ME COQS BAY MEN NEVER MAKE MISTAKES DB THEY NEVER DO ANYTHING lost ARTICLES M4 4&m n . vmv i vmit time. I (J000 lag Wxme& LOST ARTICLES NOW IS YOUR TIM!-:. A .tmnll ml In Tin Times wnnt column tuny brliur you rcsultH mi l.,t found niH'iiKli Times mint lt,.,i(l ilii'inl tV tlK-nil They t re-nits. mediately. Try one. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATE!) PRESS f iWll EstnnilBncu in xatr. L XaaVI. TIio Const Mnll. Established In 1878 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1913 EVENING EDITION & Oonolldtlon of Times, Const Mull and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 309 . W. W: STREET ORATORS SED U OFCERS for Albcc Announces mat cet Speaking Will be Ab- solutciy rrommiea. DERS GROW BOLD IN ANARCHY ULAIMb jty Sheriffs and Police Act Jnison Fear More Trou ble This Evening. (Special tii Tito TIniL'H.) IIITI.ANR. Or. .Inly IC All la In Portland today following the t la t miJit of leu street orators I v who woro taken Into dy ii deputy HheiiffM nml the hum reported loilny that more so- troiible nilglll "0 expoeieii n- ttheii other atteinnlH lit Hireel Hiii- will In made. iyer Mlice aiinminreH that hl liptliu.t uticei speiiKiug win uu OHHIV IlllOlcril mill 11 in i'i"i tin I'lniihliied foree of policemen iliputy MherlffH, augmented by nl nfflii r.i Hint hnv been Hworn II Ik- (iliK io batnlle Hie Hltnntlon oiii in appeal being inam.' in rum' i.;t for Mute troops. ie uric tii laM ulglit followed a c of uliiim "lion the American liv lionii' of the Hired orutorH. i will kup mi until wo fly the red nf .ninliv over that while innr-l minlliii: over there." ileelared llnriiii, Hie leader of the. I. W. In the cannery Hlrll(i) trouble. nap box at the corner or .SIMh vSiiHlilimtun iniill.itily the offlrorH Hwept it ix ii him and took lilm Into lib There was a groat throng Int mid It was feared for a few lit i thai a sulous riot might dn- The omturH besldcH attacking ll;i!t hud bitterly attaelted Gov. mnl the tilth lain. e uu uaueis were noi uiioweti tii.t c vt ulniT. LHALL TELLS ( cl I'.- J la Coo liny TIniM.l aSIIINOTO.N. I). ('., .Inly Hi. kin Mulhall whh again n wltnosH til St mite Inbbv cnnunlttoo 10- lil It' r.i uu HiIh niciriiliitr. Lot- torn .lanii , A Emory, ioiiuhoI for Utlllllltl k 'ff liillfili if Mmiuriwi. h 'o Muliiall, dated .lanunry Hi, , run Doubt Ii ss you Know ad u tui-el on the floor of tho lo ln'l Kill urilii v wlioi-n nn nt- t 1H limili. liv Mm n.inww.riitii r i-ovir of uu nniendnieiit to tho Nrtuy provision of tho revised tea, to mint some of tho wornt rci of (xtremu labor legislation Ik fore tho Jiullelnry committee. frllllll utooil firm nml tlin nt. t to make campaign plundor wub wicu in a mow auniiranio way try nnppiiy a Democrat. Sher- lunliiiky took tho chief part ill fi ll"0 nf tlin fivlHtlmr Inw nml it the proposed amendment." letter from Miillinll wrltton imhtiuiiHiliH tn imwi ions in filtmnii nt St. I.ouls reported Mr wuison Dad a largo mn- ui uie matiiino ttiuior His con- hio ronvcnllon of minora will L-m line, Tho 2 1st. Thoy ccr y cxiiPft Gomuora. niinenn nd p. Tlireo or tho district presl- P from tho llll'lnnrltn illalrlntR urn Irleiiils. I ,cel i mlBht bo nblo j kuoii work throiiRh theso Ron En. nml It Is too bad wo arc nr rupiiH when tho convention ihiK. Ulhall wroto to Sfdiwmltmnn In (ary. 19U8, Baying: "Wntson l)' tolj niO Hint If tlinrn wns nnv er of any class legislation bolng Mil. p wiuie no was absent from JlllUtOIl tn hnvn Riniii... con Cnn- Homenway. n0 also told mo to P I" tnierV nml nnv Rtinnlrnn Pull. Iwoulti receive him nt any time, ri" u mat no would tnlk freo F" fully to tho Sponkor nml that ruling woillll uo an right." M13VT 8TIIJ, UKiHIMt. e Cuts Sell for as Cents In .... '"H'llRll AHIV. CVGO, in,. jUy xc.Forty " fiounti for choice cuts of "u hoconio a renllty before ... "i'uu uiiviuil'u in ro- ,1 ,V'aR """ounced by Chicago ,...i """- niu uuuico euia p ?i?,a,1'?.l,,u1' ,)lllfied tho plc- 11 V. Ul,e(l uaVi to 40 cents, ni.l " "uiuii ill uu CUIUS, "'dccalvs' Hver n delicacy at ents a pound. Tho usual ex fp,. of. courtesies followed. Tho vi1ni?e,J u on e packers, H..i. i ' ,,Bea Passing tho "gin, back to the retailers. te!(,:JLoseburg Auto Lino Kn'll "AHA in twelve Its nm, nt reB.c,rll)Uou Pharmacy, l8' "PP. Chaudler Hotel, LEACH WENT TO SEE GOV. WEST Deported Banclon Man to Have Been Met Near Gardiner by I. W. W. Leader. Dr. It. K. I.eueh, tho Uaiidou I. V. W. Htipporler who was depoiled hint Krlday, Is stippoHed lo he nt Salem, where he and a leading I. W. W. am htippoKed to huvu gone to appeal to Oov. West. Tho 1. leader cniilii In vln llrnlii nml met I.i'inli nml aceompuuled lilm nut. hrldny night, l.eaih stayed at tho llnldeu ranch near Jurln l.audlug mill utiii'tml In wntlr nn llm limwli In eroHHliiK Ten .Mile ereek, he sllppod when he attompted tn Jump and Ih said to hnvn hurt his ankle. However, he got along all right and spent the night at tho llfo Having station and proceeded from there until he met Hie I. W. leader from outside, who proceeded nn through with lilm. Albert Seellg. who returned thin morning from tiardluer. learned these facts, confirming Inrnrmntluii that I'lnnii linr. lwirnri. yesterday I. V. V. HympathlzeiH on tho liny circulated a seusutluual Ktnry nbuitt Dr. I.ciicIi'h posHlhle mys tnrlniiH tllHitppearauce and Intimating that ho might have been lost, etc., and that great apprehuusluii was felt by his friends. Tho stnry was evi dently circulated fur tho purposo of attempting to arnusu sympathy for Leach ami tho 1. YV. W. movement In this seetiuu and to appeal to some Socialists who felt that us I.eueh had been county chnlrniau of their organ ization, ho wiih entitled to their support. L SETTLE I 0 E Decree of Wm. Guggenheim, Denver Millionaire, Declared .to be Invalid Because of Fraud and Collusion. CHICAGO, .Inly If.. Dcelnrlng the invoice of Win. Guggenheim, million aire mining man, from Grace Urown Guggenheim Wnlil In l!J01 wns ob tnlneii by fraud, collusion mid crimin al conspiracy, Judges Wlndee. Ilnrd end llaldwln, sitting en bniie, today iiiHiructeii tne states attorney to pro f.ecd In a criminal action against the alleged parties to tho frnud. "Resi dents of Illinois cannot he prosecut ed ns the stntuto nf limitations pre cludes nctlon" snid Assistant States Attorney Itnber, "but wo enn proceed ngnlnst the principals to the suit who nre now residents and therefore can not profit by the statute of limita tion." Mrs. Guggenheim Wahl testi fied in tho various milts to have the divorce declared Invalid because In tbtnlulng It fclie swore falsely that shu was a resident of Illinois mid declared that she acted on tho ndvlec of the cnunsel for her husband KINNEY DEAL IS W W w ets Eastern Railroads and Train men Agree to Arbitrate Un der Newlands' Law. llr AmoiUIc! I'mi la Coo nX TlniM, NHW VOUK, .Inly H!.- Hepieson tatlves of Kasturn rallroadH and rail road trainmen and cnutlucturs In a joint mooting hero today, formally ratified tho agreement tn settle their differences under the Newlnnds net and sent a telegram to President Wilson rciiiestlug lilm to Inform thorn whom ho would appoint as a hoard of mediation mid conciliation. SCHOOL WINS AT OQQUiLLE Judge Coke Dissolves Injunc tion Restraining Purchase of $6000 Site. ' In tho Coqulllo school district liti gation yesterday. Judgo Coko In chambers horo dissolved tho injunc tion restraining tho school board from purchasing n slto for the now school building. C. It. Peck appeared In l.nluilf nt tlin fU'linnl llOnril mill Judgo Sporry In behalf of tho pooplo opposing mo siio. Judgo Coko held that tho coin- nfnlnt fnllnrl in nhnu- nnv invalidity ol proceedings loading up to tho con tract or tne uoaru or uireciors io pm chaso. Tho court also hqld that It was not necessary for one-third of tho voters to petition for an election but that tho board might of Its own motion order nn election. Tlin .nnrl fnrllior llfilll Hint the only point was whether or not a legal fraud was porpotratea in uuying ino property for $6000 when plnlntlff clalmod tho same wns .worth but $3000. and on this point tho court said that Inasmuch as tho majority had voted to purchase at a price of $0000, ho could not find a fraud ivlMimil rliiiltiur Hint tlin mnlorltv was n party to such fraud, which he was unwilling to do; tlio notice ueiug uv ular It was the duty of citizens to at tend, nnd In case thoy failed so to do, tho court would not euro tholr nogll gtneo by Injunction. OI-E.V AuTlUXC'E on M. W. A. Pavilion platform nt NOItTII HUM), BATUHDAY XlflHT, KEVZEH'S or chestra. ItLVESTEM FLOUlt $1.23 AT HAINES. Said to Hinge on Attitude of Some of Creditors Bro- nauflh in Portland. There Ih n strong possibility of tie deal for tho purchase or tho .Major Kinney properties by the English syndicate, being closed 'huoii, possibly within u day or two. It was learned today on good au thority that Judge Mionniign Is ne gotiating on tho now hnsls, as per ills Instructions at the conrerencu with the syndicate In London, and expects to ho nblo to close thu deal. Judgo llanimoud received a tele phone messiigo the night In-rare Inst stating that Judge Ilroiiaugh wiih io reacn rortianil yesterday from nls trip. This does not conrorni with re ports mat inn! been circulated hero Ono Htury was Hint llronanu'li nrrlv. ed nt Portlmid lust week hut did not go to his offices In order that ho might avoid other business mutters nnd ho ahlo to devote nls tlnio to tlio Klnuey ileal. The deal Ih how said tn mul-o on thu ability to clean up the claims uguiusi Kinney wlilcii tlio inttor does not admit nre fair. Ono of theso Is tl.o Judgment for $20,000 obtain ed against him on tho old steamer liberty deal, Kinney having Issued pool certificates for tho boat and then doubled them ns was tho policy pursued In tho dayH or Itapld Tran sit operations. Tho Judgment wns secured (uv the race valuo or the pool certificates. Another prbleiu H disposing or settling or the claims or Kriink II. Walto and John K. Kolloek. Kln uey claims to have more than paid all or Kollock'n claims and to have paid part or tho Walto claims. K Judgo Ilroiiaugh Is able to adjust tho old Llborty Judgment with the Portland attorneys, on n basis which Is considered fnlr by Klnuey, mid to get Walto and Kolloek to re duce tholr claims so that Klnnoy will have a fair amount left after all his claims are settled. If tho matter Is not closed nt Portland with Walto mid Kolloek nnd tho holdoi-H of tho Llhortv judg ment today, It Is likely that Wllsoy. Hrouniigh. Walto and othors may como to tho Hay. Most of tho local claims or Kln noy nro said to huvo been arranged for sottloniont as soon ns tho nimby f'oni tho Hngllsh syndlcnte Is avail able, tho claims hold by Judgo Ham mond mid others having been agreed upon by .Major Klnnoy, allowing them to tnko Judgment for tlin agreed Hums for tho various ones that ho recognized ns valid. SEEK PALS OF J, C. LA FRANCE Portland Detective Unable to Get Proof Against Others in Swindle. (Special to Tho Times.) PORTLAND. Or., July 10. So far tho local authorities havo been uun blu to get absolute proof or the Iden tity or thu pals or J. C. LnFranco. (tho liisurnnco swindler who wiih ar I rested nt Conulllo a row montliH ago. I Ln Pro lire tins been hold In tho county jjall here since IiIh arrest and his wife and children havo been detained nt tho Dc.cutlnu homo awaiting the action of the grand jury. County Detective lleatty has con tinued hit. Investigation of tho ense up to date, hut without satisfactory results. Lnl-'ruiieo has told several conflicting stories of the manner In which ho secured the body which was "planted" on tho Clacknnins river, hut tho mystery Is still unsolved. Ln Frnucu has named a local undertaker nnd two medical students as being ac complices, but tlio proof of their guilt Ih lucking. Two IntllctmontH woro returned by tho grand Jury ngnlnst LnFrance nnd Emily LaKrance, IiIh wiro, who are accused or having per petrated a sensational Insurance Dwindle n yonr ago, whereby they profited to tho extent or about $i:t, 000. The Indictments charge them with obtaining money under raise pre tenses. One states that the accused secured $11000 from tho Modern Woodmen of America on n honeflcl nry certificate Issued to LnKrunco, May IS, I Oil', nml paid to Mrs. La I'ranco October 21, following the finding of the body at KstncaJa, which wiih Hiipposed to bo tliitt of La- Mnnco. The second liullctment charges that thoy received $91127.00 December 1 0, 1 H 1 2, from the Postal Llfo Insurance company, on n policy or $10,000, Issued to LaFrance April 8, 11)12. CLAIM 30,000 ISSULMEN WERE SLAUGHTERED BY BULGARIANS JAPAN AUTO STRIKES RIG OK ROAD Mrs., F. A. Golden and Daugh ters Have Narrow Escape in Collision Last Night. A narrow escapo from a sorlous auto collision occurred last ovenlng near tho Forndalo brewery. An auto driven by Ilay Demerrit- ran Into a carrlago driven by Mrs. P. A. Goldou on tho turn and was stopped nttor It had crushed In .the wheels o tho buggy and broken tho thills. Luckily Mrs. Golden and her two daughters cscapod Injury. "Tho accident occurred about 9 o'clock last ovonlng. Mrs. Golden and her daughters were returning homo from town. Thoy heard tho auto coming and turning out to the. right sldo or tlio road, stopped. Thoro woro three othors, a boy and two girls, with Demerrit and ho did not notice tho rig standing on tho turn. Ills car was running slowly or he would havo upset tho carrlugo or pushed It over Into tho ditch adjoining the road. Mrs. Golden's horso romnincd still during tho collision, allowing nor nnd tho girls to alight without In Jury. At tho tlnio, Mrs. Golden wns un able to ascertain tho Idontlty or tho driver, but she recognized ono or tho parties In the rig and Informed Marshal Carter. Ho took Demerrit to her today and tho latter will probably arrange a settlement, CHINS REVOLT Southern Provinces Rebel to Form Empire Chinese Say Japs are to Blame. tllr AmocIMciI IVii to Cooa nir 'nmej. PICKING, July IC Tho province of Klnugsl, LIuatigHU, Kwnngsl, Po- klcn, Szcchttcn, Hunan, Nganhwel and Kwaiigtung nre preparing to declare their independence and to form the Southern Chinese Confed eracy, according to apparently an tnorltntivu statements citrroiit here. Fighting continues In the province or Klnugsl mid largo numbers or northern troops uru proceeding ti.ero. The attitude or the Japaueso Ih bitterly condemned hero. The Chi nese liellevo they nro stirring up striro every whore nnd the .lupuneso officers urn snid to bo fighting on tlio ldo of the rebels. t ho pres ence of Jnpnncso gunboats In the flgntlug zone lends color to this heller. Tho southerners openly de clare tl'oy have received assuraiices or Japanese support. Austrian Minister Confirms Re ports of Sacking of Mace donian Town. INHABITANTS SUBJECTED TO HORRIBLE TORTURES Awful Massacre of Mussulmen Said to be Certified to by Bulgarian Priests. I Mr AnoilatM i'r lo Coot Uu Tlmfn.1 SALONIKl, July 10. Pull conflr mntlou or the reported sacking mid burning or the .Macedonian town of Sores by tho fleeing Hulgurlan troops nnd the crm Iflxlou, hacking to death or burning alive or ninny Inhabitants has been sent to the Austrln-Hungar-Imi government by Its consul at Sa lonlkl. Throe-fourths of the formerly flourishing town of about 110,000 In habitants Ih a mass of smoking ruins. Anothor horrifying Btory of tho massacre reached hero today from Dolrau, a town -10 miles northwest of Snlonlkl. The Musselmen there hnvu iniule a written declaration, counter signed by three local llulgnrlnu priests, Hint tho Ilulgarlans slaugh tered .'10.(100 Musselmen who had sought refuge in Dolrau from the sur rounding districts. TTItKKV TAKIvS STAND. PLAN ACTION I ItKINSt'll IS CHOSEN. Wi-coiisiu fiihcirlty Man Ambassador- In Cliiuu. Illy Ao.ltil I'mi to Coo H)r TlmM WASHINGTON, D. C, July 10. Dr. Paul S. Helnsch, professor of political economy In tho University or Wisconsin, has been selected tor Minister to China. Secretnry ot Statu Ilr.vnn, Helnsch mid President Wilson had n long conforeuco at the Whlto Houbo today, after which it became known that- ItoliiHch's name would bo sent to the Sonnto, prob ably Friday. LAUNCH VESSEL T Steamer Wilmington for Chas. A. Nelson Lumber Company Nearly Completed. Tho Wilmington, tho big lumbor carrier which Kruso & Banks aro completing for tho Chns, A. Nelson Lumbor Company of San Francisco, will be launched next Saturday. Tho launching will probably tnko nlaco botween 2 and 3 o'clock. Tho launching will bo unosten tatious, Inspector M. Greenough be ing tho only representative of the owners present. It has not beeh do- cided yet who will christen her, hut Mrs. Greenough has been suggested for the honor. Tho Wilmington will bo one of tho best stoamors that tho North Bend yards have turned out. Sho Is 210 feet long, 42 foot boam nnd 15 feet deep. She will not have any passon ger accommodations but will handle a cargo of about 1,000,000 feet of lumber, Sho will bo towed to San Francisco In nbout 30 days nnd her machinery will bo Installed there. Tlio bargo Frederick for Porter Brothers has been practically com pleted. It was named In honor of a sou of tho Portor Brothors. Sho will bo brought down soon and laden with coal and taken to Floronco, vhero sho will bo used to carry lum ber from tho Porter Brothors' mill there, President Wilson and Sec. Bryan Call Ambassador Wil son Home for Conference (lljr AMoilaltl I'rwi to Coo liny TlniM.l WASHINGTON. I). C, July 10.--Ambassador Henry 1. ano Wilson In Mexico City has been summoned to Washington for Immediate conforeuco with President Wilson on thu Mexi can situation. Tho iiiiuouucomoiit wiih mndo by Secretary Bryan. Wilson Is expected hero about July 23. It Ih believed an Important an nouncement of tlio attltuuilo of tlio United Stutos will follow tho nm bassador's conforeuco with tho Presi dent nnd Secretnry Brynn. Secretnry Brynn wns nskod If tho coming or Ambassador Wilson to Washington would change his pro jected lecture tour. Ho replied: "The nowspnporH might havo nssumed Hint my lecture dutes would not In t erf ore with IiuhIiiIchh, Instead of as suming they would. All my lecture dntes woro made subject to cancella tion. ' Decides to Send Troops to Front to Protect Her Interests, (Mr Aho Utr.) I'riM to Com Day TlmM, CONSTANTINOPLE, July 10. Tho TurklHh government Ih deter mined to push forward Ottoman troops so far ns the stronghold of Adrlnnoplo. It Ih expected by this moans tho position of the govern ment will be strengthened and con solidated, and Ih It felt Hint even If the pnwct-H Insist on bringing pros sure to bear to compel tho mainte nance or the ruturo frontier llnu be tween Turkey mid Bulgnrln from Kiioh. on Aegenn sen, to M hid la on tho Black sen, Turkey will yet be In n po sition to enforce the autonomy of tlio province of Thrnce. ANOTHER AVIATOR KILLED. WEATIIV COUPLE WEI). .Mrs. C. P. Huntington mnl Henry Huntington, Mai rled Today. (Ily AmoiUiivI I'rm to Coo. Day Time,) PARIS. July 10. Mrs. Arabolln D. Huntington, widow of tho Into Collin p. Huntington, the railroad king, mid Henry E. Huntington, his nophow and a railroad mnn, woro married today, Mrs, Huntington nnd Henry Huntington were two of tlio four persons who Inherited tho vast tortuno or Collls P. Huntington. INDIAN BATTLE ON FILMS. Conflict of Table Rock, Near Mcil ford to be Reproduced by .Militia. MEDFORD. Or., July IC Tho Chief John Indian wars of Southern Orogon aro to bo roproducod In moving pictures, with tho climax of the picture whore tho Indians wero drlvon ovor tho porpondlculnr side of Table Rock, near this city, ns It occurred over CO years ago. This is the plan of a fow Med ford business men, and sovoral motion picture men have declared tho plan feasible. Tho two militia companies or Modford and Ashland will volun teer tholr services, and many Med rord men will serve as extra men, If a moving picture concern can ho found to ninko the films. A romance In which ono of tho soldiers falls In love with a white girl, captured In Infancy by tho rod skins, will bo Interwovon, and a pow wow of chloftalns will bo held on the rim of Crater Lake. A vlow of Rogue Rlvor Valley, CO years aftorward, will bo shown nt tho ond or tho war plcturo, according to present plans. Sovoral survivors or tho battlo or Table. Rock are nblo to descrlbo the commnndors In do tttll, ovon to tho color of tholr norsos, so tho photo-play, besides being spectacular and thrilling, will bo of historic Interest. NOTICE. The gns will bo shut off Thursday night from 11 p. m. to 3 a, m on account of Terminal Railroad con struction. OREGON POWER COMPANY. Oriuiin A liny Mini Victim of Aero plane Accident. (Ily AmooIuM rr to Coo Hay Tlmi y JUETERBORG, July ICt Lieut. Stoll, a German nrmy aviator, died today from the effectH or Injuries mir rred yestorday In an noropliuie acci dent, on n military acradomo hero. While lnndlng with n passenger, Stnll'H machine struck the top or n tree, overturning nnd throwing the oecupantH to tho ground, The pas bonger wiih uninjured. COX (JOES FREE. Charges Against Ohio Political Ross Ai Dismissed, iny AmoiUIoJ I'mi lo Coo. nay Tlmw.l CINCINNATI, fluly 10. Judgo Caldwell In tho common pious court today grnntod the motion or tho do fenso mid dismissal! the enso against Georgo B, Cox. former political lead or and flnnnclcr. Cox wns on trial en the churgo or misapplying $11C, 000 or tho funds or tho Cincinnati Trust company. DIAMOND IS ILL. ('leiiibile Hank Robber Sick In Rose liui'g; .lull. Tho Roseburg Rovlew says: "Ray Diamond, the Glendnlo bank robber, was sorlously til In tho county Jail today, Dr. K. L. Miller bolng called twlco to attend lilm. Whether It la nn nttnek or grlppo or somo other mnlndy is not yet fully determined. Ho has a high fover nnd hns been delirious nt times. Diamond has a weak lung which ho previously said was Injured from riding bucking horses, nnd inter recolvod a kniro thrust during a right which ho had. Diamond's mother is still hero, having roturnnd last night from Glendnlo, nnd Is nt his bodsldo. Her frequent pnroxysmH of weeping over her son's downfall doubtless add to his nervousness nnd lucrenso his fover. Ills pulso reached 110 today, so It Is reported. His illness may de lay tho disposition of his enso for a fow days." ItLA.MKS EMPTV BOTTLES FOR FIRES IN FORESTS. CENTRALIA, Wnsh., July 1G. E. W. Ferris, stato Hro war don, says that he hns Instructed all deputy wardens to bury omp ty beer and whisky bottles wherever thoy nro found lying In tho timber. It Is clnlmed by .Mr. Forrls that Humorous fires havo beon started by tho rays of the sun bolng concentrated In an empty bottlo. tho underbrush bo lng thus ignited. ELL'S NOTICE. Thoro will be n boostor bnso ball mooting nt tho lodgo rooms tonight. Evory Elk Is urged to bo present ns there 1$ much other Important business to bo considered GEO. ROTNOR. Secretary. 1JAHLEY at $1.30 nt HAINES.