OP MEETING, GOOD CAUSf, GOOD MUSIC GOOD SPEECHES-GOOD ROADS. GOQDI (Ham Bag Sfatra LOST ARTICLES iipyt found tlironuli Times mint ,j,t ciu1 llirmi Um them! Thoy ct results; NOW IS VOl'R TIME. A Minill nil In The Times want colutiin may bring yon rcsiilla im mediately. Try ono. I MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1878 .. AAA VI. xho Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1913 EVENING EDITION 10 PAGES ft. Conjolldntlon of Times, Const Mull and Coos Day Advertiser. No. 312 US AND SOLDIERS WRECK I. V. I. PUCES III SEATTLE alist Headquarters Also tashed up as nesuit or rroublc withal, w. w. OPERS ARE .CALLED BACK EARLY IUUAY in rvaue no huuiiiji Jhcck Rioting Daniels Jondcmns I. w. w.'s. to Ao Mtr. 1'rria lo Coon liny Tlnira.J WATTLH. Wash.. July 19. ono o'clock The Times started iirlnt mi extra but tbo police Innl nlioilt the building would It permit the papers to bo tnk- (Mll mill MIO prCKHCH WITO ftn. e' Tlio polico said tlioy M not been served with Judge Binplirlcs' Injuiictioii. Ar-o. Ilr. I'n-M lo Conn liny Time J CATTI.i:. Wash.. .July t!).. Not allor or soldier wiih to lio hooii ho streets of Seattle todiiy, tlio H or ansonee imviiik ooeii ro- kl on nccotiiit of liiHt iiIkIiCh riot- In wlili b moliH of hiiIIoi'h Mini nin- wriM hod tlio lioiuliiunrlers of rnillciil mill inodernto HoclullHtH. Ilicmlqiinrti rs of tlio IniliiHtrlnl fiors, ii iiriiiifii nieouiig pinco or mliiittrhil Workers nnd u Soclnl- bcwi'Htiiinl at Fourth nnd Wost- Penli'l Mission Hull wur 011- by t Ik sailors iiudor tbo siippo- tlini H wiih mi liiiliiHtriul Worlc- lini't tliii; plnco mid Homo furnl- Iwmi destroyed bororo tbo miviil fniinil out their mistake mid Jrow Tin' property destroyed valued nt ;:;ooo. to polico Hindu no effort to check rioting m nny time. .No urrcHtH iniiile c sociausis Kiiy mill uio oui- was due to the publication of led nccomitH of Secretary of tlui DaiiKlH Kpeecb nt tbo Itnlulor ITum-mlny night, ho having hoeu ISPIItCll IIH IlhHIllllllg tlio IllllllH- l Workers of the World nnd Muy- Diiereu mh saying Hint nil iioiiov- the red ring Hhould bu driven it tbe country TRY TO STOP SEATTLE RIOT Mayor Cottercll Stops Potlach Festivities, Closes Saloons and Suppresses Paper. RENEW BATTLE WOOD PULP IS COOS COUNTY ENTHUSIASTIC IN OLD 110! ON FREE LIST STILL I10TIIEK PORTLAND. PORTLAND, Or., July 10. Mayor Alhco's police mid Hhor irr Tom Word anil IiIh deputloH hnvo Hut I. W. W. Hltiintlnn well In hnnd. A few more ar rests hnvo boon made or . W. W, who liiHlHted on Btreot speaking, hut nothing serious has ilevoloped. Ojeda Ousted From Command at Guaymas Gunboat Shells Rebels. Wy AmocUitJ 1'itn to Cooa liar Tlrnca.) DOUGLAS, Ariz., July m Fed eral advlccB wore received today that confirmed the report thnt Gen eral Pedro OJoda has been ousted as eoninianiler at GuayniaB by his nion. Ilrnvo OJcda hna gone south on the gunbont Morelos, which Ib reported to have taken part today in tho defeiiBc of Mazatlnti against tlio Insurgent nttneks. Tho rebels are said to linvo taken ono poBltlon nt Mnzntlnn when they were Hhelled by MoreloH. Illy latM Vim lo Coot llay Tinna.l SEATTLE. July lll.-.ltidgo George HuinphrleB In the .Superior Court, Iiiih Issued nn liijuuetloii restraining I ho mayor ami chief of police from Interfering with the publication of Tho Timet). Tho Times expectH to ls huo nil regulnr edltloiiH. Flfloen hiindreil soldiers on leave gathered In fiont of a wiloon on First uveiiuo nt noon mid deelnred there would he another outbreak tonight. A large crowd assembled about them and tho ttnldlorn were loud In their de nunciation of Mayor Cotturull. All sailors have been called back to their B.ilpH and Mayor Cotterell made tho following statement to tho nssnelnl ed press: "I feel deeply concerned thnt Hiii'h an Incident ns last nlght'H riots occurred. I have ordered the suspension of publication of The TIiiioh hocnuso of an Incendiary arti cle published In yesterday's Times, which printed n garbled account of Secretary Daniel's address represent ing him as discussing the Industrial Workers of tho World and h attack ARCTIC SRIP IS ID "Favored Nation" Clause Gains Point for Canadian Mills Over U. S. Tariff tnjr Auo-tatcJ rrtii to Coos Hay Tlmca.J WASHINGTON, July 19. Secre tary MuAdoo finally decided today not to appeal tho decision of tho OustoniB Court granting free entry or wood pulp from all countries having favored nntlonal treaties with tho United States. Ilecause thnt privilege Is granted to Cnnada tho Treasury must surrender $3, 000,000 In duties. FOR BUMS GOOD ROADS GOOD PROGRESS ON NEW ROAD Largest and Best Boosters' Meeting Ever Held Here Occurs Last GUS. LUNDIN IS BADLY HURT Donald McMillan Expedition Meets With Serious Acci dent Near Labrador. Illy AmoiIMcI I'nii o Cooa Hay Timet J FUi:i:i'OUT, Maine. July 111. The equipment of tlio Donald Mc Millan Arctic expedition Is being transferrin! at Bar Ilnrhor from tbe ilamaged steamer Dlnnn to an other ship. The Dlnnn Is leaking badly as a result or a mishap when she went nshoro at Marge Point, Labrador. DELAY IN WAGE lug mo. whereas ho did not refer to e rioting occurred whllo tho or- tho locnl Hltiintlnn In nny way. The or tho ronorvo fleet wero dime-1 raise report or Dinners ailiiress was iiiiKeo wiiii a niriii nun uuiriiiintii account of a trifling Incident In tho saloon quarter where two Hnlloi'H Kt Into a street row In tho neighborhood of a meeting addressed by a woman distributing woman suffrago litera ture mid who has no connection with the IniliiHtrlnl Workers. Tho Times' article thou went on to Incite suitors uml marines to do Just what they did. I rejoice that there was no blood shut! to ndd to the disgrace. I discussed tho situation fully with Govoruor Lis ter mid Secretary Daniels lust night. I am determined as mayor that quiet shall bo restored today and Sunday. The Tillies nnd the Hiiloons will bo under rest mint. After penro has been (insured, thou tho question of compousatlou to thoso who suffered loss of property will bo taken up." it tlio army and navy ball In the Dry Some petty ofricers were tin- nioli of rioters, A llcl I'riM lo I 'mm Hay Tlmen, ) PATTI.i:. Wash.. July I!). Mu- jco. k rotterell today Issued a Inuiiitlou taking command of tho force, ordered tho closliu: of he saloons, stopping public incet- (onigni mm Hiippressluj; tho nub- oii of the Senttle Times todny loinorrow itnless proofs nro sub- Id to the mayor for his approval, proi Inanition by Mayor Cottrel ivs: I'hcrens. a condition of riot, tu mid violent dlstiirbanco of pub- ruer ncconipiuiled by destruct on operty and endangering human prov alien in tho city sovoral last lligllt and wheiens there pnilaeat danger of a renewal of i lawless ami riotous outbreaks lo present excited stato of public i wiiii uio grent liability of a icr destruction of property and iwu hiss or nro by tho mason Jo crowded conditions of tho ts during this, tho closing dny HKllt Of the lintbitcli rnHtlvnl nnur Jmro. I. (Jooren V. CnHnmU ninv- tho City or Seattlo. acting pur- tO tllO UOWOr Illlll flntr Ininnunil C8tCll in IIH) I IV virllin nf ani.Hnn tldo 5. or the eltv plmitnr ln ) nssumo control for tlio time Of tile Dnllco fnri'n of Mm .!(.. lattlo." ' SrCllfO IllelllOn innnnnliii. n.)l. If Tlin ipim. ' ,. ... Ii.. . iBBiieu uio rouow- fuuciiieni in ordor to elonr his ( HIS resnons hllltv for Ins) 8 llot H ! ')nvn r'll..ll l.. ' (loSllorntlOn toilnv nttniimtn.) in roas The Tlmnn un i,n i.,..,.i Irder closing tho saloons and i'B ni street nieotlncH iminv nn.i "?1nn',1 s'lPPresshig nil edl- iini. umes l0llny nd tomor ri;5 p.r?ofs nro submitted him hntf'e hls aPPrval. Tho mny- 'OlICQ Wna cnA,l .. .. .... -..... ' co Dannie. Colonol Illotbon hi ? no.tlfy Mn'or Cotterell no n& enforelni timt ri.. nt n peril.. ' v eroro Tim Timno .,.o .. nnln -. .. inuooco siiui t ?Mn.u, r?K'nr editions to- offlc Y"rc,,?i',ollcnnd d Wl rnn - .""," Q Unlnir ni.n'i-S "I, "V '."J"""'"" ir.i " r"u " ui or mom rrom loan? unLy Wth tho pub- IW-.:.."u . "ies. jiayor Cot- uW'H'J""'?"? Ifnetn i ?"". no pormureu linrtC"Je 'Usl)ln' of tho red k ami i. " "fnnarchlatlo prln- lasaunck' ?" .i KK"8 2' "i? Irs nn .i "" wiiu aiuius V8 and sold ers. Tho sntlnra hni era retallnto,i ic "r?n'Lrs i-"(l this attack. B"1 "8 a r" ARB ATION Former Coos Bay Logger Ser iously Injured in Accident on Columbia River. SHi:itlI)AN, Or., July 10. Guh I.undln of Coos Hay, a logger In tlio now Ilramhlll-nyaii sawmill in Go pher valloy, elglit miles north of here, was struck by a hook on a choker lino and had his hip crushed and groin torn open. He was taken to a Portland hospital on tho afternoon trnln, nccompanlcd by n locnl doctor. 111b condition wns very serious. N ANGRY itKVoir is (iiiowi.vc. win Clinton Governor (.'eiieinl Lend Soul bcin Uebels. Illy AMorUtrol I'rrta lo Tooa llay Tlf.l HONGKONG, July 10. Tlio sov oranco of tlio province of Kwang tung from tho central government at Poking was proclaimed by tho Gov oruor Gonorn! of Kwnngtiing today. Tho capltnl of tho provlnro Is Can ton. Tho Governor Gonoral declares tho provincial council has appointed him Governor Gonoral and eom-niniidor-ln-chlof to lond tho snutlioru troops against thoso of Provisional President Yunn Shi Kal. Federal Board of Mediation Af fected by Ineligibility of One of the Members. Illy A.o-lalNl rmi lo Cooa Pay Tlmn.l WASHINGTON, 1). t. July 10. Whon tho now Federal Hoard or .Mediation met today to organize and begin the adjustment or tho wage dlsptilo botween tlio Knstern rondo and their trainmen, It wns discov ered Hint ono of tho members of tlio board, Asst. Secretary or Labor Post, was legally barred rrom serving. Tho Nowlands law provides that In addition to the Federal com missioner, tho menthol's shall ho officials or tlio government who hnvo been nppolnted to tholr orlg iunl orfleo with tho confirmation of tlio Sonnto. Post wns not confirmed by tho Sonnto, ns his nomination ns Asslstnnt Secrotnry or I.nbor wns ln depondont or tho Senate. BIG CROWD IS COMING SUNDAY HOLD INSTITUTE IN NORTH BEND PIKW MAKF.S STATKMKXT iZlTlw Efrrl He-o?Mth'.- JJr l.O.-Secro- Mbyi,TB.Vif ' 'anieis. nccom I Lf vlfennd two navy offl- UiilJiPoma this morn- (Continued on Pago Four.) Coos County Teachers to be in Session There in August Changed from Myrtle Point Princlpnl J. F. Gruhbs of tho North Btmd HIkIi School wns notified yesterdnv by County Superintendent linker thnt tho nnniinl Coos County Teachers Institute would bo hold In North Dond this year. It was first planned to hold tho session in Myr tlo Point but owing to tho construc tion of n now building there, thoy wero not prepared to accommodnto tho gathorlng. Thon Coqulllo was considered but finally It wns decided to hold It In North nend In tho High School building. Tho Institute will bo hold In August and tho oxnet dates will be announced later. Tho North Dond tenchers nro ar ranging for somo social entortaln monts for the hundred or more teach ers who nro expected to attend nnd trips to Shoro Acres nnd tho Sand Hills nro among tho outings plnnncd. 'OPEN AIU DAXCR on M. W. A. Pavilion plntform nt NOKTII II END, SATURDAY NIGHT, KEYZEIVS or chestra, Elks Festivities and Knights of Columbus Doings Will At-, tract Many Visitors. Mnrshfleld tomorrow will proba bly cntortnin ono of tlio biggest crowds of tho yonr, pcoplo coming from all pnrts of tho county for the Elks Gala Day festivities. Even to day, n numbor enmo In to stay over. In addition to tho Elks' big doings, Coos Dny Council of Knights of Co lumbus will hnvo n big meeting to confer tho second nnd third degrees, a dozen prominent Portland men coming for tho ovent. Tho Knights of Columbus' doings will begin nt tho MnBonlc Temple nt 1 o'clock nnd will continue nil nftornoon nnd will closo with n big banquet nt Tho Chandler Sunday nlcht nt 0 o'clock. Monday. tho Portland and Albany visitors will probably bo taken to Shoro Acres for nn outing. Tonight, tbo Mnrshfleld Elks will stnrt things rolling with n big nn rado In Marshflold and North Dond. Tomorrow morning, there will bo a pnrado following tho nrrlvnl of tho speclnl trnln from Coqulllo. Tho old Tabernacle has been converted Into r. bowor of beauty as n bnnquet hall. Tho Elks ball gnmo Is nt 1 o'clock. ALONG THE WATEHFRONT 4 Tlio Breakwator Is due In early to morrow from Portland. Tho Nairn Smith is duo In Monday from San Francisco, OVER DELAYS Irritated Because of no Ad vices to Him About Develop ments in Wilsey Deal. Major Klnnoy tills nftornoon hnd not been advised of nny developments In tho Wilsey negotiations for bis property. Ho stnted thnt ho hnd not received nny word from Mr. Wilsey or Judgo Dronnugh slnco tho Inttor'e rotiirn from London mid ho wns rnth er Indignant thnt ho should not bo nt lonst nccorded tho courtesy of a letter or messngo telling him of tho stntus of tho deal. Ho stated that now ho wns going to insist on tlio nppolntnient of n re ceiver. Ho snld thnt Judgo Hnrrls should net on tho mnttor nt Eugene tills nftornoon. Somo hnd thought thnt Judgo Hnrrls hnd acted on It but Mr. Wntters had not recolved any word from thoro up to 3 o'clock this nftornoon. Another roport hnd It thnt A. S. Hammond had wired Fred Holllster that tho deal was going through. Mr. Holllstor was not in his offlco nnd tho roport could npt bo verified. Mnjor Klnnoy snld thnt ho under stood somo wero protesting ngnlnst Vnttors' nppolntmont nnd this wns causing tho delay. This nftornoon Mr. Klnnoy sent a tologrnm to W. J. Wllsoy cancelling his agency for tho Klnnoy proporty nnd stntlng that If ho hnd nnythlng now, ho (Kinney) would bo glad to consider it. Mr. Klnnoy nlso wired Judgo Dro nnugh nsklng him about tho mnttor. Mnjor Kinney also declared thnt tho denl would not bo allowed to go through except through n receiver. Coos Bay Line Being Rushed Along Siuslaw C. R. Peck Returns From Trip. That tho Eiigene-Acnio section of the Cooh Day lino will bo easily completed this fall Is the belief or C. It. Peck, who hns Just return ed from a trip to the Siuslaw. Mr. Peck says that tho work Is bolnir rushed In good shapo there, tlio constant blaBtlnt: of the rmiHtrnr- tlon crows along the Siuslaw remind ing Olio or 11 bill) tllliniloi-ntni'tii In uio Hast. Construction crows nro scattered all nlong tho Sluslnw, much or tho grading being done. The work Ib apparently out In rive-mllo sections and will soon bo connected nn. The railroad will cross tho Sius law about threo miles abovo Aenio nnd tho Johnsou-Weudlliig Lumber Company, which owns an Iiuiiioiiho amount or timber thoro have pur- riuinuu suverai Hundred acres or land where the rallrond will cross tho river nnd will Iny out n town. It Is presumed thnt thev will locate their mill there. J. F. Wondllng lias been considering the putting In of an IniliiHtrlnl town or his own, Hlmllar to thnt or tho Potlach Lum ber Compnny In Wmililnuton. tbo company rotnlnlng tlio ownership or I uiu Hums mid iiiiiidinga nnd thereby being In n position to hol ier guard against labor troubles. Tho Notl tunnel work Is delaying tho track Inylng now, but It Is hop ed to get thnt completed soon. Cuiiips hnvo been estnbllshod nt two or tlio largo tunnels botweon tho I'mpqiin nnd Sluslnw nnd work will be prosecuted on tliein. Good progress Is bolng tiiiulo on tlio big tunnel out or Schoriold Creek basin to Ten Mllo. tho workmen nn ilm north sldo bolng In nbout 100 root. On the south sldo tho ontranco Is uelng cleared. A ao-roof cut will hnvo to bo inndo to tho portal. Ju ordor to gunrd ngulnst this becom ing n mud bplo, n drain Is being constructed nbovo It on tho nioiin taln side and tho wator carried off through n conduit. $450,000 BOND ISSUE TO GO BEFORE VOTERS Great Auto Parade With Three Bands Instills Much Enthusiasm. (.'ODD ItOAIIK COLLEGE YELL Who nro, who are, who nro wo?, Wo'ro for good roads and prosperity. Wo wnnt good roads. So do you. Vote for llonds and we'll get them too. GOOD ItOAIIK ICALLY; SONG. SO - We want good roads, sir. We want you to know, Blr, Thnt wo enn pay tho Donds when they nro due; And we'll ride ail over, For we'll bo in clover, When the Horn! Inane goes through. THE PIUMECT. A trtinkllno hnrd surface road rrom the DouglaB Coun ty seat to Coos Day via Myrtlo Point. Also another trunk lino from Curry County to Coqulllo vln Dilution to connect with tho innln highway. i i CLAIMS RASLETT FEST1VA1VAT I1ANDON. White Cedar Show to "Lot 'er Itlp" Thero in August. DANDON, Or.. July 19. Tho White Cedar festival, "lot 'or Rip," Is to bo nn nnnunl event In Dandon, hold during tho last week In August. Preliminary arangoments wero made at a meeting of tho business men of the city this week. A committee was appointed and Instructed to make ar rangements for tho first annual af fair, to be held next month. It Is planned to have tho celebration last an ontlro week and bo carried out nlong lines characteristic of this section, On account of HANQVET SUN DAY EVENING, July 20. 1913, nt THE CHANDLER. PINNER WILL HE SERVED from 5sao to 7.30 p.m. TAKE A REST. (Dy Aaaoclated i'rraa lo Cooa llay Times. WASHINGTON. July 19. Tho Sonnto lobby Investigating commltteo rested today with less rhnn one-third of Martin Mulhnll's correspondence thus far Identified. Tho hearings will bo resumed Monday nnd It will bo at least a week boforo tho routlno examination of Mul hall Is concluded. The direct examination of Mulhall will probably not begin for two weeks. TOOUSSETS Coos Bay Manufacturing Co. Sues Vice-President for Al most Eight Thousand. SAN FRANCISCO, July 19. Tlio Chronicle says: "Tho Coos Day Man iifncturlnc Conmnnv binuciit nii for tho rocovory of $7877.02 against S. M. Haslett. vlco-prosldont of tho California Soiling Company. In tho Suporlor Court this weok. Tho sum named Is tho amount of a Judgniont recorded against tho Selling company, and In favor of the plaintiff, on Mny "wi iusi. iiioy aiso nsK ror JUG. 70, tho costs of tho former notion, In terest on tho principal sum from Oc tober 1C, 1909, whon It is said to hnvo become duo nnd for tlm cnatn nf tho present nctlon. It Is claimed thnt mihKnnnnnf in Juno 7, 1899, tho Selling company ueuuiuu mueuieu 10 tlio pialntirr In tho sum of $8901.37 for goods de livered, and thnt $7877.02 has been owing on this debt over since Octobor 15, 1900. Suit was begun against tho defendant's concern in July, 1911, and Judgement rendered for tho plaintiff as already stntnil. ITnu. lett. It is alleged, Is In practical con trol of tho company of which ho Is vice-president, and tho plaintiff claims that In May, 1913. ho used his control to havo tho selling company make ovor to him assets to the valuo of $10,000. This was done. It Is al leged, for the purposo of hlndorlng tho collection of tho Judgniont, and it left, according to the plaintiff, tho company to all Intents and purposes Insolvent. It. Is now being sought to have tho transfers to Haslott declared void, or to have a judgment rendered against him personally." COACH DIVORCE CASE. G. T. Treadgold Informs us that ho recolved word from Judgo Harris who presided In tho dlvorco caso of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coach, stating that no dlvorco had been granted to either party. This leaves matters just as thoy wero before tho action was started. Dandon Rocorder, Have your Job printing dono at The Times offlco. "Thoy will bo built." Good roads In Coos County. That was tho sonso nnd senti ment of one of tho biggest nnd best good roads meetings ovor hold In Coos County. An olectlon will bo hold, prob ably in October, to vote $450,000 road bonds under tho now stato Inw which, with $250,000 that Is oxpected to bo tho amoiiut reatlzcd from n ten mill tnx will give n grnnd totnl of $700,000 for tho construction of perninnent ronds next yenr. Tho meeting or tho Coos County Good llonds Association at the Odd Follows' Hall InBt ovcnlng wns n hummer. Tho hall wbh crowded and tho street In front wns crowded nnd every Individual presont wns nn earnest nnd enthusiastic booster for good roads. Tho meeting was preceded by a parado or more than a hundred au tomobiles that ran to North Dond, where thoy wore Joined by tho North Dond delegation with tho North Dond band and returned to tho hall, where thoro woro good speeches, good music, good enthus iasm nnd the result will bo, good ronds. Mnyor Straw cnlled tho nicotine to order In a fow brlof nnd com pllinontnry romnrks nbout tlio Good Ronds Association and tho good work already accomplished as n result of their orforts. Ho thon presented Mayor Morrison, of Coqulllo, pres ident of tho nBsoclntlon, ns tho sponkor or tho evening. President .Morrison Sneaks. Prosldont Morrison modostly dis claimed bolng tho star attraction but Hald It was to bo an ora torical medloy or ton nilnuto nd drosses. Ho thon hammered homo a fow hard facts on hard roads that woro recolved with enthusiasm. Among othor things ho said that Coos County had outgrown her mud highways. A tribute wns pnld to tho ploneors who blnzod tbo first trails through tho forests which wo had been using ovor slnco, but said now wna tho tlmo to Improvo thorn. This could bo dono by co-oporntlon nnd Coos County hnd provon In tho Inst row dnys that It could got to gether on moro things than good ronds nnd when thoy got together the peoplo accomplished things. This snlly, a rororonco to tho I. W. W. doportntlon wns quickly grasped and appreciated by tho audlonco that greeted It with a round of np piauso. Ho Illustrated tho need of good ronds by snylng Coos Coun ty with its 20,000 populntlon, wns ns ridiculous with its presont mud ronds ns n man 20 years old In n pnlr of pnnts for a six-year-old boy. Hero ho gavo a fow figures showing tho assessed valuation of $2,500, UpO, which, with a 10-mll! tax. would produco a $250,000 road fund noxt year, and this nddod to a $450,000 bond Issue would ag gregate $700,000 which would give a mngnlflcont' stnrt for good roads. "It Is up to us to do It," snld Mr. Morrison, "and" tho most satisfac tory plan Is to bo suro wo get 100 contB worth or good roads for ev ery dollar expended," Ho then presented Mayor Roborts, of Myrtlo Point, who spoko brlof ly and enthusiastically of tho pos sibilities of good roads. Ho named land, timber and cows as tho trin ity of resources or Coos County, all or which would bo dovolopod and enhanced by good roads, (Continued on Pago Four.) .