S ONLY THE RIGHT KIND Of FORWARD ACTION THAT HAS NO BACK ACTION (txm lag Stotes 'lost articles VOW IS VOl'II TIME. n ., 1,,-t fimml through Times mint n)1. itnul Ihcmt I'm- tlicint They A small nil In The; Times want column may lirlnir you results im mediately. Try (inc. eel result MEMBER OF Til 13 ASSOCIATED PRESS .1 vVWI liMnniimicu in io )L. AAA VI. xiio Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1913. EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. CAdStSS M"" " No- 303 ORES! I I VALLEY'S FIST HOIS TODAY Lnflanratlon Starting at Mt. Tamaipias auruaub wuu Great Rapidity. oVERNMENT TROOPS SbNI iu ontorx n Ivor 2000 Men rushed From Forts and rcavai auuiuns to Stay Advance. I Dr ' lalrJ rrr" ,n Co" ",,r 'T,mn ' Liv IMIAVflRffl. -lull' n. -TWO InuYnnd soldiers, milium and naval bproiitlres woro doiniictt ninny uy it c i.iit'iit'iiitinnt 111 f I I'll t llin res still stubbornly outing Into tho rush cowred sines 01 .moihu mnmi- i.... I.M..M nillll!llilOM llf Const Ar- llo'ry wiro on duty In the brush, a . i uiIImi-., worn tielil 111 KllllHII- llHIPilll'l '"n - - - to In roseno for relief ilnty ami 1 1 d lipreiltlces rnilll Mil' niiviii minimi nil orliu lliionn IhIiiiiiI Joined tlioin (IiIh lornlng Fire nwoKo lo rrosn nro lonay ami L...... n ilitiifftffiiiii tiilv'ntii'n nti llin ITMIII II muiim "" ............ .... L..... r Mill V'iiIImi' iilnnir Hut lionvllv looilcil course of llytlu'ilalo canyon, Illicit III IIIIOII Willi IIIIIIIIMIIIIU Cllllllll J' lines lilililm In ri'il woods. Icsignation of Head of Bin Eastern Road Precipitates Sensation. t) mi:li,i: orris. i (ll NxHoclnti'il Press.) t HOSTON. Mass.. .Inly !. ' Chan, S. Mellon resigned the liriKiilemv of llu Mnlho Central ' railroad at tln monthly meet- ' lug of Hi illirotors today. Tlio i Maine ('nit nil Is (lie subsidiary i of tlio Huston $ .Maliio. tlio ' I'rfxIilriKi of wMi-li Mellon ro- i Hi IIOil M'stinllO. I I"' : li'd I'fri lo 1'um Hay Time. vsniVf!Tnv n c .inu. it . 'Iln f I till IK 111 I ,iniil-nlliliu it llin Vnll' ork, Now llnvi'ii and Hartford rnlt- Dnil. ItH nuncrulilii nf li'illnv Ilium ml control or allied Now England nllrnmlH aro conilonini'd In uninens rod torniH liy tlio Interstate Com- irno roiiiiniRHion In report of Its nVOStllllltloil lllllili. til it il to lim-n luliiv lllO ('OIlllnlkHloM'u rnilclliRlntiH nro iTIwt tlio ontHlilo financial innnagc- pent huh neon wasteful In tlio ox fenio ami Hint liml tlio Now llnvon OnflllOil Itself to (tin nchiiil -nllrmiil mler tlio siuno condltlonH that pre n led la other roBpoctH It could havo alii tllvltlciifla of 8 por cent for the i yuar i :i i ami carried to ItH lirnlliR menu nt It 7fin nan inuinmi f showliiK n deficit of $n:i6,000. nini tito .Now llnvcn'R nKrcomont flth tlio IloHton nml Allmny Ik vlo- itlVO Of llin ulllrll nf lw alul.iln saliiBt rcslrnlnt of competition and . ; ciincoiiod, "Tllllt tlin N'nu- llnomi al.n..l.1 .11 est Itself of Its trolloy Hugh, not lio- -o uiu present ownomhlp Ih In vlo- RtlOll nf lnu- lint i,,.na ..i. , . " ' iitiiuiBu niiuii ii-.ii- Iniin " fil,t ,)0 ,180'1 ,0 P'ovont tho ,m....iiik in compouiiK linen In tlio I"t! V MHU.UX L'SKD FUNDS. foniici- 1'iesldeiit of Lim, Criticised nr ills Actions. IDj Ano.l.1,,1 ! (a Coo nr TlmM. ' WASIIIVnTOV n r T..i.. n no traiibaitloim of President Mol- r " KiviiiR ills porsonnl notes ) Ill niVll on... ........ - .. isc. sso ;' ."rK. w? r T. i "'hill uy VJUIIlllllSHIOn- L. i, y " tho transactlona In ntfl . " B,oeK l)0Khr with such rnfloth? I0,0rt 8a'8 tllero wr laJin if ,102.000. but tho New n 00li8 d0 not 8llow to what 80 Inn mnnA . on In es: "Mollon's tatonient was ho ... I,I,IUU ,lnt' 1,en sed In he fnii ,?,R,n oxI,0'turea durlnB llree In, "V"',.."""'""' r J .' hv i: i ' i"a '"rectors, nml that "hf a siibsecmontly rntlfled his fcpni r ii ",Lniu snows pay- fhich lo , "", '5?-? J! cn8 1 1 Lu-c'l0""1 cai"PnlB committee, i mows a second payment in n.irif. nv 'orH;"r0"t ?'?. co: ivnr ,; ' "iiii-n was mrnea niMnn tho ncP'llcan statu com- AI.OXO THE WATERFRONT Tho T?lfii., 7. Z .. tallervoo;v' ."ml uraco Dollnr ?rancl8M y frm nnU(lon for Snn aorrown,eyalci; ls ,luo ' onr' to Th? ?&? J Portland WrnooS IXlgy&nC1 " " in n 08 II GRILL Tlmen1 Want Ads bring resulta. I BANK TROUBLE WAS OLD ONE Acting Comptroller Kane Says Pittsburg Institution Was Impaired Months Ago. Illy Ain, InlM I'riM In (',," liny Tlinm.l WASIIINCITON, I). C, .Inly !i. TIioiiihb P. Kniio, acthiK coinptrollor or Currency, who rutiiinod today from PltlHliurK, whero ho closed tho llmt-Socoiiil Nallonal hank, declared the First National Hhoiihl liavu hocn cleaned up or closed up at the tlmu of Its merKor with tho Second Na tional several mouths iik". Tho mor Ker was authorized hy Lawrence O. Murray, fnrnicr comptroller of ciir leney. At tliiit time, Knno declared today. Hie First National's capital was seriously Impaired, mid the hank was uotiricd ItiHt Decenilier that ItH Impaired capital iiiiihI lie restorod. Iwil; Cnti'.cd Closliin. Details or tho causes which Induced Hie I'. S, Treasury Departuieiit to close tlio First'Sofond Nallonal limilc ol Plltsliui'K hecaiite known today. AclltiK Comptroller Kami said that Inrorniiitloii coiiceinliif; the govern ment's surveillance of tho hank had leaked out. nml one of tho hlg do . ,., .iir...H witi.tV'w jynn.nnn last Sat urday. Coveiiimeut officials then learned that other IiIk depositors wore con li'inplalliiL' uiaklui; heavy wltlnlraw- als .Monday. To piovont tho lawr dopoHltois from kiiIiiIhk an advantage or savliiK their deposits at tho ox petiso or tho little depositors who were not iiwaro of the circumstances, tho i;nvcrunieul refused to let tho hank upon. nil Miner I ILL House Will Start Investiga tion of Charges of Mulhall and Others. llf ,muMII I'riM lo too. liar TIimi-m 1 WASHINGTON, D. t'.. July ! An InvostlKUtlou of tlio .Mulhall fharKCS and all oilier chin-Ken or lohhyliiK was authorized hy tho llonry resolution passed hy tho IIoiibo today. In tlio fnco or dotor iiilued opposition hy lleproKoutatlvo l.ovy or Now York, a provision al lowing a coniinlttoo of seven to em ploy counsel was retained In tho hill. Tlio Invoatlnntlou Is expected to ho Klu at once. Speaker Clark appoint ed tho commlttoo ns rollows: Onr rott. or Tennessee, chairman; Cllno, or Indlnna; Uussol, or .Missouri, and Itodonhorry. or (looruln. Domocrats; Stnrrord, or Wisconsin and Willis, or Ohio, Uopuhllcans, and Nolan, or California, Progressive. IS SOLD TODAY Ross Smith, for tho pnst fow years ono of tho head mechanics in tlio C. A. Smith company's machlno shops, and Wm, Wndo today closed negotia tions for tho purchase of tho Ilrad shaw and Kimball machine shops and will tnko possession tomorrow. Thoy will continue tlio buslnos and enlarge " , . Arrangements aro being mado to mako tho mnchlno shop ono of the most comploto and boat In southern Orogon. nradshaw and Kimball had Installed tho latest and best types of machinery and to this will bo added tho equipment which Mr. Wade had In his auto shop. Thoy will bo prepared to liandlo all kinds of machinery and will bo es peclally fitted for gas onglno work, both nuto and mnrlno, Ross Smith and Mr. Wado aro two of the host known mechanics on tho Bay and will doubtless win the suc cess In tho now venturo which their hoBt of rrlonds will wish thorn. Messrs. Urndshaw nnd Kimball aro rotlring to dovoto their timo to tho manufacture or the now gas engine which Mr. Bradshaw recontly por rectod. Tlioy aro now arranging to start n rnctory In Portland for tho manufacture of tho marine engines. MISS NAN BROWNING left today for a short visit with Mrs. J. W. Bennett, at Ton Mile. IS LOBBY UUIiilfii MACHINE LET US TALK IT OVER ABANDON publication, mlscnllcd ".lustlcc." but which Is a travesty on justlco and mi nlTront to decency, In Its Inst Issue makes u vIcIoiir mid vllllfylng nssnult on Tho Times mid the business men or Cooh Bay. Tho Times will not bore or burden Its readers with the long, dlHgnstliiB dlntrlbo which HiIh degenerate doctor, who Is said to bo a hybrid horror, belonging to no particular branch or the prorcsslon ho disgraces, but bus tnkon n putrid path between tho naturopaths, chlr opatliH, or somo other peculiar paths, to prey upon tho public. Tho open ing pnrngraplis or the nnnscntlng nml vllIlfylriB article are surrlclont to Indlcnto its foulness nnd falseness. Here It Is: "Mnrshllold, tho town of tho Slrnw Mayor nnd Open Graves, has ngnln distinguished horseir. "Last Wednesday n mob or nix hundred grafters, saloon bums mid pimps, callliiK themselves business men, but who to tho Inst ninn-JneknsH or thoni, were only n bunch or guzzlegiisliers ror ?nilth-power$, seized two members or the I. W. W. nnd de ported them beyond tho city limits. The two men so trented were I. W. W. local secretary, W. .T. Edge worth and local or ganizer, Wesley Everest. "The Times is therefore tho logical niotitli-plceo of tlio lawless mob Hint gloriried that seat or anarchy and $inlth-powor$lsni lust Wednesday." I had not Intended to quote or notice this villainous attack, but as copies or the vllo publication hnvo been secured by some or the .Marsh field sympathizers or tho nnarclilstlc agitators or tho I. W. W. who are attempting to spread tho foul slander ror tlio evident purpohe or rrigiu enliiK some or tlio timid ones with their bnBo scandal I think a little ad dltioiiiil inilillcltv ninv bu worth while. The Times has no apology ror tho part It lias played In tho recent upheaval In HiIh community. On the contrary, It Is proud or any In fluence It ninv havo exercised In oxpeillng from this community agltatotB whose pernicious preachment of anarchy, sabotages and syndicalism would dcHtrov not only tlio prosperity or tins community, nut mo very louncin Hon oV civilization Itself. TiiU tiiriit iu nor Tin, Tlmia rii:ht. I can flulit inv battles now ns 1 1 a vo rouL'ht Hiom In the oast. No can terrorize or Intimidate mo. Neither Is It a Smith-Powers right. Con iitiniiH ilmt ilovolnnoii hero were beyond the personal equntlon. Anarchy Is something moro thnn that. It Ih a community matter mid as hiicIi Iihh lieen honestly and icnrlossly handled by the worklnginon. citizens nnd luminous men or this community. Practically every line or inbor, buslnoHH ami proioHHlon In Mnrshllold was part of that splendid (leiiioiisirmion or ilecencv. The raise and rotil slandors which this llandon degenerate reeks to spread abroad only emphasize the lying nnd unscrupulous meth ods or tho I. W. W. What do you think or It. citizens? Evervouo In Mnrshllold knows tho chnrncler and class of t.-.e men whri Joined In that demonstration to which this Bnndon bus'.iwhackei ap plies names almost too roul for human utterance. TWm mttu says he Is u Socialist. Ho Is nunc. lie Is a llnr. He Ih also an I. W. W. , I do not bellovo that this foul and slanderous sheet Is representative of the business community or Bnndon. I think Hint tho business nion or that community will resent tho action or this scmulnl monger tho same as the business men or .Mnrshllold would not permit the promul gation In this cltv or wholesale slnnder or tho business men or Bnndon. I understand that somo of tho Marshlleld sympathizers with tho I. W. W. aro responsible ror tho statement published In tho Baiidou publication. Tho Inst time I talked with Dorsoy Kreltzer ho told mo my account was overdrawn $K. IS. I think, however, that I still, havo somo credit mid I herobv offer the pervert publisher of the pernicious Bnndon paper a toward of' $fi0.00 ror tho name and proof of nny Marshlleld man who mado the statement on which this publication Is based. ... Now hero Is an opportunity to help the hellish work in which ho is engaged. If wo still havo somo nnurchlst agitators or tho I. W. W. stripe hero lot us Hud It out and net accordingly. Tho TIiiiok Is not dismayed. It will bo round on tho flrlnu lino wherever human coyotes gatl.er, will ho round righting ror what Is good Iu tills community; nttneklng anarchy, hypocrlcy and doniagogitory In whatever form It mnnircsts Itseir, standing staunchly for good men, for I atrlotlc public service, an exponent of progress mid a champion or tho dty nud county which ItH editor loves and In whoso growth mid pros perity ho Is us deeply Interested, as ho Is In tho affairs that uro his personal eoncern alone. PORTLAND GRAFT CASE IS STABTED County Superintendent Arm strong Charged With Hav ing Got Rakeoff From Civil Service Applicants. Illy Aiocllf,t I'riM to Coo lly Tlniri.) PORTLAND, Or., July . Tho grand Jury today heard witnesses concerning charges that A. II. Arm strong, now County School Super intendent nnd ror four years civil sorvlca commission, hnd collected n graft of $15 to ?'0 each from tlio applicants for positions on the UNDER KNIFE Light-Weinht Pugilist Under goes Operation for Appen dicitis at Los Anaeles. Dr AuocLteJ l'rei to Cooi Ilir Timet. LOS ANGELES, July 9. Bud An dorson, tho light weight pugilist who was operated on last night for nppen dlcltls, Is Improving todny, nnd his speedy recovery is oxpocted, Andorson wns knocked out July 4 by Leach Cross in tho twelfth round. It Is believed that tho ap pendicitis devoloped subsequent to tho fight and Hint it did not affect Anderson's condition In tho ring. Noted .Actress Hero. Mra. Kelsor of Salom nrrlved on tho Bny today to visit hor husband, Dr. Kelsor, who Is spending tho summor at Lakesldo for tho benefit of his health. Mrs. Kolsor Is a star on the Orphoum cir cuit, bolng known on tho stage ns Dorothy Hnrrls, n singing comedlonno and receives $150 por week. North Bend llond. Tho Coos ty commissioners were yostordny to take final action on tho now road from Nortli Bond to Empire. Dr. Bartlo had tho mnttor up with thorn tlio day boforo and thoy promised to arrange to start tho construction of tho road as soon as tho work on the Bastendorf road Is completed. BUD A ON scounilrol and no sot or scoundrels police force, mid that In return ror payments, tlio applicants had received higher ratings on tnklug tho civil sorvlco examination. Armstrong denies receiving nny money. Cnptnln or Detectives Ilnty, Dotoctlvo Scrgant Craddock and De toctlvo Kllngesmlth woro hoforo the grand jury today. Craddock, who Is chnrged with having been the go botwocn ror Armstrong, was In tho Jury room several hours. Ton nion or tho class who passed nlmnst let ter porrect examinations nftor hav ing, it Is alleged, obtained tho ex amination papers prepared by Arm strong, hnvo been siilipoounod. TARIFF BILL Senate Finance Committee Ex pects to Report Measure Late Thursdav. (Djr AioclteJ I'ren lo Cooi Uay Times. t WASHINGTON, D. C, July 9.- Tho Sonnto flnanco sub-commjtteo to day continued checking up tho sched ules of the tariff bill. If possible, tho bill will bo reported to tho Sonnto late Thursday. North Ilcnd Weddings. Miss Inez Andorson. for some time office girl for Dr. Bnrtle, and Frank Maszus, manager of tho Gamble meat market In North Bond, were married In Co qulllo Monday, tho Rev. C. II. Cleaves officiating. Their marriage was a surprlso to their relatives and friends who woro not oxpectlng it until after tho marrlngo of tho brldo's sister, Miss Ellon Andorson, who will bo wedded to Fred Kruso next Tuesday. War ron Murphy and Miss Maudo Crosby, another woll known North Bend cou plo, woro also married In Coquille Mondny, tho Rev. C. II. Cleaves of ficiating. ARNO MEREEN and daughters, Misses Edith nnd Doris, nnd Miss Edith M. Dunning, left on the Adeline Smith today for Borkoley. I T BELOW L Crop Report Shows This Year's Yield Will Be Below the Averaae. til) Anno, litrit l'rm to Coo llagr Time. WASHINGTON, D. C, July !). The U. S. Department of Agricul ture's crop report Issued todny shows tho condition of nil wheat to be 78.0 per cent or normal compared with S7.2 per cent Juno 1, nnd n ten year average or S1.9 por cent ror July 1. Tho Indicated yield Is 14.1 bushels por acre compared with tho five-year average of 1 I 1-2 bushels. Tho total production is estimated nt 701,000, 000 bushels compared with 7:10,000. 000 bushels InBt year. Tho condi tion of apples Ih BO.-! per cent of tho normal compared with 07. 1 por cent on Juno 1, and C7.1) por cent Inst year. FAIL TO LET STREET North Bond Citv Council Post pones Openings Bids Other Things Discussed. At n mooting or the Noith Bend City Council last night, tlio open ing or bids on about $70,000 worth or streot Improvements tliero wiih postponed until July 17. Only one bid wns filed, Hint of Hugh Mc- Lnln, mid tho Council wanted to get others. A telegram from tho Federal Construction Compnny, of bpoKnuo, stated turn thoy bad Just heard of the work mid wnnted time In which to bid on tho work. Mr. McLnlu was allowed to withdraw his bid without Its being opened. Tho Council pnssed an ordlnnnco ordorlng Shorldnu nvonuo Improv ed from Washington street to nonr tho ball park. This will requlro a largo amount of filling nud tho ostlmnto of tho cost Is $lii,9.ir.rn. Tho grade was established on Conneetlcutt, Montana nnd Florldn between Sherman nud Shorldnu. Tho Council passed tho ordlnnnco providing ror tho payment or $50 por month from July 1 to tho Nortli Bond hand. City Attorney Mullen wns In structed to uegotlnto with tho Coos Bny Water Company nnd tTy nnd adjust tho claim of tho compnny ngnlnst tho city of North Bond for hydrant rontnls. Tho company filed suit for $081.50 mid costs nnd n totter from Manager Coroy of tho company stated that thoy would drop tho suit nnd pay tho costs If tho city would pay tho bill. Tho Council Instructed Mr. Mullen to seo tho best tonus tho company would mako. Tho ordlnnnco providing for sn- loonkcopors to permit mon to go Into tholr plnces nt 4 o'clock In tho morn ing to cienn out, was passed, tho saloons will not bo permitted to soil liquor boforo fi n. m. City Attornov Million wns also Instructed to tako action to collect nil delinquent streot assessments. Most or tho outstanding ones aro tor Marlon nvonuo In Bangor over which there was a squabblo becauso the olovnted roadway was built on ono side of tho street Instead of In the center. Let Sower Contract. A special mooting of tho North Bond City Council will bo hold to night to lot the contract for tho big main part of tho now sowago sys tom. Tho part to bo lot Is ncross tho flat which Is to bo filled by tho Southern Pacific and by putting In the sewer now, the cost can bo great ly roducod. COL. ROOSEVEIr TALKS. Delivers Short Address at Llmnr, Colorado. JUr Allocated I'ren to Coo Pay Time J LIMAR. Colo,. July 9. Colnol Theodore Roosovolt. on IiIb way to Arizona, stopped hero a short tlmo this morning nnd mado a brief speech. $50 REWARD! Wo will pay tho ahovo sum for tho imiiio of tho party or parties who nro circulating a Bnndon paper and other I. W. W. llteraturo In this city or for Information nnd positive proof as to their Identity. CITIZENS' COMMITTEE. W H W TO Sends Note Appealing to Euro pean Nations to End War in Balkans at Once. HEAVY LOSSES AND CHOLERA CAUSE ACT Fear Epidemic of Dread Dis ease Is Getting Beyond Control in Armies. INVADE Itl'I.G.MtlA. (Bv Tho Associated Press,) LONDON. July 0. Tho Rou manian diplomats hero say that a Roumanian invasion of Bul garia will begin forthwith, if Bulgaria gains an ndvnntngo over Servlu. Iljr AworlatiKl Prim lo Coo Hay Time. VIENNA, July 'i. -Tho Bulgarian government Ih reported to have sent a circular to the European powers ex pressing Its rondlnes to negotiate for peace. Tho Bulgarian and Servian commandcrs-ln-chlef nro stated hero to bo already negotiating armistice, as tho losses or both armies Iu killed nnd wounded are so Immouso. It Is also reared that mi epidemic or c hol er n which has broken nut nmong tho troops may get beyond control. GREEKS ARE WINNING. Capture Town From Bulgarians nnd Attack Seaport. Illy AMoclatd I'rrii lo Coo Day Time. BELGRADE, July 9. Tho town of Seres, about Ifi miles north of Sulon Ikl, wns captured today irom tho Bul garians by the Greek nrmy. Tho Greek licet Is reported to bo bom barding tho senport or Kavalti, on tho Aegean sen, now In tho hnmlu of tho Bulgarians. II. S. Troopers Killed by Flat Car Overturning Near Manila Yesterdav. Ily Ao. lali-,1 m lo Coo Day Tt.nc" WASHINGTON. I). C, July 9. Six soldiers were killed In Manila yes terday when a flntcar Jumped tho track mid overturned. They woro Privates Boyd Manes or tho Quarter master's corps, Louis D. Koenlg, El mer Nolrtzlngor, John Paul. Albert R. WoIIh and George Hughes. All belonged to the OHth company of tho coast artillery. CUBAN POLICE S General Riva Succumbs to Pis tol Wounds Inflicted by High Officials. Dy Aioclated Tre to Coo Day Time. HAVANA. Cuba, July 9. Gonornl Armando Rlvn, chief of tho Cuban National Police, died today of wounds received Monday evening during a pistol fight on tho Prndo, aftor ho had raided the gambling club, Gon ornl Ernesto Asbortn, govornor of Havana province, Sonntor Viddal Morales and Ropresontntlvo Arlaa aro under arrest awaiting trial In connection with tlio crime. STARTS WORK AT SUNSET BAY L. J. Simpson Begins Con struction of Eight Cottages and Restaurant There. L. J. Simpson of North Bond, wns In Mnrshfield today arranging to send carponters to Sunset Bay to start tho construction of tho olght summor cottages and restaurant which ho will build near Shore Acres, Ills flno summer homo. Tho lumber for tho buildings has been hauled thoro and work wns to start today. Tho numbor of cottages to bo erect ed will dopond on tho domand for thorn from summer outing parties. Tlio cottages will bo simply for sleep ing and living quarters and will not bo provled with moans of housekeep ing, a restaurant supplying entnbles. WE SIX SOLDIERS DIE l WRECK