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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1913)
. -f-'t, "'j'wWKni '- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FR.OAY. JULV 4. 1913-EVBIIMG EDITION. tS tf tr ffi k-.i ff IW I COOSBAY TIMES H. J. MAI.OM'.i DAN K. M.U.ONTV l.ililnt- null rid News Kdilor orrirlnl Paper of Cud- fount jr. . CITY OFI-'K'l I, OK 'I'lU'J OK .MMtHliriKM). (.'I.OItV A ninth of Jul I'oen V. I) .Vi'sblt. l.V - - - - Hun up Old Hlory! Let It bluze And tell the mory of the dns When hearts were stout and hopes ......... i.ii. Korwt the daily "fluids of Krcoil; FOrKUt tllO BtrilKKies. U1U umnui) . . ... . i... ...,.i niii.1 Run up Old Hlnry for the thy: Hum tip Old (Ilory! Think of nil Tho old flfiK menus to you nnd nic, Of how the blast of freduii rail Shook out Its fo!ds from sen to sua; IUmI with the bbioil Hint It Inn cost. White with tho souls of lliom that died Today lis IbubIiIiik brews tossed It whispers of n nation's pride. Itiin up Old Hlory! I'llnt! It forth And feel nnew the roniilry rail That thrills eiml. west and south and north And has Its word for one nnd nil. llun up Old (llory- flint: It far Aeross tho blue of heaven's dome And feid that every Htrlno and star Is wnnler of your hearth nnd home. ci:i.i:nit.Ti; Tin: loiimi. NT OF the men who signed the Doi'lnrnllmi of ludeiieiideiire wish roulil have been gratified, tho venerable patriot would have found, n decided change In the manner of the celebration, but none In the! feeling which Inspired It Pos-, terltv too. wi undonbte.lly have turne.1 Dm tnbtes .... blm. emterlv M,ll.ilninL. hi... I., inn. n i t.'e i celebrations In IiIk dnv. but even ,.,lllw.... !.! ,.l. I It u.l....u .. JM 111 IIIWtlWMWW"''yft?y T . . MS IP I.D I o Is said to have exnressed the desire I '"'f " ,' ,"'"' ":, a Inu to their that ho might arise from his gave ' l aTe lp " f y, a hundred years Inter to witness, ' " '";, ' a, "" "', ,r e tho manner In which posterity o-r- ' "" Jtf'lc "xo Jl,?!.nr,l served tho Fourth of Jnlv If his I operations as yet. but probabl will bo n;w,.H. '".kins, nti.l Is always alert to caro Mr Will coming years see greater , 'I" pntrous. ..,.. relehrnilons i.n.t reb.lclngs? The, , "Ah wmmi iih ,01,,tI,,,r."cl,VViR?,"' methods of celebrating doubtless the party return heie. Mr. .nlk Ins will bo ,..,im...i i.. .!,,,. . i,u. ringing of ludls and noise of cannon may attend It. hut the entutislasm of the people Is still uumlstnkable. nnd In whatever form It finds ex pression', so long ns the Fourth of Julv Is celebrated with unabated zeal and our children lire fired hv It with the snme patriotism which nnlmated their fathers and their forefathers, our nation Is safe. The boys who lodav burn powder In Its honor will not be slow should need nrlse to burn powder In Its defense. I s.m.Nr.'s cni.niinATiox ' . . . a Till? boy stood on the biinilut porch Whence all had Hindu a scoot, t A roninn cnud!c '. bU hand t Was Just about to shoot. A frar.zle pluwheel at his side Was all that sta)ed to tell How father, minus half his hide, Had fled with grievous yell. A busted bomb upon Hie floor. Some remnants of a hat. Suspender buttons .three or four That was where grandpa sat. An Isle of safety on the lawn. Where still the grass was green, Matked where his sister dear had gone To rub on vaseline. Anon Hie smoke rose from the jurd, And then tlnuiigh one small rift We saw where mother, ncorrhod and scarred, A Hinelllng buttle Mlllffed. And at the g.ile stood I'ucle Hill In friiKineutH of his pants. DomandliiK In Ids aiuuts shrill. "Scnd us an amliulnmv!" The boy. as we lenuuked at first. A romaii caudle held. He struck a match and lit the fuw. "Tills In the last'" lie yelled. The roniau caudle f lined and flared: The lialls flew far and wide. Ills relatives, all liadh wared. Once mote esuayed to hide. Alas, ere shelter they muiM find Tho direful deed was done! lie whirled the caudle all about And pinked them every one. In pain the) limped up to the pouh. They crept I nun huxli tn slnnl. And each Implored in husk) tones. Let me get at tlmt cub''' There came a burst of thunder sound, The boy -oh. where was he? lly turns he was nent on a tound That led from knee to knee. - W I). Nesblt. m:w Disriiirr. I Petition, Willi Mails and Dnta, fore Count) Ciiiiiiiilss'oueik. ItVMilentH ot the Norway hecllou owning a majorlt) of tho laud re quiring drainage, seekinK to estab llsh u drainage dlatilct. filed a pe tition with the Count) Cutut ask ing the croatltin ot sucli a dlstiict. but the lottrr oidered tlmi t,t, luforiiiHtton regarding the project be ruriiUlied. That Information lias been collected h) Kughieer (all Lew Is and will he induced to a iuui w -Uh will lie submitted to the uu,'. liiUlouerB at tile puM'it tenil the walerhid. emb..uing sever.n hundred acres U lino a marsh oi approMnuitc!, .,, Jtnes. d , in Aii,.,,r",,,E.r" 8,,k l""' wom'nS ,nt??' : P- Wya "- P. 3. I'blnsin are the pnin mil o nVr ! . lands affected SiVlK'scruVr ' -.. M...- ,, I NEWS QF NEARBY TOWNS kvs or Ki.oiti:xci:. Hunts limn iiu- sihsIiiw us mill li Tlii I'llnt. Harold I-cttlM, who was stationed over n vear fit (lardlner uh n forest Kimrd. "was in l'loreine .Uotidiij on his way to tin- I'minim. " be attending school slme leavliiK in service find has been ic-iippo Itit.d and niHlRiieil to Sluslaw .National Potest and Btiitloi'i'd tit Utirdlner Florence illd not receive outside mnl! Tuesday. Tho stage broke down twice on Uh way In. nnd did wit arrlvi in Mupleton until Tuesday noon. iM,n aiiiatnu' uiiimi company nie ntmilntlnK Quito extensive " soon commence iniuuiviM ...... .. ir. ililvi. lilies. S: ii- in v. ii m. sanuorn nun"--' luive the coiitrnet. Tltu Hi'lioonr Oakland brmijtlit In n law shipment of d.vunmlte for railroad work. It was unloaded on u mow and tukeu up the river Tuesday. o.. ,,,,., Ill ttriitliiirs. inlitrarturn for Porter III others, have started anoth ;?s;x" u;. w. , . , and started to ilenr tin rluht of way. (Iradlntc will lommetiio In the early part of July. , i iirii i iiri't iiifii iwii'ni .-- -- CAitin.vnn is hoominh. Itiisebtu I'ntty Will Itetuin I'ltuii Tlieie i In Mm b Held. The Rosebud News snys: Coun ty Assessor Frank Cnlklns. who re-i-Ktniv went to (iaidlner to assist In j appraising the estate of the late .Mr. Sparrow, or me spnrro-iron .um ber company, returned here last ev ening. He says Mayor Joeph Mlcelll. Robert Smith and Fred Haynes. the other members of the party will not return for several days. They ex pect to come home by way of Marsh field and other coast points. Mr. Calkins says Hammer is pros- in a feu ilnvs , -,r- , " " '" '" ' ?,. ""'., f "' (',UZ 10,I"' t '' l nds as no of In mi s tnier o .ol linHtelrli In hen I re sa H" " nro pot loiis. wlillo tlii nieals far surpass In excellence hose .. ft.. I ! 1 . lis I !!, llHIllUll of the country hotel. 'I he proprietor Mr. Perkins. Is a genial and open 1 hearted fellow, nccordlng to Mr. Cal- B nit" worn oi i'imiiiiiiiuk me '- flclal appraisement of Mr. Sparrow' estate will be undertaken." Till: I'lltST "ITII" AL'Cllil'XT. llasteiu Oil1 ;mi (ilil I In i iit-l tit llealli Ii I by riirchicKcr ! ire, TIIK D.M.I.KS, Or.. July D.M.I.KS, Or.. July II. Winnie, the n-yenr-old daughli'r of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Pulton, Jr.. of Firebridge. In dead as the result of the Ilrsl "Poiirtli of July" acci dent lu this vicinity and her moth er Is suffering with severely burned arms and hands. With her little brother. Ned, aged s, the girl was playing with firecrackers near the family's country place Sunday morn ing. Her clothing caught fire. The screams of tho children attracted' tee attend u of the parents. .Mrs. Pulton threw her skirts about the child in an eiTort to extinguish the flumes. Almost Instantly her cloth, lug was afire. Pulton threw n robe about mother and daughter, smothering the flames. The child, frightfully burned about the nrms. back ami abdomen died. The moth er will lecover. iit.i:n uitos. AT MAPLKTOX W'liltiikcr .V Son's Store Is llmigbt by Kimenc .Men. The general lucrcliniidlse business of Whllaker & S( if Mupletun. was sold last week to P. II. Prner and Louie Praer, who took poshcsslon last Pilday. Prank Whllaker. the xenlor mem ber of the rirm of Whllaker & Son. i)s that nt present he has not decid ed Just what he will do. Percy Whll aker will travel as witesimu'i for a Portland film. l II." Finer, of the new firm, has In-en In the creamery huhlne lu Cor Willis and Kugene. imently sold nut his interests lu the latter place and Ills lUinll) moved to Mntilelmi Tim.. uny, tic '..H '!..m."U ''"" .business tie W II amelle vnllev nml i Hutu of ..Ill i... i .. . .: ; einwiei inr any puue ne lives i Louie I raer. Hie oilier member. Is well known mi Hn Sluslaw. latelv having liueu In the employ of Jik Moorls. Jr.. al Maplelon. lie Is a young man that make friends nml Is a good biuliie man Sluslaw Pi lot. OFI'H'HHS TO OUIDIXKH Uosebiii'i; I sllgnieit Offlcl.ll, to hue Shnthig St i ape. I DUlHit tn.rnev Hrown and He- I puty Slier' Ml KHIn i (In lie eft v lr. : Drain, for Hie affray. I hern by tin Hardiner. to Investigate' The ftrrt i.muii-Im recelveil I i' ofiiieis from Justice of' Kl'iest Hnskell. of fin nil.! ! the Pea.e tier, weie more saunuluniy. Accord i lilts to tin, earlier reports several men i 'ie mill, aim even nun hea weie rumore.l. it was said oi two , ,..- p.t,..ih iiiii, imi v -hi i rei Ked n i Imr. h I ie.v; weri ke.u for , ..ikei. to the lam-! building in which thev awii'le beleie beli i. i 'V..K,,n "-'''liner ImvIuk bu little in the wii) of e jail. A number it ariesth .hv expected to gn.vv mu of the affuli -ItoHcbuu' Uevlevv. CH.WliK l .111)1, ivs. I'lilj. morniimV .Salem Statesman brought to UoM..rK ti,.. formil. l'n mt Cuni Judged, w w - ntt had resigned, and tliat n-nor- nor et had accepted the risgn.i- on and appoln.ed Hon. lVMer Ice to flu tho vai-amv. Toda kmi, nml ,ii3o siate.i i i.'it .da iu i, t . u i11".1. nl'lolntinent "TSSbSK?,,0;. Au are to 1. next COQfll.I.K. lis Told '(.MS I'miiilv Seat e by I III- .-ll-H-M.I . While rettiriiliiK to his home In, the Fl-litrnp countr.v with a load of, lumber Tuesday afternoon. Tfim , -.I... .iiiii.i Minimis v injur- ...I... I-'....! I....I. ituuirsi'ii "" i"v . ,i, ed. In desreiidliif the urn tie to the ferrv the vvanon brake raiieu to nom. the vehicle lurched nhead and .Mr. Itnhlnson was thrown headlong to the wound, one or the wheels pass- ' Hit over Ills ehest , For the month cf June, IVrrvinar. l I N'. MeXalr carried IOCS footmen. !HS simile teams. Is, double teams. 36. nutomoblles and til head of livestock across the public ferry at this point. The council contemplates maklne further street Improvements this season, and has Instructed CItj F.n glneer llobsop to plans atul qpeclfliHtlons for the Improvement nf K'lllott street lit addition to de- niKln li Intnntlnn tn Illltll'OVe (' and Front streets. The Front stre.'t lr ?r- jrsas"'Bs ..n.ii !! nf Ferrv street, ttie roau- arv to be doublo-strenitth roimve base 2 1 feet In width with a I - j font cement sidewalk on the south side nnd a slv-'not cement sidewalk j on the nsrtli side thereof. cri.i.i.vcs rito.M eooriM.i:. Ciiiis ((iinily Sent News lis Told by The Herald. The railroad plledrlvcr Is driving piles between the track nnd the mill of the C'oiiullle .Mill & Mercantile company for the foundation of n large water tank which will be erect ed for the Joint use of the road and the sawmill. Anson Hros. have practlcnlly com pleted their log chute near town, nnd sent In their first logs for the lorn! mill this morning. The Protestant ministers of the county will meet In this city July 7 and s. to form u Coos County Min isterial association. II. X. Ilolcnmb was a passenger to llnmlon today to take passage on the Kllznhcth for n business aitcl pleasure trip to San Francisco. Jesse "Meyers, who was In town yesterday from the Pike logging camp, reports that the recent rains have caused much delay In opera tions. (.'OOH IIOADS OITICHItS. Men Chosen nt Coqulllc In Work for Highway Improvement'.. The l'0(ul!le Sentinel. In Its wrlteups of the Coos Coiintv flood Ito.ids Association's nutiuai meeting, says: "With numerous words of praise ami appreciation of Mr. Mor rison's efforts on behalf of good roads, the gentleman nominated Co. qullle's chief executive for re-election to the presidency, and Prof. C. A. Howard for the secretaryship. An appeal from Mr. Morrison for relief from the duties of the presi dency was without avail. In the midst of disapproval of his desire to retire, tie linn. Hugh MeLnlu. of Marshllcld. put the motion, and) both were unanimously elected. It. II. Mast was elected treasurer. "The following vice-presidents were chosen: ' .). C. (ireen. Marsh-. Held: Leo J. Car.v. Couullle: (I. W. , llrldw: Dr. Hurtle. North ' O W. Trowbrblte. Ilntidcn: Carter. Myrtle Point: Claude Starr. Ie..l- C. ('." lloeket. Umpire. I "The president appointed the fol-. lowing committees; Procedure Judge Coke, M'ush-I field: (!eo. Topping. Ilamlou; J. ( Mullen. North lleuil. Punilclty -(5. W. Starr. llrldge: 0. It. Harrow. Coiullle; Hugh Me- t.atu. .Marsiiiielil. Membership -Dr. K. :, Straw. D. 0. (ireen and Dr. Mlugus. Mnrsh Held; l .1. Sliupsnn. Dr. Ira Hur tle ami Mr. Pnlkensteln. North' Hend: Claude lloeket. Kmnlre: i Ma'- -dei, KtiHtslde: L. J. Cnrv. 'I. Polsom. l.evv V. fates. CoqulHe: Ciui.le N iinr. K K. Weeklv. M" Murii'.v. llrldge: Kit. Itoberts. J. K Sc'illlng. Dr. Johnson. Mvreb. Polui: W. A. llean. HivertoniKd. Clinton. Parl.ei'Hliui'K: O. A. Trow-1 nriilge. Sieve (ialller. Jaiues Mast.. llnudou: II V Holver1ott. .l-i. ' I. D. llenham. Palrvlevv." llatclier. ion cogriLLi: pout. ereiitb f Port. of Haiiihui Will He Minmilttnl to Peon e. Attorney Ireadgohl of Ifnudon filed Hie petition for the ireation of llie lnrt ..r n I.. 1.1. " " ii uif riiiiniy n ty conn on WeduesUav. 'IMl.t ii.iHtlfin had something over "on signatures.: It Is probabbi tlmt tne court will call an elecilon for the near future. I Mr. Trenduobl nav Hi,. I .,i I Hoard has withdrawn all tide lands1 neicmiore ior sale because of the movement, h. um) wiys that there are already imiuirles nbout the pro poiu'd bond issue - Coqullle Sentinel Till, yiliri' OHSFHYKIJ s.WSi , .a llorroweis nearly alvvavs want the Kim., amount time after time I here are mm.. Coo llav men who eem aiwav to be ii.t $: behind the game St. Helens Hall for r.;,t. J'OBTI.AKD.ORKr.OM KeWent and Day School for G!rU fcu', i8'!'X cJKii, -'itw,n uI"Vi.ViSS,iU. 'r&.m T .KB W.'&'.IX T-In. ofcuUJJJ,'w",,,, ""' .msti:h st'rnuoii.oftuvss pi. llrliiu Hull Foorth of Julyl nomi Will not Ice Cieniii, b- complete vvitlioutl ( .inilv mid son ' livsliin drinks ion know that1 ll)l I.. I Hie tiest on Coos i. f i ..";.. .". '"') 'iui)s, ........... ,.i .-mners. Here's the 1 ce to make ,, henibiuarters , henevcr )o.i , anything l he1 line or refreshments, ,IH Try our Vncle Sunt Sundae or ui 'aiikwi Doodle" Viu. "' imiKi's Aaiiniiuiinicemnit: The .MiuliM-ii WnndiiuMi of AmiM'ic;!. l-'nros-irv Team, arc nniltliiitf ' pavilion back uf tin 'Hank of Oivsjon. wIum-c they will hold a 'I-i'W-cvv" Danco Julv lili and 3th. oponin? on cve nilitr of .hilr M. .Muslf will bi I'tiriuslu-tl hv Lew Kt-vspJ-V, Oivlu'stra. Daw-ing Inly h will slari al noon lime, lo roiiliinu- nnlil nud nisiht. TIu- sanio pi-orani will he I'ollowcd rllll.V .")tll. Tlii' pavilion will ho 70x00 ami will have a good rionr. 'I'ho ontiiv h'orcstiy 'IVain, in unii'onu, will liavo (Miari?- oL' ilu pavilion. Ih-loit dam iii"1 starts on al'ti-niooiis ol' .Inly -Uh and tilh, aii pxliihition drill will hi- j?ivin I'rw. WolVcsh-nu-nls will hi scrvi'd on the grounds. Tho team will also give I'aiifv drills during the parade on ,'J'ulv -ith.' Polipe'p-'otei'tion will he furnished at the pavilion at all times. The pavilion will he handsomely decorated, and everyone is assured a good. time. Definite Privileges WHKN von bring money to the counter of tills bank and re ceive' In exchango a "checking account" pus book, you are doing nioro than placing your funds lu mife keeping. You are employing, without cost to you, ItliSI'O.VSI III. K AOK.VI'S, whose services are thosu of expertH. From the llrst day you begin u checking account, you have the use of suuiu definite piivUugeu. You wish to pay n dubt. The person to receive the money limy ho across the atieot, or several miles nvvay. You tuny inner have seen lillu. Hut you write n chuck In his fnvor. You may carry it to hlin. If ho In not there, you can leave It no one cun use It until the one It Is payable to has properly endorsed It. If he Is nt ii dis tance, you can mull it at tile nearest box. or give It to the car rier. When it cornea back to you, If will curry an "Iron-clad" receipt on tho Hack. You can pay out $'J8.9i ns easily as a single dollar no ohntigo to wait for. Having to remember whut you paid out Is done away with. You hnve n doublu record your check and yuur stubs. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OI.MCST IIAXK IX COOS C'OIWTV. t'stubllsbed 1HM). Capital, Surplus and Undivided. Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Time- Dfinits. Officers: J. W. Heiinelt. Piesldeut. I. II. 1'lanagaii, Vice-President. H. F. Wllllains, Cusliler. Hen. K. Wlncliester, Asslstnut Cusliler. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIKXUY SKXGSTACKKX, Manner 1UHM. COAL. TI.MIIK1I AXI) PI.ATTIXCJ LAX US A SPKCIU.TY I-'XKII.I AOKXTS laSTSIUi: MAItSHIIKI.H OKI'K'K, PIIOXK 1 l-.l. COQClLl.i: CITY OFIICi: PIIOXK lilt. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HKTAIL LUMIIKH, L.VT1I, SHIXfiLKS, KOOPIXa CUT TIIK Fl'KI, IJIIJ, IX TWO PHONK 1U0. TIIK ItKCOltl) 1'imTnfmiiiiiii-n it - ..w.w iii.iii WorPhiaTpPJl0.n,?Po?n.?J lo real estate furnished on Toll' HUSIXKSS OFFICK, U7 Xor5!, First Class Weaving Promptly dono at Gardiner'sRag Carpet Factory On Sherman avenue between Ciillfor- nia ami Connecticut. Phone 1.4 North Uend. Or. Gray Auto Service Fisher Tucker, Proprietors. Phone orders to Ulaneo Hotel, 4G. After 12. 2G0L. IHgUt Cafe. MarabUeia, Oregon. 1E1AHTMKXT MOULD1XGS. SASH AXI) DOOltS 1-Al'KK, CTC. 1JY ISIXO OUIt WOOD. tH., ,,,, . 1HJ SOUTH ni;OAI)VAY ....,.,.. iiiiaia,it,T lOMI'AW aorrardo?l T to -t.. notice tUer ,uforn,a" relotlng Kit St., Marshfleld. Poe ,8M W. J. RUST, Manager I T. J. SCAIFR. W S' "KOW.N , A. II. HODGINB Marshfield pant and - UCLUKAIING CO. Kstlnmtes Furnished. Phono 1H7-I, Marshfield n... Unique Pantatorium Co Fine Tailoring. Let u, nmke your next suit. 2MCEXTHAL. PUone 830-X Just Received another shipment of (he r Mysost and Primost Che$ Stauff Grocery) Phouc 1C2 Woodrow Wilson-s Broth Joseph It. Wllflon, ia oii6.0f department lieuda or th. i' . Fidelity & (timranty Co. n coinpauy, into oiueiH reiiroiei". lie iiu la inifiM.wifHi... I... . fl. the most cnimblo men In ln? ngeinent. Flilulllv bcmil. 77J kinds; best protection; ot: premlutns. T. S. KM' I'MAX tV CO., APl!l KAMIIiY llIN.NKlts In our new loentinn. n-. . Iioclnlly prepared to cater to lijl ij.iuv-. nuKuiur meais or Hon t Open ilajr und nfil,t, MKKCIIAXT'S UAKK. Itroiulvvnr nnd (iintuerclnl New and Second hand niril soui on cue iiiNiaiiiiivnt p!u tiAitmxcTox, dovlk a :ilJ2 l'rvmt St. Phone It 10-1, MarsliflftU Pictures &f rami Walker Studio FOR QUICK WORK. FOR PROMPT WORK, FOR GOOD W05 Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laun We always deliver the Phone 57-J Marshal PROFESSIONAL DIRECTi RKxiruuosTTTm "- Consulting ICiiKluivr l I Architect. Phone 10:t-L .Muislifl'lK T M. W'KIOIIT, J COXTHACTOK AXD IIL'II.DKH nmlniates ftirulalied on rnUl Plans and specifications fun If desired. An honest job p" teed. Phono 124-11. 3 toia ostijInd, j Pliimi Timor and It'Dllml 41b S. Sixth Street. Pbone HHl Leave onlcrs ut V. It. HalnetW CO, plJUJi HIM2V HAMilNOKR Pl-nist and Tttdn Keaidence-Studlo, 237 So. BrOK'1 Phono 18-L. XG. CIIANDIiKH, Architect. ItooniH aoi nnd IW2, Coke Da Mnrhlifleli, Oreiton. mi DH. W. MOUROW Dentist. 171 Orlinei HulldliiL'. over Theater. Olllco Phone SiO. WM. S. TUHI'EN, AHCIHTHCr. Marahfleld, Oregon. Dn, a. j. HKNmtWH Modern DenUl Vu Wvi aro enuinnoil tn do Wl- : work on short notle at tkijg lowest prices. I3xjiinlDtIo J Lady nttondant. Coke Dlta Ohandlfir Hn'nl. nhorie tTJ A. mnflnrn Tlr, ...IflfnlP. V& T.lullf Ulnn. fln f!lfC Furnished Itoma with ' Cold Water. noivBL OO08 n A. Xfollln Trnn. !?. Hn -. .. . mI BDfi -.-... uw irnia n in; "- - Cor. ItrodwT and MwgL Be Up To Date, Ocder y.our. Suit i-8 Prr, TkTjiiofl iUUU Dress M 7H KVnnf Rt IK Singer Sewins: MacW Wa. Ilfivn Mmm fnm -anl n- fW ,. ,w v.. vii iui ira. - Machines Repalrca. , Qiit..ii,. n.i xiji. fnr 6-" wu.uvo UUU AllVCUlUa -" W. J. RITZ. 131 Park Ave. M l-hone 280-X. Have That Roof fu NOW See CORTHEB toons sin. .