LsdLiJLAwR! BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1913-EVEWIKl EVENING EDITION. THE COOS COOS BAY TIMES Hclltor and l'uli. M. O. MAIiOXIJV DAN K. MAI.O.VKV News Keillor Official 1'npcr of Coo Counly. . OPTICIAh I'AI'KH OK THIS CITV OK MAIl.SllKH:iil). SUHSCKlVmON HATES. DAIIA'. Ono year c-? Per month "v WKEKIjY. ,?1.0U Cknn vnnr ...... When paid strictly In advance the ...,,rit,nnn nrlro of the Coos Day UUOV. ''"" " tt n A- Tlmos Is JB.ou per year or . lx moiiths. "" Kntered at the postofflce at Mann flold, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second cl;m mail mattor. . Htreet, which Is the only large market "'Vrl'cvery Point of vie, Wilson has a right to demnnd of his part that it do everything to proven a panic such as needlessly wasted the country In 1907 or In the period of J93. a panic for which his party was blamed and yet wns powerless to stop. CONDITIONS SHI wain iirnr mr nnnn III: Bl IT M- -n nr-nr unr i n mil IllUlnl'UL.UU'UL' Wi i. -. i Short Talks oe c Store Policv Address all communications to COOS HAY DAIIA TIMES. Multifield ;: :; !: Ores" Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that evil shall no. hrlvn nnopp 'sen. topics of the TI.MES. j promjnent Spokane Business Man Talks Interestingly of Business Conditions. V. II. Klernan. whose home Is In Spokane, president of the Rey nolds Development Company, arriv ed here vesterday over the Iloseburg Mvrtle Point route to look after the Interests of his company on tuu THAT VACATION. Vainly attempting Allaying your cares. Carelessly loafing Awav from all hlares. Trying to ho happy. Imagine It so. Owing for everything! Nix! We won't go. Women have n greater capacity for 1(,Vi happiness than men. Two u'e ,,, expressed great surprise and can meet In tho nfiornooii ni.u ,ca8Uro at tho Coinpnrutlvely good Ket a lot of sweet comfort u )1gIllc89 ,.onclltloii apparent on coniparmB mcir iniiiuic. C'00g )nv. During tho past tnree i . i . . f.,i (iw.'nionths Mr. Klernnn lias traveieu The man who tries to foo tlit ()Ver 20()00 mo8 ml(, ,, ,,,, people and fa s Is prctt s le o , , rtuny ,0 investigate conditions thiol: thut Mr. tiarnum overestimated ' , Southwest. South. Middle the hlrthratu of suckers. .... . ., , i.'vor.vwliero liusl- MKS. l J. PAHKEK. SISTEK OK S. ('. UOtiEHS AND AXSON HIMSKHS. SlVlVMHKH Sllll.. ,V IX XKW VOUK. S C Itogers of South Coos Itlver, has' Just received a ropy of Tho Granville Sentinel, of Orunvltlc. N. i giving the ueiuiiH oi me if" Mrs. C. J. Parker, a sister of ,..... , ITi7...(iUf Vim ,in. "ess has suffered, and during the AltOL'XD THE SODA roiWTAIX. N'w conies a sc le 1 1st wo e 0ressary for recovery to nor- J , .. , rf M,n f'nroB that tlio b nn 'mVTer B,n.ul conditions those districts must IT HAS heen remarked that If tho entirely cold In 90.000.000 .unrs. nmrk tmo ,,()r ,Mg,alle0 nt tho Mississippi river were to dry iif, why should he worry 7 ,ire!)unt ,lm, ,.tos i.L, i,a An- nmi nil ti.n soda water consumed In tho t'nlted States turned Into Its bed, tho stream would carry on Its saccharine bosom largo ocean-going "hips. , , , ,, Anyway the sodn fountain Is dis tinctly an American insimiuon. u has' advanced both In splendor and BUbstantlal valuo during recent years. Formerly soda fountains were slmiilo llttlo cabinets. Few llavors wore pro Tided, usually vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, lemon and orange. The village girls know them by heart, backward and forward. Those of ep leurean habits varied the list by combinations, supposed to appeal to educated tastes. The old tlmn product of this peren nial fountain was a ll.zy and windy mixture of honeyed sweetness, that temporarily seemed to assuage the thirst, hut left a cloying las'e behind. The modern fountain runs Into m re iiibstantlal foods. Enormous quanM ties of eggs. milk, buttermilk and cream nre dispensed. These not merely provoke a temporary sense of coolness, but supply real nourish ment and holp one much better to utand the strain of heat and humld"y. The tremendous vogue of the so la foiinlnln Is far lest; markod In Europe, where use of Intoxicating Ihiuors Is rroro general. In this country there are a host of people, without desire to criticise temperate persons who till II it iiiuviihi; n hw .- ti Hi'i'n- i preference for the water wagon. It "" nnloa Mllnt V tt I lWitfltlll f Cnllfornlans have the neat s mi of hoM KanKU c,. ,, jollflton, $087,084,000 Invested In .".t010:l there are thousnnds upon thousands b.les: ami t he motorcycles have not of vnc(UU h()l80g o'foro , . c0. been accounted for- probably a few Ri,!,irnlll, 1...11.11,,,, lll tnlf.. nlare millions more In such cities, these houses must 'be occupied. On the other hand doing around the world In clght Ilcro oll Coos ,Jliy Mr, Kornnil Ba, days Is somowhnt musty In comparl-m, fo11)(, vnpnU hotisos . nntl son with the present schedule of a informed that there was an NW Yorker who expects to nccom- ..,. ,,n.i .t,n.i .,,., ., pilsh the trip lu .1.. days, JO hours Tho Rellorn resumption of business and 1T1 minutes. throughout the country on n nor mal basis will see such districts as A boy of I years of age died at ,,,! ,, r0,d Coos Day taking tho Monrovia, Cul.. after eating a big kni, , development of all kinds, helping of ie and candy and drink- Asked IOMt literal flnnnclnl con ing 13 bottles of soda. 1 he Item dltlons nnd the causes leading up does not say the boy died hnppy. Hut It Is readily Inferred. to them, Mr. Klernan said "Financial conditions for some time have not been good either In this country or In Europe. In Eu rope the unsettled feeling resulting I fmin International wars have caus ed tiie Hoarding or gold to n amount estlmnted nt from $r.00. 000.000 tn one billion dollars, which has necessitated the re-sale to this country of n Inrge part of Europe's holdings of American securities. The wmiiirawni or gold from the t'nlted States by Europe has been ncrom- i panieu in tins country by an over- Eectrc Ecuimment for Porter, ,n"Bm". or ,a,,R""t '''edits, but uioimii uiuiH"'uu iui ruiiw rominenclng nliout April 1. the Brothers Brought In Heavy . ""u f tm t'nited suite, recog. 1- n 1 n 1 iilzlng the danger of the situation FOCIS De aV Boats. began purtallliis in . . , , ,, "uiiuing up tiielr cash reserves, so hint for one of the. Hint todnv rinnnrini ..,, 11. i.... .... Porter Urothers are. fundanientally better than tliov have I niAinir-i mi 11 mi IS ON ui taljes no bromo-sehers to clean tip t Tl ,.,.,,, the eiTects or strawberry Ices, and ,..,. 'V1,,.,, ' .1..11 1.,..,..., f..i,,,..., ti... ,..! lunneis unicii r freshing slato of egg and milk. I'H'ylng on tho Coos Ilay-Eugeno line been In long tline. However the arrived here on the Ilrenkwater und ; po Icy of curtnllnieiit nf ,., u irmril-SSOVIVcrimFVCY l a,7,Un? ,8," ,L"UI ' (5r,l"1i"--' !-'ns. 'contln,! ?, " ,0 time Sr A 1,1 1 11,1. IIm$ l l "" ,11 will probably t,e taken up o the Two other factors of lipor miVe THE nvcrage Individual th nks ,)l(, lnnt ,,, 0W,IB , tlu ,.omra,iy t iin,lr,in:. iKB,at,011 .,, , hero s not much to be gained 1R.tM,lng ,,ml. It Is possible that she 11., c 11 v ,, m do If -wr? .'.VIV1 for him In national curroney W tow 110 the lmri:i Fredorlelc lum , iirri'.Mi! V. . 1 " "' . lf extremely and banking laws and given It UttleJ Hl'. . !)r,'r '.'i ZLl IM 1. Ll,. m r',llr,m,1 " '"nrket heed It is well to understand these en're. w.M several" I dr i '.S, "ofTw T'Z for .luestlons. however, and heir prac I- ,,, tnm ltf UUUy ,, ., ,,,,.,,. , ' v ,!8l( "' ' t'0' '""; cal apdlcatlon to our dally pursuits, lr(. K nnu- Imliii. limdi-il I im ,... i ran niul the great and for that reason the following ex- w, l .Vj1 ; Hchooner'co 7 i!'f, " rnl,roml ",l0 " plana.ory article Is reproduced and c, iii'SJ" I ! e, , w , 0 1 I ImT "one hi. S$M " '"" should be read by everyone In Coos ,. ,,,. ,., ,.., ,...,. ,,... , ' ' '' . . ' itercMtH on Coos county: l.tense rog prevents her crossing out , . ',o w y " .'h V S Kr ' 'ffii til from Hie I'iiiiiiiiiii. Tho Olenner was Itnllroad whin, o i.ionvnri,.' . ' ".Many people erroneously think (lie imiiKing ami currency laws liuv little to orrer the ordinary man I 1? yi,i ,7,I"T m'mw- I S.ipt. Crl.htou or Porter Urothers. John Smith, plain farmer or sina nrniiiliiK for shipping the business man, goes to the bank to H,,ff, ' ' K im get some money nnd Is refused n loan ! . be reels thai the local bank officer, 1 1 no A I nCDCi ni 1 is probably stingy and gives this as n ' LUUAL UVtKFLOW. reason for the refusal. Thnt iiutlon. al laws and coiulltious could liavo ' " liroduced Ibis state does not mcitr to I Watkins' Observations ! IIOHX I '"nor The Tines: mm. nppiireiitly. ?.7T7. ' " ril,s " koiiI win, j0l. . n This nation has. In round numbers, M KA To Mr. and Mrs. Donnld i"n!""' Hie nrrlvnl on pv si,, ,,.i, .', 110 billions of wealth. There are McKay, at Mercy Hospital. Tues-f ' Skyfugle. The Cc I rbiiii's u !, . nbciut four blllhuis .r actual money !". July i'J. 11 son. Mrs. McKay .r,"" Senegiuni,!,,. where lei,,, to represent this value, ir every man the daughter or SI Noah. Moth.''x',,,,Hlv,,ly Interested In tl. n, . tries nt once to get his own wealth '" '"l child are doing nicely. 'fixture of post holes mid 1, ..,... Into money the result Is 11 shortage . 'sp-res in macaroni n"n . 'in. ,. ' tlnr .-in Hve nbout one dollar out I'll MIIIXS-To Mr. and Mrs. Win.!, The Col.. .Heve ,lr ,S,;,S ..... r twiiiiy p.,.. A panic is merely I rlbblns at their home at ConliMu. . ,,v ''"vlng al ,,o time 1,.. ""' i' prb..l when people get excited ami Oregon. Sunday. July 20. a daugh-l "'"'"l of those gentleme. 1 ... '''!"' try to get money ror their wealth I;'-. Mot nor and child are doing1 ""! man met on ,Ih w.vfrn tl10 and grows worse ns they are lucieas- "liuly. " hiileu. down to Jei,., Jl'ni; Ii.gly disappointed. tun idense,. A" V. . . " wover. I ". in iiiiw Wo do not want more money, but we want money easily moved, that Is, wo want to be able to meet any pur tlculiir demand ror money by being able to convert wealth, banks call It "paper." Into cold rush. That Is vhat the new currency law. advocat ed by President Wilson, proposes to do. As It Is now the loose money urnvl tales to Wall Htreet and capitalizes stock speculations, while legitimate productive Industries go without n.p Italltatlon. When a paule startH at Mime point every bank boards Its Iltt 0 pile or money and the Imme diate shortage heightens the demand and Increases the rreiuy or these who have wealth to convert into money. N Itl. a center or money In (lu hands or a few people a panic l& made easi er and more disastrous. It)- demanding currency legislation that would effectually decentralize the xyealth and yet make it easy ror banking Institutions to linuldate their "paper at once without nniie ressary sacrifice and convert It Into currency with the O. K. of Uncle .San. on It. the possibility or a riuan clal crisis would bo made far moro remote." In time of an Incipient panic mon ey would, under the new system rush to the holp of the business coin riagratlon just like water lu the wat erworks or a city will all to the point where Hre has broken out us Hion as an engine u attached Wil son wants to lay the mains right now for a natural flow or currency If f re does start. The suspicion that ,Vrl,i i,r ,'UI""M firebugs" who profit by others' losses makes It CToff'KS t,,ut ,,,to "W,to sl'rfm!'. IV"01 U, 'lnands or Vie spring planting and the rail VT ,, moving w 1,1,1, win brllB bw h 1 r ous demand ror elastic currency raV' La,8 re,,,u,,u h noeeVilty'Vw iSi1 . U?loy.' whU'h 'w much of the nation's ready cash Into Va llt..i. rr....L ',i... 11 .. . nut .. i..i . . V. v Ml- ...... ,mn, me .mhiiio tarn- " j" ami 1 tint his Im-,.,. ... val Company ins n tehed m,.. ,.f iu never In 1.m.. ...',. "8 uno wns touts ror the carnival shows on the . '-'inlty follows tho law ti, in- f..i III mtwimii 'imira o,..i r... Inu'a ..., ... ....A .. V' 'HO MV fol. elal just west of the M. E. church. "WIB. Slm'e I, s nrrlS? Hi. p .'i ... !'? eon... Into possess .m,.'0: i.eaes 'lon.omHv. .r. w. K" "'' by petit inrceiiv i"V. "' Sweeney, the railroad contractor '"tie. of t '," ,8 ?, .""V ,U '""ttors wll leave tomorrow for ", ,,," whereon waseo Mr, I ),"",",,,)" K.; lug via tiardlner. Mnpleton '.jflcent hc.tels " T n ,Lo Un??.tT?: hi win. to look over the construe- " Oregonin and at S anolt " ' ' Ion of the new Coos Hay Hue. Itl.o wuu waves I, ve Va 'i '1 ' ,.1''1' 1 vim iiiiihk .,.,.. 1 . :. "IUI, 1 ,nsl'ccu ittMil. County Commis sioner l nylor Dement cnn.e over from Coimlllo last evening to join Judge Hall. Commissioner Armstrong and Uoadinaster llall-l.ewls in tl iiiMii.u.iii... .. .1 . ..::" ...,, . ----"., Illt, iiiMinn n,.,! ..... 1 '....." "'. l"1 ,"i,,", ' ivu .Mile, "u nopes oiik iiermi-,;,. ".."'. "."l IMIIJ- going out today. siiicco work, tl . bnVii- . V , . .'" tl", l'i- composed !f V" whl,'l ' l0 Oels hiMiiaiice. Henry Sengs, '"'h room will L h,',,,.0!! I"(1''iises. tacken today gave A. S. Masters, lr 'Hre.-t fro L i" lk'1. w"1' ll0 00( In settlonient or the insiirnnce f'ee beer. T he 1 .. ,,!,,,,s ni,I run 1,... . "." un is now ar !...".y"K to erect a now Home on the KIlllll ltt ll.i ' -- . ..w.. ,, lllB vantn nearer cm.-ti.M "?...',lu't Ilia he "l'i homo was wnuvil. on U ,i I : ti.r hS1 "8 r?,"'; p. m. wihiiiTHrr ..r.. ..... .... 1 "u" lM0 .,,. t;:raayror Curry (V".,.'.wt...:i .OBO. WATKivq tl.OV Will UII.01.I .. ....,. '. . ,.,.:, 11 Luiiiuu 01 weeks hv." "R. r,pm,"v. T,,W '3wi? iMedln Curry County. AI.OXO THE WATEUFltONT The A. M stum ' rJBWB '-"-' Wake jjjlj " "l "'inner at tlio Porter Ihe Daptlst Sunday School will Svrket sle? ffocKftTff Hound trip, CO cents. Chi dren nl 'ler IC, free. Everybody welrome" GOOD CLOTHES OWE PRICE s'aim: nKAIj THAT'S A 1. ., The Fixup TWO STOKKS MarM.tlelU- Xort ,cnd i.i,,,o.,if ,1,1,1 Anson ltouers The sudden death of Mrs. Cyn tnla J. Parker, of .Middle Gran ville, at the Unco cottage, Lake bt. Catherine, Saturday, was 11 shock to the community. S'ne was on tin porch when thu members or the fanillv last saw her alive. MIbsIiis her a search was Instituted and her bodv round near a pooi 01 mn. or 'late Mrs. Parker had Buffered from fainting spells and It Is sur mised that she, feeling one of these attacks coming on. had gone to the water to bathe her face and head as was her custom. It was then that a swift nnd painless death came to her. "Cvnthla J. Parker was the daughter or Joseph and l.ydlu Car nmiti.r Hoirors. or DiiiiIjy. Vt.. where she wns born October III, ISII'J. Sho was a lineal descenciani 01 John Hogers. the martyr. She was married March HI. ISiili, to Xu thnnlel Parker, son or Asa and Laura Whitney Parker. f South Oranvllle. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Oeorge W. Itace, and one grauddniighter. Miss Lillian Knee, both of Middle Oranvllle. "Sho was n birth-right member c.r the religious society or Friends, and was a fttltliful member of the Presbyterian Church of Middle Oran vllle. since 1S7L'. She was a noble cnrlstlan worker, and wns super intendent of the Sunday school ror 2-1 years. Shu was also 11 member or the Women's Chrlstlnu Temper ance I'nlon and served as secretary Tor the Washington County t'uloii ror several years, nnd af the time or her death, was a member or the Xorth Oranvllle W. C. T. lr. "Mrs. Parker was 1. rnltliftil nieni--ior of the Homo and Foreign Mis sionary Societies of the Presbyter Ian Church lor tunny years, ami of the Missionary Society c.r the M. E. Church c.r (iranville. She wns also a member c.r the Snakespearu Club, and c.r the Wing Fninlly or Amer Ica, Incorporated. "Mrs. Parker was tbe jiersnnl'lcn tlou c.r unselfishness us tuiiglit In the doctrines of Christianity round In the lire of her Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ. She continued through her widowed life the gracloim and kindly hospitality which ehariiclur Ized their married life. She hud uosts or friends, and no enemies. Out c.r her lire flowed a loving In terest for nil of (lod'H creatures. ''About 1.1 years ago, before the time of through railroad service ncross the continent, ntio took 1111 oNtonded trip to Oregon, u Journey occupying three months, nil by water, except' across the Isthmus or Panama, which was made In the primitive manner or mule pack. "She was a woman or sterling Integrity and worth, charitable to u 'null, ever ready to lend 11 helping; baud to the innominate and needy.' hi her home lire, she showed 1.1 sweet splrlf of undying love and de-i voiion toward nil the members of her household, nnd Ihcv reel that ' her earnest prayers nnd sound ad-! vice will be sadly missed. Ilouven, Is the richer by tho presence i.r her1 angel spirit, and earth Is tin. .mnmr1 by her passing out or It. hut tho i sweet spirit nnd tho unconscious ln- r uence exerted An the lives of all those with whom she enme lu con tact, will live on. ami C.n,l lh,w...i' only knows, ami the Judgment ilav rilono will reveal the amount o'r! blessing mid help, her lire g.-no 0 the world, ir the Snvlo-ir .0:1:: speak in nn audible voice h- we might understnnd. wo could hear I him say. us ho did c.r Mnry. 'She hath done what she could.' The Rood Lord hns taken her to her re ward and has placed on her head I tho crown of life which 110 has been' holding Just above her head for! these scores of years, and she has heard the blessed words. 'Coino vol blessed c.r my Father, Inherit tlio 4 iiiiuioiuii prepared ror you. "Tho old truth was surely vorlfled No. 3 in.' vi.'.m inoi niarked'the retlrotnuiit of Joscni, 1... . ......... I,,, iiml Hiii't'osHf(.llv I'liiii.i,. ..!., V.nuo. t. II HUVfllll'l'll jvm " " ' , ,- " ivi tho y," II 1 a.. ,..,,.. 1.1,1, iu fir lut t-.l U'licl. 1 .... uu Alt, MICIISI'i. Ol'vumuuii ,,.... ... .".,. nun Hirirl I.,.,1' integrity had served to plnco the AhXT HTOim lu the fnf,!c, rnnk of Southern Oregon firms. 'Tn, S. Lnndo, his son anil successor, nan ior ten yeara , his father's employ. In no wnv woro thu o, ,rIIPl ni ed. The dollar-for-dollar policy that had niuclu ia.lK)V,c. hold word, was to bo continued. naioi In 11105 our grocery depnrtinent wns closed out, n,i ,. marked our last dealings In wall iuper, iiiulllnK and ..J' .Mrs. Lnndo took chtugo of tho wonien'H clc-iiartitiunt '" years or experience .11 biiiih, nuun, uumm uihi mv K0Ul, "5 LAXDO'S the advnntuge c.r a buying knowledge p'ossesspi i'"1 other linn In Coos County. iq "K We have studied our customers, nnd wo know their i,..i. As 11 result' c.r this knowledge and the eiiruful ills-rliiiinaii i buying, our slock Is tho lurgest in varluty lu Coos Co .01' thus offers tlio greatest diversity lu opportunity for nolcctlo '! LANDO'S (JOOD t.'OODS. PltOMIT DELIVEIHES- tiiH-L'.-.i: fkoxt hthi:i:t. ''l'l'l imioxe vocn tiimum '"WK It J lu her case that', " None knew her but to lovo her, .Soiio nanied her but to praise.' The funeral was largely attend ed from her Middle (iranville resi dence Tuesday iirternoon nt 2 o'clock, the Hov. 11. (1. Xcnvtcni of Orniivi.le, the pastor in charge of the Jllddie Oranvllle iresl.yter hui Church, orriclatlug. lie paid n lieaiiuful tribute to her lire work nnd memory. Vocal music wns sweetly rendered by Miss Emily Thonins. Mrs. A. C. Pntterson, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Davles nnd S. l Mnson. or Ornnvllie. There were heautiriil floral tributes, us follows: Lilies nnd carnal Ions, Y. P. S. C. !:.. Not th Oranvllle; carnations, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alella Temple: carnatloiiH, W. V. T. t'.. North Ornnvllie; ennui (Ions, Mr. und Mrs. John Alien.; red roses, Mr. und Mrs. F. C. Shel don; bottiuet, Mrs. Kate McCor mlck; bouiiiet. Sarah and Jennie Dllliughuni; red roses, Mr. und Mrs. F. (!. Hull; white roses. Shakes peare Club; cnruutlous, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Parker; roses, Dr. O. E. Paul; wreath, the Folger clan; roses. Mrs. John Muloney; Mowers, Lulu und Earl Hurt; wreath, lliunia and Leonard Thorne; wreath. M. IC. Missionary Society, (iranville; roses, Mrs. John Stearns und Mrs. Etlu llr.iniuoiiil; standing wreath. Pros byterlun Church c.rriclaln; curiiti tlous, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wilson; carnatloiiH, Mr. und Mrs. M. C. Stu ples; casket houiior. Sabbath fhool; roses, Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Leonard; fates ajar, the rtimlly. CAHXIVAI. FO.ll,AXVIU'SV. MANY TEACHEB PS3SED Effl Al niilil Tiavcllng Coney IMnml Co, (.'I'tllng Heacly for Aiiuieiueiil Cnn.ivul. The Arnold Traveling Coney Island are busy putting up their tents und will have everything In readiness for their opening tomorrow evening. Ar nold has not been In Mnrshrield ror some time but Is well known hero nnd Ids uttraclloiis have always been among the best. The list or ntlrne llous that will be presented Include: 'The Famous Alnbuinii Minstrels." "Tho .Musical Comedy Hollos," "Jules Vernes Venilons." "Dog und Monkey Circus." "A Ferris Wheel und Merry c.o uiiiiiid. ' ulso three big F:vt. AcIh lliilloon Ascension und Parachute I Jump." "High Dive." und "Whirl c.r Deatli." These attracilons will be put on tomorrow evening nt 7 o'cloi k. COOS COCXTV IXSTItmoPi crm:i state rKirnncr IX UECIJXT IyXAMIXAwh LIST OF SCCCESSIUboMj In the recent stale toacheric Mini, mi, 11 uirne 11 11 111 nor or Cw r li' fiiinlliMinlu ii'.it'i u, ........, Iiik to n Htiilement Just slrn. Uiilikiii lli fiillm.,1.... t .t. . ..-im;,,,, iiiu MilllMVIIIK UCIIlftJj, Willi IIIIHSHil! I LIII11 livln, Dora Emily nj llrldito; Elinii M Itolicrti, Scdl iui. iiiiuriiu i.auiirilli, MiaVI kisiiiu .leuouaid, Lakeside; Mi.J thu Lund, Cixiuille. LcnaDe'1 iiulllo; Kelinii Tliumna, Mij liDi.ii c. wiri.-n, iiantion; Wird ('0I01111111. Coiiullle. Ilelle Wfc ..lyriie 1-01111; .Minima K. i North lleiul: Jeimln 11. llencl; Flc.reiico M, (loodmii! per; A mile Wlckmait, Mini I Tl... II l.M,,..l ......... 1.'.. L.j. I lougliby, Hrookwuy, KlluUtlJ Coiiullle; Siimuel S, Darnell, 1 1 wiin , win 4. ii'jue. iianoot, f l.-.,1ui,i,i i,i.,..i.ri,.i.i. 1 n & i. ...idi.i.i, .iniiniiiiriii, 4, r ti (Irnvul Ford; Primary rcrllflcill el I. Matthews. Am no; En J niiiuei. .Mursiiiienu ucriti r kins, llniiilon. If you've never eaten K'l .V OHEAU'S DIM.ICIOt'S (! LATKS 'I'ltV SOME TOUUl YOC'Lli HE A STEAIIV (Tl Kit i:vi:it Ai'TEit. mv If u substitute Is offered rl Foley Kidney Pills, It nieanun or medicine Is pressed uponr the dealer h profit, not W Foloy Kidney P Ills may ton ft or, moro tlmn u cheap jutitfe iney give oeiiei leniuis iiimt. er kidney und bladder meJ! for Foley Kidney Pills. Owl Proscription I'liarmw.! I). Cohan. Opposite CbasJlcl Phono rl. FARM FOR SALE ion ,ry,,si?Su nntI rrult fnr con sisting of 1.I8 ncres. between 35 nnd 40 ueres of rich bottom land, eight ... ' . i'1" ,niu fioi to npp e trees and fifty acres moro that can easily bo cleared for orchard and unlnnoo good grazing land for cat tle. Blioop or goats. Twelvo head good dairy cowb and ail farming imploinonta necessary. Located on West Fork of Coos nivor. one mile from nostofuco school nnd boatlandlng. uslomco' Huy direct from owner. ....u0r ,f"rtl,cr information, cnll or write: W. A. PACE. Allegany rw MEETS Thoro are a groat many meets to which people's atten Hon Is directed nowadays, tho raco meets, lodge meets and many other kinds, but Te want to call your special at tention Just now to our choice MEATS fi?,v SMI.,a ana ovor' other u"). Wo liavo notliliiR but the best on our blocks and guarnntee satisfaction. Reof Pork. Mutton. Hams, Bacon The Palace Market 1KO Xorth llroachvay. Telephono -100., New Balkan Blouse An express shipment of the latest Balkan Blousesc red from New York, White and Tan $1.55 Each We Now Have the Warner Rust-ftJ Corset in Front-Lace Models The best front lace corset made and sold at ad sonable figure, The Golden Rule First National Bank .Building. MARSHFtf1! Do You Want a Hontf M gelt1 If you own u lot, you can liavo a homo built for )"u can pay for it In monthly payment sumo nn rent. " " " most iiiixieiii tyiK's or ImiiikiiIowh to "" fall at our orriro and make your seleetlou of plans owl fill. II, .. I...... ...II..... . ... .... ,.. ,11,1181 : " .i...-iiiiu coiisiruetioii of your homo for too u loci is limited ami by imikliiK you,. iirrmiKeiiieiitH ,"rI' i - ,.. miuso coii..ii.tecl before tho inlny season. range for an evenli.K U.polntmej,t to icn.k over plans nd terms of payment by callh,K PilOXK U01-J. COOS BAY REALTYC mo XOHTlt FRONT ST. Xs.i