The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 15, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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(Ham Sag mm?&
A sniiill ml In The Times want
coliiiim limy brim.' yon results im
mediately. Try one.
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SIRWUimOFO'lIB associated pkixm
CTOvWI Established In 1878
IL XX A VI. Tlio Const Mall.
&. Oonnolldatlon of Times, Const Mull
nd Coos Hay Advertiser.
No. 308
uiiii rniuiii mi in mi rum f
njinrvi mm my s hm i-n wo
lilnll I UilllU 111! Ul IILLLll 4J
-i d Qmith Discovered
"cad on Side of Mountain
Kinca uy J-an.
tJUUT Ur rus .vvur.
I. ..i:.. niimhiiiri FYnnrlitinn
Resulted Disastrously
Storm uvenooK mem.
L . 1.1..I 1'rr.n 10 Coot 1U Timet.
. .... -. inir i r. Tlm
y of Clinton II. SmUh. Init on
In" St Helens, Wasliangtou. .July
u violent mountain torjn. 'was
y ng ni mo n''i "i "
. ' " ......lull, lillll. Ill II
1 .'"'.. ! ........ ai.nri Tin limn
nt much inuiii "
farentlv luid fallen over Hit) elifr
r1" . ......... i. in.,. i mil,, i.iwiu
I icon insiiiiiuy '. , '" ""
W. .. .... ..,!. .. . lit. It... Imu-
IrH HI1I1II1. wiii nn ..-" I
El when tho blizzard shut tliein
.. .. t .1... ....t I.I.U
If nun nu ri Hl ,u ulu i"l,,' ""
P. .. ....I I. nl t.'..1llllir 1I1IV
b lillll (III tho IllOUUtlllll. und tlie
Bers expect to unu m'i ii,) ..
, Ml r mininiiiii.
BIG Villi II
ft of Coos Bay May Erect
Structure on Norm r-roni
Street Property.
It a mooting of Hi" Port of Cooh
(' in. 8 oil X'slordny, A. 11.
lors. Anson RngeiH iiiiiI Peter
: i were iiniiolntetl a eoinniltieo
btik into tin' matter of building
t 'i anil warehouses on tlio water-
It propeity on North Front strobt
Bin a couple or eurs ago y mo
noil loiiiiiilH'.lon for that pur-
. The plan Ifl to Imllil u ware-
to aliout lUUxrii) feet lor tno
lent anil then xnlilet Hpaeu In It.
'Idea In to tut tlio waielionse up
Rip 1 nloii Oil eonipnny which him
Inall wareliotiKc nt Klnnuy (lock
i'l.i' II ( Htcnlay inado nppllca-
to the Port CoininlhHloii to
the (haiincl ilredued In front
lli! iloilc, It havliiK filled up mi
l (.seli caiiiiol nloii theio to
lUiiH' oil. Now they lutvo to
E ' iiuuied from .North ilend.
1 1 lit' epcii!(i of diedclnir tills
11 il e eniiHlilerahle, tlio port eom-
iiiin iKMiiieii it wiih out of the
Itlon nml the oil eoinpany may
Im -ti- nrrniiKf) for ouiirtorH In
Inov varehoiiHo.
IS Inez tMut Holland nf Mo.w
fork Bride of a Wealthy
Amsterdam 'Man.
lllf Aisocltltj rr to not vtj Timet.)
f'MION. July i i.JUUs Inez Mul
ntl, a. Now York Ionian Buffrn
t. was mnrvlcd todaj la this city
ClIKOnO Ilolftllnvillii n wrmlMiv
Mimim, whoto homo in In Am-
Iff 1ST IS
mer New Ynrk Hoimcc ?o.
pres Divorce From Eng-
'isn riusioand Today.
r Auo,UteJ rn to Cooi Dr Tlmei.
JNijON. Julv in a ..nn
Kann' R?!F.a ?dy -t0 m-
fr n;;.ii Y" 'A'.1 w?.. xormeriy
h io ilu Murcnni, aaugjitor
no lato Leonard Joromo. of New
E. 1 lift linnror. r..n.r 1.- 1- -1.
n I- i " OU II1UUU UU-
0 In sir mnntl.o .1.. .
lrantlnAr"V.V.'' uo luo H""""
Irtinn o? V" ,u,vo'co wns Biaiutory
f tlon and misconduct.
ri.ira x--.,.., r
Jliorn i 1 , 1 . .
ui meetlni? nt i. i.i
UCh lihe0 I""080"1 "8 tUOr0 l8
hi1 Sf, 'Pnt busineBs
Secretary. I
Report Bulrjarians Are Driven
Back After Burning Town
rand .Slaying People,
llljr Ami I'ithi lo Com llx Tlmi)
S'AI.ONIKI. .Inly 15. Tlio (IniCI.
(oiiiuiaiidoi' roportH that tlio itul
Kiirlmi troopa rieeliiK heforu the nil
vanec of (IreeKn yoHteidny liiuned
the vlllniio of DoMit. Kouth of Dra
ma, on the railroad hetween that
place anil Kitvnla, mid iiiiiHHaered
r. 00 liiliiihitaiilH. Heavy riKhtliiK
eiiriiied, iih u iohiiH of which the
(JreokH occupied the town of Dra
ma. Ill) iiIIIoh iiortlionxt of Sent. Tlio
lliilgiii'lauH fled In dlHoi'iler, leavliiK
"0 wiikoii loadH of ammiiiiltlou on
the field.
Czar Serves Ultimatum on Pe-
kin Government Relative
to Mongolian Future.
llljr AoilIM I'riM lo Coon llajr Tlf 1
I'KFCfNCl. .Inly in ICiihhIii Hiiilden
ly preHuuted today to the Clilnuxe
f.overnment now ileiiiaudri reiiilrliiK
full locoKiiltlou of lull autonomy of
outer Mongolia, iIccIiiiIiik China to
Ito HUKoruiu only, IiIiiiIIiik China to ac
cept ItiiKKlan liitcrmndiatlou and leo
OKiilZiiiK nil lights conceded to ItiiK
hIii by the iiKreemeiit and protocol
BlKiiod nt Ui'Kii. cnpltul of Mongolia,
In NoMiilier, 11H2. Tltcho four new
demiiiidti aro Hiihmltted liy KiihhIii
In Hiihhtltutlon for tlio recently pro
poned iiKTooinunt, whicli Iiiih not yet
Inmn nIkikxI and which UuhhIu nu
nounecH h!io Iiiih decided to annul.
1 tot ll llOUHOH Of tllO CIllllOKQ pill'llll-
meiil havo boon hastily ummonod lo
(oiiHlder tlio (leiiianilr.. RtroiiK oppo
Hlllnii to lliom Ih voiced by both thu
ChlncHO and forolKiieiH. nml Kreat e.
elteuieiiL provallH at the unexpected
turn of ou'JtrtH.
Capture or Death of Highway
man Who Held up Messen
ger Is Anticipated.
r Ao. lto. I'mi to Cuoi ly Tlmn.J
nULMNOHAM, Wusli.. July 1G.
Ono of tlio handlta elinrKed with
robbing' two Cnnndlaii hnnk iiiesaQii
Kora near Cumberland, II. C, July
n, appears to bo marooned on Shaw
iHlnnd, In tlio contor of tlm San
Juan AreblpoliiRo, and hl tapturo
or death U only n matter of hours.
It Is bolloved that hunger will forco
liliu Into tho opon soon.
New Development in San
Francisco's Noted White
Slave Case.
fDr Auoctated rn to Coot mr Timet J
WASHINGTON, D. C, July 15.
In regard to tlio Camlnottl case, Mr.
Ashurst did friot mako publlo tho
names of tho men lnvolvod In tlio
noted San Francisco case, becauso
California Is not ropreBontcd by a
Democratic Senator.
Another roaaon glon to Ashurst
for doairlng Hnyden's removal as
special attornoy was his Inoxperlonco
as Prosecutor. Haydon was chosen
to conduct tho caso with Theodore J.
Roche and Matthow I. Sullivan, when
President Wilson accepted tho resig
nation of former United States Attor
ney McNab.
I,lbby COAIi. Tho kind YOU have
ATAYAYS USKI). Phono 72. Pacific
Llvory and Transfer Company,
OWING the wind of temporary toloranco and reaping the whirlwind
or nnarcliy, dlaorder, lawleHncnH, riot aim rirrn is mo experience
of Portland with the I. W. W. ngltnlors. Aftrr permitting these
aiiarclilritle dlsclpleH of discontent' to preach their pernicious doctrine of
destruction nml disorder for many mouths, the Hohc City Ih now face to
fine with Incipient iinnrrhy. Tho honcBt laborers of Portland, the busi
ness men, the police .and even tho governor of tho Stnte now find that
suppression hns become a necessity. Tho Telegram Is now doing some
valiant public service In n publlrity campaign or eduuitlon as to the mo
tives and methods or tho 1. W. W. The following Ih n recent nrtlcle:
"Day bv liny n packing ronipany'H business on the Enst Side
Is being destroyed. Through thu operatlotiH of tho I. V. W.'b
tho frultrulKor In thu country Is losing money, products nro being
wasted, the company is loBlrg moitoy and the workers nro loBlng
money. Meanwlflle a lot or foul-mouthed foreign loafers, whoso
frankly expressed and hoIo purpose Is "to raise hell," congregate
about tho place, Interfere with Us operations, obstruct the prog
ress of its business. Insult peaceful citizens, fill the nlr with vile
epithets nml iiu(l.i of thoniBolves unmitigated nuisances.
"Will any reasonable man say that the community has no
Interest In su'eh a upoetncle, that It Is not concerned In the de
struction of n valuable tiiislncEH, that all It can do Is to Idly fold
ItH hands nml calmly view the witting out of tin Industry for fear
or hurting the fedlmgs of n lot of foreign blatherskites who aro
using the city as u convenience, the country as an asylum to prey
upon It. and who openly denounce our Institutions mid the flag
which is tho mntoilul outward emblem of It?
"hot no one ninke a mistake about theeo I. W. W.'s. They
nro not worklngnion, tho. art not union men; the are nothing
but tumble breeders.und they huvo no other excuse fcr existence.
They huvo no lespcct for tho law unless It threatens their own
safety, they have no respect for morality, they huvo no Ideals.
Their purposes an purely destructive. They are militant anar
chists who. lucking physical courage, seek to gain their destruc
tive ouds through cunning and .dovlousncss.
"Is there any Intelligent cltken foolish enough to assort that
Hoclet. Ih not Justlflttl In protecting Itself against thoho outlaws
or that It Ih hulplesH to extend the strong nrm of ItH protection
over a IiiihIiiohh which hns complied with the demandH made upon
It by nu orriclul stute board null Is carrvlng them out In porfect
good I nil h? It Is a situation that must bo looked squarely In
tin teeth. It must bo faced at once. It Is a case of nnarcliy In
lis luclpieno, und tho time to face it Is now, before It berimes
widespread through neeoshloi of outside aiiarchlstH who aio
b'Jni, riiHlicd '"'i'''" r,r,r,r,r,rnr,nnnr,r,r,r,r,r,r,r,r,nn
Foreigners Appeal to United
States but Secretary Bryan
Refuses to Discuss Nature
of Request.
inr amoiUici titm io coot nr Timn.i
WASHINGTON, July 15. Secre
tary of Statu llryan wiih asked today
ir any foreign powers had inado rep
resentation to him regarding the sit
uation in .Mexico. 1 1 Ih replv was n
Chamber of Commerce Ar
ranges Session for Friday
Night Other Business.
At n mooting of the Marahflold
Chamber of Coininorct this morning,
plans were made for a meeting of the
Coos County Good Roads Association
to bo hold hero next Friday evening.
Mayor Morrison, of Conulllo, tele
phoned that they had planned to have
n special train from there, but found
it would bo too oxponslvo and so GO
or 75 of them nro coming by nutos,
lie said they would bring a baud with
them. Tho meeting will be held at
tho Odd Follow Hall.
IMiicntiounl Meeting.
Senator 1. S. Smith nml A. T.
Haines woro named n committee to
arrango for a public mooting for Mr.
Harrington, n traveling ropresontntlvo
of tho Oregon Agricultural Kxtonslon
service Ho arrived on tho nreak
wutor today and his mission hero Is
to try and help arrango for a school
fair exhibit nt Myrtlo Point this fall.
Ho will visit tho various towns In tho
county speaking on agriculture In tho
public schools.
Routine Uiikiics.
Tlio Chambor of Commorco also ar
ranged for sonio advertising In tho
now Polk directory, which Is being Is
sued for Coos County.
Hugh MeLaln wns appointed chair
man of a committee on mining to co
oporato with II. W. Lawrlo, of tho
Oregon Stato Ruroau of Mining,
Capt. Macgonn was appointed to
repreaont tho Marshflold Chambor of
Commorco at n banquet which tho
Portland Chamber of Qommerco Is to
tondor tho United States Chambor of
Commerce- at Portland July 10 and
I. S. Smith waa appointed coun
cillor to ropreaont tho Marahflold
Chamber of Commorco In tho United
States Chamber of Commorco.
There were only six or eight pres
ent at this morning's meeting.
Democratic Coinniltteo Approves
Tariff 11111.
(Br Atioclited Prett to Coot Dy Timet.
WASHINGTON, July 15. Demo
crats of tho Senate flnanco committee
mot today and approved tho roport
which will bo sent to tho Sonato
Thursday. At that time Senator
Simmons will mako tho opening ar
gument for the majority.
D1ST ClirilCII will havo a TAMA
I,H SALK at tho Methodist C'llL'RCII
WKDXKSDAY, J IT A 1(1, at 4 p. in.
If you have anything to sell, ren
trade, or want help, try a Wont A
fiat declination to discuss tho situa
tion In any way. Tho diplomatic cir
cle hero has Its own ideas of which
power Is the Inquiring one, but In
the absence of nil announcement from
the Stato Department, none of tho
diplomats will mako any statement
which could bo quoted with author
ity. That ono power hna mudo In
quiry, however, Ih known positively.
No official of tho Stato Department
will discuss the situation In view of
Bryan's declination to talk about It.
Manager Armstrong and J. W.
Bennett Refuse to Sign
Highway Petition.
That the Southern Oregon or Me
i.asha Wooilouwaro Company will
fight the proposed boulovurd from
Miirshllcld-to-the-sen was Indicated
yesterday by tho refusnl of Horbort
Armstrong, local malinger, to sign n
petition to the Coos County Court to
survey and establish tho highway.
Tho potition, which Is signed by a
largo number of Marshflold and North
Hend business men, was presented to
Mr. Armstrong yesterday by Colonel
Grimes nml tho former turned It
Thu petition Is from residents of
Rond Districts No. G and No. 3, tho
Marshlleld and North Dcnd districts,
rebpectlvoly, becnuso part of tho
boulevard la In each district. Tho
plan Is to havo tho County Court es
tablish a highway from the end of
Iilrod avenue over the part surveyed
by tho city of Marslillold, which Is
about flvo miles long, and which will
connect up with tho proposed now
North Ilend-Emplro road and tho two
will proceed over ono routo to Sunset
Ray and tho coast. Last year tho
road tax In Marshflold district waa
over 138,000 and as the stroots horo
aro kept up by the city levies, com
paratively little of tho amount waa
used locally, but went to othor parts
of tho county and tho projectors of
tho boulevard feel that tho County
Commissioners would bo more than
Justified In helping on the boulevard,
J. W. Dennett refused to sign tho
potition on the ground that tho boule
vard on tho present routo might bo
damaging to his watershed.
Tho petition is to be presented to
the County Commissioners at their
September meeting.
Miss Ada Miller of Salem, Yisitiug
in Marshfleld.
Miss Ada Miller, the "Nightin
gale of Oregon," arrived on tho
steamer Breakwater this morning
from her home In Salem. Whilo
bore sho will spend her vacation as
tho guest of tho Tower family.
Although Miss Miller Is not a
professional, she has sung many
times at tho Grand Opera House
and many other leading theatres in
Salem und Portland.
Miss Miller, whilo visiting horo,
will glvo tho people of Marshflold
and tho patrons of tho Orphoum
Theatre an opportunity to hear
somo of her splendid singing. Prof.
Lepport will accompany her upon
tho piano, Miss Miller will mako
her first appearance Wednesday
night at tho Orpheum theatre.
Senator Bristow Wants to
Know What Salary Will
Keep Him at Post.
Iljr AnoMlteJ Prru to Cool Hr Timet.
WASHINGTON, D. C, July 15.
senator llrlstow Introduced n reso
lution today alined at Secretary
llryan's recent statement that ho
wiib obliged to go on a lecture tour
because of Insufficient Biliary, call
ing on President Wilson to report
what salary would bo sufficient to
enable Bryan to remnln permanent
ly at his post. Objection ol Demo
cratic Senators prevented Its Im
mediate coiihlderatlou.
Arbitration Measure Amended
to Meet Wishes of Rail
roads and Employes.
(11 Aiiorltte.) I'rfii to Coot lit? Timet
WASHINGTON, I). C. July 15.
Tho Nowlnnds bill, lovlslng tho Erd
lunii lnw, to provide for arbitration
of wage disputes In a manner satis
factory to tho railroads and their em
ployes, passed tho House today with
out roll call and was hurried to tho
Senate which was waiting to pass it
for President Wilson's signature. I
Tho Sonato passed Nowiand's arbi
tration bill without roll call and it
was hurriedly prepared for trans
mission to the Whlto Houso, whoro
President Wilson was ready to sign
It. I
Tho now law would establish n
I' nl ted States bonrd of mediation nml
conciliation, to consist of a Federal ,
(ommlssloiier to bo designated by tlio ,
President. Thin bonrd could bo np-
liuiiiuu in in iiiiuiveuu hi u iiuiiiniu
li.bor dispute by cither party, and
would first uso Its best efforts, by me
diation and conciliation, to bring tho
disputants to ngrconicut. Failure
would bo followed by an attempt on
tho part of tho board to Induco tho
parties to submit tholr controversy
to arbitration. And In caso of arbi
tration, special boards of either thrco
or six mediators would bo chosen by
tho railroads and employes. Arbi
tration would bo undertaken only af
ter u defliilto agreement had been
mndo by both parties to abide by tho
decision of tho arbitration board for
a stated period.
Former Agent of the Manufac
turers Association Witness
Before the Committee.
Says That Years Ago They
Referred to Different Men
By Numbers Only.
(Hr AMOdatei I'rrft to Coot llir Timet
WASHINGTON. D. C, July 15.
fjenator Reed started Martin M. MuV
hail's testimony beforo tho Suiinti
lobby ttidny on letters written Id
1 107 to tho late James W. Vat
Cleave as president or the Natlonrt
Association or Manufacturers. Onr
from tho lato Vlce-Prosldent Shor
mnn. then a member of the House
arranged for a meeting with Mni
Cleavo und Mulhnll In New York
In thu letter to Sherniuii, Mullmll
wrote: "I have Just returned from
tho West and I feel that I have put
the ball rolling In Indiana so II
will help Watson to ronomlnatlon.'
Fred C. Schwodtinnn, seoertnry to
President Van Cleave, wrote to
Mulhall: "There aro soinu 'mrgo
things brewing nnd there Is ever.
Indication that In our tariff mm
palgn wo have with us a majority
of the Republlcr.n loading Congress
men and Senators nnd men higher
up tiiiiu tnnt too."
Schwermiin wroto to Mulhnll In
September. 1907, bringing In the
nnino of Tuft, then secretary of war:
"You saw, or courso, whoro Secre
tary Tnlf referred to tho Natlona?
Association of MnuiifncturerH at
great length In IiIh Columbus nil
dress. If wo succeed In getting the
council plans firmly established
then our power for good will grow
right along until next year, which
during the presidential campuiKc
wo will bo factor of national Im
portance that cannot bo overlooked
"In tho dnyH of dishing." testified
Mulhnll, on another point, "there
woro nuvor any books and thoro wnc
never any designation by name. Wr
nil had numbers. I waa 1, Llt
tleflold nlno nml Sherman eight."
Senator Reed wished to know
inoi'o about tho tnrirr and reciproci
ty nctlvltles of tho National Asso
ciation of Manufacturers. "It creat
ed and solely created tho tnrlfL'
commission," declared Mulhnll.
Report That Southern Pacific
Won't Start Big Structure
Until Next Spring.
That tho Southern Pacific bridge
across Coob Bay may not bo started
boforo noxt spring waa tho state
ment of a Southern Pacific official
horo today. Ho said that ho did
not oxpect tho construction of tho
big structuro begun boforo then. Ho
onl.l Mint It ivnn tint iipppflnnrv n It
could bo comploted in amplo tlmo
This was quite contrary to tho
oxpectanclea of many as It was un
derstood that tho McArthur Porks
company were arranging to sublet
tho contracts for tho plors and ap
proaches and that It would probably
oo awarded to Porter Brothers,
Recently tho approach from North
Bond to the south plor of tho bridge
lias been tinder way, tho piling for
the trestle now bolng drlvon. This,
it Is stilted, Is to permit a fill to bo
made for at least part of tho way
underneath the long trestle, tho dirt
to bo furnished from tho cut
through Simpson Park.
Mrs. C. E. Hulburt, ot Coos Hotol,
for a fow days, with beautiful lino
of hair goods, Switches, all lengths;
somo 3G inches long, excellent qual
ity. Don't fall to seo thorn. Also
manicuring, hair dressing, etc. Office
hours, 2 to 4 p. m.
Equipment for C. A. Smith
Company Plant on C006
Bay Material Cheap.
The now C. A. Smith company's
pulp mill, which has boon piactl
cally completed and which will pro
bably start operations within &
month or so, or rather ns soon ac
tho lumber mnrket picks up to
wnrrnnt oporntlug tho big mills at
capacity, Is said to bo equipped vvlti.
tho most modern pulp making ma
chinery in the United States. The
equlpinont that has gone Into tho
mill is tho latest turned out and
Manager Nordriim has insisted on.
getting tho latest and best' that con
bo secured.
Tho plant Is equipped with the
paper making machine but no at
tempt will bo mndo to mnko paper
unless tho market for pulp Is poor
and tho company bollovos that it
can do hotter by making tho paper
hero. At present tho oxpectancy Is
to market most of tho pulp In the
Tho pulp mill will havo n capacity
of about 40 tons per day which will
mean a cargo for tho Redondo ev
ery threo weeks or less.
All Mechanical.
Tho pulp mill will bo supplied
with raw material for practically
nothing, mechanical devices taklnc
tho Blabs direct from tho sawmill
to tho pulp mill.
Tho slabs and waste wood will
bo handled only onco by hand and
that Is when It Is kicked off from
tho saws. It will bo thrown Into
a grlndor, ground up and thou shot
through conveyors to tho pulp mill
and started through tho procosses.
Under tho plan that Nordrum
Brothers havo perfected for limiting
pulp, tho wood will not havo to bo
oven sorted or mixed, bolng taken
Just as It comes from tho sawmill.
Thus In addition to gottlng the
raw mutorial for tho pulp for prac
tically nothing, tho pulp mill at
the samo tlmo will eliminate tho ex
ponso of handling tho wasto from
tho sawmill, which la a big Horn
every mouth,
Tho gas will be shut off Thursd&r
night from 11 p. in. to 3 a, in., ci
account of Terminal Railroad cot