THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1913 EVENING EDITION. BUY THE VERY BEST BUTTER cry made UNDER SANITAIIV CONDITIONS I.V A CLEAN AND MODIIRX i-wrrcitv. Hri:itii.ii:i M PURE ICE El wry. H ii. in. mid 2 p. in. Phono t;i Irum's, Garage homo of thu IILLAC and FORD luto Supplies for All Makes of Cars end nl Av. Phono :17!Mj UICK WORK, R PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, honc the old reliable Bay Steam Laundry ays deliver the goods. I57.J Marshfield Class Weaving I'ronililly done at pner's Rag Carpet .factory hiimi avenue belv,eeii Cnllfor- f 11 In mill Connecticut. 174. North Hoiul, Or. tin Lynn Lnmlicin'H 1D1 7- rr Cmllllne. Stnnd nt IXlll- Igor Store. Tolephono 18-J. p. 111., telephone 2GU-L, tlio nfo. Careful driving nssurou. attention. Will ko nnywhoro, e, ilny or night. LoavcB Hill- Ear Store to meet nil trnma Mb. eld & A..i I Bend UIV LiIIIC leave ovcry 20 minutes from I, to 7 p. in.; from 7 p. m. -clock uvcry hair. Faro 15 Bo way, round trip 2G centu. Intlou books, 20 rides, $2.00. nvu Cliniuller Hotel. Marsh- lil North Bend Newa Co., In Bona. 5T& KING, Props. Auto Service .M Tucker, Proprietors. orders to lllanco Hotel. 4G. fcr 12, 2C0L, Right Cufo. Mnrslilleld. Oregon. ern Uric uiming, Bloctrl: Stttnin Hiwit Elnrnntlv shed Rooms with Hot and Water. II O'l'KL O O O 8 0. A. Metlln. Pran. ' DO cents a. iIht it nil iinnanl. r. llromlway will Market tares &framing Walker Studio pnd Second Hand furniture on U10 Installment pluu. KGTO.V, DOYLE & CO, aoa Front St. B40L Mnrsliflol.l n- ..., v. ST0P1 LOOK! LISTEN! &5J5 Coney Island 5 Days and Nights 5 I,,lr OQ Commencing WEDNESDAY, Jly LO 5 Big Shows 5 3-BIG FREE ACTS-3 High Dive Balloon Ascension Whirl of Death FERRIS WHEEL and MERRY-GO-ROUND Something Doing Every Minute Up To Date Drdep your Suit from iHn The Tailor and wuo 4AfJl t Upstairs. mil St. r Sewine Machines tVh'in Ior rent r for Ba,' lilt and Needles for Sale. I V. J. RITZ. Prk Ave, MiiFdiifiMii. I'hom 280-X. That Roof Fixed NOW Jee OOUTBELL I'UUNS 8171, Abstracts. Real Estate. Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager FARM, COAIj, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. general agents eastsire marshfield office, phone m-j. coquille citv office phone 11)1. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILING FROM PORTLAND JUNE 21) : JULY I, 0, It, i, 21, AND 21), AT H A. SI. SAILING FROM COOS HAY JULY 1. (I, 11, HI, 21, 2(1 AXI) ill, AT 1 I'. M. Tickets on side to nil Knutorn points mill Information 11. 4 to routes mill rates cheerfully furnished. Phono Mnln 215-L. P. it STERLING, Agent. S. S. NANN SMITH SAILS FROM SMITH MILL DOCK FOR SAN-FRANCISCO THURSDAY, JULY 24, AT 2 P. M. CARRYING ALLCuOS HAY FltRIOHT. Smii I'rniu'lsco office, 805 Fifo IHiljj., or Lombard St. I'ler No. 27 Intcr-Oceuiile Tnmiiortntloii Co., C. F. McCJeorKe, Ant. I'hono ! I. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR EUREKA SUNDAY, JULY 20, AT NOON. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH MANIC ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. O. F. McQEORGE, Agent. Phono 44 News From Near by Towns COALEDO NEWS. (Spcclnl to The Times) Mr. J. Ferrcll went to Mnrshfleld Wednesday to meet his wife who ar rived on thu Urcnkwntor. They win mnko their homo In the Myers homo for awhile. Mrs. Willis Vnrnoy. Mrs. Harbour, Mrs. CaBtcol and Miss Audrey Stnn- cgar visited In Coqulllo Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fetors returned hero after being absent for about uno month. Mrs. Kelloy of Mnrshfleld, who wns vIsltlnR with frlonilfl for a few days returned to her duties Friday. Mrs. Orrln I.attln of Heaver inn, wns vIsltliiK her sister, Mrs. R. Wol- ilon Thursdny and Friday. Friday ovenliiK thoy both loft for a visit to their mother on South Slough. Illiickborry time Is hero nnd tlio number of full nails that come In ev ery night bIiow that tho women nnd children nro Kottl"K their Bhnro of them. Quito a number come rrom Mnrshfleld to Rather berries. W. Vnrnoy. who hns been 111 for some tlmo Is nblo to resume his du ties for tho S. r. Ii. Co., in construc tion work. Mrs. Low Medley, who hns been 111 for some tlmo, will depart for Neva da tlio first or next month, whore she will spend the winter In hopes of tho dry nlr helping her. Sho will bo nc compnnled by her three youngest boys. Ward Williams, who hnH been suf fering from tonsllltlB Is nblo to bo at work again. Horn, July 20th to tho wlfo of Win, Crlbblus, nn 8-pound daughter, lloth mother and daughter are getting along fine. Dr. Horsfnll wns called out to sco Mrs. Curtis, who has boon qullo sick. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Vnrnoy woro over Sundny visitors In Mnrshfleld. Theo Williams visited in Mnshflold Saturday evening, returning Sundny morning. ' Mrs. Slnllnrd nnd children left Saturday morning for Mnrshfleld, Mr. Stallard going In tho evening. Returning homo Sundny, they wore nceompnnled by Mrs. Stnllnrd's sister, Mrs. Dameron nnd llttlo son of Lam pa Creek. Albeit Hay, who has been In Marshfield for soveral months has re turned hero to work. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMUER, LATH, SinNGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO RY USING OUR WOOD. 188 SOUTn RROADWAY PHONE 100. FI.OUEXCK FACTS. Intn cM Inn News Notes From the Columns of the Pilot. E. U. Smith, a mombor of tho Portland fire department, enmo In on the Arrow last week on his way down tho coast to Coos Hay. C. 0. Larsen nnd wife, of Mnrsh Ilold. nrrlved In Florence tho Hrst of tho week on llnrrett's stage and Immediately went to Acme where thov will visit relatives for a time. II. Vaughnn, of Eugene, came down from Mnpleton Saturdny nf tornoon. Ho hns his horse with Min nnd went south Intending to visit (inrdlner nnd Coos Ilny points. Andrew Olson, who hns been vis iting his son A. J. Olson In Flor onco a week or bo, loft for Port land Friday. Ho was accompnnlod by Mrs. A. J. Olson, who goes to tnolr fnrm near Coos Hay. Henry Horgman and wlfo loft Wednesday for North Ilond. They will mnko their homo on Coos Hny. Henry has accepted a posi tion as assistant cnshler In tho First National Hunk of North Ilcml. His ninny frlonds In Florcnco will miss hi in. It. A. Lowo expects to bo ready to glvo a ferry sorvlco botweon ulonndn and Florence next week. H has boon gottlng ready to do this for sovernl weeks and announces thnt ho soon oxpects to put a boat on the run. The Orange, of North Fork, hns comploted their now nnd commod ious hall. The hall Is two stories, 20xC0 feet. Tho uppor floor is fitted nit for lodgo purposes with n reception hall, proporty room and lodgo room, tho lattor 2Gx48 feet. Information hns boon recolved In riorenco thnt tho gasollno schooner Anvil would lenvo Portland Wednes day of this week for tho Sluslaw. Tho launch Arrow, unpi. annus at tho wheol, from Newport last Friday, went over tho bar tho first of tho week. Interesting Story From Couple akiims Tow of the World MIL AND MILS. OTTO SCHROEDEH, RELATIVES OF FRITZ TIM MERMAN, OF MARSHFIELD, TELL OF THEIR EX PERIENCES'ON GIX)I1E TRIP. CO. SUPERINTENDENT QUITS. County School Superintendent C. A. Dnughman has notified tho County Court that ho will hand In his resignation io inso oueci. aup tombor 1. Mr. Raughmnn will go to Prinovlllo nnd tnko chnrgo of tho Crook County High School nt that plnco. Ho wns Induced to do this on nccount of salary, which Is larger than that paid to tho County auporlntondont, and becnuso ho thinks the chnngo of altltudo will .bo bonoflclal to his son's health. Floronco Pilot. Bowling Alley! 375 NORTH FRONT STREET Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies WANTED watches that won't keep time. Dirty and rancid oil aro the ruination of your watch. Lot mo handle it ana preserve It perfectly for years to come. E. C. BARKER 220 Front st. Marshfl Id. Or. Clearance Sale IlEfilNS JULY 11 AND WILL CON TINUE ALL OF .1UIA. Rig Cut in Prices Electric Shoe Store 180 South Ilromhvny. Walk ono block nnd save one dol lar on each pair of men's and boys' shoes. Wo do first class shoe re pairing at the lowest prices In the city. Yours for a square deal. Aug. Olson. 215 South Rroadwny. RUSHING RAILWAY MATERIAL. Tho schooner Conulllo came- In Friday morning henvlly loaded with railroad construction material. A lot of tunnel equipment to bo taken to Gardiner, wns unloaded on tho Tido Water Mill Co.'s dock until sho returned from Mnpleton. Thoro wns also quite a shipment of oats nnd liny on board. Floronco Pilot. SCHOONER IS REPAIRED. (Many Coos Hny people will re member Mr. nnd Mrs. Otto Sehroe der, who spent Inst summer on the Hay as guests of their brothor-In-law, Fritz Tlmmormnn, at Camp MclCcnzle. .They nro now making a trip around t.ic world nnd Mrs. Schrocder Bonds tho following In teresting story of their experiences to Tho Times:) Wo loft San FrnnclBCo April I for Los Angoles to visit some friends, who took us out to tho benches, Pasadena nnd tho missions in their auto. After n few days wo wont to l ho Grnnd Canyon of Arizona, that wonderful formation of nature, with Its huge castles, buttresses, temples, pvrnmlds glowing In nil the tolors of the rainbow. Tho first day It snowed, though tho nlr wns mild nnd elenr, and wo enjoyed the experience after the torrid heat or Now Mexico and tho deserts of Arizona. In Chicago wo stopped with my sister for nbout 10 days, but that city did not nppcnl to uso on ac count of tho smoko nnd noise, though I wns happy to meet my pla ter nnd nephow nftcr eight years Lcparntlou. Jn New York wo were mot by our friends, the former priest or the Russian Church In San Francisco, nnd his wire, who entertained ua most hospitably during our stay In thnt city nnd wo hud a very enjoy nblo tlmo sightseeing nnd visiting friends. On tho 20th of April wo snllod on tho fnst steamer Kaiser Wllholm II. Wo hnd n fair voy ngo, only tho second and third day being rather rough. There wns a precious enrgo on bonrd, sovcu mil lion dollnrn of sliver bricks from tho mine's of Mexico, and most of tho stars of tho Grand Opera Company, like CnniBo, Mary Garden, Scottl, (lornldlne Farrar, etc. It took us only 5'4 days to reach Chcrboug, from whore a special ttnln conveyed us to Paris. The next day wo ongnged nlco private qunrters In Paris nnd then started out on n strcnuoiiB sight seeing tour for about a couple of weeks. Paris wns beautifully dec orated for tho reception of the King of Spain, who arrived tho next day nnd wo woro fortunnto enough to sco tho wholo mllltnry display In his honor. Tho snmo night wo wont to tho grnnd opera to hear our own Mary Garden sing "Sulomo." The Paris Opera Houso Is tho most beau tiful In tho world and tho singing, scenery and ballot most gorgeous. After tho show wo visited Mnxlms', of "Merry Widow" fnmo. Whon wo got tired of tho noise nnd hustle of Paris, wo would mnko excursions to tho benutlful suburbs, Versailles. St. Cloud, etc. Then wo travoicn on leisurely to Holglum nnd Hol land. Our first stop wns Ilrussols, which Is Paris on n smaller scale, but quloter and Icbb oxponslvo In which to live. AHor taking in Its sights, wo bought a couplo of com mutation tickets, which nllowcd us to travel nil over Holglum for ten dnys. Our first visit wns to tho World'B Fnlr at Ghent. It Is laid out on a magnificent scnlo, hut wns not nearly finished. Wo woro tho first visitors to roglstor In tho Cal ifornia section. Then wo visited old Interesting Bruges, with Its lace makers nnd tho olegnnt, world-ro-nowned watering plnco Ostendo; tho woiiilorful grottoes of Han, which wo can comparo only to wondrous subterranean fairy castles. Tho bnt tlollold of Waterloo proved also of great Interest to Mr. Schrocder. Our Inst stop In nolglum wbb Antworp with Its enormous shipping business and dlnmond-cuttlng works. When we reached Tho Hnguo, wo found out thnt tho steamer Russia, with a number of frlonds from Now York on bonrd, was expected tho noxt morning enrly In Kottorunm. so wo took tho electric trnln to that city, which Is only hnlf an hour distant, and reached tho dock Just in tlmo to sco tho big steamer como In. Tho surprlso nnd Joy of mooting ngnln was grent nnd wo nil spent a pleasant and happy day together sightseeing nnd shopping. Tito noxt dny our frlonds proceeded on their way to Russia, whllo wo went hnck to Tho Hague. Of special Interest to us wns tho Palace of Peaco, which Is being built with Amorlcnn money and will bo magnificent when com ploted this fall. Tho weather was very warm nnd wo spoilt n great deal of our tlmo on tho sonshoro nt Schoronlngon, near Tho Hnguo. There Is nn exposition hold, called "Tho Woman 1813-1913," which shows that tho wonker sex does groat things oven In conservative Holland. Amsterdam, tho Vonlco of tho iN'orth, with Its numorous canals nnd old patrician houses, Its wealth of flowers In nearly Hanrlom, Its dia mond Industry nnd flno museums of art, occupied nbout four days of our tlmo. On a Sunday we mado an excursion to tho Island of Mar ken and Vollondnm, with Its old fisher villages and plcturesquo cos tumes. On our wny'to Horlln wo stopped for n couple of days In Hanover, with Its beautiful parks and "Anlnnger" nnd modern Im provements. Hero wo got tho first Idea of tho wonderful progress Ger many hns mndo with tho last 20 years. And then Berlin, n trully marvolotiB "Woltstndt," surpassing In many respects even New York. Everything Is dono by big com panies, wlio put up Immense estab lishments Tor shows, restaurants, cafes, elnomns, etc., mostly connect ed with beautiful gardens nnd fin ished in olegnnt and artistic style, idvory placo can nccommodnto ninny hundreds of people nnd nro mostly crowded. Wo woro especially Im pressed with tlio fnlry-llko "Rholn gold" terraces and pnrk. Berlin wns being decorated In n most artistic and substnntlnl man ner for tho Kulsor's 25th Jubilee, nnd presented n lovely nppenranco, with Its yellow nnd red banners, triumphal nrchea, hugo gilt crowns nnd eagles, big baskets of fresh tlowers, canopies, etc., etc. All tho public buildings were decorated trom top to bottom. Thb festivi ties began with tho opening of tho now "Stadium" by tho Kaiser. This is a now nnd tip-to-dnto structure, devoted to nil kinds of sport. Then thoro woro regattas, flower-bedecked nutomobllo parades, rnces, long processions of the different trndes mill unions In their mediaeval cos tumes nnd floats, the singing of 7000 school children nnd n torch light procession of njiout 10,000 stu dents, nil this In tho Kaiser's hon or, besides receptions of tho num erous royal guests. Tho Knlsor was overywhoro and novor n inlnuto Into nnd whenovor his big yellow auto appears, the public acclaims him ontliUBlnstlcnlly. Zcpolln's big air ships, carrying nbout 20 passengers, nlso mndo their regular trips from Berlin to different German cities dally over the heads of, the crowds, "Untor der Linden." Two dnys nfter tho colobratlou was over and wo hnd seen most everything of Interest In Berlin nnd Potsdnm, wo left for my husband's old homo lu Strnlsurd, on tho cool shores of tho Ostseo. Tho hot spell nil over Europe, lasting nbout n month, was very oppressive nnd of ten renched 90 degrees; this mndo traveling nnd sightseeing very un comfortable. But here In Strnlsurd It Is cool and plcnsnnt and wo aro resting nnd taking It easy, only visiting rolatlves and renewing old friendships. Aftor n visit to beau tiful Island of Riigcu with its ro mnntlc bathing resorts, wo expect to lenvo for Stettin nnd then Rnja In Russlii, to spend tho summer ou tho senBlioro thoro. My threo nieces from Moscow nro waiting for us nlrendy. This fall wo expect to visit soveral cities of Intorcst In Russia, spend nlso n fow weeks lu Crimen, which resembles Southern California In Its cllninto, and then go on to Constantinople nnd Athens. Enrly winter shnll see us In Egypt, Cairo nnd tho Nllo; then Palestlno beckons us with Its holy momorlcs. Jnnuary nnd Febru ary wo Intend to trnvol In India. Java and tho Philippines; March lu China, nnd April and May In tho flowery kingdom of Japan, wlioro friends expect us for tho cherry blossom tlmo. a stop nt Honolulu nnd visit to tho Sandwich IslnndH Is to complcto our trip nrouiul tho world. Times Want Ads. Bring Results Pilgrim in Fishing Servlco Again After Wreck. TOLEDO. Or.. July 22. Tho fish ing schoonor Pilgrim which was wrecked on entering Ynqulnn harbor last fall, when flvo men wore drown ed, has been repaired and is ngnln In tho fishing trndo. Last Sunday with a now captain nnd engineer sho mndo her first run to tho. halibut grounds somo 20 miles off shore, tho captain taking his family on this first trip. It is claimod that both tho captain and tho engineer hecamo seasick and the wlfo of tho captain was forced to tnko tho wheel nnd pilot the llttlo vessol safely homo. DON'T uso a cough meaiclno con tnlning opium or morphine. They constlpnto tho bowels nnd do not cure, only stifle tho cough. Examine tho labol and If tho modlclno con tnlns theso harmful opiates rofuso It. Foley's Honey and Tnr Compound contains no opiates, Is healing nnd 8oothInK. Owl Prescription Phnr- macy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. DISCOURAGEMENT. Tho moro ono tries to swat tho files, tho moro thoy keep him swat ting; I'vo killed it peck, nnd yet, by heck, upon tholr trail I'm trotting. From brenk of dawn, till day Is gono I keep my swnttor swinging, yet thoy nrrivo in blocks of flvo, tholr mints n'jid cousins .bringing. Thoy como In bonis, tho bonstly birds, to haunt mo In my slumbers, nnd though I swat till I am hot, I can't cut down their numbers. I often think of thnt old gink renown ed for vain ondonvor, who rolls a rock uphill a block, and rolls It up forover; his Job Is bad, tho poor old lad no wonder he's n kicker; wo bympnthlzo who swnt tho flies nnd find thorn growing thicker. Wo biff nnd swlpo whon flies nro rlpo, wo slug nnd smlto nnd spank them; wo chnrgo nround nnd swnt nnd pound, nnd florcoly cry, "Dash blank thorn!" No tlmo to rend the poofs screed, no tlmo for talk uplifting, no tlmo for thought wo still must swnt, along our pathway drifting. No tlmo for song tho whole dny long wo ply our sad vocation; no tlmo to dlo whllo thoro's n fly thnt needs de cnpltntlon. Whnt wondor, then, thnt swatting mon grow weary of tholr swatters, nnd, faint nnd weak, lot out a shriek, at which tho welkin totters? Wnlt Muson. You Auto Call foote pnoNE 144.J NianT a: d day Stand front of RUnco Billiard Parlor THREE NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phono 200-L Residence Phone .8-J. Careful Drivers , -t- Good Curs Llhby COAL. Tlu kind YOU hnvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. NOT FEELING JUST RIGHT? READ THIS. Mr. Jnck Maltos, Copperopolls, Cal ifornia, would not make this stute mont woro it not nbsolutgly true. "I could Hardly stand on my feet and when sitting down could hurdly arlso on nccount of pain in my kldnoys. I trlod threo bottles of Foloy Kidney Pills and thoy entirely cured me, and I hnvo hnd no kldnoy troublo slnco." Ask him. Owl Prescription Phar macy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposltb Chnndlor Hotol. Phono 74 WE ARE STILL SELLING Corona Blend Coffee Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice Mouse O'CONNELL HLDO. 181 Murket Ave., Mnrshfleld, Or. Phono :itl-J.