TER A MAN ARRIVES THE WORLD NEVER ASKS WHAT ROUTE HKCAME OVER (Ham Sag Stones LOST ARTICLES I....I fnimil through Times- want NOW IS VOl'U TIME. A miiiiH ml In Tin Times want column limy brlmr yon results mi mediately. Try one. llnitl them! lTsc lieml Tlu-y L K'SllllH. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WWII r.Mnillisncu i xo4a AAA VII. T,0 Count Mall. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. 4 Consolidation of Times, Count ."Mall and Coos Dny Advertiser. No. 2 ERVENTIDN IN MEXICO IS PROPOSED IN CONGRESS TODAY iscntative Murray, of iimmn Introduces Set Sensational Resolutions ANDS PEACE BE RESTORED IN $u UATb icnt Huerta is Denounced is usurpnuj muictuuui and Murderer. AisalatM I'nta lo foot nar Tlmea. J 3IIINHT0N. I). C .Tilly 22. iciitatlvo Win. II. ."Murray or Diiin. Introduced n set or roso- toilay In which up invites mo In concur. directing iniorvon Mixlco If order nnd pence nro stored wlllilii :i "nys nner t!ii vutiiii Ibsuch it proeinnin- tlint effect. Murray's rosom . . Li..... tia. .I.. HlimiClCIT.CH I'lcniui'in mnim amirplng innrniidcr. n tiincic ii murderer whoso recline Is Id on tienclipry, duplicity nnd STVRIRS SITUATION. Mil Wilson Denies Himself to pis to Consider Oiiosflnn. A ':li I I'' I" '"" II V Time I 3IIIXC.T0X I). (' . .Inly 22.-- fegiilar ciililiiet mooting Hinted Sn witii not iii'in nornuso m moment 11 wuh uiscovoroti f i lie secretaries were out of IPiesldciii Wilson denlPil lilin- cnller.' nnd remained In his Itnltlug up Htnte depnrtnicnt lof I lie Mexican Hit tint ion ami Sri n t; the proposed Nlenrngunn CONTINUE EIGHT ON PARCEL POST Senate Committee Issue Sum mons to Postmaster Gen eral Because of Order. Iltjr AMndaliM I'itm to Cnna llnr Tlmea J WASHINGTON, 1). C, July 22. PoHtiniiHlpr (lunornl Burleson whs Biinitnoned to anneiir before tint Ken. nlu coininllleo to explain by what au thority ho proposes to reduce tlio par cel post ml oh. Tlio hi nous Ih bo- lleveil to he tlio beginning of a fight to prevent tlio cxteiiHlon of the pur col poHt HyHtotn n h pioposod In iiIiiiih recently iiiiiioiinceii. 40 GiRLS LOSE LIVESINFACTORYFIRE THIRTY-FIVE COOMB) ALIVE New York Overall Factory Burns With Awful Loss of Life Fire Escapes Flame Swept. t Ily Axoilalril I'riM to Cooa liar Tlmea. RINOHAMPTON, N. Y., July 33. More thnn 10 girls lost their lives In n flro which destroyed the I. Free man overall factory here this after- noon. The flro completely destroyed the building In 20 minutes. A hun dred nnd twenty-five girls were In tho factory when tho flro wns discov ered. Twelve were taken to tho Iiob pitnl badly injured. There wore heart rending scones when several girls clinging to the fire escapes wcro swept by sheetH of flnmo or jumped from tho fartory windows. Two bodies were seen lying in Division Btrcot cut completely In two. Oth ers enn be seen in tlio ruins. WHEN ISO FARM HOUSE BURNS WILL AVS FRIENDLY MOVE. kit be Curly to Aiill-AiiK'i'lcaii litluoak In Old Mexico. uiixlttrl Vrrtt lo Coot imjt Tlmea.i IlCO CITY. July aa. lapnn, it h Charge d AffaitH hero, formed the lliierln govern- Riat It- will not sanction nny trillion on the part of tho administration which might SEXDS HATTLESIIIPS. 1LHALL IN IN ILLINOIS CASE lobbyist tklls now iiopkixs WAS BEATEN in I.OHIMEH i tiik campaign for elkctiox as cxiter status sexator from illinois. Illr AwocUIp.1 I'riM In Inn, Hay Time) Washington, i). a. July aa. February I, lliilli, In n letter to Scliwodtmau, Mulhall got Into Illi nois politics and brought In former Senator HopkliiH, who was defeated for re-election by Win. Lot-liner. Mul- nau wrote or tlio Senatorial deadlock at Springfield: "Wo are spreading ..r nn null. iiioiIimiii nlmrni.. '"" "" " '"" l IICCIMIIll III of an nutl-Anioilinn chnrnr-)l(, (.0,0,0 ) ,Hl(p ,,y ,,,,,,. HUH iii I no con volition nt Chicago Inst Juno, wherein ho was extremely un fair to uiauuractiirerH' Intercuts In rofiiHing them a hearing before tho com in It Ice on rosolutloiiH mid pack ing that committee In fin or of tlio (ompoi-H crowd, ho has In a largo uieiiHuro brought this fight on his own HliouldorH." HORRY TARIFF There Will be Little Talk From Democrats on the Much Mooted Question. tlljr Aforate,l Preia In "tnoa Ilajr Tlmea 7 wasiiinoton, i). c. July 33. Senuto Democrats doclnred todny Hint few Hpeeches would come from Hint sldo of tlio clinmber. "We nro not go ing to take up time debating this bill" bald Chairman Simmons of tho fi nance committee, "if tho bill proves not to be for tho benefit of the coun try it will demonstrate our Ideas of tlio tariff are wrong. If It proves to bo well for tho country, It will dom oustrato the opposition Is wrong. That Is all there Is to this proposition." I0W ITS THE JOB WORKING AT TCXXKIi. A force of nbout SO arc working nt tho railroad tunnel between South Slough and Maplo Creek. Preparations are being made to Htart a crow to working from tho oth er end nnd rush operations both ways.-. Klorenco West. tin to (iiinid American Inter- cslr. at Tiixlnimii. o.UIrl I'li-ea lo Cooa liar TIiiim. HINUTOX. I). C. July 22. nttlcHlilp Louisiana, which Iroin Vera Cruz undor rush linn arrived nt Tiixlnpnn, Eeit nierlniiH whoso lives perly are endangered by tho iiiiween llio rodera s and 3iil:ilH, (i KltNOII XAMIIIl. of iriiins fur lleocctipatliin mil pie Willi Troops. "" i t, in;i 10 iooi nay i unm. TXTIXOPI.K. .Tulv " In lion of (hit rcnrcmmtlon of B'lo b the Turkish troons. dll llev. former minister Intel lor. !kih been aiinolnted of tlinr city and left to- is.mino his post. .Illlv aa. Tnrklnli trnniiB Ifter reconnollorlng tho Dul- wmnn nt Adrlnnoplo. B THROWN N PATERSON I'l'i SCIIXK OK I. V. W. :. wih:cki:d nv hxpixj. IJAULY TODAY IIKAVY H W1IOUGHT. Ite4 Prnt to cooa Oar Tlmea.l sox, x. j., July aa.-An i Of llOIIlIm nnrtlnlK. ...i, telvotla silk mills oarly to IIO lOSIlltlnn- !. . Ln.i .r?(ls ot workers, who J. . .r" on 8tlko, from . l" 8""eota. Great t(18 llono tn thn nin.lilno.i. K f!ttlnBs of tho factory. t-. I . . uroKon nnd ono hn. i w ,'"' Tll '"IH wns lies. " STIMt AT GAUniXRH. rcsJer Groves of IT. S. In- tu)nDf r;; Ju,y 22,-Slnco lTJnr the 8lBlttw forest 'hi?uthwc,8tori Oregon, no been received nt tho offices .iff ?n v i from 1Ionry s. Itv nt A .. ""o iiuro in i-imi- Ga"1 nor 'nspeetlng l? .hJf 'ay bo avail- pocter.nr.PnOSi, i nnvt ... , "- " ixiuiHH ! IU"M WopT.- !,.. i. . havo 1,1. ; " r " ", j rou- I nf M?"b.m to tho de- WaShh,crn,ner,or and srl- .., I lljr Amik Ulrl I'riM In Cmia liar Tlmna ) WASHINGTON, I). C, July aa. Attorneys for tho National Associa tion of MiiiuifiictuierH may not ho permitted to cross examine Martin .Mulhall, tho sclf-ionfcHHod lobbyist, before tho Souulo Investigation com mittee. When Attorney Hubert Mc Curtor, for the innnufncturerH, sug gested today the cross examination of Mulhall on Ids story that former Itopresontntlvi) James K. Watson of Indiana had been paid a retainer of $ri00 dolliiiH and a weekly salary of ia.pt0 to work for tho passago of tho tnrirf coniiulssloii bill, wltli a prom Iso or nn additional $10,000 If tho bill waH surcoHsful, Senator Heed, tho committee's leading questioner, declared himself against cross exam ination, but proposed Hint queHtloiw bo submitted to the committee. Tho point was not finally decided. Mill hall sworo today that ho drow $.'00 from a Daltlinoro bank to bo paid to Watson. M MUIiHAIiIi MISTAKHX. (o Corrects Statement In llcforonco Congrcssnuiii Watson. (nr AuoclaieJ rrraa to Cooa liar Tlmea.) WASHINGTON, D. C. July 23. Mulhall corrected his testimony con cerning tho employment of former Hoprosontatlvo Wntson of Indiana to lobby for tlio tariff commission, IIo enld ho was mistaken In his testimo ny nnd Hint Watson was not em ployed until ho rotlrod from Con gross, DKSTHOV TOLSTOI WOItKS. C.ar Orders Unorthodnv Writings of Iiato Author Iluriied. (Dr Atioclale4 Trtai lo Cooa Ila Tlmea. ST. PETERSBURG, July 22. Em peror Nicholas has ppproved of tho decision of tho Holy Synod to de stroy threo posthumous works of Count Leo Tolstoi, on tho ground tnat thoy nro unorthodox. Thoy nro comments on tho Old Testament, and protests of Count Tolstoi's rel atives against such an action havo boon unavailing. NEGRO HAS HARD HEAD Strikes on Kails Two Stories mid Cranium lint Isn't Stunned. PORTLAND, Oro., July 23. At Good Samaritan Hospital thoy sny Hint Samuel Hicks, living nt tho Trin ity Apnrtments, hns tho hardest skull In Portland. Hicks is n negro nged 33 yenrs. Ho wns washing windows at tho Trinity Apartments, on Trin ity Place, and was working without tho window washer's harness provid ed by law. .Ho foil from a second story window, landing squaroly on eidownlk. Supposed to linvo ben fa tally hurt, Hicks wns rushed to Good Samaritan, where an examination dis closed that the Injury amounted to nothing moro serious than a monster lump. Hicks wasn't oven stunned. KILLS DORSE Abncr Tribbey Runs Into Ani mal Beiiuj Lead Behind A. Hansen's Auto. Lust evening. Aimer Tribbey on his motorcyclo collided with n horse be longing to A. Hniisen. tho drayman, mid Injured tho animal so that It had to bo Hhot. Tlio motorcyclo wns und ly Hinnshed up but Tribbey oscuped serioiiH Injury. Guy Torroy wns leading tho nnlninl behind Mr. Ilnuson's motor truck. Thoy wcro coining along nonr Fourth and Elrod when Tribbey rounded tho cornor. Thoy claim that Trlbboy whb speed ing on his motorcyclo nnd did not linvo control. Tribbey clnlms ho wns running only nbout eight miles per hour, It Is snld. At nny rnto, tho motorcyclo toro n horriblo wound in tho horso mid It hnd to bo shot. California "White Slave" Case Continues to Cause Trouble. (lljr ,nv"t.ltCNl l'rrn In ('una Hay Tlmea. WASHINGTON, D. C. July 33. Thomas E. Hayden of San Francisco, iiBsoclnto council for the government In the Diggs-Cmulnetti white slave enso. ngnlnst whom vigorous protestB recently wore mnde todny tendered his resignation to Attorney General McRoynoldB. W Misses Rita and Carrie Lee, of Portland, Victims of Canoe Companions Escape. Ilr Aaaoclatri Vtfrt lo Cooa liar Tlmaa. PORTLAND, Or., July 33. Rita Leo, nged 3 1, nnd Cnrrlo Leo, nged 3G, sisters, cashiers In local grills, wore drowned at 1:30 o'clock this morning while returning In a cauoo from a pleasure resort on tho Wll lametto River south of tho city. Ar thur Hergt nnd Alfred .Mitchell, waiters, who were In tho canoo with tho women when it capsized, clung to the boat and wore picked up. CASE IX CONGRESS. Republicans Want mi Opportunity to Discuss It. (Ilr AMOilatM I'trta lo Cooa liar Tlmea WASHINGTON. I). C. July 33. In nn effort to force the llouso Dem ocrats to allow Republicans mi op portunity to dlseuHB the Dlggs-Ca-iniuotti white slave case at San Fran cisco, Republican Leader Munn began today a filibuster against nil busi ness in the House, and nn the first move caused nn hour's delay In tlio r.pprovnl of the Journal of Friday's meeting. II T IS BADLY HURT Fred C. Stone, From Near Eu gene, Possibly Fatally In jured at Lighthouse. Fred C. Stono, n workmnn employ ed In remodelling tho Cnpo Arngo lighthouse, foil off a scnffold today and unstained a fractured skull, broken nose and chin and other In juries which mny prove fatal. He wns unconscious whon picked up. Stono was employed with tho force of men now remodelling and Improving tho lighthouse. Just what caused him to fall from tho bridge or scaffold Is not certain. Ho struck on tho (ocku beneath which inflicted the Injuries. Stono recently camo hero from Eu geno nnd his wife is now In or near Eugene. BIG CONTRACTOR IS STRICKEN Nelson Bennett, Prominent Tacoma Business Man and Banker Near Death. Dr Aaaoclalcl 1'rria lo Cooa liar Tlmra.y TACOMA, July 33. Nelson Ben nett, n widely known contractor and bunker, wns stricken last night with paralysis nt his homo In tills city mid Is not expected to survlvo tho day. IIo wns a prominent contractor In tlio early days of Montnna. built tho Stnmpedo tunnel of tho Northorn Pa cific railroad through tho Cascade I mountains, nnd hnd recently complet ed tho Point Deflunco tunnel for tho Northern Pnclflc nt Tncomn. Negro Prisoners Victims of Holocaust Near Jackson, Miss., Early Today. RESCUERS DRIVEN BACK BY FLAMES Blacks Unable to Release Themselves and Cell Be comes Charnel House. Pr AMorlateit rrraa lo Cooa Bar 'limea.J JACKSON, Miss., July 33. Trap ped by flumes In the second floor of nn nntlnunted convict cage, 35 negro prisoners wero burned to donth nt tho Onkley convict farm, 30 miles from here, Inst night. The flnmoH rnpldly ato nwny tho only stairway lending to tlio second floor. The prisoners toro nt tho heavy bars on tho Jnll windows to no nvnll. The flames drovo back tho members of the rescue parly each time thoy attempted to liberate tho negroes, who ono by ono foil buck into tlic flumes mid perished. Tho building wns constructed ton years ngo of lumber taken from a discarded penltontlnry. There wns no flro fighting apparatus nt tho farm mid tho first floor of tho build ing was filled with Inflammable ma terial. The convicts nil wero worked In (lie cotton fields of the state farm and were housed for tho night In a cage, Among them wore some dos perato criminals serving long sentences. RICH FIND ON UMPQUA BEACH .MOUNTAIN CLI.MIIER KILLED. of BASEBALLISCOR E New Series Opens Today With Portland Playing at Sacra mentoOther Games. ' ,. COAST LEAGUE STANDINGS. Won Lost P.O. Portland B4 -16 .040 Snn Frnnclsco ...53 57 .482 Vonlco 53 50 .486 Los Angeles ....55 52 .514 Sacrnmonto 52 49 .515 Oakland 52 57 .477 PORTLAND, Or., Culy 23. Yes terday was moving day In tho Coast League and a now series opens today, Portland going away from homo for a fow sorles, Portland hns a good hold on first place with Los Angeles dropped down to third. Tho tennis aro playing as follows this week: Portland at Sacramento, San Francisco nt Los Angeles. Venico nt Oakland. THREATEN RECALL OX HARRY WIXKLER It was roported today that a number of Marshllold men wore threatening to recall Council man Harry Wlnkier as a result of his Inflammatory speech In tho City Council last evening, denouncing any nnd everyone who tolornted tho recont de portation from Marshfleld. Mayor Straw Is said to bo es pecially Irate over Winkler's remarks. W Coos Bay Young Woman Vis its Vatican at Rome and is Received by Pope Pius. Miss Mario T. Moloney, principal of the grades of tho South Marshfleld school, Is having n delightful tour of Italy, according to lotterB Just re ceived from her. In her Inst lotter from Rome, she speaks of an audi ence with Pope PIub. It was the first audlonco tho Pontiff had granted to women in many months owing to his long illness. The first one a day or two previous was granted to men and tho second ono she attended. Sho also attended Mass In St. Peter's, the world renowned cathedral, on Sun day, July C, Tho weather hns been exceptionally cool for this season of tho year In Southern Italy, making traveling and sightseeing much moro delightful than It would ordinarily bo in tho summer months there. L C. Itlsbop Prominent Cltlen Vancouver, .Meets Death on .Mountain Side. (Mr Aaaoilalcl I'reta la Cooa liar Time.. RELLINGHAM. Wash.. July 33. J. C. Bishop, founder mid honorary President of the British Columbia Mountaineers Club of Vancouver, II. C foil Into a blind crevice on tlio northern slopo of Mount linker Into yesterday nftornoon mid wuh killed Instantly. In company with C. C. Wright, a mountain ciildo. of Gla cier, he ascended tho mountain from the snow Hue for tho purposo of tak ing photographs nnd was returning to enmp when tho nccldont occurred. Tho body whb found nt tho bottom of tho 70 foot crovlco. S W L BE IDLE SUFFRAGETTES IIURX MAXSIOX. English Militants Fire Country House Want I'anliliurst Released. (Dr Associated Prcia to Cooa Gar Tlmea. LONDON, July 22. Militant suf frngotto arson squads early today sot flro to a largo unoccupied man sion at Perry Bar, near Birmingham, and burned It to tho ground. Plac ards woro posted In tho vicinity bearing tho words: "ABquIth Is to ulaino. Release Mrs. Pankhurst." FRESH SHIPMENT of Foster & Orear's enndy juat received on tho "Nnnn Smith." SEE OUR WINDOW. LEWIS'. LOW PRICES OFFERED IIY JOIN HERS CAUSE COQUILLE AND SI USLAW OANNERYMEN TO KEEP PLANTS CLOSED THIS YEAR. FLORENCE, Or., July 22. Wm. Kylo states that they do not expect to operate tho cannery nt Floronco this fall. Ho said ho would ltko to run the cannery if they can como out oven at the end of tho season, but that they can not do this nt pres ent prices. However, later reports may bo more favorablo and if bo tho cannory may bo oporated. J. L, Sanborn, tho local represen tative of W. E. Tnllent Co., stnted recently that ho did not expect his company will run the Hurd cannory this year though they havo It leased. S. P. STOPS WORK. Construction on Williiuietto Valley Electric Will Cense August 1. SALEM, Or.. July 22. According to statements emanating from nn au thentic sourco hero, all railroad con struction work by tho Portland, Eu gene & Eastern Railroad company In tho WUIaniotto Valley Is likely to bo suspended August 1, because of tho failure of the company to receive nn appropriation of $3,000,000 to com plete work mapped out, nnd, If It Is suspended, It is problematical when It will be resumed. The reason assigned for the failure of the company to obtain this appro priation Is litigation Involving tho Southern Pacific company In Califor nia, Recently this company applied to the California Railroad Commis sion for permission to Issuo $30,000, 000 of bonds. STOP tho HIGH COST of living by TRADING with HAINES. Frank Blackerby Thinks He Has 85 Pounds of Amber gris Worth $500 a Pound Frank Blnckorbv. until rnenntlv n member or the Ilfo snvlng crow at tho Unipciun Llfo Saving Station, todny brought to Marshlleld from Gnrdinor 85 pounds of what ho nnd others hollevo to bo nmborgrls. This Is Bald- lo bo worth nnywhero from $.-.00 to $1000 per pound. IIo Is now endenvorlng to estab lish for certain wbethor or nor It Is uniborgrls. Ho sent soino to David Starr Jordan, of Cnllfornln, who snld ho thought that It was tho real thing, but that n Biiinplo would havo to bo sent to Franco to estnbllsh It for cortnln. Mr. Illnckorby nlso Bont sumo to vnrlous chemists, but hns not rocoived replies from thorn yet. Ho found tho chunk whllo pntrol ng tno beach, It washing up In tho breniters. F. E. Myers Is nlso ln- ii-iuBieo in mo mid. AmborgrlB, llko tho nttnr of roses, Is most rnro nnd vnlunblo for por lumo. It is supposed to orlglnnto In tho stoninch of tho sperm whnlo nnd to bo t.irown off by thnt nnlmnl whon It reaches enkes wolghlng from CO to 200 pounds. It Is us ually found In tho Indian Ocean. Mr. Myors Is horo with Mr. Black erby nnd thoy nro guarding tho val uable lump vory cnrofully nnd If It proves to bo the renl thing thoy will probnbly got from $50,000 to $100. 000 for It. Mr. Myors Bays Hint ninny yonrs ngo Bomo Japnneso found a chunk of it nlong tho Columbia Jtivor nnd woro using it for cooking purposes nnd hnd used up most of It boforo a mnn who recognized It enmo nlong nnd bought It for n song. COOS HAY DREDGE DELAYED Col. P. S. Mlrhlo Will R Turned over to Engineers In September. A Portland pnpor snys: Lnto estl mntes mndo on tho percentngo of work completed on tho now Govern ment dredgo Col. P. s. Mlchlo, which Is undor wny nt Seattle, Indlcato that she will not bo available for operation on tho Coos Bay bnr until early In Soptomber. Undor tho torms of tho contract tho digger should havo boon turned over to tho Govornmont July 10, but thoro wero delays mot with becauso provision bad not boon mndo nt Washington for funds with which to press tho undertaking, whllo tho contractors nlso woro hampered through failure of moterlal to nrrlvo on tlmo. Mnjor Morrow, Corps of Engin eers, U. S. A., who has charge of tho building, left for Senttlo yesterday to Inspect work undor way. Ho has mado frequent Journeys to tho scono nnd for a tlmo It was belloved fully that tho Coos Bay bar project would bo undor wny this Summer, but tho detention mny forestall tho Mlchlo mnking tho best showing until next Bonson. Mennwhllo tho Coos Bny In terests nro going nhead with tho Im provements of tho channel from tho bar to Mnrshfleld. Tnko a box of FOSTER OREAU'S FANCY RON RONS with you TONIGHT. LEWIS'.