THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1913 EVENING EDITION. , price, 1'lKl' ' 1M1K Electric Irons . ciitrf)iii1llJinil lnBoo.1 working condition M.7o- ifc,v Irons, fSUJO up. jos Bay Wiring Co. - . iri M. Tlrnndwnv OUO Z3-J "" " hfield & AiiI-a I mA kh Bend rtUlu "' Ls leave ovor 1" mlnutcB from rB. ... ,, m ft jin 7 l). in. h o'clock Jwm linn. Faro IB rmut.llun1.wHH Joruw lollVU CllllllU"'! Il'imi, ...... m . nml North Bend News Co., In Eli Ilend. IRST & JK1NG, Props. in Auto Call foote .mVM MI..I NIGHT All) I)AV ill front of Blunco Hllllnrd Parlor Tinti:i: new oaks , r 11 I. .' i iiunu .iiu-ij ItcHlilciico 1'iiono ."-. efnl rlvrw -: G"d C Ity Auto Service ood Cars, Careful Drivers and 0M. rhnrtrna. Our motto: HI jro anywhere nt any time." fall IIMIICO llgnr oiuiu. ijhj ho, 7S. NlKlit linoiui l.i'J-A. rO.M ('(HUM lilji I'Kipi-H'tor. r ri:ci:ivkd I lurge hhlpn t or Electric Cut Is Shades. all mid bco our Monk or glass a u'i uIko Iiuvo hoiuu of tlio bt designs In Hliowor fixtures, U tun llulit to flvo. Everything Electrical supplies. rnard & Langworthy wling Alley! J75 NOIITH FRONT STItKICT Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies w Rates for landling Trunks vo inu truiiKs nuiween any DtH In MnrshllHd for tlio follow ratuH, delivery to bo inailu In I tlrut stories of buildings: trunk $ .2.1 leu triiukH HO blvo truukit Star Transfer and Storage Co. I.cvl llclsncr, Prop. PlioneB. 120-J: 49-L: 98-U. WANTED relics Hint won't keep tlmo. Dirty fraiiild oil nro too ruination or r watch, hot mo hmidle It and jst'rvo It perfectly for yonru to DO. E. C. BARKER. Front at. Mnrshll Id. Or. R QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, ITelephonc the old reliable )osBay Steam Laundry always deliver the goods. one 57-J Marshfield T. J. SCAIFE 8. IIKOW.N $ A' " nonoiNB irshfield paint and ULIUKAIIUU IAI. Estimates Furnished. E.""" '7-Ii MnrNliNpId. Ore. ive That Roof Fixed NOW See COllTEELL l'HON-3 .1171. Inique Pantatorium K.m"!?IW "38. CLEANERS, Kl'.SSEHS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Humard II. Strauss & Co., Fine Tailoring. Let uj uinno your next suit. OUKNTKAIi. Phoiif.2Kn.X rirst ClassWeaving 1'iomjitly done ut Gardiner's Rag Carpet factory Slurimm menuo between Cnllfor "la and ((iniwvM,.,.t l!"u 174. vnr.v, n,l n "" WVll Ul, New Ruff-Neck Sweaters Just the thing for your camping trip. Wo have a new shipment of tlio latest stylos, all-wool Ruff-Neck Sweaters, Two different weaves, $5.50 and $6.00 See Our Window Display. The Golden Rule R. A, COPPLE, Proprietor, Two Stores: MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND We Have Several First Mortgage Securities Drawing 8 cccDrt Interest TO PLACE. These Morlqmies are secured hi I he 11V18T JtEATj ESTATE SEUUHITY and are such I hat any Hank would approve litem. Business of this chnrnHor treated eonfidenlially. Coos Bay Realty Co. Phone 2(M-,'I. 150 North Front St. The World's Best Meat Ih Jimt good unoiigh for our custom ers In our opinion. And n trial ordor will provo tliut vu llvo up to our bullof. Ordor a roam or n ttteuk nnd propuro yourHolt for u treat for It will Diirely provo onu wliuii tlio meal' appears on your table. MAR8IIFIKLD CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Marsltflcld Telephones North Rend 22LJ Tvio Market 51 BANDOM BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A PEW TEN ACHK THAOTS POUIt MILES SOUTH ON COUNTY OAI l?:i I'KU ACUE; 9100 CASH, HAIiANCE TWO YEARS. NO INTEREST. NO TAXICS, PINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL HENCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKimttosh HEAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILING PHO.M PORTLAND JUNE a: JULY I, , II, 1, 21, AND 20, AT H A. M. SAILING PROM COOS HAY JULY 1. 0, 11, 10, 21, 2(1 AND l, AT I P. 51. TIckota on sale to till Eastern points and information as to routes nnd rates cheerfully furnished. Phono Main 33-L. STERLINfl, Agent. SSJr" &..'"!i?Ui'? ??.? er'a ni, l .-' J3 "n.u " "" iter ii "uo. ioiepuone 18-J. ilRht rifn mn' te.leP"no 2C0-L, tho 'romnratnnr,"'cl.V"v,nBasurod. ZA bh: Bd boaTa lo meet nu tra,nfl S. S. NANN SMITH Sails From San Francisco for Coos Bay Wednesday, July 9, at 3 P. M. . CARRYING ALL COOS RAY FREIGHT. San Francisco office, 803 Fife Illdj,'., or Lombard St. Pier No. 27 Inter-Occanlo Transportation Co., C. P. McGeorge, At!t. Phono 1 1. S. S. ALLIANCE paani EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay" for Eureka, Thursday, July 10, at 3:30 A. M. Passengers Will Go Aboard Wednesday Evening ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH TUB NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACD7IO OTEAMSHIP COMPANY. rhono 44 O. P. McGEORGE, Agent. American Sea Paimteirs "LEARN ONE THING EVERY DAY" No. 2. PAUL DOUGHERTY, "The Inrush." Copyright, 101 a, by Tlio Associated Newspaper School, Inc. WHEN PAUL DOUGHERTY wiib old omoiikIi to cIiooho a. profession, ho unhesitating ly expressed tlio deslro to become u painter. Hut ho thought ho ought to hayo a good, solid foundation in nn educational way; bo he went to tho Brooklyn Polytechnic, where ho graduated at tho early ago or l'J, Ho emtio, however, of an Intellec tual family, IiIh father being onu of tho dlHtlugiilBlied mouthers of tho Brooklyn bar, and his brother, Walter llumpden, an actor of Inter national repute. BucnuKo his father wanted him to follow lit his foot steps, Paul read law and took Ills degree of LL. 11. at tlio New Yotk Law School, becoming a mouther or tho bar. Having done all this by 18DS, lio wont abroad to hco tho art galleries of Europe, and Immediately began to work at paint ing. lie studied iilono. traveled exten sively for llvo years, returned homo and then opened a studio In New York. Befoto ho was ;i) years out ho was a National Academician, mid his pictures wero Instantly success ful. One has to go back to Sir ThontaB Lawrence, tho great English artist, to find bucccss at an equally early age. A though he iiegan ns a innn- scapo painter. Dougherty soon turn ed his attention to murines, and by thpso ho Is hotter known. By these too. ho Is roiiiesented lit tho vntlous galleries at Pittsburgh. Washington, tho Metropolitan .Museum or An, fN'ow York), tho Brooklyn Museum of Arts nnd Sclpnces, and elsewhere. Ho has won many rtodnls, Doth nt homo and abroad. Tho coast of Mnlno Iiiib furnished lilm with inn torlnl, particularly tho Islnnd of Monhcgnu. Just off Boothlmv llnr- DOES NOT PEAR lit. WASHINGTON, I). C, July 7. Presldont Wilson's declaration that tho generally supposed hoo- iiiwi m:i" whs bis luckv nttnibot' mid always had been, was re called by society today In con- I itectlon with tho nnnouncomont ! of tho engagement of Miss Jes slo Wilson, second daughter or I tho Presldont and Mrs. Wilson, I to PrnnclB II. Sayro, of I.nncns- ' tor. Pn. Tho Influoiico of tho I President's lucky "111" It Is bo llovcd extends to tho ontlro Wil son family. Kor Miss Wilson, engaged In 191.1 nnd to become a matron In 111 HI, will bo tho "lllth" Whlto HotiBO brldo. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 75. Pacific Livery and Trnnsfor Company., If you havo anything to soil, ren trade, or want holo. try a Want A hor, where ninny of his most Im portant pictures have been painted. Ho hnB uIbo worked ulong tho Cor nish const In England, at tlio paint ers' colony at Saint' Ives, and Is n member of tunny art organizations, us woll ns of tho National Institute of Arts mid I. otters. Tall and broad-shouldered, Dough erty has enormous physical activity nnd energy mid Is a constant work er. In Now York he occupies a largo studio apartment In one of tho co-operntlvo buildings, whore lio lias a wcaltn of artistic things he tins picked up all over tho world. Ho Is a constant attendant at the many musical hnppciilugB that take place In tho metropolis. His wife Is a talented pcrformor. Ills studio Is n gathering pfaco for musicians on Sunday afternoons. There throughout tho winter may ho found ninny persons well known In the nitislenl nnd artistic world. At the first sign of spring, howovor, Dough erty Is off for tho sen, not to re turn until driven in by tho winter's cold, and ho alwnys comes bnck with a mass of mntorlal for subsequent pictures. Every tiny n dtfforont liiimnn in terest story will appear In The 'I lines. You enn got a beautiful In tngllo reproduction of this picture with flvo others, equally attractive, 7 by OM; Inches in slzo, with this week's "Mentor." In "Tho Mentor" a woll known authority covers the subject of tho pictures mid storlcr of tho week. Renders of Tho Timet and "Tho Mentor" will know Art, Mtornturc, History, Sclenco, nnd Travel, and own cxqulslto pictures. On snlo nt Tho Times offlco. Price ten cents. Wrlto today to The nines- for booklet explaining The Associated Nowspnpor School plan. ' I THE QUIET OBSERYER SAYS: I Tho trouble with most of tho men who start In to reform tho world lr. that they forgot to start In on themselves. SCREEN DOORS USELESS. I THE DEMOCRACY OP DEATH By Dr. Frank Crane. Nowhero does convention lay Its paralyzing hand tinon noor mortals iso hardly as nt the funeral. A man can live aB Independently as he pleases, wear a soft shirt, eat with his knife and refuse to go to receptions, nnd altogether imagine that he Is an Individual, but when ho dies, custom with Iron hand and velvet glovo Invndes his house and takps charge. Tho great high priestess of fu nerals Is Mrs. Grundy. Tho sensi tive, torn hearts of tho family shrink from any sort 'of conflict, and so they submit to tho absurd, expensive and vulgar things that ntnko of the funeral n horror. Tho widow Ib anxious thnt all respect bo shown, llonco alio sub mits to tho extortions of the funornl director nnd consents to the pur chaso of a ensket that cobib six times what It is worth and ton Minns what sho can afford. Why should people who novor rldo In cnrrlages In their lifetime bo nindo to pay for carrlnges for nil tho relatives and friends out of the Insurance money thnt belongs to tho widow nnd children? A decent respect for tho dead and for the opinion of our neighbors domnnds thnt thoro bo some cere mony, ns solemn. nB rovcrontlnl as enn bo nindo. But above all things, their rites should bo nurcod of dls- Inlny, extravaganco and show. Thoy should ho simple, henrtful and gen uine. It Is not tho money spent thnt matters so much. In our grief we enro nothing for that, and only wish wo could squander millions If by bo doing wo could show tho depth of our sorrow, nut that Is prcclcoly tho point of error; for tho expenditure of money does not ex press grief, it oxpresaes pride: It Is n disposition to mnko a show which Is entirely out of place. The grief of bereavement Is es sentially prlvnto nnd shrinking. A funeral should bo nn affair of tho utmost privacy and simplicity. Thnt, of nil plncos, Is no place to parade. And whnt a Bpoctaclo Is tho mod ern graveyard, with Its distinctions of rich nnd poor more Bhnrply mark ed than among tho living, ny nil moans let a man llvo In a palaco If ho chooses, but why should ho wish to project tho class linos of wealth Into thnt region whom riches and poverty are no moro? At least tho realm of death Is a democracy. At least In "God's Acre" men ought to bo willing to Ho still In bnro mnn hoort, all together In their Invest uro of clay, equnl at last, prlnro nnd pntipor, thoro whore thoro Is no moro "Tho bonst of heraldry, The pomp of power." Tf wo enn havo no real democ racy whllo wo nro allvo, at loaRt permit us to hnvo tho domocrncy of death. I SHOCKING FRAUD. I The lntest fraud some of tho I Bandon ladles aro porpotrntlng I I on tholr dearest enemies Is wear- I I Ing sand paper sowed to their I stockings lu order to mnko thoso I envious bcllevo tho rasping I swish Is cnused by Bilk pottl- coats. BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield BUTTER jumiii ... ) MADE 4 UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN 4 AND 4-4 MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND 44 CREAM. PURE ICE Free dehvery, 8 a. m. and 2 p. Phono 7:1 in. Goodrum's, Garage homo of tho CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars Fly-l'lgltler Tells Eugene People to Kill Injects. Declaring Eiigeno to bo nn excep tionally clean city, mid complimenting It for tho recent nralunnco for tho provotitlon of files, Clifton Fremont llodgo, said to ho tho greatest author ity upon tho extermination of files In this country, mid noted tho nation over for his discoveries, spoko woll of Eugene nnd Its healthful conditions nt tho first of n series of public lec tures nt tho University. Professor llodgo, who comes front Clnrk Unl- verblty, Is ouo of tho lending physiolo gists In this country. It was ho who originated tho nntl-fly crusades In tho east, and for sovoral years ho has ntndo a comploto study of tho fly problem. Scrcon doors, ho snld, nro usolcss n wnsto of monoy for which tho Amorlcnn pcoplo pay $12,500,000 an nttally. It Is easier, ho stntcs, to bo rid of tho flies thnn to put up screens. Ho has Invented traps with which ho has actually caught btishols of files In nn Incrcdltnbly short tlmo. Professor llodgo explnlnod tho me thods of catching flies. Ho snld thnt ho became Interested In tho problem when ho sought to catch flies to feed chlckotiB, which ho was eating for. Ho found that ho could completely rid tho vicinity of thorn In a short tlmo. Tho reproduction of tho fly Is enormous. Ono fly lays hundreds of eggs sovon or eight times a year, Tho total offspring from ono fly fnmlly run Into tho thousands of bushels. Thus Professor llodgo om phnslzed tho necessity for nntl-fly crusndes enry In tho season. A trap ho considers tho beat method, of catching thorn. Ho has Invented traps which fit in tho windows of sta bles whoro flies breed, which catch thorn beforo they lay their eggs. Ho has another trap which has been built onto a garbage enn. But another ef ficient method to rid them, othor than by actually swatting them, Is to plnco a five por cent solution of for mnlln in a saucer. DAILY RIDDLES. SENTENCE IS ENFORCED. .117 Central Av. Phono ,173-L Hydo and Snyder, Oregon Laud Frauders, Must Go to Prison. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 5. Fedorlck II. Hydo nnd J. II. Schnei der, convicted horo In Decombor, 100S, of lnnd frauds in California mid Oregon, must begin serving their prison sentences. Attomoy Genornl McRoynolds ordered tho Supreme Court's mandate handed down to tho District of Columbia courts for en forcement of tho Bontenco. Both President Tnft and Presldont Wilson denied clemency. Hydo got two years and a flno of $10,000. Schneldor got 14 months and a flno of $1000. I 4) Questions. 1. Tnko away tho last lottcr from ono of tho fair sex and lenvo ono of tho unfair sex. 2. Transposo a word used In meas uring cloth Into n vehicle :i. Why Is a banker's clork neces sarily woll Informed? 4. Why should n man named Ben marry a girl called Anno? 5. Why Is n cautious, prudent man llko n pin? Ansucrs. 1. Lady, lnd. 2. Yard, dray. II. Becauso ho Is continually tak ing notes. 4. Becauso ho would ho Bonny-flt-tcd whllo sho would bo Anne-mated. 5. Becauso his head prevents him from going too far. Here's a Thing to Remember! Whenever you aro In tho markot for a bill of groceries, boforo send ing out of town coiiio lit nnd get our prices, Wo stand back of all our goods and enn savo you monoy. You Get a 5 Per Cent Rebate In premiums on all cash purchases, excopt flour and sugar. Savo up your ensh coupons you got at our plnco and got Botno iisoful household nrtlclo, frco. And say, If you aro dissatisfied with tho milk you nro now using, como In nndi wo will toll you how to got somo of tho best milk In Coos County, at a rea sonable price, Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'CONNELIj nLDG. 18 1 Market Ave., Marshlleld, Or. Phono ttOI-J. We Sell the Best Goods Goods that give satisfaction in quality, appearance, price, service the kind of goods that are so good as to have a nation-wide sale goods that are advertised in the great national magazines. You'll get what you want at reasonable prices from Nasburg's Grocery Tito Good Housekeeping Store. Corner Commercial mid See on streets. Phono 21.1-J.