THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1913 EVENING EDITION. SALE NOW GOING ON The Parisi ansian Ladies' and Children's Ready-to-Wear Garments rrill. VI!V STORE JllSt OPOIlOtl ill tllO O'Coilliell I tit I lit I HIT. Mnr- ii tut Avoiiuo, thlH weok, will bo our temporary quintets, iih we will i move 111 our "u" Htoru In thu NEW CHANDLER BLOCK ABOUT SEPTEMBER I, "". All-Week Extra Special Bargains will he K'von on SI'ITS, COATS AM) DRESSES, WAISTS. MUSLIN and KNIT UNDERWEAR ami CHILDREN'S DRESSES. WAISTS Tin Inigcst ""' ,,r ladles' Tailored mid Dross Waists -shown I" Marslillcld ru your selection; nit former prices will Ik disregarded on these waists, till to ho closed out re KimlK'M of cost to iiiniiufncttiio. 1&U& w ,islt the storo and gut our prices. You ttro welcome at all time wltotltor you ptircltaHO or not. The Parisian O'Ciiuucll Building. MAKSIIFIELB, OREGON. JULY TIDES. Holow Is given the tltno and height ot high and low wator at Harshiluld. The titles aro placed In the ordor of occurrence, with their times on th first lino and heights on tho 8uconU lino of each day; a compar ison on con ccutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water, r'or high water on tho bar , 1.12 11.01 5.17 11.29 0.5 11.2G 0.8 6.02 1.5 22 llrs. Ft . . , I Ft.., IMiIIi-h. !Ft.., r..a 5.21 1.9 0.10 1.8 5.3 0.1 8 5.3 11.4!) 1.2 2.0 0.0 0.0 C.48 5.3 Died nt Cnqullle. Word was re ceived hero Monday of tho death of Cnester Schroedcr, aged 22, nt Co- WANT ADS. i WEATHER FORECAST. I tllr AMoiUted I'rraa to Coon 111)' Tlmca, OREGON Generally fair to night nnd Wednesday. North- ' westerly winds, 4 4 local temperature record. For tho 24 hours ending at J! 43 a. in., July 22, by BetiJ. I Ostllnd, special Government me j torologlst. I Maximum 71 I Minimum 50 I At 4:43 a. til 50 Precipitation Nono Precipitation since Sept. 1. 1912 04.81 Precipitation same period Inst year G1.17 Wind: Northwest, clear. qtilllo, of paralysis. His brother, '1 A. Schroedcr, formerly worked In tho mill here, but Is now employ ed at Randolph. Boats In, Tho Adeline Smith and A. M. Simpson arrived Monday from the South. WANTED Tennis for hauling. for 9 hours. Phono 2G0-L or 324-11. IT'S A BARGAIN. $050 for hotel clenrlng $100 per mouth. For good buys In business chances of nil kinds, sco McMillan, Coos Day Ilealty Co. WANTED (Jhl for cigar stand at Tho Chandler Hotel. Vacation Goods ox voru vacation provide nut conveniences and COMFORT AS WELL AS FUV. IIKItK'S HEADQUARTERS for supplies. DRINKING CUPS THERMOS BOTTLES COM) CREAM TOOTH BRUSHES TOOTH POWDER ST II AW HAT CLEANER STRAW HAT DYE TOILET WATER TALCUM POWDER TOILET SOAPfS PERFUMES AUT.) KITS. Build New Wharf. Lumber was shipped to the Mazo this afternoon for Major Tower, which will bo used In tho construction of a wharf. Ituttle Anniversary. Dal Cathcart and othor members of tho G. A. It. yesterday recalled that It was tho G2d anniversary of tho first nntcio or Uitll mm, ono of tho most dlsastrpiis reverses tho Union Army sustained tit the Ilobelllon. ngers, hnvo boon handling so well. Mr. Klornan Is highly enthused over Coos Bny and says It certainly looks mighty good now, and ho anticipates much more rapid development In the near future. PERSONAL NOTES TOM LAWHORNE Is In town today from Allegany. LOUIS ST. DENNIS Is a visitor from North Inlet today. E. It. HODSON Is In town todny from South Coos Itlver. MARTIN O'NEIL of North Inlet, Is hero todny on business. ROBERT RICHARDS of Sumner, Is spending the day In town. W. J. COM3 of Hayncs Inlet, Is n business visitor hero todny. CHAS. SELANDER of Sumner, Is a business visitor here today. E. L. I1ESSBV of South Coos River, Is In town todny on business. JACK McDONALD Is In town todny from Ills Daniels Creek camp. JAMBS FERRY expects to leave soon on an extended visit to California. GINSENG AND GOLD SEAL raising surest way to mnko DIG MONEY on LITTLE CAPITAL. Ono ncro of GINSENG yields about 5000 pounds, Sells at $G pound. We buy all you can raise. Write today for free booklet. Leo Rlchter, Au burn, Wiish. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." THE REXALL STORE MAIN 298 PHONE US WANTED Window elennlin,'. floor polishing, etc. Phone Laudlcs, 213. FOR KENT Sunny 11 room apart ment. Call NtiHburg's Grocery. LOST Ladles' circle ear ring-. He ward for return to Times Office. LOST Elks tooth, bearing name, P. M. Ilall-Lewls. Reward for return to Times office. Located nt Brookings. Jerry Van Doventer, for some time n resident of Hunker Hill, but who recently went to Curry county, writes to Louis Sell that ho has located at Brookings, where ho has a good position ns mill wrlght with tho Drooklngs Lumbor company. New Hanker. Henry Rorgmnn and wlfo left Wednesday for North Rend to reside Honry has accepted a position Micro ns assltant cashier In tho First National Unnk. Ho is n bright young innii nnd Is cortnln to mnko his murk In tho world. Flor ence West. J. D. CLINKENDEARD wns In tho city from Sumner on business todny. Marshflold, having arrived yester day. They are here on business nnd pleasure. W. E. HARRISON, who lives on a homestead on the mountain be tween Hayncs Inlet nnd Tompleton, enmo In this morning to look after business Interests. JAS. DENNETT AND WIFE left to dny for Ten Mile where they will enjoy n fow dnys outing and try and lure n few of tho big fish from the lakes. F. W. WESTERDERO, accompanied by his friend, MR. MURPHY of Sutherlln, left yesterday for Dan don nnd will spend a couple of days in the Coqulllo vnllcy country. MRS. ROOD of North Rend, who has beon visiting her sons, V. K. nnd Frank Rood of North Coos River tho pnst fow days, returned homo this morning. Slio was accompa nied by her daughter, Miss Mildred Rood. MR. AND MRS. F. B. ALLEN and family, F. L. Grannls and wife, Miss Mabel Wilson and Mrs. A. 11. Gldloy nnd children, left today for Sunset Day whoro thoy will establish a camp for a few weoks' outing. D. D. DRAINARD, tho Hayncs Inlet rancher, is In town todny on busi ness. MR. AND MRS. FORNEY nro In Mnrshfleld from Gould Cnmp, Allc-gnny. FOR SALF Good cow. IMione iiOIMt. FOR SALE 10 neif.s, (I miles from Mnrshfleld, I mile from landing; 9 acres Heaver Dam creek bottom, balance hill side and beach; trout stream bottom cleared; will sell on easy terms or trndo town proporty. Phone III 4X3 or write W. A. Coll-ver. 6YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND IN OUR STORE he Best) .oods advertised tlie great national magazines. liat'j why wc arc known ns the f IV5 Most Satisfactory Store in Tovn IIENEVER VOU Ite an intcfcltinu ailvrrliirmrnt in & mio!nr nirirrnlnrlv if vnti ire it in Good I loujekceDinir Maoazine. call ill lln on tlie 'nhonr for full information. C ate "always right UD in front In the but and newtit ooodi in our line at rinlit nriepj. Nasburg's Grocery TUB GOOD HOUSEKEEPING STORE. Corner Commercial and Second St. Phono lilil-.T. ORPHEUM TONIGHT POWX IN DEAR OLD NEW OHLBAXS," snug by Miss Ada Miller. IIYI.OCK A two-reel feature, adapted from Shnkespenro's famous piay, tho Merchant- of Vonlco. llAZY PROSPECTOR A great Wostoni story, featuring G. M. An- uerson. pUTTA.NT CINDERELLA Comedy. ADMISSION' TEX CENTS. I'Olt SALE Modern IM-oom fur nished house, with 4 lots, chicken houses nnd shop tools; n pleasant homo wllh bay vlow. Hfo S. S. Acklcs, owner, Eastslde. TOR RENT Five-room modern cottage on Ninth st. South. In (I ii I in E. A. Anderson. Phono ll.'L'-L. Party at Reach A parly of Mnrsh fleld folk aro spending the day at Rastondorff's Ilench. In the party which went down by nuto nro: Mrs. C. C. Going nnd children, Mrs. Tom Hnrvoy and llttlo daughter. Mrs. W. B. Dcnn nnd Mrs. B. C. Dixon ol Grants Pass. ALBERT DEAR enmo In from Nortli Inlet this morning to visit relatives WALTER NORR1S of Falrvlow, Is here on business connected with his mill. FOR SALE (15 acres rich Ixittoin land, pnrt under cultivation, some Improvements, inllo wntor frcnt, 2 Id miles from Nortli Rend, Or. l!xt client dairy ranch. $00 per ncro. For further Informa tion address McLood, McKay & Co., North Rend, Or. FOR SALE Motorhont, length i0 feet, motor six h.p., four cycle Trttscott: prlco $275. Inquire at Times office. I'Olt SALE Itil-foot cabin launch, complotely equip ped for cruising. Cooking gnlloy, deck chairs, etc. Main cnbln finished in hardwood pnnels. Launch Is in perfect condition throughout, having re cently boon overhauled and repainted. Is prac tically as good ns now. Cost originally $2500 and If taken nt once will sell for $075. Responsible parties can buy It on tholr own terms. Cnll or nddres8 Tho Gunnory, Mnrshlleld. larshfcld toRoseburg in 12 Hours VIA JIYRTLB POINT. atos to Hoscliur)' m'ci-v ilnv. Iiieludlni; Siindtiv. nt fS A. M. f caching Roseburn 5 1'. M.i that day. l'nie, yi),75. To Coiniille, -MH). To Myitlo Point, $'J.75. ALL HAGaAGB CARRIED. Start from Chandler Hotel. Information, reservation nnd tickets nt Owl Prescription Pharmacy i?nvir n. rnirAV. pplKsite Cluuidler Hotel. Phono 71 Times Want Ads Bring Results PHONE 158-R TEN-CENT Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYOXERY. e Times Does Job Printing FOR SALE Launch "Kscort." 7 feet 4 In. beam nnd 24 foot keol. Strong, sorvlcoablo boat, good cab In, sultablo for family or ranch uso. Apply John Bear, 1U Tonth street. Mnrshfleld LIFE INSURANCE. Special Combination Policy provid lug; uuciiunlcd beuefith. Some thing new. Issues to men or woinon, nges 10 to 00. H All values guaranteed. (No "esti mates" to disappoint.) fl Insur ance Increasos from year of is sue. H Premium about tho Par ticipating 20 Payment Ltfo rate, but GUARANTEED additions to policy In oxcess of tho ESTIMAT ED dividend additions on any Participating 20 Payment Life. K An Investment policy which will cost no moro than an ordinary Lifo If tho Insured dies within twenty years, becaiiBo all pay ments in excess of tho Ordinary Life Rate aro returned with In terest in ovont of denth. U Un usually largo loan, cash, paid-up and extended Insurance values. 0 Paid up for tho face amount about tho fifteenth year if pre mium payments are discontinued. S Four guaranteed options of set tlement the twentieth yoar. ffCash value' guaranteed the twentieth year moro than guaranteed cash value on any 20 Paymont Life. Collimbln Life & Trust Co., Portland, Oregon. Send date of birth for full par ticulars ot this Liberal Contract, to John A. Baxter, Agent, Marali field, Oregon, Old Friend Passes. Robert Mtirs doii, Sr., Is in rccolpt of n letter from England todny bringing tho sad nows of the denth of an old friend nnd former pnrtnor. Poter Shnw. nt Piatt's Rrldgo, Wlgnn, Englnnd. Thoy wero contracting partners In Eng land many years ago. Wants Rrctljse Tender. Roy E. Miller representing tho Pugot Sound Rrldgo &. Dredging compnny of Seat tle, wns In Florence yesterday look ing around for a boat to uso as n ten der for tholr dredge. Tho compnny hns n largo contrnct for dredging work nt Coos Ray. Floronco West. Auto to Crater Lake. A party of Coos Rayltcs consisting of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Rnrgolt, Miss Graco Kruso, .1. Albort Matsnn and son. Julius, ox poct to lenvo Thursdny In tho Rnr golt nuto for Crntor Lnko. Thoy will go via Modford, whoro thoy will bo Joined by Mrs. Mntson, who will re turn with them. Wed nt Arngo. Miss Besslo Do Long ami Rny Hedgpath wore mnr rlcil nt the homo of tho brldo In Ar ngo. Miss DoLong has been employed tho last threo months In Sartor's can dy storo and tho groom who enmo hero from Gnrdlnor. Is playing bnso ball this season with tho Nortli Rend tenm. Thoy expect to return hero Thursdny. In Los Anuvlcs Wreck. Chas Ironobrnko today received word that T. W. Lynch nnd wlfo woro In tho trolloy wreck nonr Los Angoles n weok ngo Sundny In which nbout 10 woro killed and 250 Injured. Mrs. Lynch Is his daughter and Hilly Lynch will bo woll ronioniborod hero. Thoy hnvo not wrltton but n Los An geles nowspnpor snyB that both woro cut and brulsod In the crnsh. Mr. Lynch now llvos nt 1210 West Fourth Btreot, Los Angoles, nnd Is traveling for n Frnnclsco wholesnlo tobac co house. MRS. JOHN MBSSERLB of Cntchlng Inlet Is in town today on a shop ping trip. MRS. CHAS. SPOONER Is n shop ping visitor from Catching Inlet for tho day. MRS. IVY CONDRON returned yes terdny from n sovcrnl weeks visit In California. J. GRANS AND WIFE of San Frnn clsco, nrrlved yesterday on tho Nairn Smith. MR. AND MRS. J. FOSTER nrrlved hero Sunday on tho Rrenkwntor from Portland. MRS. ALEX MATSON AND SON. JOHN, nro tho Catching Inlet vis itors hero todny. J. D. CLINKENDEARD. road super visor of Sumner Is In Mnrshfleld on business for tho day. .MRS. PETER SCOTT, SR., of Co qulllo, Is spending a fow days with friends In Mnrshlleld. H. LOCKHART AND MR. BAXTER loft on the afternoon train on u business trip to Bnndon. MRS. JENNIE CONLOGUE AND MISS EFF1B of Bnndon, nro vis iting hero for n few dnys. MRS. NBWKIRK of North Bend, re turned this morning from n visit with rolatlvcs at Loon Luke. MISS NAN BROWNING will loavo via Gardiner nnd Drain tomorrow for a week's visit In Portland. EUGENE CROSTHWAITB Is ox pected homo Friday from Port land, whoro ho has been on business. Spoknne Capitalists Here. W, II. Klornan of Spoknno, ono of tho own ers of tho Reynolds Development compnny, nrrlvod hero todny from Spokane. Wash., to look aftor busi ness. His pnrtnor, Jny Lawyer will arrive tomorrow nnd tho two will spond Bomo ttmo hero looking after some of tho dovolopinont work In First Addition nnd their othor hold ings which Messrs W. F. McBldown ey nnd A. L. Myors. tholr locnl mnn- Fountain Drinks PURE, WHOLESOME AND REFRESHING. Served from modern snuilary fountains. Our "SPECIALS" .... nro delicious Try one. STAFFORD'S MR. AND MRS. GEO. BLACK of Nortli Bond, wero tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Blnck In South Marshflold. MRS. P. D. BLAKE AND GEORGE BLAKE nro spending tho day horo on business nnd plonsuro from Cntchlng Iulot. MR. AND MRS. M. C. HOFFMAN and family loft Monday by nuto for Bastondorf Bench whoro thoy will cnmp for n weok. MRS. NED GALLOWAY nnd her mother. MRS. SARAH JUDD of South Inlot, nro spending tho day horo with rolatlvcs. ANDREW J. McCLELLAND, who has been visiting nt tho home of his sister, Mrs. Doll, in South Mnrsh fleld and with other rolntlves here, win leavo tomorrow ror San Fran cisco nnd Corning, Cat., whoro ho will spend somo tlmo boforo re turning to his homo at Puoblo, Col. NEW PARCELS POST RULES NOW IN EFFECT Postal Department Is Simplifying uiul Improving the New Service Fee on Insurance Cut. Tho rulo permitting tho Inter change of pnrcols post nnd regular postngo stamps Is now In effect. Rogulnr stamps may bo used on fourth-class mall matter and par cols post stamps on other mnll mat tor.- Another ordor promulgated snllts tho Insurance fco for parcels post packages. Horctoforo a feo of 10 cents has been charged for lnsur nnce on each package, of whatever value, to a $50 minimum. Under the now rulo packages will bo In sured to tho extent of $25 for a fco of 5 cents nnd up to $50 for 10 cents. I'Yont Street Problem. Upon motion of Councilman Win klor Inst cvenlng.tho City Council de cided to doclnro Its Intention of im proving south Front Btreot from Com mnrclnl nvcnuo to Andorson avenue. This Includes pnrt of tho Alllanco warehouse nnd will rnlso Immediately tho question of whether tho city's vacation of 1.15 feet of tho street north of Anderson nvonuo n fow years ngo wns legal. The property is held by the C. A. Smith company now. AT THE HOTELS - I - MRS. TOPE AND DAUGHTER, who have been visiting at tho True fia Rng homo nt Golden Falls, re turned to town this morning. MR. AND MRS. C. B. JOHNSON, who havo beon visiting nt tho Ja cob Matson rnnch homo on Hnynos Inlot, returned homo this morning. MRS. J. R. MILLER AND MRS. O. LBNEVE of Port Orford. nro In We Do Catering For Parties ItOOM FOR SMALL BANQUETS. White House Bakery (Formerly Leld's.) UOX LUNCHES FOR PICNIC PARTIES. TFe Royal TONIGHT PROF. RENO will ontortnln tonight with his RATS, MICE, GUINEA PIGS AND MONKEYS. And In addition to this already fine program Ho will' bold a magical seance. Can you imagiiio a better show than is being offored you tonight for tho money? 3000 feet or ALL NEW pictures, the quality of which you all know. Adinis.slon: Lower floor, 15c. Balcony, 10c. Coming: "THE PENDLETON ROUND-UP" Four Reels. Bigger, Better Tlinii Ever. Hotel Coos. Efflo Halo. Bandon; Mm. J. R. Miller, Port Orford: Mrs. O. Lonovo, Port Orford: W. Albee, South Inlet; Minnie Bohllnder, Bluo Rldgo; Jns. Ploshok, Myrtlo Point; Roy II. Wnke mnn, Myrtlo Point; Jennie Conloguo, Bnndon: T. J. Conkright, Portlnnd; C. F. Bergman, Coqullle; V. Laivn, Floronco, Or. Blanco Hotel. C. A. Aknrd, Modford, W. T. De ment, Myrtlo Point: Mrs. Chns. Wroe, Gnrdlnor; T. S. O'Connor, Snu Fran cisco; A, Wilson, CoquIUo; D. M, Grow, Conledo. Lloyd Hotel. J. II. Roonoy, Romoto; Stovo Gnr go, Llbby: John Brnndon, Norway; Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster, Portland; Clinrlcs Dnuford, Bnndon; J. Grnns nnd wlfo, Snn Frnnclsco; Mntt Smith, Bnndon; W. E. Anderson, Chlcngo. The Chandler. Win. Rudolph. Portlnnd; L. B. Morrison, city; Rogor Sherman, San Frnnclsco; Frod W. Davis, .Minneap olis; W. V. Domllo. Myrtlo Point; W. II. Klornan, Spokane; Robt. C. Fordnoy, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Conwnn, Ashland; J. J. Mc Donnld, Danlols Creek; J. W. Sweonoy, Portlnnd; C. A. Sheridan, Portland; John Tlonoy, Portland. USE WILHELMIN'A ENGINES. Captain Larson hns hnd n numbor of men nt work this weok putting ono of tho engines formorly belong ing to tho Wilholminn, Into tho launch Const, Work has been dolny ed on account of tho othor engine having been shipped to Coos Bay and tho parts of tho two engines have boon mixed In tnklng thorn from the Wilholminn. Florence West. Times' Want Ads bring results. THE CARNIVAL CO. IS HERE and wo nro in for five dnys of fun. Whonover you nro thirsty come to SARTER'S for tho best FOUNTAIN DRINKS on Coos Bay. Ico , Cream and 'tj Candy too. Try a "Cainlviil Flip." Poisoim Oak Is Immediately rolloved and quick ly curod by using Dormol, which Is a soothing, cooling, healing, an tiseptic, creamy preparation that reduces rapidly poison oak swoll Ing8. For sale only at the STORE FOR QUALITY GOODS AND l'ENSLAR REMEDIES,