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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFJELD, OREGON, .FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Vik E-t wTJa HlBBSllBil Tuly A- 4-dt fur JIB BJ-yyO. ' HT . npf iw mIJ Copyiljlu llr Schiffner ft Marx ifta8 'HIS is the day that we celebrate our liberty from all forms of po litical oppression. We pay tribute to the men who made it possible. Let us celebrate it with freedom from the old fashioned clothes also ind pay tribute to our good sense by wearing America's best clothes. Hart Schaff ner & Marx The clothes thai are built for service and satisfaction of the wearer. WOOLEN MILL STORE 'i'lils 1.(010 Is (lie homo of Hint Silmf'tier .V- .Murv (lollies. HOIt.V. LYON. To Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lyon, at their homo In Hunker Hill, Wednesday, July 2, a girl. Sho Is tliolr first child and It Ih needless ti ttay that her advent makes It tho happiest of Fourths of July for the estlmnblo couple. Mouth Cut V. II. Hohrer had IiIh Up badly cut esterdny and novum! HtltcheH were taken. Helen Merchant and Mrs. Prousa, Sr., are nlRo quarantined with her. On Picnic A number of the Hnptlst young people went to tho beach on a picnic this morning. Hail Operation. MrB. II. K. llrownlng, who was operntod on yesterdny at tho Mercy hospital, Is reported doing nicely. Lento Tomonnw. Mrs. Morgan, Chas. Dntchen, Clins. Hull and C. V. Hill will ho outgoing pnssongois on the Drain stage tomorrow morning. Has Measles. MIhh Mny Prouss has been cinarnntltipd at their home on South Fourth Btreot with tho ineasloB. Miss Irene Protiss and Miss Celebrate llh thilay. Mrs. .1. M. Upton has IbbuoiI InvItatloiiH for next Tuesday complimentary to her mother, Mis. Hans Heed, a pioneer resident of Coos liny, who will cele brate her Goth birthday on that date. Lease Tanks U. 10. Miller of tho Paget Sound Dredge company, who Is arranging for the big dredge Senttle to do Its Coos Hay work, has nr lutiRctl to uao tho Oregon Power coiiipnny'B big oil tank to supply fuel oil for tho dredge. A cargo of about 12,000 barrels can bo thus brought hero tho first time and each subsequent time 10,000 barrels can be taken, Will llulld. Harry O. Hoy is ar ranging to build an addition to his residence in South Marshllcld and otherwise Improve It. Celery IIiuh'Ii. T. II. Harry Is starting qulto a celery ranch at his now homo In Ferndalo nnd Jesso LitBe says it looks like as though he was trying to become tho celery king of Coos County. One An eM. .lnrshal Carter re ports but one arrest last night, a man named McXah being taken Into the tolls. Whllo there was a big crowd on the streets and everybody wns celebrating, If was a good-natured bunch. Confirms Sale. The Balo of tho .1. C. La Franco property near Han don, to Clins. Uichcrt, tho original owner, by O II Perk, ronolver. has been approved by the court. The WE HAVE PROGRESSED bo far In perfecting our storo servlco that now we bavo only to contend with tho problem of Inducing you to examine Its benefits to you. Taking lots of exorcise? Kvor sprain your nn klo or wrist? "FIrst-nld-to-the-Injured" ItKXAL Itl'IMIIXd OIL takes tho stiffness out In no tlmo hotter than anything else you , could use. 25c nnd 50c. Cotton, bandages, sterilized and med iated for hospital and homo uso. "Till SWKin'XKSS OF LOW PIIICK SKLDOM KQl'ALS Till lUTTKUXKSS OF POOH QUALITY." Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." Tin: hkxall stoke. PHONE MAIN 298 US sORPHEUM TONIGHT I'ATIIF, WKRKLY News or tho World. WITH Till: KYICS OF TUB BLIND. WOKEN IDYLL. WHAT HAPPENED TO MARY. (Repeated by numorous requests) Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET MS Yo WUl Always Have Sanaa LET US TALK IT OVER! (Ill do the talking liko .Moloney.) SnteiThis HAVE I LIVED UP TO IT? iviaiui uui, i:m, E. Handel LADIES' $26.00 To $36.00 Two Models DAYTON BICYCLES ARE " HEAVY SERVICE S MY CREED s di . I never write an advertisement about goods that I would not buy myself, or recommend to my best friend; and I will never say about those goods in my adver tising to get others to buy them, anything that I could not honestly say about those goods in getting my best friend to buy them, 1t T?v0nA ' believe that the Dayton is the best Bicycle for sale in Marsh iviy 1 riciia field. It is the "cornerstone" of my business, The other corners are Honesty, Quality and Courtesy, A SUGGESTION FROM MY MOTHER : (Copied vcrbntlm from her letter). "I want my business to grow through force of merit and I want the gain to be mutual between my customers and myself," The services of the Marshfield Cycle ry will be appreciated, especially by boy and girl riders of Dayton Bicycles, We'll pump up your tires, oil and adjust your Daytons free of charge, (Not because we like to oil and clean wheels, but because it pays to be ac commodating,) & 4 & MY BACKING: Mr, E. Bandel.- Mar shf iel a , . Oregon , Dear Sir: Our mutual friend, Mr. CharloB 0. Cook, of the Gorham-Revere Rubber Company, Portland, Oregon, who are our Northwestern distributors for the Dayton bicycles, was showing the writer some of your enthusiastic advertisements. Our five year guarantee is a mighty fine talking point and one that you can absolutely live up to, as tho Davis Sewing Machine Company stand baok of the Gorham-Revere Rubber Company to make good on eriy defects on Dayton bioyolos. Crusting that you are receiving good re sults from your Bachelor oontest letters, I am, Sinderely, yiZ CLvf7Mn uvr. svf- tfOR THE DAVIS SEWING MA0HIVE CO. Among Three of Us We Ought to Make Good That Dayton Guarantee MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Phone 158-R. ' Agents for Coos County. 156. No. Broadway MEN'S $25.00 To $5 5.00 Fourmodels JUFiV Til IKS. llolow 1b given the tlmo nnd height of high and low water at Mnrshflcld. Tho tides nre plntcd In tho order of occurrence, with their times on the ilrst line nnd heights on the second line of each day; a compar ison on con ecittlvo heights will Indlcnto whothcr It Is high or low water. i-or lilgh wntcr on tho uar -illlrs. I Ft.. i"llr8. Ft. . C His. Ft.. 7'llrs. Ft. . S'llrs. I Ft. . 9 llrs. I Ft. . 2.02 (1.7 2. lit ()." 3.38 (1.15 1.29 (1.3 . SI 5.9 0.27 1.0 8. 1.1 9.3." 1.1 10.19 1.0 11.03 0.7 1 1 . 1 (! 0.3 0.23 ".t if. 1 1 r..o 3.S9 0.2 1.72 (l.J '." 1 t'.fl 0.39 . 12.30 0.2 8. -14 2.7 9.32 2.3 10.25 2.1 11 19 1 S i rv 0 0 7.26 n.? price was $(5000, and Included all of La Franco's (Joos County hold ings, with tho exception or a small amount. CrMiiiH'ry lliilnr.. Tho Coos Hay Creamery Is now receiving nhout KJ.000 pounds of milk per dny. nnd Is turning nut- nhout 500 pounds of butter dally. (Jet Itonil. I.nBl evening In Jus tice l'ennock's court, Dnvo Holtlcn furnished $500 to sccuro tho re lease of B. Harrington who wns bound over to tho grand Jury by JiiBtlco Stanley nt Conulllo on tho chnrgo of adultery. Mrs. Harring ton nppenlcd to Mr. Holdon to sc curo her husband's rolcnso and tho bond was sent over this morning. I'UOFIT IX STItAWMHUKIKS. Wm. Hartley has demonstrated what mny bo done In rnlBlng straw berries, cleaning up sovcrnl hund red dollars from n very small patch. Ho also found others In his berry patch helping thoniBclvcs. Coqultlo Sentinel. WANT ADS. UWXTKI) TO ItBXT Flat mow nhout 20x10 feet. Puget Sound Hrldge nnd Dredge Co., Mnrsh-Held. UWXTKI) TO HKXT Office fiinil turo. Pugct Sound II ridge nnd Dredgo Co., Mnrahflold. I-'OH ItKXT Single and doiiblo rooms closo In. Apply 2 1 1 Com mercial avenue. I''Ol.'XI) Adlrft mi buy, duck scow nhout 10 feet. Owner can secure Hnmo by calling nt Times offlco nnd pnylng for this nd. roil SAIilO i bed mutt ross ami springs; 1 smnll cook stove: 1 drcssor, 2 doz. chlckons. Must go boforo Snturdny night. 113 X. Second street. I'OU SAI,K In North Bond, restau rant and C-rooms of furnlturo, ready to occupy, prlco $235; $SC cash, balance In easy payments. Sco Going & Hnrvoy. WAXTKI) Will piirclmttc one half Interest In n llvo, going con corn, which nets 20 por cent nnd better. Address Uox 28, Times offlco. I'OU SALB Ono tent and pint form 17x15, Full nnd comploto camp ing outfit. Hack of Cnlomnu's Jowolry Store, North Dond. I'OU SAliK I'm nit nre for .1 yiom flnt, must bo sold by July 10, also flat for rent. Apply Pnclflc Gro cery, North ncnil. 1'OH ItKXT I iiiifiuiiMied Iioiim koqplug rooms. Apply to Gow Why. I I'OU SAI,K One (Ho-yenr-ohl reg (stored Holstoin bull or good slzo nnd gontlo disposition. Apply to II. A. Lnndrlth, Coos Illvor. I'OU UKXT FiirnWied 2 room housekeeping npnrtmont. $12. Call 113 N. 2nd at. or phono 319X. VOn SAM': Wlhl lilmkberrle'.. by tho box or gallon. Phono orders to 314x2. I'OJt SAI.IC (Jood plniiii ulilch linn boon iiboiI few yenrs. aood tone nnd as good as now. Inquire 187 South Second street. 'OH UKXT FiuiiMied two-room npnrtment. Apply Nnsburg's Grocery. IOST Klks tootb. Itewnrd fop re turn to Times offlco. I I'OU UKXT Two nice, furnished front rooms, with bath, 237 N. Ilrondwny. FOU SALK (i'iis i-ungo; nearly now. Inquire 184 Market nvo. Phono 394-.I. FOK SALK On account of Illness, furnlturo of sovon-i'oom house. Phono 242-L or call 24C North Fourth street. KOH SATIK 12-rooni lodgiiiB house, furnlshod. 3G1 North Front st. Phono 205-.I. Jioe ivJiauninie LADY lias gone to other part, but tho has left a full lino of MAUIUXK TOILKT HKQL'ISITKS TIIK STOKK I-'OH QUALITY (JOODS AXI) I'KXSLAK iti:.Mi;i)ii:s. 1 1 & V A Aa kH P.JT4 VI fHfl 9 J 'Phone 58 rM,H wnoiesome Meats. y II