ur ff i- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY S, 1913-EVEMING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MAI.OX13V DAN K. MAI.OMIV JMItnr and Put) Xchh Editor Official I'niMT of Com County. . ovi'iviMi I'M't.n or Tin: cnv or m.viwiikii:m). WITH THE TOAST AND THE (iooi) i:vi:.vix. 'As in life s battle, Tiiiioam tiii: vi:i:k. SundayHe n man. worthy of the universe that liegnt '" Moiidny One has inucli to learn lirfore ono rnn make sure and certain about nnotlier'8 nitlnnH Tiicsdnj Who tun hinder you from bclnB koo''? , Wcdncsuny wiion yon (.omnium of Romo breach of faith or gratitude, titko heed first and foremost of jonr- Btlf. Thursday Nothing Is sond for a man which does not make liltn Just, temperate, brave, free Friday Gentler with every one. Saturday Lot iim Hlitit our eyed to much In tlioso who are, as It weie, tussling nt our side Marcus Auio- lillH. soldlcts Lord. drain me that ronniR. high That dares, It need be, fall, Hut does not fall to try." Selected. islbtLtBHWIUB dfltt UfttUbC ID z! EWnq TflMIMT ll AYFll ARAIH i LliUU lUillUIIl ULUll L.U flUllill ! 10 RAISE REIT ISM. FRIDAY A COOS HAV MOT'IO. H 0V would "llread for all and roses, too," do for a motto for Coos Ho? i'sai.m or Tin: i He t lint turneth fiom test no another, Tiiini'tli tnwnrd I It lie shall arrive In due footpath of tnero God will be his guide. i:u'i:its. the load goal time In to the He the burden of that takcth tin tne tainting, Llghteneth his own load; The Almighty will put his arms underneath him: He slinll lean upon the Lord. lll'l.l'IMJ (Jlltl.S. Ho that spoaketh comfortable words to moiirneis Healeth his own heart: In his time of grief they will re turn to temcinbianrc: Cod will use tlieui for balm. (Continued from PpgoOntO Wllley, Allen Lloyd. Clinton Wood ruff, 1'ied Unworn. SpeaklliK I'ingialii. John (I. .Mullen presided as master of ceremonies at the speaking pro gram following the parade Ma.vor L .1. Simpson or .ortii uenu wen omen the visitors and said that the town was theirs for the two tln.vs of fun anil frolic Mayor L i:. Straw ex pressed the good wishes of the people of Mnrshflold for the success or tin celebration, and Judge (lueny paid n tribute to Coos Hay and hei people rim night. During the day. Aviator Steele made some fine hydroplane flights , over the hurboi. having perfect con P. S. Michie Will Wot be Ready for Service Before December Due to Error The Iim diedge I. S. Mlohle. which the Government lutu iitulei L'oiistiuetlon at Seattle for linpiovlng the Coos llav bar ITas been delaved again and will not be icmlv for set- vice until nbout December 1 This was the news couve.ved to Captain Mucgenu of the Hieakwuler bv .Major Mortow who had Just lettiiued fiom Seattle, wheto ho Inspected (he woik on the .Mlehle. A ntlstiike made In two huge castings will i postoffice trol of his machine and making soinL-i"t,U"lit' about sl weeks to be cor Tilt: ways In which women's clubs render valuable service to In- dividual and communities Rrem cndlless. Ono of these wnjs Is an admirable siheme of the Oregon federation of such clubs. It main tains n fund to assist girls and .voting women to obtain an education. The money Is limned without Interest nud repaid In Instalments when the beneficiaries become self-supporting. I'Altrilli POST ('. O. I. A MOST useful new feature of Hie parcel post will be the devel opment of the C. O. I), system, which goes Into effect tomoriow. A fee of ten cents will enable a mer chant to send a pntkugu of the re gulation sire up to the value of $100 to n customer to be paid for on deliv ery, and this small fee also Includes the chnrge for the return of the money. The government will also insure n package up to the value of JfiO. Under this system huvcis will not be permitted to examine goods be fore paying for the package, and therefore the merchanl'H success with It will depend In large measure In giving sittlsrattlon to his customers This Is an extension of the conve niences of the panel post that has been needed It will fadlltate trade between town and cotinirv and should result In n flourishing mull order de partment In a I in on ovory well oik.iii ieil business house The details of the plan have been worked out ns well as possible without experience, and ns n matter of course will he Im proved with time. The largo city Is not necessarily nil) gainer over I lie smaller town by the Introduction of this system. It Is merely n iitestloii of hnvlng the goods and advertising them to get thu trade. He that enreth for the sick and wounded. Wntclieth tint alone: Theie are three In the daiktiess to gether, And tne third Is the Lord. Henry Van Dyke. lluinlug kisses are usually tho re sult of spaiks. I ,irii:oi'ii:Toiisi:iivi:itK.v.s: i 4 The clam thinks everybody else should live on cold water, but you'll notice (hat he usually winds up In the ( howder .Many a fluent talker would make n bigger hit by keeping still. 4 cax vor soijVi: this? A man pawned n $" bill for $.1. He pietty nsi elisions and descenslons oilli lleml Wins (.nine. ly n scene of three to two. Xoith Hum defeated Morshfleld In the ex hibition ball game The game was a good one. N'ortli lleml storing two In tho fifth. .Marshfleld getting one in the eighth and one In the ninth, and North lleml getting the winning sioic In the last half of the ninth. l'leemnn plnjed first base for Marshfleld and plu.ved a good game despite his Injured finger Norm Johnson twilled a good game for Marshfleld llaitman pitched for North Hcnd nnd had Marshfleld at his mercy. While ho only struck out one man. Marshfleld got but two wife hits, a two-bagger by Freeninn nnd a single by McKeown. .Motoivji le Itnce. The motorcycle race will take place nt 0 :ifl this evening, the race being from North Hend to Umpire and re turn. Those who hud entered were i:d Johnson and Shannon Mitchell on Hal ley-Davidsons, George Johnson and Joe Winner on i:ielsforn unci Amll Mntsou on an Indian Mnrshfleld also won the water con test They strung I'll) feet of hose and got water In 2'l 2-B seconds. sniu no pawn in iicot caning ror tne North Hend did It In III l-.l seconds . in. i io a mom ror ?ji. miiKing This Is much better time than win the toal sum In his possess on Jii. I m,.i-i,m,t i ti, ..,.,.,, m.. i.,.r,.,... Tin: .Morni:i:-ix-i.AW. Till: eternal question or the rights of tho mothcr-lu-law has had a Judicial decision from the New urk Supremo Com t A man of mod erate means btotight his mother to live wiiii ins rumllv Ills wire and mother disagreed The runner final I) left her home and dom.iuilod that her husband support her elsewhere She was fund or her husband and anxious to return home, but only on condition that her mother-in-law leave The husband Insisted upon his right and duly to Hiippott his iioiiier. ami pleaded that he could hardly afford to do so except In his own house, but the court i tiled No friendly relationship ,n ever bo maintained upon u subt ly legal basis When husband and wife begin to dlsiuss their respedlve rights, cllsionl and disagreement beuin. I'miinmie. ly HHlf-rlghiH iim nevei thought or In that desire ror mutual help fulness whli h pervades most homes. This would be u strange world ir people were no better than the law allows. Nuclei) ami home aie preserved not by law. but b) an Instinctive us well as educated regaid for the inoial lights or others. The mother-in-law i an have no say whatever legardlng the inaiiagn intuit mill iiinliol or tho home. I bin boloiiKK to the wire, ami ir the buvbaml's mothet makes ills Mini where dime should be luu mony, lntoirrn with the wife1 i out i el and management, oven at the reiiuiHit or hei sou, or by her own Inipreper tomliitl and thoughtless luiiKiiiiKtt make home iinpleiuaut and distressing to the tlerendant then the wile would be Justified In leaving her liuslmnd nnd reiulriuK Mippoit II em his elsewheie It ma) be said for the New Yoik Supremo Com t that at leaht It has tllMovered something tltut was not Invented In China It would be not onlv ,i htiange wot Id. but a tough old woiid. n ,.. pie weie no belter than the law ioic es them to be; but. lucUlv roi all Mauds In the riai'iu nioiheisdn-law as a class aie Improving and ure mi', b more ,lvlll,e,l than thev used ". .'S.""!'"r ,lu'"' " MUlle , lull t'Mli i ui Kirl cknm's or ciiTna. FDK the flist lime In hUtoi) an n.tual census or China has been taken 'I'd.. u,...i.i ... ... .V Lll.m- ."'..." Y."." "V 11181 .,V"n",,", ",mi "" wnintiy :...'. "."" " n i nils V i:piuin it -M-M- People who wear now irarmenls shouldn't throw mud. 'nil: itiiK.'iiTi.'it siiii:. "It Is said that more than one I't'ison hos been killed bv kissing." renuiiked Vic Johnson at the club the other evening "U's; hut Isn't II gieat stuff ir ou can live linn It?" replied Geo. tiooiiruiu. m'ki: .Mei.rifi: s.ws: There are two sides to a get rich iiulik proposition, and only one of them (Mi win. That's why you lose. A man never enJo)H the I'usy Go ing of behaving hlmseir until he has been over the Humps of Doing n Sport. A girl lllwavs tells tint hIkik .lerl that she weais number throes', hut lor feet are swollen. And the elerk gets down a pair or wide Hives and keopH his fac e closed. Any glil who Isn't an aid lo noss n muddy street bus uomi lenunn When n man disc mots thin he has t'ol enough hair to take Its own p.ut he stalls In to piotect It Lots or girls take off their wed ding gowns and prepare to get meas ured ror their illvone stilts. A iliugstoie blush never made a it an Imagine a glil was modest The follow who Is nlciiim )ii.i,.,,i.. about his wire and his kids may be t resume, but )ou will usually find that )ou cmi rely upon bin,. m:vs or ti:mpli:tox. i Special to The Times. I A lelehiatlou Is being planned here foi the foiiifh or July. Uverv- body Is Invited. There will be a ba'll game In the nflci noon between Noith I II lit t mill 'l.titiit.it... i tiiiiii-iilt Mi. I'liikhnin, the post offlie in- -imhiii. imfhou lliiougli lieu )eslei ilay Jui It Itajiiiiind Templeloii Mrs Hi tinner returned rrom Ninth Hend NitunlH) night, wheio she has been Htu)luK ror n couple or weeks. Joe ItcdieitM plans on taking a load of meat to Nniili Hend Wednesday. ...i- I'l.i.Hiinn gaiui's at Temple ten are hoise-shoe and luiM-ball home ion oc Mug games ure played Itav nnbumer or Lakeside, visit l ill the home or Win. .MiCul,, MlllllllJ , The latosi thing nt Toiuploton Is liiilH glowing on neos. Tl ev Kii wlihout planting ueeds Ml. and Mis lllllv Ai.deiM.n f Not lb Lake, me going to plm f,. the dan. eon the k,,,,,,,,. Vltm li Is assuied. Do.v Itobeitson. who Is emplojed at lie Laksoueu saw mill, got his fi ng on It He Is the pli.hor ror the ...... ,, , monies wuu't st I iiiiiii pi.iving nail Hone Kate Tlnlav. The boat race today, thu General II. with I'red Powers nt the helm, easily ilufontud the Pronto. Captain Harris' new speed boat A third boat rrom North Hend was raster than either or them but Its engine did not have the lusting dualities. The tide-was bad ror them nnd one turn over the eight mile touiso took about T. minutes. W. (V T. l I'loat. The W. C. T ir. flout with Its flushing while nnd group or bright faced girls and boys made a pretty pliture and was one or the iittraitlvo routiiroH or the parade. This float viih under the direction or .Mis. Robert McCnnii and the fol lowing Is ii loinplete list or those occupying plates on the flout: .Mrs. Hubert MtCann, Mabel Chap man. Gintlo Wllmot. Nellie Wllmot, IMItll Cuviinilllgll. Flossie llnves. .Madge Golder. ICuliy Harrison. Many Hoicher, Wlnrield Woodbury, Mrs i: George Smith, l.oiene Sester. Julia Hlonuiulst. I'ay Walker, Minnie Itencehniiseii. Thelnui Walker. Hilda Selandor. Anin Trutran. Klcum " i.iiuier, Joe Haiber The .M. W. A. in III Team. The M. W. A. di III team under the ll "HI f A II. Wllmot. In ihelr iiatty military appearing uniroinis, ioi mod an nttrattlve feature or the parade. They niniehed with inllliary precision nnd executed some attnui- Iv e muiieu wis The members or the team weie A. It. Wllmot. Waller Llvengood. Harris Sanrord. Will IJmery. Joe Km- .,( t l..H..... II . I. ...... ... ... I v.j, ouiii'ii ii eiuiioiiy. win utls, C. O. I'ly. Tom Jusa. Dick Pry, Win Chupelle. I'. J. Plested. Jack Karris. A T Amlrevvi. Hpeni Sunday at I.IIIKAItV XI II' IN. b top Mix" Uuth lieddon of Marshfleld uih! K ,u" f,lt,ul- :''" "; en!: m:v.s oi .120.000.000. his knocks out the nonsense that hlna him i.tx.uoo OOd" inhabitants '" uiisii p.issei t li'iisltv of Population Is one of then. No. one I bin. no piovln.o even appioxlniatos Saxunv, the Hill, Ingest uioiin... having fewer than .to res .1 mi u t, i square nit, nm, the' country""' ly1of!nN:o?iKl0J',8',,r' """ ;" "V,0 0i" The outlook la for a Ch na for n... ni.i.. ""?,.'. 8 u hat Is not )olow porli ?0 the vorld. but sufficient to itself w I Its area and Us wealth of re,ourcei LAXGI.OIS. ') (imiii) llvents Tol.l b, . ... ., 't'ailei. Uias Itussell lUconipanle.l bv )r n I 1,r" .Vr U,lbh0" ""derwei i another operation on his thumb Th. Hist operation p.ove.l f"ii"rV5' -n... liiiinis uroees have Invad.ni J'l';y the wiullmonlo w , fi", , iiglois whh-i, promises to f tnls ''' f Hire ilu-wVlVloa"' 'Id.g culm and xerene n beroiv I v-iimjnr Svvaiison ami wife nf l-akenoit. il.iiii.ri..! ... ... ..'" .of Uke3lde bettVrknow-; a',lT unle" l Coon county, whore thoy Into, ,,i go Into the restaurant buIne ..vhi,uiiciiis are now undeiw w tn the transroirlnir nf ci.. ..... A r ?ti JoM. Vancouver. mercantile a reieu arrimi rr.... The Du Punt do Nemours Pow der Coiiipanv has sent the Llbiaiv some of their trade catalogues One Is on hlastliiK Mipplles. one on high explosives, and one on the iim i' (iMiamlte u eleailng logged oil Other Hade tntalogues iho llhrniv Mas nio Tow ei Transinls.lon Mu Pl.llllll-I " "II... ..r .-. .. '" 'VUM. V ,. . ' I,PW. UII'1 Wire Nails and Wire Pioducis. In .leiiex anil l.niivliiin. ...... .i. . ...,., , . HIP I lilt Aladdin house cntaloguet. of hoiis,. .... ..mi mi eon Catalogue. ..in i n i.k. The llliian nlho linu lnui ,...... o.I several publbnilons ,r the pUn-..)8,.a..U.'''- Moxlio." "Doinlncan 1 J ' ,'' Kein.bll,.' lillelii ihese luibllcatloiis are n. I V 'wrMr .f . l"",("'i "King lin. ..7 i " """ "emoiiient or South Auerha and neighboring ,m U wlcMre:"1 n"U"r"" ' '" The llbiaiv Is opened fiom in ' in. to noon; to i, p m ,...- mi .:,;;....'. ' .. ' " ",e V9 iiiti ti; ,', """" t-iianuier iho telephone unibor 8 Itore.. u .. .i T I.. ,i i,-m'ii liuiv lie asKe.l l.v telephone renewals of ,s XL"U:).r ?. ' 'l''''.v Me- , .: " iiimhix ims in- vHriont magazines !SS;YnfenWb,Tnrer. "o Ubran to Hud i! ,O0K ' .,e"e1lIi!:5J,'s!0'-'o.." Inc .u .V'.m : " ""ny H) dvlug .voi, ,, ,i0l, , Ai .1 puni.hiuent diminish Hit lots of men who get cold feel Aie sure of n hot flnui, tl sS'fe,VK)5''K';-;i Hotel lii.'-l. most or also Indexts use foi moin. leited. ('apt. Mucgcuu hud ipilte n vlsll with Major Monovv, tho llrst Mine since the) were nt Washington, 1) C, together last winter. dipt .viucgonn in god the necessll) or jetty win k hen nnd Mnjor Moriow Insisted Hint the Government would do nothing about the Jetty until the b.u dredge has been tested out. Cilllt. .Maeeenn nvnlntiwi.t n.. .1... Jell) would be necessiirv to main tain tho channel and ho notified .Major Morrow that he wm going to Rtnit n eaiupttlgn to socuie the Jottv Senator Chnniborlnln ami Senator Lane nro both In rnvor or it and dipt. Mncgenn states that ir neces ;uy they will fight ror It on the floor or the Senate. Ho pioposos to have some now Jiinps of the entrance inuile, shovv i.,K "! .'""Kef and will (mote Col IloesHlerH report about It being iliingeious for the bur ill edge to woik within n counle of thousand reet of the Hitnken letlv. inptntn .Margolin snvs that Major ..lui.uw is Hirong rriencl or Coos jlav and n strong ndvocnte or the Jottv. Ho huvh that I. reciulred courage for Mnjor Morrow to rec oninieiid the Jetty Mr Coos llav In the race or the Htanil or his su tler oik that Ii ii-i.H..'i inuiiri...i ... thirl time cand In eonsecitionre Capt Macgenn inR referred to liim M the 'M.chener of the lr S I'n glneers.' Cnpt. Macgenn will take the mnt t;r up with tho Port Coininlsslnn Hin.0"'1'' V!lJ,.,r M'"rivv thought hnt It would have been better ir the Port Commission ln.i i.......it,.,i " i i no riniiB on the entiunio III ,'r V'-.,1"". Cn,,t. Mnwnii exnlnlii 'd that the bond Issue was voted ror inner hnibor work nnd could not be Uncle Sam Will Have to Pay More for Quarters in Marsh field After This. The United States will have to pay considerably more rent In Miushfleld for ltn postoffice itiurtera lifter November t than It hat) paid for tho last few .veins. This becainu evident today when the Inst of tho bids for ruiiilshing ipiaitotH for the ensuing rive years wure being received In the present (tiariorH, tne gov ernment pays $25 per in on t li rent When the matter of location wan up before, bo nit of the Hiiriouiidlng in onei tv owueiH nnd IiiihIiiosh men "chipped In" on a Hind to ofToi clnjitp lent to socuie the locution of tho lioHtofflce where It now Is They hit) paying about $00 per month lo keep the postofrico near them and are tlietr or It. Since the establishment or Hoe delivery, the pioxlinlty to the post offlto Is not an liupotlunt liictor In business, I'd to noon today, only two bids me said to have been sunt In. Out) wns thut of It. F. WIIIIUniH for the Williams building ut Dioadvvay and Cuitls, and the other It said to have been that or N. John lloiihoig who proposes to build ut tile ecu tier of Third and Central, where Iho Olllvnnt mid Weaver store now Is Severn! otheiB have been talking about put ting in ii bid and may dli so heron night:. Thu owner or Hut building Is ie Ulrcd to rtlinlsh special postoffice fixtures, ete. Ml Steamer Leaves for Bav With Big Carcio amu, ,e,.L?,bsi. H.yd''py i i.u .inn ni in in Biuiuil imimj I Hay Point vvltl.a largo uSI nor mm iiso a coin ....."n Cupliiln Wilelcson had tl'eT ki) iiiuno iu iiuuiir or ti0 to July. Btieanioin of rim., i.',6!! betwemi thu iniiHtH. Ik Hti route down the l)lr , Stuele In tho now Gorm p!'3 iiiciiiliiiio circled tiroun, nndi Nanir, thu aviator exelmn!.. I InnH with DaHHenirwru nn ....( Altllllli' tlii.un un II 1 1... ... S Among thoso Bulling on fi vyeie: Mm. .1. II. Alnichaw. 7 AlllieiUIltB, AllllH JI. J. II(,nl,.i John IIiiuhcii, J. c. I lei man. L. S. Sinltb, Guy Warner VI Church, Mr. nnd Mrs A. j VI M Nelson, W. IC. Ilmwn, FrJ .1 ii. umiim, i.oiiib Hlng, T; Joe Moore. T. McCliithy 1 P M Austin. M. G. MnrkoVllAv vim, i.eo voit, Mini Gerotliiv il Wi.lt ii l'o ami r.m.lu Hmlii. ''I WILSON IS CIIKKlli:!). Crowil or KMIOO lleaitl PieshleulV (ieltjhiirg .Vdilii'sx. llf Aiworlalrl l'r lo t'vot Hay Tlinnt (IHTTYSIirilO. July ..- Piesldenl Wilson spoke to a eiowd estimated nt 1(1.(1011 including tliousmids ol veterans who were In .heir mil foi ins or grnv or blue, hut man) In tho crowd were Poiins.vlvuiiluiiB fiom Gettvsbuig Mid noiiibv Iowiih Tile President's sieeth wiib shoit Mill he wnu ueiiueiitl) Intoiriipled ov cuoers. ai uio eouciusioii or Ills address President Wilson left bv ypeclul train for the north. The KoVfl TONIGHT JIOOO feet of nit iie- irtlM I .V lesBon for the bi8hfui',M?J foinudy that will mnke taTI nil .1.. .1... II.. .. '" oil uu l. na J cALiroit.MA rnnniv Where 100,000 whltu I.cgboik uvini, itMi Ti.Mrc iiA.vn . ri.l.l.. ..I....... i .. i ... ii.-iure ik we .(.. i ,.. . -" . iiiiinu), ii in u CHliivcljr Km picture and Ih Hiiro to neas Anil tlic NIKTI.'IC TKA.M Will oiien hero TODAV. ThoHu two glrlH have not ret h here, but will bu here fori! tliiiu now ami all ti u when they hou them rorlhijl nu- tiuun nun nun unnccti! out eaeli night. .liMiissici.v ti.'v ci:ml Coiiton.inont may be better than S, ,,,,ll,H " " "II think we would be lonteiit ir we had the rfch- WOIIK TWO SHUTS. In renvoi Hiitlou vvltli 1 John son, manager of the recently burned itnuiloiph mill, we loam that the crew or the destroyed plant will be transferred to the LyoiiB-.fohiiHon milt as n night shift and the plant run continuously. t) so doing the output wilt not be mutci lullv reduc ed, ns It Is estimated thai "til). (Mill root will be turned out dull). Tlio new order or things vviih put Into eitect .Monday. Haiidon Wnrl.l l . I mm. FARM FOR SALl I Dnlry. stock nnd frtilt f. slating of 518 acres, bctwMilii i mien Ul llfll UUCIUI1I IIBlR ncrt'H or boneh land set to p trees and llfty ncroB more tit: eaBiiy ne cleared Tor nrrtiirj i balan!o good grnrlng land tA tie, sheep or itonts. I Twelve hend good dairy tonl an running implements sects Looted on West Pork of mvor, one inllo from school nnd boatlnndlng. Tiny direct from owner. For further Information, all . wrlt: W. A. OAGK. Allernf 3 ii in m Ui & IIL " JS il B Si? && m i Handsome New Pieces in Seasonable Colorings and Varied Patterns. Important additions recently have been made to our extensive display. We are eminently well prepared for the new impetus given the demand by favorable w r conditions. All the requisites in summer furniture are shown in the standard lines. The Comfort, of the Just-Right, Kinds PchorLawn Furniture enjoy it, and how much belief rockers made un in. the' The outdoor life begins now and how fnik I - mu lime the enjoyment witli chairs like these bin rnnmv, .oa., Worth woods, made hv .. ,.-.,. u.... t. V' u ', ' riciht iust a .f-rnnr, L I. ume nc''nation to have themM S. ? 1 1 wJ S ey,Ca"bebl,i,t'w-er-proofed hickory furnitu e to! heyrefbui,tt0s weather aund service, U hartfes. of serv.ee, too, and what comfortable chairs they are, to be sure r fHV Sell It For less. GOING , HARVEY COMPLETE IIOrSE FURNISHERS CO. Id fit till 1 wli Hi. time i Jjf -" . l a. J;-;