The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 14, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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(Ham lay Em?&
NOW IS VOIR timi:.
A .sniiill ml In The Times wnnt
column tuny hilmf A ou results mi'
l.rst '-'' through T'"' """
., , (mii! Use them! Thoy
mediately. Try one.
vvvWI Established in i7
AAA Via ., fflio Const Mall.
k ContolldAtlon of Times, Const Mull Mn qn7
utl Coos Bay Advertiser. nUt oul
L. niimrc Snriniislv ln-
Ul When Train Crash
es Into one on i raw.
Portland Man Among In
fifl Missinn Motorman
omul Hiding in Room.
Ar in-1 Vtt-.i In I'nin llrty Tlmra 1
fe ANtiHLKS. C'al . July 1 I. -ecu
poiwiiH woro killed, 120 sor-
llljliroil two poriiiiin iiiimiij,
r.n u, iff,. !,.,! minor Inllll'ICH lllHt
1 .. i (ijii ui the I'ni'irii!
IniMlii'il Into a Htnlloniiry train
ttntiii lino near viiiuiiniii, on
nt. ll'llll'll III llllH I'llV.
iorreiiel ili'iith lint shown fnll-
Mentify two Japanese.
1 i ..,.ii ii .infill urn MIhh lM mi Al
lien 'nri oT Associated Charities,
c Axle Rnltcrrfllcld.
i Vtioniia Miller, tciepiiuno op-
I, l.oi Angiles
b. Taylor rasiiucua.
till Hlirillllll I.OH AllgclcH.
I. ( (i Mll'llllltl. I.OH AllgOIOH.
Nn I'lalz aged 1". I.oh Angeles.
hr,l Mumiv Tomato. Camilla.
Earlniiirriiy I.oh Angeles.
Ik j lohiison. Yuiiugsiowu, Ohio,
bmiti mtiiii nttrtiwi
I. Norman .lolitiriion (lied In I ho
nl today. minting mo ucan nuni-
ntiR ilio injured are:
Jnrar. I'orllanil. Oregon, back
nl it). :ilhl. lirolten.
Harry (! Cain, Moaitie, Jtiior-
Foir.itir inoloriiian of the train
Imbed at a HMullo speed Into
tar of tin Htnlleil train, was
il to linv t ln( n Hlaln tit IiIh
B tm t v ai rmitiil today In IiIh
It.itciiu at by Kmll Inirtliolouui,
rtor of tlio train Into which tliu
cr ran, mi dined the mntominu
I'lll'T III II asleep Of HO llllHy
to pus- longciH that ho 'failed
Ilio III time the flagman that
lied him to Htop. Electric rail-
Iffliluht i .lid the responsibility
c dkuitir lay between Bnrth-
Inml Forester.
Frenchmen Burned Alive When
Machine Capsizes and
Falls to Ground.
Illr Amnlatnl I'm to Com liny TIiihii 1
charred wreckage or an aeroplane
Willi tho Incinerated IioiIIch or two
uvlntoiH llng in tho nshos wiih
roiinil today near Xoenneourt, on tho
railroad Trout Purls to Granville.
The Identity or the flying men has
not been learned.
Tho dead flying men wort" recog
nized later iih a man natnetl I'ereln,
oporlnioMliig with n new Invention,
and IiIh hoii, who aeeompanled him
tin u mechanician. Their aeroplane
capsized from an unknown cnuuo at
a height of I HO root and tho vio
lence or the Impact canned the ruel
tank lo explode. I'iuuetl beneath
their motor, tho avIatofH wero liurnuil
lo death.
:.sti:ii i.i xi: strike.
link anil Trainmen I'nable lo
Autee on Aibltrallon.
I A -"f t I'nra In l'x IU)r limn
AV YOltlC. .Inly I I. -Eastern
mil tni;ai;e In a wago eon-
sy with tialuiuen and eondue
ssiit'il a Hlntunont t IiIh nftor-
lliinugh (ho conference enininlt-
imiiiii'-.erii, saying they tiro Wil
li arbitrate the questions at Is
nlor the iirnlslnns of tho Xow-
lilll now liofnro CotiKroHH, but
mil unuiiiliiK to proreed untlor
uiiiiiii in t tiiih ih tlio rontlH'
In the lilt limit urn uiilnnlttnil liv
lonii yesterday.
'ilsox iro.Ki:ui.:.TK.
'tit ImlliN Many to Medina
e-jI-"- l I'r - to coot liar iimfi.)
SIII.NHTON' 1) O .Tniv i l
loilt WHkoii'u rnnrnrniiMn ....
iroad hltiiatlon boi;nn prompt-
(MiotK. Twenty porfions. ln-
r DC'IIUH mill, mill Tlniilll.llnnn
I ill CmiaresR. crou-ilnil Inln tlin
loiit'H room In tho oxoetttlvo of-
E i was tho Int-ROHt conforenco
icro bIiko the Wilson ndmlnlB-
''ii.c;r,rn:s aim: hold.
"iiKluust inn! Miss .Tciuiey Defy
Kmll.l. rri..i..i..
Afie pr,,, t0 Voot ,; TmM
L?' ,Till,J' J ' MrB. Etnmo
ankliurst and Miss Anna Jon-
lllltatlt SUffrncntto lonilnro .In.
1 Bovornmont today by npponr-
LVni iii i ' ,,ltPl'B r tuo wo-
v,, "mi ftoeini union. Jilsa
was arrested during tho up
aused by a oliHh betweon po-
aV. l 'u,1,i!0r8 witli tlio suffra-
AttOr tlin miM.llnn ll. n..i.
tn.. ii IV "'"-"iiiih .lilt), l-itlin-lui$
."'?. i',0''8. but was
,- "".! in mo nay.
k't of (Jieat Xortliein Duo In
., "Kciie .soon,
to l r r,. 's: ..
vn,Vi, ""' 1'ieaiiienr 01 mo
r rnn ?n.a ex-l'rc8llent of
l oarlv unv .,.i. .
irnnnMi'n. .r. I:u.,v " Bl'eet
Irn iV ,J '" .,P11 "9 Great
his tn, n ,q' nil(l t0 VlSlt
"is son. Car n. Grav Jr
nVi.. ... . uluHon uiectric.
a to7,V'"V " ati cont
ain ir, l l"u ureat North
n n' i !.5ertJ. "o was
i kiom :., "V " l bo over tho
titer Vn, ia "reB Trunk
hU fort l' "i"1 ,nton(ls t0 (,
-cno fortllco'lnB visit, coming
iy villi I8"'8 contemplating
to th ',.?. P"tJn.l ana may
io wit.rV lA"aa. ntendod
annual Ushing trip inter-
Enflineer Ellcrheck of Marsh
field Prevents Heinous
Assault by Logger.
(Special (o Tho Times.)
COQlMIihU, Or., .Inly I I. -A lon
ger named SnodgriiKH, aged about CO,
Ih In jail hero on tho charge or at
tempted tiHHault on tho ID-year-old
daughter or Contractor I.ougHtroui.
l.tiHt evening iih tho train wiih panning
tho depot, Kuglnccr ICIIorbeek, of
riarHhllolil, looked back ami hiiw the
old man and little girl In the Hhcd of
tho depot, lie titoppcd tho train anil
went back. SuoilgniHH turned and
ried when ho hiiw Kllorboek coining,
lie wiih noon caught and lodged In
Jail. Had It not been for Mr. Mllor
beelc, tho II 1 1 lo girl would have been
tlio victim or u inoHl heinous crime.
lias Smallpox. .1. II. McAtoo who
IIvoh in tho tormor D. I', ltood resl
ileuco at Fourth and Highland wiih
(liiaraiitlned for Smallpox last night.
Ho had been 111 for hoiiio tltuu but
did not call a physician, until late
ly. 1 1 Ik boh wiih Hick Hint hut they
thought It wiih merely a rash.
Time to Call a Halt
OUTI.ANI) Ih experiencing the samo difficulty with tho I. V. W. Hint
thoy creuto wherever they nro tolero-tcd. Tho Telegram, In rererrlng
to these anarcblBt agitators, prlntH tlio following:
"Nobody gifted with litiman Intelligence will bo Idiotic enough
to Imagine that tho right of freo speech is In anywise Involved
In tho issue now being mado between the decent pcoplo of Port
land and tho I. W. V. Moot of tho locally conspicuous members
of this orgaulrntlou arc unnaturalized foreigners without any am
bitions to become American citizens. Thoy nro licro for the solo
pttrpoHo of creating trouble and breeding discontent. They frank
ly say so. Their purpose is not to build up, but to tear down, to
rend and disrupt. They have no stake hero or elsewhere. They
do not work, but panhandle, a living from their more Industrious
fellows or those who nro misguided or fooled into believing tlicm
to bo Bomothlng different from whnt they are. They are vulgar,
foul-mouthed and blatant. They have regard neither for truth
nor decency. They denounce and vilify and through bold tigress
IvenesH expect to hull tlilngB through. Tho right of Tree speech,
which to thorn Ih license, and which they so loudly demand, they
practically deny to others.
Thoy are neither backed nor coimtcr-nncoil by union Inbor,
which comes In for sonio of their bitterest Invective. They hnvo
a contempt for every iniiii who works and who will not allow him
self lo bo used by them. Their weapon is vulgar abuse mid de
rinnco of the law, which hourly becomes more uggresslvo and
self-nssertlvo when It Is not met with offlclnl rirmness and defln
lietieHii or policy. In working their pluiiH thoy hide under tho
cloak or lespectnble labor which they despise. They appeal to tho
right or rrce speech, which thoy constantly utilise and demand po
Iho piotectlou fiotn a government to whoso support they contrib
ute nothing and whoso Hag they openly flout, deride nnd spit
upon. They Impede truffle on tho prinelpnl thoroughfares; they
Mtiiick mill iniirtirv docniit neoulo nnd overawo tlio timid; they
blockade tho streets which should be devoted to public uses, and
they destroy and cripple tho business or thoso unfortunate enough
to come within tho zono of their public gatherings.
Across tho rlvor they have deliberately determined to wreck
a htiHluesH enterprise which laBt year paid out for prodnco $0".
oiio during tho Bhorl term or tho packing season. The matter
In dispute between tho owners or tho plant nnd tho workers him
been offlclaly Investigated and adjusted on tho basis or tho offi
cial rindlugs to the sntlHfiictlon or tho employes. Thero Ih no
pretense that those foul-mouthed blatherskites nro trying to help
the strikers. Tbev nro thero rmttkly with tho determination to
ruin u business nnd ctlpple tin Industry. Under clrcumiitunces
such iih these, the duty or tho administration should bo self-evident
ir thlH Is their purpose, thoy shtmld bo treated with scant
ceremony. They should bo dtlveii uwny and tho condition of ter
rorism under which tho neighborhood Iiiih staggered for days
should bo Immediately relieved. Furthermore, their meetings
should hereafter bo confined to plaza blocks. If thoy hnvo any
messages to deliver, they may deliver them these, lint even so,
they should bo forced to comply with tho law like other soap-box
orators. Uxlstlng conditions hnvo become Intolerable, and tho
administration should cope with thorn In n manner to prove that,
so fur as Portland Is concerned, tho laws are supremo, and this
foul-mouthed rabble of militant anarchists should bo mndo to feci,
If not respect it.
Tito ut Co(iillle. Tlio homo of
tliu Into Mrs. M, Drown of Couuillo,
who wuh tlio mother of Mrs. K. K.
(Inzer of North lloud, wuh partially
doBtroyed by flro last evening, Ab
no one hnd been occupying tho
house, all aro at Una to know how
tho flro started.
Ituiidoii Accidents, Yesterday
while riding to tho ilandon bench
to sco tlio lifo saving crow bring In
a fishing boat that had washed out
over tho bar, a Ilandon young wo
man fell out of tho snddlo nnd was
draggod hoiuo distance boforo hor
girl companion could como to hor
roller. Sho was not Injured but
placidly romounted her horso and
rodo to tho bench. Alfrod Flles
horg who witnessed It anya thnt It
was almost a mlrnclo that sho was
not killed.
Itecdsport Owner- Interested In New
Summer Itesort.
EUGENIC, Or., July 14. II. C.
Morris Is hero from Portland to fllo
tho pint of a sub-division which Is
to bo worked into n summer resort,
nnd will bo known as Tslltcoos
Park. It Is located nbout tho plnco
whoro tho Tslltcoos Itlvor lenves tho
lako nnd tho plat Is mndo so as
to prosorvo tho natural beauty of
tho section and n boulovard or drlvo
has been laid all along tho water
front. Thoro aro 415 lots which
nro 50 by 100 feot. Tho project
la bolng launched by Portland pnr
tles, Wnrron Rood and Walter Mc
Kay bolng tho prlnclpul bnckors
and Flotchor Linn, formerly of this
city, Is tho trusteo. Mr. Morris will
bo located in Eugene and will act
ns snlcs manager. Thoro Is no moro
beautiful place along tho const and
this resort lies botweon tho lako
and tho river.
O. L. STOCKIX, representing U.V
DEUWOOI) Typewriter Co., Is regls
torod AT tho CIIAXDLEK hotel and
would bo pleased to DEMONSTRATE
tholr LATEST MACHINE to you,
Nothing hurts qulto bo much as
Indlfforenco, It niakos you foel hot
ter to ho roundly cussed by a man
thnn to liavn him net as thntmh hn
didn't know you wore nllvo,
Former Leader of Manufac
turers Explains Letters
Concerning War on Union
Labor. '
Iir AaaoiUtcl I'na lo fooa Hay Tlmfa.j
WAS1I1NOTON, 1). C, .Inly II.
Colonel Martin Mulbnll contlntiod his
testimony before tho Sonnto lobby
(oniinltteo today. Tho plan by which
Mulbnll and tho ofricoiH of the Phil
adelphia Ti'iiothetuo jiroposod to
break down tho printers' strike thoro
In 1000 wuh outlined In short.
Mulhall Idenllflod a lettor ns the
one ho hnd written to John A. Mcln
tyro, secretary of tho Natlonnl Ty
pothotae. "A great many men had
boon brought up from the South to
tuko tho Btrlkors' plnces, but proved
no good to the omployors," wrote
Mulhall. "Our plan was to got thoin
put on n strike also, so thoy would
becomo charges on tho unions and
help cat up tholr funds."
A report to Mclntyro told of nn
nrrangoment with tho omployinont
nirnlinlou liv wllloll IlnW IllCIl COlllll 1)0
pocured. who woro to ho encouraged
to go on strlko ns soon hb tho lahor
unlouB suggested It. Tho detallB of
tho fight against Congressman
Peurro. of Maryland, author of an
antl-lnjiinctloti bill, wero brought
out through a letter from Mulhall
to M. C. Iloltzmau, of Cumberland,
Maryland, which outlined tho plnn
to bo; "Send you all labor organ
izers you wish, nnd guarantee nil or
them to bo llrst-elass men, to orgnn
Izo right against Penrre." After tho
conforenco botweon President Roose
velt and Samuel (lompors. which lat
ter was reported to have told Rooso
olt that Inbor would entry on n cam
paign to elect labor tnon to Congress
If not favored moro In legislations.
Marshall wroto to Secretary Cashing
of tho mnnufncttirers' association
thnt ho hnd found In tours of largo
cities that tho threat or Gompers
was bolng carried out to tho best of
his ability and added that "Gompors'
Inbor lenders nro doing tholr utmost
to turn tholr labor organization Into
n lloarat inovomont in I'liiiaiieipuia.
"I nm perfectly confident Gompors
nnd his Inbor lendors can bo badly
bontott If tho movomont Is taken hold
of In time." wroto aininau
Vice-President J. P. O'Brien
Inspects Copper Mines at
Gold Beach.
GOLD REACH, Or., July 14. Tho
Globo snya: "Vlco-Presldont O'llrlon
of tho Southorn Pnclflc, accompan
ied by two othor gontlomon, mining
engineers, came In by auto from Mod
ford and paid a visit to tho Wooloy
mines a fow mllos abovo Agnoss. Just
what significance can bo attached to
Mr. O'Hrlon's visit is nil conjecture
at this tltno, but It goes without sny
Ing that thoro aro workings In tho
Innor railroad circle that tho public
at largo knowa nothing of. This visit
to tho Agnesa copper bolt by ono of
tho hlghor-upa of tho S. P. system
Immediately nftor tho announcement
that tho Southern Pacific had appro
priated fttnda to build tho road from
Eureka, Cal., to Gold Reach, Oregon,
and that tho road would either bo
built north to Marshflold or up tho
Rogue to connect with tho Portland
lino, looks as though tho Roguo Rlvor
route Is favored abovo tho northern
routo. If there Is no railroad Import-
n,ira nttnnliml tn tlin visit of theSO
gentlemen, then It must bo that tho
Agnoss mineral uoit nas rocoiveu n
great deal moro consideration from
tho monled mon thnn nnyono In this
neck of tho woods knows of. To any
tho least, Curry lo under tho llmo
light, on tho ovo of grent develop
ments and It bohooves every cltlzon
nt im .mintv In hnln tho ernnil causa
nlong by showing tho stranger every
courtesy auo mm.
Big Cut at Portola on Coos Bay
Line Being Finished and
Rails Laid.
EUGENE, July 14. Tho Guard
says: "Truck laying on tho Wlllam-otto-Pndflc
botweon. Eugene nnd
tho tunnol on tho Notl will ho fin
ished lnsldo of two weeks, If tho
weather remains good. Twohy
Rrothers, who havo tho contract for
tnat part of tho lino, finished tho
bug cut at Portoln last night and
have about 10 days' work nt odds
and ends nlong tho lino.
"Tho work in tho tunnol Is now
proceeding moro rapidly, although
tho contractors havo been unablo
to got undor ground at tho other
end. Stool laying Is going on stond
lly on tho grade and tho track will
soon bo down to Portola and will
go straight ahead to tho tunnol.
"Engineer Hoey said today that
tho Wlllamotto-Pnclflc 1b hampered
In putting down track through lack
of mon. Tho company will bo glad
to got moro mon and send thorn to
tho front.
"Porter Brothers, who havo tho
contract beyond tho tunnol, today
ongoged four autos from J. S. Air
hart, of tho Stoddnrd-Dayton garage,
and will carry men for grading as
tar as tho station at Ilunkldora, 17
miles this side of Maploton, Somo
of tho mon will havo to walk a
Bhort dlstanco boforo going to
Smoot Presents Measure for
Republicans as Substitute
for Entry.
Ilr AuoiUlr.l Tina lo Cona llajr Tlmci.
WASHINGTON. . C, July 1 1.
Senator Smoot, Republican member
of the finance committee, Introduced
today n substitute for tho wool
schedule of tho Democratic bill, pro
posing rates based directly on the
report or the tnrlff board and
adopting In each grade tho lowest
or nil the wool schedules over Intro
duced by u Republican Senator, ns
a substitute for tho froo raw wool.
The Smool schedule sitb-dlvlilos
wool Into three grades and establish
es ruloH ranging from seven to six
teen cents a pound.
President Wants Works of Ait and
Rooks on I'Yoo List,
lljr Aftftotlaict I'rika lo Cmui llajr 'llmca.)
WASHINGTON. July 1 1. Presl
dent Wilson expressed today surprtso
that the .Senate flnaiico coiumttten
had Increased tho duties In the tnrlff
bill en works of art and books, He
believes tbeso articles are moro of
an educational uuu than luxuries. It
was Indicated that tho Presldout
would consult the Senators on tho
Times' Want Ads bring results.
Port Commission Decides to
Grant Request on Certain
At n meeting of tho Port of Coos
Ray Commission today, plans for
dredging tho channel from the Smith
mill to tho sea woro taken up. The
Southern Pnclflc request for a big
nil nt North Rend to bo done llrst by
tho dredge wns granted on cortnln
conditions. Tho S. P. wnnts 100,000
ynrds. They nro to pny ono-hnlf tho
cost of dredging, tho cost of hulk
heading nnd of hnudliug the shore
plpo nnd also gunrnnteo to maintain
tho channel for eight months whllo
tho dredge Is reaching It again. The
plnn Is to make n wldo cut In front
of North Rend ns a turning basin.
For Coal Mine.
J. A. Wnrd asked thnt tho Port
Commission pass n resolution Insur
ing tho dredging of a chnnncl to tho
Millieomn inluo bunkers on Coos
Rlvor to pormlt largo vessels to go
thoro to load. Tho Commission agreed
to dredge this as soon ns tho MIUI
conia Coal Mlno Company did suffi
cient work to gunrnnteo nn output of
100 tons or moro por tiny. Mr. Wnrd
Is now figuring with Portland parties
on this.
Engineer Charleston's salary ns
port englneor was fixed nt $175 por
Tho United Stntes onglneors hnvo
tentatively approved tho plan for tho
deep channel, but will not grant a
permanent pormlt until later.
So far, tho Port of Coos Ray has re
ceived ? 17,000 from tnx paymonts.
Steamer Arrives From Eureka
After Rather Rough Trip
Leaves for Portland.
The Alliance sailed lato yesterday
for Portland. Sho nrrhed lu about
noon from Eureka and mado a short
Btny here. Sho hnd a rather rough
trip up from Eureka, encountering
somo very choppy weather.
Among thoso arriving on tho Al
Hanco woro: J. A. Rowo, C. M.
fry, II. E. Maalln, Dalton Howatt,
Mrs. E. A. Howatt, C. II. LaBaytouti,
C. F. Cook, E. Coffron, J. Schmidt-,
C. M, Hanson, C. G. Dulnn and S,
F. Nowoll.
Among thoso sailing on tho Allt
anco woro. J. R. Sogur, Alfred Sc
gur, M. Kupotz and K. F. Wilson,
Havo your Job printing dono at
The Times office.
3ity Pillaged and Burned by
Defeated Troops With
Heavy Losses.
Men Crucified, Burned Alive
or Hacked to Pieces and
Women Suffer Worse.
Ilr AmocIMM I'm li to toot Dojf TltntiT
SAI.ONIKI, July 14. The sacking
and burning of tho town of Sores by
tliu defeated Ilulgarian army nnd
accompanying outrages on women
nnd attrocltlea or men wero rally
confirmed today In a dispntch from
a well known Greek correspondent.
Tho retreating Rulgarlnn soldlors
ho telegraphed, opened u eannonadu
with four field guns from n hill
abovo town. At tho same tlmu
bands of Rulgarlaus soldiers, led by
their officers, scoured tho streets,
first pillaging the stores anal houses
and then drenchlulg thorn with pe
troleum and setting them nflro until
the greater part of tho town waB
Even tho foreign consulates wero
not spared. The bank of Athens,
an oriental bank, tho palace of .Met
ropolitan, the grent synagogue, all
the schools and tobacco wnrohaiiHcs
or the American, Austrian and Ger
man companies, nnd the hospltnls
wero burned alter they had been
pillaged. Tho Aniorlcnn Tobacco
Company alone suffered to the ex
tent of n million dollars.
Many people wero crucified,
packed to pieces or burned alive by
the mnddeiied Rulgiirlaus, who com
mitted lucredltnblo outrages on
women or nil nges, many of whom
died from tliu effects. Tho condi
tion of thoso who escaped Ih Intneut
uole, rich merchants are dying of
hunger, while tho wrotchod moth
ers are trying to find covering and
food for tholr linked nnd starving
Say (iiceks ami Servians ,ie Trying
to Discredit Thcin.
ttlr A mo. lalcl 1'iym lo Coo IWir Tlmoa )
LONDON. July 1 I. King Fordln
nnd, or Rttlgnrln, In a long mosBngo
from Sofln. snys: "The stories and
reports which the GreokB and Sor
vlnns hnvo boon circulating In Ett
ropo concerning the so-called out
rages committed by my troops on tho
Greek nnd Servian populations lu
Mncodonln nro nlio1ntnlv iinrmiiulnil
nnd nro published with tho object of
creating a bad Ininresslon."
TllOllsnilllu nt rnfllirnnu T.'ln, T.Vr-
- w. .. ..nuv., .r, -vt-
dlnniul continues, on arrival at Sofia,
k.uvo terriiying neeounis or norriolu
(leedB committed by tho Sorvlnns and
Tho remains of Arehlo Cousin of
North Rend will nrrlvo today or to
moriow from Arizona via Ilandon.
Shormnu Gamble has greatly Im
proved and Ih now nt tho homo of
f W. Wood In Bangor.
MIbsob Catherino and IIolou Mon-
do are vIhIIIiil' nl (lie Ilnri-v Wim.
sell homo on Catching Inlot.
Mrs. a. Cousins, who Ib bringing
tho body of hor Bon from Phoonlx,
Arizona, to Marshflold for burial,
failed to innko connections with tho
Nnnn Smith soiwlll como by way of
Ilandon, arriving Monday. Arrange
ments for tho funeral will bo made
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Geo. Smith loft
tlila nftornoon for n fow days outing
nt Coqtilllo.
Miss Agnes Vnrrolmnn, who hns
boon tho guost over tho Fourth of
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. Freoland, hns re
turned to her homo In Gnrdlnor.
Mrs. Anna Larson loft this week
for Lako County whoro sho will tnko
up n homestead,
F. W. Stevens has mnve,i hi
printing offlco Into tho nnnox which
reter i.oggio nns just Uullt to tho
Logglo building.
Will. Snvdnr loft tnilnv tnv Aiii'iim
Nobrnskn. from wlinrn hn will im
to his old homo In Kansas City
tor an oxtcmieii visit.
Mrs. C. II. Pullen has returned
from nn oxtondml vlnlt In Knnmin
and othor Enstorn sections.
Dr. Goo. S. tiolllstor nnd wlfo, of
Southern Cnllfornln. are guestB of
his brother, Fred llolllstor.
MIhh TClln TCrlnlr. nf SnnMi Cnni
Rlvor, wns down visiting her alstor
nt tho Mercy Hospital yostorday.
' Miss Stolln Wlcklund, n teachor
of Ton Mllo, wns hero bidding hor
Bister. Mrs. Ivor .TobnnntRnn. wlin
left on tho Rrqnkwnter for hor now
homo, good byo.
Mrs, Elln Morse nnd Mrs. Ilazon,
of Emplro City, wore Marshflold
shoppors yestordny.
Mrs. N. Wlgnor, Mrs. Geo. Bolstor
nnd Mrs. J. Loiiiion, of North Bond
Holghts woro Mnishflold visitors
Wo offor tho old John Flanncan
homo on Rroadway In Empire city,
with 100 foot square, well Improv
ed grounds for $2500, Tornis $1,-
ouo casa, uaianco easy tonus, see