THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1913 EVENING EDITION. iig July Clearance Sale of Shoes Begins Friday, July 11th 12,000 Worth of New and Up-to-Date Shoes to be Sold at Big Reductions i mr:nr P,nn Qlmop C3 KO o 's $4,00 ho; s Shoes $3.00 en's $4,00 VVok Shoes $3.00 BRftr, wo-k Shoes $2.75 he os1 $5.00 White Buck Shoes ..$3.50 Bos' Gun Metal Shoes $3.00 Ladies' $2,50 and $3,00 Oxfords. .$2.00 Misses' $2,75 Gun Metal School Shoes $2.00 Boys' $3 Gun Metal School Shoes.. $2.00 Children's White Canvas Button Shoes, $1.00 SKUFFERS AT COST One pair Baby Shoes Riven free with $5 purchases if you need them, Electric Shoe Store 180 SOUTH BROADWAY. Auto Service kd Cora, Csreful Drivers and kablo ennrgun. vu ..- ko anywhoro at any iimo. iiinnni riL'iir Store. Doy I 78. Night plionu 139-X. DM (IOODALE. Proprietor. 1tV(-VA'KU nrgo shipment uf Electric Cut i:Iiiii1is. I mill ni'o our Block of glass i Wo nlso have Homo of tliu designs III miowur nxiures, two Itelil to f'vo. Everything idrlCUl Blippllefl. iard & Langworthy wling Alley! Ir, north front street Tuesday Evening pecially for Ladies Rates for landling Trunks haul trimlcH between any In .Mnrshllotd for tho follow ing, delivery to bo iniulo In hi Htorli'H of buildings: trunk $ .23 trunks 30 le trunks 1.30 Ir Transfer and Storage Co. Levi lli'lsncr, Prop. Miotics. 120-J: 49-L; 98-R. WANTED lea tlint won't keep tlmo. Dirty iancld oil nro tho rutnutloii of Iwntcli. Lot mo handle It und ho It perfectly for yearn to E. C. BARKER. front st. Marsh II Id, Or. QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, llephone the old reliable JBay Steam Laundry always deliver the goods. e 57-J Marshfield T. J. SOAIFE. IlllOWN Jg A. II. nODGINS shfield KHL and UCIUKAIINU tu. Estimates Furnished. 1H7-L Multifield. Ore. re That Roof Fixed NOW See GORTHELL 1MION3IM71. ique Pantatorium iuimVPN ,,VB8. CLEANERS, """lo "U HAT KtiNOVATOHS eut for Howard II. Strauss , Fine Tailoring. Let us o your next suit. "-.aiKAb. Phono 2H0-X st Class Weaving I Promptly ilono nt Miner's Rag Carpet Factory "'mum avenue betweeu Callfor- nm mid Connecticut. 174. VnrMi TInn.l r ""v.. UOJIU, Wl le In Lynn Lambeth's ini'i i. V'sar Storo. Telephone 18-J. i c. "feiSSFlsas A8?:??.: th Dt atnri- ,.'Y.' "B roa. Iimo i ' ,TI" bo anywnore, boats n,eet nu fnina (i'iih is piped to tho burners In your Move. Tli work of fuel handling Ik shifted to our company con-reiiti-nted nt tho gns plant. :::::: LABOR -out of the thousand and one uses for gas, none is so important as its application for cooking purposes, -gas service has done more to lighten wo man's labor than any other invention of the last hundred years. -gas range prices are moderate, -if you wish to use gas telephone 178, Oregon Power Co. Second and Central. " ""'' . - - i ( TIIK RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ABSTRACT COMPANY Ilnto nhotograpnlc copies of nil records o Coob County to dato, abstract! or title., present owners, or any other Information relating I8FstnOFFICDi?0n7 SStS lS St. Mnrahfleld. Phono UU W. J. RUST, Manager Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SKNGSTACKEN, Mutineer ,., coal. gasBBSsnBisffi8 """"" sgsa,as,ssft,,ass,A. Here's a Thing to Remember! Whenever you are In tho market for a bill of groceries, before send ing out of town come In and got our prices. We stand back of all our goods and can save you money. You Get a 5 Per Cent Rebate In promluma on all cash purchases, excopt flour and sugar. Save up your cash coupons you got our place and get Borne useful housohold article, free. And say, If you nro dissatisfied with the milk you are now using, come In nndi we win tell you how to get somo of the best milk In Coos County, at a rea sonable price. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'CONNELL BLDG. 181 Market. Ave., MnrshJleld, Or. Phone nf)4-J. . Gray Auto Service Fisher & Tucker, Proprietors. Phone ordora to Blanco Hotel, 46, After 12, 260L, Right Cafe. Marshfield, Oregon. BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield BUTTER ireameiy , MADE UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Free delivery, 8 a. in. and 2 p. m. Phono 7.1 COAST LUMBER SHIPPED EAST PANAMA CANAL TO OPEN UP NEW TRADE FOR PACIFIC NORTHWEST WILL OPEN PLANTS. CHICAGO, 111., July 10. Tho American Lumberman Bays: "From vnrlous BourceH como littits that tho lutnbor business Is getting ready for tho Pniitumi Canal. Tho gonernl opin ion BcomB to bo Hint tho wny to han dlo Went Const products In tho Enst nftor tho opening of tho rannl 1b to ship to manufacturing pliiutB on tho eastern soabord which ahull bo oper ated In connection with distributing ynrds. Such projects aro already un der way In Philadelphia, nnd por 1 tips elsowhoro, whilo n nuuibor of WeBt Const people nro studying tho matter with dlllgenco. Over u your ago theso investigntloiiB of tho unit tor bognu. At that tlmo tho lack of vobsoIb sultablo for tho lumber busi ness tlirough the cnnnl somewhat curbed onthusliiBin: but vchhcIb arc being built In numborri nnd while at tho opening of tho Canal thoro will probnbly bo a shortago of tonnage thnt matter will bo remedied iib fnBt, liorhapH, as tho trado domandB It. Thoso who expect Hint Pacific coast woodB nro going to Jump Into the onstorn niiirkotB nt tho rates of hun dreds of millions of feet a year at the start will bo disappointed, but thoro Is toom, nnd thoro will bo IncrcnBlng room ob tho yenrs go on, for West const lumber, and Hiobo who will mnko money out of tho biiBlnesB are those who most carefully study the Bltuntlon and make most enrcful pre paration for tho trade that Is to come". "MARRY AND LIVE LONG." Chicago Statistics Show Single Pri sons Die More Rapidly. CHICAGO, July !). Want to live long? Then get mnrrled. Slnglo blessedness la not condu cive to longevity. Tho mortality tnble for 1012 In Chicago, as compiled by Or. C. St. Clair Drake, Btatlstlolnn of the health department, rovenls on aston ishing Increase In the death of bach elors nnd Blnglo women over the married folk. In summing up the mortnllty rate Doctor Drake, tho department BtntlH tlclnn, sold: "Tho death rato of bachelors r 20 Vt per cent higher thnn of mnr rled men nnd the mortnllty rato of Blnglo women Is 10 per cent higher than of mnrrled women. Men hore die moro rapidly than women." Important Notice To tho Vlnvl patrons nnd those wishing Information regarding Vlnvl. would Btato that tho representative Mrs. Itlloy, will bo at her rooms at 101 No. 10th, Mondays, 8 n. m. tr fi p. in. Phono 15t-X. If Bovon doctors had told you, ap thoy did C. E. Ulnnchard, of Lo Orange. Calif., that you nnd but r short tlmo to llvo on account of kla noy troublo, what would you do? Ho says: "I took Foley Kidney Pill nnd they completely cured mo nnd can not sponk too highly of them. Cost loss thnn tho doctors, but ac complish moro. Owl Prescription Phnrmncy. Frnnk D. Colmn. Oppo site Chnndlor Hotel. Phono 74. Wall Paper SEE ME FIRST. C. W. VIERS. ' Paint mid Wnll Paper Store. 7 North Front St. Phono UWI-R Goodrum'&Garage homo of tho CADILLAC and fORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars a 17 Central Av. Phono 373-L ews of tine Loonfeeir0 World INTERESTING NOTES OF THE LATEST DEVEIOI'MENTS IN LUM BER TRADE AND CONDITIONS TROUBLE WITH UNIONS. Walk one block nnd save ono dol lar on each pair of men's and boys' Bhoes. Wo do first clnBB shoe re pairing at tho lowest prices In the city. YourB for a square deal. Aug. Olson. 215 South Brondwny Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line Cars leave every 20 minutes from 7 a. in., to 7 p. m.; from 7 p. m. to 12 o'clock overy half. Faro 15 iwnlo nun wnv round trill 25 Cents. Commutation books, 20 rides, $2.00. Cars leave Chandler Hotel, Maran held nnd North Bend News Co., In North Bend. GORST & KING, Props. Captain Roht. Dollar Dislikes San Francisco Labor Conditions. Captain llobert Dollnr, the promi nent steamship owner and lumber denier of San FrnuclBco. was In Port land recently, soys tho Pioneer Lum berman. Captain Dollnr camo to see If something could not bo dono to bring nbout moro friendly rommorclol relations between Son Francisco nnd tho cities of tho Pacific Nnrtliwcst, which nro strained becniiBo of the embargo plnced by San FronclBco on finished lumber except flooring from tho mills In the Pacific Northwest. Ab a result of tho demand for tho iMilon inbel on tho sized lumber by tho building trades' unions In Son Frnnclaco finished lumber from Port land and other Pacific Northwest uoltttB Is run through the machines In Mio Snn Francisco mills, without the Knives touching thorn, Captain Dollnr Mutes, with tho result thnt tho enn hii minor pays several dollars moro n thousand thou If ho bought It with out this nddltlonnl handling. Tho purposo of putting it through tho mnchlncB Is to glvo tho Snn Francis co mill employees tho sumo revenue iib If it hod been received there In tho rough. Tho cost not exceeding $1 a thousand feet, whereas under the presont system In Snn Francisco It costs tho consumer 1 n thousand. It Is held that this method checks to a considerable extent tho movement In finished lumber. Ab n rotnllntory measure tho Pacific Northwest lum lior inniiufnrturors aro doing every thing In their power not to patron ize Snn Francisco manufactured of goods that they have occasion to buy. WILL INCREASE VALUE. SELL MANY LOGS. Criilxo of Part of Clatsop County Timber Finished. ASTORIA, Or., July 10. The Nciise Timber company, which hns the contract with tho County Court for cruising tho tlmbor In Clatsop county, Oregon, Iiob filed reports on Bovornl sections. Tho now crulso on .Id sections In the southern part of tho county fixes the nmnunt of tim ber nt 810,r88,000 foot, whorenB the asscBsmcnt an the old roll was 201, 000,000 root. Ab this timber was formerly nsscsscd nt 30 cents a thous and feot, tho chango will lncrcnso tho valuation on tho nsscssment roll about $180,000 on what practically is ono township. LUMBER NOTES. Tho Pioneer Western Lumberman of Snn Francisco, prints the fol lowing: During tho month of Mny, tho big mill of tho C. A. Smith Lumber Company cut on an nvorngo of 458, !)00 feet of lumber n day, which probnbly excols tho record of any other sawmill on tho Const, operat ing a ten-hour day. "When tho now ynrdB that aro liolng put In by tho C. A. Smith Lunihor Company at Bay Point, Cnl ore completed, tho plant will be capable of handling i;i0, 000,000 feet of lumber. "During tho month of May, 50 vcbboIb loaded at tho mills In As toria or lower Columbia Illvor dis trict, and i heir combined cargoes amounted to 38,281,438 feet or lumber. Of theso vcssols, 45, with cargoes totalling 27,239,512 feot of lumber, wont to domestic ports, while 11 vessels, cnrrylng 11,041, D2C feot of lumber, woro on route to foreign ports. In addition to the lunihor, 1100 railway ties, 250,000 lath, 100,000 pickets and G094 pil ing were shipped. "The llrat Ben-going log craft of tho season left Astoria lor San Diego on Juno 17, in tow of tho tug Hercules. Tho rnft contained about 7,000,000 feot of lumber In saw lags. It wob built by the Ben son Lumber Company on Wnlluco's Slough to bo towed to tho Benson mill In Southern California. Weyerhaeuser People Dispose of Big Stiimpnge Directors Elected. TACOMA, Wash., July 10 During this Inst year approximately 750, 000,000 feet of tlmbor was sold by tho Weyerhaeuser Tlmbor company to between 10 nnd 50 mills through out tho Btato, according to the report of (lonornl Mnnngor George S. Long, rend hero tho other day at the yearly meeting of the board of directors of tho company, held In Tacoma. Tho policy of tho company, it wns stated by Mr. Long, Is rathor to soil tho timber In tho form of logs thnn to innnufncturo It, though tho Woycr hociiscr Lumber company Is prepar ing to orcct another largo mill at Ev eiott, to bo under tho management of W. S. Boner. Tho following di rectors woro chosen for tho timber company, nftor which last year's of ficers woro ro-olectcd: F. Woyor hoousor, St. Paul: P. M. Mitssor, Mub cotlno, In.; F. C. Dcnkmann, Ilock Island. 111.: L.Lnmh, Cllnton,In.:WII llnm Cnrson, Burlington, la.: J. P. Woyorhaousor, St. Paul: F. S. Boll, Wlnonn. Minn.: F. II. Thatcher. Wl nonn, Minn.; II. II. Irvlno, St. Paul; W. L. McCormlck, Tncomn. PRICE OF LOGS. Paget Sound Boss Loggers to Keep Up tho Price. Tho Ploneor Lumbermnn prints tho following concerning tho Paget Sound district logging: Logging operators dcclaro that they ennnot reduce logB below tho present scnlo und mnko any margin on their tlmbor, nnd thoroforo they hnvo served notlco to tho mtllmcn that If tho market on finished pro ducts docs not justify tho mills In pnylng tho acalo of $7. $10 and $14 nu logs It might bo well to discontin ue operations until mnrket conditions Improve. Tho reason loggors tnko this stand Is because, they say, tho cost of logging Is grcntor than It has over boon boforo, nnd Hint tho tlmbor Is worth tho present Hcnlo If It Is worth nnythlng nt rjll. Undoubtedly thcro Is smnll margin for tho mill that Is buying Its raw material In tho open market, and tho result Is bound to bo grcntcr conservatism in alnsli Ing prices to got business, nnd n bet ter control of tho whole Bltuntlon, Tho Cnliimbln river district Bltun tlon Is told as follows: With tho stock of fir logs in tho water Increasing during tho high wntor period whilo bo ninny mills nro shut down, with moat of tho logging camps atlll operating, logs remain Multo firm In price, no grcntor con cession thnn 50 cents per thousand from stnndard $7, $10, and $13 for No. 3, 2 nnd 1 qunllty respectively being reported. FOREST NOTES. Tho lumber recolpts In San Fran cisco by rail Juno 12th to 25th. in clusive, amounted to 080,000 foot, which makes tho total receipts 1.135.000 feot from Juno 1st to 25th Cnnmla's forest area Is nbout 800,000,000 ncrcs. Mills In British Columbia aro shipping considerable pnpor pulp to Jnpnn. Tho Canndlan Forestry Associa tion holds a forestry convention In Winnipeg, July 7 to 9. On the host Germnu forests tho annual exponso Is $13 tin aero, but tho gross roturiiB nro ns much ns $24; thus they yield n not return of $11 nn aero each yoar. Four Inunclies nro lmod In patrol nnd transportation work on National forests In Alaska, which Incliido many small Islands and lulots. Motion picture compnnlcs nro making films of nil of tho activities of tho Fedornl forest sorvlce, in cluding planting, cutting tlmbor, pa trol and lookout work. Already at leaBt two fire-fighting "movies" aro being exhibited. Application lias boon recolved by tho Government for a summer homo colony on tho Shnshono National forest, Wyoming. Tho plan Is to hnvo a central assembly hall for community gatherings and sepnrnto cottages for tho sovornl families of tho communal recreation contor. Sacramento, California, Is to havo a municipal lco plant to cost $50,-000. CALGARY ESTABLISHES A NUNICIPAL MILK BUREAU You Auto Call Eoote PHONE 144-J NIGHT A'- D DAY Stand front of BUnco Billiard Parlor THREE NEW CARS After 11 P. M. Phono 200-L Careful Drivers , -:- flood Cars Calgary Officials Take Steps to Re duce High Mortality Rate. (Special to Tho Times.) CALGARY, July 10. Calgary's municipal milk bureau, which Is now under way, has already proved itsolf to bo a great success and Inrgo numbers of mothers nro avail ing thomsolvcs of tho opportunity It presents to get absolutely puro milk for their babes. Tho Idea at tho bottom of tho Bcliemo Is to do something to pro vent high Infant -mortnllty In Cnl gary by enabling parents to get wholesome- refrigerated milk for tholr offspring nt modernto prices. Tho municipal milk dispensary gets Its milk dally from ono dairy, first plan to got It from sovornl establishments having boon dropped. Milk U brought direct to tho dis pensary In largo sterilized cans pro vided by tho city. It Ib convoyed In refrlgorntor enrs and kept at a tompornturo below 45 degrees Fah renheit from tho tlmo It leaves the dairy until ir reaches tho dlspon- P. A. Eflrd, Conojo, Cnl., gives a pointer for othors to profit by. "I havo sold Foloy'a Honey nnd Tnr Compound, nlso other lines of cough medlclno for a number of years, hut nover used anything but Foloy's Honey nnd Tnr Compound for my self or family, ns I find It produces tho beat reaults, always cures se vere colds and does not contain opiateB. Owl Prescription Plinr macy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. anry. Horo It la put Into sterlllzod bottlos nnd dispensed to thoao who apply for It. Every can of milk which cornea Into tho dispensary 1b inspected pathologically to see that It is puro and freo from disease germs. Tho dispensary Is fitted with largo re frigerators In which tho milk Is kopt. Tho milk Ib sold nt tho samo prices ob prevail throughout the city and nil who nro nblo to do bo will bo expected to pay. In tho enso of parents who cannot pny for a sufficient quantity, it will bo sup plied them freo of charge on appli cation. A trained nurse Is in at tendance at tho dispensary to advlso mothers as to the propor dieting of tnolr babies and to carry out any orders that tho applicants' own phys icians may prescribe Another part of tho milk dispen sary Idea as carried out in Calgury Is tho Issuing of n sorles of papi phlotn in tho various languages spo ken by tho foreign-born resldonts nt tho city, ns well as In English, Instructing mothers in tho proper enro of young lnfnnts and warning thorn to tako precautions ns to tho milk thoy feed to their babies. Tho dispensary Is governed by n board consisting of three prom inent medical mon and ono alder man. It is not oxpocted that It will be a direct paying proposition, but it Is hoped thnt Its establish-' mont will bo the moans of saving tho lives of n great many llttlu ones and also of rearing up a honlrhler and stronger generation in Calgary.