THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 14. 1913-EVENING EDITION. 'A GAHHS NORTH BENO SUNDAY GAMEj IS :SSS 1 Ninth Semi-Annual Clearance Sal Began Thursday, July 10th H HEDGES returned from Coaledo Defeats Marsh field Two to One Defeats Bandon Six to Two in r si. iuv nnnri A Rothnr Rartnprl fipmp M VICTOR G5SS ift."" " LmU I I I U I U 1 1 TOM" HALL made a business trip to l",,' voqnllle Saturday nfternoon. K. j. BLACKEKBV nrrlved on the Despite Johnson's Good Twirling. Jlarslifleld lost to Bandon yester- fl Rather Ranrifld Game- Hull Twirls Good Game. North Bend took a rather ragsed stage Saturday from Florence. D. D. BKAINAHD ot Haynes Inlet. Is a business visitor uere iuu. day at the Clty-by-the-Sea by a score game from Bandon yesterda after- of two to one. The game was a goou noon llu pitched for North Bend "''mPJlWSilVln .thw?n'nnd twirled a good game, especially ilpSc. f ra U,e first runj " .-e, .or. uenu oKsTandVVr ball went into the crowd, trtnn Johnson pitched a rattling good fame, according to all the fans who saw the contest, and they claim that llarshfleld was really entitled to win. Jlllcy, wno lias ueen P'"inB 'oryu- "---- --.- - - qullle, twirled for Bandon. Perkins era' prospective runs got two or three nice hits off him. cm The score: Abbott also got a good hit. Johnson "a"'1.0"- A,u' " nllnwcil hut three hits, one being a lno.,a- ss ? u ...nioi. . n,nt. Slgsby. 3b .... 3 i) Marshneld's weakness at the bat M.ohnso". e cost them the game, or rather the NortnwicK, 10 4 lUillil, II 1 r ergerv nu .... u.vnknpRH nf sntnp nt the nlavers. -- - - - - i. ' Some changes in the lineup win probably be made for next Sunday's geme. Xorlli Bend Team Bay. Last evening Manager Hull of the North Bend team Is said to have giv en nil hln rnirnlnr mmi n rhnrV Inst evening for JCu, as their shares of the profits so far. The North Bend team has been making good money nnd the funds raised by subscription fccv r")' been drawn upon. MBS. C. W. TOWER returned toiiaj . ..I. n unfitly rnne rivnr IIUJI1 tf UBIl H .ww..- ...... MBS. MARGARET GROW of Coal edo, was a Marshfleld visitor to day. t f vnut u-na In town this innrn Int'on business from North Cooj river. TAPTAIV Dl'XSO.V of the Life Savlnir Station Is here toda.x on business. MIt.AS RICHARDS returned this mnfnlnif frntn n vlalf U'lfh frlpTlfla ...... I.. I ...- C?a,..h .11.1 I In . same thing and another man scored. w j CONRAD returned today noon in I ()i In loft flplil tilnvpcl tno lioot , . , i .. i.,, ,.. ,,i,. 1.' ... .; lorni n uusiucia uuu jjn-uauie ny Ktinc iui uuiiuuu, a... .1. ... ui" "-. n nonll IP for .Norm t n. STONE of Portland arrived I here on the Alliance yesterda H. P.O. A. E. i frn, t.'iirka. 0 13 1 Mlia iniiv MESSERLE of Catcli- "i Ini? Inlet is here fr the day on a , shopping trip. 1 .MRS. W. G. CHANDLER left this 0 morning for Grants Pass for a 1 tn nL'd ,'lalt H. E. MASLIN. of the Trojan Powder " company, came m yesieruuy xrom V t.iitALn nn fmulflAEfl E. LARSEN AND MISS PHOEBE LARSEN returned home todaj O'Connor, cf . . 4 Pierce, rf 4 Stafford, p .... 4 Total 3." 2 No. Bend A.B. R 1 1 1 S 1 11! 0 3 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 T rr j. 1-1 IO III Saturday we were so crowded that we could not serve all of you just as we would like to Come this week Prices are the same Ask your neighbor "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. 1 nree stores . Bandon MARSHFIELD Myrtle Point tm Mine CIIPUTC here mm H. P.O. A. E 1 0 n..- .. .Iinfl l.lal. llrifO C. E. HANSEN of Haynes Inlet. I In Marshfleld today attending to NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Aviator Steele Takes Up Two Passenrjers and Gives Fine Exhibitions. Aviator Pti-V nterdi.y gave a number of picin exhliiltlin fllKhts with tho new !mlri.iliiti of (lornt nnd KIiik. i.'' i mi up Ui pMiteii gcrH during nut du, mkltm Her bert Richards to South Slough to Join a picnic party. Ho flow at a height of about 1000 feut. Mrs. Paul KflllllflrKtrnm uau nliui liib,m out for a r.-niiii! spin throiiKh the Gaffney, 2b .... -I 1 2 S 3 Hedgpath, If . . ". 1 2 0 1 Densmore, lb. . 1 2 13 0 1 Wallace, rf . . . . 4 0 0 0 11 0 Sator, 8 o 0 0 .. 0 2 Keller, 3b .... i 0 2 1 2 1 , McDowald. nf . . -J 2 1 0 0 0 , Thomas, r .... .1 il u -i i I 'Hull, p 4 1 0 0 2 3 Total 40 0 9 27 10 Si .Tiiminnrv iihk on i.t nrr . . .. ' .'.,?1!,1IT'1' I wo base MKSi t McFAHMN returned of C. E. Jordan, Clurk of School n. .. Si . i"er.. B,1r,ltJ1 this morning from a Sunday vlxlt District Xo. I!i, Knntnltlc, .. 1 iiuii, a, ii.v nwiliuiu, iirjiiuie piajH SHter to Gaffnuy uenmnore; saier to Densmore. v . pltchor Slwby and Wallac hoien bases Hedgpath. McDon ?-.(- rtt. . .. . .."""." rv-ner. i nomas. Linpiro. Klinbal . nv,,n. i.,ii I r,,,,.!I!f,-.',".1 ""':. . M'tS. I'. D. Ciilian left this morning at Coi lie Sni'iv -T"0, ,0Ant ,or I,onIn'1 niia Tncomn' whuro w h ffT .,,', ,0 'i. ,8'! ' " vUlt relatives and friends 7 .'.i ih- HZ "n,,.," . Pllclior. I for fGW weeks. Con nt and ' lllrW. WT !,WMl- ANI) MUS- ' '' "OWMAN re ore, mvn'Vi'0 ' 0,,lt, ni1"1 ls Drain for Portland after a wook'H for 15 nltL n Li ,elJ,l,I0,rhod visit here with relatives. for lu hits, n was a rather ragged T0M MOI'I'ATT. I.ookkeoper at v,, .r.,1.1 ., I Honver Hill, was In .Mai-Hlifleld A man m,,." ', J A'' ,. ... J Saturday and reportH that, tho been ii tint ii.. ,V..,,Vi.. i ow Hllt ' pnigicKKlng nice y. I." MirlSi' T .y, "'T.. " r- YQDER left thin niornlng for In Marshfleld today attending to denied proposain win no received liiislnotis. His son, Algle, is with by the clerk of School District No. him. '40, En8tHlde. Coos County. Oregon, MRS. L. G. MASTERS AND MISS up to six Mi) o'clock p. in., of Ollle Rlchnrds of Sunnier, ore J Saturday, tho nineteenth day of spending the day with Marshfleld Jul v. I0i:. ns follows: friends. tor constructing u complete snn- t 1 f t t f r tT n Vni II n ItnHt. Ulllt'll. dI'dImii, ff... C1.....1 111.. J. I. lllljlIil Ul .-niliu, 11. w., I .. f'.vi n.nii;iii iw OUillllll inn' Canada, Is on Coos Bay for a fewjtrlet No. -10. Coos County, Oregon, weeks stay and a visit to old ! in accordance with tho plans nnd friends. specifications on file nt tho offlco MRS. EMILY MeFARLJX returned , or v. k. .lortinii, this morning from a Sunday visit i District Xo. I!i, ...I.,. ,.... .... iiin,..iin .. iii l rtiinfi. riH......t ' mill ,in, l.lllllin iiiniuiiic ui .mi- i v...nn.. , uivhuii, '..V' llcomn. Each bid must bo ncrouipniilcd . nlt MISS FLORENCE HANSEN left tills by n certified check of fifty ($50.00) lat'-1 morning for a two weeks visit dollars. '(,''v at tho homo of her pnruntB on. Tho School District- reserved tho Jflll. H...HA.. I t.lllt fri frkfn.., ....I ..II i.i . .n" " ivjvii iiiij uuu nil II1I1M. niAS. E. JORDW. Clerk of School District No. 10. Enstslde. Conn County. Oregon EQUIITKI) WITH WIItKLKHH Steamship Breakwater SAILING KltOM ALWAYS ON TIMK. PORTLAND. HWIJ Ul; .ll'LV AND a, AT H A. M. SAII,l.(i KltO.M COOS MAV .ll'LV I, (I, M, ill. AT I' 1. M. Tickets on miIo to nil Knxtcrn points mill iufoiiimtlou unit iiitcs clicerfiilly fiiinl.slieiL Phono .Main iW-L. .. ,, KTKKM.VH, Agent. ' . 1 1. id, :i, as ron0 i , ll IIIU .tjiirn air and ven when they got " to m-klnr i.iJ i . " ''. ,0 V?vo ,,een nn elevation of about 1000 foot ..' , ,i Ll '"I"1!! a,",ul, llls aUWly RoInK over .Mnmhfioi.i. i. , l . ll,(llor ! wanting to bet tlOIUMl hllll to KO hlKhfr. It U nn. f.'i""" '".a"'. " 1'" would be iicrstoml ilmi id.. -r. f... .1... r."""w ' piicn for. oerstood that she paid $25 for the trip. Later .Mr. Steolo mado a nunibor of pretty flight, once making an oh peclally fine glldo to the watr after aiiiiltlng hln oiikIiio off at n coiiHld crablti Imlglit. .MOHHTH. IllirHl Hllll tflllir nr.i ..I.... , - . ...... ,a.n ...w IIIIVII- nlng to start .Mr. Stiwlu on a tour of the northwest to make oxlilhl tlon fllghiH, (.'oi-ot N Atlalor. . C. (lorst today demons! rated that he waM a real aviator. Ho took Ji lesiKiii from .Mr. Steele yeuterday nnd tlilH mortiliiK got out tho ma chine, Ho ran it on the water to oiiiniiiiiuiii ami on nitiiruliig to Xmtl Ilandon yoatorihiy but did not play ,. ,.I.,,,,,,.A,, Siimliiy. iiiiio Will iilny .MiirHliflnlil I.. Cent. ul Point, Or., where ho gtR'M to take charge of some bridge contract for E. (I. Per 1mm. jntJJJH MRS. E. A. IIOWATT and llttlo son, Dnlton, letiirnod yesterday from Eurekn, where they havo been Npe. tiling a few weoks with roln- U...1.11 . ' ' '"' MiirHiiiii'iu in HviHi Sft'u! ,C "rl-L JSW.? ' A-V.'. of. Now Haven. Co,,,,., i,. i i.. .1 J. " "' '""ruing r 'L. JiVn "fuT,"00."' f'lowIK the AHinlifWii. ' '""""" W1" "ln5 WmwmmLu S When you WWjsi . Illgbeo. Marshlleld'H now tlih-.i J"U waii itoT fflri WtS Hpend Smuliiy m (.r,n"r. ,. Winn in Pi,i,.sj. !oni(. or tho Glllllllllu IllHVlll- ni renorioil ( I,.. i ... V iM"i no fJ'W lo ,7,l, n .rgiunooi; lht groiiml ilmi mil... i".""1"0.'"' (.... in,. ..:."" ."" . """ anotnei ...'.' ' i.MT Jinn lied in iiin.i,... time, He made tho flight from tlio'liv Couii II,. Vi i ... ,"1" ,,R,U',, cold Btorgi. plant to tl, h... '.., n i. ,, ",V ...V.'1?. '.,,p. Iiotot will .un. miirgi. pinnt to the stiuo mill nr,"'."!',1 ,l,,,r'l,w lrt' tlmvH from Old .North Bend to Purler. ., ... '"Ty I'a'.M'iigcis. I nil! they ,.aU) on dielr trip. Mr Gorst said loday tlmy would , any passengers here. The fares w 1 1 hWT.,!,f'l,"l"'!.'' ArxniiKoiuontM can h,. hij,, for tu,.,i nlmoHt aiiytlm,, by .Mnir. (ft A iiuiiilM-r have engaged fllghta al- they will have Hie machine .r,!; XuftmSlf.,",,tC0B,0a",o,r be made Is not certain 10 REGULATE mi HOI s iMsr i Ficiif BSSEBALL SCOREi representing tho Seamless "Rubber company, nrrlved from Eureka I I yosterday on tho Alllanco on n' liiislneMH trip. ' i MAJOR TOWER AND WIFE AXI)' GRANDDAI'GHTER. MISS GLAD-. YS TOWER, today moved from Empire to South Coos river, i where they will spend the m,ni mer. II. J. McKEOWX has been spending a few days fishing on the upper (oiiulllo. going us tho guoMt of Mr. RIkks. rornmrly superintend ent of construction on tho Sinlth I'oweiH lino. ! S. DOW returned Saturday from Ilandon nnd reports tho lower river miction prosperous. Do savs they are anxious to avoid any further iinplensaiitnenH on ae- I'llllllt nt Mi,, I t it. , i.."t " "" ' " uuiiiiie. MR. AND MRS. EllAN'K' nuvviwi MRS. ELROD AND OKo! HOT-' NOR drove out 0 the Sucehl rnncli on tho Bandon road yester- '.'. I'liiruiiiK huh niornlng. Thev I report fair roads and a ploasan't ' Ihe Royal TONIGHT THE CLUBRELLA & OSWALD COMEDY COMPANY Til HUH PE( I THE SHOW THAT PLEASES. Three liK vaudeville nils. Hy good luck wo Imvo been able to sociire tho FISHER SISTERS for oiio more night. In an entire change of program. ilOOO reel of all new pictures. Admission; Lower floor 15e. - . Balcony 1 0c. rorit iik; vai'devilli; acts. City Auto Service S. S. NANN SMITH Sails from Smith Mill Dock for San Francisco Tuesday, July 15, at 4 P. M. CAItltVIXt; ALL COOS MAV FltKK.'HT. Sun IVniiclsco office, .- Fife tlilK,, or Loiulmiil St. Pier .o.s; liilecOicimle Trniispoi tiitlon Co., V. l .Mc(.Vorj;e, AkL Plume II. ALLIANCE KQUIIM'KI) WITH WIltKLKHH SAILS FR.OM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY THURSDAY, JULY 1 7, AT 6 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 COKXKOTIXO WITH THE NOKTII HANK KOAI) AT PORTLAND NOimi PACIFIC TKAMSHI1 CO.MPAXV. ,,,on" ,n 'J. K. .McOEORGE, Atfit Portland Breaks Even With Venice Sunday and Los Atifjeles Loses Two . piiii'i-i i ... sXJ-it.wwa; lHlne n .......... "",u- wntumny'B rt-miH H.,;,,ik ; B ,o,"w, '" an Kranclsco nan Franclsio . .Sacramento " " I.'.. . i " "u,': nrt' nrrnnR- Good Cars, Careful Drtyera nrt consult specialists c, , : I Stan, Z7 LJ5 t,n? ' . i . . " - 'hi oiure. ii.iv , i'"iiiw concern ng ' "inii iiinnco rigar Store iii r. Liudo's heaith. They will I I'lione. 78. NIRht phono iV olahly renin.,, In California fo,-' TOM aoonul Zdzt The Warmnn Sianal Required But Its Use Should Be Re stricted. There Ir much Just coiniilalut nf i.nnece.s8nry ,. ,.n.lo by Marsh flclil niitomobllp horns. As tl u ntv Council Is about to consider ,1 or dlnnnco regulating this matter ,, follow ng roM dlspwui, telliiV- ,f J-ondltlons In other ber(18 as shown ,HARTFO,RV,U,,r0S8 ""VaUhmV,, HAiniOItl). Conn.. July n. lomoblla law have Just bwi, m y tho Legislature and signed Uv Hovornor llaldwln. Thwe .mViid. mena.uoro w,e wllh , ; a e t!, "n"ro !,, lm o !.,,', '" ,1"' opert on of motor 'I'llil MHu I.... .. . I 11. k. Z " with .,aKes.'3; S'SSj 3RtaJ"r u. 4 hacrnniiiito At PonlnndJJ Portlainl . Venice . I0I,Iamlc6xD0MK: Venice . , At Ij" Xniti ' ' Oakland . .An.iir'MK: Oakland II. E. I L' o Mr. Pi some time. W'levV,..?iMm,1 rt",",n'l ' McKln ?.,' !'y ,0 ,'0'"1"10 operation i In.", m. a ,. m" nt tl,nt pince. Mr. Smith nvn i, i ..i.. ...... i.V .. . "v " hl'lll C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, ItETAIL DHPAUTMKXT MJMIIEH, iani, SIIIXGLES, .MOULI)I.S, SASH AXI) DO0RJ nooFixa PAPicn, inc. CUT THE FUEL hill IN TWO UV USIXG OUIt WOOD. 1'HO.VK 100. 18a S0UT nnoADWII :t is i . II. E. ' 4 11 0 5 3 0 s 7 ti 13 1 It. II. K. 0 I 5 STADDEN ALL KIXDS of PHOTOfiHAPHIO WOHK, Uionildo Enlarging and Kodak Finishing. I Ills parents didn't make his tint inmo Isaac for then ho would ho ' . W. Smith, and ho savs if no got started he would hnc to ko farther than McKlnlev M,veS-ii,?'y!.'".Ison. JtHiB nt tlie homo ofherdiiigh:,,. tr. Mrs. Chantler. Mrs MoJJlST "KOKIVOTi vlii stopped in Portland, where L.A hu' 'ipmei.t she has throe ni.D .,....'...: (Jlnss Slmil-w lea.., n.,,1 ,.,;.".: '"u."",u" nnii " . vis ,,... ." ,"", "lB cr? nnd ! "" , V' V" ,r 8lcK of glass- "uui Mtiuro rnnunir ti. "- m e mso iinvn dm,,,,, . . -...-r, t r ., . . , w.,,w ui LIIH of Electric Cut visited Coos Hay. where she w pun or the summer HI spend ware. 'latest llPStL'llB In .1. .. . V"W ifrom ..;7".V. " .. u"u.r. "Xtiircs, 1 SatHrlavi',",,,i's "nmiw." Ltltt ::irr,s- jortiand . enlc ... Tn lu'ulMg's.) y Mt Anle- ;j,'SS ALICE CLIN'KKN'nEAUD vjla eIectrlca' PPHe.. " M'erytllln Low Rates for Handling Trunks n.i .linul tr"'H liotweon nny P; Hits In MarHhlleld for tho follow- ...h inn-ii, ueuvory to no mudo In tlO first Rtnrlno f Im.ii.ii.. ". uo '" Ono tr, ml ,,,uea: . .. Threo trunk's ' ." " 'Z'.' Twoivo tr..nk8 :.::.:::::::: otar Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Ilclsnvr, Proji. Plionea. i2Q.j. 4n.T,- gs-u. FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WOHK, FOR GOOD WORIC Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Lan Wg alwavs rifilivnr the Phone 57-J Marshfig T. J. SCAIFE. W. S. I1UOWX g a. ii. HODGIXS'WILL HEOIN JULY 11 MohoI,:IJ DAIWT km TI.NDK ALL OI? . It. s 1 K. o 1 It l Coast H. K. 7 5 m,.-..i..i i . ' ; : i" uuu w ..nioilliuiil .Ills liinin.i,.. .. . ward Is a sister of J n nn.i t JJInb.M and Mrs. W n.j H s 1 H L 1 A ' ' uivr .fnnA- ' !". 'I.!!',t. b.e !") Wl ith at om ' aucg,. f ,, "l" ur"te Th motors ' SKUnto "f a uiitomoblle nun il JT...Z! : nt a limn,, i ..,7- ""W, .j . ... - s -. ..... ... tu . m...., k -'" lUFfl.-l....!.. . wie noiso of the exhaiut V, ! not an oiVe .;', oua to T.e as constitute a M,.t. J .Si" U "wYrtif" J . -Un, "- ,Tran-sm,L,,aC,flc 1 1 K , PBSA-aes TAni i'nte,'-.-.. '" .."..:;; effect in over a score ii prowdes that e unaii bo equipped jse wnuu shall i . .. v i ma via r. l.. " "r U.- M. ., .i..r. '"""0 no uontl, by the state ," ' 'Mim, ,,f " "" - to measure now in , ,IUii,B , f J' "' core of Urjte cities "'"'' f ?,. hf"r In n ?ery motor vehjrieir f rt ha, . - r ' ;! ' ; I with a signal de-lr "g-11 j.r ,V a f-produ'-o aaaljjMjjt 'he "loflfcff. 1 '1 ' f If North Bend Gave Prizes t(tr Ii i hi..!., ii.i. . i,.: V" 'V'.! m.i $10 A PR0NT FOOT nlvi'edhe ,.,0r,n "taWlt" III lforo this opportunlt? is Kone' MarchfiPlrf paint and wLLuimiiiMu CO. Clearance Sale 1 AND W JULY Kstlninti'M i?,,..i.i..i pln" 7-L M,.ri,fti,i Ore. Unique Pantatorium I ItESSMis and HAT HKXOVATOHS Agent for Imanl II. Btwusi Co., Fine Tailoring. Let u. M CEXTHAI, P0e 250.X I. S. KAVKMAX CO. Mi; All STII.I. set i .v. Corona Blend Coffee First ClassWeavme: Promptly dono at Gardiner's Rig Carpet Factory On Sliwiim,, betneen Cnllfo... iila mill Connecticut. Niono HI. X'nrtl, n., --";.'--'ui. or, Hie- Cut In Prices Electric Shoe Store 180 South Ilriiiulway- ; Bowling Alley! U7S NOKTII FltOXT bil"1'" Tuesday Evening Especially for ladies Win fcX "SS: r PC0S BayTea,CoffGe & Spice House "me of ,iie :nJw-;lt!i!.,?.,iu '""'I O'COXXELL I1U)0 '-.." -a ..MloSKia-hHI M-Ke, Ave. Mai,,,, 0r lido In T.vini i ,.,!..... .. Atinri. 0'. Telephone 18-J. niBhtCafS: Care uTirkInlG-Ll tho Prompt attention " wiii e anw. mV'ffiaf ?n'P,!1! 'Sff and bSts.r Stre t0 meet trains viAMTirn Wnlnlma Ih.l ..." 1-nnn time. 11 - TO,""" I. """ '.."1.,Ml aim rancid oil aro tno ruiu'( j "iij wuicii, uai 1110 iii'. presorvo It porfectly for '" r n a n'lPD fc. -.. l'i,, nt Mnrsnn wil como. 22 G Front st. Have That Roof Fu NOW See CORTEELl Th Ml i Imoi reed luch bo tfilSfifi-M-l-lii-H----ML. - -"a - "- '- rnoNS 3171.