deputies stationed nt tho number 2 Conglomerate shaft of the compnny. Tho Htrlkers then moved over to the Hceln branch initio nnd repeated tholr tnctlcs. Several men wore severely henten nnd sent to tho hospital be cause or riglttH that developed. The strikers nlso visited nil suifaco plnntn or the companies and closed them KEEP TROOPS AWAY. .Michigan Governor Will Not Send : Tiiem to i tipper wisirici. in? AtioclMoii I'm. to Coot liar TliDM.l BAY CITY. Mich.. July 24. Got- icrnor G. Ferris Haiti today ho wtnrtH not grant Shorirr Crimen request ror troops In the copper mine strike dis trict except ns n Inst resort to pro tect lives. Ho snld thnt ho believed tho Sherirr's messago was "anticipatory." WATER SYSTEM TO BEJOT IN Jay LawteiV of Reynolds De velopment Company, Plans First Addition Service. Jay Lawyer or tho Reynolds De velopment company who nrrlved hero rrom Spoknno yesterday, announces thnt tho company will go abend Im mediately with tho construction or tholr water systom to supply tho res idents or First Addition and vicinity. Tho systom to bo put In now will bo adequate ror 200 families and can bo enlarged ns tho demnnd warrants. A Blx-lnch main will ho put rrom tho source of supply, which tho company recently filed on. Mr. Lawyer stated that his compa ny stood ready to tako over tho Coos Bay Water company If they wore ablo to secure It at a fair prlco and then dovolop tho system as It should bo to supply tho wholo population on tho Bny. Ho had tho matter up with Robert Strahorno, formerly or Spo kane, who was backing P. A. Dovors in his deal ror tho Coos Bay Wator company a row years ago, tho Coos Bay Water company thon, nccordlng to tho report of oxperts to Mr, Stra horno, wanted twice what tho sys tem was worth. Mr. Lawyer says that Coob Bay la tho most prosperous section ho has visited In a long time. Ho waB Bur prised and pleased Immonsejy to sen tho wny tho country Is going ahead and preparing for tho big develop ment that Is to como within tho next couple of years. Ho will remain only a few days to look after mattors hero. His part ner, Mr. Klornan, loft this morning overland ror homo, having hnd to cut his stay short on account of bus iness engagements nt homo, TWO MUST HANG. PORTLAND, Or.. July 24. Frank Seymour and Mlko Spanos, convicted or mprdor In tho first do greo for killing George Dedasklou September 22, 1912, In Motlforrt, lost their appeal to tho Supremo Court and must dlo on tho gallows unless executlvo clemency saves them. Men admire women who aro per fectly square, but not too angular. M E LETTERS ABOUT LOBBY Martin Mulhall Tells of Polit ical Activities of Manufac turers' Association. (11 AmocIXc.1 Prfu lo Cooa nr Tlmu.l WASHINGTON. D. C, July 24. Martin Mulhall's correspondence placed In tho Scnnto lobby commltleo records todny concorned his effort to boat llopresontntlvo Ilorbort Par sons of Now York ror ro-olectlon In 1910. Ho told or rending tho riot net to ItoprcBontntlvo Ralph D. Cole of Ohio, becauso of his opposition to former Speaker Cannon, nnd gave furthor details of Mulhall's oflcr i aid tho candidacy of Georgo Gordon Battlo for Governor of Now York. Fobrunry 3, 1910 Mulhall wroto to John Klrby about tho fight on SpeaV cr Cnnnon nnd milled: "Mr. Shor rjan confidently Btated to mo that Presidont Taft Is now bolng made nwnro of tho many good things our Association has done for tho Repub lican party In tho last sovon years, and he nsaured mo tho President would not press nny lnbor bill at thlc pesslon of Congress nnd at the cloz of my Interview with the Presidont I was more than ovor conridont or our complete success In Washington this winter." Fobrunry 10, Mulhall wroto Klrbr about tho Sonntors to bo elected. "Dick or Ohio, hns sought our nld, Scott of West Virginia, Dopow of Now York and Carter of Montana. Ot courso wo havo had Aldrlch on our list for tho last nine months," ANVIL ON BUN. Gasolluo Schooner to Ply From Portr land to Oregon HarhorH. A Portlnnd papor says; "On re suming operations betweon Portland and Newport, Florence and Bnndoii, tho gnsollno schooner Anvil will earn passengers ns well ns her cargo, though previous to being stranded at tho mouth of tho Sluslaw early In the spring, passengor business hud been discontinued. Sho Is nllowed 40 por sons nnd will carry a crow of i Captain Tylor, formerly master of ttw gasoline schooner WUhelmlnn, will be sklppor of tho Anvil. Tho question ot Including MarBhflold In hor Itlnorary Is yet under consideration, Ropalxr aro about completed aboard.