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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1913)
LAG OP THE FREE HEART'S HOPE AND HOME" TODAY WE SALUTE YOU! (E000 lag Stews LOST AHTin.KS ,,,, found through Times mint NOW IS VOtlt TIMK. A small ml In The 'limes wiint column tuny IiIdl' you results Tin mediately. Try one. . .. ...I IV tlwititf 'I'l.J.f L. JUrilH ti..,.il IMPII1I nf immt . irsllU.H. MK.MBKIt OK TIIK ASSOCIATED PBICSS IxWWI Untnblliilicil in 1878 L. XaAVI. Tho Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1913 EVENING EDITION & Oonnolldntlon of Times, Const Mall n OQQ ami Coos liny Advertiser. Um fcsc' 7ITHER CLEARS TODAY FOR FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION VETS LEAVE EARLY I00AY . . 1 -.1. u.. .... ............ ,.! r ' ijn . """ ".'.. to mi until mill nrcomiinii nil liv ilnv- cm ll.ocon.lliniee nil B'i- Tanner mump.! thr..i i.rl. Yl .. enients tiro in ne congrni- ,...,. , ,,.,, ,.,, , ,.., ,, ,," f ,.7 on Hip courage and nTom- ,,... ., (i..,i ..v..,. ik, ,i, In tiiu rurp or tup adverse' r .'. ,, "" IIUU III lllll til III II. Li Ti...H fiollinrc fnr First rll iniuiiij """-.- " 4 Two-Days' Festivities at iMorui Diinu. PARADE IS HELD THIS MORNING riram of Snorts and Other Ktcrtainmonts Open This Afternoon. . ..11. it.....t miiiiifii idii ho JMirill iirim 'ii'""'" foil auspiciously HiIh morning a splendid pnriiuo ncupiiu uu fttcnlnt; weather, Shi'Minn iivo I which wiih profusely decorated, thronged with crowds Hint low- - el Is mm inreaioniiig woiuiiur nnt dotcr from ttiriuiiK out u tln mtriulp. L week's mill prevented consld- llc decoration anil hIho IntorfiTcil IIIIIIIV floats nun would IIIIVO in evidence hut It diil not dam- ilu? enthusiasm or lessen the mill lienrly welcome extended llsltnrs Ihc Huccrful inauguration or tno I d;i lure arrnng led hmi'iit Itlicr. I In announced tluil flip lino pro- pi of uporiH mill features of on- nlniiKiii will lu given without nlirlilKi'iiii'iit They will ho two t diiyii In North IIpikI. nmeilltitely nfU'i" the pnriiilo tho rriwcs were iimile Ml I ho hit; Imnil il mul the nichrntluii loruinlly unrated, Big Crowd Here. eMerdny I here wiih ii big In to .Mmshllelil fnnn nil of the king camps mul till over tho (lty for tho Fourth of .Inly vp- im. Lust evening tin streets crowded mul the largo number lid litvo iIoiip Justlro to n full- IkpiI celebration (Id morning thpro wiih mi oxo- fnr .North Bend, nil tho nutos limit ii bilng crowded to tho nl.i, (iornt & King's now nitlo- et whli Ii wiih hiiiipuhpiI to y 35, wiih earning 10 or mum n load mul other autoH worn llnrly laden mul Ht III ninny hud vnn ror n unit; tlino to kp trnnw-laMon, TIip I'iii'iiiIp. tin' iinniiln fornipd ut .Shonunii pmc mul Vnliliiutoii Hti-pot with llili' I'hllllpH iih tho Mui'Hluil of tho It niiiilc n most I'xcullcnt hIiow- Ullllcr the nilulltloilH. Tim flonl .no order of OwIh wiih it hoiuitlful with Itii iiKKicuntloii of llttlo r uniler the illrcitlon of .Mru. Dim wnniii. Tin. ('. T. U. ilout lor Hie illreitlou of Mi-h. itnimii niin nlsii iiiiiiln nn oM'iiiiiini ttliiB. with ItH croup of hoyn and Is. I'lio paraile inanliPd un Shormnn nuo mid counter niarehod In tho owIiik order: "tlilu I'hllllpH, Miirulinl of Uio President Wilson Speaks To day at Gettysburg Reunion Thousands Depart Illy Amih lulnl l'ir to foim liny Tim 1 (JKTTYHIlUiUJ, July -I. Tim ar my of voluraiiH Iiukiiii to iIIhhoIvo to dny and only tho proBunre of I'iohI (leul WIIhoii kupt thoiiKtinilK In camp hpforo noon. Fifteen thoiimind of tho men who were hero Tlinnnlny had dopartud for thulr Iioiiiph. Spe cial tralim aro IiuIiik run out at Hhort liitcrviilH to tuko carp of tho luun hur ryliiK away. Tho train hearliiK I'roH liluut WIIhoii arrived at tho Htatlou In tho town of CettyHhui'K at II o'elock. Tho I'ri'Hldent wiih encortud HALT WORK 0 LOCAL RAILWAY Nature of Improvements to Depend on Whether it is to be Link in S. P. Coast Line The .Name of Old Glory OI.l) (JI.OItY, Hny, who, lty tho hIiIph and tho crow And the Ioiik blended ranks of tho i?rny and tho blue' Who nave you, Old Glory, tho name that you benr With hiicIi prldo ovorywhorc Ah you ciiHt youinelf fico to tho rapturous nlr And leap out full length, nH we'ro wnntlni; you to? Who pivo you that name, with the ring of the Hiuno And tho honor and fame bo becoming to you, Your HtrlpuH Htrokud in rlpplen of. white ami of red, With your Mara at their glittering best overhead, Ily day or by night Their delightful light Laughing down from their llttlo snunro heaven of blue? Who guvo you tho name of Old Glory? Sny, who Who gave you the naino of Old Glory? Tho old banner lifted and, faltering, then In vague Hhph and wIiIhpgi'h fell Hilcut ngnln. Old, Glory, the Btory wo'ro wanting lo hear Ih what tho plain factH 6f your ehrlHlcnlng were, For your name. Jimt to hear It, Kepoat It and cheer It, 'h ii tang to the spirit Ah wait as a tear. And, seeing you fly and tho Iio.vh marching liv, Tlicre'B a Hhout In the throat, and a blur In tho oyo, And an aching to 11 vo foj you always or die! IT. dying, wo Btlll keep you waving on high. And ho, by our love For you, floating above, And tho scam or nil wars and tho sorrowx thereof, Who gave you the name of Old Glory, nml why Aid we thrilled at the name of Old Glory? Then the old banner lenped. like a Hull In tho blnst, And fluttered an audible aiiHwer at last. And It spake, with n Hhako of the voice, and It said: Ily the driven snow white and the living blood red Of my hniH and their henvbn of Htars ovorhond Ily the H.vmhol conjoined of them all, skyward ciiHt, Ah I float from the steeple, or flap at the mast. Or droop o'er the Mid whore tho long grnHsus nod p My luinie Is as old as the glory of God. So I ciiniu by tho jiumu of Old Glory. Jnnips Whltcomh Klley. GREEKS DEFEAT BULGARIAN III MANY BATTLES ALONG Li RIG STEAMER SPRINGS LEAK Warsliflelii Hand. ) orridnis of .Vorih iiend. City offlilals of .Marshflold. North Iiiad Fire department. North Ileiiil N'eui r rto'ia Ih n neHt and chllilren. nina iienii .Modern Woodmen or Jerloa drill team. l'torth Head band, "nn mm v. V. T. U. float. Looa liny Times Decorated nuto. -OOS llllv TllllOH (nifLi.. Il,.u l lalla. '" '" SI Dow. fiouM fl.. rit hunk Iloiton, Whlto Ulvor Hour Jr. Dm tie auto with liuUnu To- Pico. (loodilriim. auto. :uui-b nan t'lowns. "ccorati-i nutos. That tho ImprovomeutH In tho lo cal lino of tho Southern I'aciric be tween Coos Hay and .Myrtle Point aro being halted until It Is definitely ili leriulned from Knglucer W.olfrom'H Hiirvey whether It will ho unci! iih part of the Coast Line, and cousu iiupntly built more Hiihstaulliilly than If It Is to he merely a branch, or whether a now Hue will bo built down I ho .South Slough route to Uirudou is the hellef of many. Concerning the halting of the work, tho l'oiiilllo Sentinel Hiiys: "The work Inaugurated some time ago to change tho railroad track I hack about til) foot further from tho river near .IoIiiihoii'h mill Iiiih come to a Htaiiilstlll, and Itohort Kellogg, who eanio hero from Albany to hu poriiitPiuI tho Improvement, Iiiih de parted. The railroad company had an extra crow of workmen employed In making a cut through the hill at that point, which cut Is about hair completed. The dirt wiih removed a Hhort dlHtiinco and used to rill, cov ering material brought hero from Heaver lllll for foundation, Tho dump earn havn been taken away.anil appearances Indlcato that tho under taking has been abandoned, tempo rarily at leant. "Waltor Noel, who has been In cburgo or tho Heaver lllll section, has succeeded Chus. I.uvlne. who re signed, on HiIh section. Mr. Noel Is cutting brush mid clearing tho right ol way between Coiiuillo and Cedar Point, nnd It Is understood that tho work will bo extended." GiriS .MANY .Ml'MIS. FOUR TH CHICAGO Fireworks nf Ann t:j Being Permitted in Illinois Metropolis Todav. Wjr i-ji eii..,,. PlliriA.rv . ,ay " I rd for n 'BJu!y ' A ""tlonal ro- ro imiiV "i"K eHiauiiBiieu ' lOUaj. o f in wnrka f n,. "ro permitted. " ' UA'JJVjrilK civil, WAIt. m n'" .h"r.rPP of Vlcksburg of July iv,.,rai,t on th0 -1th turning .n.nV wns ono ot tIlfl War F. 0l"t8 th0 Civil ii, MVP vonra )n j .. ass fi ""'"" w s "naer Indictment. u About J(l( llroiight In Via Hose lung lor Suiltli-Pouei Miip. Tho ItoHchurg Hovlow says: "Wal ter Condron wns horo today at Sam Smlth'B stables, with nnothor drovo of -10 mules, en route from California to Coos County to work on tho Sinlth-Powora logging con struction. Another drovo of 00 mules will nrrlvo hero Frldny on routo to Coos County for tho snmo work." Iliiniloii Hasebull. Tlio Mnrshflold toam that wbb to have gono to Dan don this morning to play nn ex hibition gaino, railed tho trip off owing to inability to got back this evening. Tho ronds aro In such shnpo thnt no nutos would nttonipt tho trip. The regular Mnrshflold team will piny nt North Dend this afternoon. Under n competitive system It is difficult to win unless tho other follow loses. ! Till: I'-IUST AXXIVKItSAHY. I Tho first anniversary of tho Fourth of July was colebrated In ovory American town, ham let and fnrco or rieec that was ablo to do so, with bonflros, illuminations, regular salutes nnd Individual foux do Jolo. Oration, prayer and nralso pre pared tho hearts of mon for their gonprnlly decorous, if noisy and vnrled (lomonstrntlons which mndo up tho goneral holiday, TO WAITE CLAIM C. A. Smith Company Said to Refuse to Recognise Miss WendePs Claim. That tho iiinrtor Interest In the L'7-iiito tract near tho South Isth mus Inlet which Frank II, Walto bought from Miss Weudel docs not Include the exact location of tho Smith mill nnd pulp plant, but em braces an Important part of tho mill grounds, Including the Nanii Smith slip, etc., developed todny. Tho tract wiih originally describ ed as tho tldelauilH fronting on lot 1. It kcoiiih that In the original sale by Pat Flanagan or tho Jas. Flan agan Interests, this tire a was omit ted, "lot a" not being embraced In the description or the property sold, neither In the advertisement nor deed, although "lotH L, I nnd 5," and others wore. Just whnt caused tho oinmlshlou nnd whether It was a technical error remains to bo determined. Tho site or tho mill proper, wns hold by tho V.. H. Dean Company and was secured In tho purchase or tho Dean Interests. Tho K. H. Denn Company got If rrom tho Flan agans earlier and tho title to It is said to bo all right. It Is understood that tho C. A. Smith Company will not recognize tho claim or Miss Weudel, or rather now or F. H. Walto, bo that some lively litigation over It Is anticipated. U TO GET THIRTY-THREE K PENSION County Court Grants Two More Widows Aid Considers Other Applications. COQU1LLK. Or., July !. Thirty three applications for. mothers' pen sions havo boon filed bo far with County Clork 'Watson, Up to (Into, about tin havo beon granted, Judgo Hall, who dotormines whether or not the potltlons shall bo granted, esti mates that pensions for Coos county this year will total about $6000 or $7000. Few pensions hnvo beon denied so far although several aro now under consideration. Up to dnte, tho pen sions havo boon turned over direct to tho women hut in enso tlioro nro any roports of tho women spending tho money unwlsoly, a special proba tion offlcor will bo appointed to enro ror them. Ycatordny, tho court denied tho np pllcntion or Mrs. Fnnnlo O'Donnoll of Mnrshflold for a ponslon. Mrs. Lnyton, or Murshriold, whoso husband was killed In a logging acci dent a year or so ago was allowed $17.50 nor month. Mrs. Jennlo Conloguo or Lampa, whoso husband was killed over a yonr ago wns allowed $17.50 per month. War Department Favorable" to Coos Head Project Mor row Writes Rcigard The project to convert tho govern ment military roBorvo tit Coos Head Into a public park for tho cHIch of Marshflold and North Houd bits re ceived tentative approval or tho Sec retary or Wjtr. Tho matter was tak en up when the ShrlucrH had their big doings horo n year ago by C. I. Helgard. Dr. Hnrtle nnd .1. V. Den nett. Tho Idea wiih to get tho right to use the grounds for summer homes and outing purposes, thore being some unusually attractive spots. Mr. Helgard Iiiih beon busy on tho pro ject, wrlt'iig various ones In authori ty nnd has, JiiBt recolved tho follow ing self explanatory letter from Major Jay J. Morrow: "I am authorized by tho Secretary of War to Inform you that ngreeahly to a request of the llonorablo Jona than Hoiirue, Jr., who preBonted to tho War Department, with n letter dated March 15, 10 III, an application fiom your committee ror permission to occupy certain government prop erty on tho south shnro or tho en trance to Coob Day, region, ror public pnrk purposes, tho War Department will fnvornbly ronsldor n doflnlto ap plication ror tho desired normlsslon ir submitted to this office, accompa nied by a pint In trlplicnto and a de scription by motes nnd bounds artor nn actuol survey by the cities or Marshflold and North Dend nt their own expense or tho tract or tracts or land whlcli thoy deslro to occupy, up on tho understanding that tho occu pancy Is of n temporary charactor and may bo tormlnntcd nt any tlmo by tho Sccrotnry or War." coasueIie City of Seattle in Tow of Chat ham for San Francisco in Serious Condition. The City or Seattle n big ferry Htenmcr or Puget Sound, splung n leak last night orf Cooh Day. She was being towed rrom Puget Sound to San Francisco by the tug Chnt hnui. The Chatham wanted to bring her Into Coos Hay ror temporary repairs ben use there was danger or the vessel sinking, but owing to tho darkness last night and adverse tides enrly this morning she could not do so. 'the Mnnzanltn, tho t S. light house tender, went out this morn ing and will probably go to tho aid of tho Chatham and the Seattle. Hastens South. The call for aid from tho City of Seattle nnd the tug Chatham was brought In by a fishing boat who said the Seattle was leaking badly and needed aid and needs It quick. Cnpt. Ulchurilsoii started out with signals flying that ho was coming lv their aid. However, the Chatham Btarted south at a fast clip and after an hour's futile endeavor to reach her. Cnpt. KluliardHon gave up. Word was sent to Hnndon to hnvo tho tug Klyhlam go out to meet tho Chatham and her tow uul try to get her Into tho Coqulllo river. Largo Ship. The City or Seattle Ih listed. In the V. S. Vessel Guldo ns having a grosB tonnngo of 1111 nnd not tonnngo or 707. She Is 21 1.(1 root long, 10 root In breadth nnd 15 root depth. She carries n crow or, 5!) and wns built nt Philadelphia 111 1SD0. She Is n pnsBenger crnftj nnd why alio Is being towed Is un-j Known. GREEKS DEFEAT Said to be Steadily Driving Bulgars North and East After Engagements. ' TH0USANDS"JUMP INTO RIVER IN PANIC King Constantine Charges Bul garians With Massacre of Greek Poulation. tllr Aooitfil rrrn to (Tool nr Tlmn.5 SALONIKI, July I. Since tholr victory over the Uulgnrlnna nt Kll klsh, the Greek troops hnvo boon successful In a number of smaller engagements In which tho fighting wns very severe. They nro driving the Bulgarians before them toward the North and Knst. During the fighting which resulted in the occu pation of Ghevghell by tho Greeks, the Bulgarians became panic stricken nnd hundreds of them Jumped Into the river Vurdnr nnd were drowned. About 2000 wounded Greek soldiers nrrivct! today In Salonlkl. furnishing evidence or the heavy fighting which has taken place. Tho Grooks were Biiccessrul In the right nt Mataokovo. In which till! Hllluni'lniiH Muffm-ml . heavily. MKI'OKT BIG MASSACHIJ. ('reek King Accuses Bulgarians of Outrages. LONDON, July I. King Constan tino of Greece telegraphed personally today to the Greek minister horo confirming the report or tho massa cre of Greek soldiers by Bulgarians In Macidonla and the extermination under tho most horrible circumstanc es or tho Greek populations In the vlllnges through whlcli the Bulgar ians retreated. B Portland Wins Again From Sacramento and San Fran cisco Continues Victorious o o T OATE Special Election August 27 to r Pass on Organization of Coquille Port. COQUILLi:, Or., July -i. A apo dal election was called yesterday by tho Coos County commissioners In regular session hero to vote on tho organization or tho Port of Hnndon, Tho election will bo hold August 27. Tho proposed port Includes all of tho lower Coqulllo drnlnngo basin below the Port of Myrtlo Point which took In tho upper1 river to within a short dlstnhco of Coqulllo. Thore will probably bo n llvoly campaign as Hnndon and the lowur river Is strongly In favor of organ izing tho port nnd raining money by tnxntiou to Improvo tho hnrbor nnd bnr nnd rlvor chnnnol. Tho uppor rlvor is against It nnd In Coqulllo tlioro is considerable opposition, lending citizens declaring thnt unless tho Port of Myrtlo Point will como In with tho balance of tho rlvor, It will bo unfair. Itnml Work. Tho commissioners dismissed tho potltlon for n now road at Benr Creole owing to It not being doflnlto enough. Tho petition for a road from Pros por to Parkorsburg was dofeated by a romonstranee. A hearing to fix tho dnmagOB for tho new road from Brldgo to Myrtlo Point was continued until next Monday. WILSON TO Sl'.M.MKU IIOMIJ. President Goes From Gettysburg to Cornish, X. . tllr Amo(I(s l'rti lo Cooa llajr TlmM ) WASHINGTON. I). C. July L From Gettysburg, President Wilson will go directly to Cornish. N. IL, to spend a few days with IiIh fam ily. He plans to return to Wash ington Tuesday. IG E IS T Militant Suffragette Throws Petition at English Ruler and Lands in Jail. (Ily AMorUlts JVh to Coo Itajr TIhim. BHISTOL, Knglanil. July 1. While King Georgo wns driving to open the Ito.val Agricultural Show horo today, a woman, believed to bo a suffragette, rushed at his enr rlago and threw a potltlon nt Ills Majesty. Sho wiib linniodlntoly arrested. coast li:aui-j standings. Won Lost P.O. Los Angoles ,...-10 30 .557 San Francisco ...48 44 .522 Portland .,. 43 42 .506 Vonlco 44 47 .484 Sncrnmonto 40 43 .482 Oakland 40 49 .440 PORTLAND, Or., July 4. Port land took another game rrom Sncrn monto yestorday and San Francisco continued In Us winning clip against Los Angoles. Tno games: At Portland R. H. K. Portlnnd 7 11 0 Sncrninento 1 7 1 At Venice R. H. E. Vonlco 4 0 3 Oakland 3 C 4 At San Francisco R. if, K. San Francisco 7 11 2 Los Angeles 3 7 2 MARRIED IN SAN FRANCISCO Herman Larsen and Miss Lulu .A. Dwyer of Portland Wed at Lightrier Home. ' Herman Larsen and Miss Lulu A. Dwyer, of Portlnnd, Oregon, w'oro married last Sunday afternoon nt tho home of Clydo Llghtnor in San Francisco. Thoy left Imme diately for their homo on tho Sluslaw. Mr. Larson Is tho oldest son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Larsen of Lnr son Inlet nnd is In chargo of Gov ernment dredging on tho Sluslnw. iS IN POSTOFFICE Marshfield Postal Receipts Show Gain of Nearly 20 Per Cent Over Last Year Tho Mnrshflehl postofflco during tho fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1913, showed mi lucreaso of about $3000 or nearly 20 por cent nccordlng to tho annual report or Postmaster W. B. Curtis. Kvory quarter or tho year showed a gain over tho corresponding period ol tho provlous yoar, showing thnt tho Incronso was not duo to any spo clal spurt. Had tho Incroaso beon as marked on March 31, Postmaster Curtis would have enjoyed nn incronso or $100 per yenr In his salary hut tho total ror tho rodr qunrtors then lucked nbout $400 of tho $20,000 por year mnrk. Tho recolpts by qunrtors, ending on tho dates speci fied, in comparison with tho recolpts ror tho sumo periods n yonr ngo nro: 1911-12 1912-13 Sept. 30..,.$ 3,720.19 $ 4,315.68 Doe. 31.... 4,518.43 5.401.47 Mnr. 31.... 4,031.00 5,592.02 Juno 30.... 4,231.85 4,730.58 "1'otnl, ...$17,111.37 $20,100.35 Parcel Post Stamps. All tho postorfleps now nccopt or dlnnry stumps for parrel post pack ages and parrel post stamps for let ters, tho two kinds liolng now Intor rhnngeablo. No moro parrel post stamps will bo Issued as soon as those now on hand aro exhausted. A