KvfdM a, s K-YjM ?" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGOH, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1913.-EVEMIHC EDITION. ' 'y THE SHOPPING PUBLIC IS DULY INFORMED THAT WE ARE MORE THAN BUSY -MAKING PREPAKATIUN5 1U muin vvk - emi-Annual Clearance Sale 9 th S . BEGINNING THURSDAY, JULY I OTH EMiSciTRivENTUS FROM GOING INTO DETAIL . IN THIS DVETISEMENT; J Let, Us Impress Upon You That We Extend the Courtesyof "NO TROUBLE TO iHOW OOODi. J MEN'S LIGHT AND MEDIUM WEIGHT 11 J Tfc J men s rants Five Lots of Broken Sizes in MEN'S Five Lots ot BroKen bizes in , mum o uni mu mumum ..-.-... . LADIES', MEN'S AND BOYS' ' I T . O-i-iii. SUITSSHOES,ESui! Such well-known makes as Micliels, Stern & Co., and Benjamin Clothes. LOT ONE Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords that sold from S2 to S3 for Si. 15 ii&oo su!!s fSr::::::::::::::lii3l , lot Two-LadieS mgh shoes, broken 516.50 Suits for $13.20 gX values for $2.85 320,00 Suits for $15 95 34,00 Values for $2.60 $25,00 Suits for $19.95 53,50 Values for $2.15 S28.00 Suits for $22.40 $3,00 Values for $1.60 $30.00 Suits for $24.00 $35.00 Suits for $28.00 LOT THREE Men's Oxfords, One-third off. Raincoats and Overcoats will be sold at the same discount. LOT FOUR Boys' Oxfords, $2,00 and $3.50 values for $1.15 S2.00 Values for $1.35 $2,50 Values for $1.85 83,00 Values for $2.15 $3,50 Values for $2.65 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Three lots in broken sizes of $1,50 Values for $1.10 $1.75 Values for $1.25 $2,50 Values for $1.85 AND DRESS TROUSERS. $1,75 Values for $1,40 $2,50 Values for $1,95 $3,00 Values for $2.4.0 $3,50 Values for $2.80 $4,00 Values for $3.20 $5,00 Values for $3.95 $6,00 Values for $4.80 $7,50 Values for $5.95 for LOT FIVE Children's $1,50 Shoes $1.00 Extra: We've just unpacked a consignment of BOYS' KNICKERBOCKER SUITS, ases ranging from 3 to 16 years, and in order to give the little men a lookin, we will offer them during the sale at m off "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co FIRST CHOICE MEANS BEST SELECTIONS MARSHFIELD Myrtle Point Bandon I TO PLEAD GUIM HI I ra E Glendalc Bank Robber Will Not , Coos County Hardware Dealers Make Defense Blames Whiskov for It. UOSIIIUUlO, Or., July S. Tito Re view HiiyH: "I diiii't Ictiow miytliliiK alicutt court procoodlngH.sn 1 will pioml guilty ninl tnko my medicine." TIiiih spoko Ray Dluintmil, who robbed the (llcudnlo limit on Jiiini Hi, lust, to District At torney llrowu, who (iKkt'il If ho would innl(i) a defense to tinit I'hiti-Ki'. Sher iff Quliii' arrived hero with nimunml hint Saturday night from Until llcnch, ImvliiK come over the trail from Rogue river to West Kork unit thence hy trnlii to Reselling. Diamond Is bright 11ml vIviicIoiih 11ml when he saw the rt'mv.l nni,iiiilit,il ni tin. .1. ...... .... ........ ................ ... .,.. ,,v...i nliout ll::t( p. m.. to nee hlin. lie re marked to the Hherlff: "UenrKe. you ought to put up a tent mul chnrgo to centH admission. You could make n lot of money." There was no time for the Indulgence of lille curiosity, however, mul lie was token quickly to a waiting auluino. bile mul In a very few minutes una limited la Jail. Then the sheriff hail to "skirmish" for bedding for the Lowest arrival, for the Jail equipment limy occupieu with tin. gang of five yontiK RiibsIuiis brought here iron, (Inrdluer Saturday evening, ami im- iiui-u inner prisoners, (ion, icotl-' i'.1".': ,h0 fiutlierlln burglar. 11. A. SUUor, the hud clieck man. ami .1. A. ! (Irlffo, tho Ulemlnle horsethlef. nuer ir ijuino illil not lirliiK hack the stolen money with lilin, it being euinborsomo to carry, ,.Sp..allv in bad weather. It wuh iilaceil in a bank at (Sold llench ami will bo rannmltteil nt convenience, through tlio tiBiinl channels, Whiskey Cure Hail, i.nSii,,,.B B.rriJ'B! ' lmoml has not hesitate, to talk finely 0f tlio rot,, hery and of his ten days wandering lt the mountains. Biu'akliic to newspaper representatives he said in reply to quostlous: ' , 'What on earth over caused you ' to do such a tliliiK as you did?" ,.11,',0u,''1 " t'l" truth. 1 don't know." said young Diamond. "About bucking horso down in the Klamath I'untry and my lung was crush", iLmJIi v.?Lani1 K"Vl' " moro was stabbed In the sani. lung diirliu n fracas at Ulojidalo. My lungs "d , hSf!,ln,B.,,,at whlykvy would ben efit tbtfM I iwRan using t, j ,rnnk ;"''rt. U' gradual y Enjoy Social Followiiui the Recent Convention. i no senii-nnnual convention of tho Coos County Hardware Dealem came to a close at The Chandler last eveuliiK with one of the finest iiiiiiriN nun uas ever neon held In .Marshlleld. There wan a pro-Ki-nin of Impromptu toasta and hIiik Iiik and a Koueral kooiI time. The association wa orBiinlzed about eight years nno hv K. K. JonoH of .Marsalleld. .1. T. HarrlKiui presided as tonsN master last ovoiiIiik. IioIiik selected by President 1'. X. ItehorK. Anionic tliimit i,riii m (I... i.n... . " . ... . .. .1111,- quot lioard were .1. T. HnrriKiiii, ii. n. urins. .mho Sumner. Chas. ..ledley, . ;. Hhkuo. Don Onrdluer. Marry llnltmaii" Wm. J-'onl. Kav .MoNnlr, .1. A. Jonnstiiii v d. UMK. A. K. XelT. W. X. Kkliliul. S. reterson. Itoscoo Hnzer. Itoin .Veil sen (leorfio llaxor. Ueo. Mlack. Uoo. (.Illiertson ninl D. A. IIiiIIiik. IIOV SIM'S lTlli: DltOW.V. DoiikIiis County Itaucliei- and Team i.sr in nnpqim Itiver. UO.SBIUMUI. Or., .lulv '.). Swept over the rapids when he wa ford- Inn he t'liipqna Itiver In his wanon. . udil hnrly. n rnnclier IIvlnK tliree i"..n ,ii,iii .ujiue iToeK. was drowned. vnluablo team whlrh he was driving was also lost. Karlv Passed the ilnv u-ll. f..l...... ... .Myrtle Creek and was returning liome when the accident liannei et According to his H-yeni-ohl sou. wlio was standing on tho shore and was the only eye-witness to the tragedy, the wagon had reached a point near the center of the stream when the team suddenly foundere unit was swept over the rapids. I'X.UVAIHniK W.SSIIOT. lo irnoGHESs 10 ROW EJECT PEOPLE G. W. Carr Makes First Trip Through to Marshfield Will Operate Daily Service. U. W. Carr arrived hero last evening on tlio first trip of tho new through nutu sorvico between Miirshfl.ilil mul lliwiilniii. it lu .i . ......... ...... .....,uu.. n ,, n ,.,, extension of the auto stago sorvico which .1. I I.iilnl has boon malntaln- lllir betwuen Cwilillln mul llnml The schedule provides for loavlng Marsliflold at .1 o'clock cadi morning nuil getting Into Rosobiirg at 7 o'clock in tlio ovcnlng, Tho faro be tween Marsliflold mid Coqulllo is $, botween Coqulllo and Myrtle Point i.'i cents allil frnin Mvrllit 1aIii( ,,. ttosebiirg $7. The roails nm ilrvlnv no rm.l.ll.. and will soon bo In good condition, llio worst part Is In tho canyon but this will soon bo imt In fairly good shnpe. Mr. Carr liad n Wlnton Six ma- CIIIIII'. Pain In side Found to .t. i-v,,,,, Mullet Wound. I'OltTt.AXD. Or.. .lulv 9. .Cl,as. AIoMuidor a logger, while celebrat iig In Stevenson. vn,.. k,.i1iiVi was struck In the side with a bullet Iron, n ,, rifle, and his In ,,rv was not discovered until Suiidav j. l'ftIio luillef struck him he Jolt a twlnse of pain and went ;omo.andfaUlnKtol.nprovo,,yYns "ttiit. his associates sought for io cause of tils Illness and located he ,bii lot hole. Physician lop save Alexander b life. Who'sWhoand Whafs What An Kngllshinan visiting this country recently commented on the advanced development of our advertising. Ho said that one might get a liberal educa tion In a remarkably short space of tlmo by an intimate Jtudy of tho advertising In first-class newspapers. That may have boon express- K It rathor stronglv per imps as n result of his enthusiasm-but It must be appar ent to every thoughtful reader tint newspaper advortlslng as It Is conducted uowadavs pos sesses an unusual educational value. We are quite sure that our cousin trom over the sea might como here a total stranger and by diligent attoiitlon to tho ad ortlsliiK appenrliin dally in Hits and other newspapers, soon be well Informed as to tho customs and tho fashions where to go for his si Top ,?"g mid his recreation. Wlio's who mul what's what niidlng tholr way nt0 th;. dally newspapers. sn that he -Mi. iitiiuB may profit. I City Council to Get Rid of Un desirable Residents Concrete Jail. At a mooting of tho Kastsldo conn rll Inst evening, stops wore taken to try and eject two undoslrablos wlio lmvo recently tnkou mi rosl ilenco near tho Kastsldo school hotiso. Tlio council passed mi ordinance nrovlillnir for theh' ..l.vtlmi ri-. ! community but ovldonco is now lnck- ,,, in viuun-u ii. rtl ino council mooting. It was stated that thoy hail t omo from MniHliflold, Marshal Car tor having notified them to leavo Marsliflold. It was nlso decided to bavo n con uoto Jnll building erected near tlio now city hall. It wns first proposed to llllt 111 lull cn1ln In llin nl,l Lull, I. lug but It was found that tho stnto law requires n fireproof structure. The slo of tho new concroto Jnll wns not determined, Oeorgo Wntklns was ro-appolntod city nttoruoy for tlio onsulng year. Partial payments woro mndo to Contractors Perlmm nud Uldley on their work, mul Johnson and Larson wpro paid for completing tho short whnrf on Isthmus Inlet. Mr. PlntstOIlO wnw nllnu-ml o nn apiece for each of tho tlireo bodies Wll eh WCI'O illslntnrmil In tl. .... grading. Tho bodies wero not Iden- IIUOIl. Tho council will m'eot ngaln July -- to take ill) various mniion .!,., J a successor to It. J. Montgomery on ,,,u "v ii'iiuiii nuiy uo nppointed. I ,.- ., , 9 I I ho Malkan war has brought about a rlso in certain lumber prices In Ku- , rope becauso of tlio big demand for wood for ammunition boxes. 1 cJP'0?11, tm' Prlnlcpal source of , SllUtt Jt'S for use in milnn ...in,. i i growing scrncor year by year, and'va oiis substitutes nro being tried, but with no grent success. tionnii?f!l'!nl8 of th0 Yoomlto Nn iionni Park are cooperating with tho , forest officers of the StnnUus ami ! Siena national forests for flro pio- ' i'SI m" ?nrt Pon,ro1 " "io park mid the forests. Kxperlnients with n troo planting nnelilno at the Ctah Agricultural t"x- 'orlment station m.llcato that It nay' bo used to ndvantago in reforesting Id burned areas on tho national for- The loading forost schools of tho' ZTJilT 0Uly,!mve thoir own f2" out tracts for continuous experiments ' but give tholr students actu"0v' tlons g lumberlB opera- i ON HIOEf ROAD IDEM IN SCHI I I Walter Condron Buys Last of Idaho Educator Says Vi Rapid Transit Com- tional Training is the M KOUKST .OTKS. pany's Scrapers. Walter Coiulron, or .Myrtle Point, wns In Mnrslillold today to close n ileal for tho purciinso of tho balanco of till) scraiieiH nf llm Ifni.i.i !.,... Rii Company ninl .Major I.. I). Kin- nuj io no union to .Myrtle Point for construction of the now Sinlth Powors road. Tho scrapers, which wore purchased nt tho tlmo of tho miini inuisii wont, wero used hut !l.0.""a w,n ,on, ' luinily for WUIott & nurr. .wr. Cotldron rennrlu fulii.. ,.n.i progress on tho lino despite tho bad weather. II n linn inwi fii,iDi,,i 1...1.... ng In 100 head of horses nud mules to bo stnrtod on tlio scrnpor work. I-or tho present euinps. they have mifilelont 111011, hut if thoy could Pick up 100 or so moro workmen Boon, thoy would open a couple of moro construction enmps mul thereby u"mC,.,ho '""'I'lotlon of tho road. With the additional horses and mules, thoy would bo able to do til In, Mr. Condron says that with good luck thoy ought to got tho firsts 0 miles of road to Roland Crook dono by early In August. Tho tuniiol ..1.1 Moulin moro is sow mid will nrobab v , n i, ...... ".. VI tho road. ' '"" """"" m Tho Smith-Powers Company will probably bo nblo to opon sonio log- fan ca,ni,s on tho "no onr,y thls I .MVItTliK imvi' niiiwi. -.-... iiiuii Mrs. T.oslln filnu.1 Tl ioin 1 V " .iimiiisuii enior talned a her home Thursday nftor .oon In honor of her sister. Mrs. l . I.Ulls, of Portland. Tho houso was effectively decora 0,1 w 1, sweet hrler and St. Joseph llllles. Tho nf toruoon was pleasantly spent In play & 7"s: ' Prlea being W0R' by 118. c,. A. Stopheuson and Mrs. J. O. Stoninilor. .Mrs. Johnson w.,o nsslstod m serving' by C Ra ,"h Rogers and Miss Mary C. Drain X i;,t0Rn! S?ro Mob. anioaConS Secret of Success. (Special to Tho TlniM.) Hi'iiin'H n.. 1..1.. n "itsd lvn. III.. II,.. .., mi. I 'trlii In feltf! might lmvo boon tho subject del 1 ii'i-mri-it nun urn neiiig k ' U'IW.1 t.t tli.. IT.. I..., ..oil., nt Am Su icr School by Charles S. H 1110 Hiiporintoniiont wtioie n,i tlnlllvl.irv .f llin uilinnl srltffl I Molso, Idaho, has attracted .v'il attoiitlon. "In four ycarfc (!iiniili.i.,...lA..i i...i. ... 1.1. Ii u.ii'ui .iiiiiiuiuiii .uuon 111 "'" today, "In which the total vv nttenilniico nt Holso has Incrfw: per coin, wo nnvo incrr" ' I'ltnl high school attendant! por cent, nud linvo Incrcaw proportion who Btlck to It aildp uato by 230 por cent. ".Vow, this has boon no K iicini conjuror h trioK - c" volved tho offorlng of n whole tviin nf nilncnllnn illrectlv IM" niodlntoly innrkotnblo rofcj training. If nnv nro conitKH ally nvorso to radical change! I3 c.n.. .1.,.. . - .... Ih. rUFI i.v una 10 oucoiiragu ii" j vntlves tho dovolopnient ot i"l cntlonnl courses does n'.,,f uio irauuiouni nctivuies 01 sehnnl I nMn ..mllmmntlcl "' m,lli,...l .I..JL thrlvlnf t Minimi BiiiuiuB iiiu """,-;ij 1.1.,,.,...,.!.. I.. ....nl4(lnn U'llll keoplng, mllllnory, drafting. ' i.iiiiuiu, euoKing iiiiu r"'vl lug than thoy did hofore tM"3 studies ilrnccod tho hoy-aboit lllto tlm Relmnl nni! liOL'On to l"1; for sonio UBOful placo la t"1 '"iiuiiy. inij nut. iii.i.i lo lln our M?J tural coiirsea send tho tpy tJ tho farm: our commercial.? J Bet him n job In an orn- , work In. drafting enables oarn up to $100 a month ew Kradunting. All repairs c J rinlo. uniinni i.nji,tiT nrfl C-1'. J Htudeiits; moro than that, J'lJlllllll Ol liOlHO H " '.k.KTl mont wnn planned In t" ,iJ in lining uiassoa ui D""kil nun 111 iircniiecis n----- . ran. W. T. MnPinVi, ";" yono-. nro paid In cash for munjL I'liolnn. J. O. sTomnilor i n rc0' w''-k as thoy go nlong. ",j nilor whi. T0-m.m'c,J, O. Stem- "icon red studv" Is Engl Isl. expect to glvo much of t" uouai ennrncter ' "" through commercial 'e,tfL ngncuiturai descripiioiiB. r and Hko dovlces." en.ont. I). v. alios. aiSiulUin tan A. S. Rlggs. i,ioy,i spires 1 J. Roberts, and Adolspergor. bla- Misses Wlnnlo Spires, Crouch Ri 8 Mat lo llullng. Nome Doment ni d Maria,, Suplee.-Myrtlo Point Enter! I In Chicago Annlo Iaurle 3 lini liiiBlinml ttr illvnrce. J'Jl Ip entirely too fond of through the rye shops. -v- V k--