THE COOS BAY TIMES, HARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1913 EVEHIWG EDITION. ToWmT IpToNATNofFsl I FAUF TIM Rill flllTPUT WATER FRIUfi COOS BAY TIMES SS:OiBHlfEfiJsE::: ON MCE OF OK CASE El I . l.-. iio.vt woititv. hip Steamer in From Portland time dwell cm work nnd fary TiJS MornillfJ With You cannot dare while , , . i n( Docennnnrc mllK same brain cannot at I name t worry. You can not uaro wniiu , ,. , ipi nt Dncconrioi'c you despair. It Is not so mucin Lai yo uioi ui icoovi,hv,, the quality of n man's inlml n Tl(j ,t.akwu,or arrived In today SfWqUhK!,rthU,.ta Wu'tn.- Portland after a good trip ruin 18 only a posilblllty, flu-re Is down the coast. Hho had a Rood always u chmir-u to escape. Out rnr(,0 0f freight and a largo pussen out of the fright luililt and Into the ... fight habit. Many a man has miss- ,; f , h, wn8 o ,t ,,, f cd a picnic- because he was certain , ,, trurk8 for tIu! Snilth-I'owors a cloudy sky meant rain. Company and n collide of carloads , 'of ile-plntt-s for the local railway In In limes of nonce the wise mar- ,,,1,11.1,... ,.. i,. ,,..,, mi nf miu. rled man prepares for the fiirtnin colinneoiiB Htuff. lecture. -rim Hreakwater will sail at 1 . o'clock tomorrow. I A.MOXfl THK SICK. I I Among those arriving on her wure: .Mrs. J. .1. I.amh. of Coitillle, ti .Miss Uella Pratt. Mrs. Pratt. I., well-known pioneer lady of tliu , oilti(tt. Mrs. (Jllnett, Master (III C01111III0 Valley, came over jester- n(Jtr, Miss (Jetty. Mamie Clotty. Mrs. day to enter Mercy Hospital for.jj. P. Marshall. Miss Cox. Mrs. Cox. treatment for cancer. Shu Is thejPnul Cox. Mrs. II. K. Ualnor, A. II. mother of J. A. I.amli. j onrdner. W. S. Weeks. A. II. Hrlggs, Sherman nninliie. vim was receni- Marry Smith, Miss Croft, Mrs. Croft, ly operated on for nppondlcltlB, Is Mr. Croft. Mr. Ulckers. Walter reported Improving as rapidly as hack. Mrs. Sarah l.aulmeh. (1. W. could he expected and will soon lie VaKnor. A. Knutsnn. P. Jnnlgan. aide to he around. I.. a. I.aughead, A. II. Post, Mrs. Mrs. Waller Capplous who recently Olbson, Mrs. W. O. Stone. W. O. moved Into the former Sacchl house Stone. C. S. (Joodale, A. Hull, W. at ail Commercial, was taken to p. Mlntliay. W. Hates. .Joe Oohalle. Mercy hospital today and will unilur- p. a. Drydeii. T. Porguson. S. go an operation there tomorrow. J Hutcher, A. Heed. Geneva Oasney Guy W. Chambers, formerly of Ourtrudo Stanley, Margeer Drews, Mnrshflcld, but recently manager Kriicnt Orows, Mrs. Drews, Mrs. (let of tho Southern Oregon Company s ty ,n,no gtL.0le, m Drews. .Miss store ni umpire, mis i.een nil., 11 1 K (M.kH. Miss Hill. Mrs. J. Par icir a iow nays wun a severe nnaun rt,i, ,. . Cottlngham, Mrs. Itae of neiiralagla I'lundors. Miss Chrlstinan. II. (laus- 10118011, A. A. Levy, Mrs. Win I fllnnn tho Wntnrfrnnr I Onuntlott. Mrs. Vouchers, Joe No r ti vi ij iiiw nukwi 11 vmii Tho Tramp finished loading today for Port Orfonl, Gold ireacli and Weddorhiirn, taking a cargo of gen eral merchandise The Nairn Smith Is duo In early to morrow from Hay Point. 1 XOItTII HK.VI) m:vh. I The funoral of Mrs. V. Preoland will he hold from the Norwegian Lu theran church of Marshfleld at -' o'clock Prlday. Mrs. Klleu Hanson of Oakland was unable to secure passage on tho Nairn Smith and so vlll not he aide to ho present at her mother's funeral. r.m OP THANKS. To the many friends whose words or sympathy and kindly acts lessen id the liurden of our grief In the Illness of our huloved wife and moth er and daughter. Mrs. Abraham Van Zllo, wo lender our thanks from sor rowing hut grateful hearts. A. VAN .ILK, .MRS, (IKO. IIP.OUK. Mit. AND MRS. WM, PARSONS, KVA VAN 7M.K. Mile, Mrs. Noble, 1-3. W. Nylnnders, .100 French, P. Kramer, S. Wolner. Miss Mansell, Miss Dundy, Mrs. Dun dy, Miss P. K. Melvln, Miss Thor toii. Mrs. Whlttler, M. McOuIre, S. Shoemaker, Geo. Ilonek. R. O. Sam uels, s. W. Halbet, Mr. Marsh, .1. .1. Puppert. Gcjo. Itogers. C. A. Pry. W. K. Poot, C. I Into, C. Drako and Klmer Nylanders. SAS DIIB mine Dl 1110 IBIHIli I I Mill. II Hoscnritn. .inly io. cording to District Attorney Hrown Diamond had planned to strike south and eventually reach Puroka. California, whoro ho Intended to hoard a boat mid mako his get-away. In some manner he followed the wrong trail, according to tho Dis trict Attorney, and wended his wo lulo Curry County where he was a practical stranger, llniititH li- perHons whom he thought were on ins trull, ami being In a strnime country, the District Attorney says Diamond decided to sunendor. "Had he followed his original plans, the District Attornev Is of the belief that ho would have made every effort to escape. District At torney Hrown declares that Diamond s a eromlnal of vain type, and Is not a mere Irresponsible lad. ns some would believe. "District Attorney Drown says Diamond not only evidenced pre meditation of tho robberv In his movement, hut also In tin. state ments uttered by him yesterdav. Diamond Is a boastrul talker, and appears delighted when given an on mirtuiili) to lelate the tale of the luldup and h!s Hiihsouiiint okiiiiio. "i-'iom the District Attiiriun-'u , talk It does nor appear likely that i lie conn win no nBKea to act with j lenlenev In his case. On t' e con- Th. p.-.. ,rary ll" ul" H "MwiciI to pav - .... .-.. in iii'iiiiiiv i lip ma iii'inti. . ---.-,. i iiiii- srsussTSS sssns s ,;;?? SK -' t r jsisls sw jm: & ziPz IlllkktU llll.... .1.... I. II. viuH.l . . ' .. ' '' HMi III Milt IIIIHT Ji,' J.T!!- i'!-i-w wh J lirs -i,H S , irzrl :.k! mom ,1 ,l..7 V,,, 'V : ": .'..'"'" tho Dlsir.c M - - ;. ...... ..,' Ill I I imiHUH DltlllT f lift MIntiiii.,.1 mMmmimmzsMi No Clearance Sale Prices No Special Sale Prices n . (I YESTERDAY One Price , today ' (TOMORROW Tin: sajii: iMiin: last wi:i:k this wi:i:k ni:.t wi:i:k tiii; ni we pitici: is tih: In town on business. MISS MKANS Is among the shoppers from Isthmus Inlet today. AUTHl'lt NI5I.SON. of Sumner. Is iu town today on business. I.OUIS ST. DKNN1S of North Inlet. Is In town today on business. O. V.. THORNTON of Haynes Inlet, Is In town today on business. K. J. MASTKRS Is n business visi tor nere from Catching Inlet. J. M. CPI.I.HY and family, of Catch ing Inlet, are In town for the day. I'HIICY MOVAR Is here from Co- T-tillo on business and pleasure. Gl'S PKDKIISON. of Umpire. Is a Marshfleld business visitor today. C. KARI. of Chicago, arrived here yesterday on the Alliance on a visit. MRS. JIM.IUS KKt'SK and son are In town this morning from Isthmus Inlet. DHRI1Y STKVHNS or Plat II, was a Marshfleld business visitor yes terday. CHRIS MANSICN. a North Inlet rancher. Is a business visitor here today. MR. AND MRS. THURSTON of Smith Hnsln, are In Marshfleld today. JOHN M. l-:i)DY. of North llend. was n Marshfleld business visitor today. HARRY J. LINDHN. of Nortl, Hend. was n Marshfleld business visi tor today. MRS. CONRAD LAPP or Isthmus In let. Is here for the day on a shop ping trip. W. II. SMITH nnd daughter. Ilorthn, lire In town for tho day from Coos River. IIKNRY HIGGINS came to town this morning from his Nortl, Coos River home. I'BTKU MIRRASOUI. returned today from a business trip to Con. til lie valley points. I.OUIS H1SIIOP of Contedo. Is hero on n business trip. He will re turn tomorrow. PRUD KKI.I.OGG. of North Hend. was In Mnrshllclt! today looking after business. F. A. HANDSHAW. real estate sales man, arrived from San Francisco yesterday vlo Ihindon. J. O. HRISTOI. AND WIPK of Ku- geno, nrrlved here yesterday and arc looking over the country. A. A. I.KVY. traveling salesman from Snn Prnnclsco. arrived this morning on the Hreakwater. .MRS. TAIIOll AND DAUGHTKR. MISS MAY TAIIOR. are spending the dnv here from Haynes Inlet. P. P. CASTI.KS AND J. H. PAN- KKY arrived here yesterday from Gold Hill and expect to locate. MRS. I.Al'RA McRAI-: AND MISS GLADYS HOWARD are here today mi a ousiuess irip rrom .ortti in let. MRS. HKRHKRT HOG WIS AND MRS. MW.CIIOR NW.SON are In Mnrshriold today from South Coos river. MRS. W. T. STOI.I. and baby will leave Minneapolis today for home and will arrive on the next Hreak water. .MII.O PIWISON. tho Lakeside mer- onnni prince Is in town today on business nnd will return home to morrow. P. N. CROFT AND K. J. CROFT, wl... arrived here yi-nterdn. from Hun don. will leave on the Hreakwater for Tncomn. .MRS. I-:, c. DRKWS and clilldren returned today rrom (l visit will, friends and relatives at Willamette valley points. MISS MAUI) HOWRON left this aft- t-iimtm for i.aKesiiie to visit at the iiiime oi ner parents. Me. mid Mrs Frank Howrou. MRS. II. K RKANIKR returned on the Hreakwater today from a few weeks visit In Portland and other northern points, M '!?... .V.IXCB ''llATT ANI MISS DW.I.A PRATT arrived home to day from a row weeks visit nt northern points. MRS. J. AI.IIBUT MATSON who has been visiting her sister. .Mrs. Van-jlei-nr at Medrord. Is expected ., ,',",10.,,h.t' .fl'.8t r "i'xt week. ARCHIK JOHNSTON left yesti.rda.N mi ruing via Drain for Portland on a biihliiesfl trip after that ho will hi. iu mm i-iiuicisco to visit. MISS CI.ARK SHWtWOOD of Co Steamer Sails This Morning for Eureka With Good List of Passengers. The Alliance sailed this uiorlng for Kureka. crossing out about day light. She had a good list, of pas sengers from here In addition to tho through passengers rrom I'oruauu. Among those sailing on her were the following: John J. I'logor, A. A. Ha.en, Mrs. A. 10. Ilazen, Lester Maxell, J. O. Simmons. II. II. Donahey. Gust Ros herg, Win. Iloluulst, John Molitilst, Ida Ilohiulst, N. Swunsun. P. Nor man, Fred Mlchelson, S. Auslovson, nnd Fred Joliiison today after a short stay In town. V. S. Chandler Is also there for a few days. C. C. HALL, formerly connected with the Royal Theater, returned today on the Breakwater after a visit ut Ills old home In lone. Oregon. He left this afternoon for Coiiullle, where he will take charge of the Royal Theater. DION CIIAXDI.KU and bride, who wore expected lieu today on the Hreakwater, will not arrive until next week, having remained for a week longer with his sister, Mrs. rreiunlne, iu Vancouver. 11. C. At US. II. G. GAI.K and children of Meilfonl, passed through here yes- terdoy en route to North Hend to visit at the home or Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson nnd with other rrlends on the Day Mr n row weeks. STANLFY HARTLKTT. or Randolph. was it, Marsiiiteld today on busi ness. They have not made any plans yet for lebulldlng the burn ed mill, but' lire runt, lug the Lyons & Johnson mill night and day to supply orders. E. O. SAMUELS AND GEO. IIOUCK of the Coos Hay Mill company, re turned today from Portland where they went ror their ramMes and to look after business matters. Their families will locate In homes ut Mllllngton near the mill. JOE MAGEE, postmaster at Lake- Ultl.t n'MU tl l,l .llt?l..l.l Lout........ "'"-' "n it, on. ivill IIIIDIIIi'B I visitor yeuterdny. Ho reports that! the railroad cumps nre cnusim: considerable activity there ami the construction or the new hotel Is keeping the two small mills on the iiikos tinsv. It. II. HARNES, or Riddle. Is home rrom Coos County, wnoro le has lieen employed ror the pas, sev eral months. He Is arranging to move Ills family there to reside. They linve been occupying the O. G. Parker property east of town. -Roseburg Review. COOS IIAV ICE AND COLD STOR AGE COMPANY AVERAGING .UMHT OOO POINDS OF CHEESE AM) HOO POIW'DS OF HITTER I'Elt DAY. The Coos liny Ice nnd Cold Stor age Company Is making u new rec ord this year in the output of but ter and eheese. For the past two mouths tho plant mm neon nverng Ing nbout 1000 pounds of butter and about 11000 pounds of eheese every five days. .Manager C. E. Nicholson this miiriiliiu expressed gratification over the wa business was going. The dnllv average or about (100 pounds of eheese and nbout SOU pounds of butter hikes an Immense amount or milk and cream from the ranches In the vicinity. So far the milk and erenm supply has held up well. The prices are fair, the slump n while hack not being followed by the further decline that some then reared. E. A. Anderson and John i-nn Pr '"I uu (Hill UttiU North Front St. E. A. Anderson ,, Jo, have n victory In tl,c. it H " appeals in mo ciibo of i. Coal and Navigation i-onm... t hum. Involving the wain??" ttftl Hall mill Hull, their nttornl celved word of the ,t,, Tho c-nso was f,i,,i.Tfc carried up ntop by step tu different courts. The n,0"" Try Tho Times' Want Ads. their lots iiiljolnliiK tl,o 0 l Hall nnd Hull i,V,.i. ..Vcentl i-l it P ...! M....I.....I "reiM, i. iii ..,.. . hi. nun company i-iil. . wiiterrrontago for n i.l?1 north of tho Ocean dot8,, ,? old tnx title, shutting of jfi (lerson nnd lleri-nn ...,.i ...MP' deep water. The forn.e, T was nlso in favor of tJ... f5 I Im-win 1 1 K ,, sou nnd llerron, lL... lots. Robert llorron frirm., the lots with Mr. Anderson, Hnvo your Job prlmn, , . mi ...i . uu.;ti. $2000.00 $2200.00 $2300.00 $26251 Sold several before we even had time to advertise, Cream of close-in South Marshfleld lots, Corner or inside, North, East, South or West front, as you like, All elevated and cleared, with impioved stieets, This is some of the best property ever offeredc ki Staple as gold dollars, It is a pleasure to offer such property, and pleasure to show it, It will appeal to the careful, thinking investor, It's J "ocms ana enas , out the very Pest ands.1 est aiui most ciesirauie, If you want value for every dollar, let us show j: OUIIIU Ul UlUiJU mis, I. S. KAUFMAN & CO., 177 Front SI. We Have Two Aims le Furniture Business To Sell the Best at the Lowest Possible Price ST I'RICi: AXIi Tin- 'Rici: AIAVAVS. I.OWKST Suits $8.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 $18.00, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 xx ' " AM h:cii. sai.i: l.Rin:s Mnrshfield. FIXlJP -TWO ST0RES- tiii:si: ci.otiiks axvwiikri:. yoi'th Bond. jiullle. who has been visiting nt the Si. Rogers' home on South C-oim rher. returned to .Marshrield th Ih morn In v O. IIMIARtiKR and wife made a "' ""' roiiii toilav b auto. Mr. Hlburger going on mat ;;''ll.hlu. new ..,,.! MRS I R liKU. or llurllngame. Is expo, ted here this week to be the Biie-t or .Mrs. ICugene O'C,1,,, Mw": AllrrK-orll l"1' ",,"K""Jr "f IH:RMN I'AMNKB. who has been ..t-ie io- some time has been mi- eypec edly ,-nlled ,o his old ho , e u tldnigo. ror which place he ' t. hAiAI.I, reurned to Coiiullle osterdn, to look arte,- their v- g there. They are making r- l,M i1 Rri" will, the old eon- l,,.. " nilny weather. D.r.ClRKhM: !UU wire will bo guests Mr. and Mrs K, k ,Ioii,"J ; ,,, 'ft ?"; 1 on Soutl n, iler the ear h- im,-t .r .1 Koliig p .be latter par. Hu iSnB'hW 'I! "ir "'""nioblle i.'inv ' ?.B .'!! vl" Hoseburg M,l- :, K,-,)I"B. hoe n,l88un- ,..-. immeues the gosiml of th- wck w,, T J ,S'! I YTL- L! . i .. ,. . w ucu mis is aone it means that all thina that are desirable in a satisfactory transaction must follow. RS. JO I l.v v uvi, ter Mls i,.v,l ' ''"l' """Kh-i-i, .miss Hoxie, are exnei-te.i n return overland from sZ- ,, daiigh- Cal. ti, t: Z '.' ".'" 'risvnie. MRS. w. s. CllAN-ni.Pu o., .. i" . "timed to .ft When you get the best it means; qualil and service are assured. When you get the lowest possible price It means you will be pleased with your purchase, We carry everything in Furniture and House Furnishings and our business policy is in line with modern methods. Come in and let us tell you about it the next time you need anything in 8 Wmm.m FLOOR COVERINGS HOUSE FURNISHINGS KITCHEN UTENSILS TENTS---HAMMOCK$ ffl--ijit JV-A-A. i - -ii llw j A f: (JV r a. t ' st GOING , HARVEY CO, COMPLETE HOUSE TORNISHERB " v-wus "er summer home 3zii