THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1913 EVENING EDITION, i Clearance Sale of Spring and Summer Clothes A GOOD thing for every man who likes fine clothes and who is willing to get them at a good money saving We clear our stock each season; get the place ready to receive the new goods soon to arrive. Get your share of the good things. Hart Schaffner & Marx big-value clothes, at bigger value than ever. Men's $35.00 Suits Now $26.85 Men's 30.00 Suits Now 22.85 Men's 27.50 Suits Now 20.85 Men's 25.00 Suits Now 18.85 Men's 22.50 Suits Now 6.85 Men's 20.00 Suits Now J4.85 Men's 7.50 Suits Now 13.85 Men's 15.00 Suits Now 11.85 Men's 12.50 Suits Now 9.85 Men's 10.00 Suits Now 7.85 Boy's Knickerbocker Suits 25 oer cent off IJelow height of lira. Ft.., lira., Ft.., Ilrs. Ft.., morning by Mnrshnl Carter after he had caused n big commotion at nls home on South Broadway. He was held In the city Jail all today. Is Bankrupt. Mra. Corn M. Vot tcr, of North Bend, haB assigned her inllllnory stock there to tho Oregon Trust Company In behalf of her creditors, She la said to owo considerable and tho stock will probably not nay out. She loft yes- .IL'liV TIDES, terdnv on tho Snoodwoll for the Is given tlie tlino and South. high and low wator at i Funeral at Roseburg. Tho Hose- burg News aays: "Tho funoral of the late Edmund Lnngcnborg was held at the homo of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Langenborg Wednes day morning. Funoral services woro conducted by Father Kllllan, of tho local Catholic Church. Intermont of the remains followed In the Catholic Comotery. Tho funoral was largely attended, while tho noral offorlngs were numerous and beautiful." Itarshflotd Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tli tlrst lino and holghts on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison on con ccutlvo holghts will tndicato whether It Is high or low wator. r'or high water" on tho bar , 2.11 8.50 3.45 8.50 G.3 0.7 2.52 0.33 C.l 0.C 3.29 10.05 5.0 0.2 5.G 4.18 5.0 4.49 5.1 2.1 9.34 2.3 10.12 2.2 Boys' Straight Pants . Suits 1-2 Price 50c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 35c Boys' Odd Straight Pants 25c WEATHER FORECAST. (Mr Amocltlsd I'rrtt to Coo Hty Tlmfn 1 j OREGON Fair tonight and Saturday. Continued warm; I Northeasterly winds. I LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ondlng at 1:13 a. m., July 18, by IlonJ. Ostllnd. special Qovornmcnt me torologlst. Maximum 07 Minimum 10 At 4:43 a m 50 I'reclpltatlon Nouo Precipitation sinco Sept. 1. 1912 G4.81 Precipitation samo porlod last year 61,17 I Wind: North wcBt, clear. PERSONAL NOTES Woolen Mill Store Apparel Specialists Tor Men and Boys. JUST RECEIVED! A FULL AMD COMPLETE LINE OF THE FAMOUS Rcxall Remedies and Toilet Articles including the HARMONY ROSE GLYCERINE SOAP C por,fc 15 cunts a bar, or 2 for & VrCIIlo See this large line of REXALL GOODS in our windows, Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." THE REXALL STORE MAIN 298 US We Do Catering For Parties ROOM FOR SMALL HAXQUET1J. White House Bakery (Formerly Lold's.) HOX Ll'XCIIES FOIt PARTIES. IMOXIO ORPHEUM TONIGHT ISS ADA MILLER will sing "MOOXHHAMS" from "Tho Hod Mill." connection wo will show FIVE PICTURES, all now, composed or .. WESTERN' DRAMAS, AXD COMEDIES. ADMISSION' TUX CENTS. larshfeld to Roseburg in 12 Hours hut VIA MYRTLE POINT. .- . . . ' Kosohiirir n,fv .in .. ii.i. ijii...r c....,ii. .. n A f , -n .. ij .v....,..( iiuii.uij .... . ... ... 2.00 t Cit,!'U.rB 5 l M' that '"y- Varv '7!i' To cXl,,,e' .'ijum rumi, 9U.7.1. .ljlj ll.UiW.Mil'; UAUKIKIf. Start from Chandler Hotel. Information, reservation nnd tickets at Owl Prescription Pharfhacy il'osuo Clmndlcr Hotel. phono 71 lEe Royal TONIGHT fJAl'MOXT WEEKLY. Tlio boat wny to know what 1h going on In tho world around us Is to boo for oui-boIvos. Tho host way to seo It la to boo tlila weokly. AT 12 O'CLOCK Another of tlioao iinoxcollod comodlea by tho Koy- alono Co. You simply cannot afford to miss thla picture. TUB -BROTHERS A beautiful and heart-touching story of tho West. Splendid California aottlnga and suporh photography. The best music In town always at Tho Royal. ADMISSIOX Prove Up on Claim. Mr. nnd Mrs. Q. M. Hal ley of Cooston, nro In the city today provlni; up on their homc stend locnted bnclc of Cooston. Breaks Arm. A brick mason em ploycd In tho construction to tho C. 4t. JoiiBon building on Front stroot slipped nnd fell, sustaining a broken arm. I Buys HollniiiilNlimcnt. John I Tower, of Mnrslifleld, has purchas , od the homcBtcad rollnqulRhnient of Frank Stolnburg, of North In let. Tho tract consists of 80 acres. I Leave Tomorrow.. Tho following pnssongors nro listed to lcavo via Drain tomorrow: Gcorgo Rotner, Fred Marx, D. T. Wells. C. R. Lorl- I mor, C. M. Eborhnrt, E. I). Dornn and Potor Mnnor. Was Insured. Besides n policy for 42000 In tho Woodmen of tho World, Edward Lnngonborg, who was killed, nlHo cnrrlod $1000 In suranco In tho Knights of Colum bus. RoBchurg Rovlow. To Visit Hon1. MIbs Mndgo narry, Mrs. R. K. Booth nnd T. T. Ilonnott will leave by prlvnto auto Monday morning for Rosoburg whoro they will moot Miss Wnlto, Dr. F. II. Walto, who will accompany them to tho Hay for an extended visit. Proven up Today. Supr. A. O. Hntih, of North Dond, was In Marsh Hold today for tho purposo of ap pearing bnforo U. S. Land Comnils Blonor Arthur K. Pock nnd provrng up on his bomostend near Cooston. Ilormn In Trouble. Qoo. Hor ron was takon Into custody this Saturday Special Wo will plnco on. snlo, Saturday only Genuine Cut Star 0-ounco Lend Hlowu Tumblers. if thrill si-rr of six, hoc Remember tho power of tho nickel, tho might of tho dlmo. "ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW." Peoples' 5-l(M5c Store Now Location Front St., Opp. Postofflce. I 1UU I I 4 TENTS and CAMPING OUTFITS Our Prices Are Better Wm SKlV Kfl m 'A mM km Wm.mW WM MRS. FOX of Maxwoll came to town this morning. W. H. SMITH, of Coos River, Is n town visitor. MAYOR JORDAN, of EastBlde, Is In tho city on business. ALBERT DAVIS Is a business visit or from Hnynes Inlet today. S. S. WILLIAMS Is In town today from his Hnynes Inlet home. DERT LYONS wont to Coaulllo this nftcrnoon on a business trip. J. S. MASTERS, of Catching Inlot, Is In town' on n business trip. MALCOLM TOTTEN, of Allegany, Is spending tho day In town. W. S. TURPIN loft on the afternoon train for Myrtle Point on n busi ness trip. MR. AND MRS. W. T. HODSON of South Coos rivor nro spending tho dny In town. 'MR. AND MHS. POMPINII of Hon- ryvlllo Mlno, nro In town on a shopping trip. CAPT. DUNSTON of tho Capo Arngo light lioiiflo, Is In Mnrslifleld to day on business. MISS NAN HEXHAM, of Coqulllo, Is visiting friends In Mnrshllold, ar riving on tho train yesterday. WALLACE and CHARLES CROUCH of Hnynes Inlot, nro in town today looking aftr business Jntorosts. C. It. GRAY of Soattlo, Is In Marsh flold Investigating Its desirability no a location for business nnd resi dence purposes. MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR nLANCII ARD rcturnod this morning from Ton Mllo, whoro tboy liavo been outing slnco July Cth. MRS. WESTMORLAND, of Soattlo. WaBh,, who has boon visiting Mrs. Hurton of South Coos Rlvor, re turned to Mnrshllold this morning. TOM JESSIE nrrlvod lioro this morn ing from Drnln. This Is Mr. Jcs- slo's first visit bore nnd ho Is look ing nround with a vlow to locat- FRED.AND ED ELLIOTT, of South Inlot, woro In Marsbflold yestor day on routo to Curry County whoro tboy will spond somo tlmo on mining claims on tho Sixes River. J. .1. SULLIVAN, tho Hnynes Inlet npplo grower, wns In Mnrslifleld this weok on business. Ho re ports that tho applo crop this your will not bo very bonyy, the Into frosts having Interfered ser iously with It. SUPT. F. A. TIEDQSN. of tho MnrBliflold schools, roturncd to day from n trip to Snlt Lnko City whoro ho attended tho Natlonnl Educntlnn Association's mooting. Lntor ho visited at points of In terest in tho West. . S. D.' M AGNES nnd wife nrrlvod horo today from San Francisco to upend n fow wooks on tho Hay. Mr. Mngnos la n mombor of tho firm of Mngncs & Matson, Ilia annual visit is oagorly nwaltod each season by his many frlonda. They enmo In ovorlaud. JAMES WATSON, county clerk, Is In Marsbflold having nrrlvod this morning by auto. Mr. WatBon camo over to attond tho good roads convention. Ho reports things prospering nt homo, thoro being much street Improving going on. This afternoon ho will visit hla parents In Coos City nnd re turn homo tomorrow. WANT ADS. FOR HALE Painted Hunt Hoiiso nnd Varnished Row Doat, Suitable for Camping or Hntchlng. J. H. Milner. WANTED CIkiu- girl at Cigar Stand. CI land I or WANTED Positions as cooks in hotol or camp by experienced colored mnn nnd wife. Apply 29D Front street. FOIt HE XT I 'J room furnished hoiiBo, suitable for two families; In North Hend. TemiB ronsonnblc. Soo Mrs. Chns. Murr, on McPhor son Bt., nenr Park. FOIt SALE 50-cylliidct grnpho phono records, ns good ns now, for . 15c ench. Soo Mrs. Chns. Murr, on McPhor8on st., near Park. "WANTED Hy experienced woman house cleaning, washing and Iron ing, Phono 300X. FOIt HALE (15 acres rich bottom land, part undor cultivation, somo Improvonionts, Vi mllo water front, 2H miles from North Dond, Or. Excellent dnlry ranch. $60 per ncro. For furthor informa tion address McLcod, McKay & Co., North Uond, Or. WANTED Work by first class Inun dross. Apply 190 N. 2nd stroot. FOR HALE Household furniture for a Bovon-room Iioiibo. complotc, for 1CS So. 2nd street. FOR KALi; Motorhoat, length 2d feet, motor six h.p., four cyclo Truscott; prlco ?27G. Inqulro at Times office FOR HALE Cheap; city broke mnrc, buggy nnd linrncss. Soo Torroy, old Hear barn, WANTED Portland residence lots, homo, or suburban ncrcngo In ox chnngo for dcslrnblo Contra! ave nue frontngo. Will assume Wrlto 220 Honry Dldg., Portland, Oregon. FOR HALE Don't delay If you want to buy somo flno building lots facing on Southwest Doulc vard and extending to water frontngo on Conl llnnk, Inlot. Southwest Uoulevnrd nt tnls point to bo plunked this summer. Easy terms. Reynolds Development Co., 17S Central avenue. FOIt HALE Furniture for 7-room houso nnd houso for ront. Apply 138 North Third stroot. OX SALE Some flno heavy draft horses from Coqulllo in teams or single F. P. Norton, or sea horses at Fairground's stablos. S. P. WILL BUILD BRIDGE IN SPRING Tlmln tho latest railway dope, but If j on want tho latest as well as tho best fountain drinks on Coos Hay you will have to come to Sar tor's for them. Have you tried an "Elk's Delight." It Is a most delight ful and satisfying drink. Try one at S A It T E H ' S. WANTED Lndy bookkeeper and sales Indies. Inqulro of Tho Par isian, O'Connoll building. L. W. Moyer, manager. FOR SALE JJJJ.foot cabin launch, completely equip ped for cruising. Cooking gnllo, deck chairs, otc. Main cabin finished In hardwood panels. Launch Is In perfect condition throughout, hnvlng re cently boon ovorhnulod nnd repainted. Is prnc tlcally ns good ns now. Cost originally $2500 and if taken at once will sell for $(175. Responsible parties can buy It on tholr own terms. Call or address Tho Gunnery, Mnrslifleld. FOR SALE Small shoe shop on Front stroot, Marsbflold, Or., with good trndo developed. Owing to death of my undo I must stay In Tacomn, Shop Is worth $200 to $250, but will soil for $150 cash. Comploto oxamlnntlon and Inves tigation Invited. Got key nt tho "Smokehouse." Oscnr E. Wall, 2312 North 30th stroot, Tncoma, Wash. FOR HUNT Four room house and throo room flnt furnlshod. Ap ply J. W. Motloy, phono 198. FOR HALE lit head of cattle. O milch cows, 18 yearlings nnd calves. Will sell sopnratoly. Hox J. Times. APRICOTS! APRICOTS! APRICOTS! Wo expect a largo shipment Monday, July 21, which will probably bo the last shipment of the season. Phono your order early. The Bazar "Store of Quality." Phono 32. WANTED. General blacksmith. Apply Hrondway anil Contrnl avo. FOR HALE Modern resldenco of 7 rooms with gas. olectrlq light-, In South Marsbflold. Prlco $3000. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Lniinoi "Escort," 7 feot 1 In. boam and 21 foot keel. Strong, sorvicoablo boat, good cab in, Bultablo for family or ranch uso. Apply John Hoar, 1C1 Tontn Btreot. Mnrahfleld. OPEX AIR DAXCR on M. W. A. Pavilion platform ot NORTH HEXI), SATURDAY NIGHT, KEYZER'S or- chostra. Baraiilg Caps ALL KINDS AND STYLES AT THE STORE FOR QUALITY GOODS AXD PEXSLAR REMEDIES. PHONE 158-R TEN-CENT Messenger Service MAnSnFJEIiD OYCIiERy. Times Want Ads Brmg Results