HWto.umMiiwa$jtv- x. ? " . THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDMESDAY, JULY 16, 1913-EVENIMG EDITIOH. 4 HI GARDINER PERSONAL NOTES ICOAST LEAGUE HHMIIimnaHHnHHnnWMMn Rosebura Grand Jury Expected to Return Indictments in Many Cases. ItOSKHUim, Or.. July 1 C. Tlio Review nays: "Anions tliu Indlct- piCnts expected iruni mo k' jij now In session nro of Ray Diamond, the aicntlnlu bank robber; It. A. Mil- II1U UtUJIIHIIU Ulllli w,... ... In llln liml llu'tU llinli: (!00. bey, the Suthorlln burglar: J. A. Grlf 1o, Ibo Glcntlnle liorselhlef. and tbu Xlvo ItiiBBlnriB brought hero from Gar diner, on n charge of rioting. These nro nil In Jnll hero. Diamond nml Jllller are expected to plead guilty nnd Grlffo may do likewise, but Roil boy and the five KnsBlariH will proba bly demand trial. Others under bond 4 . ........ I. ..?..... tl... (ri.nti.1 fiti. fi rit Chas. Howard, the Kdeiibowor boot JegKor; Riley Andrews, charged with shooting Shorty" llrown in the arm during the general fight lerently In Ed. Franklin's place In (iardlner; Ambrose l.a Roche, an accused boot legger of (iardlner; Pearl .Mitchell, of Gardiner, charged with keeping a house of Ill-repute In Gardiner. Trlx- i,. , ....! I .. l!nM,lll,nM It. Ill tftnix ,1 H" LUtl'll. III IHUUIUVI, ..III UliC l similar charge If caught. She skipped out when the officers went from here to mnko a "clean-up" after tho fight nbove mentioned. "It Is said the grand Jury will also fiivnutlpntft tnmn nt tin. f rntmnrf ftma of T. It. Sheridan while be was con nects with the old First National bank of this city," 1 A .1. SHintWOOI) of CoiiulIlP Is lore ( on n business trip. MUS T .1. KOLSTAD of Coos riwr u (i .u ii t lulrnr friilnv . .1. COXHAD went to Conuille this aiiernouii on uuaim-no. MRS. CIIAS. SI'OOXKR Is a Nltor from Catihlng Inlet today. MRS. It. II. RUIIIKR of ilaynos Inlet, ennn' to town this morning. MHS. A. A. MASTI4US Is (siting In town today from Catching Inlet. IVKH .1. PKTKRSOX of Allegany Is 111 .inriineiu wuii uh uiimin.o. TOM CIIIHSTIANSKX of llnynes In let Is spending the ilay In town. MUS. JOHN GRANT of South Coos river, I") visiting relatives here to- BASEBALL SCORE 'Portland Wins From San Fran cisco and uoes into beconci Place Again. rune ii.i kixi: Titic. Mnrshflolil Man Sn Pacific Coast Is I'nr Alieail of Cast. Arthur K. Peck nrrlved home last evening from nn extended visit ut his ('Id home In Darlington. Vt. He mine In via Itoseburg and Myrtle Point Today be expressed himself more than elated over his return, de claring that Coos Ilay and the Pacific const were far ahead of the east. Ilurllngtou Is a pretty town, be say, but It was so Intensely hot that one could not sleep. There were few rl mines In lli (own a tiro Im luff few Of the business houses or even em ployes changing slm e he left. Todny he wns busy explaining that (ho report that A. Y. Myers. John C. Kendall and ntUra had heard con cerning his marriage was Incorrect. Io says that even when be got home to Ilurllngton. some of bis old friends wanted to know where his bride was, Presuming be bad como back on a imiiii'iii(win trln 1 1 In unit- limblm. or the man who started tho reports. He had a fine trip, going via the hMltlinrn rnitln tnul mImiiiiIiii. .iff fit New Orieans, Washington. I). C Now i um nun timer points or line rem. lie returned via the Central route. Hiisluess conditions nro looking brighter although now the east and middle west nre suffering from the usual midsummer lull. tiny. OKO. V. ARTIS of North Ileml was a Mnrshfleld business visitor to dny. MUS. J. II. DAVIS of Coos river. Is here for tho day on a shopping trip. MUS. CHAS. SBAFCSi: left today for .. ., 1 ...I !.-. ...Ill ..ll .rtl j'oriianu, wnure one win i'i .!- 1U1II-B. J. J. CUNKKNItlCAltD of Daniels Creek, Is n business visitor here for wio oay. !:. W. OALLIKR of llandon. Is In Mnrshfleld todny on business and pleasure. K. G. PKItHA.M has returned from a uuHinem irip 10 iiusvuurs mm Medford. V. V. MAXTI.KY. a traveling sales man from Portland, arrived on the nreiiKwiiiur tunny, i .MUS. JOHN FUKl:i.AXD and chll-j tiren leit lotiny lor u yibii on V.irtli innn IMtfil CAUL W. KVICIITSKN AXD WIFK re- tnrtwiil Vi.ittfii ilnv fffitll n visit ltl California, via llandon. 0. T. SMITH cnnie to town this morn ing from Gould's camp, having re signed his position there. Ht'GKNB CUOSTIIWAIT left yester day via Gardiner for the Sluslaw and other unrthcu points. MUS. GKKIt nml two children, who nre camped on South Coos liver, came to town this morning. K. I). SPKHHY, who came In from r ill l ,. ..... .. voiiiiue on a uusinoss trip yosier tlay. returned this morning. M. C. GAI.I-3 of Uoddlng. Cal.. Is on tho Ilay looking over this section utm nun n U tUHIK, licit, C. it. PKCK left tliln niomlng for Gardiner to attend a meeting of the Port of l'mpfiin there today. .MUS. .1. S. CIIA.MIIKUS left today for Portland nnd Washington points, where sho will visit for uwhlle. MUS. !:. It. HODSON AND DAUGII- i t;ic, ik.ma, are among tlie visit ors heio from South Coon rlvor to- I PACIFIC COAST I.KAtili:. 1 Los Angeles . . ..''-I 4 7 .";!' I Sacramento ... .IS -Hi .ill 1 Portland 4! -D5 .r.lC ! San Frnnclsco ...- "'''I H,1 Venice I! '4 470 1 Oakland -IS :. I .-171 Hr AxoflilfJ l'ri, to Cuos llj Timet ) nnnTl.AV'ti fir Inlv t fl t'nrt land took the first game of the new series ironi snn rrnncisco yesieruny. T tn i iililiniii'li Min vIxltm-H nliivi'il ..., i ii ,1,1... errorless uiiii. i ne giinit's; At t.os Angeles-- It II. K. 1 ,i ttinAliid ". II " j.i'H niihvivo ' Venice l C 1! At Oaklnud It II K Oakland :! ! 1 Siicramento o C I At Portland It II. K Portland 7 1.1 .1 ?an Framlsi u ... 4 !) 0 I warn mm OEMS CROWD PL I cH t. . A . H m I k m0ir, m - w I Began Thursday, July 10th Saturday we were so crowded that we could not serve all of you just as we would like to Come this week Prices are the same Ask your neighbor "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. 1 nree oiores Bandon MARSHFIELD Myrtle Point naatrm ilay. CLAM SHELLS MAKE A GREAT FERTILIZER J'ltACTICAl, DKMOXKTIUTIOX OF Tiinit vai.ii: ix i.vcm:.si.(j CHOP VIF.I.DS ox tin: SOU, si'itiioi'.viiivc; cot is u.v. Down lii First Addition, on a niiinu area 01 an oat riolil. ihero Is an excellent ami practical lllim trntlmi of the wiluo or elnni shells nnd Cook Ilay drcdgliiKM as n for tlllzer of Coos Couut mill. .1 K. FltXKoralil luis n Kiuall oat llelil. a iitiriltin or uiii,.i, ...u r.... tlllicd with clam shells mid dri'ilg itngs, ami part of which was left in its natural slnto. The entlr,. Held wns cultivated In the mimo niaiiiier. tho seed planted at the mimo time nml In tin. same way. The laud on which (he dredging,, were placed will produce at least throe Unit ns urge a nop as the iinferilllxetl portion. The land Is marked liv the growing grain as plainly ns if by a stone wall. The eiut place wnero Um Iii'iiw iiivni.i,..., Krowlug on the ferllllied section dwarfs Into a thin shallow crop niav bo seen ns oWdom-u of the oiell enco of these dretlKliiKs nnd their grenf value. C'ciom i'oinity fanners should make some em.rt to Hecn.e thes. d re g jugs for their Melds, as it will pHv Jorgo dividends In Increased profits. I NORTH RFMn wnTPQ" .- lal a In August to take In n i,K bhrlno meeting u,ori,, "'h nT.i 'n'w bl,rK0. u,,lll K'"' ami Danks are eoniplet ng for Po i ?rh.k Wr"i,WUI ,hU '"-"l " l".od' "llK ' will Have n taiMtlty of nbout 600.000 feet of lumber T The ciond biirKOKlil.li will be consider. j "! l"rKtr '""' "ot lu't'" "'"etl yet. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS its loity. fifth kriioot ycur StPTCMUCR 10, 1013 DEGREE COURSES in itmtiy pUasesof AQRICULTUnc. ENCJINtCniNQ, HOMC ECONOMICS MINING roHCSTRY. COM- MiR Pharmacy. Two-year courses in aoricul. TURC. HOMC ECONOMICS MECHANIC ARTS.ronrBTHY COMMERCE PHARMACY TEACHER'S COURSES in manual ndwtf' K,,cuUurc' ,lou't' ci.ce MUSIC, Including pano. striuKl miA liulrtimciiU nml voite cultuie A?EAV.TIFUL BOOKLET cntitle.1 Tllll liNKICIIllltST 01' Ul KM. Upk" and a Catauxsvk will be mailed free on application, jwj iree Addrcwll, M Tknvavt o-. Hn-MMoMi ,w 'r'""' .-...., v,vj;un. PIIAU imnll.ll I' !,-. I.n.. l,nn, it... guest of W. C. lrradley for several uiin leu nn- nis iiomo in rortiauii today. XFD f IvIM.I.KV. wlin l nnu- n i.in- cery salesinnu ami who returned yesterday from Coiiiilllo, went to Empire today. Mil. AND .MltS. K. OKO. Smith, who spent tho week end in Dilu tion, returned to their home on South Coos Itlver. .MUS. II. I.. C0I.H.MAN nnd baby ar rived last night from Spokane to visit nt the home of her parents. Mr. nml Mrs. A. .1. Savage. Si IIS. IIKX Medium, who arrived here yesieniay mini llaiiilon, will leave today on the Irreakwater to visit her mother in Vanscay, Canada. CIIAS. II. (VHTIS of the Pnlon Ment timpany returned yesterday from Portland where he has been on bus iness and pleasure for the past w eek. AIIK HCXDKIKJAIM) returned this mornliiK from n vlwlt u-itii hiu .1,. 1 lor 011 HiiMies Inlet. t. i,.ft Vla Coos Hay wagon roml on a trip to thii Interior. I.. T. SIATTIIKWS am) family moved from South llrondwny Into tho No ble house at the corner of Third and Cenlnl, wlili-h Mrs. F.rn,. F,ir. linger recently wtcaied. MISS NKI.I.II-: TOW R will entoitulu n number of young friends tomor row afternoon for her cousin. Sllss t.ladys Tower, who here tnm I'.llrelill fill' till! ullmnim. Sill. AND MUS. IICI.I.AItD'of IIhiiiIoii ... inn,, own iMitiiin Mr. uiitl Mis. Warren llesney or South Coon river ruiiu' ilnun th,. ,v..r t,H mornlnu mi i 1 - n,.. 1,..,,,,. SiUS. (li:o. F. MCitCli is entermin lug a few friends at her home In .nnii .niuHiiueiii totiay .onipllnien nry to Mrs. P. A. SHiidberg of . ,.V.",V!V." " II'Iiik here. I.I.O K. TI.(i. recently f Myrtle J ""it. has lakeii a poslllo,, n He lion s bather shop on North From hi reel while Mr Uflleii will take 11 ",','V,?Vul,,.n Hl"' ",,,'"K trip. D. A. JOMw mid family left voner- uay fur Coon rhor where thev will cciip) the ilartle coiiaK(. .i,,,-!,,., ho sun,,,,..,,.. MP Jones will divide KV."'.MKI Vs nirHetl from Snn field. IU. will return home today i. .' ."' mnVo ,lu ,rll' voster.lav MU. AND MHS. KDWAU ) lll'SUY loaie today for Clailuion. Idaho O.ere they will visit n week ir so wlHi rrlond nnd ri'lnihoB and t liv & Proce,,! to Kllensburg. Wn.h.. "or ill'lHlK AND MitS. CVHl'S II PPV aro oxpeeted hero ton.ono f, ,,?, vImIi nt .1. 1 -il I,w wookh' or " . "l,.!'l,"'.'.''f their daiiRh. "" llUll'lll ISAAC HKST a tlrants paW renilv lnlor is on tle Hny ,,wk over wit,, lh.w uf , l He came it fur as Camss Vallex ,,' ; .Mug compelled n, 'in " Al.lllCUT SUKl.Ifi reiurued n,u '"ruing from Cmrdluer wnV.o u boon on biulnww. ii! ,vUOr ! ffilTJ,,flri,i "- him notei there belu uiihIiI.. m ti.:r,uo... tlle n.rfXh. 1U)Y I.AWHOHN niik ,1 i.rpv rotuiii.nl tiiiu .." '"'(r.A SSSri furies of fe -- w.tii 'iWi Wnn ,,ini, . mouths. Large Number of Campers Are Spending Summer at at Pleasant Resort. IIANDOX. Or.. July Hi. Delight rul weather Is bringing nioro camp ers nml summer visitors to this Illnpii thlln tlVnp linfnwi Tti.. ...imii,. .. ....... ... ...., , liv llll,l- lllir urrniliwlu nlnnir tin, Mnfr I,,..,,.. looking the ocean nro very near nil oceupieii aim tuo Hotels are nil mil. Hoiieh pnrtles and other vi.cntlJii stunts rtro In full swing. The elani iiiIiik Is better than for several Years iiimi nml ilwirn lu nn i..,,,.i ante of crabs, uiilmon trolling and uuep-Mcu iiuiuiig Hire many parties Ollt III Httlllll llllllta nvnri' .In.. nt Hieclnl Interest to the visitors are ttio drills of tho llfo saving crew; eve IV livnllnlilii mini mmi, ,!,.. utn- tlou being taken by spectators dur ing the drills. Open air dances are also verv iioniihir nml tint ,,v, ,,1,1 ngo seems to dampen the ardor with which tho inorry eJiiples trip the fantastic too. I ho walk iiioiik tho beach has been rebuilt and the plnrcs where walking was difficult eliminated. I wo entirely stinito beaches, one protected from the smith breezes nnd 0110 from those coming from l 10 north, make It possible to enjoy ho bathing nnd pleasures of the bench nt nil limn !.. .1 1 .. -" in im luiier than enjoy liaiidon's bench Is as near ... .iiiixinHiiiio nn wo get In these days of modern civilization, -piiero is the itrtmt xvl.lti. ..r un...i .. '.,.,, i 11 : .. " """ 'ii niucii to llo and rest If you feel so ills- m..i. 11 yoti lovo lieauty there nre ho great .dusters of nickn standing .,.t,.of..,,,l, wn,.l,p J"t hoyond the ...... line 01 nroHters. prosoiulnr ' "1,l'l I'osslh H rr the : 'oHiiier: the secret of ,1(, m. nr,.B,v0 5 "", S"",,,x ""' 1 a retty i0,.y eonnected with the ' Inn legend of Cave Itork tin ?.''.. "'" lnoro n"''"t'')ii8 n.lveii ier there aro nunieroiis trips to in?- ""!,,l',,,,, ""'". or. n ii." i.n..L. 1 ." "'"I" " IH H'iioi 1. to 1110 I'OCKH ll'lllw ntr .1... . ' .. hose rocks nre t H, foi, ,, "-Is and eggs of tho so " l,r, s t'li,. ""'" "" i many var ot ox I- iHliinac from t, rocks Is at n; for the old.wt flsherinaii . .... .,...,, ,,, , to,,,, 0 in. 2e von", II. ''T" tmcU "'"a f ,' n..1 "?. Viw"nl ('n"0 Arago the bluff, ion fPH't ,, ' . i,n nij.irii'-Vi-uffi "--.A.r " " 'j"' CJIUIP. BANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A I'KW TK.V ACKU THACIS FOl'lt JllliKS SOl'TII O.V rou.VTV noAD .s:ir pi:u avuiu .vioo cash, hadanck TWO YICAHS, XO INTKKIWT, NO TASKS, FIXK HANDY LOAM, IiKVKIi llL'XCII LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Doealdl MacKiimtoslhi It UAL KSTAT13 nml IXSUltAXCK. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. III-2XHV SKXOSTACKU.V, MniuiKor KAH.M, COAL, TLMHIiH AXD PLATTINO LANDS A SPKCIALTV. (JICNKHAL AOCXTS UASTSIDi: MAitsiii'iKLD ornci:, piioxi: JI-.I. cotjciLi.i: city orncu piioxk km. Ihv 111 price, hK n qua; Electric Irons Wo Imvo n (rw scrimd-hud Irons h, koo,1 ivorklnK condllfal New Irons, f.'l.no up, Coos Bay Wiring Co, Phono 237-J 153 N. uroad, A modoril Driei; .iii.in,,, ,. - LlBlit, Stonm Kent Elentti FiirnlRhud Itoonu with Hot i-l wuiu iviuur. II OTEIi 0 0 0 8 O. A. Aledlll. Prmi lUtcdt HO cent u tiuy and upirirf, ""f. iriHinvr unii Market KQUIPPlvD WITH WlltKLKaa Steamship Breakwater ALWAYHO.VTIMK. SAILIXO fiiom POIITLAXD.ICXI: lit); .iri.v I, I), II, II), . AND lit) AT H Si SAILIXO 1'UO.M roos iiav'Ji l,v'l,'li, 11, mi, , ASU .'t, AT 1 P, ."I. TIcKets on Mile (o nil ICnMern points nml lufoiinalloii ns to routes nml iiites cliecrfiilly fiiriilslietl. Phono .Main iW-L. .. u STKULIXO, ARcnt. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio S. S. NANN SMITH Sails From Smith Mill Dock for San Francisco Tuesday, July 15, at 4 P. M. CAItltYIXO ALL COOS HAY ritKIOHT. .San KiancNco office, 80.1 Fife Illtl-., ,,,. Lo.nlmr.l St. Pier Xo. 27 Inter-Oceni.le Transjmrlntloi, (., V. ,,. M,.Oeo,Ke, At. Pliono -II. Just Received another shipment of the Famous Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery Co. Phouo .102 'V tlio llnea of .Mr. varA tath M11S. MARnic rrrr .... . . Cooley procedoti o,,,,,, .?' Jlr hones of U.MV .'.... V'' " ioro In "Ii!ii"SSJ.T.jj'.'"tMT S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIHKLKSS SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY THURSDAY, JULY 1 7, AT 6 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 Phono 41 ,.... O. f. McOKOItGE, AKent. New and Second Hand Furniture Hold on tlio liiHtnllincnt vUa. HAItltlXOTOX, DOYLi: CO, 1102 Front St. Plmno aiO-L Marnlifleld. Or. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOH' UK.VJAMI.V OSTLIXD. -' Consulting KiiKlnccr and ArcliKcct. Pliono I0!NL .MnrslifleM, Ort . . . niir. Xoril .;,',"' "'' M car to fthitieV. ' "w iour(" f July MHS. M T VIM Cw . riohi i- .'V?.U'N "I south Marsh C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RfcTAIL DKPAItTMENT LUMUKR. L.VTH, SHIXGLKS, MOULDIXOS, SASH AND HOOK ItOOFIXfl PAPKIt, KTO. U9' CUT TDK FUKL HILL IX TWO 11Y USIXO OUR WOOD. PHOXK 100. 183 SOUTH RROADWAY T .M. WRIOIIT, J COXTHAOTOR AXD , HUltiDKR nniuunioa niriilBiiou on reu" Plflllo nn.l ..n.ll..,lAa fnrnllbl - i,u ojiuliiuiliiuiia im' I desired. An honest Job guar- men. I'nono 124-R. Toi:l ostlind, J IMnno Tuner and Renalrt'-. llh a Ol.ll. r l r.1 - 1AI.L Lonvo orders at W. R. Haines Mo iii. PERIi RILEY HAIiLINHER 111. , x .. ml... iUUIHI, OUII ll-aiuv. ReMdence-Studlo, 237 Bo. Droid'" Phono 18-L. ..... w HU unity. ' John n JV' H?.1. '" sl'l. Cnnialn Pm w U"V.- ",".,w "' 'J'" 0. Till: Itircmin I'lin'riPi..,,, w. j. Kjyf, Manager. :)K-.fown,o,r!,ri " ank .mNtT !Ls no sniiiii r, i. . :,","i or ( Mlw Ulen -'lo,,k ,, Ult h (0,lsl. tvt.t 4. "!! '"i n-nil),Mnr 1 K l" "' SJi. Wvffi HE Gray Auto Service Phlier Tucker, Proprietors. Phone orders to Blanco Hotel -1G After 12, 260L, Right Cafo MarshHeld, Oregon. Singer Sewing Machines V I, Ior ront fr salo. Mnehlnes Repaired. Supplies and Needles tor Salo. 131 Park Ave. MarshflcM. Phono 280-X V7 O. CnANULEU, vv Architect. Room 801 and 003, Coke BnlIiW fliarsiifleld. Oregon. rR. W. MORROW, J- Dentist. , 171 Oriraea nulldlng, over Qn xtieater. Ofllco Phone a. WM. S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Marahfleld. Oregon. . rR, a. j. msNnnY'H 7 RIodern Dental r'10"',.,. v are equipped to do big" tllZ work on short notice nt the tct lowest prlceB. Examination i" uy attendnnt. CoKe uiub-- Chnndlnr Hntal. nhnnn 11?-J;. Have That Roof F U..11., or ;;;;. " '" ""'"' ni vnixr .1 See GOUTHELJi J rJ.. rnoN3 8171. k..