ON'T STOP AND STARE UP THE STEPS OE SUCCESS BUT STEP UP THE STAIRS (E000 Sag Sttttfcs IX)ST AKTIOLKH (irP iMt foiiml tltroiiwli Times mint ((It jtfiiil thcnil IVc them! Tlioy get result h. .NOW IS YOl' It T1.M10. A Miiiill nd In Tho Times wnnt column nmy lirlnir you results mi )iiclliit'l,v. Try lino. "TKmmmmmmmmmmmmMammmmm I I .MIOMIUOK OP THK ASSOCIATION MIOSS (VOL. XXXVI, Kstnbllslicil In 1878 is Tho Coast Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. 4 Consolidation of Timet), Const Mall nd Cooh liny Advertiser. No. 304 f! SUBURBAN HOIS BURNED IN I. TIMS FOREST FIRE nnf Redwoods, Cos'tly'Hornes and Mill Valley Have 'Escap ed Damage so rar. rROOPS HOPE TO EXTINGUISH IT 'SOON. )nly Four Scattered Fires This morning Afternoon Trade Winds Spread Flames. jnr Anoilate.l rrr lo Coon liny TlmM 1 L.iv 1,'iiAMnsro. .Milv in. Slx- ce'n coltngoH tlio edge of Mulr Toons luivo boon purlieu, iiuinio uig rces nro Hi 111 safe. Tlio town of illll Valley has not yd oeoii muicnou ... n... rim Tim flames tllllt HV(!l)t lirnugh Hi" liniHh of Mount Tnmal- ilns have not gaiuou ii lomnoiu 1,,. ....IuiimiIm IIIIVWllOl'O. Illlll till) III) flulltl'I'H lll" Httlllip Oltt IlltJ iln( tiuliiy a i uuwn mini ioniums f tlilu smoke from flio cntiyoiiH luittMl tlmt four flrim wero Btlll innldorlng Tlio nrtoriionn trmlo UihIh have ruiinod tun riumos on iroMtiiiH ilayH, S LOST OFF Inknown Chinaman Dropped Overboard Off Point Reyes on Last Trip. SAN FUnNCISCO. .Inly Id. An BlfcllDWII ('llllll'SO WIIH IllSt CiVerbnllNI turn tlio Htoamor Nunn Hiultii. Mich rent hod port Frldny night ruin Coos li:i unit proceeded to In) jioliit tc dlsi-luii'go. Tlio Chl- pm It In s.itil, roll nvor tlio HlllO llillo the sti'tnior wiih off I'olnt lc)(.'. it lit n In lOiickson Mopped nil (I'liiucil at iiiiimI for some time tlio hope ot rescuing Die unfiir- minto iiuui. Iitt no trueo of tilin Ins foiiml Tlio Chlnoso Ik believed liac been tuiiiloycil at one of fu m-iii ii .1 hui i i' i.iiupH, TO it.xxn: axi ltrssiA appioaliod to nv hclgakia ;m:i:ri: XVAKNi:i XOT TO 31 A K 10 TIOlt.MS MM) SIOVIOIIIO OK XYAK XVI LI, en ox. Illy A? mUtel I'rc-M In ruot Cay Time) 1ST PIOTIOHSHPRG, Russia. July iiiiiKiii'ia lias nlacod herself un- iscnedly In tlio linnda or Russia, Itll n Vlow of lirlllL'lllL' nliniit n (OK. Hon of hostilities nml In order to event further bloodshed, neeordlng uie aniimiiieciiiont mndo hero to- y apparently on good authority. tlly A;-o.Ulr) prr to Com llay Tlmea. VIKNNA, July 10. Frnnoo has IllOrlnknll In lllirnllllln ...111, Unruln . -" " ,,. ,vil UUI 1 III 111 (ireei'U Oil linlintf r.f Tli.lr.nrln In certain what terms of peaco can bo ranged. Tlio French government iiiuitiuu mo ureoKs nml Servians i in uonmnii too much, ns otnor- " ouiKiinii is iiKoiy to proror to 0 clinnroa nf fl..!.)!..,. ,. M.r. kurel. APPIOAL TO 10UKOPI0. Mkni'Iii Makes Ilcquest of Pover I rl. C...1 ,l.n it. in. .. . "" 11 ill, iur Auo'Uici !,, ,0 Cool Ijr Tme,,j II.ONnnv i..i.. in T. ,.. -.i.i.ti.. Ir.fi...'."' '"i is uiiiuiiiiiy kfin M ler tl,nt "w'BttflR lna r -.. ..,C luuiiiiivo oi nsKing tno llkan wnr. OIIKKKS ItKPOKT GAINS. Hm to Unro Occupied Two Ini- Idtauo, : ii "u,Knnn I'oints. W"' A,,ltM rren lo Coo ny Time.) (pr.Vnn. ,'.Ureoco' July 10. The rnnri )S! for.c0 t0(,ny occupied tho 'I'Ori Of Karnln. nil llln Anrronn onn llcrto In the hands of tho Dulgarl- , "" "'-T or Htrumitza also been occupied by Greok troops. 1WIVR Ill'LG.MtS HACK. Mans Press Them Hck and Cap- :nr A.ao,h,M'r'.".s','"s' nm - VMU limn. SS it)PE' J,Uy 10 Tho Bul kMv 00ps cntlnuo to rotiro, SlZ..1'"'""?. The einlixi V7i l,"K lrom l8UP lm" rtant tnu.nCCllp' pvltch. an im- I of u,t oT . ' ,niry lrtve thorn fo their dead and'woundel 'and L rood n,vpy rUles' ammunition INN SMITH I W IRE MOTHERS GET PENSIONS Coos County is Now Paying $558 per Month for Them ' - Divorcees',Get Nothing. (Special to The Times.) COQUILLI0, Or., .Inly 10. Coon county Ih now pnytng out inns. no per month In mother'H pensions. Sev eral now pniiHloiiH wore allowed this week by the county court, most of thoiii being on applications that had been Invest Igntod. Four applcntlons luivo been rejected ho fur. The law abuts out divorced women from benefiting fioni tlio mother's pension law. In conHouuoneo. two i Uiindnii women were not allowed PciihIoiih. Tlio women nro In need anil the county court In order to lo yally nsHlHt them has to allow them money out or (lie Indigent fund but tlio women, being divorced, cannot bo allowed mother's pensloiiH. Tho women wIiohc aiipllcatlons were rejected wore Mrs. Fiilohor nml Mrs. Crowo of Ilamlon. Hotli of whom nro allowed $l(i per month out of the Indigent funil. Mrs. Ilnmiihreya or Ilamlon was rot allowed u mo' tier's pension bo- ii r 'i t c:mi intiii!y nllowaiue or $i"0 from tlio Kelley Anderson IokkIiik company. She lias Heveral children and her husband wiih hilled In tho Hear Crook wreck. Mrs. Knimlo O'Donunll or Marsh flelil wiih retimed n piMislon because hor husband Is employed on a ref ill nr Hillary. "Mrs. Da Hoy or Myrtle Point, was leituuMl a pouslou becauso she was not Hiiro whether her husband Ih liv ing or dead. Klie has not heard fioni Mm Tor a Idiik time. The new monthly pensions wore: Mary lOllou Me.Mahon, Hunker lllll, Norn A. Ilostcttler, Myrtlu I'olnt. ?10. .Mary 31. UlehanlH. Myrtle Point, J7..10. (lota $1! from uoveiiimen' as poldler'h Willow. Mary Armithe Ituiidu or Hamlon, 10. .McIIhsii XoIhoii or Hauilou. i'Jtr,. llostorblnla Hriiier or Coiiilllo, ?17.r.O. Ilertha M. Laytou or MuishNohl, ?17.r.(). .Mrs. TiiiiiutV Case. 3lrs. Tniuior or Pouth Slough, whoso husbntid was lost In the wreck or tho North Star, wiih not allowed n pension this tlino because she Is fillll recelvlriK u monthly nllowanro from tlio benefit fund raised by tho people of Mnrtriiriold. Ilor last al lownnco from tills fund will proba bly bo this month and In Aimust the county court will probably grant her petition. Tillamook Brings in Forty Dump Cars and Other Sup plies for Porter Brothers Tho Btonmor Tillamook nrrlvcd In Coos nay today with n cargo of equlpmont nnd supplies for Portor ITrothors for uso on tholr construc tion of tho Coos Hay and lOugeno lino. In tho cargo wero 10 dump ears, sonio of which will bo used In tho Simpson Park cut at North Bond nnd aomo of which will probably bo tnken to Ton MIlo for ubo at tho south entrance of tho big tunnel. Let Sewer Contract. The North Bond city council last ovening nwnrded tho contract for tho sower main across tho flat whoro tho S. P. la making a big fill to Ander son nnd Klockora for ?390.1. Hugh McLaln of Mnr8hflold, wna tho only other bidder but ho was nbout $1700 higher than Anderson and Klockers. Porters May Hid. Membors of tho North Bond city council nro hoping to got Portor Brothers or somo of tholr associates to bid on tho $70,000 worth of stroot work which is to bo lot July 17. It is understood tho matter has boon taken up with them nnd a bid Is ex pected from thorn. Owing to tho Por ter peoplo having consldornblo equip ment on tills ond for tho Southorn Pacific work ,it was thought that tho Icrgo amount of grading nnd filling In North Bond could bo worked In to advantage Now York will spend $300,000, 000 for now subway systoms. Four years from now the city will bo oneratlncr GOO miles of single track Jn service beneath tho city, NEW EQUIPMENT FOR RAILWAY SOFFRAGETTE CONFESSES TO ARSON Wife of English Physician Gives Herself up and Says Fires Were Lighted as Bea cons of Women's Wrongs. Illy AsmcUlpit PrfM to Coon Iliy TlmM. MX'KHPOOU July 10 A drnmnt- le confession of liicendlarlHtn was mndu today by a woll known mili tant BiifrriiKotte, Mrs. Kdlth IUgoy, wiro or u physician at Preston, to n policeman here. Sho waB re manded for a more extended hearing. Mra. Klgby declared It was she who biBt Tuesdny burned down tho country eBtato at Hlvlng ton or Sir WHllnih Lover, causing dnmngo estimated nt $100,000. Sho rujinejcoiiresspiitt jioing. jno Jior1 NOTED AUTHOR PASSES Air: Aubrey Boucicault, Son of Dion Boucicault, Succumbs to Pneumonia Today. tlly AmoiHIM l'rru to Cool IUjt Timet 1 MOW YOHK. July 10. Aubrey liouclcnult, nutlinr nnd playwright, nml Hon or the lute Dion Houclcmilt, died today or pneumonia, aged 4 yours. ARMSTRONG IS CALLED TODAY Portland Civil Service Commis sioner to Tell Grand Jury About Alleged Graft. Illy A.o. lalcl err! to Con IUy Tlmti, POItTLANI), Or., July 10. Civil Service Coiuiiilssioiier A. P. Arm strong will nppoar before tho grand jury this afternoon to testify in the probe. nw under way. or the charges that tho civil service examinations for plnces on police forco wero per monted with graft during his admin istration. ENDED TODAY Retirement of Kuhn Brothers of Pittsburg, Financial In stitution Appeases. tlly Aio,ltv I'rci to Coo nay TlmM.) PITTSBimO, 3 illy 10. Tho rn on tho Pittsburg Hunk for Savings was not resumed today. Furthor re signations of Kuhn Hiothors from nil connection with tho Pittsburg finan cial lntorosts was announced today. Both men romoved themsolvos from tho directorate of the Co'Jonlnl Trust company or this city, and W. S. Kuhn took llko notion with respect to the board or tho Common wealth Trust company. Oil Tracts Subject to Entry Under Homestead or Desert Land Regulations. XVASHINGTON, D. C, July 10. By unanimous consent tho Senate to day passed n bill making tho Oregon lands withdrawn or classified ns oil subjoct to entry under tho homestead or desert land laws. Tho Sonato today passed a bill to no longer require continuous resi dence on public lands ontered, whoro insufficient water for domestic pur poses exists. And also tho Borah bill, authorizing specific Improve ments on a homestead entry In lieu of tho cultivation of a certain ncro ago annunlly was passed. KOTICI3. OREGON UNO LAW CHANGED Rogular monthly meeting of tho Chamber of Commerce will ho hold Friday at 8 o'clock. Somo Impor tant matters to come up. Tho pub lic Is Invited. Try Tho Times' "Want Ads. potrnlor or an outrage nt the Liver pool cotton exchange July 5, when n bomb exploded but caused little dnm ngo. Mrs. Klgby surrendered volun tarily to tho polite. When arraigned today, alio gloried In her achieve ments, saying tlmt alio wanted Sir XVIHIani Lever to consider whether his Iioiibo wnfl more Milunble iib n bIiow place than ns n beacon lighted tor the King nml tho country to boo women Buffering an Insupportable grlcvnnce. Sho said, "I chose the Liverpool cotton exchange bccniiBO tho cotton Industry has been built up largely by women's labor. Mer chants are willing to get power nnd wealth out of tho labor of women, while tho women themselves are de nied tho right to voto and cltlen- hlilp DROPS DEAD AT HIS OESK TODAY J. Y. Coffman, Chehalis Phone Magnate and Business Man, Succumbs Suddenly. nr A.(h Uiivt I'rrM lo I'iim IUy Tlino. J CIIIOHALIS, WtSBh.. July 10. I. Y. Coffman, owner or tho telephone exchange ami prominent In husluoHS circles tor ninny years, dropped dead ut his desk t3day or heart disease. President of Swarthmore Col lege Given National Educa tional Association Place. tlly Awlilc-1 l'r. to Coo Day TIrim. SALT LAKH, July lo. Joseph Swnyne, president or Swnrthinoro College, was elected president or the Nrtlonnl Kducutlonnl AsHoclntlnu by n iiuanlmnus vote hero today. Grace M. Sheppard, State Superintendent or Idnho schoilB, was re-electod treasurer. ES AT PDRTL First Trust Company Suspends and State Begins Probe Only Stockholders Lose. Ily AuoditcJ 1'rfii lo Coot Day Tlnif.,1 PORTLAND, Or., July 10. The First Trust Company of Portland has closed Its doors with n view to going Into Hquldntlon mid tho stnto commissioner of corporations hns nBked Attorney Gonernl Crawford to take steps for tho appointment of n receiver for tho compnny. Tho nctlon of tho concorn followed tho refusnl of corporation commissioner to Issue a permit under tho now law regulat ing tho trust company to do business. The compnny was formed with nn authorized cnpltnl of $500,000, but reducod this to $20,000. Tho offi cers sny no ono but tho stockholders will lose anything. TGIVE FUELjOMPANY Interstate Commerce Commis sion Rules Against' Rio Grande's Coal Operations (Dy Auoclate4 Treia to moi nay Tlmea. WASHINGTON. D. C, July 10. Tho Interstate Commerco Commis sion hold todny that tho Denver & Rio Grande Railway's ownership of tho Utah Fuel company nnd Its competition commercially in tho In terstate coal markets was In violation of tho commodities clause of the in terstate commorco law. Tho Depart ment of Justice may take up the case. NOTIOR. Regular monthly mooting of tho Chamber of Commerce will bo held Friday ovonlng at 8 o'clock. Somo Important matters to come up. Tho public is Invited, S1YHE HEADS TEACHERS NOW MU EXPECT TARIFF BE PASSED ROOSEVELT ON JAP PROBLEM Former President Says Ameri can Public Will Not Permit Naturalization. tlly AmO'IMf.) l'rru lo Coo lly Tlmwi.l TOKIO, July 10. A news ngoncy hero says Viscount' Kentaro Kanokn hns received a lottor rroin Theodore itoosovelt expressing tho view that American public opinion wltl not permit the naturalization or .Japan ese in tho United States, as It would lead to a similar claim on tho part of Chinese. Itoosovelt, according to the newH ngoncy, promised to use his efforts In a solution or tho Cal ifornia alien land ownership situa tion. KIOPI.Y TO JAPAN. Scci-otiiry llryan Delays Answer to Notes or Mlkuilo. tlly AHorlatM I'rtm to Coo lly Tlmm.) WASHINGTON, U. C, July 10. After a oonferenco or it ii hour nnd a quarter with tho Jnpanoso Am bassador, Secretary or State Bryan announced today that the dispatch f his reply to tho two latest Jnp toiono notes on the California anti i.lleu land law might ho deferred until next week. Hrynn boforo tho conference, said ho expected to ninke tho reply boforo tho end of tho weok. No reason for tho change was given. JAP STATESMAN PASSES AWAY Count Hayashi Succumbs to Operation Made Necessary by Mob's Assault. Ily AMOiatr.l Pn-M to Coo. Hay TIiiim TOKIO, Jnpnn, July 10. Count Tndasu Ilaynsbl, formoiiy minister or foreign affnlrs and minister or commtiiilcnttnns. died today from u surgical operation mndo necessary by tho Jluiikflhn nccldont. Ho had been minister to China nml Russia ami ambassador to lOnglnnd, In the lntter post, ho brought about tho An glo.Jnpnneso nllianco. J T Colored Pugilist Says That He ill Take up Residence in France Out $30,000. FUANC10 .MAY ALSO OUST JOHNSON. (By Associated Press.) WASHING'ION, July 10. Tho stato ofriclnls say Jack Johnson may not rind rofugo in Franco. Tho French authori ties, oven without a formal np peal from this Government, may deport Johnson, ns Franco Is understood to havo law pro hibiting tho Immigration of a IliuiDUM luutiuiuu ui a uiiiiiu iu his own country. (Dy AuocltteJ I'rt'" to Coot Day Tlmea.) HAVRE. France, July 10. Jack Johnson tho negro pugilist, arrived hero today on board the Corinthian and Immediately after landing an nounced his intontlon never to re turn to tho United States. Ho Bald that he would tako up his resldenco In Paris. TO FOltFIOIT BAIL. Government XX'HI Tnke Stops to Col lect $.10,000. (Dy Aiioclat4 Treat lo Coot Day Tlmea XX'ASHINGTON, D. C, July 10. The Department of Justice expressed no regret over-Jack Jolmson'B an nouncement that ho would not re turn to tho United States. No offort v. Ill be mado to oxtradlto him, but the usual procedure to forfeit his $30,000 ball will be taken. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have .rll'Ae l'CI.Ml Phnno "7K Dnnlflr. Livery and Transfer Company. N W BILL WILL BY SEPTEMBER I Democratic Majority Plans to Rush Measure Through Sen ate Without Delays. MEASURE NEARLY READY FOR DEBATE Senator Stone Says Currency Legislation Will Have to go Over Until Next Fall. iny AaioclaUil frcti to Cooi Day Tlmea. WASHINGTON. 1). C, July 10. Chairman Simmons hns called a meeting of tho finniicc cnmmlttco rot tomorrow with tho Intention or re porting tho tariff bill to the Sonntl tomorrow afternoon. Republtcnt members probably will not attempt ilny delay. The Democrats purpost to begin the debate Monday and keep tho bill continuously boforo tho Sen ate until It Ih passed. Republican leadorH agree thnt this probably will bo before September t. Senator Stone predicted today that thoro would bo no currency legislation un til the winter session. ROAD MASTER P. M .Hall-Lewis Selected by Commissioners Will Have Supervision of Highways. (Speclnl to tho Times) COQUILLH, Or.. July 10. Tho Coos county commissioners yoBtordny appointed P. M. Ilall-Lowls, formerly or MniHhriold but until recently city engineer or Coqulllc, special county rnadniastor. Ho Ik nliowod n snlnry or $100 por month nnd expenses Mr tho rirst throe mouths and will later proliably bo nliowod n greater salary. This Is the first step of the Coos county conimlHslonorH toward .tho adoption of n more uniform road sys tem. They find thnt they aro great ly hampered by tho oxlstlng road laws, tho small district system lidd ing ut lenst 'iT por cent to the cost of tho rond work. Tho Idoa or nnpolntlng Hnll Lowia county rond muster Is to ellmlunto part or this. All or tho district su pervisors w he directly under him, nnd ho will ropresent the countv com missioners, looking after tho details or tho work and seeing tlmt It Is dono properly. Ho will nlso propnro plans nnd specifications for tho construc tion of now ronds. Next Momlny, ho and tho throo county coninilhsloners, Judgo Hnll, Mr. Armstrong nnd .Mr. Dement will stnrt on n tour of Inspection nnd will lslt most of tho ronds In tho coun ty. Coos county hns about 900 miles or road. In onch district, tho district supervisor will go over tho roans witn tliom. In enso Mr. Hall Lewis rinds tho district supervisors recalcitrant, ho will roport them to tho county com missioners who nro empowered to oust tliom from ofrieo. County Rond Work. Tho commlsslonorfl npproved tho now rond from North Bond to 13m plro. It will cost between $12,000 to $14,000. Tlio work Is to bo Btnrtod nt onco but It Is hnrdly Ilko ly thnt thoy will bo ablo to moro thnn clear it this year. Noxt yoar, tho North Bend road district Is to lovy tho limit to rniso funds to hnrd aur faco tho road. Tho Honry street brldgo contract in Coqulllo was awarded to Mr. 131 lingson nnd will total nbout $2400. Tho Cooper Hill dnmngo caso was taken under consideration and tho commissioners will Inspect It. Tho drnlnngo district appeal of B. F. Wyatt nnd others near Myrtlo Point was also roforred for porsonnl Inspection. Work on Canyon. Tho county commissioners will soon award a contract for Improving tho Myrtle Polnt-Rosebiirg road. Thoy probably will start nt tho Doug Ins county lino nnd work; towards Myrtlo Point. Tho county planned to oxpond nbout $10,000 of tho gen eral fund nnd $5000 raised by spe cial lovy on this road but. tho latter has boon hold up. However, tho com missioners will go nhond with )t. Tho rock road Is costing much less this yenr than formerly, tho bjg trac tion englno delivering rock Jn 12 yard loads at a cost of about 50 cents por yard, while hitherto by team haul It cost nbout $1.50 per yard, ROOSI0VI0LTS IN AU.TOS. Lcnvo Doming, N. 31., on Overland Trip Todny. Iljr Aaaoclatril Treat to Coot Day Timet. DI3MING, Now Mexico. July 10. Theodore Roosevelt nnd two sons left for Silver City In autos this morning. Havo your Job prlntlug dono t The Times office,