THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1913-EVEWIWG EDITION. 6 ENGAGEMENT IflfEST IS SN11CED OH IK YEARS r - I ' I mik Miss Nellie Tower, Daughter of Dr. Tower, to Wed Dr. Lee of Monrovia This Fall or sun ' i Coos Bay Gets a Sample of the Sweltering Heat That Middle West has Suffered In years Today Is the hottest day on Coos Hay. If you thought that the extra pers piration which flowed from your brow today was an Indication of moro Tower Btrenuous work than usual or of an attack of rover or an lnuicuuon oi Tho engagement of .Miss Nellie Burrell Tower, daughter of Dr. and Jlrs. C. W. -Tower, to Dr. Lorlng 1-ce nf Atnnrnvln. Cal.. was formally an nounced yesterday afternoon at a .joclnl gathering at the Dr. Vnn rt Illnn otront rm. AHnniii..nmnn( Minn n n t P. ' filrkflPflfl. I)G flOt fllnriUOc elded surprise. The wedding will It was only because the weather lake place early In September at the i man has been handing Coos Buy a hn,n t nr ntui Mm Tr.ivnr n saint) o or tie sweltering Biiminei Marshfleld. heat that has been gripping the mld- Tho engagement follows a romnnro.dlc west for the past month, of southern skies. Last fall. Miss At noon, tho government thermom Tower nccompanled her parents to 'cter registered S5 In the shade. This Monrovia, the latter going there for. Is nbout 20 degrees hotter than Coos the benefit of Dr. Tower's health. Hay nverage summer temperature. Dr. Leo Is a leading young phyBlcInn Last year, September 10 was tlie of tho southern California town. hottest day of the season and then Miss Tower Is one of the most 'the mercury In the thermometer only charming young women In Mnrsh-j climbed to S4. That was a record Held. She was born and reared on 'bleaker for several years. Coos Hay. Tho scores of friends that The absence of the northwest wind, her beauty, vivacity and accomplish- which many condemned when It hurls jnents nnvo niniio nor win unite in .some uusi in wieir iuiu ui gitva mum congratulating him on the great f chase after their hat, Is the cause or tlie intense neai louuy. George Clinkenbeard Secures Fine Property Norm 01 i own From Dr. McCormac. BLOCK SELLS I ntj, Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Right from the start this sale has been a huge suc cess simply more proof that it pays to buy and soil for cash "MONEY TALKS" A great many sizes are cleaned up especially in clothing, Prices as advertised continue in force Ask your neighbors about the values they have received "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Three Stores prize that Cupid lias brought him. LEAVE SOUTH II SPEEDWELL m WASHNGTON nr. .T T. MrCorniac today sold a lilrmk nf uroiiertv In Schettcr's ad dition, north of Kerndule, to George Clinkenbeard of unnicis urceit lor ?:1000. The property was bought by Mr. Clinkenbeard ns an Investment. The sale mnrks the disposal of all of Dr. McCornuic's real estate hold ings on the Bay with the exception of his controlling interest In Bay, Park. The property which Mr. Clinken beard purchased is one of tho most desirable homesltes on the Bay. be ing sheltered from tho northwest nnd hnvlng an unobstructlve view of the upper Bay and of Marshfleld and surrounding country. It Is now In the tract between Marshfleld and .North Bend city limits but probably will bo annexed by one of the two towns In the near future. "The demand for the block, which contains eight lots, certainly showed me that there was demand for Coos Bay real estate." remarked Dr. Mc- Cormnc today. "Following the Inser tion of the ad In The Times offering tho property for sale, I hnvo had n dozen inquiries and there was really a race ns to who should get It. Mr. Clinkenbeard was first nnd he got It, but the others stood ready and will ing to take It If he did not." Bandon MARSHFIELD Myrtle Point Steamer Sailed Last Evening: Ed Magary, Former Marsh- field Man, succumbs to spi nal Meningitis at Hunters. for San Francisco and San Pedro With Good List. Tho Speedwell sailed from North Dcnd last evening for San Francisco nnd San Pedro with a cargo of lum ber and sash and doors. Among thoxo Mlllnir on hor were: Miss It. Brown lie, Mlas C. Cowle. .Mrs. M. A. (lamble. .Mrs. C. M. Voddcr. Miss Bradley, (Jeo. Hlehiirdsoii. Mrs. Goo. Itlchardson, K, II. Harrison, II. E Maslln, Geo. Ilolllster, Mrs. Geo. Holllstcr. C. Kelson, Mrs. (. Nelson, Earl Wlllard. J. A. Bowl, J. M. Wll lord. Mrs. J. M. Wlllnr.l. Mrs n Fame nnd child, K. Conger, Geo. Her tan, Bosa llertan, Geo. Bncknor, V. nolo, YV. Toklellka, J. Kapurkl. ELKSlilOR SUNDAY 111 E Mrs. Walter Ilobcrtson of Kastsldo today received word of tho death of hor brother, Ed Magary, at his homo 'In Hunters, Wash., last Friday of spl J niil meningitis. Ho had been ill only ,a short time. Ilu was burled there (Saturday. Ills death was especially pathetic, lonving a wire, a two weeks old baby and two other children. Mrs. Ma gary has also been poorly.huvlng un dergone three operations within n few mouths, Mr. Magary was well known to tho older residents of tho Bay, having spent many year hero. Ho left auout 13 years ngo. Besides .Mrs. UobertBon, tho other near relatives residing in this section nro Chns. Mngnry of West Mnrshfleld. a broth er, and Mrs. Hurry McKay of Bangor, a slHter, IN FK PUCE McCredie's Bunch Wow Leads Coast League by Margin of ivvo Points. ' DKOWNING AT II.WIIO.V. COAST I.K.Uil'K STANDINGS. Won Lost B.C. Portland '. 1 I.ob Angeles .... n I Sacramento i"i) San Francisco . ,SS Oakland BO Venice BO 10 I!) 17 BB Tho members of the ladles recep tion committee for tlie Elks hlg doings Sunday are requested to meet at tho Tabernacle at -1 o'clock Sat urday afternoon to complete details for the liainiuet Sunday. All hlliH are also requested by Chairman Hlldenhrand to meet at tho Tnlicrniiclu tonight and every one who has a saw or hammer, or both, Is urged to bring them along to aid In liutlliiir tho riniuMn.. touches on Andy Davis' decorations, New llasrball Slur. In the lineup of the Coos Bay Elk'H team yesterday, the name of Boh Ke lioo of North Bend was omitted. Cnpt. Gardiner Is expecting Kohno to bo the real star of the game and says that tho reason Hint Kehoo Isn't In the .National League Is because tho lasoball scouts have never had an op Jiortunlty to seo his work on tho din-inond. In llcport Tlmt I'Mieininii was Lost Small Launch on Bar. According to n report from Ban don, a fisherman was lost In a launch rtcldont on, tho Bandon bar yoster- Mill A iilitnll 1........I i --. ...... . m mi. muiiui owned ny a 'Sacramento lllfl. II, .to... I I ....1.... ... . -. I " " tHU.IIUI ....... i.iH'nuy hi umpire was trying to cross whon n comber was saw to linvo lilt nml swamped hor. Tho Bandon Llfo Saving crow went to their aid, bringing In tho Initfuh i ml Lackey, STOP! LOOK! K. OF c. NOTICE. Thero will bo n speclnl meeting nt the Council lOOIIIH Kntnrdnr nh.lit July IU, HUH. Business of Imnor- tnnce cnlls every Knight out. Exem plification of second nml third de grees will take place at .Masonic Tem ple, Siindny, start lug nt I p. ni.. sharp, followed by Immiuot, for all Knights, their wives and sweethearts, at Chandler Hotel Sunday evening, All visiting Knights nro especially Invited to attend Initiation and Ban quet. e. n. McDonnell. Financial Sec"v .BL'O .521 .B I B .ISO BB .170 BB .170 . , POIITLANI), Or.. July IS. All Is Joy among Portland funs today as n lesult of McCredie's hopes yesterday landing In first place for tho first time this season. Los Angeles lost and Portland won yesterday. Tho scores: At port nnd M 11 Portland i o San Francisco o B At Los Angeles j, H. Venice ;i jo Los Angeles o 7 At Oakland u. II. Oakland n ; I SECOND GAME. Oakland o I brain, which should bo preserved. After tho animal Is dead Its head should ho separated from the body ami sent to the state hoard of health I for examination. I "Upon receiving n report that In t.,e lirnlu has been found pnsitivo i evidence of rabies the person Tuit ion should Immediately report to I the statu hoard of health for treat ment. 1 "The symptoms of rallies first manifest themselves In n chaugo In , tho dog's disposition. t'sunlly It , becomes moro sullen nml exhibits n resuess spirit, wnnuering nwny from homo. It nlso shows n ten dency to simp and blto anything that moves. Other symptoms nro a chango of voice, refusing food mid usually drink, hut attempting to eat Indigestible things like stones, j leather, dirt, otc. During the early I stages of tho dlseaso a rabid dog ,can drink wnter nnd tho word liy- I drophobln Is really a mlHiiomor. I Stinpioiiis of Itnhlcx. . "A rabid dog does not froth nt tho mouth and does not nlwnvs of him nnd expecting, iib Is the pop ular belief, thnr ho will 'throw u fit' for diagnostic purposes, Is nu error. Theso nro symptoms of fur ious rnhles. ' "In dumb rnhles tho lower Juw Is paralyzed early nnd drops down. "The animal nets us though it had u foreign body In Its throat nnd poisons nro frequently Inoculated In an attempt to romovo nu Imag inary bone from tho dog's throat. Tho animal will nlso show n ten dency to troinor with u possible blindness of tho right oyo nml grad ually Increasing paralysis, iihiiuIIv beginning In tho left bind leg nnd becoming totnl and ending In death. i lie symptoms in nil other anl innls nro somewhat slinllur. "The period that a dog with rubles will live varies from IS hours to nine days." AT THE HOTELS. hnvo fits, "sotting n pan of walor In front CHICK ENS. FltVEIIS nnd HENS nt tho PALACE .MKT. Phono I0-.I. Our IIO.ME-.MAIIE S.WSAd'E mid BACON can't lm bent. Phono 40IS-.I PA LACK MAItKKT. Tlio ClmiKller. J. Homer Frltcli, Han Kranclico: Louis M. Andorson, Meilfont; W v Olouchnor.dratitH Push; Georgn shlrf" Rpoknno: W. C. Scott, San Kranch o; I.. ,. Hull, Portland; C , prM iiiun, Port land; Andrew Kennedy So. nttlc; W. .1. Smith. North Bend; Sin Evens, City; E. 0. Llngherg, citr Voluey Seulieek, Portland. Illunco Hotel. Frank .1. Fish, Bancroft, K, E. Bender, .Myrtlo Point; .luck Miller Myrtlo Point; P. C. Lovar. Coqulll Hotel Coiim. Mr. Eiils nml wife, Coqulllo; C. K Stoddard. Portland: J. .lobimnn r. qulllo; Tom Wnsson, South Inltl Tom Jessie, Drain. Llovil Hold. Miss Nnn llenliaiii. Coqulllo; A. P. Miller, Coqulllo: Charlie Danfuril. Bandon; F. A. Hams. St Loud: II. Jones mid wlfo, CnmiiH Valley; Mr, mid Mrs. Fisher, Coqiillle i t & '"""" ' I HI IMIIIIIIH SI'ltlNtJ LAMII .MEAT .MAItKET, at tho PAMIE Phono I0G-J, E. 1 n E. o o if. 1 0 Sacramento The Base Ball Bulletin VOL I. SUNDAY, JUNE 20. No. 1. B 1 '1 1 HOW TO CARE . FOR OBG BITE Elks' Big Base Ball Game Coos Bay Purple Pansies Orcflon State Board of Health Gives Instructions About Dealint) With Wounds. LISTEN ! Arnold's Travel ing Coney Island IMHJ IS ALL IHGIIT. Mr. and Mrs. M. n. Meehs. whoso dog hit Mrs. Chns. E. .Senfuse. say tho animal Is per fectly docile and hns not ex hibited any Indications of rnhles - oiuer uiseaso, i'nz is a great .Mrs, seafuso Iiaying VS. with Tho pot nnd ho bit While Sim wne him. i 5 Days and Nights 5 Tl 0 Commencing WEDNESDAY, JUiy ZJ 5 Big Shows 5 health. given in 3 BIG FREE ACTS-3 High Dive Balloon Ascension Whirl of Death FERRIS WHEEL and MERRY-GO-ROUND lethmg Doing Every Minute POUTLAND, Or.. July IS.--Jos-e ill Norton proprietor of the Olyni Pla hotel. Sixth and Irving streets received word from Mars ilol, that his daughter. Mrs. Charles Seaf se nn.1 I,,,,,,, i.ii.,... i... "v.i.noi., eek "ago. Allo,g ,T0,1,)und' li ,c.aiM8,l,K 8"ni ""ouble. i vow of tho recent cases of hydro" .......... n.nv, ui roiuo nere immn. Htly for tho Pnstour treatmen III a recent imiioti.. i- '. t!i f)rpL.,. ."".."". "au?" .' .i v;,?"".. """'. "" n .., iuiiuwihj; nuvico is case of n doer Tho wound should bo Immediate ly cauterized with nitric acid ami dressed antlseptlcally. if tho won hlorldo'Tnr "As tho orsanlsm miuIhk i, .i. eaan la pr.i,,.i.i.. . u uib- ticai.y';a'a';ur;tl1sr;,rtS: ilno would i,o nn Ideal dresMng Hal, U,o patient Is ndvlsed not tjiudepe.,d on peroxide or tnrpSS- The board ulxo reconiiiHuiiis n.n ho animal should m "TilM losur,oouI1.o,if,r,il,pe: f Z . . " laI,t ' "'iifinement matte.- mnv i. ",." .,T" ,l!,Js mo og Is rabid It wm'a.n," SllV.t !,..'. ...... ' l.iiii.. B " . "lain, LILLIES OF THE VAI I FY Col. John J. McGraw Rosa.. .Manager Water Johnson Johnson Pitcher Eddie Plank Williams Pitcher Jake Danbert Dlmmlck First Base Eddie Collins Best Second Base Frank Baker Laird Third Base Hans Wagner La Faw Short Stop Tns Speaker Sturgess Center Field Joe Jackson Claybert Right Field Ty Cobb Rosa Left Field Jimmy Archer Catterlin "" .Catcher ies of the Valley PURPLE PANSIES. Frank Chance Gardiner Manager Rube Marqiiarcl Doromus Pitcher Hugh Bradley Simpson First Base Steve Yerkes Smith Second Base Larry Gardner Chandler Third Base Arthur Fletcher McArthur Short Stop John Murray Bultmann Center Field Arthur Shafer Keating Right Field Duffy Lewis Montgomery Left Field "Pinch" Thomas Dwver Catcher Opinions by Experts Just Before the Battle By Manager Gardner. . M.W1 outclassed, we hope to win with the aid of the umpires and the idea condition of the home ...... By Manager Rosa. , , 'When the golden sun has reached the zenith over this once peaceful bay(i victory will be ours, My men are in the pink of condition," feat, im By Capt. Catterlin. ' there is no disgrace in de- tho die. mi- ?y Caf?,t,- Montgomery. , , Victory will be our reward for strict training," ,.. Jack Sullivan. . "As president of the Leaeue, I nnn dmu ,-, j still I feel sure that wohall win." Loggers' "Cnndv I id i KQtniJ?dyJ-?ol,ector of Souvenir Scents $ :U.& BhSSSS "American Sugar Trust, unei Kunner Wells Watch i me drag n? feet, U,UUU' I-MBL. I-iiv Kaidlt Ar ; ., "In U'ted """" nn nnimnl it la that it bo i.iuA.1 i.. A GREAT GAME. Bug- such the GO TO IT! a in ii nn am . . i4 " v o UUl Q destroy ?St' JSfe- iija.-, I I "MWMWMMMMMtfMn,..