l j --. iLLjKrT'jFjiflliVF..V Jl M i HIM I m illllHM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1913-EVEHING EDITIOH. a. m ih h i " ....... M ll DEALING WITH DELINQUENTS IMPORTANT PROIH.EM CONSID ERED at university ok oiii:- OX SUMMER SCHOOL. (Special to Tlio Times.) EUGENE, July 10. "The problem of tlio delinquent child Is tliu prob- I .. ,1... I.w.l.n. lillllin Qnlll (.III It'll! Ol III" uiuixuii iniu, ..... ..... crlntendent Chorles 8. Meek, of Holse, Idaho, before thu University of Oregon Summer School today. "If a boy or girl goes wrong It almost nl ways proves to bu the case that ol thor death or divorce has separated tho parentB. Where father nnd moth er are living, and living together, tho child has thu best chance for moral development." Superintendent Meek devoted his lecture to thu problem of delinquency treated with eminent success by the Lrhools and Juvunllu court of Uolsu. Idaho. "It Is nu nstonlshlng fact, ho said, that there In more Immorality omong boys and girls under four teen than over that ngo. It is also In somu ways moro difficult to han dle, for nH tho children grow older wo bettln to know which ones to watch. "Our success In Ifolso In dealing with this problem which Is common to all cities, and which exists ill Ilolsu perhaps less than In most, has been due In tho first place to thu election of a probate and juvenile judgQ who was not a politician, but was In fact a principal of one of the schools and familiar with juvenile work. Ho cares moro for thu Juvenile l.rfttwiti gf lilu illttlnu tlititl f,H tl.n other sldn. Then, our probation of ficers tako their duties seriously and follow up each Individual ense, spar ing neither time nor effort. One Is ueeretary of tho Y. M, O. A., an actlvo mnn with great Influence over boys, mid tho other is n woman school principal. And we hnvo acquired u basis of fact, through a study of con ditions that enables us to learn quickly what Is going on. "Ouo result lias been tho arousing of tho Interest of, parents, and anoth er has been tho general understand- til if llml llui niitluiHl v nt llui ui.lintil end court Is nol for thu school yard ! merely nut exieiuiH wiiorover tlio pu-' ini k'h. " mum lire priviuciy handled by thu court which calls tho parents In for consultation and Miinetlmes for a reprimand or a Nuo for carelessness. Curfew laws an strict and Htrlctly enforced. No re cords of ciihoh aro kept by iiiimo nail every opportunity Is given for reform. Tho result Is that almost all toceiit cases nro concerning children who hnvo Just moved to llolso from other cities." American! Sea Paimters "LEARN ONEjTHING EVERY DAY" Definite Privileges TPIVP 111 UAUI1U1IKU n wi.wv a ..- - - . t . ...... f. ....!.. t.. unf.i 1t.i.l.ll.l'' bo across tlio sueei, or auvunu ium.- nnuj, linvo seen him. . . ... ,,., Hut you write n check In Ills favor, 011 may carry It In linn. If ho Is not there, you can leave It no one can use It until nu one It is payablo to Im8 properly endorsed It. Jf ho Is lit u ins tance, you enn mall It at the nearest box or Bivo It to the enr rler. When it coniea back to you, It- will carry nu "Iron-clad receipt on tho bnck. ..... i .. You can pay out $3S.!)2 as easily as n single dollar no chnnge to wait for. , ... Having to ronieniber what you paid out Is done nwny wllh. You have a double record -your chocks and your stubs. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP COOS BAY Low In price, liB, , Electric IroJ We have n fc,v Irons hi good worklC"' nt $1.75. ,n toi New Irons, fjj.no UPi Coos Bay Wirinef Phono 237-J ig3 N Watkins' Observations No. 4. CHARLES HERBERT Copyright, 1ft 13. by Tho Assr IT IS a curious fact that ninny of the most distinguished Amer ican painters wore originally ed ucated as engineers. Charles II Woodbury was ono of these. He graduated from the .Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1SSG, re ceiving thu degree of mechanical engineer. Hut ho always had the art Instinct, and meant sootier or liner to tuKo up tliat profession liven uilen Ini wnu liilflnir flu, illfrl cult coursu at thu institute he mail' aged to paint n great deal, and ob tallied In his Junior year a inoda from the Hoston Arts Club 110 snial accomplishment. After his gradiia Hon ho went to Paris nnd entered the Jiillen Academy, and he Inn been receiving medals ever slnco Ik camo homo. Few men hnvo studied tho sea ni has Woodbury. Ho has n house and studio on the Maine coast at Ogiiu uiilt, 11 workshop where ho cni imliit the sea directly out of lilt viiiiiow. more he lives the vent round, and ho works like n hired mini, overy day nnd all day, no mat' ler what tho weather, or how hlg the wind. Woodbury was one of the first men to paint the open ocean, mak ing ninny trips over the Atlantic foi ihls purpose. Ho used to stay on deck, wllh his canvas, and himself also, Tor that iimtler. lashed to thr rlKglng, that ho might catch storm OIICCIS. HIH most Ninnrffinl ul. iKreatcauvas called Arid-Oc-eiin.' WOODBURY, "Mid-Ocean." elated Newspaper School, Inc. rented a sensation when It was 'list shown, nnd he followed It witli iinnv innrn Woodbury married a prominent mliiter, .Miss .Murcla Oakes. To gether they spent much time in Holland, where she painted the flg trcs, while he did the shore and ho canals. t'p In .Maine, where 10 lives, tho natives all know him ind have n profound respect for n nan who can go out In the ruin and dt for hours 011 thu bleak rocks minting pictures. Ullll flf flln lllliul Rllf.pouuflll tnnnli. rs In this country, Woodbury bus ifteu as many ns (III pupils In bis lass during the summer nt Ogtin 1 11 It. There, twice 11 week, ho gives Tltlclsnis and talks which are fa nous tlio country over. Ho has won iiaiiy medals both hero nnd abroad, 1 Jin ni" iiiuiiucH are in many ia nous museums. Every day n different human In orcst story will npponr In The lllllCS. Yon rntl not n linnnllf.it In. agllo reproduction of this picture wmi uvo outers, equally attractive, 7 by 9 ft inches In bI.o, with this week's ".Mentor." In "Tho Mentor" l Well known nutlinrltv nnrnri ), ubject of tho pictures nnd Btorles n uie wook. Hoaiiers or The Time? md "The Mentor" will know Art, 'literature, History, Science, nnd I ravel, lltlil mvn nvm.lnlt.i ,ilntn.. - -. . u.....u.vi ,..t.l UBi jii snlo nt Tho Times office Price 'Ifteeii cents. Write today to The I lines for booklot oxplnlnlng The xHyoanieij owHiinpor School nlon FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RANK IX COOS COl'XTV. EitnhlMied 1H8. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Time Deposits, Officers: T. W. Meiinell, President. 1. II, Flaiingaii, Vlce-I'ie.shleut. It. K. Williams Cnsliler. ('co. K. Wlnclicslcr, AsslstniK Cnsliler. Just Received another shipment of thefj, Mysost and Primost Chec Stauff Grocery! Phone 102 IMItor Tho Tliues: Laughter Is tho iinorrlng antitoxin for the grouch. "If a man write a better book, preach n better sermon or mako a filer mousetrap than his neighbor, though he build his house In (be win us uie worm will make 11 bei.teu path to his door." All or which Is only true In spots. Tho best seller Is tho mousetrap most and best nd ertlsed, although you couldn't catch 11 mouse In u lu thousand years. Tho preacher who has tho best t'onton path to his door Is usually the alleged reformed mountebank Will) KOCtt llbOHt lllll i.minlrv i,p.,.,l,.l... , , , - ,j ,,. ,,, ,111111- Jug his own depravity. "K11II many a gem or purest ray se rene, The dark, iiufiithomcd caves or oceim bear; K11II many a flower Is bom to blush iinseeii, And wasto Its sweetness 011 the des ert air." HollCK. ilimr liimrl If ..r... have douo the best you can and find the path leading U your door over I'.rown wllh foliage, let n, vain n Krets mar the Joy or things well don,.. 1 .. i"' J10..11'" M"J"r ,H 1 renllu a hundred thousand dollars profit? I hat Is Just fine. Now, ( 1I10 Mir believed III pniflt sharing, what a splendid thing that would be for M...WI i-iiiiiiiiiik hoiiih who hnve rur nlshed the whero-wlthal. At one time the devil was nccred ted 011 the highest authority, ultb being the prince or liar- Howoei that was long before some folks I Know had establlsed a reputation. l.nr!0."''."" """'I" we all ndinlie a llllr Willi In nil nrtlut I.. 1.1. ... .. ... ; .'"I ins line. ,o hIuIih need apply, l remember a Hun- ay Mionl class coniposed of good IMI11 boys, of which tho wi Iter Is proud to ay j, wnH limi ,H vr H,,i!i"UHftJ,t wn.8 ,IU,I, Tlii teach- r said: "Now, boys, all of you U,0 mv never told a lie hold . y, " hands." Instantly every grimy flit S ""w',l.on the "g , ,! h:l...,.!.,,.w',.':'. "' i-t ,d ever seen 8 M,, l,ml My admiration for that ladv has never waned through all the ears." KO. WATKINS. i THE HIRED RIRI - -- Hy Dr. l-'rnnk Crane. 4 They had n colobratlon tho othur lav lu a lionin In X'ntv- v.,,1, 1 .,.,.. liy the iiiiiiei-s. mill 1 u-iui. 1 1. ...1 been Invited, nnd probably would hi mi Hi-en 11 1 nun iieen fortiuinte ft"milh '" l,u lu'l,lal",,,'l with the Mr. am .Mrs. Jacobsen gnvfr n . in nonor or ineir servant lelena Schwartz, because she had been In the household for :0 years. hiiiiiily lay iy laurel wreath at Helena H feet. As tl rrice boj ulllll,l um- nu.. ..- 1 . 1 1 .111? nu ner. labors borne cheerfully for n little , ppreciauonv now manv n little 'my 1ms loved the kitchen, whoro ''e has found his most svnipathetlc Tieitu-: now orten the tired moth T has been eased nnd tended bv the 'oynl ministries that no wages could repay? And let us thank Heaven thnt hero nre n few girls loft who have lenso enough to learn how to take "nrO Of fl linilHll 1111,1 nnnl. . I and who cheerfully occupy n place n some family where In self respect mv cni work not too hnrd and 'UVO n lilt nf lllnnni- Mll,n. .!... ",. I 1 . """"' mtiii-i I II II II end n dogs f(. lf0 ns n soleslady ir shopgirl on $fi n week. neienn is n philosopher. "It nil ROSEBURG-MARSHFIELD AUTO STAGE LINE .X HXTKXSIOX of Hie li.lltl MVIITM-: I'OIXT-ltOSinjl'HO STAfJK Leaves Cliaiiiller Hotel at 5 11. m., ilallyj miches Itosidiurn nuiiic t-u-iilng. Itetiiinliig leaves ItoM-liiug In nioinlng; iriulie.s .Mnr.slillelil hi the evening. Knre: Marsl.fleld to Coqulllu ....JL'.OO .Make irsei-vniloiis ut Cliaudler Co(iillle to Myrtle I'olnf ...$.7-, Hotel Myrtle Point to Kosoburg ..$7.(J() .l ijnggn,.,. Cin-i,.,!. I. L. Mlltl), Agent, .Myitle I'oint, Oregtiii, Woodrow Wilson's Bro( TiuiitiK If IMI...... ,""1" " iihII, 19 ODeH departinuiit heads of thirl i,'iiiin,. i. i .' Lnl ' wiiuniiiiy to. riiuiiniiiy, nuo ouiers rep's V " m Dliricuillllg Ujr tfl Mm muni, i-uimiuo men In ttt ....,,,111. 1 nieiny uondifl jMiiun, uum, proieciion: preiiiliiniH. I. S. KAUK.MAX .V C0.,j It Is nboiit llniii uni.,il,t said for .1, hr, V Z , '"IT" "" ll,0fl'W.. ' n Mr-hi-aS e?-5 r S-' " ? -IKS ;;"'i;;t of .1,0 family ',,,. ,,' 11 one respect slie is greatest ol .i.i .rj.r ,l.or '"'"''"'"s Is to serve which Is alvvaya a greater thing ti lo than to rule. h When she Is Heated with the ro I'ect and consideration due to r human helm? Him iu i. .;.,','' ! liinh.hh. , 1 ,7m .!.. ' "","n" liouiiio, with n few exceptions In our house. On the con rary. w" have grown ni.. .1 '.'?.,u h. so that when the neeoLs ry pan figs have come they have been n -"filled with weepings and gloom s If sisters had parted. ' I here was Iviinkn, the Czech Klrl who iniKfii to inv 1.... ;'":" -.,y by ,,,, ,' ti;-- - fi'lt the higher call to -ih, .. 1.. vmo.miiho,,;&r.,,S;.il? ri.ere was IMIth. tl1(, awwU, w, saved mi so much iiioney out of her , ,'", '" ""ner in Xebrns- Ml. A 11(1 l.millill nl.. - r . who ...arrled the i. ,,...?,.. .S,W(", I hir ifnu ......ti i "mm. ,,. . , - ....,...i IIIIUI VIUW. ll 81 10 Ix cnroful ,ir,inr.,,,l....l mthetle and guards the good nnnio .f her riunlly. nnd she knows 'ovv to cook, or Is willing to learn. he enn ninke It a hnppv homo. ir he contrary Is true. It will not 'e happy, no inntter how hard the iinui-pn irieg. And, Just to ninke vour mouth vnter. 1 u-m u ........" ,.,, - " ' "-! IIIIWI1 HO lues of the various good things iullo party''0""'"1 fr Ul KU0St8 "llOlllO-lliniln nnn.lln .,.... . urkev. d ollI(Ion B"r' ,''1'?'1 "I"1 "b1ip.I potatoes, cold ' S0""1'0 "'"I lettuce salad. OIllOIl HIPS. Hllntlfrn i, , . win. !.... I . """ iiiiiii cnuo ... f PMly ', " ItK frosted P. Oeriuan butter cookies. Oer- ..... ...., ,,,, ,(, iiipu. How long since yon have rend n 'Tnginph as Interehilng 8 Hint? MAII XIICK MIIOKKX. WoiKmaii Vlctl f IVcullm- .,,.. 'lent ut ('cut Intl., Mm CKNTIt.M.IA. Wash.. .iv io. KQUIPI'KI) WITH WII.KIiESH Steamship Breakwater ALHAVS ON TIME. SAII.IXfi FHOM I'OHTLAXHJrXIJ HI): .IL'I.V I, , 11, , . AXI) -II AT H Si SAIUX; KltOM CO()S IIAv'.it'liv'lVj, II, 1(1, , .XI .Tickets on sale to all ICnsterii 'polntH nnd ' Information to routes nnd rates cheerfully furnished. 1,101,0 M,,,n 'M-J" I'. I. STKItMXfl, ARcnt. KA.MIIiY DINXEiu In our new Im-ntinn ... poclnlly prcimred to cater ti irnuo. uoBuinr meals on ders. Open day nnd tltkl SIKHCIIAXT'S CAFl nnuiuvvny m CominertU) New and Second Hand f sold on U10 luslulliiKm, IIAHHIXOTOX, DOVIiE I iUV2 IVint HI, IMiono aiu-L MtnlMl Pictures &Frai Walker Studio S. S. NANN SMITH Sails Prom San Francisco for Coos Bay Wednesday, July 9, at 3 P. M. CUtltYIXC AMiCOOS H.Y FHKK.'HT. Sun rramlsco office. Mil.t i.'ir.. in.i r .... .. i........ . ,., " "". "i- .iiiiiiiuni ni, rier Xn "7 I Co., c. p. McC'eorge, A. iJun,. PROFESSIONAL DIRECI HKXJASIIN OSTM.Vli. XJ Consiiltliig Knglnrtfi architect. I'liono JO.'Mi .MarthMl T M. WltlflllT. J COXTUACTOIl AXJ JIUII.DKIt Kfltlmnlnn filrnlaliml ni I i PlnilR mill annnirii-ntlnni h ... - . "".- -,....-..- - it ueuireii. An honcit Jell teed. Phono 124-H. JOKIi OSTLINI), I'luuo Tuner and 41h R Hlvtl, Qlr,. I Phryl I.envo onlera nt W. it. Hatoij L'O. ....u. huh nuo ier I.nulse nn.l i V, '"". miisii., . ii v 10. HI,- fr their far,,! ibX! cSX.'S Waf Tt wm:m: was c.nwi.yt; (a-MV l()l1'1'vil1!,;8,,,(m' M!mt- KnloriirlM. 1 wnt nor tardy- yu ,Tr ," " UuuiJeratliinulvSluKld'S , TtWfWMt Ada brine rulf. The IHffeieme ll.-tw,., rh s jT ner tilrl," .,.,, ',,. .s;i,ll.'S,,m iner Wiiinaii." While tho former Ik imtii... tlreli V.V.t I ,,,r1v""8. ru down. Ft- r1"1 s-ua "lieu it is kidney trouble nn t.ll male trouble, and K .". "k dii.v" I'l t Mlil tller.i la V...... ...... Mi - - .... ii. h mi lilu- urn. " nnr the cook stove s, '-,.,. ba-kinK",,,;; rriMjffi Mina makes. , f,.r '!;,',. d "; 'J'"'-'' .lellclous roast bee or I. I. ''1 linni than Anna can prepare " ready to meet s.ich person now ;'' time nn.1 prove' Mb "fa"". ...,. ,,r (r0ws are nnssixl UllU'ley was n.nwvl.n. i, ,..'.,' " """tiler e.,.plo)o or the ,1,11 "this . h..r workman happenl g "l e "" Hhieley Imlcl too flnnlv to jm. of lumber when t'o Joik d s i caieil In i.i. ii. '..'') lln'r " ::. '- TtoVoT'S ." r ' V . '"..H" ,(! "' link. S. S. ALLIANCE G""""" EQUIPPED WITH WmELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND SUNDAY, JULY 13, AT 7:30AM ROUND TRIP, $18.50 J. V. McGEOIlGB, AKent. TDEIUi IULEY UALLI.NCB x Plunlst and T uealdenco-Studlo, 237 Bo. Phono 18-L. I M . " ' !'!"'' ... in.' T,r he go" ' hlli'lu'U iu horse, dnve four tnlles' j. a (Vut.alla hosp,,,,, , Zlllyol -- linn, i.Miniinntiitii u..,. '"'"".d I , ..iro the , Z gllTwli "nt ,,u' nwk """ "wi broken. et a nice shiny one Who can t, ' u w " jr be,.,ess wn ? ,'' tr w b,v, nnythln. to so,,, THE BEST BUY On Central Avenue C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HETAIfc DEPAItTMENT 183 SOUTH IIHOADWAY YT Q. CIIANDLKtt. V AkU Roonia 801 and JJ02. Colli Marsh riehl.Orfgot. DH. W. ioill(0V. Dontllt. 171 Grimes Ilullillujf, oiJ Tliewter. Olllco ITObm W M. 8. TUItl'EN, ARCHITECT Marsh-field, Oregct. D A Double Corner That Will Doubl value within 1 wo Years. 'il Tins WEEK OVi.v e in OOS BAY REALTY CO. I. til X'...... BANDON BY THE SEA ". iiEvei, hexcii iaxi) . i'ixk sam Buy One-It Will IWake You Money K. A. J. HENrmY'B Hfiulnrn lli-nlal Pf Wvj aro equipped to do tt n,l. 1.AU. MnllAA lit .ruin ou uuuri uuuv t . . n-.n.ll.lllJI luweui prices, "'""""ij.1 Lady attendant. Coke BJ 'inuimmr nn'wi. hihiu" A mnilnrn Tlrlfl . .IIIdlBli Light, Steam Heat m Furnished Rooms wltl"! Cold Wator. ., O. A. Metlln, FWr O-. mm. a.. - .1.. Illl n.is iiwi.iiu.v and 'Km Be Ud To V Order your Suit ft TTM-rv TheT IKJUU Dress I 27H Front fit. Sineer Scwine m . " ;. n ju-onald MacKintosh " l''li'' and wo nave tnem ror rou,-.-i Mnnhlnos RePftufTH Supplleu and Needles I Rl W. J. BH 131 Park Ave. . ' Phone 20' INSURANCE. .ryftjM- .. 'Jii. jt5u,. ill I IIMII v,t, j