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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1913)
TRYTIME SOME PEOPLE TTR0Y THINK THEY MAKE A NOISE LIKE A BOILER SHOP (tea lag Sftmra LOST ARTICLES NOW IS VOt'R TIME. A Miinll nil In The Times wnnt column limy lirlntf you rcsullH mi mediately. Try one. ,t fouml liriUgli Times wiuil litre hcj ,. ""' thenil I'm? Hieiii! They act result." MEMItKlt OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1913 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES, )L. XaAVI. Tlio Coast MhII. &. Goiuolldntlon of Times, Count Mull Mn Oflfl mid Coos IJny Advertiser. nu' ouu LEBRATiflN TO CLOSE AT NORTH BEND THIS EVENING LOBBY PROBE TO BE FAR REACHING cond Day of Two-Days' froflram proves even iviuiu Enjoyacie man him. RGE CROWD THERE WITH GUUU wtAincn rt of Prizes Awarded In thlctic Contests and for Parade txmmis. If tlmt old Qrwk duffer, p'hllos- her, niytiioiogisi, piii"Kni " DCVOr It WllH Willi llim mini uuii ,i in tin. Irish" liiul lived In hn latter iIuvh. Iio would havo I Imled North Hi'iid In the list riving blessings from on Iiikii. Icr weeks or woninor uuii winiiti ,in.? slum. iiIiiiik conies n lirnnd burnished kiiiih lno that could ho equalled turn sine or 1110 ittli Sens It was tile one (oiicn iicil to ninko mo .Minn ncnii r-lirntlnn n success. Tlio gray Itzlliig shies yesterday gave way glorious sunsinno toiiny mm nisi nhig the purple twilight of n feet niiiniiier dn Hindu the neeas- glnrloiiH orv vehicle In Marshfleld mill Till llend. even antiquated horsc- Inrn curls mid omnibuses, worn fsoiI Into service to curry tlio ivils of lnmdreils of people from Irnlilli'lil who thronged townnl tlio Miration city From tlio formnl knlng .wnienhiy morning nothing occurred In ninr 1110 buccosh or event In nny wny. t tin" romltiHlo'i of Hie imrnil lionlay .Muyor I.. .1. Summon In IcIUoiih plirnne uiui lonllnl Kri'ot- . mule the visitors weiennio mill United (Iio elly to tlio coin fort enjoyment of Its guests. .Mayor :. Straw, of .Marshflolil. delivered mlilreHH of eonipllinent mid con ciliation to ceinent tlio iih of tnilslilp lietwren tlio twin rltloH i (Me HiirronnilliiK sections. Judge firy spoke elii(iiently nnd cnrni'st- ot general conillllonH nnd nil i SOME ADDLED ADAGES i oi-' the cklkhkatiox. I (Complied tlio "niomliiK after I tlio night liofore." by a Iter of tlio Confotll Concourse 'that roamed Sherman avenue dispensing and dlHtrlbuttiiK nolHP, Joys, toys mid other thlllgB. "Never slny dry." "Knge boforo duly." "Knt, drink and ho Mitry." "Wine, women mid vnng." "AH'h well that lemN well." "llnni'Hty'H tho host hillnry." "Tho wngOB of cln Ih breath." "All In not clam tnat fill, lets." "And nil Ih not Joy that lif ters." "Lnvo thy neighbor for IiIh I pelf." "(Iiillony In tlio mother of ' I distention." I "Thoie'H many a drip 'twist ! enp nnd Up." f ! "Mono Ik ho hind iih ho who I I will not nee. I "You never hiss tho ilniigh- ' 1 lee till the lights go out." ' "wnnt ih Home wltliout eon fell IV" HOUSG Dpfiiflps tn fin thp I imit poonnod by the Sennto lobby eommit- nuubt uLuuis lo go ine Limu tcc linvo oU!rmlned t0 lntr()(lm.0 ,, On Martin Mulhall S Charges "' tho pnpors as testimony before the of Influencing Legislation by Corporate Interests of the Country. Mr AmocUI,! I'itii lo Coos ny TlmfH.J WASHINGTON, 1). C, July li. The lobby Investigation by tho House to cover particularly Martin .MuUmU'h ehargeH that the National Association of MunufaeturerH influenced present and former Congressmen but ltrontl enough to cover tho nllcgod lobby nc tlvltlcH before Congress was provided today by a resolution from tho House Rules Committee. It would direct a committee of seven members ap pointed by tho Spcalccr to Inquire whether tho National Association of Manufacturers or any other organiza tion or corporation or association or peiHon now mnlntalnH or hnH hereto fore maintained a lobby for tho pur pose of Influencing leglBlntlon by CongroHH, anil ascertain and report to what If at all legislation has been nf fecloil or presented by reason of tho existence of said lobby. Senators Heed and Walsh aMcr an examination of n mass of Mulhall letters, tele- grauiK and expense nrcouutn. sub SUFFRAGETTES AUTO TRAFFIC BURN CHURCHES mmt ntuuHU o well roculveil lit llin fOiiwirlnir ! IVllB. fho nfternoon was given over to excellent l -arranged urogram. Last evening Sherman avenue, eh wiih brilliantly Illuminated, given over to thronging thoiiH V of niern makers Hie Modern Woodmen of America niled a uiilendld dancing plnt- Ini which wnH throiiKed nl nil bos by lovers of the dreniny waltz uio reveling rag, l'ile Winners. Hie Marshfleld Klro Doparlment roit kivk mints last i:vi-:.i.j .m.( 'iiixiis A'i:it.(ii:n .MoitM THAN (INK A .MINITi: OX XOItTII lli:.VI - MAItSIII'llvM) ItOAl). Probably the heaviest aiitomobllo traffic that over marked a day In tho history of Cooh Hay wns main tained yesterday between Marsh Held and North llend. " Kvory auto nvallablo wiih presned Into service to handle tho crowds between the two cities, liven then, many had to wait at each end of tho lino for considerable periods before they ing inoiiH-j wm, ,,,0 ,.ut,., ,.ar, tj,,, nm. WllO MOW .l, I li .... irnn, l.ifiiln.l I . ..., .1 1 u. i"'.'!0'!",'0."0"" ",,(l 0l!l,,nvlH0lHeugeiH hanging onto tho hIiim.' Tlmt "hn, weH,i. , . i wero not moro uccldentH wiih a marvel. .Mghtwntclimmi Holmes at tho K, 1. grade on the county road between Marshlleld mid North Ileud last evening kept count of tho truffle. ' r'rnm 7 o'clock last evening until 12:10 at midnight, ml" aiitos lind passed the point n comparatively easy victor over K"'"K """ ,,n"""B' ' ,,,H W,,H " orth Head liepartiuent In llm nvl,K '""'o than one a minute nmi iini. .n.. ...i.... ii... ia for that' time. .. '"h ""' '" During the greater part of the day Hip time for the Hub mid imii tratfle waH Just as Heavy jam uasn was 2 l-r. seconds, ill Is nlso verv fast. fho jirlze for tho water rnco was loutig nip presented at Ilnndon .venrs lien whnn Vm-lli lii.n.l IrlPll Off tin. hoilOIH. Ln vrar fill llend did not hnvo a hoso ni. so the trophy was not con ItPd for. This year It coiiioh to iwiillold. It Is to hecomo tbn pi'crty of tin. departniont winning j;-u .miiih in succession. u .yiirsmioiii Kiro llopartmenfs o hi iioui tno nub and rnce nnd tho wator rnco, and ns follows: '111 I.OllKStnff mill nnnnnii I'm. 'on. noblemen; (Juy Stutsmnn. nni'R?,8.' r."rl fH"n. lllll'stlltB- "hi'. . 'Irnver nnd Cnpf. Krnnk faill Welllllg Won Mm Tlimalni. fsa rnro. celtlm. iim r. nu K'nl. w.' I. V.'.T .." r." !" r'"ii .ijiiii innir I m r h.fli ..i..A . In l. " iiu Mini iiricu 111 I in (Mn nntntn n. n...i t. 1.-1..1. Hi.1.1 .i. '"" "int- k'ni mk . I0 B0C0"d lirlzo, $1. loan Nnnli u-nii i..o. ..i.' i.. i. Ik raco. and T. Rnthoror took sec- IHMl', Parade l'rlo.s, fho award of nriPR t i, i.o In oiiIr In ii... i . r. . mlnKwcro' ' ,,uo yeaioraay c'ey Float -Pirst prizo of $25 fwth neml Nnst f ni.i- i .T.r" fond prho of ?ir, to tho W. a t! Militants Accused of Starting Conflagrations in Wales Send Infernal Machines. Illy Aiwo. lmr.1 l'rit to i'ihm lUr Tlmra. 1.0NI10N, July n. Tho Methodist chapel In Pwllhel, Wales, tho con struction' of which recently cost ?-Hl,-0(10, was destroyed by flro today mid un attempt was made to burn tho llaptlst tahernnelo In tho samo town. Militant HiiffrngottoH lire Hiispected by the authorities, but no evidence wiih found to Incriminate them. Another Hiipposed attempt by the militant HiiffragcttCH to commit an outrage occurred at' Iloltou, Lan cashire, this morning. Tho care- comnilttee next week. Kverv otinnr tunlty will bo given to tho House to examine tho letters. Under a blan ket clnusQ In the resolution the House would have almost plenary authority to probo nil lobbying activities, past or present. l'eni- Dig Itimltiess. Representative Kelly of Pennsyl vania, reported tho lobby resolution, saying tho question was whether this government, Instead of being by and for tlio people, has been changed into "by and for dishonest big business," Hoprcscntntlvo Levy of New York op posed tho InvcBtlgntlon. "We hove had enough Investigations," bu wild. "They have caused unrest and de pression In the business world and have caused depreciation of a billion dollars In securities. The money trust investigation caused the death of one of tho grentest merchants and one of the grentest benefactors In this country." Ho contended that no In vestigation wns necessary to vindicate the Intergrlty of the House. llopubllcau Leader Mann declnred he had never met a lobbyist In the 1C years he was In the House. A vote will be taken In the resolution Xyediiesday. FIRST CAR ON LINE TO BAY Twohy Brothers Arrange to Ship Carload of Materials Out of Eugene Today. KI'ClONi:, Or., July :,. The Ouaril sayss "nvohy Brothers are loading a car today with materials to ship tomorrow over tho lino of the Willamette Pacific railway to Klmira. This Is the first carload of material shipped over the new lino. Twohy brothers have a sta tion at Klmlrn and will use that us the base for Irelghtlng to the front until thu Hue Is completed to the tunnel. This will not he long, In tho event that there Is a clearing up of tho weatner. ' l lie cut at Portoln Ih rapidly ills- TTOBE GAINING ADVANTAGE IN FIGHT T W STAY NEUTRAL Sultan Decides Not to Take Part in Conflict Between Bulgaria and Others. lljr AmdcUIci I'riti lo Coo llr Tlmm. ) VIENNA, July 5. It Is announc ed here from an official source that Turkey has agreed to remain neutral In the Halknn conflict In return for a concession made by Hulgnrla. (JHKICKS (JUT TOWX. Hub taker of a new town hall, which oppenrliig and work t!.cre will bo cost $150,1)00, discovered a parcel containing explosives In a letter box. A fuse was attached and had been lighted, hut had gone out. .mouk sri'i'itAfJirrn: nxi:s. W EARLY TODAY Most Original Itubo Percy Phll P 5 nnii U'nin niil", ' "'! 150 -ut muL'iuuii second, beW0n,eo-Dr- Bartl r8t il0i iu, and Georco Goniimm n. lir1 Prt'o-CooB nay Times. teh-n.i ..- v, 'rion aiso pnea prizes for iimt. fio i.. rboP3eolafer th0r "" Tlio Times Win. i.'ii i..i... fllO Coos Wnv Tl...n -i .' '. .. nnii ...! i ' iiko uucuraieii ail-bi;aXCfen?"!-'oyBL"rega: ze TiT i ' .""" hiu uiui. ; niatehoa " torPodoes. shoot. ann LT,raes. rarrlois. whoso hSTn.7"" S.1'? (1 tlo Prize 5hrn T"pton- K'lward Knox. n?v "(1 nfn."i 1W"'"IoePi8on. Lo- PPir ikrol i i'1. ,Cl,n!)I,,n. "nrrls e. tlarold Schlegolmllch, nalpli (Continued on Pago Four.) 4th of July Interferes Some what With Freight and Passenger Business. Tho Hreakwator nrrlved In early this morning from Portland. She hnd a rather light cargo and not as Inrgo n passongcr list iih usual, owing to tho Fourth of July Iptor- rorrlng some. Tho Ilronkwator will sail at 1 o'clock tomorrow for Portland. Among thoso arriving on tho nronkwntor woro tho following: B. C Johnson, Mrs. B. C John son. B. D. Thomas, P. Oborol Bthol McPhorson, Miss Anna Walsh, Wini fred Hammond, 0. W. Pnttlson. Mrs. Pnttlson, Miss Porry, Mrs. Ford, J. F. Standlsh. Mr. Ford. Miss Jackson, Miss Russoll, Richard Ilax tor, Mrs. Jno. Haxter, 0. Pursloy, A. B. McLean, John nurko, J. C. RicLean, Oeo. tiowo, J. B. McCluro, Itobt. Patterson, A. R. Stackon, B. C. Onrdlnor. J. W. Phillips, S. O. White, F. I-lshor, II. F. Fritch. T, J. Soaninn, Chns. McPhorson, Mrs. McPhorson, Wnltor McPhorson, Waltor McPhorson, Mnttlo Purser, Miss O. Rnnkin. Irving Chandler, Mrs. Chandlor, Mr. Bldrldgo, II. B. Rowers. Jno. White, Mr. Meadows, W J. Glntor. B. Knudson, Mrs. M. A. Martin, C. M. Roniing, II. A. Mnstin, J. Rodellff, W. H. Footo, G. M. Lnffaw, C. D. Dunson, A. Mastln. J. Rodollff, W. II. Roote, IIowoll, V. R. Mlllor. Ilcsiiiicllon of llirmliiglimii l'acloiy Laid lo Milltniits. Illjr AhoiUIM 1'itm lo Coin Hay TlmM MIUMINGHAM, BNG.. July 5. Damage amounting to $20,000 was done by a flro In the lace factory at Sutton nnd (ioldfleld. which Is be lieved to havo been tho work of tho suffragette "arson sound". VKTKHAXS (JO IIOMH. Over Hull' of .-(1,000 nt (.Vttysbuig Leave Today. Illy Ai.cxltlisl 'rri to Coo ny Tle,l GBTTYSIHTRO, July 5. Thous ands of votormiH began their home ward march today after the last ex ehnngo of greetings with tho now comrades thoy found hero. Roforo night more than half of tho army of 50,000 will Ijuvo departed. Thoso Ilnndon men who "framed up" tho ball gamo now know that a "Surn thing" Ih not always sure. finished in a few days. The line of road is now far beyond Blmlrn nnd will arrive at Portola about the timo Hint Twohy Urothers finish their work there, so that there will bo no need to stop laying steel until tho Not I tunnel Is reached. "Tho tunnel Itself presents tho Ktentcst problem. So fnr all ef forts to get under ground nt tho west approach havo proven f nt Mo on account of the continuous rains, Tho tunnel is now moro thnn 2000 feet under ground from tho enst end and Is progressing steadily, but not very rnpldly, ns tho difficulties In tho way have beon expected nt Hivcrnl stages. Should the weather dear, so that it will bo possible to got under ground at tho other end, it will not tako long to scoop out tho dlstnnco of between 40,0 and 500 foot now roniainlng." l'll'IIXD IX TROUI1LK. While In tho harbor tho Flflold ran over a fir chunk which became fastonod botweon nor Btorn post and propollor. W. L. Mast secured a diving outfit, went under the ves sel and cut tho obstruction nwny. ilnndon Worm. Take Important Point l'roni gars .Near SuloiilUi. Wy AnollM I'nii to Coot Hay Time. SALON1KI, July 5. Tho Greek troops captured from tho Hulgarlaus today the small town of Labium on the railroad from Salonlkl to Sorrns. It Is considered a inoi.t Im portant position In that vicinity nnd the key to Senas, which lies about 20 miles to tho northeast. Losses on both sides were considerable. Lin' Til KM I'KJHT. Kni'tipc Will Xot Interfere In Hal knii Conflict. lllr rro littt I'mi to Coon llay Tlmra. LONDON. July 5. Although no exchange of views has taken place between Buropcnn powers, It Ik un derstood that there will bo no In tervention in the Ualkan conflict, and tho belligerents will be left tr fight out their quarrel, as was tin case during tho recent Turkish war. "OLD GLORY" STARTS RIOT Reports to Vienna Indicate That They Are Slowly Gain ing on Greeks Now. HEAVY FIGHTING ON LONG FRONT REPORTED Servians May Also be Over whelmedPrisoners of War Are Treated Cruelly. ' Illy AmcUI- frtii to Coon Ily Times.) VIENNA. July 5 Despernto fighting has been In progress be tween tho Hulgarlans and Servian! since yesterday near Voiles, accord Iiik to n Sofia dispatch. Tho dlspntch says the Bulgarian troops repulsed tho Servian southern wing with heavy losses and expect to occupy Voiles soon. The dispatch says a great battle extending over an area of 50 miles Is being fought north of Sa lonlkl where 80.000 Crooks aro on- posed to 100.000 Uulgarlans. The strategy of Iliilgarlan commanders forced the (S rooks to nbandon sovernl fortified positions near Salonlkl, Loagasa lake and Ileshlk lake. Tho Greeks tiro now threatened by nn outflanking attack by a column of .'10,000 Hulgarlans advancing from south of TnhyncH lake. XO I'lTV SHOWN. WILSON'S Sl'MMKR IIOMK. President Reaches CornKli, X. JL, at Xoon Today. (ny Associated Prris to Coot nay Timet. WINDSOR, July 5. President Wilson nrrlved hero nt 11 o'clock this morning, and was met at tho railway station by mombors of his family and motored to his summer homo at Cornish, Now Hampshire, three miles distant. Junly 4th Boxiirag Bounds IS BADLY BEATEN Former Coos Bay Fighter No Match for Leach Cross Knocked Out in Twelfth (I)y Auolated Treit to Coot nay Timet. LOS ANGELBS, July 5 "Rud" Anderson, tlio Vancouver hopo, nnd his friends today aio unable to ex plain tho torriflo beating which Lonch Cross gave him ycBtordny, tho fight ending with a knockout in tho twelfth round. With the exception of tho sixth round, Anderson scarcoly had a look In. For a minute or so in tho sixth, Cross appeared all but out. Tho betting odds favored Ander son, considerable money being plnc ed on him Thursday nt odds of ton to soven. Cross opened with a hard loft to tho stomach and landed a. suc cession of other blows to Ander- (Contlnued on Paso Two.) RITCHIE WN IN ELEVENTH Joe Rivers Knocked Out at San Francisco Yesterday Early Showing Good Dy Auoclated TreM to Coot Hay Tlmtt. SAN FRANCISCO, July C Willie- Ritchio yesterday spoiled Joo Rivers' present hopes of champion ship honors by knocking tho clover llttlo Mexican out in tho eleventh of wlint was to havo been a twonty rnuntl go. The early rounds were Rivers', but In tho ilfth Ritchie began to show his truo form nnd from then on it wns only n question of "how soon?" Tho fight by rounds: First Round. Tho Mexican rushes with n right uppor cut to Jaw and soon nfter- wards whipped a right and loft to the Jaw In quick succession. Rlvors then worried the chnmnlon. Ritchie, (Continued on Page Two.) American Waving U. S. Flag During Military Parade at Winipeg July 4 Attacked. llf Aaaolatel l'reta lo Coot Hay Time. WINNIPEG. July 5. Tho waving of tho flag of tho I'nltod States hero yesterday whllo thousands of provincial soldiers were parading the streets, preclpltnted a riot dur ing which the flng wns trampled on nnd torn nnd a uuiuhor of per sons received minor Injuries. Tho Incident occurred while thousands of- soldiers from Winni peg nnd Manitoba wero marching through tho city on tholr return from their annual camp at Sowoll, whore thoro had beon maneuvers under Sir Inn Hamilton. When tho Ono Hundredth regiment wnB boforo n local bank, nn American nppenred on tho curbing waving nn American ting nnd shouting "Hurrah for tho American Eaglo." Col. J. n. .Mitchell In command of the regiment, ordered one of his men to request tho American to put nwny tho flng, hut boforo tho soldlor could do so n number of angry civilians pounced upon tho American, torn tho flng from him and throw It into tho streot, whom It wns torn nnd trampled In tho dust. A numbor of civilians wero Injured, but none seriously. Tho American, whoso nnmo could not bo necortalned, escaped without sortous hnrm nnd with tho aid of tho pollco eluded tho crowd. Tho soldlors took no pare in tho demonstration. MORE FLAG TROntLB. Servian Mob Veils Despite Wounded mill D.vIiik Willi Prisoners. Illy Attoilateil rnta to Coot Hay Time, BELGRADE, July 5.-A disgrace ful Incident marked the arrival to dny of I -100 Hulgarlan prisoners of war. The prisoners wero inarched through tho streets In the presence of Immense crowds of Servians, who closed In. cheering wildly, at tho rear of the wagons londetl with wounded lying threo dee)), ninny np parently dying. Even this did not Htop the enthusiastic outburst of tho moli nnd pence botweon tho nations Ih believed to bo lmposslblo nftor this. The Ilulgaiian troops linvo at tacked Knyotchar, a Servian frontier town, according to reports Just re ceived here. A serious ongngomont Is expected during the day. Tho newspapers slate that Hulgarlan troops havo been driven from tho for tified positions thoy hnd tnkon upon the left hanks of the rivers Hrognlln Itza and Xhllnltzn, after tholr first de feat. A largo number of prisoners woro taken by Pervious. CROSS Ill'LGAIt LINK. Sen Inn Troop Xmv Encamped on Enemies. Territory. Ily Amoi lalnl I'm. lo I'oua Hay Tim. SOFIA. July 5. A roglmont of Sorvlun Infantry nceompnnlod by two squadronr. of cavalry and a battory of artillery, crossed tho Hulgarlan frontier yosterdny and reached tho top of Tzornck Hill, where tho troops aro now encamped. TAKK lU'LGAIHAX PHLSOXKRS. Servians Cnpluie I Hid Men nnd 17 Officers. HELGRADB, July 5.Tho Hrst convoy of Hulgarlan prisoners takon by tho Servians, consisting of 11 CO of tho rank and fllo and 17 officers passed thniugh I'skup today. 1 TO R At- Canadians- nt Mons. Jaw Also tack American Flng. ny Associated Treat to Coot Pay Timet. WINNIPEG, July 5. An Amor! enn flag was trampled In tho mud nnd torn by n mob nnd nn American who waved It was slightly Injured and also rolled tn tho mud nt Moose Jnw Into last night. Tho Amorlcnn, whoso nnmo was not learnod, was rescued by tho pollco, Earllor In tho evening tho pollco turned back to tholr hotel 50 Aniorlcnns who nttompted to parade the street with waving flags. ATTACK MEXICAN FLAG. Southern Republic's Emblem Torn From Consulate nnd IiisuKeil. (Hy Associated Trest to Ccot Hay Times, j TUCSON. Ariz., July 5. Tho Mexi can flag, flying nbovo tho Mexican Consulate horo, was torn down and trampled under foot during tho Fourth of July colobratlon hero to dny. Reports of tho Incident vary, some Baying that the act wns com mitted by Americans, others that tho flng wns desecrated by Mexican sym pathizers with tho constitutional movement in Sonorn. Tho Mexican consul called on tho state and fedoral authorities for apologies, but none wero given, pending nn Investigation, PnU'llASIXG FORMER UlCSI DEXCE OF DR. .1. T. M'CORMAO OX MARKET AVKXL'K WILL Kit KIT APAKTMKXT HOUSE. WILL ItUILD SOON. I Mr. Seaman announced this I afternoon that the deal for tho I Dr. McCormne property had boon closed. Ho is planning to erect a flno $ao,000 modern apart ment building on tho Murkot av enuo sldo just as soon ns local conditions justify It, Tho alto is ono of tho best in Marshfleld. Tho property has 100 feot front ago on Market and 100 feot front ago on Highland and Is 150 feet deep. A. B. Seaman expects to con clude negotiations today for tho purchaso of tho Dr. J. T. McCormao homo on Market avenue. Ho Is purchasing the houso and tho bulk of tho block, Dr. McCormne sim ply retaining tho northeast cornor of tho property nt Highland and Fourth. The prlco Is understood to be $10,000. Tho proporty la ono of tho most desirable In Marsh Hold. Mr. Seaman is plnnnlng to convort tho present residence Into two fur nished apartments nnd will leaso them. Later no oxpects to move tho presont houso bnek to front on Highland avenue and erect a flno apartment houso on tho Market avenue frontngo. Dr. McCormac also plans later to erect an apartment houso on tho lot which ho rotnlns nt tho cornor of Fourth and Highland. -JSTMfct i l . i iin