THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Clearance Sale of Spring and Summer Clothes A GOOD thing for every man who likes fine clothes and who is willing to get them at a good money saving We clear our stock each season; get the place ready to receive the new goods soon to arrive. Get your share of the good things. Hart Schaffner & Marx big-value clothes, at bigger value than ever. Men's $35.00 Suits Now $26.85 Men's 30.00 Suits Now 22.85 Men's 27.50 Suits Now 20.85 r Men's 25.00 Suits Now 8.85 Men's 22.50 Suits Now 16.85 Men's 20.00 Suits Now 14.85 Men's 17.50 Suits Now 13.85 Men's 15.00 Suits Now 11.85 Men's 12.50 Suits Now 9.85 Men's 10.00 Suits Now 7.85 Boy's Knickerbocker Suits 25 per cent off Boys' Straight Pants Suits 1-2 Price 50c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 35c Boys' Odd Straight Pants 25c Woolen Mill Store Apparel Specialists lor !Men and Hoys. THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE OF COOS COUNTY. That's our proud claim and is substantiated by results, This week wo filled PRESCRIPTION No. 85,556 That's a largo number and it could only bo achieved by the constantly growing popularity of our prescription department based on rendering a satisfactory service Satisfactory in results and satisfactory in price, Bring your next prescription to lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." TI1K HENALL STORE. PHONE MAIN 298 US .1ULV T1DKS. Holaw Is given tlio tlmo and height of high and low water at Hnishlleld. Thu tides a ro placed In tlio order of occurrence, with tholr times on tli tli Bt lino nnd heights on tlio second lino of ouch day; a compar ison on con ecntivo holghts will Indicate whothor t Is high or low wator. r'or high wntor on tlio bar 11! His.. 0.11 7.33 1.8G 8.10 Ft... 0.3 0.C ITillrs.. 3.20 8.10 IS 19 I Ft... 0.3 1 1 IB . . 2.11 Ft . . . 0.3 Ills.. 2.r2 Ft... 0.1 Ill's.. 3.29 Ft... 5.9 0.7 8.50 0.7 9.33 0.0 10.05 0.2 4.G 3.0S 4.7 3.4 r. r,.o 4. IS r..o 4.49 5.1 2.5 S.0G 2.5 8.50 2.4 9.3 1 2.3 10.12 o o ORPHEUM TONIGHT Our foaturo tonight will ho MISS ADA MILLER In NEAPOLITAN SERENADE. In connection with this foatnro will bo run 4000 feet of now pic tures. ADMISSION TEN CENTS. WEAT1I F.R FORECAST. (My Ao.Utel I'm la t'ooa Hay Time. OREGON Fair tonight. , Thursdny fair, warmor oxcopt near coast. Nortnwostoriy winds. Marshfcld to Roseburg in 12 Hours VIA MYRTLE POINT. i.!', i tn ,los-,'"",K otory day, Including Sundny, at 5 A. M. v'. ! K,..,tose,,ul 5 ! Mm that day. Fare, l).7n. To Coqullle, -.. To .Myrtle Point, $2.75. ALL BAGGAGE OARRIEI). Stmt from Olmiuller Hotel. Iufoi'iuutioii, reservation nnd tickets at Owl Prescriptian Pharmacy "Pposlto Clmndler Hotel. Phono 71 LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tlio 21 hours ending at 4:43 a. in,, July 10, by RonJ. Ostllud, special Government me terologist. Maximum 70 Minimum .45 At 4:43 n. in 45 Precipitation Npno Precipitation since Sept. 1. 1912 04.81 Precipitation same period last year 61.17 Wind: Northwest, clear. HORN. I 4 SACCIII To Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Snc chl at their homo In South Marsh field, Wednesday, July 16, a son. Mother and child aro doing nlcoly and Mr. Saccht is as proud as can bo over tlio advent of his third son. Be Up To Date Order your Suit from Tirr The Tailor and t7 vJr? Dress Expert PW Front St. vLtnlr. PHONE 158-R TEN-CENT Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY. W Kinds of Jol Printing Done at The Times Office r...l. - .l,.1 T Tl. llivrntn.!! . t .timuur 1'it'ii j. y. uiusiuui id in receipt of tlio sad news of tlio death of his mother at tho old homo In . Illinois. Improving Channel. Tlio Larson dredge Is now working South Coos river above the Mazo and Is doing good work. Leave- Tomorrow. Those listed tp leave via Drain tomorrow aro J. I). Wilson and wife, W. M. Wright and wife, and M. L. Meyers. Plan Picnic. The Suoml Society has arranged to hold Its annual picnic Sunday, August 3, and It probably will be held at Enegren's Grove, Meet Today. Tho Swedish Luther an Ladles Aid Society went up to the Dan Matson place on Catching Inlet thlB morning on (ho Wnh-Tn-Wasa for n picnic. Hog Poisoned. Tho pet dog of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Nicholson was poi soned tho other day, strychnine being used. Tho dog was n great pot and Hh owners keenly fcol tho loss. Launching Party. Tho steam schooner Wilmington which Krtiso nnd Ranks are building for the Clms. A. Nelson Lumber company will be launched next Saturday at the ser vlco of tho tide. Heavy Travel. J. C. Rogers, the wotll-known stage driver on the Draln-Gardlner route, roports un UBiially heavy Incoming travel on Hint line. Ho brought 20 passen gers down on his trip this morning. Heavy Truffle. Tho Gardiner stage lino this morning brought in about 25 people, tho largest number it has brought In n long tlmo. Some had to walk down tho beach. Tho majority of them wero nowcomors to tho liny. I Wants Divorce. Mary Jluglios has Instituted suit for dlvorco from Jns. .Hughes on tho grounds of desertion, jt'tc. Ho formerly lived at Myrtle , Point but sho doesn't know where ho If now and Is serving notice of tho suit by publication. liny Lots. Dennis McCarthy has purchased two lots of John C. Mer- I chant. They arc part of the old Merchant homestead near Fourth nnd jEirod. Mr. McCarthy bought them i an an investment and may erect houses on thom soon. Seek Location. A. Lobe, who re cently disposed of his drygoods bus iness at Suuuyslde, Wash., Is In Marshfleld looking this section over with a vlow of starting n indies' fur 'nlshlngs Btoro horo. Ho Is greatly lin- pressed with tho prospects of this section. I (Jet New Car. Tho Roseburg and Mnrshficld auto stage lino Is shipping I Its old Wluton flvc-passengcr car to Portland nnd will exchange it on n now Wlnton sovcn-pnBsenger car, . which will nrrlvo on the next Drenk- I wator. With tho new car, they will j bo nblo to afford even bettor servlco between horo and Rosoburg vln Myr- tlo Point. I Now Steamer. It Ih Bnld that tho fatcamcr Inqun, mention of which was i nuido In The Times sometime ago, . will soon he ready for tho Coos Ray- San Francisco run. Sho Is to stop at Eurekn both ways nnd when ro modeled will he one of the best pns Hunger equipped boats along the north I Pacific const. I Hail Insurance. Edward Lnngnn , berg, son-ln-lnw of A. II. Imhoff of North Rend who was killed fli tho Lcona Mill, whero ho was employed as n saw nior, carried ?2000 InBur nnco In tho Rosoburg W. O. W. ramp. Ho was n native of Roseburg and tho body was brouglrt there for burial. Ho was 24 yeara old. Will Wed. Tho following will bo of Interest horo as Mr. Rnynard was formerly employed In Frank D. Co han's Owl pharmacy hero: ".Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Greenwood announce tho engagement of tholr daughter Vlvlnn 'M. Greenwood to Roy A. Raynnrd of balein Oregon. Tho wedding will take place In tho fall." Fishermen Return. Jerry Rlunch rrd nnd Chns. Albert, tho two North Rend fishermen who hitd been given up as lost, have roturned safely. Thoy encountered a bad squall off tho coast while deep soa fishing which forced them to throw overboard a big catch and swept thom off shoro. Otherwise, they escaped nil right. Recovers Cow. Through a want nd in Tlio Times, J. A. Roberts today recovered a cow and a heifer which had strayed from his plnco south of town. They wore bothering South Marshfleld resldouts who appealed to Marshal Carter who put them In tho city pond. They had boon Impounded for n fow dnys and It cost Roberts $7.10 to got thom out. i'imht'r Owner Here. Peter Cnlvl of Iron .Mountain, .Mich., arrived horo yesterday to look after his timber holdings. Ho Is accompanied by Mr. ulgnssl, who looks after soma of Mr. Cnlvl's business. Mr. Calvl owns about 1000 acres of flno tlm oerlnnd In tho Coqulllo valley and wont over today to Inspect it. W. J. Conrad represents their Interests noro. Quiet ill Denver. II. P. Colvln thlB morning recolved a lottor from Mrs. Colvln, who Is spending tho slimmer with relatives In Donver. Sho says It Is mighty qulot there now nnd sho estimated that thoro wore 10,000 ompty Iioubos In tho city. Mr. Colylu says that people who kick because Coos Ray does not go ahead faster should get In touch with some places like Donver and thoy would sny that Coos Day was mighty good. Cow Has Triplets. J. E. Nonh, of Aiiogany, reports nn unusuni event In tho animal world, when ouo of his dnlry herd Inst' nlgrt gave birth to threo calvos. Thoy aro all nor mal, natural slzo nnd healthy young animals that glvo promise of being permanent additions to his herd. Tills Is tho second freak happonlng In Mr. Noah's herd, about six years ago ono of his cows giving birth to n calf with only two logs, but which did not llvo. New Fish. Jim Wnsson nnd otlior deep-sea flshormon report catches of unusuni deop-soa fish off Coos Day, In ouo of their recent hauls thoy got considerable Alaska cod, which aro black and dllfor in ap pearance from tho ling-cod which have boon caught off this coast for years. Horotoforo, It was sup posed that tho Alaska cod did not como south of Vancouver Island. Resides theso, red fish rosombllng a salmon, was caught and flsh ex ports say they aro rock trout. Leaves Today, B. B. Smith, who recently had attained more or less We make good Clothes, We make them here in Marshfield, You can come in and see us make them, BUT: We also take orders for Clothes made by Ed. V. Price & Co., of Chicago Good Business Suits from $20 to $30, Tailor-measured; Tailor-made, and; Your money's worth guaranteed by NORIS JENSEN Merchant Tailor 365 Front St, Marshfield, Oregon, Good work in everything' pertaining to tailoring. notoriety in connection with tho I. W. W. troubles, loft on the Breakwater today for Portland. Han Anderson Khjlit. Jim Mul loy arrived home today via Randon from his trip along tho const. Ho saw tho Cross-Anderson fight and snys Andorson was completely outclassed. Cross had tho best of It from tlio stnrt and In tho sixth round In which re ports claimed that Anderson made- a good showing, Mulloy says that Cross was simply pinying with Andorson and lotting him fight himself out wunnt.t injuring Cross. Mulloy also took in u number of the Const Lenguo games and snys that Portland sure hns a flno team If they can Just get tho tonm work out of thom. For Brickyard. j. K. Wnlllng, who hns been figuring on starting a brickyard horo has made arrange ments with thu locnl railway to uso n clay hank on tho old rlght-of way near tho summit. This will per mit the yards to have railroad fac ilities. If additional land Is needed, It Is understood that tho C. A. Smith Company will furnish It on ronsonablo terms. Mr. Wnlllng will have some grading dono soon and hopes to get four brick mncblncp In this week and stnrt Installing tho plnnt. It Is hoped to onlnrgo It as tho business Justifies. Later tlio and drain plpo may be made and If tests now being mndo with tho clnv matorlal prove successful, vitrified brick niuy bo used. Mr. Wnlllng, Geo. Rhinchnrd nnd E. L. Robinson visited tho site of tho prospective ynrd yesterday to figure on tho grading nccossnry. AMONG THE SICK. -I Alec Hilton Is laid up with a badly Injured hand, sovoral bones being broken while repairing somo machin ery Sunday, W. C. Lund of Fcrndnlo who has been ill for some time Is being taken to Morcy hospital today for treat ment. Ho Is suffering from stomach trouble. WANT ADS. FOR HALE Furniture for 7-rooin houso nnd liouso for rent. Apply 138 North Third street. ON SALE Home fine heavy draft horses from Coqulllo In tennis or single. F. P. Norton, or soo horses nt Fairground's stables. LOS I' Small gold locket and chain. Initial "L" on locket. Rownrd for return to Times office. WANTED HilKlit hoy to run er rands nnd mako himself generally useful. Apply at "Lnndo's." AT THE HOTELS WANTED Lady I kkeeper ami sales ladles. Inquire of Tho Par isian, O'Connoll building. L. W. Meyer, manager. lllanro Hotel. V. R. Plymnlo. Portland: C.Thomn- son, Portland; Fred K. Jones, Wed- (tormirn; 1;. l, Davis; H. Dunklor, Randan. Or.: C. R. Rnrrow. Couulllo: J. L. Laird, Myrtle Point. Hotel Coos. C. A. Stoddnrd. Portland; C. O. Egan, St. Louis, Mich.; J, N. Rowen, Portland; W. F. Mnntloy, Portland; Mrs. Ren McGhnn, Vanscny, Can.; J. R. Nolson, Randon; A. M. Wright, Randon; C. L. Stockln, Portlnnd: Mrs. Adnms. South Coos River: C. Sllvorstcn, Enstsldo; J. R. Nolson, Randon. Lloyd Hotel. Jack Hanoy. Elkton; C. II. Wood. Albany: Alvln Strong, Groon Ray, I wis.; .Mr. e. Brandt, Coidwator; John Simpson, Los Angeles. The Chandler. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Jacob Miller, Port land; Chns. L. Rudln, Portland; O. M. Clark, Portland: II. L. Cox, Portland; L. A. Plko. Portlnnd; Fred Mnrx, Portland; M. L. Myers, Salom; Mrs. Myers. Salem; Georgo Shlol, Spokane; Charles Rlgassl, Iron Mountain, Mich.; Potor Calvl, Iron Mountain, Mich.; W. A. Slo cum, Los Angoles; J. W. Rlanoy, portlnnd; o. F. Dlllmnn, Portlnnd; FOR SALE UU-foot cabin launch, completely equip ped for cruising. Cooking galley, deck chairs, otc. Main cnbin finished In hardwood panels. Launch Is In porfect condition throughout, hnvlng re cently heon overhauled and ropalnted. Is prac tically as good as now. Cost originally $2500 anil If taken at once will sell for J$7."5. Responsible pnrtles can buy It on their own terms. Cnil or nddress Tho Gunnory, Marshfleld. ,1 I'OUM) Adrift In hay, small motor bont, about 10 feet long, with cn glno tnkon out. Ownor may get samo by calling at Porry's Clam Market and paying for this notice 1'OR SALE .Small shoo shop nil Front streot, Marshfleld, Or., with good trado developed. Owing to denth of my undo I must stny In Tncomn. Shop Is worth $200 to $250, but will soil for $150 cash. Compioto examination and Inves tigation Invited. Got koy at tho "Smokehouse." Oscar E. Wall, 2312 North 30th street, Tacoma, Wash. John Lnrglnson nnd wlfo, Spokano; vim im.'vt i...... ......... i A I film PorMnml- llnri'v I Pnn. ' .1 ,A I'Olir loom house 1111(1 :...I'V.0' '.on,,a"i1 llaIl rl,." I threo room f nt furnished. ,n. ply J. W. Motloy, phono 198. A GIRL Likes to havo a young man on 'tho string, but a young widow prefers to havo a string on the man. Tho man who is wlso buys Stafford's Candy for her and that makes th,e Bweetest and strongest string with which -to tlo her affec tions. ' noni. Portlnnd: John Thorn. Moni- puis; Jnck Gumoo, Portland; L. W. Estut, Sun Francisco. The Cliumllcr. E. D. Sporry, Coqulllo; A. J. Shor wood, Coqulllo: L. T. Morgan, Snn Francisco: W. P. Rnsowoll. Portland: Henry L. Llllonthnl, Spokano; L, Ron nar. Randon; D. F. Wells. Suthorlln; C. R. Lnmlor, Suthorlln; Ned C. Kol loy. Coqulllo. I'Oll SALE U I head of rattle. (I milch cows. 18 yearlings nnd calves, will sell soparatoly. Rox J. Times. S. P. WILL BUILD BRIDGE IN SPRING TAKEN UP Ono red cow with squnro brand on light hip. and rod nnd whlto heifer. Ownor Is re quested to clnlm Bnmo nt onco and pny charges. J. W. Cartor, City Marshal. WANTED. General bluckMiilth. Apply Rrondwny and Control avo. WANTED Competent cook mid T?n es h A(h,rC8B A- u- cnr That's the latest railway dope, hut FOR SALE Modern residence of 7 If you want the latest as well as rooms with gns, oloctrlc light-, In tlio best fountain drinks on Coos, South Marshfleld. Prlco 13000. Ray you will havo to come to Sar-' REAL ESTATE. tor's for them. Havo you tried an ' . "Elk's Delight." It is a most delight- FRENCH DRESSMAKING and la. fill and satisfying drink. Try one at . ("es tailoring. Mrs. C. F. Hibar- SAUTE R'S. Br 1ms movod from tho Ladles' ''-miporllim to rnmnu nlinvn,. I & Matson s store. Phono 28-l-J. The Royal TONIGHT THE CLUBRELLA & OSWALtf' COMEDY COMPANY In tm entire change of program. It's sure somo show for , the money. .1000 feet of all NEW pictures. Admission: Lowor floor 15c. - - Balcony 10c. Coming Tomorrow: "THE MAN FROM THE OUTSIDE" A three-reel drama by tho Reliance Company. l'OR SALE La unc;, "Escort," 7 feot A in. beam and 24 foot kool. Strong, serviceable boat, good cab In, sultablo for family or ranch uso. Apply John Boar, 101 Tenth . street. Mnrshflold. PoSsohh Oak Is Immediately rellevod and quick ly cured by using Dormol, which Is a soothing, cooling, honllng, an tiseptic, creamy preparation thnt reduces rapidly poison oak awoll Ings. For salo only at tho STORE FOR QUALITY' GOODS AND PENSLAR REMEDIES.