The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 07, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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(000 lag tm
A small ml In The 'I'lincs 'want
column limy brim.' you results mi
iiic(Hii(cl,v. Try one.
,(. hcl found through Times until
1Z Hi-ndJhetiU I-'-" tl'cin! Tlioy
pot ICMllljJ.
VOL A AAV I. T,0 Const Mull.
k Contolldntlon of Times, Const Mnll n qni
and Coos Hny Advertiser. yu QVJ '
rinei.cnnnnrl National Bank
Closed and Receivers Asked
for Other drancnes.
jVVIiik.h' ,....- -- i nlT-ri
PLAN lb IIM uuuiviini
jnmn Smaller Allied Banks
and Trust Companies Af
fected by Closing i oaay.
lllf A"ltrt '' Von ""' TlmM.J
iiiT'i'siii'lKJ. Ph.. .Inly 7. Tho
?irui.Si.rniul National Imnk of Pitts
burg ill not opt'ii for biiHlncsH today,
v.. i .1..tiul iilriuinl liv nntlnr
piavuig iii'uh ii' -f " rr
miaiitrollor or currency, w. n. ivinii
is president iiinl ChaH. J. Yoihir, Win!
hkCtuiway mid Oscar L. Tolling, vlee-
nrt'HlilciilH v luinn ih inn"
iI.....iiiihIiIpiii of tlio Amprlnin Wntr
Works "till 'iiinrauico compiiuy, m
whli li .1 S Kulin Ih president. The
company roiurow mo wmor woritH
nlnntH In iinoiii ciuoh mm iim
. ..(I...I LM..1..H 'Pl.fl ..fl.llltll
In IlltJ l mi i'H miiii-n. in" ii.iimii
Block of i lit vurlotiH controlled com-
nnnlrti In about 7.1 iniuion uoiinrs.
Tin. Pittsburg Clearing House Ah-
poclittlon Iihh taken charge of tbo slt-
linllou The FlrHt National iianic 01
MrKct'Bpori mi allied iiibiiiiiiioii or
the First-Second National iiatiK or
!ltilmrir iiast'ii its doors inter m
Ike ilny posting tlilH notice: "un
hiiount of tlio First-Second isntionni
lank of Pittsburg asking for a ro-
frolwr II I:i thought law lor an 01
bur tlepnsliors to close tlilH liniiK ror
Iho prciriH "
.1 S Kitliii iirutiicr in v. x. ixiiuii.
nrisliluil of tlio closed First-Second
Ecnlltuinl llnnk of I'ittHlnirK, Ih presi
dent of tlio MeKcesport Imnk.
If flu- Building Deal mid CoMMilitlif
lion Impaired It.
lit; A'twlalrl I'iiii lo Coo IUf Tlinc )
WASHINGTON. 1). C. .Tilly 7.
Preliminary reports of tlio ronilllloii
bf tlio First-Second National bank of
-IttHliiirg Indicate Unit tlio financing
bf n new offlco building In which tlio
bank Iiiih ItK homo Ih connected with
llio illffhulty lloforo the eonsolldn-
lon of tlio First National wltii tlio
peuiml National, tho affairs of tlio
first enganod tho attention of the
hunptrnlltr office and less than thrco
rears a 1:0 cxainlnern coninuUed
Mmrclni; off of nearly a million dot-
Inrn worth of mkhcIh that thoy did not
belli vo Htiou Id lie carried on tho
books, Oscar I Tolling, tormcr
klilcf of tho icportH dlvlHlon of the
komplrollcr'H officii, was prcHldont of
Iho Fir i!t National until tho consoll-
pntlon with tho .Second, when lie lio-
iime vitT-irt HltlPiit. of tho now Imnu.
nwrcnci' 0 Mtirray. former conio-
rn'lrr of iiirrcncy roslgned IiIh piml
lon two yearn ago to heconio prcHl-
icnt nr llio I'liHt .National, lint lir
liaiiKcd IiIh plann and Telling, who
fs Murray's active iiHHlHtant In tliu
oniptrollcr'H office, took IiIh plnco.
anil nn cxiimluatlou hh tho lintlonnl
ffherH have licen nlilo to niako of tho
im-hocond Nat onnrH condlt on In-
ilrated that at leaHt ono-thlrd of ItK
3,400,000 capital was Impaired.
ornier Comptrollor Murray nuthor
ipiI tho coiiMilldatlon of tho FinU
nil Focond NatlonalH before going
ut of office.
I The legal reserve of Kind-Second
f'uiiiiiiii name was itoriciont ny
2.H...onn June 1. tho dato of tho
psi can iy tiie coiuntrollor of curron-
IV. I Ida hrought tlio Hltuatlon to n
Idaho Company Affected by
Pittsburrj Failure Receiv
ers Named for Kuhns.
Illr Aoiliilril Vtx-m lo Com liar Tlmwi J
IMTTSnmiO. duly 7. .1. S. and
V. R. Kulin, Incorporated bankorH,
known iih tho "Kulin InterrHlH" aro
lucorpoarted In Delaware with a
capital Hlock or $5(10.00. Tho Kulin
InleroHtH have ceulered laniolv of
Into In Irrigation products in tho
wont, notably the Twin l-'alln Land
and AValor company or North Idaho.
They control tho U'chI I'eniiHylvanla
Traction ami Water Power company,
. combination or trolley line InleroHtH
In weHtern Pennsylvania, and Iho ow
cratloiiH of a group of bltuiiiluouH
iiiIiich In the Htuto, especially tho
Ifnlleil Coal company, of which VV. S.
Kulin Ih a director. Thp brothers
ai'( illrecloiH la Hpvoral liankH and
trust compaiiloH.
The HiiHiieiiHlou of the KliHt-Second
National hank precipitated n run on
tho I'lttHliurg Hank of Siulngs, or
whlcli .1. a. Kuhu Ih presiileut.
riecelvei-H were appointed today
fiy the Ainerlcan Water WorkH and
':oiifii!ie i'iiiinintiy and also for
tho firm of .1. K. ami W. K. Kuhu, In
corporated In federal court.
Attorney Tells of Efforts to
Get Back in Good Graces
of Big Corporations.
tllr Amw Iftlpit I'rrn lo Coon Ilur Tlrnm.)
wurd Lnutorlmcli, under ciohh
oxanilnatloii by tho Sonata lob
by committee, admitted today
that ho had approached I.owls
Ciisb l.odyard, of tho couiihoI
for .1. P. Morgan, with tho
statement fTiat lie represented
Speaker Clark nnd Senator
Stone, but had done ho at thu
direction of David Lamar.
Enrjlish Jury Sustains Her
Right to $5,000,000 Legacy
From Sir John Scqtt.
lly Ahik Ulivl I'iiii In Cixn liar TImim
LONDON. July 7. Tho will of tho
late Sir John Marry Scott, leaving
nearly $11,000,000 to Lady Snckvlllo,
daughter of tho former British Minis
ter to Washington, wnn mistulnoil to
day by a Jury which heard the ovl-
(lence In tho contesf' brought by Sir
John n relatives. Tho Jury found no
undue Influence or fiaud on tho part
of Lady Snckvlllo.
Illy AnrAirt Prrm In pmo vj TIiiim.
Huforu Iho Senato lobby eonnnltteo
today, Kdward Lanterbacli explained
IiIh motlveii for doHlrlng lo rohnblll
lalo lilnisolf In the good graces of
tho Plorpont Morgan rlrni. Until ho
had heard ItojireKcntatlvo Palmor'H
IcHtlmony, be know nothing of David
Lamar IniperHonntlng CongreHHiiien.
Lanterbacli added that ho felt Hint
Lamar In some way was tho ciiiiho of
tho "DlHsat Infliction of Largo corpora-
tloiiH to me." Ho know Lamar was
Impulsive and linsty In his actions,
hut bad never known him to do any
thing wrong. Lamar had brought
him largo anil honorable business,
and had Introdtucd him to "Mr. Ro
llers." Tor whom Lanterbacli later did
Important legal work. Ho denied that
ho had talked with I.uwls Ciihh Led-
aid of Lamar being engaged In
blackma lliig corporatloiui,
Entire Business Section of
Washington Town at Cas
cade Tunnel Destroyed.
inr AhooUIM JVcm lb Cooi llr Tlmm J
FIro parly this morning In Uaston,
a railroad town at tho cast portal of
the Northon Pacific's Cascade tunnel,
destroyed 1 1 wooden buildings, burn
ing tho whole business district ex
cept Johnson Brothers' general store.
Tho loss Is ?2r,000.
Northern anil Wcttom Tract Inn Lines
Are Tied L'p.
Or AiwocUtnl I'ith lo Cooi liar Tlmrii.l
CHICAGO, July 7. Tho full force
of tho strike of employees of tho
County Traction company with tho
surface lines In nnd between tho
Northern and Western Hiiburbs of
Chicago was fell today when business
was resumed after tho holiday that
began with the Fourth. Not a street
enr was running, Tho vehicles nvnll
ablo were too few to help much, and
thousands walked to their places of
employment or tho stations of the
steam railroads ami tho elevated.
II W. Sanford. a rpsldoni nf f!nna
fotmtv rlnco 1803. died yestorday
l llU homo la North nninl nftnr
prohngcl Illness, Ho suffered
irui,e of nnralvsls about' n vnni-
Ko anil hml nn.,. ,.nnn,..n.i ,..i
ally linking.
Mr. hanionl wns born In Now
Ork Mm Ti 1C9o 0...1 ., 11.
lnl... i . . "' ""' Ktuoouil lliu
laillE In ls(52. ,.ni,,lnn. in rrn
OlllltV, Wllei'O lin snhln.l ., n Tf...
es In ot rnuch, whoro bo resided
" ' 'VI il Or Olirllf ,.nn..o n nn
"J.r '"'Y0 o Xrth Ilonil. Ho
.:'"", I)V "is wlfo, who wns
ornierlv Miss rnthm-in rrnvia ,,.i
ClllMUll Tim l.ll.l ',
anri .. wiiiiiuuii uiu jubbu
w ' u,J-?mo' A,nBk: GeorK'
nd mJrr,',on. S'-ni'loy. Curtis
ui r Sanford, of North Bond;
'- 111(1 II If Mltmitrtmt TT....
Hlftt Mrn r ni" .-"' ul '"'-'
label Lar. i,V ",m ,"n r?'
lanilft 01 W . " ""i"" .urn.
B Stella v."""' 0f T-nkoslo. nn
?" nieiia Isemnn nr xti. n.,
ITJl "I no ! er In New
Iinonrr tl.n Vi. ' "' . "" ' ..uowii
: -' wiiit-1 rnainantci
nnntt 1 . . .,v"""'w
11 II f I MIU nll
Irnn 1. " uiiii
-v.. M - rprtn.l 1...
riPH'l nf flln fo.l,:.
ti t ':, ""ny.
of tho
so will bo
tho host of
Bfir1?.'.1 w?f 1,0'1(I at 2 o'clock
If the v "' , ''Owls, pastor
11 on'ii Ohanol. n " :" "tiUJ . Ui1"
the T ft ri V-. """'""'ill nwiHK
l"p I. O, O. F. Cemetery.
T. West Arrested for Causing
Disturbance and Family
Trouble May Follow.
T. West, n camper on tho Haines
proporty on South Fifth stroot, near
tho High School building, was ar
rested by Spoclal Offlcor Travor nod
Nlghtwntcli Shoupo on complaints
mado by nolghbors nnd Mrs. West.
West, It Is charged, had been drink
ing heavily. It -seems that ho did
not want to permit Mrs. West to re
main or outer tho tent, Uo told tho
officers that sho was not his wlfo
hut sho maintained that Bho was.
West furnished $10 cash bond for
Ids nppoarnnco in pollco court tomor
row morning.
Klaitcd Itough House,
Elmer Grout, n mill hand, was ar
rested Saturday night by Special Of
ficer Travor on complaint of Proprie
tor llrown of the Pnlaco restaurant.
Grout la charged with attempting to
start a rough houso thoro whllo In
toxicated, Ho was released on $20
ball and will hnvo his hearing tomor
row. Ordered Out of Town.
Tho night pollco dlspensod with tho
services of Recorder Hutlor tho other
night by ordering throo mon to leavo
town. Thoy started a llttlo doporta
tlon on tholr own hoolc It seems
that a logger named Newman had
been entertaining tho thrco at North
Bond and on route back, to Marsh
field, thoy robbed him or about $100
In cash, Nowman got a knife and
wont aftor them nnd tho inonoy with
tho cxcoptlon of $5, wns restored.
Then Newman left and tho pollco
rounded up tho threo, ono of whom
had boon a piano player. Tho Gar
diner stage boat was about to leave
and thoy woro taken down and put
aboard and told not to show up
('HOICK of any THIMMKI) HAT in
my storo, during tho noxt two weeks
KKY, Cor. Broadway and Central.
Johnson Porter Moves Family
There for Summer New
Construction Camp.
FLOUKNCK. Or., .Tilly 7. Tho
WcHt puhllshub tho following railroad
"Johnson Porter has rented tho
l.alvo houso from Win. llrynd nnd
will Hoou move his family hero for
tho Hummer.
"A crow of about 10 men began
work at tunnel No. II, between South
Slough and Maplo Creek, lust Mon
day. Sumo eight or ton shacks have
been built to provide iiuartors for
tho laborers. This Is the longest tun
nel between Kugono and Coos Bay
except that at Notl."
"A band of about to head of heof
cat lie wns brought In by way of
South Slough yesterday and taken to
the Prossor ranch above Acmo. Tho
cnttlo will bo used to supply meat for
tho railroads campH,
"Tho BteMiuor ItoHcoo left Wednes
day for the I'mpimu to tow down a
barge loaded with lumber for tho
railroad work on that stream.
"Tho schooner Hugh Hogau came
In last Sunday from San Francisco
with a load of railroad supplies. Tho
boat was taken to Mnploton Monday
to deliver the freight nt that place.
Tho vcHsel will take out a enrgo of
lumber from tho mill."
President Wilson Appoints Aiulias
miiIipc to Austria.
(Mr AmoiIhIcI I'rcM lo Coos liar TlmM,
WASHINGTON. 1). C July 7.
President Wilson appointed today
Frederick Courlland Penfield as am
bassador lo Austria-Hungary.
Four Men Who Raised Red
Banner Marched Out of
Town by Citizens.
Southern Pacific Buys Large Tract
Near Springfield.
Tho Kugono Gunrd says: "Throo
mora options woro taken up by tho
Southorn Pacific In Sprlngflold yes
torday. Thoy woro on tho Colcord
tract, which contains 17 acres; tho
Fenwlck tract, which Includes .'1.3
acres, and tho Collins tract, which in
cludes four acres, Tho land lies Just
east of tho depot. Tho company now
has 180 acres, and has options on
sovornl othor tracts, and is Involved
In litigation in rogard to others. Tho
company expects to hnvo about 230
acres In addition to Its original -property
In Sprlngflold. Col. J. II. Eddy,
tho right-of-way man for tho compa
ny, was In Springfield yestorday and
dosed tho denls."
Manager B. C. Greon, of tho Ore
gon Powor Company, left this morn
ing for Coqulllo and Myrtld Point,
whoro ho expects both City Councils
will pnss In its final rending tho
light and powor franchise thoro.
Mr. Greon states that on his ro
turn ho expects to file Immediately
with tho Oregon Hallwny Commis
sion tho now schedule of rntoa for
olectrlcty In tho four towns of
Marshflold, North Bond, Coqulllo
nnd Myrtlo Point. Tho now rntoa
which will go Into effect ton days
after holng filed with the Commis
sion, nro about 25 per cent less than
tho present rates, according to
Manager Green,
S. P. to Hasten North Bend
Work Eastside Survey
Starts Rumors.
Archie Phillips states that tele
graphic Instructions were received
yesterday nt .North Bend to put
tho steam shovel, working In thu S.
P. cut througi Simpson Park, on
a 12-hour shift', seven days a week
at once. This will materially hasten
tho completion or that pnrt of the
road and possibly will enable Its
completion within six weeks 01 so.
Ono reason for rushing this Ih to
get tho dike or embankment for
tho dredgo fill completed so that
the dredgo can begin work thoro
when It arrives In August.
Survey at I'astslde.
Considerable speculation has been
aroused today by a Biirvoy nt East
hIiIo. O. S. Torroy stilted that ho
had started a rig out with four
surveyors this morning for Eastsldo
JiiBt who thoy woro nnd what they
woro surveying for, ho did not
Whether or not there nro renew
ing sonio old rnllrond surveys thoro
or starting somo nows ones Is a
II. C. Biers, who was horo from
North Bond, thought that It might
bo one of Engineer Wolfram's
crows as Mr. Wolfram Is renewing
nil tho old S. P. lines nround tho
It abo started the old discussion
as to whether tho Southorn Pacific
wasn't going to uso the Eastsldo
route and utilize tho largo amount
of flat regardless of whether thoy
build tho bridge ncross tho Bay.
No furthor nows about tho brldgo
contracts has boon received hero.
Looking for- Shaw.
Although no furthor definite nil
vices havo beon received from L.
It. Shnw, of Boise, who was reviving
tho old Coos Bay and Bolso, ho Is
oxpocted horo soon. In his last
letters ho stated that he nnd n
party of Now York financiers woro
going to visit tho Bay soon. Whoth
or tho Eastern conditions havo do
layod tholr plnns has not beon
! I. W. W. AT ItAXDOX. I
i According to word received j
I bore, W. J. Edgworth, who was I
I deported with others from I
, Mnrshfleld for his I. W. W. nc- I
I tlvlty, Is planning to return I
t from Senttlo to Dandon nnd or- I
1 ganlze tho I. W. W. there and
1 conduct a campaign from the I
I City-by-the-Sea.
SANDY. Or.. July 7. Citizens or
Sandy celebrated tho Fourth of July
by driving out of the community
four I. W. W. ngltntors who havo
been responsible for considerable
disorder during tho past week or ho,
Tho men, who wero working for a
telephone company, first got Into
Hie llmollght last Tuesday when
they hoisted tho rod banner on a
flagpole In tho nark. Citizens shot
the flag down, dragged It In Iho
c.uii and burned It, while tho Sandy
band played "The Mar Spangled
1 naunor. Wednesday thp I. W. W
men threatened to put up another
flag, and were told thnt If thoy did
so thov would bo harshly donlt with.
Nothing further happened till tho
evo of thn Fourth, when residents
of Sandy decided thnt thoy had had
about enough of tho malcontents,
and determined to drlvo them out of
Hip city. Tho workmen wero told
to leavo town. This thov rofusod
to do. Citizens then .gathered In a
body, and following a color-hoaror
who carried tho Stars and Stripes,
they corralled tho four I. W. W.
men, marched theiu to tlio city limits
and ordored them to koop going
straight ahead. The temper of the
Snndy folk did not seem any too
good, nnd as a number or thorn
carried revolvers Hint wero but imrt-
ly concealed, the agitators decided
to follow their advice and mnrched
awny. Ah they pnssed out of sight
tho cltlzons gnvo threo choers nnd
a tiger nnd marched back to tho
center of the town again.
"Absence of tho I. W. W.'s loft
no dlscordnut nolo for the Fourth
of July celebration, and tho pro
gram wns carried out with groat
enthusiasm and without a hitch.
Over 10,000 Killed or Wound
ed Since Beginning of Hos
tilities in Balkans.
Bulgars Cut Off Line of Re
treat After Administering
Terrific Blow to Army:
. heavy iiti:i:ic losses.
Ilr AHorltlM I'nn lo ('con Hay TIiiim 1
ATHENS, July 7. Ten thou
sand Greeks have been killed
or wounded since tho outbreak
of tho war with Bulgaria.
Illr AHorlatr.) I'r. n lo Coon liar Time.,
SOFIA, July 7. Official messages
received from the front report tho
occupation of Nlgrltn, to tho west of
Tahynosn, by tho Bulgarian troops,
who also captured other strategical
points from tho Greeks. Genernl
Icanhoff, the lender of tho Bulgar
ians, by a surprise attack, dispersed
a largo part of tho Greek army, num
bering SO, 000 men under the person
al command of King Constantino.
I Mr AMoiltlnl 1'riM lo Ccn liar Tim"
VIENNA. July .-..Eleven thous
and officers and men of tho Servlnn
Tlmok division woro killed during
tho buttle with tho Bulgarians In
which the division wns defeated, nc
cordlng to the Sofln correspondent of
Helchspost. Tho division consisted
of I "i,000 men, who wero surrounded
by tho Bulgarian nrmy, which out
flanked them. Only 1000 Servians
Biirvlveil, nnd they wero tnkon pris
oners. According to other newspaper re
ports, tho Bulgarian column of 14,
000 men has reached tho Servian
town of Vrnnyn and Is threatening
tho lino of retreat of tho Servian ar
my. Tho BulgarlaiiH wore presuma
bly pushed forwnrd from Egrl Va-Iauttn.
Clifford Baker of Indev, Wash., Is
Victim of Outing Trip.
IHr Awoclit4 J'rfia lo Coot liar Tlmea.J
EVERETT. Wash., July 7. Clif
ton Bakor, of Index, aged 21, a mem
ber of an outing party in the moun
tains near Lako Isabel, 30 miles
from Evorett, foil IHO feet over a
cliff last Saturdny and was Instanty
Bids nro now nsked for by tho
owners of tho Randolph for Its re
pnlr nnd launching. Gold Beach
Tho hull and holler Inspectors nro
oxpected to arrive here at noon to
day. Tho Powers boats aro at tho
wharf awaiting tholr arrival.
William Egonhoff returned to
work this morning aftor a two
months' selgo of blood poisoning
in his hand. Ho Is In command of
tho tow boat Ranger.
Coos Bay Continues to Sup
ply Large Amount for San
Francisco Market.
Coos Bay continues to supply tho
bulk of tho lumber for tho San
Francisco market. Thoro has beon
llttlo change In market conditions,
prices being low nnd domnnd slow.
National polltlcnl and financial con
ditions nro Bald to bo partly re
sponsible. Improved market con
ditions are expected soon. Tho ro
copltB at San Francisco during tho
last two wooks In Juno woro:
I'll anil Spruce.
Abordeon 5,210,000
Astoria l,-ir.0,000
Handon 1,250,000
Columbia River 1,300,000
Coqulllo River 1,092,000
Coos Bay 5,020,000
Everett 000,000
Grnys Harbor 1,190,000
Port Ludlow 2.nio.nrin
Seattle 700,000
incoma 400,000
Wlllapa 2,920,000
Total 21,348,000
Eureka ' 7,094,000
Albion '.. . SCO. 000
Fort Bragg 1,449,000
Greenwood 597,000
Mondoclno 518,000
Union Landing 370,000
Crescent City 004,000
Totnl 11,098,000
Force Bulgarians Back Across River
Near Saloulkl.
Ilr AmoiUIiiI l'no to Cikm liar Tlmwi
SAl.ONIKI, July 5. Part of tho
Greek right wing has driven tho Bul
garians across the river Strma nnd
in now marching on tho town of So
ros, nccordlng to offlclnl reports
from the Greek headquarters.
Bulgaria Will Have lo Cede Terri
tory or Fight Third Foe.
Ur AMOvlat! I'nn to Coot liar .Tim.
BUCHAREST, July 7. Tho mo
bilization of tho Roumanian army
will ho completed Thursdny or Fri
day. Tho Roumanian troops aro ox
pected to cross tho Danube Into Bul
garia Immediately nnd as a result of
this step It. is assumed that tho Bul
garians will bo compelled to agree to
tho desires or engngo In wnr.
Florida Black Taken From Officers
mid Executed.
fir Auoclatel Prut lo Coo nay Times,
PHNSACOLA. Florida, Jnly 7.
An unidentified negro who had at
tacked a young white girl at Bonlfay,
was taken by a mob from tho train
on which tho county officials woro
hurrying him to Ponsacola oarly
today and hanged him to a tele
graph polo and shot him to death.
Fraternity Men on Coos Bay
Form Association May
Develop University Club.
At a meeting nt Tho Chandlor Sat
urday ovonlng, the Pcn-Hollonlo As
sociation of Cooa Bay wns porfoctod.
Tho mooting wbh precedod by a ban
quet. Covoih wore laid for 10, many
of thoso who had arranged for mem
bership being absent from tho Bny.
It Is proposed to niako tlio associa
tion tlio nucleus for a University
club. Tho annual meeting will bo
hold tho Saturday preceding Now
Year's. It was also arranged to ton
dor tho Blltmoro boys n banquet or
recoptlon during tholr Btny hero this
Tho following officers woro chos
en: President, C. R. Pock; vice
president, R. H. Coroy; seciotary,
J .C. Kendall; treasuror, F. D. Co
han, Committee for Blltmoro recoptlon:
Cornell LagorBtroni. J. C. Kendall,
F. 1). Cohan nnd II. P. Freeman.
Thoso presont wero: C. R. Peck,
R. II. Coroy, J. C. Kondnll. F. D. Co
han, Dr. Morrow, G. Grout, Fred La
mon, Jack Moreen, II, P. Freoman,
B. Blgbeo, M. Donaldson. A. J. Par
ry, R, E. Mlllor. Cornell Lagerstrom,
A. Dowoy nnd Frank Honth.
At present tho requisite for mem
bership Is membership In somo col
lego fraternity. Othors in this sec
tion ollglblo and who woro uuablo to
bo present Saturday night nro": R.
K. Booth. John D. Goss, W. F. McEl
downoy, L-. J. Simpson, A. K. Peck,
Fred Pnyno. T. T. Bonnott, W. G.
Chnudlor, Bon Chandler, Claudo
Nnsburg. Dr. Straw, Dr. Dlx, Vornon
Smith, Dr. Mott, Paul Dlmmlck. R.
K. Houser, I. R. Tower. J. W. Flan
ngan, E. D. McArthur, W, M, niako,
John Million, Max Rohborts, Roger
Goss, Robt. Kellogg, D. C. Oroeno,
II. G. Butler, Dr. Vaughan.