The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 15, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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.- ,-. . -mr mfir"nl.
M. 0. MAI.ONKY Pdltor ami Pub I
i.iin jiniitttio . ... ,
Offlcln) I'iiikt of ('(His County.
Approve Coos Comity Method
n-il'10 TIMKS' constant contention (
B Is tlint tlio i. w. w. agiiuiuin
arc tryliiK to destroy the very
government whoso protection trey
seek, when nn outraged people re
fuso to longer toleratu their anarchy
and nuiisc. Such men nro traitors
and are attempting to stretch thn
liberty or UiIh country Into license
for traitorous words and actions,
Tim TlnwB lt nleased to note tlint
tlio present Democratic administra
tion has Bono on record against
theso destroyers of peace and pros
perity. In n recent Interview .lose
plum Daniels, Secretary of the Navy,
Bnld: , ,,
"America has ever been the
refuge of the oppreHHod. but
there is no place on our free
soil for those who raise the red
This declaration by Secretary Dan
iels plnces the present Democratic
administration squarely In opposi
tion to anarchistic propaganda of
those who eck to replace the Stars
and Stripes with a flng that knows
no country. In the mad scramble
for political proferment during re
cent ycara there have been flagrant
Instances of attoinpU to appeal to
tho forces of unrest, of preachments
of now nnd dangerous doctrines, in
order to win votes. At times the
jJomocracy haa not been free from
this, and It is encouraging to find
ono so high In authority who Is not
afraid to defy tho forces of lawless
ness and disorder, to warn them that
llborly under the law iIoch not mean
license nnd nbsenco of proper re
straint. Following cIohii In tlio wake of
tlio wnvo of Socialism there lias
come tin undertow of Syndicalism;
tlm t. W. W. leaders are spreading
n propaganda which tenches that
all labor Is error and that nil gov
ernment Is tyranny. These men
tench doflnanco to and contempt for
tho Inw; they win converts among
tho miiHses by their promises to
turn nil prlvato property ovev to
public plllnge.
Secretary DiiiiIcIh said In plettir
cunuo metaphor that the red flag
means dnngor whether displayed
on n railroad track or at a public
meeting. There will bo no place
lor tho rod flng In tlio Navy. nor.
wo trust-, outside tint Navy, either.
It should be deported along with
tlut undcRlrnhto Immigrants who
enro more for tho license It typi
fies than for tho freedom guaranteed
under tho Stnrs and Stripes.
lie will certainly fall who
hopes to know men deeply nnd
on'v to get happiness, never to
i.otniiviitv. distress, disappoint
ment out or knowing them, and
he hns mistaken the llrst idea I
of human companionship who
seeks, companionships, friend-
ships, nnd contacts with man-
kind directly and simply for
the plensure they will give him. J
Phillips Brooks.
Ho Bravo!
The day will dawn,' however dark
the nigut;
The rlglit will win, however fierce
the fight;
The end Is sure, however far from
Hi? Brave!
Not ours to snlrlc or shrink, to
doubt or dread:
Not ours to turn from hardships
seen ahead;
Not ours to falter; wheresoe'r we're
Be Brave!
The road will brighter grow
throughout its length;
Tie load will lighter grow througn
added strength;
The goad will turn to helpful staff
at length.
Be Brave!
With crown of thorns Truth still
adorns her own;
On sen. fold, cross nnd glliuet rears
her throne;
Her nltnr stands when? each must
stand alone.
a iiruxo ox WIIARVKS.
Mr 110 Interstate Commerce Cotnmls-
I slon has laid down this broad
"Wharves and the tracks lend
ing thereto, owned by n rail car-
rlcr engaged in Interstate com
merce and used for receiving and
delivering property moving by
rail in interstate and foreign
commerce, nro subject to tho net
to regulate commerce, and the
regulations and practices affect
ing their use must he reasonable
and uon-dlscrlmlnntory."
Through control of waterrront
rights, railroads have had the menus
to exercise tyranny of a particularly
oppressive sort, irpou tho Pacific
Coast, the railway companies have
been charged with the buying up of
wharf rights and wharf sites for the
purpose of offsetting the competition
that Is to como through the I 'annum
Canal. In the case whirl. lmi Mm
Interstate Commerce ConimlHslon to
promulgate a rule, one railroad put
barriers In the way or shipping which
threatened to stunt tho commercial
irrowlh or a gulf port.
The value .f the ommlsilon ruling
v. Ill be appreciated tul only by ports
nl'Vh tin rfered under railroad
ri'tucnwy, i,ut also by such ports as
U)t,H-.'.'.,'' w', Kll'upsea the future
possibility of exactions through the
pnssing of waterfront property to
railroad ownership. If the ruling
holds good In the highest courts, one
of the worst iihiues of a selfish In
dustrial expansion on one hand and
a careless easy-golng municipal policy
on the other will have been wiped out.
no Mom: p.itei:i..s post stamps.
'KRKAPTP.R It will nmko little
Be Brnvo!
The coward lives nnd dies nn nbject
The fearful Is n tyrant, fool nnd
Omnipotence Is only with tho brave.
There would bo more popular
songs or soiuo popular songs would
be more popular, If same Coos Bny
people wouldn't try to sing thini.
You can flatter some CoosNtfay
mitri It'll men by lulling tliom that
they don't look it.
Sol Israel hays: "Perhnps whis
key really does Improve with uge.
but It doesn't get n chance on Coos
Tho closed mouth catches no Insects.
Old Adam was a lucky bound,
Ills dnys were filled with rest;
It Is u cinch Kvo never found
A blonde hair on his vest.
I And now that I think or it
, why wouldn't It bo n good plan
I to swat tho fly young fellow I
I who likes to drive forty miles I
I nn hour In the streets?
Bunko nrtlts say that black sheep
are tho hardest to fleece.
However, the self-made man never
seems to suffer from remorse.
It's easier to go broke In a month
limn It Is to gor rich in n year.
CALM YontSi:i,l .VK!
Be not one of those fearsome sharks
Who always seem to think
The man who's mnklng dry remnrkH
Is hinting for n drink.
Sol iBraol.
(Prom Kugenc (iiiard.)
Portland, Marshfleld. Handon nnd
other Pacific const cities nre hav
ing considerable trouble with the I.
W. W. ngltntors. The two latter
cities have solved the problem
deporting the leaders who dis
turbed the peace and quiet of the
community by their anarchistic ha
rangues. Portland is not so for
tunate, however. Then? are too
many of them In the metropolis of
Oregon and some other plan must
ho found to put nn end to the trou
ble. ....
i.' imu been nnrl eiilarly for
tunate In this respect, while there
has been one strike, there have been
no serious disturbances, although
notice has been given that the city
ordinance against street speaking
would be tested. No attempt so
far has been nindo to violate the
law. This In nil probability was
duo to the courteous treatment nc
corded tho representatives of tho
organization that visited the city.
else the men were different In cnar
acter from those who Invaded our
sister cities.
The right of free speech and free
thought Is guaranteed the Individ
ual by the constitution of the Pulled
States, and nowhere Is this recog
nized more tbnn In Eugene. There
Is a tendency hero to listen to the
mnn who hns a real grlovnnce, but
tl:ere Is no sympathy for those who
wilfully Invite trouble by violating
the laws nnd destroying property.
So long as a man docs not make n
nuisance of himself nnd become a
mciincc to the pence, health and
prosperity in the community, he
should be allowed his Individual
opinion, nnd if Ills desire Is to ben
efit humanity, he will find willing
hands nnd hearts to aid him. But
violence nnd Inciting to riot should
not nnd will not be tolerated.
Those who demnnd their rights
under the constitution should also
give due consideration to the rights
of others under the sntne constitu
tion. When this principle Is disre
garded strenuous methods are some
times necessary to bring about
pence nnd 'inlet, and the Murshflcld
way may prove tho most feasible
nfter all.
tor for the welfare of workmen twj
Individuals nnd societies, nswel us! ,,ot,co nIASCA of Coos Itlver. is
the public nt large. Reselling, n ,mvn v,h()1. tmlav.
I. W. Menace.
iM.nci wlin believe that a m
should earn his bread by the sweat
it... n...... t... t
uiu i win uiiu iionie, m, ,
wus formerly with n.r,!eJ
Power Company here.
" . r.i""V... I''- O. NORMAN or South in
0. W. RKAVIS or Coaledo Is here iMnrHlir,oll, visitor 10,)!,.
lor n lew iiii.'b. , i ..
.1. M. CULIilOY of Cntcl.iB
was n visitor In t, cltv FJ"
AIMS. M. OltOSS of (:,.
visiting frlenda I, tt(
yesterduy. A1nl4,
an 'V A. UVSK of South Coos river, Is
In town on niisiuesH nmn..
of his brow, l.nve not inucj ' . t) c Kl.:rjU,v, of Co,ullle. Is In
tatton0." of which ' Un.embe!-s Mni,nol.l to,lnyon business. .iitimr to worn
i.iemsolves or to allow other people
to work. Florence West.
coos m:.Mi:iY kitkctiyi:.
(From ICugene Ueglster.)
The Coos Bay country hns a s tn
plo solution for I. W. W- troubles,
i. i, .iia tiiioii to net out. nnd then
backs up the order with n suitable
display of rorco.
.1A.MKS STOCK of Sumner Is In
town for tho day on business.
A. .1. SHHItWOOl), of Coitullli. Is a
Murshlleld business visitor today.
T. .1. COTTIOli or Big Creek, wns n
Marhsrield business visitor .Monday.
business visitors today from South
Coos river.
.MBS. ,)OK l'OPi'2 or Camp 1. Is In
JIurHlifleld today on a shopping
I Prom Portland .lournnl.)
K WH.h win this striKo
within tho Inw, If possi
ble, but outside the law.
I,v. (j d, f we cannot do It other
wise." shouted I. W. W. Agltutor
Schwab to Governor West yesterday
at the Fast Side packing house con
ference. On what authority does this ulti
matum come from .Mr. Schwuh nnd
flu. other irmitlcmcll of llllliro-
noiinelble names? On what constl- MISS IIII.DUK SICI.ANDWll or suiii-
homo today from a ,i,,r!lT
visit with relatives f, H
MIH AND MRS. Illlxiq .,
I AND .MRS. WM. .IP ?, W
.Mile, nro .Marshfleld vl.i.. ''
day. ,l8llon
MISS 10VA CHANc2a"y of in,
IiiivIiik Hiiunt tin. ,,., "S
visiting with Mr. and Mr, '
Kolly, returned honiu thi..'
hut. miir.
PliKI) MARX, the Portland ,
.u ,u,mv)u,:, lllllVCtl OnkL
luuuy to i-ui i on tiiu trade i
cliunue tho Intent Hln,i. .. . "t
r..i.....i.. v0 tin 1
1). C. 1IAWORT1I nnd family hnvo
moved to Handon, where they will
MRS. NOBIS .IHNSI-2N left yester
duy for Connlllo to visit with
tutlou do they stand nnd whnt flag
no they fly when tiny propose to
do things "within the law, lr possi
ble, but outside tl e law, by (1 d,
If we cannot do It otherwise?"
Whnt Is the status In Portland
when .Mr. Schwab's ukase bcIb aside
thu law and supersedes mayor, gov
ernor, nnd nil other constitutional
arrangements? Who conferred Im
perial power nnd functions to bii
nor Is visiting relutlves hero for
tho day.
Daniels Creek, Is n Murshfleld
visitor today.
nnd baby are enjoying a short out
lug ut Sunset Bny.
llosflnii'K Vleiv of II.
Why don't tho offlclnls or Port
land try the plan or citizens over
at Mnrshrield In handling the un
ruly agitators of the I. W. W.? It
proved effective there nnd no doubt
will net tho snuie In thu larger
We dofr our lint to those papers
In civic centers wnoro constnnt ugl
tntlon between workmen nnd em
ployers Is fermented nnd kept alive
by nllon disturbers, for tlio Btnnd
they take regarding the methods
used by these foreign malcontents.
Hint these men nre n menace to
reai woritinen or the American
standnrd nnd Idens nnd perceptions.
Is not to bo disputed, and the
sooner they nro ousted from lender-
ri"JL -"J"1, 's only assumed the bet
persede the constitution nnd the MRS. V. B. PARKIN AND DAPnil
Inws on thu Illustrious Mr. Schwnb. I TICK. IIIB.IJN, of Sumner nre
whereby ho intends to win this! visiting in Mnrnhfleld.
strike "outside the lew. bv 0 d If I
we cannot do it otherwise?" iMK. AND MRS. PF.RRY CROUCH
Incidental. y, who commissioned nnd family nre spending the day
Mr. Schwnb to come to the United here from lluyues Inlet.
Stales to protect American women ! .
from the vicious mid pestirerous MRS. C. K. IIPMIFRT or Portlund,
American people? Who auuoliited cumo In on the Brenkwuter tills
li I in to be tho chosen keeper or our' morning on u business trip.
iinerties nnd the defender or our,
women? i MRS. C. II. DPNtlAN or South Cooh
The Industrial commission hns; river enme to town this morning
fixed one dollar as a minimum wage; nnd will remain over today.
nt the packing plant. If there is1 . .
more that in Justice the pucklng ARTIItrit K. PHCK Is expected home
people can pay Its workers, they, tonight or tomorrow via Myrtle
should pay It. Constituted civil nu-j Point from his trip to Vermont.
thorlty, embracing tho governor. I
the mayor and the commission is In MRS. W. T. STOI.I, mid baby arrlv
posltlon to adjust the uffah-8 nt the, oil home today from tin extended
packing plant without assistance visit with relatives In .Minneapolis,
from K'urope. .
When tlint Is offlclully done. nr-.MRS. T. M. CPI.I.Y Is vlsltlnii
rnngeinents should he mnde to end friends In town for n few iIiivh
further Interference with thu pack- from her home on Cnlvhlug fil
ing bouse or pncklng houso em- let;.
ployeu by gentlemen who neither!
work or allow others to work If A. J. MHNDKI. and Charles Pensler.
they can prevent It. i of the Hub. mnde uu unto trip to
Wo voted to hnvo commission I Myrtle Point Inst night, returning
government In Portland, mid com- today.
iii"iuii government is government
DR. OHO. DIN expects to Mtll
morrow morning or next 7,.l
Mlniienpolls to visit rclatW
...r, ..i. l.unlwillUK 1118 dew;
but now expects to get avr! 7
In n dny or two. "''
MOTIIKR. MRS. (IKO. ZJ (I. lu ..i ' "r.lUC
ivr.i i.i.n .IIUIIIII1U VIII nut
to Rosebiirg for Weed, Cal
Smith wlir rei.mlu th. '
the Btunllpox bcuio Is over.
JOHN A. HAXTIOR, re,)rel,,f.
tho Columbia l.lf,. & S'
of Portlund, hns located on c
uny wiiu a view to inaldnt
IiIh pernuinont liomhiit.iM., '
Is nccoinpunled by Mrs, BaIttt1
MRS. .1. S. .IONKS, formerly el
iigion. out now or Santa Di k
l1,,! lu j.v.i.,.l...l l...u . . .M
v...... .o vak-i iu-ii iiere soon tori
nt the Win. I.nwhorne hou,
niso to visit her son. p.m .1
.Ioiioh, of the tug Roscoe, o(Ctl
uu- nieiiitniiiur iroill rottbl
where hIio has n position liaj
Ki'iu-iiii niiices oi i ue Hell tab,.... .. ... .. ...-..
ir...i.i- v.ii.1 nn ii vacauoa i
with her uncles, W II, and ay
.M(T,M3X. will leave the l
the week for .Mintieniolli, i
they will iiiiike nn extcnddlL
with her pnrents. .Tliov til
return to the Bay until A
by Inw, not government "outside the MR. ADAMS or the Coos Cltv camp,
came to .inrsuiieiii mis morning
mid left on thu afternoon boat
Tor Camp 1.
-zr- vp. ,
Mrs. Robt. H. Browning returned
to her homo yesterdny from Mercy
llospltal. where Hhe has been con
fined ii few weeks. She Is much Improved.
.Vols Austed. whoso nrm wns bad
Vatkins' Observations
JOHN PRANSON. who recently pur
chnsed the llaydeii place on
Catching Inlet. Is lu Mnrshlleld on
lawn D'H pastor culls Jav.n n , " "l,8"a"bH "
rose In the Lord's garden." The miss kkvshv ..f i i
...... -...,....., ,fl i wmiuiih, riinni'ii
inioiigu ueru iiiiiny en route to
Buiidon to visit with the Rev.
c inner ivevney.
Mrs. Hall was on her first ocean
"What's that down there?" she
asked of the captain.
"That's the steerage, ma'am," ho
"Really!" exclaimed the woman,
lu surprise. "And does It tnke nil
those people to make the boat go
I.llvi: M'l.t'lvi: SAYS;
Tleiv wasn't much class to tho
old prairie schooner. But It wns
unslnkable ami wasn't nfrald or
following the lino of least resist
I dirferenie what stylo of stamp ",u't n111' 'ruvellng In a wheellmr-
you use on the matter you turn rmv 1,n' ,w "'"' to get there If
er to the I'm In Sam's postal do- ''"' ''""t cure how long lr tnkes.
pfirtineut, for the regulur stamp will
enrry parcels post packages, special
delivery letters or will pay for the
registration of letters, such an order
Hiving been mnde by Postmnster Bur
leson, becoming effective July .
I-or the purpose of simplifying the
postal service and making it easier
for --'veryouo to transact business
with the Postoffln, Department. Is
the reason given for establishing a
one-stninp system. An ordinary post
age stamp can now b sed Mr spe
cial delivery, registered mall or par
cels post, and the parcels post stuinps
so long ns they last, are good on let
ters or other mall matter.
I-or six months the Federal (jov-
ernmeiit has been trying out the par-
V1" '"- nul figuring up the sale
of the specially niado stamps to do-
Icrmlno whether the Institution "
-....von ,,. f,,, W. , ,
els post Justified the nctloi f'l ,
Departnient tlint id.. i..,.. ...... ..;"
bo ninount of receipts were checked
wore eliminated, with tho Idea f
olng away with the confusing ,
ber of stamps came that of cutUiiir
out nil the other varieties . ml le g
.;,aKU stamp blague
ho Postoffico Department for so e
"."?; ". weu' "' the imu ac u e
ot parcels post, special delivery rec.
Istored mall ami every other kind mi
variety except the sin plo postaKe
be discontinued These spedal slam
1 b0 ao,a until the' supply0;
We nil take our uomi lm-h
souielhlng that s romlni; to us, but
... iir uinu-tM iinwiing aiiout our
bad luck.
There are two kinds of men who
cant do their dny's work without
their glasses.
The Initiative and Referendum
and Pink Pills won't help you nnv
unless you have sense enough to
reallxe the value or Hard Work.
The reason you enn get so much
syntputhy Is because you couldn't
raise a nickel on a million dollars'
worth or It.
I II " """v nt!! ?tun wail"
D-iiiiiiii-u last wcok when crank- '-"egoinaii opines the goad man bus
use the injured member "' "" "miicu ns tlio pas-,
Miss Kntle Sargent, a waitress at .("' vollecu filthy lucre from .litwu nti2D STORA mid wife rehir
m',cr t TJrJs s s ' ff'",'i.";',E ,";;;;, S;i & . WR
s on
orny,hmi,,. " "L!;"ll,,l,,, ;,nw" ,nH''). I'IKHCK. of CM
Kiullle. was In
V -"- A I llllllllt:iT. Ill IMltlll , lln ...!. II. .11 i .
I -W...MI T..K WATB..MM.NT. T '," US Tt TT " V1""' " " " S S
imi.1,.,1 i......: ,...". '""h """ ,B e.- .inwn w ill im .... ,.,.i :..."" .-.'""i v" M '-""iuk iniei.
: . augment his billion . . k a.fUr B,"" I'liprovuinmits
Tli., ...I '
...' ."""'.."".v ono man said in
J He hns about I I'd acres there.
Illicit Iii.i- i'l, ' i. . ."'"" ri"11 '0
; A...V t.DD,.KS. , e.;ed., Is are't, be" &lBWl M! nti .V!.."'
. a W....1.- ...i....... ' "" "' " next
Oj.e-t Iiiiih. 'Pled ove, .im ' 'L'110 BV"er tl-
...-. : I. KIok- considered n Inn! Z' Tty
n In vi " " Al
OIS, llle snendliii' ii r.x.. ,i... ?..
Marshfleld on business nnd pleas'
Marriage Is a lottery and
Im Mast says he Is so unlucky
he can t draw oven a blank."
Handon Recorder.
There nr unm,. r,..n i . .
1. ... ., ...l ---..-.,., u. .,,,.. vwiio ii, iv inun Willi
Department that the stanins wi.i ... I ,n". .'" 8 .wlres uro crossed. That
tim ,,.,,.,. .; . ...v, r"""1"1 u which ho Isn't un hukv ti,., im ., ...:.'.
i.. ...ii m.. '"" "- rwuises
""i "iuir uuuies uecnuso It does
not want to be responsible for the
eaultB that might follow but t
oust two Coos Bay men who read
this Item Immediately begun to hum;
Micky Jim,
How I envy him."
And this started the blamed old
muse machine going again. oW
rZ .!" 'I?. y licanl It said
t .:::: ::v,ia " ery,
. e Bi-ifiifu. iii.,a .'im. na
ss. '-tjss?! ' "L '"'"'" ax-f -"- "r'::.'!i J0s,,',',,rl.1: r
.-stt'dt-si1 tr "
Tlio,- am ilml. m .."', "I"1 "' "no will, !i cfeii.J"?1"'? ' mUmicd
I. tain mill, onl,,,.. ,.... :.'." "'"IIW In n r ,'",.,: S"'L' ... ll ,1,0111 i
AS TUB SIUSO.V Al,iMxrlis, '""' '"' W J. CONIIATrt,,,,,, ,.
That wo heard sm-1 ir,.n n.n...... eu nnd chor sim.i
I). A. .IONICS mid family Mi
afternoon for South C'ooi tl
where they will occupy Ibdl
Hurtle cottage for the sunuwt.ll
Jones will ninku the trip tidcl
forth on thu boat while atttiil
lo Dusiness nt The Plxup.
MRS. .1. P. RONI2Y nnd faaCttl
rived hero t oil ny from Idaho iV"!
they hnvo been visiting nliftil
to Join .Mr. Honey, wholital
nected with the Coos liar H
i eiepnone coiupnny. 1 lie; iU
HIllO III HOIllll .MUlHllllClll.
RUN ClIANDIiKR mid bride iiJ
Homo today after u liinuyixc:ir
to Alaska nnd n visit wltWl
Clinndlur'H slHter. .Mrs. Tremi'vl
Vmicouver, II. 0. W. S. Ctuil
mid wife ciimu down from ill
Coos Rlvor summer huine Isttri
mug to moot them.
.MISS 12. Pl.OOK, of Portland, u
lioro toiltiv to vis t at tin p
of her mint. Mrs. Levi Smlib.5
lias spent pint of her lust'
hero for thu past two yoariui1
being wnrinly welcomed fcf
iiiiiny frlenils that her nci)V
iiioutH huvu won her.
MRS. T. K. Mf-on.i.. wife of fr
cashier ut tlio Breakwater o
and Mr. McOIII's sister, M
S. Cliuinbers. luavo on the Br
water tomorrow for their
home In Cuntralla, Waal., u
tlioy will visit relatively
friends for n couplo of moat"
who worn evnnetoil bnnie thll l((
from Wisconsin, will not RTI
until later, according to "i
M- M,.i.'l,l,...i,..,. i,nu lust rertl'N
Mrs. McICIdownoy has beea rl
lug medicul treatment there
wan not rondy to leave ai
Hho hud untlclimted.
IIAYKS TKAIPLK, who wasfortfj
In tho undortnkliiK buslnea Jf
Prod Wilson In Marshfleld,
lli,r,i vnnlnrilnv 111 lillRinetB. fl
now trnvollng for a iiinchlnerr
....... 1.... i.l I.. rnslllMltl
llll, Will HID I1II1IMJ """ ..Jr
mion. I la trnvols by auto";
potts that his health is ,'
nbly Improved as a resua-out-door
lllit'KK'I'K.M KLOL'K ?l
Have your Job printing i
Tlio Times offlco.
in .1.1- ,0 mny .,,raNV a ,rlzo r blank
n this game or uncertainty.
Jut marriage Is no lottery,
tor If a blank you chance to draw
e j;auuo' throw the same S
And then forget It evermore.
In early spring.
l"nM!,"oyia.,,.n wo,"lrous spirals bent
...v- ".'.iuiii WCOK
T1Hel,mad:'a,f,s0int M't
Till-: WKI,' nnoiM. ......
A little Vlrl b-fiS' vring! H. h s'S fo Jj" ""?
s fi n1:er.',.8. "'" that' 'silo, May uV'Tee "fJ! etr'f .
all respects. '" "ei n,0,,,tJr "'
Anr.11. . '
No sorrow seemed that heart to on
iVetee't'.0 b"te " S did
Mrsjj" ;.
Another reason for the lliuh Coat
f Living Is tint th ....."...V0?1
garage has taken tho place or the
chicken bouse In the back ya?d.
Shore ,u "eantlf
MRS GKR arrived hero todnv frnm
nnrt1110.1V f .. ,,oiriHU0M do
MRS. R. 10. oypii nf n,., .
returned tills nmrlnL' from a
. afternoon boVf J"
"uve ocen vfsltiiitr nt . I
of Mr. and sir- i'L.?t..t-hS..,""nol
u. North D.nuwr telM
-APrlend. Calfr,7,,'"l,r X10," ' southern'
Xi!Tttl": MRS. ,. ,,. LE-sT. fn I
' "l ,,ome- "1 . expected here from TeraT
I ,where 8h ow resjdes.To visit aa8t i
No Special Sales
Suits $8.50 to $2!
The Fixup
Murshtleld XoHb BJ
y-i' .
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