PERSEVERANCE BRINGS SUCCESS TO THOSE WHO SUCCESSFULLY PERSEVERE ffiflos lay rows LOST ARTICLES ,.S found through Times want lU'iiil thcnil Csc (lifint They VOW IS YOl'lt TIME. A Miuill nil tn Tin Times wnnt column niny lirltnr you results mi- I nu'illii('l,v. Try niic. E Hl't ICMlltH. (mhhhht MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PltESS Established In 1878 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. VOL. AAAVl. H T,0 const Mnll. k OonolldiktJon of Times, Const Mnll and Coos Bny Advertiser. No. 305 COOS COUNTY TOWNS UNITE i,i:it too r i Mil. Tin' nutolsts with Dr. Lench inf. CniMiillii nt 1:1 ." for Marsh- llelil niul will reach hero nliont I r. iio I L " AH Hn towns In Coos county nro 1i.iIii milling in II pruiesi HKiwiim io 1, v V ninl Its supporters. Dr II .1 Leach of Uiiniloii, n sup porter of tin1 I W. V.. Ih tlilH after noon Iieliiu brought to Coos liny mid from here will follow: the footstep" of Secretary W. .1. Edgoworth mid Organizer Wesley Everest who woro deported wltli two others n week ago. He will he brought hero hy unto this afternoon from Coiiulllo. taken on n lioiu to nenr .Inrvls Landing niul given Instructions to go niul never return. Thl:i uns ili'torinlned upon nt n meeting In Coiiillle IIiIk nfturiioon. ilclf.i.'iUoii of lending liusinoss men from MiiiHliflelil. North Ilenil, Myr tle Point mul Coqulllo assembled nt BADON OUSTS TO DEPORT I. I. 1 TODAY ;Dr. Leach, of Banclon, to be Sent Out by coos Bay uver Sec. Edfjewortirs I ran. WILL REACH Htut nn n i ii-.rni BETWbbNDANUb U U I in M nninfioliniiQ Finm All Snctinns Ulli U Ui LLflUll UUIwJJiinwnw w.. .... ..-.. Gather at uoqume oy auio For Action. nvnr ?nn niti7nne nnnni.i mm for Attack on Marshfield Citizens. Oppose I. W. W. DANDON. Or.. .Iiilv 1 1. - Mr. tt. t Leach, who puhllsheil the vllo at- wick on tiie citizens of Mnrshflnld for deporting the . v. w. lenders from tlio city, wim loilny deported hy the citizens or llmulon. Ho luft (inlutly nt l:.'IO on the stenmer Horn, n conimltteo of nhoiit :IU leading llmulon citizens accompanying him to sue thnl he kept going. This netlon followed n mnss meet ing nt the llmulon Commercial eluh Inst evening. The meeting was enlled to discuss the organization of tho Port or Bnndou hut after one speech hail heen delivered on tlio Port of Ilnudon, the meeting was converted Into one of protest against Dr. Loach's vllo nclloim and against the 1. W. W. John Krnncnlioi'i? mui ..r n... X'oqnllle to meet tho dolcgutlon of , wenlthlest men or llmulon, presided at uio mooting. uxtniclH rrom Leach's attack on the .Mnrshfleld citizens for deporting the 1. V. lenders thero wero lean nun then u copy of a let tor from W. .1. Eilgmvorth. the secre tury or tho I. W. W. at .Mnrshriehl, who wns deported with three others, was rend Indicating (hut ho wiih plan ning to eomo to llmulon and orgnn Izu here. Provlously a largo American Hag hail heen carried Into the hall. It was a determined meeting. None or Dr. l.ench's alleged nttackH on tho ring wore read hut a conimltteo of 10 cltlzeiiH was appointed to bring him heforo tho meeting. They as sured la t in that he would he protected against violence. On his arrival In the hall, ho was Informed that the citizens or Dilution hud decided that his publication was SEEK MISSING PORTLAND COUPLE Plmfnn D Cmilli rl W,(n Monroe, nlso of Portland uiiiiiun u. oiiiuii uuu vvnu Tlio couple became, setiarnted from I net in Qnrmctnrm Whilo Ml0.,r companions and hnvo not sfiicc Ascending Mount St. Helens Search Prove Futile So Far. ' hr Amoi latoit I'retn lo Ccoi liny Timet.) PORTLAND, Or., .liily 11. Forty men have heen searching tho slopes or .Mount St. Helens In Southern Washington ror several days for tho bodies of Clinton H. Smith and wife, of Portland, who were lost In n vio lent storm on the snow peak Sun day while ascendliiK the inotintnlu, boon Been. When Carroll and Miss Monroe were unahlo to find tlio Smiths they returned to the foot of tl:o mountain and nave tlio alarm, and Carroll headed u HenrchltiK party. No trnco of tho lost couplo being found, moro searchers wcro obtain ed. Loggers nnd mountaineers have beon sent up the slopes of tho peak in Oiopcs of finding the bodies. It Is feared the couple perished long be to ro this, as they were not supplied with sufficient equipment mul pro visions to hold out more than 2 1 hours. Smith wns a civil engineer with It. S. Carroll mul Mlsn Dertle and about :i() years old. .10 hiiHlncHS men who are bringing !l)r l.eaih to Coiiilllu from llmulon ly boat All or the business houses In Co- ipillle tloncd shortly heforo tho nr of the boat from llmulon, Mayor Morrh'ou and a conimltteo of citizens rcfiir:itlug this action. It was first tlioiicht to semi Dr. I. each out by Myrtle Point hut after hoiiiu consid eration. It was decided that eommlt tcca from all the towns should at (ompauy him to Coos Hay by auto ninl html him up the beach. hvcrything will bo done In tho lino.'.t orderly manner possible. No Iuiilciue will be toleruted. 1-3 very del c. atlnii was In unanimity. dues I'i'oiii Coos liny. At I o'clock today, about n dozen niitim started from Marshflold for Co ipillle Word hud como from llun- loii that Dr l.each wiih going to try m t:top in miiiiillii an ileportatloii North lleuil field buHlnc-H men liuinedlntoly took KtipH to semi u delegation to Coiiulllo to rliow the cltlzeiis or Hamlou nnd the nlley that they wero In uccoril with the netlon, Tho number who went wns limited only by auto room. u ih ixpccteii tiiut tho Hteamer Dora from DamUin would leneb f!o- ipillle nbmil I oVIock with Dr. I.ench mul the conimltteo of Dundoii cltl- rctui tit) thnt It will nrobnblv bo f. c'doik or .". :io boforo tho dolega tlnn iciulua Mnrshfleld hy nuto. .B LECTURE T "Silver Tontjued" Orator Will Take Off Six Weeks for West Trip. AM L TARIFF BILL PASSES Bl illfflliFF H DECLARES WAR ON BULGARIA City AmoiIaIp.1 I'rrai In cvo Vlj TIrim.) WASIIINOTON, D. C, July 11. Secretary Drynn will leavo hero July !" for a six-weeks lecture tour, prin cipally In Indiana, Illinois nnd Iowa. In bis absence, John Dnrretl Moore, counsellor of tho department, will ho acting secretary of state. Dryan ex pects to return about September 1. TINA SUM LOCAL SCHOOLS lots School Board to Suhmit Mat ter to Voters in October I wo Sites Considered. At a mnntliii nf Mm tn.,i.ii.i cliool board limt ovenlnB.'plmiB for TCinilg a gymiinHlllin niul tmlnlnr. Um f?r. ,no Ht,l(ol8 woro discussed u ii ii proimblo thnt tho votors i the school dlatrlct will bn nsknii O OXDIT S tllnlf nnlnlr... n.. l.n natter nt a spccinl election In Oc Z w!n,n ,tho lov' for Bcll0l Iur- - "in uu mnuo ror tho yonr. Jii. ""! ,a carried out, bonds kill nrnlinlil.. !.,. - i. .... . i, ;- ' 'u i" uu voiou lor "Q mirnoKe. It whs brought up last ovonlng ' ft l"-oH)sltlon rrom A. E. Sen- to soil tho school board two 'nwfc o , "orthoast corner of mtn and H dinn.i ,iirn,.iu. ., nr i1. tclltr"l school building, ,..t9at I'ltrposo. Ho recently IcCor,.,. "'? .lots from Dr' d tn Tn Mfor $coo or i to boII them for tho same prlco. k. 11. Pflll'n l.n..l .'. lm mi . "UV1K consiuorea a, TUotv,u Th0 l,la with these wlmmin11""70, tho baBoment for a "imnilncr nonl niwi i. ,.i tor-chool rooms; ,m e.o'v'aledn. fair r '" on. A .ft Iia i.t..i, , 1 1 ,UU."1" l)0 loiiiui near fVKA1 buLWInir. .In fact, nt high school E , ' ' "' ' ' l" .rs: ,,,.', m"' "Miring Httlo excavation as i ..', ,?rt'lcl"K tho cost. It "'s also stated tlint iim o.v.n,.,n0 ...., chool b m eSl'll,bl0 new the high rndM ii .dlug t,lnn near thQ lowo' rre,s" al 8h it would be avail- IiiTILh9B'"'v .. . too, l.Miui t, twougnc that a o u e Zt 1 'lea oud ho ng Pool and 7 "L '.,ui?BW",n: i,um, ,,- rWns " 1 ?i . ,.;.v,,,., i.iV 'I menaco to tho community and thnt iiil nuil XlnrMli"' U. W""11 lmt '' I"1"?1'"- I''nnltted. iHn iw n. ,i"ia,mo lll,,t ,l0 W,,H ""l -omilIoreil n iiesiranie citixen ami mat no was re quested to settle his affairs mul leave. Dr, l.each was nlven an opportun ity to make n row remarks. I In de nied lusultliiK the American fla;; and sntd that ho wns not mi I. W. W, Ho mild that he could not Join them If ho wanted to. Ho said he believed In hoiiio or their principles mul sonio of them ho didn't. He said the peoplo did not understand the humor or it. "The humor or It Is that you will huvo to leavo hero before - o'clock tomorrow," Interrupted one of tho lenders of the meetliiK. No moro was said or done. The mcctliif; wns most orderly throiiKhout. This morului; It became noised around town that Dr. l.each and Homo of his supporters mlht offer icslstanco. When this was heard, tho leading business men arranged for all stores and mills to ho closed from 1 to 2 o'clock. The .Monro Lumber company's omployoes stood ready to hack up tlio business men to n man. Dr. l.each was quoted us snylug thnt ho had HO followers in Dandon who would not pormlt such nn outrage. Thoro wiib conHldornblo talk hy Romo during tho morning nnd It lookod this afternoon as other depor tations might follow. However, tho citizens thought that porhaps whon Loach wns out of tlio community tlio troublo would end, Howovor, if necessary, tho business mon stand de termined not to permit any I, W. W. In hero. Hail Caused Trouble. For somo timo, Dr. Loach has been causing troublo in Dandon. Ho Is n chiropractor. Ho Is about 35 years old and a man of somo education. Ho is a bachelor. Ho has beon a lend er of tho Socialists at Dandon and Btnrted a row thoro over tho Doy Scout movomont. This wbb followed by an attack on tho public library which cltlzons of Dandon had startod. Then ho uogan n fight on somo of tho Dandon churches nnd tuolr ministers. Not many months ago, ho started a Httlo publication called "Justice." presumably a Socialistic organ. Ho used this to borato tho Dandon move ments thnt ho opposed. Soon tho Dandon newspaper offices rofused to print tho publication for him and ho sent out and imported material for n small printing offlco in which ho has boon getting out tho publication. Tho vIIq attack on tho citizens of Marshflold and his upholding tho I. W. V. movomont woro tho last straws of Dandon's toloranco, IN MM Panama Railroad Ship Will be First Vessel to Pass Through Work at Ctilebra Cut Illr AmoiUIM rrrft lo Coon lUr TIrim.) PANAMA, July 11. Tho I'annmn rnllroad ship will be tho first to pass through the ennui, according to tho latest plmis of Colonel Goclhal. Ho BnyH today that tlio water would sure 1 ho let into Ctilebra cut early In October, and that Immediately after ward dredges would enter It and bo gin tho final work. HUMAN TIGER IS Roumania Formally Announces Hostilities Today and Seizes Long Desired Land. LONDON, July II. Tlio Kotimn nlan declaration or wnr on Dulgurln ly expected hero to assist in bringing to nn end tlio carnage In tho Dnlkans by forcing a speedy action on tho part of the powers who hnVo beon In vited to intervene Tho object of King Charles of Iloumnuln In assum ing the part of a belligerent Is to strengthen Hoiimanla's claim to participate in the ultimate sharing of 'territory In tho Dalknn peninsula. Tor tho present, Iloiimanln, it Is thought, prolahly will content licr solf with occupying n strip of Dul gnrlnn territory from Turtukul on tho Duniibo to Saltchltt, on tho Dlnck sea, including the city of Slllstrln. She has coveted tills for a long timo nnd It Is believed she will accomplish her object under prevailing condi tions without Dtilgnrian resistance. Suffragettes Discharge Toy Jacob Oppenheimer, Notorious Pistol and Create Disturb- , Prisoner, Makes Request to ance in London. I, Prohibit Hanging. Illr AMorlMcl r-reti lo Coo lly TIm,J ) ir AmocIIJ Trrn lo Coot liar Tlmei.t LONDON, July 11. A roport or SACUA.MKNTO, .July 11. Jacob a pistol fired from tlio strangers' Oppenlieliner was hanged this morn- gallery In the House of Commons, inK u i.'olsoni prison. Though ho accompanied by tho yell or "Justlco had killed two men. Jt wns not for for women!" caused a panic today murder that Oppenholmer gave up among the members in session. Ms life. Ills crlmo wns nttuck on Slinultmiooiisly with the roport a a rellow prisoner. Opponhelnier Shower of painplllets rallied llOWIl wiib known nn Mm "liinnnn tlane." on tho members. They horo tho' i oiirteon or this olghteoit years In printed words: "Votos ror women." . prison Oppenlieliner spent In sol-' Two persons pointed out iih tho per- itary conriiienient. iiuirmui'H i mo ouiiugu wero iiiibi- oppenliolinor's dying request wiib led rrom tho gallery and detained ' mat tho women or California keep pending nn Investigation. It was up their fight for tho abolition i..scovered Inter that tho weapon ' of capital punishment. 'If mon discharged was merely a toy pistol. 'will only put their shoulders to the NninboiH or niouso traps satlrlng wheol as women have," snld Oppon tho 'cnt mid iiioubo net" renched holmor shortly hororo mounting the inuiiiiiciH wruppeu in uio paiiipuieis scatfoKl, "capital punishment, n rollc GREEKS ROUTEO BULGARIANS Capture Town of Seresk and Foes Flee in Absolute Dis order Town Burned. Iljr Ao.'UttJ I'mi lo Coot Hay Tlmoa, ATHKNS. July 11. Greek troops today occupied Demlrhlssnr, l.'l miles northwest or Soresk nrter n brilliant victory over tlio Dulgnrlans who hnd heen In possession since they took tho town from tho Turks In tho re cent wnr. Tho Dulgnrlans fled, aban doning their flold guns, nmunltlon nnd lU'OVlsloiis. Mldln. n town on tlio Dlnck sen, which wns to form tho enstern end of tho future frontier lino between Turkey nnd Ilulgnria, It- In flames. Three Months and Four Days Have Been Devoted to Prep aration of Measure. DEMOCRATS CARRY IT THROUGH TODAY Republicans on Committee Vote Against Draft Keeps Important Provisions. tnr AMortttfJ I'm lo Coot Hay Timet, WASHINGTON, D. C, July 11. Tho Beniito mny now proceed to tho buslncBs for which President Wilson called the extrn session of Congress revision or the tarlfr. Today, thrco months and four days after tho apo dal session began, Chairman Sim mons of tho finance conimltteo was authorized to report tho Underwood Simmons tariff bill. The measure wiih passed In conimltteo by a strict party vote. The Republicans voting against It. As It goes to tho Scunto tho hill rutulns tho prlnclpnl provi sions or the House measure and thoso particularly ndvocnted by President Wilson, rrco raw wool mid n provi sion thnt sugar shall be free Mny 1, 101 fi. The flnnnce committee's ma jority and tlio cnuciiH have greatly extended tho free list nnd reduced many rates, notably In the metal, wool nnd agricultural schedules. Sweeping chnnges, howovor, havo been made In the administration fea tures nnd Income tax. Cnttlo nnd wheat are now on tho free list, tho latter with n countervailing duty. 10 0 SI thrown rrom tho gniiory. ItlOT AT KING'S VISIT. nt Suffragettes Cmiso Lively Tlnu IiIY(Tmmii Totiay. (Mr AmoiUIp.1 rrtti lo Coot lujr Tlmrt.7 LIVHKPOOL, July 11. Militant suffragettes hegnn a wlndnw-sninsh-Ing demonstration during King deorgo's visit horo today. Armed with pokers, squads of women sluit-l of barbarism, will soon ho stamped out In this stnto. Opponholmer walked to tho sal lows with unfaltering stops. TWO aim: appointed. Ins. Gerald Minister to Germany, and Wlllanl to Spain. Ily AuorUtt.1 Trot to Coot llajr Timet. WASHINGTON. July 11. Presl- torod soveral lnrco windows nlonu dent Wilson today nominated J nines tho routo of tho procession, but- tho I W. Gornrd, or New York, to bo pollco quickly rounded thorn up and j Ainhnssndor to Germany and Josoph ro tho . n, wiiinru, or Virginia, to no .miiub- ordor had beon restored bofor Kings arrival. CHAMP CLARK MS E L You can SAVK .MOXIJY Golden Itulo Saturday. at The TINWAUH and GltA.MTMWAHK at cost at COOS DAY CASH STOHK. XOTICK. Regulnr monthly mooting of tho Chamber of Commerce will ho hold Friday at S o'clock. Somo impor Speaker Says He Never Com municated With Big Finan ciers or Lobbyists. ' Dr AnoclaleJ rrni to Coot Digr Timet, WASHINGTON, July 11. Speaker tor to Spnln. CONSUL AGENT IS ON CARPET Chas. L. Montague, of Canan nea, Called Upon to Ex 1 plain Actions in Mexico. Djr Aiioclatel rrcn to Cool Dir Timet.) WASHINGTON, July 11. Secre- SHOCK TO ItULG.MtlA. Says Itouiiianla Hail No Cause (o Start War. tnr AMorlaleJ 1'rni to Coot Ilty Timet, SOKIA. July 11. The. Houmnnlan minister to Dulgaria left his post to day after notifying tho Dulgnrlnn government that tho Roumanian ar my hnd crossed tlio Dtilgnrian ren tier. Dulgaria has decided not to resist tho Invasion by troops or her northern nolghhor nlthough sho con siders It unprecedented nnd without provocation. TAKK IJCLGAIUAX CITY. Clark made a stutment before tho . tary of Stato Dryan has called upon Sonato lobby conimltteo today rolat- Charles L. Montague, American con ing to tho uso of his name by David , sular agent at Cananon, to answer Lamar and Edward Lautorbach. Clark said: "I never spoke to J. Plerpont Morgan or nny member of his firm In my Uio. I novor corn- charges 'transmitted to tho Stato Department through Senators Fall and Smith, of Arizona, of meddling with tho political situation In Mex ico, .Montagues superior, Consul muntcated with him, or them. In . Slmplch, also has been called on any manner whatsoever, and never to roport In tho case. News dls authorlzed anybody olso to do so, i patches havo stated that Montague I was, to my host knowledge and . Incurred the displeasure of tho bollof, nover Introduced ovon ens- Moxlcan stato officials of Cannna ually to him or any of thorn, To Mexican stato officials of Cananea my best Knowledge anu uouot I capacity as casmer oi an American nover saw any of them oxcopt Mor gan himself, and that was across a largo dining room at tho Now Wil lard Hotel at a Gridiron Club ban quot. I was, several years ago, In troduced to Lauterbacn Hero mining company. whatsoever ab'out any business mat tor whatsoover. "I had novor hoard of Lamar, and In know him only by seeing his name Washington In tho presenco of sov- In tho papers that thoro was such a eral gentlomen and pnssod tho usual man as Lowls Cass Ledyard." salutations witn mm, i novor saw Itouiuniilu Occupies Coveted Terri tory Today. nr AnoclaleJ Prfii lo Coot nr Timet. DUCHARKST, July 11. Tho Rou manian troopB occupied today tlio Bulgarian city of Slllstrln. on tho right bank of tho Danube. Thoy wero not opposed by the Dulgnrlans. I DANDON MAY ALSO DKI'OHT OTIIKItS SOON' DANDON, Or., July 11. Dur ing tho day, there has beon lots of strong talk In Dandon ovor the doportation of Dr, Leach and this morning nnd at noon, somo of tho best business mon in Dandon intimatod that others would he asked to movo. Dnn- I don will not tolerate any I.W.W. mombors or their supporters nnd they are taking every step now necessary to prevent any I. W. W. organizer coming In here nnd disrupting the mills and tho town. Further action Is being delayed In the hopo that tho de parture of Dr. Leach will bo fol lowed hy qulot and tho oxamplo will be sufficient for othors to either ho pqaceablo or leavo of i their own nccord. . I Secretary of War Will be in Portland August 2 and Visit Other Points Later. ' tnr AttocltleHl Treit lo Cooi llif Timet, WASHINGTON, July 11. Secre tary of Wnr Garrison todnj an nounced tho itinerary or Ills trip or Inspection or Army posts. Anion,; the dates nro Portland, August 2; 'luconin, August :j; Senttlo, August I mul Spokane, August 0. fillil s. MOTOHCYCLK 1UDKRS A'lTKXTlON": There will bo n meeting of tho Motorcycle Club nt Dr. Horsfall's offlco tonight at S o'clock. Full attondafico desired. JOR WILLIAMS. Secretary. I llll.ui- -- ,......,. ....., ... . ,.,.,o,., .... tant mattors to come UP, Tho PUh- mm uoioro or suiuu, uuu never com- .umiu nirui nnu m.wini.n ai lie is Invited iniumcajeu wim nun m tuiy manner uubx ui iwa u.-xi uanii biuiih. KVKUY DAY is DAY at HAINES.' a DADGAI.V Heiniiaut Sale at The Golden Itulo Saturday. School Board Awards Contract to J. F. Telander New Teacher is Secured. At a ineotlng of tho Mnrshllold School Hoard Inst evening, J. F. Te lander was awarded tho contract for completing tho. top story of tho high school building. Ho was tho lowest bidder on tho complete work, bidding $:i2fi0. Ho will do all tho work, Including plumbing, wiring, etc. Tho work will mnko four moro rooms nvallahlo and it is to bo completed by September i, so thnt It will bo ready for uso at tho open ing of tho school year. Ono of tho four rooms will ho utilized for a laboratory, another for tho commer cial department, and tho othors for high school purposes. Tho plan is to put tho high school work on tho upper stories nnd to uso tho rooms on tho lower floor for additional grade rooms. Miss Wlnnlfred Watson, of Wlnno bago, Minn., hns beon elected for grado work in tlio Marshflold schools next year and will bo assigned lator. Her salary Is $Gr por month. Tho bids on tho high school re modelling Inst night woro ns fol lows, Wllloy & Schroedor nnd Ton nock Brothers bidding on tho plumbing only nnd tho othors on tho completo contract: Wllloy & Schroedor $ 29G.00 Ponnock Brothors 375.00 W. K. Wilson 3300.00 C. O. Gosnoy 3170. 00 J. F. Telandor 3250.00 WORK OX L1XK. Laying Steel on Coos Bay Iload Near 1'ortolu Now. Tho Eugene Guard says: "Tho Willamette Pnclflc contractors have laid tho steel rails to a point a mllo and a half this side of Portola and expect to got Into that Httlo town with tho track In 15 days. Tho falsowork for tho brldgo across Kile croek between Portola and tho tun nel Is up and the steel Is on hand to place Into position." SK'dal Itemnaut Salo nt Tho Golden ltulc Saturday.