THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1913 EVENING EDITION.' "THE MORNING AFTER THE NIGHT BEFORE." That's the test of a good suit after you have been to A Celebration and been crowded and Jostled all day that's when the suit sags and loses its shape if it hasn't the backbone, fixup Suits Are Suits of Quality They have backbone. They give service and holt! their shape. Suits $8.50 to $25.00 jtoshfield. JrlvUl North Bend. TWO STORES TIME SAVERS $10.00 Down $5.00 Per Month Reader, did it ever occur to you that riding a bicycle to work makes a good impression on your employer? Who ever saw a laggard or shirker ride a wheel to work? The LIVE man rides and LIVE MEN are the ones the boss is looking for, Lot me tell you, in confidence, that, if there were not so many live boys in Marslifield, there would be more money in the Cyclery Messenger Service, See them chasing those dimes on their bicycles, LIVE BOYS MAKE LIVE MEN. You'll never want to walk to and from work again, if I can persuade you to use a bicycle one week, My bicycles are represented to you as being perfect in every way AND I MAKE GOOD I RELIABLE "Co" King" j TjME SAVERS y " i ALWAYS USEFUL Dayton Bicycles Marshfield Cyclery 156 North Broadway Phone 158-R WE HAVE PROGRESSED so far In perfecting our atoro sorvlco Hint now wo havo only to contend with tlio problem of Inducing you to examine Its benefits to you. Taking lots of exorcise? Ever sprain your nn klo or wrist? "Flrst-nhl-to-the-lnjured" KKXAL ItL'IIIIIXK Oil takes tl.o stiffness out In no time bettor than anything olso you could use. 25c mid COc. Cotton, bandages, sterilized nud med icated for hospital nud homo use. "Tin: swkktxkss of low prick skldom kqii.s tiik 1UTTKRXKSS OF I'OOIt QUALITY." Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." THIS HKXALL STORK. PHONE MAIN 298 US I WEATHER FOHKCAST. I (Uy ABsoelntod Press.) I OREGON Fair. LOCAL TKMPKRATURK HKCOHI). For tlio 24 hours ending ut I: 4. 'I n. in., July fi, by DenJ. Ostllnd, special Government me toorologleel observer: Maximum 70 I Minimum r1 I At t :4 n. in fi.'l Precipitation None Peelpltntlon since Sept, 1 l'Jt 2 H4.8C Poclpltutlon same period lust year 01.17 Wind. Southwest; cloudy. BORN. I CUOSS To Mi', anil Mrs. Win. Cross Friday, July 4, at tlio home of Mrs, Imhoff, of North Hend, a son. Mother and child nre do ing nicely. Mr. Ciobs Is em ployed at the McDonald &. Viiu ghnu camp and says that It was certainly a great celebration. Hlilp ('lirese. Tlio Coos Buy Creamery will ship 111 20 pounds of cheese on the Breakwater consigned to Seattle. Postpone (i'miiic Manager Hllden brand of the Coos Hay Flics baseball team announces that tlio return game of the Handon Elks which was plan- WANT ADS. WAXTKI) Second hand Inwnniom-i-. Address "IJ," care Times. WAXTKI) A sensible, practical man for permanent position with reliable business house. Kxpor lenco unnecessary. For Informa tion call Monday, i) n. in,, 101 North Tenth street. JULY TIDKS. Below Is given tlio time and height of high and low water at Mnrshflcld. The tides are placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino nnd heights on the second lino of each day; a compar ison on con ccutlvc heights will Indicate whether It is high or low water, r'or high water on the bar I Mrs.. 2.0.2 S.!2 .1.47 8. 14 Ft... 0.7 1.1 r.0 2.7 5 Mrs. . 2. til 0.3i'. 3.89 9.32 Ft... 0.7 1.1 5.2 2.3 0 Mrs. . 3.38 10.19 4.72 10.25 Ft... 0.0 1.0 0.4 2.1 7IIrs.. 4.29 11.03 R.51 11.1!) Ft. . . 0.3 0.7 5.0 1.8 8'IIrs.. 4.81 11.10 0.39 0.0 Ft. . . "..9 0.3 5.0 0.0 OlHrs. . 0.27 0.23 12.30 7.2C J lil---.-A-0. . . hi . - - 9t?- - - - ri-3. nod horo for tomorrow, hns been In definitely postponed. Come to (Vlcbriitlon. The inem bors of tho Elliott orchestra, com posed of the senior Klllott and sons, Clyde nndClnud of South Inlet, are In town today from Ilnyues Inlet. In Injured. Jim Cullver, shipping clerk of the Hradley Candy company, slipped nnd fell on tho steps nt tho ontrnnco of the factory Thursday evening while taking out somo goods and suffered some severe Injuries to his back, HIv Drunks. Six drunks faced Recorder Butler In Police Court this morning. All admitted having celebrated more freely than wisely and wore fined $5 apiece. They gnvo tholr names ns Stovo Harmon, Alec Harmon, A. McXnbb, Walter Armln, J. Sundcrliu nnd L. Stone-vlcus. WAXTKI) 2h-! to assist with house work and care of baby) Phone 1" .v WAXTKI) Furnished house, or housekeeping rooms. J. A. Max tor. Chandler Hotel, City. IV) It SALK IIoiim mill Imin and 'JO lots, well Unproved, In First Ad dition; horses, harness, wagon, two milk cows, 150 chickens. Phone 3151 or nddress J. 10. Fitzgerald, or come nud see. l-'Olt ItKXT Two modern .Vi-oom flats. Inquire 805 Central nvo. Xew .Steamer Service. According to partlcB from Kurckn, tho steamer luqua Is being rcmoddlled nnd con verted Into a paBsongor boat with ac commodations for about 90. Sho Is to have a speed of about 12 knots nud when completed. It Is snld that sho will be put on tho Coos Bay-San Francisco run. Xo Wreck Xowh. Nothing fur ther hns boon board hero from the City of Seattle, which wns reported to havo sprung a lenk off Coos Hny night boforo InBt- and to liavo sont In a call for help. Tho local wire less station has not heard anything and tTio Nann Smith did not scud any news bnck nbout nor. WAXTKI) Two girls for Kitchen work. Scandinavians preferred. Call or telephone. C. A. Smith Lumber Co.'h mill office. SALKSMAX WAXTKI) To sell lots III new town on Willamette Pa cific Ity. Good contract to llyo man. W. W. Wlthoo, 023 Wlllnm etto St., Kiigeno, Or. IIOTFL nud livery for sale In good, new town on now railway west of Kugeiie, Or.; nice opening for good pnrty. Terms nre easy. Por tola Townslto. (523 Wlllumette St., Kugeue, Oregon. FOIt RKXT Furnished flat. Seven rooms. I. S. Smith. WAXTKI) TO ItKXT Flat mow nbout 20x40 reer. Pugot Sound Bridge nud Dredge Co., Marsh-Held. WAXTKI) TO ItKXT Office fui-iil. tore. Pugct Sound Hrldgo and Dredge Co., Mnrshllold. FOIt ItKXT Single mill double rooms closo in. Apply 211 Com mercial avenue. FOUND Adrift on bay, duck scow nbout 10 feet. Owner can securo snine by calling nt Times offlco mid paying for tins nil. FOR SALK In North Ilonil, restau rant mid G-rooms of furnttiiro, ready to occupy, prlco $235; $85 cash, balanco In easy pnympnts. Seo Going & Hnrvoy. WAXTKI) Will purchase one half Intorest In a live, going con rein, which nots 20 nor cent nnd bettor. Address Hox 2S, Times offlco. ORPHEUM TONIGHT Cl'TKY AND THE CHORUS GIRL Vitngrnph comedy, featuring Florenco Turner and Flora Finch. BRONCHO HILL'S REASON Essanuy. A great Western play, feat uring G. M. Anderson. IN THE amp OF A CHARLATAN Kalom. Society drama, featur ing Alice Joyce. FOR SALK One tent mid platform 17x15. Full nnd comploto enmp lug outfit. Hack of Coleman's Jowolry Storo, North Hond. FOIt SALK Furniture for rt room flat, must bo sold by July 10, also flat for rent. Apply Pacific Gro cory, Nortli Hend. FOIt ItKXT Furnished 2 room housokooplng apartment. $12, Cnll 413 N. 2nd Bt. or phono 319X. FOR SALK Wild blackberries, by the box or gallon. Phono orders to 314x2. l-'liecrncker Victim. Pitcher Free man of tho Mnrshflold tonm wns ono of tho few flrocrnckor victims on Coos Hny this year. Yesterday morning, ho suffered n bndly burned nud bruised foroflngor on his right hnnd by the promatiiro explosion of a fire cracker. The Injury Is painful nnd In terferes considerably with his twirling. Details (liven. Word received horo from Floronco states that Roy Saubert was solzod with a fit while standing on t..o wharf nt Anno, watching tho Henvor land and foil Into tho stream. All offorts to save blm wore futile. Ho wns a son of tho Into Dr. Snubort nnd n brothor of Roy Snubort, son-ln-lnw of C. G. Lnrson, of Hunker Hill. (lets Divorce. Judgo Coko this morning grunted Mrs. Gertrude Wil son n divorce from Fred Wilson on tho grounds of desertion. Wil son Is required to pay her $130 suit money nnd $30 por month for the support of tholr children which nre In tho custo-'v of tho mother. Wilson was nt Kurokn when Inst heard from. Ho formerly ran nn auto horo. Received Sntl Xews. Oscnr K. Wnll. who conducts n shoo shon nn Front stroot. recelvod n tologrnm to day convovlng the sad nows nf the death of his uncle. A. O. Wnll. who condurtH n shoo shon In Tnconin. As his mint Is nlono. Mr. Wnll will be coninolled to lenvo for Tnconia on tho Hrenlnvntor. but whether ho will remain or return to Mnrshflold de pends unnii developments after ho reneheB Tnconin. Row Over Change. According to parties from Gardiner, tho frnens thoro tho first of tho week resulted from tho bartender nt blind nig re fusing to glvo tho Russian Philand ers chnngo. Thoy tendered $5 In payment of a flosk of whlskoy and the wholo amount wns rung up nn tho chnrgo. District Attorney Drown hns started m to clean up tho town in nnswer to tho petitions and ninny of tho enses will bo tnkon to tho grain! Jury at Rosoburg. Wnlte Leaves. FrnnJc 11. Wnlto will loavo on tho Hreakwator tomor row for Portland, whoro ho will meet W. J. WHsey and Judgo Hru noucn, who Is oxpectod to roach Portland Monday or 'luesday on his roturn from Loudon. Until Judgo Hrunougli reaches Portland It will not bo definitely known lust what tho status of tho Kinney deal Is. or rnthor, on whnt conditions tho Eng llsh syndicate aro willing to tako It Fotuffth of Jolly "atfcioira Hill t.i.t l. Ice Ci-en lonipieto Hlthout f"-slili, I. t"",,J' "", oine re- Wf "' may always Irtnco t ,ttt , 8rt''. Hero's the vl ,.-'. ",nkp -ur headquarters or ss;iy,l,lliB ln th0 We Do Catering For Parties ROOM FOR SMALL BANQUETS. White House Bakery (Formerly Leld'a.) HOX LUNCHES FOR PIOXIO PARTIES. FOR SALK Good piano which lias been used few years. Good tone nnd as good as now. Inquire 187 South Second street. PERS0NALN0TJS L. D. SMITH of Daniels Creek, Is In town. M. H. HARLOW of Catching Inlet, Is In town today. FRANK. DAVIS of Ross Inlet, Is spending tho tiny hero. MRS. ELIZA W1RTH of Mllllconin, is a visitor to Mnrshflold today. O. W. RKAVIS loft this morning for Myrtlo Point to attend tho races. ALHKRT GUNNKLL Is a visitor horo for tho day from Catching Inlot. V. II. SARGKNT, a resident of Haynes Inlet, Is spending the dny here. WILL CHAMHKRLAIN of Haynes In let, Is celebrating In North Hond today. MRS. EMMA HILHORN of Mllllaomn, Is In town for the day on n busi ness trip. C. A. METLIN left on tho morning trnln for Myrtlo Point to attend tho races. A. A. SLOCUM Is nmong those spend ing the day in town from Catch ing Inlot. MR. AND MRS. WM. MOBLEY of tho Crcnmory, nro spending tho dny In North Hend . MR. AND MRS. JOHN MATSON of Catching Inlot, nre spending tho dny In town. D. D. URA1NARD nnd fnmlly of Haynes Inlet nro spending tho day In North Hond. MRS. CLAUSEN nnd family of Conlc- tlo, aro spending a few days on tho Hny celebrating. ROBERT TEMPLETON of Haynes Inlet, came to town this morning from Haynes Inlet. W. M. MEADOWS will be nn out going passenger on tho Drain stngo tomorrow morning. MP. AND MRS. EMIL EMMITT of Catching Inlot, nre spending tho dny In North Bond. FRED VERNNINO Is among tho Haynes Inlot rcsldonts In Nortli Hend spondlng tho day. MRS. CHAS. BARRETT of Hnynos Inlet, wont to Nortli Bend this morning to spend tho dny. MRS. J. W. BENNETT AND A. R. O'Brien and wlfo loft Thursday ror a snort outing at Ten MUo. II. C. TUTTLE, bookkcopor for Wil lot & Burr of Myrtlo Point, Is In Mnrshflold for over tho Fourth. HERMAN ENDICOTT will henr something to his ntlvantago If ho will cnll phono 147X Immediately. MISS DOROTHY BYLER of North Bond wns the guest of Miss Doris Songstnckon n few days this week. J. J. CLINKENBEARD of Dnnlols Crook Is In town for a fow days. Ho went to North Bend this morning. BESSIE AND RUBY COLVER AND LORNI COLVER of Catching In lot, nro spending the tiny In North Bend. IDA AND ESTHER REHIER of Hnynos Inlot, en mo to Mnrshflold this morning nnd wont to North Bend. MR. AND MRS. S. S. JUMPER of Haynes Inlot, nro hero celebrating tlio nnnlvorsnry of our lndopen-' deuce. O. C. HAMLIN, mnnngor nf tho Com pany storo nt Denver Hill, returned to his homo this morning nftor n short stay hero. REV. G. LoROY HALL left today for North Inlot whoro ho will conduct services nt tho homo of Captain Olson tomorrow. W. B. JENNINGS nnd dnughtors. LU LU AND GERTIE, of Hnynes Inlot. went to Nortli Bond this morning to upend tho dny. W. II. STULL. road supervisor nt Al legany, Is In Mnrshflold on busi ness today and to attend tho eolo- brntlon at North Bond. D. SAUNDERS AND DAUGHTER. ' MILDRED, roturncd to South In lot today nftor a fow days visit bore and In North Rend. i MISS WHISTLEn, who hnB been teaching school nt Ton MUo, has resigned. It Is not known who will fill tho vnenncy. I FRED McCORMAC who Is spending tho summer nt tho Frnnk Rogers l ranch on South Coos river, spent ' yestordny In Marshfield. i BURDELL BROTHERS and tholr families hove arrived horo over land from San Dlogo, Cnl nnd expect to mnk j their homes horo. i MR. AND MRS. JAMES LANDRITH roturnod homo today having snout tho Fourth In town. Thoy wore ac companied by Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Myors and Stanley Myers. LOUIS KEATING AND WIFE ar rived bore via Drain todny on a visit to relatives. Mr. Keating Is ngent for tho Breakwater ln the Portland offlco. Ho Is n brothor of Dan Keating and Mrs. V. O. Pratt. MR. AND MRS. DEL RHODES, who returned this week from a visit In Portland, Seattle, Spokano and other northern points, nro enjoying n fow days camping with Mrs. Rhodes' sisters who reside near Llbby. MRS. II. S. TOWER AND MISS NO RA TOWER and her guests. MIS SES CHARLOTTE COWIE AND RUTH BROWNLIE, are planning to Bpond a weeks outing on the Merchnnt ranch near Billiards. Mr. Towor will spend considerable tlmo thoro with thorn, going bnck and forth by nuto. EXPERT ADAMS, of tho Mergon thnlor Linotype Compnny arrived hero today en routo to Myrtlo Point to Install n now Model K mnchlno for the Enterprise. The model K Is a cheaper mnchlno than tho company has been mak ing and Ib designed for the smnller country prontlng offices, soiling for $2300, which Ib considerably less than tho regular linotypes. . REV. 7.. O. DOWARD wns among 1 tho Incoming passengers on tho i Breakwater today after an nb- sonco of nenrly three weeks. He was a delognto to tho Oregon Christian Missionary Convention at Its annual gathering nt Turner, Oregon, and- from thoro proceeded to Portlnnd, where he wns In nt tendnuco nt tho World's Christian Conforonco. Ho will rcsumo chnrgo of his work nt tho Chris tian Church and will mnko a re port of tho convention nt tho morning service Sunday Immedia tely following the Blblo School session. Tho Mnrshflold Christian Church will Join In tho big union sorvlco nt tho Masonic Opera House in tho evening. , AT THE HOTELS. I The Chandler. V. S. Jenkins, Snn Francisco; Win. Rudolph, Portland; O. C. Hamlin, Beaver Hill; Eugono WcIbb. Santa Rosn, Cal.; H. S. Taylor. Seattle; Blanche Jones, Myrtlo Point; Miss Cltchor. Bnndon; Ed McKcown nnd wlfo, Conlodo; C. A. Kurtz. City; A. Holmes, City; M. M. Holdon, City; .1. Harnett, City; C. Jones, Roso burg; Jack Snssor, San Francisco, Hotel Coos. G. W. Huntloy and wlfo.Snlt Lake; P. G. Hofor, Salt Lako; Mrs. Clauson and fnmlly, Conlcdo; W. R. Stock and wlfo , Sumner; N. G. Hnpor. Camp 7; John Mnxwoll, Coqullle; Miss Harris, Sumner; Walter Oldonburg, City; John Callens, City, Guy Patrick, Spo kano; .Ins. H. McDonnld, Bnd Axe, Mich.; E. W. C. Crunk, Bad Axo, Mich. Lloyd Hotel. E. D. Sporon, Conlcdo; Miss Nlol, Myrtlo Point; MIbb Stownrr, Myrtlo Point; Mr. Leo, .Myrtlo Point; Mr. Monra, Myrtlo Point; R. Rcngln, Ilncoln, Nohrnska; Ed. Carroll, Hen ry vlllo; C. M. Romlg, Portlnnd; B. O. Johnson, Portland. (JOT AX AWFUL JOLT. L. II. Hazard Collides With Partner nud Breaks Rib. The Caqiilllo Sentinel says: "While- frolicking nt tho reception glvon by tho Roboknhs one night Inst weok, L. II. Hazard, cnshler of tho First National Bank, had tho misfortune to fracture on of his short ribs. A gnmo wns In process nn tho floor, when Mr. Hazard, hi his anxiety to mnko tho gonl, col lided with o "mnlo daughter" with such force that tho Injury followed. While not detained from business, his movements havo boon rather cautious tho past weok." LADIES! YOU MAY TAKK YOUR CHAXCK of nny TRIMMED HAT in my storo, during tho noxt two weeks FOR JS.-5 KACIL CLAHKK MILL1X KRY, Cor. Brondwny and Contrnl, Now STYLUS In PHOTOS nt OPATKRMASS STUDIO. 241 Front. FOR ItKXT Furnished two-room apartment. Apply Nnsburg's Grocery. FOR RKXT Two nice, furnished front rooms, with bath. 237 N. Broadway, FOR SALK On account of Illness, furniture of seven-room house. Phone 242-L or call 24G North Fourth street. FOR SALF: 12-room lodging house, furnished. 361 North Front at. Phone 205-J. Be Patriotic A snfo and sano Fourth of July is certain If you colo brato with our Fire Cracker Candies Just tho thing to make the boys and girls happy and very appropriate for season able luncheons. See our window. STAFFORD'S ImKSk or" na MB hS 1 1 i We control the local sale of these famous sweets. Whit mans "are so careful for good service that they will supply their packages only to their own selected agents. Every package must be per fect or your money back. Just a taste f FUSSY Chocolates or Whitman's Super Extra Confections may make you a Whitman admirer for life. TIIK STORK FOIt QUALITY GOODS AXI) PKXSLAR HEMKDIKS. m kSSN JPJj , .