THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1913 EVENING EDITION. 6 ft ? ' Ladies,' Here's Real News for You! The First Real Sale of the Season On AH Women's Suits and Coats Don't Overlook This Opportunity UR CUSTOMERS know that It Is the policy of this store to "clean-up" each season; not to carry a single garment from one season to another. In that way we have each season only the newest, best and most up-to-date styles . to show you. This is only one of the reasons why this store sells, by far, more Suits, Coats and Dresses than any other store on the Bay. We want you to read the following prices. You know the quality of the garments. Eacli and every one comes direct from the most prominent New York and Philadelphia makers. Figure for yourself the saving. Many of these gar ments are suitable for Fall and Winter Wear. wilffy- All Suits and Coats, Regular $12.50. Sale Price , All Suits and Coats, Regular $16.75. Sale Price , I Suits and Coats, Regular $18.75. Sale Price All Suits and Coats, Regular $22.50. Sale Price All Suits and Coats, Regular $25.00. Sale Price $ 16.65 All Suits and Coats, Regular $28.75. (tlQ K Sale Price P 17,IJ All Suits and Coats, Regular $35.00. (j!')l 1 Sale Price v All Suits and Coats, Regular $37.50. $25()0 O'Connell Building ..$8.35 $11.35 $12.50 $15.00 ALL CHILDRENS COATS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS SALE. Alteration Department in Store The Correct Fit of Each Garment Absolutely Guaranteed. "MONEY TALKS" Hub Dry Goods Co. Km Phone 361 mCTHEnsssni PE WD SHIP LUMBER 10 MM NOW Miss Stella Wicklund, of Em pire, Becomes Bride of Iver Johannison, of Astoria. Ivor JolmmilKuit of Astoria, mill Miss Alpha Wlckluiiil of Kmplro, tuo iniirnoii iiihi evening nt tho l'oino of .Mr. mill Mrs. M. dutuv son In .Smith Muishflold. tho Ui'v. it. O. Thorpe of tho Muishflold Norwe gian Lutheran church officiating. A number of relatives ami close friends witnessed (lie ceremony mill partici pated In tho wtMhlliiK supper subse quent. Tlio (lulnvsoii homo was prettily decorated for the occasion, tho deco ration scheme In two of th,. rooms being white mill moon mul tho din Ing room pink ami wlilto. Tho bride was prettily attired In embroidered innrtilsotto oor whlto. Tho wed ding march wan playoil by MUs IM- du LlirSOII. ii.T'i'I 1"'!ll ,H "ll 1iikIiUt of John Wleklund of Umpire, ami Is woll Known on the liny, w,oro Bju, llll8 "Pont moHt of hor llfo. Tho young couple will make tholr homo hi Foit Stevens, near AHtorln. leaving for thoro on tho next llroakwator. Among those proHeut wore Itov nnd Mrs. 11. (). Thorpe. John Wick-Mr'-' i'h ?,0,iB w,'.l. Air. . mul nJSni1, ? I'"rM' " May Magoo, I M ',, '.""1'' lMrr' M''. ''f. "MlovKin. Mr. ami Mrs. M, P O ulovion. Misses Minnie ami Helen Clulovron ami Miss Slenm John".. Times' Want Ads iiw, roaults. San Ramon, Built on Coos Bay, Will Take Cargo From Portland Soon. i i. A. R. PICNIC PLANNED NOW' REGISTERING OF VOTERS BELAY ITER SYSTEM POUTLAN1). Or.. July 10.-For tho llrsf Unit) this year lumber will lie Klilppeil out of Portland to thoi raiiama ('mini, when tho ntoam Ki-iiiioner San Itnmnn leaves tho I'orllaiul Lumber Company's iloelt thin week with L'lO.nno fi...t ,,r HiiiiKliiH fir worth t:.r.r.4 r.n Mill Itminui Ih a li:iKt,oiiL'or height vowel anil will make poilH on Its way to iforula l anal, That fart her lumber The ami Cul- the Paget .Soiinil, although iiiueh away has heeii supplying for tlu I'.'iiiiiniti fViimi ... .. much greater o.Ment than shippers luiii nun iny was ine statement made by the I'liltoil States F.ngln oei s' off Ire loil.iy. "II' m'oiiis that I'orllaiul lumber moil have simply allowed the Pugot .Sound people to walk all around and over them In this lumber deal, said one of tho engineers. -TliU Is tho first Bhlpment of lumber from this port to the Panninn Canal tlilx oar. although 1913 8 half r ""' .-"Minn iiunuer men ino been busy piittlnK n i,,8 mil, nearlx overv st.imi..i. .....i, i": port for lunibor salllB l tho.llrecl Hon of tho l'anauia Canal carries a IiIk Bhlpment to the blK ditch. e for hatehliiB vMfU ls , ,,J found in V- Oil..,..,., i. ."..'" ;-! by eleVtrlciiy ad to 'heat Is' automatically controlled. Baker Post to Have Annual Celebration August 13, and Probably at Cooston. At a ineelliiK of Maker Post, (!. A. . yesterday. Simeon .Miller and h. W. Shrock were appointed 'a committee, to iiitiiiiko for tho annual picnic of the members, their wives nun menus, to lie Held AiiKiist 111. The picnic will probably bu held at Cooston. but tho fixing of tho placo i-emaliiH In thu bauds of the com mittee. Coiiinimider S. II. Cathcart nnd a few of tho vutoraiis met yesterday. I ho ranks of tho (5. A. It. are hehtK rapidly weeded out by death and biinio of them are no longer able to actlvolv partlclpato. but It Isi IIOIIOlI to IlIIVO tlllitA nil n( f.... .1... . . , wt.i i,) iiu. luriuc, i A fine basket dinner win be pro-! vlded mid a campflro mid Informal proKinni nrraiiBed and a wood time assured for all who attend. I CREATES AUTO SENSATION Danish Society Meeting The members of the Danish-American Society of Coos Bay will meet at the Grand Hotel, North Bend, Saturday July 12, 8 p.m. All Danes are earnestly requested to be present. C L0KDAM, President K. BRANNER, Secretary. Cadillac Announcement Causes ivmcn interest Among Car Owners. Tho announcement by the Cud. Unc Motor Car Company and their loos County representative. Geo. .oi rum of a forthcoming develop "lent 111 niitninnlilln.. tl... .. in ... ' . a fourth .. ",r "' ' "" rK nf .i..,. i.i '"" i'Hression ?.Ll! I01-.'1 lU,8"-.v '''"ed much in- "-v "u iiiuiiueiu on Coos llav iV" ',"' oowiuenis in the n"'",!?5 KvoiiIiib Post, the Coos .-..j iiiiiun aim special circulars, l Hero uvu nn..,i. ............. to the speVia. linpmn , ' "t U contemp atod but no o'ne woul 1 ovon one I ,r L " . l0 (lnrk !ls "' i but Is convinced of lis in, l'tance because of lu on onft nnr In which the Cadillac noo ' Thne,,k,WB ,n 'on "t , t "p "nnoumemoiit will o"W eolre" "y BU,oi" Five htuuiroit mnrrlaKe llconsno wor.i Isan.i.i i.. ...... ... .bl lKUIlt'08 Idila recent v n. l'y m '""ndel i ruimi). on the same da fin divorces were granted. Justice Pennock Writes to At torney General for Explan ation of Law. Justice (V I.. I'l'lllliwl; twin vvi'IMiiii to Attorney (ienoral Crawford for 'mi explanation of tho now roKlstra- tlon laws of Oregon. .Mr. Pennock , was appointed roKlBtrar for tho Con trnl Mnrshllcld precinct ami hns been unable to find out from Counrv Clerk Watson whether ho can also ' resistor persons living In other pro ducts. Ilo hnH had ninny applica tions, but has rejected thorn teiupor jnrlly until ho can net explicit In structloiiB. ruder tho old law. n lOKlstrnr could register nnv votor In the county. So fnr. It has not boon ascertained who was appointed registrar for tho other Marshllold precincts. Fmlor tho now law. tin. i-,n.lui.-n..o l... .... ... Klvo bond for tho faithful porfor manco of their duty, ihey not ton cents for each votor they resistor. There Is also a question about separate registrations for tno coun ty and state elections and for tho city election, mul If not been for the special stnto election to bo hold III November, tint (iimi.. r-..... would have redlstrlcted tho countv voting precincts to ninko them con rorni with the city precincts. How over, they found that tbev could not do this until nftor the Xovombor oluctlim. so now It is believed that n doublo reBlstriitlon, ono for tho city nnd ono for tho county, will .. ..-oiiifii. uiy uecon lor Hut or Is now Investigating. OwIiik to the smnll in,. i i. sonio of tho registrars appointed lii (7 i. V ,,ro rcn,,)1B to qunl. ,.L.o; "0,r J.0"'n.wn8 appointed In :""" ,UIU ,l ,,n8 not tlmo to bother with It and sont back his nppolntnient and a now one w ave to bo named there. MAST LEAGUE i EOR NEW ILL BASEBALL! I T.imi.inr iii'iM)i. assfuim). I.a C.rando Gets $t,nno i?ni Ca,.. T . "' Coiiiinlssl h GltAN'nK, Or.. July 10 Con. hrn7is0!!i.0J 1 I,,1",1,;11'1",'T building ii this city during tho next 'JO dava ecamo an assured fact today whin ho Andrew Cnrneglo Library Com" mission informed tho local Library te" i !?L.?J.?.590 Pf Carneglo -ri A . Ilv""ai)io to draw on JcJ,f,8.M-": Ki!5s: books V r """ i'fi. ' " la ",ul buylnij i , ; . " "uwuy lenmornrllv uu in iionan Hall for n vr ' n October. for occlir'ncy Porter Brothers Provide for Supply for Plant at Florence Other Siuslaw News. FI.OUK.N'Ci:. Or.. July 10. Tho Pilot says: Tho largo pump that was brought In some tlmo ago has boon Installed nnd was tried out Sundny morning, i I). II. Collins tho mill wrlght hi : charge nt tho plant finished tho last part of tho Intnko pipe and mado connection with tho river whero theyt expect to got tholr supply for flio pro tection. Sundny the tanks wore all. nil oil and sprinklers used nnd tho' system worked nicely. Tho pump is ' n lalrbanks-Morso ninko and In size' lajfixuxli' Inches, with a capacity or i .i0 gallons per minute, or it enn throw threo good stromas from 1 1-81 Inch nozzles when used direct and Is fed from a lO-lnch Intnko pipe. I .vvs or iioicnce. ( J. K. Xolson, superintendent of ii iisiriiciion ror I'orter Ilros., wns In ! loronco on bis way outside. Ileforo returning ho will visit Spokane. A. II. Xewninn brought In COO head of uheop for Portor Urothors ast Thursday. Tho band was brought down tho Umpciua mid ntross by South slough. A. H. Nowmnn. of Mapleton, was In I' loronco Saturday on his wny to tho umnniin. ulmrn i.n v. .,.... '. . .... ... ...... ....w,w ,4V uAiuiin iu OU1 cattle for Porter Urothors. F. It. Porter. Larry Mann and K. L. tiayly. who hnvo been iittondlng Bchoo In Portland arrived In wi,,i nn l "n k'. T1,0' ar c"nPlK nut In tho oast part of town and working In the mill. Thoy havo nlso been Helping J. w. Ford In .Smyffi m, RA Pri0 w,' ls son of John- SOU I'nrior linn lw.. ii...n ... . hoolwiilleTmyAiannZfr:'!: I ayly wero students of Lincoln High in 5.0i , ThC8. 7unB non are spend ing tholr vacation days camping out ?,n,!l&,nB V'?lr "'""'c In trim by """" " j"u oiierea, i, i Cirny n cnntn"st of Senttlo, who has property Interests In Glenn la. Is visiting on tho lower Siuslaw. Ho contemplates building Severn bungalows to sell to persons des ring thl'"llnof n,0r ls cnun.g8emont S Rain Prevents Portland s Venice Game Sacramenti Beats San Francisco. STANDING OF CM'IIS. I Won Lost Ft I Los AiigolcH fill San Friiiiclsco . . .Til I'ortliind IT. I Sacrnmonto II I Venice Hi I Oakland -Kl jo .151 II .lllj SI .11(1, .Ill -Hi PORTLAND. Or., July 10, Trl Portland-Vonlco gnmo here JK'I day was postponed on nccowUl rain. Tho other gnmes rculiMl ioiiowh: At Sun Francisco San Frnnclsco ...... Sacrniiionto At Los Angolcs unumnii Los Angeles . , M'l . 3 i it : r.h'1 ,6 11 .9 Tr.NXRI, NO. it is HFGUN. Will He Siw.n.i t ....". . m ' onSe;iStPorS&4Sn eon placed at tho site of tunnol No J on tho Wlllnminetto-Pncinp rani nn n, WCOn Kusono nnt Coos nay and active cons ruction work n !, 1'oro will begin at oncS. This Is ii0",' l0"8Cst ,,,nne on tho ontl o ! thi ?no ?, Notl- now nearly fn ished, being the longest. may .mi:i:t w.vrso.v. ir mln..,i.. ir.u...-n..u itmildlr 1' Try Again In AuRUSt. HAN KKANCJISCO, Jlliy JV'r Wntson nnd Hud Anderson pro will lio Jim Coffroth's card month, if Anderson recoven i ... .. m . IIaIII. DJII i-iuiuiy iroin ins nppciiuiiu" -ntlon. .J U'lrl,.,, f..... T na Ani'plcS. '! .....Mb Hum !. "."",; V rfl Btructcd Grogory Mitchell to " 1 touch with Al Young, fJ managor, regarding a su-r"' in August. . Coffroth wont south wltn avowed Intontlon of doing Wu "III! HICK WOI1UIU, rtliuuiv-- - ager, and It la bollovcd ho n"! luriiin wiin nun ior " Watson. , ltf A Watson-Anderson bout , provo a good ono to loot k both are slashing mixers. waison is rounding .'..ft his four-round go with W U . t- 111 t.. WrtnAY n i-iiviuuii inK on v :,.k and Is sn ponfiitont that he ?,. Plagg that ho wants to t"J. of tho $1000 that Teddf ( Plagg's manager, wants to . ins uoy. Young nns '"""Ln? Clnnt l.innr... n .nvnf the Pi Ing $C00. $50 REWARD Wo will pay the above mio iiiiiiiuo Ul lliu !'. w .., who nro circulating a Banflw miti otner I. w. v. mi-i-jf city or for Information ' tlvo nroof na to their ide?. CITIZENS' COM' A i"" v - .l