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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1913)
n TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1913- EVENING EDITION. m ' THE COOS BAY r ; i ' 2l fOI i EL a rial ?. LODGE 10 HE 111 PREVENTS BIG THE HERE Knights of Columbus Arranfl mrj tor imiiaiiun juiy cv by Portland Team. Coos Council. Knights of Culiini Iiub Ih completing urrtiiBfinonta for a hlB time hero July 20 when a large clnBM will receive the third degree. Just how mnn will take tho work hns not been determined yet by K. H. McDonnell, the finan cial Hccretnry. Following the lodge work a big will he onjoyeu. A Portland team will put on tho work hero mm euncerniiiK ivu coming, The Orogonlan saH: Cnptaln T. J. Mniflenn, of the steamer Ureakwnter, Is to he rlroi one for n crowd of Knlglits of Col timhuR who will embark on ills ship July lit for MnrKlilIoKi, wnero tney go to Inltlato about 00 CooH liny Catholics Into tho llrst. sueond and third degrees of that order. The party will return on the Ureak wnter. leaving Coos liny July LM. M. I. Kellaher. of I'ortlaiid, will liavo rhnrgo of the degrco team from hero and It Is exported a mini hor ii f KnlL'htH will mnko the Joiir-I ney. .Mnrtililloid council uas now but ono Initiation In six years, hut the second program promises to be one of tho host' pinnnod ny any coun cil In tho state. Hugh MrLaln. of Mnrshfleld, ono or tho lending HR tires In that council, is chairman of tho ooiiimltteo on reception nnd entertainment, and he snyB tho vis itors can own the city for that day." - I i NORTH BEND NOTES. Mini Cecilia Iloylo of Woddorburn, who recently graduated from .M. Angel academy. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. !:. C. Mather. Jack Pillion arrived from Califor nia this week to make his home with his brother. C. II. I'ullen In Xorth llend. Mrs. H. II. Van He Is rapidly re ciipcrntlng from an operation whlcli she underwent Hie first of the week nt Mercy hospital. Merl I'. Kchlllerstrom, second lieu tenant In the 18th Texas Infantry, nud his wife arrived hero this week to visit IiIh parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schlllcrstrom. The Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoy Pltikorton of North Inlet, was hurled In tho North Inlet cemetery Wednesday. MIkhoh Helen and Catheiluo Monde arrived hero tho first of tho week from I, oh AugeloH where tho former has heeii attending normal hcIiooI. A big picnic Is hoing held today on North Lake. Ten Mile, l.akesldo nnd North Lake teams playing hall. J. II. Koltos of California Is hero looking after property and plans to make sumo extensive Improvements In (he Kl Dniado block. Hupt. A. (I. Ilaab hns returned from Portland, where he attended nil edu cational meeting, and Corvallls, Where ho delivered an iiiIiIiosh at the summer kiIiooI of Otogon Amlciiltnr nl college. Jack (irn Is hero from southern California to visit frlemlH. Win, McNayiiinl hrldo arrived hero the first or tho week from Xowherg, Oregon, to mnko their homo hero. Miji. W. 11. Cluippell has leeched word of the death or her niothor. .Mrs. (leorgo Tuto. at Hart. Alleh. Jink Wnllaio. formerly a wiw flier nt the Coos Hay M.inufaitiirliiK coin, jinny's plant, has moved to Kiiroku. to take u position (hero. I (TPiirs ri-:i,i:mt.vrios. i ..... . ; llert Clark and Mix Nolllo Cm ill nor wore mairlod at tho Myitlo Point hotel Tuesday evening by tlio Rev. ('. H. Cleaves of Coiiille. Albeit K. Hrnytou mid l.eiia I lib bind, both of Coiiullle. were iiullod in niiiiiiiigo mi TiiuiHiiay. tim Uov C. II. Cleaves porioruiliiK tlio ieiv uioiiy. On July I. at the parmiuiiKo of the M. E. Chinch, South. Uov. Cleuvow officlutliig, Unit Clmk mid Helen II. Cnrdlner were, proiiouuiod mini mid Willi. Fred M. Slorn mid Stella M. Smith, both o( Minshllold, vvoio murilod on iMlium.lay. Rev Roy Clail; or the M. L. church, officiating. Dan Stoon, a luuihormmi in Cam ns vulley. ami .Hw .miI1( llrust. a ster of Mrs. A. !:. I load, wore mar ried at tho M. . Church South imr BOiuiKo by the Rov. Cleave on eiliinmliiy cvuiiIiik.-Coiiullle Sentl- at Tin: iiotkias. 4 , , The Clmiiillor. J. Fiirnlins. I'tirtltuul; A. . Siii nrt San Fiaucisco; cimn w. lllll. ortlu,,,. j. s. N1 ,.,..,. ,:, lioht J. Urwin, Itomoto J. '. ,. sou; A. I.. Mecuio ami duimhter. no... (eo. A Stepheiuon. .l,rtio M,U:.U. 1J,,w nml vvlfo. cm Ut; .1. P. Hiuvov. IJiirokn; C n ClOKor. elt.v; K Moirlwo. cttv; l- A. McClnlii. Camp Is H. '.I l.Hvvh.uii. Cmiulllo; W. Ii W Li ' itan FuimUco; c ,,. ,.,,,.,, ,. '; titv. Hoiiiv iimmtiui, ,U, Hotel Coos. ()nr i.pvMk, cmh 7; jU 11 Pol 'u-: "n W?,wr' A,v'"" joiiii. I. . i. Croak: riuu l'u. Sr.eo,,v'.vi'rKr: j,,h M,i'- " quiiie. 1 iwil ,o Uon. iiti- n ( Tuitle. Myitlo Point. ' ' l" H. ( Mcluuu, Conlodo: W F il,,, ,i ii. ..... nn Koiioiis. CihiIhUu jAI.OCJTIIK WTi:itPi()Vr ii.s.:v,-5' 1 formlu ,T..T" Ite nvll U ii.nv ..... ' ""-, -econd mate i - ireaKwater, I l rnnrnT rinrn hull I LULU untui iiiilu - Wol weather Hard on Famers antj celebration out uooci for Timber Owners. while the (onilnued rains hate been had for some of the farmers and hard on the Fourth of Julj relo cations and rill-on. they have been n Bood thing for the timber owners and loggers. Fire warden .icaae Smith reports practically no flro ot,a to date In the timber, except In one or two places where clearing nroS spread a little, lie has a Bood patrol ffiirn In ndilltiiin to the men Otlt for the Coos lountv flro patrol and It Is expeited that 1913 will he unusually free from foiest fires in this section. Concerning the situation In the state, a Salem dispatch says: Tiiia linn linen nnoi ner very nivoi- able spring for tlmobr owner In this stale. The frequent rnins have kept down forest flies to tho very mini mum, anil have given the state for ester tlmo In which tluirmiKliI) to organise the state under the authori ty given his office by the Inws enact ed bv the last legislature. Thousands of letters were sent out by tho state forester to timber owners, of which there are nhout 30. 000 In the state, advising them that the new law makes It compulsory for them to provldo adequuto forest fire patrols or It will bo done by the state forester nnd the cost assessed to tho land The state forester re ports that less than 1 per cent of tho owners hnve made any objections, "In eastern Oregon some difficulty has arisen, however, over tho fact that most of tho timber hinds are un der lonso to stocUnion, who nro sup posed to provide fire protection. The amount of protection afforded by sheephordors and cattlemen tloeu not meet tho requirements, so tho stnte forester Is ndvislng tho owners to provldo additional patrolmen. In Hint part of the ntnte the cost Is ex pected to be not over 1 cent an ncre. owing to tlio nsslstatire given by the stockmen. In tho western part of tho slate the cost will bo between 2 and '! cents nn ncre. "A number of the flro protection nssoclntlotis have ciowh In the tim ber building telephone lines to look out HtutloiiH and making more trails." THAI, IS SI'ltPHISIM). Toll I'm tlmiil Paper of lliiulit Prii.ieel of Coom llnv. The Portland Journal says. "Jos eph . Teal has Just returned from a trip to Coos Hay, mid lie ex presses himself surprised at the activity In every lino throughout Hint pnit- of the stnto. " 'I found a groat deal of nctlvlty In the Coos llnv section.' said Mr. Teal, 'particularly In connection with tho railroad construction now under wny. Mnrshllold nud North llend nro both thriving communi ties with no empty houses. Kvory wlioro you find evidence or the net Hint railroad construction work Is on In onrnest. Last Friday a con struction engine wont through Ton Mile to ono of tho tunnels that Is being driven on tho Coos llnv lino of the Southern Pacific Hiilisldlarv. which shown tho rapid progress of that largo pioject. The now rnll ninil will open up n largo ami Tor tile M'ellon, for I saw In the uioiin inliiH Holds under cultivation mid producing Iiiiiiioiiho i'iiiw, uiioro n " i ago mood tlio virgin foiost. ho Cons Uny will not ho the imlv section to profit from the lOiiHtructlon of this roinl, lu Know Hint tho public will ho mir nrlHod when it loarns or tho vast develoiinioni or natural romum-i that will follow tho coiiiiiloilon of this Impoitniit ntioleh of roml.' " .MTOISTS (.'l-IT UCKXSKS. 'oos County .Machiiio Onncrs (ilvon SiiimImts by stnto OfflclaN. In tho list of stnto auto llcoiisos taken out loconilv are tho following ( oiih county ones: I'.L'Ttl Smllh. .. Vornoii-F. A Winner. Marsliflold: Slovens -I I7'l ,,Vi"Vi . ,,a1.". '- s,t'rll". fi'quilie: stiidobakor ii:tl7il. lilMKI P. I.old.Marshrield; Ford 1 17 Hill .'IMS J. K S'hlllliiK, Mm llo Point: Cadillac 71C3K. ' ' ' ' Ford'ast. A- WB,tap- Co""; i'dmu7:K7,:m W",wr- M,,wl,fIl"": TO Ol'ST suiim.s. 1 oiii,. Scliwil HM , ),,. j',,1,,,,, yv III Colli Is. 1 he C.nniuio Sontlnel snys: "Pio- oodliiKs win p.. liiHtltute.l forthwith to uiibl ('Iihk SKeoU from tlu. .11. lenonthi,, ( ,U. M,, ,mr,i lm,JK;SK KRANTJC l)oput.v 1'roi.o.iitor MljonvUt bv I.ooibo Pooplo. The ilulm Is not foul, that Mr skool wus llltfniiv hoaue of tho taking of ii wtoml hallo, to do, Idea tie vol,.. H Li Vl,,,':!'," ll'l' the other enndl ij . I ho mutter w.w iibiiiMo,i to Attorney Coiimiil I',.,.., f.....i .. .. , ,. beid,hat.uoa.oorM,:,llrr::,11u.i nine iioliiic iironi'iii nn, i ,,..!, i,. i. Jit ati ol.Jo.Hnn to hocoii.i uUn', the result of Hit- final Itallat k.....i. Ml. tfkeebj wh not prooui w hoi. nominated, nor v ion ... .ii., i.i Hill-il, lllll lOllg-lHI 'llllv tli.. an,,,. vLVl ,,,,f V,,h,,,"lM,"' "'" "I'l'lV Ho tho flviilon .hall 1 lUvenntnoo iiiriiv mrri'Kit. I-. Dution. n-amiKor tdovvutor I.mnbor Co.npai v Moron,., o,.,, hlw ri,l,,uii,.;;;j ho soviwo lnjurle uihii..1i tho . at i u I. Oil V I i II t . May HO. ii. M5i at,;i! , i nJ'al at Hnrillnor for ...HTn ,., was at tho ii is 'A. ....I . ... -'" ,,,- -., ..i.uoK in i-ortMiid Mr iviii. LT" "" '' a w month n .,, t.ii iiuor i th noavor 1 MIIV ,t bonuan. Precott. -Amir. ni i"-' PERSONAL NOTES u C M'lXXlS. of Coalcilo, Is spend ! lug the ilny In town. fVV XOAH, of North Coos Klvur. J 18 In Xorth Honti iouiij. '.JOHN KKXYOX. of Allegany, 1 n.iniiriitiiiir In town today. Is JAY RICHARDS, of Simmer. among the iiiuiiy visitors todn.v. JHSSK UARKKR of Fnlrvlew, Is cel ebrating In Norm neim iumu. ALVA OKAMI1Y. the North Coos Hlver rancher, Is In town for the day. RL.ML'R CKOXK, of tlnncroft, Or is spending the Fourth In Mnrsii lield. MRS. I. I). HLAKE, of Catching Inlet, came to town today to cele brate. MISS JKSSIK NORTON Is among tho ninnv visitors troni sunnier today. Mil. AND MUS. A. O. ROHERS are In town on n pleasure trip for tho days. AXSKLM JOHNSON, of Catching Inlet, Is celebrating in North llend todny. WILLIAM KING nnd mother, of Mil lleoinn, are spending the day In North llond. ' , MISS PHOERE LARSKX, of Larson Inlet, Is spending the dny here with relatives. MR. AND MRS. CIIAS. SPOOXHR nro In Xorth Horn! today front Catching Inlet. CARL AND IRA MATTSOX, of Sunnier, came to town this morn ing for the day. MRS. J. W. CARTER, who Is camp ing near Allegany, Is spending hor Fourth here. ROilKRT HAYTKR, of South Coos River, eunie to town this morn ing for the dny. MR. AND MRS. J. H. PRICK, of Allognny, nro In North llend spending tho day. IIOMKR RINC. of Conlongiio's camp, Coqullle, Is spending his Fourth on the Uny. SAM COXRO ennie down from Alle gany this morning to spend tho Fourth at Xorth llend. ' MISS IIKTIIKL AXI) FRKH STOCK, of Sumner, are spending the Fourth In Xorth llend. MRS. 11II.UXCS. of Allegany, canio down the river this morning to celebrate In Xorth llond. MISS JKXXIK CATCIIINC, of Sum ner, went to North Heml this morning to spend Hie dny. MR. AXI) MRS. .101 IX HARKKR. JR.. of Sunnier, cmuo down early this morning to celebrate. WM. I. INI), u Coos County pioneer, Is hero from Coqullle ' for the Fourth or July roHtlvltlos. IIKNXKTT SWANTON has returned from n ten days' outing nt tho Ahernothy ranch nt Dora. T. J. KOI.STAI). MISS'.VI.MA'KOl.. STAI) AXI) ARTIiril KOI.STAI) nro spending the dny in town. JKSSK SMITH canio down from South Coos River this morning to spend tho day In North llend. .MISS maiii.k llllon.KTTi:. or .Mjrtlo Point. Is the guest or Huthor Suillvun for the Fourth. (iKOROK. Axn i:i,. SB I.ANDKlt nro hero from Simmer nud will go to North llond for the dny. (.A. NOI.I.XKlt. (lovorniiient time hooper stationed nt Alleganv. Is spendliiK Ills Fourth at Ninth llend. MISS MA1H.K MlTXs. or Sunnier. Ik spondliiK hor Fourth In town with her tdstor. Mrs. Clnrence I luri Is, MRS. I.KONARD MASTKRS AD OI.I.IH MASTKRS. f Sumner: nro lien!! ' Four,h '" N''" I- ' KA.V AND FAMILY moved to tho (inner or Coniinorclnl nve lino and Twelfth Mreet the llrst of tho week. Willi la ,i,l. ...,.! Oil ilia 1M..Q .!,, -,, .... .... r- ,,,i- , Milliner, is i-i.V " S1,U'!VU"S ,h0 F "I'd uslilui. rolntive. MKSi:S IIHI.KN i iHAVi'lir.' AX"itm M) piiiuVVI'J; Low Ill price. liiKh ,,u,illty. Electric Irons I.JV . I,,,V4' ." fl'lV "W-'MlMliUld ",'' IZ ",", """'tug comlltli ion , V.i.'l. Now Irons, up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J 153 X. Broadwny THE ELECTRIC SHOE STORE ,, V ,uy KCPd 8,'P8 for 1.S0 S. Uroadway. .MUX AND I'MSICKACKKItS. & . - ' Firecrackers .- id men are alike In one tespeet Most or i hem consist more of noise than nnvthlng else. Yet they nro dir ereiit too. The percentage of squibs Is comparatively small among firecrackers. miiTit nf North Coos Hlver, nro spending the day In Xorth llend ARCHIE GALLOWAY, formerly of Kastport. but a resident of Wash ington for nhout 22 yenrs. Is vis iting friends and relatives hero WILL STOCK AND WIFE or Camp 1, who were visiting tlio James Stock family at Siiiuuor yester day, returned to town this morn ing. MR. AND MRS. CARL KOKNIIOFF nnd children nro spending their Fourth with the Jud Mills family nt Sumner. Llttlo Lonu Harris is also a guest at the Mills homo OKO. A. STEVENSON of the Smith Powers logging coiiipnny en mo over yesterday to spend the Fourth. Ho moved to Myrtle Point from Mnrshflold a few months ago. PAUL DIMMICK. innnngcr of the North llend lumber compnny. was n Mnrshflold visitor Inst evening, conferring with R. E. Miller con cerning some dredging which they wnnt done In fiont of their dock. The reconstruction of tho plant has about been completed and as soon us the market looks up, they will bo ready for operating. AMOXO TIIU SICK. I -4 Mrs. A. II. Powers Is confined to her home by Illness. Miss .Maud llowrou Is able to ho about after n severe attack of ton sllltis. Ouch: I tried to guess n fat girl's weight, Hut missed, to my surprise; Hut I was judging, I'll now state, Ktitlrcly by her sighs. Times' Wnnt Ads brine results. Here's a Thing to Remember! Whenever you nro In tho market for n hill of groceries, before send ing out of town come In mid got our prices. Wo stand back of all our goods and enn save you money. You Get a 5 Per Cent Rebate in premiums on till cash purchases, except flour mid sugar. Savo up your cash coupoiiH you get at our plnro and get koiiio useful household nrtlcle, free. And sny. If you are dissatisfied with tho milk you nro now using, come In mid wo will toll you how to get some of the host milk In Coos County, at u rea sonable price. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'COXXKMi lUilXJ. IS I .Market Ave., .Muislillolil, Or. Phono :tlM-J. JL'ST m:oi:ivi:r A largo hlilpnieiit or Klectrlc Cut Class Similes. Cnll nnd seo our Block of glnss wnro. Wo nlso hnvo some of the Intost designs in nhower fixtures, from two light to five. Kvorythlnj.' In olectilcnl supplies. Barnard & Langwortliy Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line Cms lenvo overy 20 nilnutes from 7 n. in., to 7 p. in.; from 7 p. in. to Yi. o'clock overy linlf. Fare 15 rcntB ono wny. round trip 25 cents Commutation books. 20 rides, $2.00 Cnrs lenvo C'hnndlor Hotel, .Marsh field and North Rend News Co.. in North llend. G0RST & KING, Props. Rldo In Lynn I.ninbetli's ll)i: 7. pnss,.iKor Cmllllne. Stnnd nt Hill yors Clgnr Store. Telephone 18-J. Right Cnfo. direful driving nssurod. Prompt attention. Will go nnywhoro. nuy time, day or night. Leaves Hill yera Cigar Storo to meet nil trnlns nnd boats. Bowling Alley! .'J7.T NORTH FRONT STRFCT Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies Low Rates for Handling Trunks ve haul ti-inks between nny Point" in Mnn.hilel.1 for M.e follow- rates dyllv on to ho niado In he lust btorlea 0f buildings: One trunk .... s - Three ti links '-', Twelve trunks ,"- I iU Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Helsner, Prop. Phones. i:o.j; 40.L. 9s.n WANTED ":r::a Kn time. Dirty v,i v' "re me ril nation V ,r ' Let me handle ? pri servo it perfctly for A ear. of ml come ears to E. C BARKER 220 Front st. Marsha Id, Or. HETHER you select a Norfolk a Full Back or w Ml 1I Ccrriitbi. 1911. Jllilgirli. tttrrn St Co. ii MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing (& Shoe Co. 3. Myrtle Point MARSHFIELD V The World's Best Meat Is Just good enough for our i-iimoui-ers In our opinion. Ami a trial order will prove Hint wo live up to our belief. Order n roast or a steak nnd prepare yourself for n trout for It will surely prove ono when the meat appears on your table. MAHSIIFIKM) CASH MAUKKT. FOURIER BROS. Jlur.shllolil Telephones Xortli llend Ulil-.I TivoMiirkeU r.l EANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A I'KW TUN ACIti: TRACTS I'Ol'll .MIIiKS SOUTH OX COl'XTV ROAD lir, Pint At'ltKi iSHIO (USII, IIAIiANCi: TWO YKARS, NO IXTKRKST, NO TAX US, I'l.NIJ SANDY loam, u:vi:i m:cn i,..d. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKisntoslhi L ItlJAIi HSTATH KQUIPPKI) WITH WIHKLCSH Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILI.MJ FROM PORTLAND. MXM l); .ll'LY ., , J I, 10, SI. AND HI), AT K A. .M. SAILINti 1'ROM COOS HAY .ll'LY I. (I, II, 1(1, HI, 1M AM :il, AT I P. M. Tickets 011 sale to nil Kastorn points anil inrorniiitloii us to routw and rates cheerfully fiirnislied. Pliono .Main H.-.-L. . u STKULl.VO, Agent. S. S. N ANN SMITH Sails From Smith Mill Dock for San f rancisco Friday, July 4, at 11 A. M. CARRYIXCJ ALL COOS HAY KltEKiHT. San rianclsco office, N05 1'ifo 1111K., or Lomlmnl St. Wcr So. Inter-Oceuiile TianspoitMtloii Co,, c. V. JIcGeoiKe, Afit. Pliono U- S. S, ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SS. SAILS FROM PORTLAND FORfCOOS BAY MONDAY, JULY 7, AT 6 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 OONNECTINO WITH THE NORTH HANK HOAD AT rOHTl' NORTH PACIFIC OTEiUISIIIP COMpivf P 1110110 li City Auto Service Oood Cnra, Careful Drlrera nd foRBonable chnrgea. our motto: "ill go anywhere at any time.' Stand Hlnnco ( igai. store. Dav Phono, 7S. Xlght nhono 130-X. ' TQM (.pop lK. , 1 Kinds of Job Printing a Staple Model for your next Suit Remember we will save to you from three to ten dollars the reason is not hard to ex plain You pay for only just what you re ceive not for the other man's share on credit. Stores: Bandon mf and INSUHANCi:. 0. P. McGEORGE, U You Auto Call W PHONE 1 1 U3 NIGnT A-. D & Stnnd front of Rluuco IMJllard J") THREE NEW CARS ' After 11 l. M. Phoned Residence Pliono -S'.J Cnreful Drivers :- GooiSJ, Done nt The Times 0 ATf X.Vi -uifeii